Diet Pills Every day people are becoming more and more concerned with their health and their appearance. Thanks to scientific research there are many remedies to improve the human body. As far as weight loss there is exercise, diets, pills, and different surgical procedures. Diet pills have become a very popular supplement to assist in weight loss, but with diet pills come many questions; are they safe, do they really work, and mainly if they are a good product or not. In order to know whether or not something a quality product, is to know how it works. The ingredients are very important and unfortunately not every diet pill has the same ingredients. There are multiple types of pills, with different effects, and conditions. There are three popular types of pills. There are appetite suppressors, metabolism regulators, and fat absorbing pills. Combining these effects into one pill with the correct usage creates positive results. The appetite suppressors help reduce over eating and help people make healthier choices of what to eat. Normally when someone is really hungry they do not care what they eat as long as it is a lot. By controlling a person’s hunger, diet pills effect a person’s eating habits. So they help people make better choices on what to eat and how much. The way that diet pills help control hunger is by fooling the brain into thinking it is full. The brain needs a lot of energy to function and the brain gets that energy from sugar. When the blood sugar level is too low the body reacts by sending a signal to raise the blood sugar level by creating hunger. Some diet pills use a combination of amino acids and polysaccharides to supply the brain with unique intermediate metabolites, which are chemical compounds that interact with the brain’s satiety center and artificially supplies energy ( This process makes the brain content and therefore does not send out any hunger signals. Appetite suppressors can be very effective but using them the wrong way can have negative results. One of the problems with hunger suppressants is that people will use it to skip meals. Skipping meals has a negative effect because when a person stops eating, their metabolism also stops and the body starts storing fats and conserving energy instead of burning the fat off. This process is referred to as the “starvation mode.” Another way that diet pills help weight loss is through regulating metabolism. There are many different ways and ingredients to help increase metabolism or break down fats. Through the dandelion root the metabolism is increased by creating bile flow and stomach secretions. This process promotes a healthier liver, which is needed to break down fats. There are also many thermogenic herbs that increase body temperature and higher body temperature burns fats faster. Which explains how exercise burns fat because to get a good workout one’s temperature rises and their body gets so hot that it releases sweat to try to cool down and that is why people sweat a lot during a hard workout. Other ingredients such as thiamine, biotin, and pantothene are directly used in the Kreb Cycle to break down sugar into ATP. Many other supplements affect glucose metabolism. Gymnema actually increases the effectiveness of insulin and reduces the amount needed. Others increase the sensitivity of the insulin receptors, which is very helpful for diabetics and obese people who commonly have irregular insulin out take. Some of the more successful insulin regulators are ingredients that help sugar enter the cell membrane more easily where it can be turned into energy more quickly. This process lowers the blood sugar level and the insulin level. There are also other ways in effecting your metabolism but may seem a little less pleasant. In some diet pills there are ingredients that act as laxatives, which helps food quickly flow through your body without getting absorbed. A negative effect of laxatives is that they cause dehydration and therefore one must compensate by drinking more water and they do not have as much control over their bodily functions. There are also ingredients that instead of making the food flow quickly through your body, the pill itself goes through your body unabsorbed. As the pill travels through your intestinal track, fats cling to it and remove some of the fats as it passes through and out of the digestive system. Both of these methods cause irregular discharges and can be uncomfortable. Ephedrine is another ingredient that is not the most favorable. It creates weight loss by creating methamphetamines, also known as speed. Although this drug is proven to assist in weight reduction as an appetite suppressant and increase blood pressure, it has many negative side effects such as irregular heartbeat, insomnia, tremors, seizures, heart attacks, strokes and death. There are many drugs that even though they are proven to improve weight loss it does not mean that they improve health. This is why it is very important to know the ingredients that are in the dietary supplements and what kind of effects they have on the human body, or if they have any effects at all. Some pills have fillers, ingredients that do not seem to participate in the pill’s suggested function. This makes the pill a less efficient drug and there is no reason to consume more ingredients then necessary. Overall, diet pills tend to combine many of these ingredients to help suppress appetite, improve metabolism, and decrease fat absorption. They can be very effective but it should be known that these pills are meant to be used with a healthy diet and exercise. It should be realized that everyone should consult a doctor before using diet pills. A doctor can help you decide which pill is best for you, how long you should be on it, and whether or not it is even necessary. The supplements are also a temporary answer. They are only supposed to be used for a limited time to help lose the initial weight and then keep the weight off with exercise and good eating habits. There have been studies that show after four to six months the weight loss level offs, perhaps due to a gain of tolerance in the pills. I have just begun using diet pills myself a couple weeks ago. The supplement that I chose is an appetite suppressant as well as a metabolism booster. It has been my experience so far that the appetite suppressant is very effective. I am hardly hungry and find myself reminding myself to eat or just eating out of habit. Which is really surprising because usually I can’t get enough of food. I have also been exercising about three to four times a week and eating healthier. I have noticed that I have already begun to lose a little bit of weight. The only side effect that has come to my attention is that shortly after taking the pills I find myself burping a little. I not quite sure what causes that effect. So if used properly, diet pills is a good product to get results. Just make sure the effects are well known and safe.