ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Appendix S1: Predictors of inter-population hybrid fitness, statistical analysis and results Methods Reproductive population size, number of effective alleles (AE) and inbreeding coefficient (FIS) for each of the 15 populations, and geographic, environmental, quantitative genetic (QST) and molecular genetic (FST) distance matrices for each population pair were calculated as described in Pickup et al. (2012). Population genetics statistics and variables for each population pair can be found in the supporting information (Table S1). We used Mantel tests in the ‘ade4’ package in R (Version 2.12.1) to examine the correlation among the four distance matrices, (i) geographic distance, (ii) environmental distance, (iii) quantitative genetic distance (QST) and (iv) molecular genetic distance (FST) and between the population characteristics (AE and FIS). The relation between reproductive population size and AE and FIS was assessed using simple linear regression. Results The geographic distance matrix was significantly correlated with environmental distance (r = 0.46, P = 0.029) and QST (r = 0.64, P = 0.0064), but not FST (r = -0.064, P > 0.05). We found a significant correlation between QST and environmental distance (r = 0.61, P < 0.001) while FST and QST were only marginally correlated (r = 0.44, P = 0.064). For the population characteristics, reproductive population size (log) was significantly related to, but only explained 28% of the variance in the number of effective alleles (AE) (R2 = 0.28, P = 0.025). In contrast, we found no relation between reproductive population size (log) and the inbreeding coefficient (FIS) (R2 = 0.02, P = 0.266) and there was no correlation between FIS and AE (r = 0.29, P = 0.289). Table S1: Summary of the predictor variables for the 12 population pairs (Pop. pair) of Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides. Geog.Dist is geographic distance among populations, HPS is home population size, FPS is foreign population size, Env.Dist is environmental distance, QST is quantitative genetic differentiation, FST is molecular genetic differentiation, AEF is the number of effective alleles in the foreign population, FISH is the inbreeding coefficient of the home population and FISF is the inbreeding coefficient of the foreign population. Home Foreign pop. pop. Pop. pair Geog.Dist (km) HPS FPS Env.Dist QST FST A EF FISH FISF LW QB LW-QB 0.69 1171 10000 1.75 0.019 0.051 6.79 0.183 0.161 SR CC SR-CC 1.59 69600 220 1.1 0.021 0.032 6.84 0.162 0.208 MA BA MA-BA 3.96 118 81 0.95 0.056 0.052 7.22 0.178 0.180 HH MA HH-MA 7.98 300 118 1.63 0.082 0.057 6.11 0.161 0.178 CR LW CR-LW 15.24 4000 1171 3.92 0.047 0.059 6.14 0.179 0.183 MJ CF MJ-CF 27.81 27626 210 3.07 0.102 0.105 4.48 0.219 0.103 RH CF RH-CF 34.81 3489 210 3.87 0.223 0.112 4.48 0.277 0.103 MJ GB MJ-GB 71.89 27626 95200 0.57 0.022 0.044 9.15 0.219 0.201 GB PO GB-PO 78.89 95200 8171 0.82 0.011 0.052 5.75 0.201 0.209 SR TR SR-TR 506.2 69600 626 2.64 0.113 0.040 8.57 0.162 0.189 CF SA CF-SA 516.01 210 137 4.05 0.336 0.102 8.11 0.103 0.113 GB TR GB-TR 586.17 95200 626 2.39 0.108 0.034 8.57 0.201 0.189 Table S2: Crossing design for the 12 population pairs (Pop. pair) of Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides used to examine progeny fitness over multiple generations following inter-population hybridization. Pop. Control F (home x pair Pop. pair (home x 1 foreign) no. home) F2 (F1 x F1) BC (F1 x home) BC (F1 x foreign) F1 (LW x QB) x F1 (LW x QB) F1 (LW x QB) x LW F1 (LW x QB) x QB F1 (SR x CC) x F1 (SR x CC) F1 (SR x CC) x SR F1 (SR x CC) x CC F3 (F2 x F2) BC (F2 x home) BC (F2 x foreign) F2 x F2 F2 x SR F2 x CC F2 x F2 F2 x HH F2 x MA F2 x F2 F2 x MJ F2 x CF 1 LW-QB LW x LW LW x QB 2 SR-CC SR x SR 3 MA-BA MA x MA MA x BA F1 (MA x BA) x F1 (MA x BA) F1 (MA x BA) x MA F1 (MA x BA) x BA 4 HH-MA HH x HH HH x MA F1 (HH x MA) x F1 (HH x MA) F1 (HH x MA) x HH F1 (HH x MA) x MA 5 CR-LW CR x CR CR x LW F1 (CR x LW) x F1 (CR x LW) F1 (CR x LW) x CR F1 (CR x LW) x LW 6 MJ-CF MJ x MJ MJ x CF F1 (MJ x CF) x F1 (MJ x CF) F1 (MJ x CF) x MJ F1 (MJ x CF) x CF 7 RH-CF RH x RH RH x CF F1 (RH x CF) x F1 (RH x CF) F1 (RH x CF) x RH F1 (RH x CF) x CF 8 MJ-GB MJ x MJ MJ x GB F1 (MJ x GB) x F1 (MJ x GB) F1 (MJ x GB) x MJ F1 (MJ x GB) x GB 9 GB-PO GB x GB GB x PO F1 (GB x PO) x F1 (GB x PO) F1 (GB x PO) x GB F1 (GB x PO) x PO F2 x F2 F2 x GB F2 x GB 10 SR-TR SR x SR SR x TR F1 (SR x TR) x F1 (SR x TR) F1 (SR x TR) x SR F1 (SR x TR) x TR F2 x F2 F2 x SR F2 x TR 11 CF-SA CF x CF CF x SA F1 (CF x SA) x F1 (CF x SA) F1 (CF x SA) x CF F1 (CF x SA) x SA 12 GB-TR GB x GB GB x TR F1 (GB x TR) x F1 (GB x TR) F1 (GB x TR) x GB F1 (GB x TR) x TR SR x CC Figure S1: The difference in the percent seedling survival between the control (within home population progeny) and F2 as a function of the inbreeding coefficient of the foreign population (FISF) and environmental distance (EnvD) among populations. Values above the dashed horizontal (zero) line represent heterosis and below represent outbreeding depression. The equation for this relation is: survival = 15.8 – 55x FISF + 2.5xEnvD; R2 = 0.39, P = 0.043. Figure S2: The difference in the mean number of inflorescences between the control (within home population progeny) and backcrosses to the home population (BCF1xH) as a function of molecular genetic distance (FST) and environmental distance (EnvD) among populations. Values above the dashed horizontal (zero) line represent heterosis and below represent outbreeding depression. The equation for this relation is: no. inflor = 22.1 – 864x FST + 17.7xEnvD; R2 = 0.58, P = 0.008. Figure S3: The average membership of the 15 populations of Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides to the three genetic clusters (K = 3) identified by STRUCTURE analysis (Pritchard et al. 2000). For details of the STRUCTURE analysis see (Pickup et al. 2012). The distance between populations in Figure S3 indicates differences in the average genetic composition of each population based on the three genetic clusters identified by STRUCTURE analysis. Proximate populations in figure S3 have a similar average membership to the three genetic clusters, while distant populations are more dissimilar in their average membership to the three genetic clusters, indicating greater differences in genetic composition. For our data regarding the consequences of inter-population hybridization for progeny fitness, differences in average membership to the three genetic clusters may indicate the potential for heterosis. Progeny from matings among populations with similar average membership to the three genetic clusters may be expected to show less heterosis then populations that are more distant. However, in our study we found that heterosis was absent in population pairs with very different genetic composition based on the three genetic clusters (e.g. the number of inflorescences for F1 progeny in population pairs HH-MA and MJ-CF). Therefore, for these populations, low heterosis following inter-population hybridization is more likely the result of the genetic characteristics of the foreign source population (i.e. the effective number of alleles), rather than genetic similarity. References Pickup M., Field D.L., Rowell D.M. & Young A.G. (2012). Predicting local adaptation in fragmented plant populations: implications for restoration genetics. Evol. Appl., doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2012.00284.x. Pritchard J.K., Stephens M. & Donnelly P. (2000). Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data. Genetics, 155, 945-959.