Communications Satellite Databases Part I


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The 2008 Edition of

Communications Satellite Databases

Chapter B: Subsystems and Anomalies

This Report Should NOT Be Distributed Outside Of Your Organization

Copyright © 2008 by Roger J. Rusch

TelAstra, Inc.

Roger J. Rusch,


P.O. Box 4620

Palos Verdes

CA 90274

Tel:(310) 373-1925

FAX: (310) 373-5539

*Investment Analysis

*Risk Mitigation

*Business Planning


*International Coordination

*Systems Engineering

*Cost Modeling

*Competitive Analysis

*Regulatory Policy


Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B


Chapter B: Subsystems and Anomalies


B1.0 Introduction ............... .......................................... .................... 84

B 2.0 Subsystem Cost Breakdown Data ...................... .................... 85

(55 Programs)

B 3.0 Spacecraft Antenna Data ................................... .................... 89

(181 Antennas)

* Net Antenna Gain Plot and Table of Efficiency .......... .................... 98

B 4.0 Microwave Filter Data ......................................... .................... 100

(348 Filter Designs)

B 5.0 Power Amplifier Data ......................................... .................... 111

(672 Power Amplifiers)

B 6.0 Public Record Satellite Anomaly Database ....... .................... 132

(1355 Anomalies, total value $15.07 billion)

B 7.0 References To Sources And Related Materials . .................... 204

B 7.1 Sources For the Data - By Program ................... 204

B 7.2 List Of References ........................ .................... 208

B 8.0 Using the Database Files on A Computer .......... .................... 224

Structure of the Databases ..................... .................... 225

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The purpose of this database is to collect a comprehensive set of the pertinent programmatic and technical parameters concerning communications satellites. In most cases a breakdown of price and other technical data is provided. We fill in the confusing and sometimes misleading partial information that is published in the open literature. The intent is to provide purely factual data without making any judgments about programs or contractors. This information could be used to draw conclusions concerning to current market price of satellites, for example. This document will not attempt to project any future developments.

The primary basis for the data is publications in the open literature. When published information has not been available, verbal information has been used to make a more complete database. In a few cases data has been estimated based on very direct comparisons to similar programs. The databases will be updated annually.

The contents of this report are provided, based on the best available information. Engineering estimates have been made in some cases where explicit, verifiable data was not discovered. Furthermore, data incorporated into the database may reflect the reported parameter at a particular time in the course of a program. Many changes occur and no document of this type can be guaranteed to be

100% accurate in every detail. It is the best we could find or estimate. Better data to improve the accuracy or suggestions concerning the presentation style are solicited so that future editions can be upgraded.

TelAstra, Inc. is a California corporation and not associated with Societe Europeene des Satellites SA, the operators of the ASTRA satellite system.

Page 3 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

2.0 Subsystem Cost Breakdown Data

DATABASE EXPLANATION. The Cost Breakdown Database is displayed in Table I. Each spacecraft program is identified in alphabetical order. Zeros (0) usually indicates missing data or data which is combined with some other parameter. Cost data is not adjusted for inflation. Since the data is very compressed and there are many abbreviations, a little clarification is required. In sequence the columns provide the following information:

PROGRAM = PROGRAM NAME: INT means INTELSAT. In some cases Arabic and Roman numerals have been exchanged, e.g. COMSTAR 1 is COMSTAR I.


BOEG is Boeing


GEAS is General Electric Astro Space Division

GRUM is Grumman Aircraft

MATR is MATRA. HAC is General Motors Hughes Electronics

MDAC is McDonnell Douglas

RCA is Astro Division of General Electric

ROCK is Rockwell International

YEAR = AWARD YEAR: Year of the contract start or expected start.

#S = The number of satellites included in the cost estimate.

Antenna = Cost of the Antennas for the satellite.

Trans = Cost of the Communications Transponder.

Power = Cost of the Power Subsystem, including power control electronics, batteries, solar arrays and wire harness.

AOCS = Cost of the Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem, including attitude control electronics, sensors, SADA or BAPTA, and momentum wheels.

TT&C = Cost of the Telemetry and Command Subsystem, both the digital, radio frequency and antenna elements.

ST/TH = Cost of the Structure and Thermal Subsystems.

PROP = Cost of the Propulsion System, both reaction control and apogee boost.

TEST = Cost for spacecraft final manufacturing, assembly and final system level testing.

PMGT = The cost of this category includes the program office and may also include systems engineering and product assurance.

Sys Eng = Cost for Systems Engineering.

R&QA= Cost for Product Assurance.

Total $ = The total cost estimated or assessed by the manufacturer.

Fee = Profit or orbital performance payments made at or after delivery.

Price = The total price paid by a customer to a manufacturer.

Page 4 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B


Program Contr actor

Award year

# sat

HAC 1970 3

Anten nas


Trans pond


Power AOCS Teleco mand

2 2 3

Struc. therm


Propul sion


Mfg test


Admin mgt




Prod assur.

Total cost


Fee Total price


Page 5 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B


The PROGRAM and CONTRACTOR (Prime) data is defined in the same manner as for the other Databases.

High: Freq = This is the high end of the frequency band in MegaHertz (MHz) for which the antenna is designed.

Low: Freq = This the low end of the frequency band in MHz for which the antenna is designed.

COVERAGE = This is a description of the territory covered by the specific antenna beam. WST means West. GLOBAL EAR means whole Earth coverage. 5.2 means a circular beam 5.2 degrees in diameter. REG or REGN means region. ALAS means Alaska.

CONUS means the 48 contiguous states of the United States of America. CNTR or CTR means center.

AREA_DEG2 = Cover. Area = This is the coverage area expressed in square degrees as observed from the satellite coordinate system. This parameter relates directly to antenna gain.

Configuration = The antenna configuration is a brief description of the type of antenna employed. OFF SET:PAR is a parabolic reflector with an offset feed. HORN/REF is a horn antenna with an end reflector to bend, and sometimes to shape, the beam. CENTER:PAR is a parabolic, or other curved, reflector with a center feed.

APERTUR_M2 = Aperture = This item is the aperture diameter or rectangular dimensions of the final radiating surface expressed in meters.

NUMB_FEEDS = #Feeds = This is the number of feed horns used to form the primary beam.

DIRECTIVIT = DIR = The isotropic gain or directivity of the antenna calculated at the aperture without losses in the feed horns or feed networks in dB.

LOSSES = Loss = An estimate of the LOSSES internal to the antenna in dB.

EOC_GAINDB = Net Gain = The net Gain of the antenna in dB, including internal losses, the result of the previous two entries.

Polar Type= The propagated electromagnetic wave phasing. For linear polarization, V represents Vertical and H is Horizontal. For

Circular Polarization, RHCP is Right Hand Circular Polarization and LHCP is Left Hand Circular Polarization.

POL_ISO_DB = Polar Isol = The Polarization Isolation expressed in dB at the edge of the beam.

Beam Isol = The Beam Isolation expressed in dB at the edge of the beam due to one beam illuminating the same area.

ANT_MASS = Mass, Kg = The mass of the antennas in kilograms. In several cases the mass is the sum for a set of antennas of the same type which are fabricated together and radiate through the same aperture.

Page 6 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B


Program Area Deg 2 Configure


Contracto r


High Freq. Low Freq. Coverage

1510 1470 AFRICA

Aperture M 2




Directivi ty

Losse s

EOCGa in db

3 32 2 31

Polar Type Pol







Page 7 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B


The PROGRAM and CONTRACTOR (Prime) data is defined in the same manner as for the other Databases.

High: Freq = This is the high end of the frequency band in MegaHertz (MHz) for which the filter is designed.

Low: Freq = This the low end of the frequency band in MHz for which the filter is designed.

BW = BANDWIDTH expressed in MHz for the specified filter passband.

SPACING = SPA = Center to center SPACING between adjacent filters in MHz.

FUNCTION = Location = This is the type of application or location for the filter. Input channel filters handle lower power levels and follow the receivers. Output filters are part of the multiplexers which follow the power amplifiers and combine the signals prior to transmission to the antennas.

SHAPE = Analysis Model = The design characteristic or type of filter as expressed by the analytical methods used for the filter design.

NUMB_POLES = #P = The number of POLES in each filter.

Mode = The electromagnetic or waveguide propagating mode used in the filter cavities.

Q = The resonant Q of the filter cavity.

MIDBANDLOS = LOS = Midband loss in the filter expressed in dB.

GAIN_VAR = VAR = Gain Variation across the channel bandwidth expressed in dB.

GAIN_SLOPE = SLP = The GAIN SLOPE across the filter expressed in dB per MHz.

GD = GROUP DELAY in nano seconds at the edge of the designated bandwidth.

REJECTION = OOB = The OUT OF BAND response or attenuation at frequencies 150% from band center, expressed as dB down. For example, for a nominal 40 MHz bandwidth filter this is the attenuation 30 MHz from band center.

Materials = The materials used for filter construction.

NO_FILTERS = #F = The number of filters of this type used on each satellite of this design.

MASS_EACH = Mass = The nominal mass of each filter expressed in grams. In several cases it is the average of a set of filters across a band.

Page 8 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B


Program Vendor High


Anik C HAC



12200 11700

BW Space Location

54 61 Input

Analysis Model #P dual mode 6



Q Loss VAR SLP GD OOB Materials #F Mass

11000 0.6 1.0 0.1 21 30 Invar 16

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In this section the same amplifier has been used for several programs in many cases. We have not duplicated all of the data each time the same amplifier appears. We have referenced the original program which used the amplifier and have given the power level and model number where appropriate.

CONTRACTOR = PRIME = The name of the prime contractor for the program.

VENDOR = The name of the supplier for the power amplifier.

HAC EDD or HEDD is Hughes Aircraft Company, Electron

Dynamics Division. AEG TELE is AEG Telefunken.

EPC_MFG = Integrator of the entire TWT amplifier and the supplier of the electronic power converter. ATES = Alcatel, TTE

= Thomson Tubes Electronics, SS/L = Space Systems Loral.

AMP_TYPE = TYPE = The type of basic amplifier either a

Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) or Solid State Power Amplifier


CATHODE = Refers to the type of cathode used for a TWT.

DISPENSR is a dispenser type. M-DISPEN and B-DISPEN refer to specific types of dispenser cathodes.

COLLECTORS = # = The number of collectors used at the anode to recover the electron beam. If a M is shown this refers to a Multiple Stage Collector without stating the number of collectors.

SAT_POWER = Power = The rated power, usually the maximum power (saturation), in Watts.

VOLTAGE = Volt = The maximum voltage for the TWT electron beam expressed in volts.

Page 10

TWT_EFFIC = TWT Eff = The basic efficiency of a TWT without the electronic power converter or power supply.

AMP_EFFIC = AMP Eff = The net efficiency for a total power amplifier including the power converter.

REDUNDANCY = Redun = The redundancy configuration for the complement of power amplifiers. For example, 12/12 means that there are 12 amplifiers occupying 12 transponder positions.

In this case if an amplifier fails, a transponder or channel bandwidth cannot be used. 30/24 means that there a 6 reserved amplifiers in case of amplifier failure.

SAT_GAIN = GAIN = This is the gain in dB when the amplifier is driven to saturation, rated or maximum power. Normally this is called saturated gain. From this parameter it is possible to calculate the power level required to drive the amplifier to saturation.

AMP_MASS = MASS = The mass of the total amplifier

(including power supply) expressed in grams. In some cases only the TWT mass is given with a +P or +PS to indicate that it does not include the Power Supply.

CATH_LOAD = LOAD = For TWT this is the Cathode Loading

Current Density expressed as milliamperes per square centimeter.

MODEL = The manufacturers model number.

COMMENTS = Annotation which provides additional information about this particular amplifier. For linear amplifiers states the nominal linear power rating and the NPR. References to amplifiers of identical design used on other programs. (not printed out in this listing)

Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B


Program Contractor Vendor Amp









12200 11700 TWT

Cathode Collector s

Dispens 3



Volts TWT


15 2950 43



Redundan cy













42 TL12016

Page 11 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

6.0 Public Record Satellite Anomaly Database

The Public Record Satellite Anomaly Data Base (PRSADB) was started to enable estimation of lower bounds for how often actual geosynchronous satellites have various kinds of anomalies, and what may influence them. The database now has entries on over 1140 anomalies occuring to a subset of

~300 out of over 600 geosynchronous satellites. know anomaly cost - sorry. Also note that over the 35 years of space biz to date there has been considerable dollar inflation.

This is tracked in one of the other Engineering Consultants' databases.

Incorporation of Chinese and USSR/CIS spacecraft is challenging. We think we have all the Gorizont, Gals, Ekran,

Express, Luch and Raduga launches.

The master data base is currently kept using Reflex 2. The other formats provided are translated from the Reflex 2 master. The

.XLS file is Excel 3.0 made from the .TXT file. The .WK4 file is also made this way. In most analyses that the database author does he either uses Reflex 2 or a spreadsheet with the .XLS file.

Please note:

Be aware that for USSR/CIS spacecraft there may be several naming and/or numbering schemes in the literature. So if unsure check the launch dates. We use GMT. On launch dates, note that a morning launch in Baikonur may be the previous day in

GMT and US time. Similarly for Kourou launches reported by

US sources, it is not unusual for a US source to quote the date in their time zone.

The " | " character is the end of field marker for the .TXT file.

The .R2D, .DBF, .WK1, .WK4 & .XLS files are "zipped" to compress them. Use the PKUNZIP -v function to see how big they will be when unzipped.

Possible "ERROR" and "VALUE" indicators in fields come from

Reflex 2's computed fields not computing when there was not proper input value. We try to remove this after format conversion but may have missed some; Sorry.

Similarly, incorporation of the military programs is still being worked on. Only now, after the end of the cold war and nearly the end of the program, are consistent details that make a little sense (like the satellite designations) coming out. However, it is unlikely that any significant number of anomalies on these programs other than launch failures are going to become public anytime soon. So it is recommended to please keep this

"uneven reporting aspect" in mind in any analyses that use military program data.

Also, please note that .WK1 and .DBF text field formats are truncated to 140 characters, wheareas the original .R2D Reflex

2.0 text fields are up to 255 characters wide. We are sorry to report this but have not yet found a way around this.

Recommended is to import the .WK4, .XLS or .TXT file directly into your chosen analysis database, spreadsheet or application.


This section explains PRSADB data fields using an example record, reproduced below the way the database adminstrator might see it in the Reflex 2 record view.

There are basically 4 kinds of PRSADB data fields:

Due to user requests we attempt to cost anomalies. For severe anomalies there is usually an insurance claim, and one can adjust the transponder price to make the loss come out to the insurance claim value found in the literature. We don't always

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1) Those describing the satellite

2) Those describing the anomaly

3) Those describing the references to the anomaly

Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

4) Those describing anomaly effect (cost or mission lost)

Fields Describing the Satellite:

Spacecraft: Name of the satellite; We try to pick the most common name for a given spacecraft. Some satellites have been renamed, such as ASC-2, now called Spacenet 4. If unsure, look at Name2 field and the launch date.

Name2: If the satellite is known by another name, it may be here

First: This field is a number 1 if this is the first entry for a given satellite (anomaly or not). If it is not the first entry the field is blank. This field was added so that one can count the number of spacecraft in the database or subsets of it.

Type: What kind of mission, given as a number from 1 - 12

Typ: Text explanation of the above mission number

Rank: For satellites in a series, which one, in launch order.

Total: How many in that series; Not all may be launched yet.

Spin: 1 for body-spun spacecraft, 0 for body-stabilized

Bus: "Brand"/type of (non-payload) supporting platform

Prop: What kind of propulsion-

NH3 - Ammonia

N2H4 - Hydrazine

Bi - Hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) oxidizer

Dual - Bi for the apogee burn(s), hydrazine otherwise

Xe - Xenon Ion Propulsion

BiXion - Bi but also with Xenon Ion Propulsion for stationkeeping

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XIPS-25 - The Boeing 25-cm Xenon Ion Propulsion subsystem

DLife: Contractor's design life, in years

LYear: Launch year

LMon: Lauch month

LDay: Launch day

LDate: The above data, in date format

SepMass: The separated mass from the launch vehicle (new for 2002)

Pwr: The beginning of life solar array power (meaning changed for 2002; Before it was the power of the anomalous subsystem or unit.)

Fields Describing the Anomaly:

Subsys: A number (1-13) for what subsystem caused the anomaly

Subsystem: Text, interpreting the above number

Sev: A number (1-8) for how severe the anomaly was

Severity: Text, interpreting the above number

AYear: Year of anomaly

AMon: Month of anomaly

ADay: Day of anomaly

ADate: Above, in date format

MDay: Mission day of anomaly = ADate - LDate

Multi: Multiple occurrences?

Yes if value is 2 or more

Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

No, if 0 or 1; Plan is to use 1 for things that have recurrences, but this is not completely implemented yet

Eclipse: 1 if anomaly happened during eclipse, 0 if not

Fields describing impact of the anomalies

Comp: years

Text field about component - not used much in recent

Xpdrs: Number of transponder channels on the spacecraft

Add1: Additional number, giving frequency (GHz) if Comp =

TWTA XPrice: Estimated annual transponder lease rate, in $M/yr.

Add2: Text about payload complement or other useful info

Special: Extra text field, mostly used to explain ADate, the launch vehicle and to give information about insurance claims.

Anomaly Description: Text about what happened

AXpdrs: Number of transponders lost in the anomaly; For some

kinds of anomalies, this was adjusted to give a representative

anomaly cost. See the discussion on values later.

MFrac: Fraction of the spacecraft's design lifetime lost

Cause: More text, about why

due to the anomaly; This is computed by the formula

Res: Number from 1-8 on resulting action after anomaly

MFrac = (1 - DFrac) * AXpdrs / Xpdrs

Result: Text explanation of above

ACost: Cost of the anomaly; This is not discounted nor is it

corrected for inflation. It is computed by the formula

Fields Describing the References:

Ref[1]: Text field for reference

AFrac = (1 - DFrac) * DLife * AXpdrs * XPrice

Ref[2]: "" ""

Ref[3]: "" ""

DFrac: Design life fraction at MDay

Ref[4]: "" ""

Representative values have been put into the fields. These

NRefs: How many references listed

Ref Date: Earliest reference cited, if not equal to ADate

AtoRDays: RefDate - ADate

Page 14 are the author's best preliminary estimate. Although the author has reasonable communications spacecraft experience,

Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

some of the values may be off. It is recommended that the user check them where they are critical to his analysis. A final important exception is that when there is a launch failure and the spacecraft is quoted as being a certain value, the transponder price is adjusted to get the ACost to match the required value.

For AXpdrs in particular, where having an anomaly at past the design lifetime would yield a negative cost, AXpdrs was set to 0. Also, lack of eclipse coverage is usually considered as losing 5% of the transponders unless the operator filed a complete loss with the insurance. Where there is no entry, the value is 0.

Check the Special field for additional information about launch vehicle and insurance.

Below is a typical REFLEX 2.0 page showing the fields in a form view.

Default assumed transponder prices, in $M/year

Domestic US C-Band 1.0

Domestic US Low-Power Ku-Band 1.5

Spacecraft: Oursat Type: 2Typ: Civil Res/ApRank: 2 Total: 3

Medium power Ku-band (US & Japan) 2.0

High power Ku-band (Europe) 8.0

Name 2 :Yoursat

LDate: 1-Apr-95Spin: 0Bus: Big DLife: 10.0 Prop: Bi

First: 1 Xpdrs: 24 XPrice: 1 AXpdrs: 1

Arabsat C-Band .5

I-2 C-Band 5.0

I-3 C-Band 3.0

Subsys: 4 Subsystem: Comm PL Sev: 6 Severity: Subsystem lost

I-4 C-Band 1.5

I>4 C-Band & K-Band 1.0 AYear: 1996 AMon: 6 ADay: 23 ADate: 23-Jun-96 MFrac: 0.037

An exception is made for Intelsat 6 C-band transponders, quoted as costing .75/year.

Page 15

LYear: 1995 LMon: 4 LDay:1MDay: 449 DFrac: 0.123

SepMass: 3005

Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

ACost: 8.8

Multi: 0 Eclipse:0 Comp: TWT Pwr: 5000

Add1: 11 Add2: 30/24 50W Ku TWTA's

Special: ADate from [1]

Anomally Description: [1] "bad tube"; [2] failed; Redundancy not available

Cause: [2] "collector developed short"

Res: 2 Result: Investigation

NRefs: 2 RefDate: 8/13/96 AtoR_Days: 51

Ref[1]: Scavenging Weekly Newsleter, 8/13/96, p. 2

Ref[2]: SatTube Reference Journal, V. 2, Feb. 1998, pp. 4-8.



Page 16 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc.

The PR2002 version of the data base has information on 1146 anomalies

(as counted by a severity vs subsystem crosstab) but has 1534 records because not all satellites have reported anomalies.


The Public Record Satellite Anomaly Database (PRSADB) was started to enable an estimation of the lower bounds for how often actual geosynchronous communications satellites have various kinds of anomalies, and what may influence them.

Please note that many anomalies are suppressed either by the satellite owner / operating company, the manufacturer, or both.

Competitive pressures are one consideration. Operating companies are worried that knowledge of failures and anomalies may discourage customers from using their satellite communications networks. Civil governmental customers may be concerned about public relations and military customers may be concerned about revealing vulnerability on classified or security related matters. Consequently, the best information comes from commercial international programs. Until recently, some of these programs have not faced competitive pressures.

Furthermore, the public release of anomaly data may be used as pressure to ensure that the manufacturer takes corrective actions.

Also, please note that .DBF text field formats are truncated to

140 characters, wheareas the origninal text fields may be up to

256 characters wide. We are sorry to report this but have not yet found a way around this.

Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

Explanation Of Fields

Only five of the 40 fields in this database are printed in the following table. There are basically four kinds of PRSADB data fields included in the following list:

1) Those describing the satellite

2) Those describing the anomaly

3) References to the anomaly

4) Those describing anomaly effect (cost or mission lost)

SPACECRAFT: Name of the satellite; We try to pick the most common name for a given spacecraft. Some satellites have been renamed, such as ASC-2 is now called Spacenet 4. Look at the launch date if you are not sure. Alternative names are provided in COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE DATABASES,

Part III.

First: This field is a number 1 if this is the first entry for a given satellite (anomaly or not). If it is not the first entry the field is blank. This field was added so that one can count the number of spacecraft in the database or subsets of it.

LYEAR: Launch year

AYEAR: Year of anomaly

SUBSYS: A number (1-12) for which subsystem caused the anomaly. Also identified by name in the SUBSYSTEM field.

1 = Launch Vehicle

2 = AKM (Apogee Kick Motor)

3 = TCR (Telemetry Command and Ranging)

4 = Comm PL (Communications Payload)

5 = Mechanisms

6 = ACS (Attitude Control Subsystem)

Page 17

7 = EPS (Electrical Power Subsystem)

8 = RCS (Reaction Control Subsystem, e.g. Thrusters, Valves)

9 = Thermal

10 = Perigee Kick Motor

11 = Op error (Operator Error)

12 = Other

ANOMALY_D (Anomaly Description): Brief text about event.

REF_1_: Text field for reference

SEV: A number (1-8) which indicates severity of the anomaly.

Also described in the SEVERITY field.

1 = Unexpected but no impact

2 = Operations Delay

3 = Work Around

4 = Go to Redundant Subsystem

5 = Subsystem temporarily Disabled

6 = Subsystem Permanently disabled

7 = Spacecraft Temporarily disabled

8 = Spacecraft Permanently disabled

AMON: Month of anomaly

ADAY: Day of anomaly

ECLIPSE: 1 if anomaly happened during eclipse, 0 if not

LMON: Launch month

LDAY: Launch day

MDAY: Mission day of anomaly = ADATE - LDATE

LDATE: The LYEAR LMON LDAY data, in date format

Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

ADATE: AYEAR AMON ADAY, in date format

SPECIAL: Extra text field, mostly used to explain ADATE and to give information about insurance claims.

NREFS: How many references listed

SUBSYSTEM: Text, interpreting the SUBSYS number.

SEVERITY: Text, interpreting the SEV number. Reported as

ERROR in the case of operator error or unknown impact.

RANK: Ordinal number for satellites in a series, which one, in launch sequence.

TOTAL: How many in that series; Not all may be launched yet.

REF_2_: Text field for reference

REF_3_: Text field for reference

MULTI: Multiple occurrences? Yes, if value is 2 or more, No, if 0 or 1; The Plan is to use 1 for things that have recurrences. This notation is not completely implemented yet.

CAUSE: Additional text about cause

REF_DATE: Earliest reference cited, if not equal to ADATE


RES: Number from 1-8 on resulting action after anomaly. Also see RESULT.

1 = None

2 = Investigation

3 = Next generation change without delay

4 = Next Satellite change without delay

5 = Next satellite change with delay

6 = Reallocation of orbital resources

Page 18

7 = Next Generation change with delay

8 = In Orbit Fix

RESULT: Text explanation of RES

TYPE: What kind of mission, given as a number from 1 -15.

Also see TYP.

1 = Civil Research

2 = Civil Research / Applications

3 = Civil Applications

4 = Unused

5 = Unused

6 = Civil / Military Applications

7 = Military Research

8 = Unused

9 = Military Applications

10= Civil Weather

11= Civil/Military Weather

12= Unused

13= Civil Science

14= Unused

15= Military Observation

TYP: Text explanation of the above TYPE mission number

COMP: Component. Text field about component

PWR: Power. Number, giving TWT RF power if Comp = TWTA

ADD1: Additional number, giving frequency (GHz) if Comp =


Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

ADD2: Text about payload complement or other useful info

DLIFE: Design Life. Contractor's stated design life, in years

DFRAC: Design life fraction, MDAY / DLIFE

SPIN: 1 for body-spun spacecraft, 0 for body-stabilized

BUS: Brand / Designation of (non-payload) supporting platform

PROP: Identifies propellants or fuel and oxidizer

NH3 - Ammonia

N2H4 - Hydrazine

Bi - Hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) oxidizer

Dual - Bi for the apogee burn(s), anhydrous Hydrazine.

AFrac = (1 - DFrac) * DLife * AXpdrs * XPrice

DFrac: Design life fraction at MDay

Assumed Transponder Prices

Domestic US C-Band

Domestic US

US & Japan













INTELSAT-5 & 6* C-Band & K-Band





Medium power

High power








Fields pertaining to the cost of anomalies.

Xpdrs: Number of transponder channels on the spacecraft

XPrice: Estimated annual transponder lease rate, in $M/yr.

AXpdrs: Number of transponders lost in the anomaly; For some kinds of anomalies, this was adjusted to give a representative anomaly cost. See the discussion on values later.

MFrac: Fraction of the spacecraft's design lifetime lost due to the anomaly; This is computed by the formula

MFrac = (1 - DFrac) * AXpdrs / Xpdrs

ACost: Cost of the anomaly; This is not discounted nor is it corrected for inflation. It is computed by the formula:

Page 19

Representative values have been put into the fields. These are the author's best preliminary estimate. Although the author has reasonable communications spacecraft experience, some of the values may be off. It is recommended that the user check them where they are critical to his analysis.

For AXpdrs in particular, where having an anomaly at past the design lifetime would yield a negative cost, AXpdrs was set to 0.

Also, lack of eclipse coverage is usually considered as losing

5% of the transponders. Where there is no entry, the value is 0.

A final important exception is that when there is a launch failure and the spacecraft is quoted as being a certain value, the transponder price is adjusted to get the ACost to match the required value.

Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B

Public Record Satellite Anomaly Database


Telecom 1B 15-Jan-88 [1] "failure of ...normal and backup attitude control systems."


Satellite Permanently Disabled


207 [2] "Bus regulation electronics" [3] "power surge cut electrical supply to the attitude control system"

Page 20 Copyright © 2003 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter B
