Homecoming Spirit Board Application

2006 Homecoming Spirit Board Contest
All registered student organizations are invited to participate in the 2006 Homecoming
Spirit Board Contest. The spirit boards will be placed at the Broadway entrance to
campus during Homecoming Week for all to see.
Each organization must fill out an application and attend the mandatory meeting
even if they are partnering with another organization!!!
Rules and Regulations
 Any organization may only submit one (1) spirit board in the contest.
Organizations may pair up and decorate a spirit board together.
 Spirit Boards must be made with MDF board obtained by the applicant’s
organization. It is your responsibility to provide all materials necessary for your
 Spirit Boards must be decorated so they can be placed vertically. Each Spirit
Board will be 8’ by 4’. Any spirit board not decorated to these specifications will
be disqualified.
 Spirit Boards that focus on self-promotion for the organization (i.e.- an upcoming
social event) rather than on the Homecoming celebration will be disqualified from
the competition.
 Should a spirit board be decorated in a way that promotes alcohol product use, a
trademark logo, or is not of good taste (offensive pictures, languages, etc.), it will
be disqualified from the contest. Any questions regarding approved materials,
please contact Jana Vise at (806) 742-5433.
 NO derogatory language or pictures about the opposing team are to appear on the
spirit board.
 No glitter material may be used to decorate the spirit board (ex: glitter paint pens,
glitter spray, etc.) Paint should be the only thing used on the spirit board due to
the fact they will be outside. No other objects shall be placed on the spirit board.
If you have any questions concerning the materials to be used please contact Jana
Vise at (806) 742-5433.
 Make sure the spirit board is flat. NO 3-D objects shall be placed on the spirit
board. Paint is the only thing that should be used.
 The spirit board has to be covered with a clear topcoat varnish for
weatherproofing before the spirit board is submitted. Failure to do so will result
in disqualification.
 Spirit Boards must be dry at the time of delivery or they will be disqualified.
 Names of the sponsoring organization(s) must appear somewhere on the spirit
 Only registered student organizations names may appear on the spirit board.
No outside sponsors are allowed for this event.
 Spirit boards must be delivered to Vehicle Rental between 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Monday, October 2, 2006. They will be displayed on campus by the through out
the week and on game day. All spirit boards will need to be picked up at Vehicle
Rental by 5:00pm Monday, October 09, 2006.
 Winners will be announced during the pep-rally on October 6, 2006.
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A panel of judges chosen from the Tech and Lubbock Community by the Spirit Board
Committee, and approved by the Tech Homecoming Association, will be judging the
Spirit Boards. Their decision is final.
The Judging Criteria is as follows:
Adherence to Theme……………………35%
Originality and Creativity……………….30%
Artistic Design…………………………..30%
Recognition will be awarded in three categories:
 Student Organizations
 Social Fraternity/Sorority
 Residential Life
There is a MANDATORY meeting on Wednesday September 20th at 6:30 pm in the
Traditions Room in the Student Union. One (1) representative from each organization
must be present! If your organization does not provide a representative at the meeting,
you will be disqualified.
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2005 Homecoming Spirit Board Entry Form
Primary Contact Name:___________________________________
City:____________________ State:_______ Zip:______________
Phone: (____)_______-_________
Partner organization(s): ___________________________________________________
Contact Person:__________________________________________________________
Phone: (_____)______________-_______________
Category (Check one):
____Student Organization
____ Social Fraternity/Sorority
____Residential Life
Briefly, describe the spirit board you will create for this contest, including any slogans
and pictures placed on the banner. You must draw a sketch of your spirit board on the
provided page.
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Agreement: I have read the rules and regulations for the 2006 Homecoming Spirit Board
Contest and agree to abide by them. I understand that the spirit board will be disqualified
if they contain any unsuitable material toward the opposing team or if they reflect
sponsorship from any group not listed as registered student organization of Texas Tech
_________________________________ _____________________
Printed name of Primary Contact
____________________________________ __________________
Signature of Primary Contact
As the full-time TTU faculty/staff advisor of the above organization, I confirm the
support and sponsorship of _______________________________ as a 2006 Spirit Board
Applicant. The members of the above organization and I understand the regulations
concerning the Spirit Board contest and agree to abide by these rules. (A signature of the
Advisor for the above organization must be on record in the Center for Campus Life
Office, Student Union, room 201)
Printed name of TTU faculty/staff Advisor Date
Signature of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
Entry forms must be in NO LATER than 5:00p.m. on Monday, September 18, 2006
to the Center for Campus Life Office, Student Union Bldg. Rm. 201. If you have any
questions or concerns, please call 806-742-5433 or contact the Tech Homecoming
Association at homecoming@ttu.edu.
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Spirit Board Sketch
(This must be submitted with the entry form)
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List of materials needed for Spirit Boards
 (1) 8’x4’ MDF board
 (3) 4x4 lumber (4ft. long)
 (2) 2x4 lumber (6ft. 11in. long)
 wood nails
 clear coat varnish
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