Supporting Informatio for: Solvent Effects on the Activation Parameters of the Reaction between an -Tocopherol Analogue and dpph•: the Role of H-Bonded Complexes Mario C. Foti pKa values of phenols in various organic solvents There exists a large body of experimental pKa values for phenols determined in various organic solvents. These values can be related to the pKa’s determined in water (the most commonly accessible data). The linear correlation between the pKas in DMF and DMSO is taken from Maran, F.; Celadon, D.; Severin, M. G.; Vianello, E. J Am Chem Soc 1991, 113, 9320 – 9329; the one between methanol and water from Rived, F.; Rosés, M.; Bosch, E. Anal Chim Acta 1998, 374, 309 – 324 whereas the other linear correlations among the pKas in HBA solvents were obtained from data reported in Jover, J.; Bosque, R.; Sales J. QSAR Comb Sci 2007, 26, 385 – 397: (a) pK aMeOH 1.08pK aH2O 3.66 , R = 0.991, (86 phenols), the largest deviation being ± 1.3; (b) pK aDMSO 1.93pK aH2O 2.49 , R = 0.982, pK aH2O values in the range 0.43 - 10.3 (26 phenols), the largest deviation being ± 2.0; (c) pK aDMF 0.96pK aDMSO 1.56 , R = 0.991, pK aDMSO 3 to 18, the largest deviation is ±1.8; (d) pK aCH3CN 1.67pK aH2O 9.78 , R = 0.978, pK aH2O 0.43 – 10.3 (23 phenols), error ± 1.9. S1 Given that the pK aH2O of ChrOH can be assumed to be similar to that of Trolox ≈11.8 (see Steenken, S.; Neta, P. J Phys Chem 1982, 86, 3661 – 3667; Drummond, C. J.; Grieser, F. Biochim Biophys Acta 1985, 836, 275 – 278 and Davies, M. J.; Forni, L.G.; Willson, R.L. Biochem J 1988, 255, 513 – 522) the above relationships yield: 16.4 ± 1.3 in methanol; 20.3 ± 2.0 in DMSO; 21.0 ± 2.0 in DMF; and 29.5 ± 1.9 in acetonitrile. These estimates are in good agreement with data reported by Bordwell and Zhang J Phys Org Chem 1995, 8, 529-535 or obtainable from Chantooni and Kolthoff J Phys Chem 1976, 80, 1306 – 1310. Kinetic analysis of the data reported in ref. 13 The overall rate constant koverall for reactions 5 - 9 is given by: koverall = k ET ,TrO K a [H ] K a k ET ,TrOH [H ] [H ] K a k ET ,TrO K a [H ] k ET ,TrOH for pH << pKa The data reported in ref. 13 show that the koverall varies linearly with 1/[H+] in the pH range 6.4 – 8.4: koverall/M-1s-1 = 6×10-5/[H+] + 1.75×104 (R2 = 0.97). Given that the pKa of Trolox is ca. 11.8 in water and >11.8 in water/ethanol, the rate constant kET,TrO-> 6×10-5/10-11.8 ≈ 4×107 M-1s-1 whereas the value of k ET ,TrOH is 1.75×104 M-1s-1. 1/[H+] k/M-1s-1 251188643.2 100000000 50118723.36 25118864.32 10000000 2511886.432 31200 25000 20270 18200 18000 17200 S2 Rate constant of ChrOH + dpph in water Given that in methanol/water, ethanol/water and neat methanol the A3-factors are essentially equal it can be assumed that even in neat water A3≈5×109 M-1s-1. By contrast, in methanol/water the activation energy decreased by ca. 1.1 kcal/mol with respect to the one in pure methanol. Assuming that the activation energy varies linearly with x H 2O it can be estimated that Ea,3 ~ 7 kcal/mol in water. Therefore, the rate constant k3 in water is calculated at 298 K to be approx. 3×104 M-1s-1. Activation parameters in HBA solvents The rate constant for HAT in a polar solvent S is given by, k 3S k 30 k 30 1 K HB [S] K HB [S ] (KHB[S]>>1) where k 30 is the rate constant in an apolar solvent (the value measured in chx k 3chx represents a good approximation); KHB the equilibrium constant for the formation of the H-bond between ChrOH and S; [S] the concentration of the solvent. S3 Substituting K HB e 0 GHB / RT e S HB / R e H HB / RT in the above eq. and using the Arrhenius 0 0 equation for k30 k 3chx A3chx exp( Eachx ,3 / RT ) the following eq. is obtained: k3S ( A3chx /[ S ])e S HB / R e 0 0 ( Eachx , 3 H HB ) / RT which has the formal aspect of the Arrhenius equation for k 3S with the pre-exponential term given by A3S ( A3chx /[ S ])e S HB / R and 0 the activation energy equal to 0 EaS,3 ( Eachx ,3 H HB ) . CIPs in acetonitrile solution Scheme S1. Thermodynamic cycle for the formation of CIPs between ChrOH (2H = 0.39) and pyridine, Py, (2H = 0.62) in acetonitrile at 298 K. The equilibrium constant of the H-bonded complex ChrOH•••Py, KHB, is calculated with the eq. Log KHB = 7.3542H2H - 1.094 (see Abraham, M. H.; Grellier, P. L.; Prior, D. V.; Taft, R. W.; Morris, J. J.; Taylor, P. J.; Laurence, C.; Berthelot, M.; Doherty, R. M.; Kamlet, M. J.; Abboud, J.-Luis M.; Sraidi, K.; Guiheneuf, G. J Am Chem Soc 1988, 110, 8534 – 8536). The pKa's of ChrOH and pyridinium ion, PyH+, in acetonitrile are about 29 (see above) and 12 (see Rhile, I. J.; Markle, T. F.; Nagao, H.; DiPasquale, A. G.; Lam, O. P.; Lockwood, M. A.; Rotter, K. R.; Mayer, J. M. J Am Chem Soc 2006, 128, 6075 – 6088), respectively. The free energy of the ionic H-bonding, GIHB, in ChrO•••HPy+ is evaluated to be ≤ -10 kcal/mol (see Desiraju, G. R. Acc Chem Res 2002, 35, 565573 and Mautner, M. Chem Rev 2005, 105, 213-284). S4