Firepak Oil and Gas Industries LLC 7011 Harwin Dr, Houston TX 77036. 713 962 1996 F 713 952 1997 OR Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd, 18 Barry Avenue, Mortdale, NSW 2223 Australia Tel: 61-2-9586 3200; Fax: 61-2-9586 3211; E-mail:; Web:; MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PYROGEN FIRE EXTINGUISHING AEROSOL GENERATOR 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY/UNDERTAKING PRODUCT NAME: PYROGEN EXA FIRE EXTINGUISHING AEROSOL GENERATOR PRODUCT No: EXA-Z3; EXA-Z6; EXA-1; EXA-2; EXA-5; EXA-10R; EXA-10L; EXA-20; EXA-30; EXA-50 SUPPLIER: PYROGEN TECHNOLOGIES (AUST) PTY LTD 18 BARRY AVENUE MORTDALE NSW 2223 AUSTRALIA Tel: 61-2-95863200 Fax: 61-2-95863211 2 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Pyrogen fire extinguishing aerosol generator is a non-pressurized metal canister containing a solid aerosol-generating compound. Upon activation of the canister the aerosol-generating compound undergoes a chemical reaction to produce an aerosol, which is the actual extinguishing medium. Therefore, the Safety Data below refers to two compounds: - aerosol-generating compound [contained inside Pyrogen fire extinguishing aerosol generator]; aerosol [formed and released only upon activation of Pyrogen fire extinguishing aerosol generator] AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND Ingredients Potassium Nitrate Sucrose Melamine Magnesium Stearate Chemical Entity KNO3 CAS-No Content 7757-79-1 60-65% C12H22O 11 C3H6N6 C36H70MgO4 57-50-1 108-78-1 557-04-0 20-25% 5-10% 1-2% AEROSOL (data refers to a maximum design application density of 100g/m3, which is 100 g of aerosol-generating compound combusted in a 1m3 sealed enclosure) Ingredients Chemical CAS-No Content Entity Potassium K2CO3 584-08-7 8.67mg/m3 carbonate Nitrogen N2 17778-88-0 Water vapour H2O 60.4mg/m3 Carbon dioxide CO2 124-38-9 1350mg/m3 Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxides Ammonium Sulfur dioxide Hydrogen cyanide CO NOx NH3 SO2 HCN 630-08-0 7664-41-7 7446-09-5 74-90-8 1.63mg/m3 10.51mg/m3 2.83mg/m3 0.036mg/m3 ND (0.05)mg 3 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AEROSOL GENERATOR Application of electric current causes activation Heating above 300C may cause activation Upon activation releases aerosol at the elevated temperatures Hot surface upon activation Propels upon activation if unsecured MSDS: Pyr-EXA-01/05 Revision No: 01 AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND Flammable AEROSOL When combusted produces aerosol fire extinguishing agent. Does not displace oxygen. Stops combustion and flame front High obscuration on release Elevated temperatures on release Irritating to eyes and respiratory tracks Contains minor quantities of potentially toxic by-products of combustion of the aerosol-generating compound CO2 NOx Issued: November 2005 Page 1 of 6 Firepak Oil and Gas Industries LLC 7011 Harwin Dr, Houston TX 77036. 713 962 1996 F 713 952 1997 OR Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd, 18 Barry Avenue, Mortdale, NSW 2223 Australia Tel: 61-2-9586 3200; Fax: 61-2-9586 3211; E-mail:; Web:; 4 FIRST-AID MEASURES INTAKE/CONTACT INHALATION AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND N/A AEROSOL INGESTION SKIN CONTACT EYE CONTACT Give water and induce vomiting. Wash affected areas with water. N/A BURNS Treat affected areas with cold water. If required seek medical attention. Remove to fresh air, lie down, and rest. If not breathing - apply artificial respiration. Oxygen may be given but only under supervision of a trained person. Keep warm and transport to hospital or doctor. N/A Wash affected areas with water. Hold eyes open and wash continuously with water for at least 15 minutes. Treat affected areas with cold water. If required seek medical attention. 5 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES GENERATOR AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND Flammable. Ignites when in contact with heat above 300C or naked flame. Able to burn without air. Upon ignition produces extinguishing aerosol. If amount of aerosol is insufficient under given conditions and fire gets out of control, use water fog or spray, carbon dioxide, dry powder or foam. Wear respirator and fire protective clothing. Withdraw all personnel from the area and warn against entry. AEROSOL GENERATOR AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND AEROSOL UNINTENDED ACTIVATION: Clear the area of all personnel. Do not reenter until the area has been fully ventilated. Wear a respirator in case immediate re-entry is necessary. Follow clean up procedure for aerosol. SPILLS: No smoking or naked flame. Clear the area of all personnel. Do not walk on material. Keep combustibles such as wood, paper, oil and etc away from spilled material. Wearing protective gloves absorb small spills with sand or other non-combustible material for later disposal, then, if practicable, hose the area with water. Disposal is in accordance with the National Regulations for flammable materials. AEROSOL RESIDUE: Can be brushed, blown or washed away. Can be disposed of into general sewage. Activates upon application of electric current or heat above 300C or continued exposure naked flame. Produces fire extinguishing aerosol upon activation. Extinguishing medium. Does not represent a fire hazard. Generator / Extinguisher is not pressurized 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep generators in ventilated stores at normal ambient temperatures away from heaters and direct sunlight. If kept in quantities exceeding 1,000 kg shall be stored in a depot constructed of a non-combustible material. MSDS: Pyr-EXA-01/05 Revision No: 01 Issued: November 2005 Page 2 of 6 Firepak Oil and Gas Industries LLC 7011 Harwin Dr, Houston TX 77036. 713 962 1996 F 713 952 1997 OR Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd, 18 Barry Avenue, Mortdale, NSW 2223 Australia Tel: 61-2-9586 3200; Fax: 61-2-9586 3211; E-mail:; Web:; 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION AEROSOL (data refers to a maximum design application density of 100g/m 3, which is 100 g of aerosol-generating compound combusted in a 1m3 sealed enclosure) Potentially hazardous Chemical CAS-No Content STEL LTEL Health R Comment ingredients Entity at 100 g/m3 (short-term (long-term phrases design exposure exposure ( full text for application limit over limit over all R-phrases density, 15-minute 8-hour are displayed mg/m3 reference TWA in Section 15) period), reference mg/m3 period), mg/m3 3 Carbon dioxide CO2 124-38-9 1,350mg/m 27,400 9,150 Below LTEL Carbon monoxide CO 630-08-0 1.63mg/m3 232 35 R23, 48/23, 61 Below LTEL Nitrogen dioxide NO2 10102-44-0 10.51mg/m3 9.6 5.7 R26, 34 Within STEL (most hazardous of (for NOx) NOx) Ammonium NH3 7664-41-7 2.83mg/m3 25 18 R23, 34 Below LTEL Sulfur dioxide SO2 7446-09-5 0.036mg/m3 13 5.3 R23, 34 Below LTEL Hydrogen cyanide HCN 74-90-8 R26, Sk Below LTEL ND(0.05)mg 11 The limiting ingredient of Pyrogen aerosol is NOx. The concentration of NOx in aerosol at its maximum design application density is within STEL exposure standards limits, therefore, a single continuous exposure to aerosol should not exceed 15 minutes. ENGINEERING MEASURES For areas where people may be present provide suitable safeguards such as personnel training, warning signs, pre-discharge alarms and system isolate switches as required by relevant International or national Standards. Provide general and local exhaust ventilation. RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Respiratory protection must be used if entry into protected area where Pyrogen system had been discharged is necessary before the area has been fully ventilated. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Protective gloves, goggles and clothing should be worn during a clean up procedure following Pyrogen system discharge. OTHER PROTECTION HOT WORK WARNING! Do not conduct any hot work in area protected with Pyrogen system unless the aerosol generators have been removed form the area. 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PARAMETER APPEARANCE ODOUR DENSITY MELTING BOILT IGNITION TEMPERATURE FLASH POINT SOLUBILITY MSDS: Pyr-EXA-01/05 Revision No: 01 AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND Whitish solid mixture AEROSOL No specific odour 1.7 g/cm3 N/A 180C 300C Insoluble in water, reacts with organic solvents, such as acetone Smoke-like whitish mixture of micronsized solids and gases Characteristic of combustion products 1.29 g/cm3 N/A N/A N/A Soluble in water Issued: November 2005 Page 3 of 6 Firepak Oil and Gas Industries LLC 7011 Harwin Dr, Houston TX 77036. 713 962 1996 F 713 952 1997 OR Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd, 18 Barry Avenue, Mortdale, NSW 2223 Australia Tel: 61-2-9586 3200; Fax: 61-2-9586 3211; E-mail:; Web:; 10 STABILITYAND REACTIVITY PARAMETER STABILITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND Stable under normal temperature conditions. Avoid heat, flames and other sources of ignition. Avoid contact with organic solvents. When combusted produces potentially hazardous carbon monoxide CO and nitrogen oxides NOx. <.04ppm HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION PARAMETER AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND N/A INHALATION AEROSOL Short-term exposure (up to 15 min): irritation to the respiratory tract; NOEL 15 min Long-term exposure (above 15 min): headache, dry cough, dizziness, nausea, irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, shortness of breath SKIN CONTACT EYE CONTACT Minor skin irritation N/A Prolonged exposure: can be irritating , single continuous exposure is limited to 15 minutes Minor skin irritation Moderate irritation of mucous membrane 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Presents no hazard to environment. ODP (Ozone depletion potential) = 0 GWP (Global warming potential) = 0 ALT (Atmospheric life time) = Low 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS AEROSOL-GENERATING COMPOUND Should be disposed separately from other materials. AEROSOL Can be brushed, blown or washed away. Can be disposed of into general sewage. Disposal is in accordance with the National Regulations for flammable materials. 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION PROPER SHIPPING NAME: UN No. Class No. Packaging Group Packaging Instructions Hazchem Code MSDS: Pyr-EXA-01/05 Revision No: 01 Flammable Solid, Inorganic, n.o.s (Potassium Nitrate mixture) 3178 4.1 III Y419 1[T] Issued: November 2005 Page 4 of 6 Firepak Oil and Gas Industries LLC 7011 Harwin Dr, Houston TX 77036. 713 962 1996 F 713 952 1997 OR Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd, 18 Barry Avenue, Mortdale, NSW 2223 Australia Tel: 61-2-9586 3200; Fax: 61-2-9586 3211; E-mail:; Web:; 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION EXPOSURE STANDARDS Reference document for STEL and LTEL/TWA exposure limits: EH40/2000 Occupational Exposure Limits 2000, HSE STEL: STELs (short term exposure limits) are expressed as airborne concentrations of substances, averaged over a period of 15 minutes. This short term TWA concentration should not be exceeded at any time during a normal eight-hour working day. Workers should not be exposed at the STEL concentration continuously for longer than 15 minutes, or for more than four such periods per working day. A minimum of 60 minutes should be allowed between successive exposures at the STEL concentration. TWA: Except for short term exposure limits, or where a peak value has been assigned, the exposure standards for airborne contaminants are expressed as a time-weighted average (TWA) concentration of that substance over an eight-hour working day, for a five-day working week. RISK PHRASES IN FULL R23 Toxic by inhalation R26 Very toxic by inhalation R34 Causes burns R48 Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure R61 May cause harm to unborn child Sk Can be absorbed through skin SAFETY PHRASES S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking S9 Keep container in a well ventilated place S2 Keep out of reach of children 16 OTHER INFORMATION LABELLING Flammable Solid, Class 4.1 PRODUCT USE Pyrogen fire suppression systems only REVISION INFORMATION First edition, no changes DISCLAIMER The information presented herein, while not guaranteed, was prepared by competent technical personnel and is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR WARRANTY OR GUARANTY OF ANY OTHER KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE REGARDING PERFORMANCE, SUITABILITY, STABILITY OR OTHERWISE. The information included herein is not intended to be all-inclusive as to the appropriate manner and/or conditions of use, handling and/or storage. Factors pertaining to certain conditions of storage, handling, or use of this product may involve other or additional safety or performance considerations. While our technical personnel will be happy to respond to questions regarding safe handling and use procedures, safe handling and use remains the responsibility of the customer. No suggestions for use are intended to, and nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to, infringe any existing patents or violate any laws, rules, regulations or ordinances of any governmental entity. MSDS: Pyr-EXA-01/05 Revision No: 01 Issued: November 2005 Page 5 of 6 Firepak Oil and Gas Industries LLC 7011 Harwin Dr, Houston TX 77036. 713 962 1996 F 713 952 1997 OR Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd, 18 Barry Avenue, Mortdale, NSW 2223 Australia Tel: 61-2-9586 3200; Fax: 61-2-9586 3211; E-mail:; Web:; MSDS: Pyr-EXA-01/05 Revision No: 01 Issued: November 2005 Page 6 of 6