NEELKANTH G. DHERE Florida Solar Energy Center 1679 Clearlake Road Cocoa, FL 32922-5703 (321) 638-1442, e-mail 2285 Sykes Creek Drive Merritt Island, FL 32953 (321) 452-5183 EDUCATION Ph. D. (Physics), University of Poona, Pune, India, 1966, Dissertation Title "Study of Thin Films by Electron Diffraction". Work carried out at the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India, Advisor: Dr. A. Goswami. M. Sc. (Physics, Electronics), University of Poona, Pune, India, 1962. B. Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry), University of Poona, Pune, India, 1960. EXPERIENCE Program Director, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL (since May1990). Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Eng., University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL (since Sept. 1993). Established a laboratory for research and development of thin-film photovoltaic (PV) solar cells, PV module durability research, and photoelectrochemical solar cells. Presently directing NREL, Sandia, NASA GRC, AFRL (Jackson & Tull) and RITE funded projects on PV development of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells and photoelectrochemical cells and module durability research. Work involves design and construction vacuum coating systems and use of analytical techniques such as SEM, XRD, AES, EPMA, I-V, QE, SIMS, XPS, TEM, RBS, PIXES, and optical absorption spectroscopy, etc. Taught UCF Graduate courses on Physical Metallurgy, Diffusion in Solids, PV Solar Energy Materials, and Characterization of Solar Cells and Reliability of PV Modules. Provided guidance to seventeen UCF Graduate Students, eleven of whom have completed MS thesis. Providing guidance to seven UCF Graduate Students and an undergraduate student. Senior Visiting Research Scientist, Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO (Sept. 1986 May 1990). Research on InP/ITO solar cells for space applications, high Tc superconducting thin films, design and construction of magnetron sputter guns, integral system for substrate heating and RF/DC biasing. Taught short specialization course on High Tc Superconducting Thin Films for the American Vacuum Society (AVS). Professor Materials Science and Engineering and Chief, Solar Cells and Microelectronics Laboratory, Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (June 1971 - Sept. 1986). Initiated projects, obtained funding and directed research on thin films, solar cells and microelectronics. Established a modern laboratory and trained a large group of co-workers. Carried out research and development on the first generation CdS/Cu2S solar cells fabricating a 30 cm x 30 cm CdS/Cu2S PV module, encapsulation of solar cells using polyvinyl butyral, and later on CdS/CuInSe2 thin-film solar cells, preparation and properties of CdS, CuInSe2, InP, (CdZn)S, CdTe semiconductor thin films structure/property relationship, multi-layer contacts, antireflection-protective coatings, laser annealing of ion implantation damage, photolithography, wire and die bonding, and packaging for development of photovoltaic modules, microelectronic and solid state devices. Work involved use of following analytical techniques: EPMA, EDAX, RBS, AES, SIMS, XRD, TEM, HEED, SEM, PL, and Absorption Spectroscopy, etc. Taught Graduate courses on Bipolar Semiconductor Devices, Field-Effect Semiconductor Devices, Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, PV Solar Cells, High Vacuum (HV) and Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) Technology, Thin Film Phenomena, Surface Analytical Techniques, and Solid State Physics. Provided guidance for completion of MS thesis research to ten Graduate Students, six of whom later obtained Ph. D. degrees at Universities such as Stanford University, University of Illinois, University of Florida, and Colorado School of Mines, Pontifcia Universidade Catlica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Taught short specialization course on HV and UHV Technology, Thin Film Technology, PV Solar Cells, Plasma Processes and DC/RF Sputtering, Structure/Property Relationship, Techniques for Surface and Interface Analysis for the Brazilian Vacuum Society (SBV). Planning to teach a specialization course on Polycrystalline Thin Film Solar Cells for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in May 2002. Research Fellow, Comissão Nacional de Atividades Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil, (July 1970 - June 1971). Installed a laboratory and worked on thin film deposition, hybrid microelectronics, wire and die bonding, photolithography and packaging. Taught a Graduate course on Bipolar Semiconductor Devices. Head, Techniques Laboratory, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India, (Aug 1966 - June 1970). Initiated projects, obtained funding, and directed research and development for establishment of a new laboratory and work on thin film hybrid microelectronics and space simulation and trained a large group of co-workers. In the process designed and constructed several HV and UHV thin film deposition and space simulation systems, DC and RF diode sputtering and photolithography set-ups. Worked on deposition and characterization of thin films. Fabricated hybrid microelectronic circuits and carried out space simulation of rocket and balloon pay-loads. International Visits for Collaborative Research: Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, May 1974, May 1983 University of Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, Aug-Nov. 1977 University of Paris/Thomson CSF, Orsay, France, Aug-Nov. 1980 University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, Nov. 1980, Oct. 1982, Oct. 1983 Solar Energy Research Institute (presently NREL), April-May 1983 Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Kyoto, Japan, Aug-Oct. 1998 Hahn Meitner Institute (HMI), Berlin, 1997, 2000, 2001. International Collaborative Agreements: Coordinated International Collaborative Agreements with: Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India. Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Kyoto, Japan. This has resulted in an on-going three-year research project with funding from RITE. Coordinating New an International Collaborative Agreements with: Pontifcia universidade Catlica (PUC), Belo Horizonte, Brazil and University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. TEACHING: Extensive teaching experience at teaching of Graduate level and short specialization courses in following topics: Physical Metallurgy, Diffusion in Solids, PV Solar Energy Materials, and Characterization of Solar Cells and Reliability of PV Modules, Bipolar Semiconductor Devices, Field-Effect Semiconductor Devices, Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, PV Solar Cells, HV and UHV Technology, Thin Film Phenomena, Surface Analytical Techniques, and Solid State Physics. Extensive teaching experience of short specialization courses in following topics: HV and UHV Technology, High Tc Superconducting Thin Films, Plasma Processes and DC/RF Sputtering, Structure/Property Relationship, Techniques for Surface and Interface Analysis. UCF Graduate courses: EMA 6126 Physical Metallurgy, Spring 1992, Spring, Spring 1994; EMA 6136 Diffusion in Solids, Spring 1993; EMA 5937, PV Solar Energy Materials, Fall 1992; Spring 1998, Spring 2000, Fall 2001; and EMA 5937 Characterization of Solar Cells and Reliability of PV Modules, Spring 2001. AFFILIATIONS: Founder and President - Brazilian Vacuum Society (1978, 1979-80), Life Member - Indian Vacuum Society, Senior Member - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Member - American Vacuum Society, Materials Research Society. PROFESSIONAL: Editor, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vác. (1981-89). Founder and president, Brazilian Vacuum Society, 1980 and 1981. Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and electronic Engineers Member, American vacuum Society Editorial Committee Solar Cells Member and Referee of Scientific Journals. Organizer of several Brazilian Vacuum Congresses, workshops and short courses. Chairman, Latin American Activities Committee (1986-89) and Executive Council Member of International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (1980-89). Invited Speaker, Chairman of Technical Sessions. Invited expert to write an article on Solar Power Systems for Space Sciences volumes being published by Gale Group Macmillan Reference USA. One of six International Experts invited to participate in the preparation of a plan for the establishment of a Solar Energy Research Center at the university of Sharjah, UAE. Consultant to Private Companies and Govt. Planning agencies in India and Brazil. Collaborative research with groups in USA, Germany, Japan, France, India and Brazil. HONORS Eldest Ph. D. in the Family Holding Guinness Book World Record for Most (All Five Members, Three Brothers and Two Sisters All Born to the Same Parents) Doctorates Outstanding Engineer Award 2002 – Institute of Electrical and electronic Engineers Region 3, Outstanding Engineer Award 2002 – IEEE Florida Council. Outstanding Engineer Award 2002 – IEEE Cape Canaveral Section, FL. 2001 Research Partnership Award for Outstanding Collaboration - Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Office of Power technology, for participation in National Thin-Film Teams since their inception in 1994. UCF Distinguished Researcher of the Year for Institutes and Centers, 2002 FSEC Researcher of Year, 2001. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Junior Research Fellowship, 1962-66 High School Govt. Open Merit Scholarship, 1951-55 Middle School Govt. Open Merit Scholarship, 1948-51 PUBLICATIONS Over 141 scientific publications including a book chapter with 540 references in "Physics of Thin Films". Major National and International Conference Participation: International Vacuum Congress and International Conference on Solid Surfaces (IVC & ICSS): Boston 1971, Kyoto 1974, Vienna 1977, Cannes 1980, Madrid 1983, Baltimore 1986. IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC): Kissimmee, Fl., 1984, 1990; Las Vegas, 1985, New Orleans, 1987, Louisville, 1993; Washington, DC, 1996; Anaheim, CA, 1997; Anchorage, Alaska, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2002. World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, 1994; Vienna 1998. Int. Conf. Thin Films, Budapest 1975, New Delhi 1987, San Diego, CA, 1990. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 1997; Glasgow, UK, 2000; Munich, Germany, 2001. Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings, San Diego, 1989, 1990 American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Solar Energy Conference, Washington, DC, 1993; Albuquerque, NM, 1998 American Vacuum Congress, 1994, 2002 Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, TMS Meeting, Warrendale, 1989. Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference (SPRAT), Cleveland, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2001. NREL Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity, Colorado Springs, CO, 1995, 1997. NREL/SNL Photovoltaics Program Review Conference, Lakewood, CO, 1996, Denver, CO, 1998. National Center for Photovoltaics (NCPV), Program Review Conference, Lakewood, CO, 1999, 2000, 2001. National Center for Photovoltaics (NCPV) Solder-Joint Durability Symposium, Albuquerque, 1999, 2000, Moisture Ingress in PV Modules, 2001. Joint Hungarian - Austrian - Yugoslavian Vacuum Conference, Debrecen, Hungary, 1985, Portoroz, Yugoslavia, 1988 Iberian Vacuum Conference, Braga, Portugal, 1988. Int. Conf. Trends and New Applications of Thin Films, Strasbourg, France, 1987. CBECIMAT, Rio de Janeiro, (1974), (1978); Florianopolis, 1980; Lindoia, 1988. Brazilian Association of Metals Congress, (ABM) 1975, 1977, Brazilian Science Congress, Brasilia, 1978. Brazilian Colloquium on Electron Microscopy, Rio de Janeiro, 1980. Brasilian Vacuum Congress, Rio de Janeiro and Campinas, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988. Brazilian Symposium on Microelectronics, So Paulo, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, Campinas, 1986 Brazilian School on Physics of Semiconductors, So Paulo, 1985 Natl Conf. Dev. in Electronic Mat. & Their Appl., Kolhapur, India, 1995. UCF Graduate Students I have been teaching the following graduate courses: Physical Metallurgy, Diffusion in Solids, PV Solar Energy Materials, and Characterization & Reliability of PV Cells & Modules. At present, I have six post-Graduate and an under-graduate students working as research assistants. This year, three students completed M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering and obtained high-paying jobs in the second largest microelectronics equipment manufacturing company – Novellus. Earlier, two of my students joined the largest microelectronics equipment manufacturing company – Applied Materials. So far, the following UCF students completed M.S. thesis under my guidance at the FSEC PV Materials Lab: 1) Debbie Waterhouse (EE), 2) James Santiago (EE), 3) Shankar Kuttath (MMAE), 4) Kaustubh Gadre (MMAE), 5) Kevin Lynn (MMAE), 6) Nachiket Raravikar (MMAE), 7) Shashank Kulkarni (MMAE), 8) Sanjay Chavan (MMAE), 9) Shantinath Ghongadi (MMAE), 10) Mandar Pandit (MMAE), 11) Anant Jahagirdar, 12) Vivek Gade and 13) Ankur Kadam. At present, nine graduate students are carrying out their MS and Ph D theses research under my guidance. Current and Pending Support 1. PV Module Durability Research, Sandia National Laboratories, PI, $ 215,000, 7th Yr, $ 1,388,000, Since 95, until Sept. 2002, Technical Monitor: Michael A. Quintana, (505) 844-0474. 2. CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Thin Film Solar Cells, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, PI, $ 140,000, 1st Year, $ 420,000 until Oct. 2004, $ 477,250 during 1992 - Sept. 2001. Technical Monitor: Bolko von Roedern, (303) 864-6480. 3. CIGS2 Thin-Film Solar Cells For Space Power” NASA Glenn Research Center, PI, Phase IV $ 75,000, $ 240,000, over four years, until April 2003, being continued, Technical Monitor: Dr. Aloysius F. Hepp, (216) 433-3835. 4. CIGS2 Thin-Film Solar Cells on Flexible Foil, USRA, Jackson and Tull, (Air Force Research Lab), $ 50,000, Phase III, $ 163,000, over three years, until June 2002, Technical Monitor: Jim Finnegan, (505) 272-7223. 5. Study of Corrosion in BPSolar a-Si:H PV Modules, $ 36,000 1st Yr, $ 136,000 over five years, Technical Monitor: Dr. John Wohlgemuth, (301) 698-4375. 6. Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting for Hydrogen Production Using Multiple Bandgap Combination of Photovoltaic-Cell and Thin-Film-Photocatalyst, $ 125,000 1st Yr, NASA GRC Technical Monitor: Hydrogen Project, Dr. David l. Block. 7. Development of Tribological Coatings for Cryocoolers, $ 110,000 1st Yr, NASA GRC Technical Monitor: Hydrogen Project, Dr. David l. Block. Funding Figures for the Last Seven Years: 1995-96 Total 270k: Sandia 150k, Siemens 25k, NREL 95k; 1996-97 Total 366k: Sandia 350k, Siemens 6k, NREL 10k; 1997-98 Total 225k: Sandia 150k, Siemens 25k, NREL 50k; 1998-99 Total 298k: Sandia 188k, Siemens 18k, NREL 42k, NASAGRC 50k; 1999-2000 Total 446k: Sandia 160k, NREL 42k, NASAGRC 70k, AFRL (J&T) 67k, RITE 55k, SolarFabrik 6k, AstroPower 6k, UCFPresidential 40k; 2000-01 Total 510k: Sandia 195k, NREL 45k, NASAGRC 80k, AFRL (J&T) 25k, RITE 89k, BPSolar 36k, UCFPresidential 40k. 2001-2002: Total 600k: Sandia 212k, NREL 140k, NASAGRC 30k, AFRL USAF (USRA, J&T) 50k, RITE 106k, BPSolar 20k UCFPresidential 42. 2002-2003: Total 640k: Sandia 225k (stipulated), NREL 140k, NASAGRC 20k, BPSolar 20k, NASA GRC PEC 125k, and Tribological Coatings 110k. Detailed List of Publications Book Chapter: 1. N. G. Dhere, High Tc Superconducting Thin Films, Chapter 1 in "Thin Films for Emerging Applications, Physics of Thin Films" Vol. 16, (M. H. Francombe and J. L. Vossen, eds), Academic Press, (1992), pp. 1-143, (540 references). Other Publications: 142. 141. 140. 139. 138. 137 136. 135. 134. 133. N. G. Dhere, S. R. Ghongadi, M. B. Pandit, A. A. Kadam, A. H. Jahagirdar, and V. S. Gade, “AFM, micro-PL, and PV Analyses of CuIn1-xGaxS2 Thin Films Solar Cells On Stainless Steel Foil” Proc. 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists’ Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, (2002), pp. 876-879. N. G. Dhere, N. R. Raravikar, A. Mikonowicz and C. Cording, “Effect of Glass Na Content on Adhesional Strength of PV Modules” Proc. 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists’ Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, (2002), pp. 231-234. N. G. Dhere, S. R. Ghongadi, M. B. Pandit, and A. H. Jahagirdar, “CIGS2 Thin-Film Solar Cells On Flexible Foils For Space Power” Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol. 10, (2002), pp. 407-416. Proc. 18th NASA Space Power Conference (SPRAT), Cleveland, Ohio, 2001. N. G. Dhere and M. B. Pandit, “Study of Delamination in Acceleration Tested PV Modules” Proc. 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, October 22-26, 2001, pp. 572-575. N. G. Dhere, and M. B. Pandit, “Lightweight CIGS2 Thin-Film Solar Cells On Stainless Steel Foil” Proc. 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, October 22-26, 2001, pp. 2211-2214. N. G. Dhere, S. R. Ghongadi, A. H. Jahagirdar, M. B. Pandit, and A. A. Kadam, “Large-Area, Dual-Chamber Magnetron-Sputtering Unit for Preparation of CIGS Thin Film Solar Cells”, Proc. NCPV Program Review Meeting, Denver, CO, Oct. 15-17, 2001, pp. 234-234. N. G. Dhere, M. B. Pandit, A. H. Jahagirdar, V. S. Gade, A. A. Kadam, S. S. Kulkarni, N. S. Mehta, S. M. Bet, and H. P. Patil, “Overview of PV Module Durability and Long Term Exposure Research at FSEC”, Proc. NCPV Program Review Meeting, Denver, CO, Oct. 15-17, 2000, pp. 313-314. N. G. Dhere, J. A. Turner, A. M. Fernandez, H. Mametsuka, and E. Suzuki, “Photoelectrochemical Characterization of High-Ga Content CIGS2 Thin Films” Proc. Electrochemical Society 2001 Joint International Meeting San Francisco, CA, September 2-7, 2001, # 1117. N. G. Dhere, S. S. Chavan, C. A. Linkous, H. Mametsuka, and E. Suzuki, “Study of Photoelectrochemical Cells for Hydrogen Production by Water Splitting Using CIGS2/CdS Heterojunction” Proc. Electrochemical Society 2001 Joint International Meeting San Francisco, CA, September 2-7, 2001, # 1093. N G. Dhere and S. R. Ghongadi, “CIGS2 Thin Film Solar Cells On Stainless Steel Foil”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 668, San Fransisco, CA, (2001), pp. H3.4.1-H3.4.6. 132. 131. 130. 129. 128. 127 126. 125. 124. 123. 122. 121. 120. 119 118. 115. N G. Dhere, “Solar Power Systems”, an article for Macmillan Reference USA (to be published). N G. Dhere, S. R. Kulkarni, S. R. Ghongadi, and S. S. Chavan, “Materials Aspects of CIGS2 Thin-Film Solar Cells”, Proc. Sharjah Solar Energy Conference, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, February 2001. N. G. Dhere, C. A. Linkous, D. Parker, G. Atmaram, P. Fairey III, and D. L. Block, "Activities and Programs of Florida Solar Energy Center", Proc. Sharjah Solar Energy Conference, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, February 2001. N. G. Dhere, S. R. Kulkarni and S. R. Ghongadi, “PV Characterization of CIGS2 Thin Film Solar Cells”, Proc. 28th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists’ Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 15-22, 2000, pp.1046-1049. M. A. Quintana, D. L. King, F. M. Hosking, J. A. Kratochvil, R. W. Johnson, B. R. Hansen, N. G. Dhere, and M. B. Pandit, “Diagnostic Analysis Of Silicon Photovoltaic Modules After 20-Year Field Exposure”, Proc. 28th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists’ Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 2000, pp. 1420-1423. N. G. Dhere et al, “Study of Physics of Failure of Microelectronic Devices for Application to Durability of PV Modules”, Sandia Tech Brief #: 29, MDRC-09/29/2000. N. G. Dhere et al, “Adhesional Strength and Silicon Cell and Encapsulant Surface Analysis of Kyocera PV Modules Deployed at Albuquerque, NM and Juno Beach, FL”, Sandia Tech Brief #: 28, MDRC-09/29/2000. N. G. Dhere, C. A. Linkous, K. Okada, Y. Ichikawa, T. Choso, T. Ohmori, H. Mametsuka, and E. Suzuki, “Study of Photoelectrochemical Reactions Using CdTe, ZnTe, and CuIn1xGaxSe2 Thin Films” Proc. Solar 2000 ASME Tech. Session, June 16 – 21, 2000, Madison, WI. N. G. Dhere, “PV Module Durability In Hot And Dry Climate”, Proc. 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, UK, during May 1-5, 2000, 1046. N. G. Dhere, S. R. Kulkarni and P. K. Johnson, “Bandgap Optimization Of CIGS2 Space Solar Cells”, Proc. 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, UK, during May 1-5, 2000, pp. 978-981. N. G. Dhere, M. B. Pandit, S. R. Ghongadi, M. A. Quintana, D. L. King, and J. A. Kratochvil, “Twenty Years of Service at NBNM--Analysis of Spectrolab Module”, Proc. NCPV Program Review Meeting, Denver, CO, April 16-19, 2000, pp. 83-84. N. G. Dhere, S. R. Kulkarni and S. R. Ghongadi, System Improvement for Preparation of CuIn1-xGaxS2 Thin Film Solar Cells, Proc. NCPV Program Review Meeting, Denver, CO, April 16-19, 2000, pp. 257-258. N. G. Dhere and N. R. Raravikar, "Adhesional Strength and Surface Analysis of a PV Module Deployed in Harsh Coastal Climate” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 67, (2001), pp 363-367. N. G. Dhere et al, “Adhesional Strength and Encapsulant Surface Analysis of a PV Module Deployed for Twenty Years at Natural Bridges – A Success Story, Sandia Tech Brief #: 27, MDRC-12/12/1999. N. G. Dhere et al, “Comparison of Optical Transmittance Spectra of New Tempered Glass with that of Superstrate Glass Extracted from a Field-Aged PV Module”, Sandia Tech Brief #: 26, MDRC-10/10/1999. N. G. Dhere, S. R. Kulkarni, S. S. Chavan and S. R. Ghongadi, Cu(In,Ga)S2 thin-film solar cells prepared by H2S sulfurization of CuGa-In precursor, Proc. 16th Space 117. 116 115. 114. 113. 112. 111. 110 109 108. 107. 106. 105. 104. 103. Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference (SPRAT XVI), Cleveland, OH, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 1999. N. G. Dhere, “Surface Studies of Field-Aged Cells”, Proc. NCPV Solder-Joint Durability Symposium, Sandia National Laboratories, Feb. 18-19, 1999. N. G. Dhere, “Surface Studies of Field-Aged Cells”, Proc. NCPV Solder-Joint Durability Symposium, Sandia National Laboratories, Feb. 18-19, 1999. N. G. Dhere, “Encapsulant Adhesion and Mechanical Properties Update”, Proc. NCPV Solder-Joint Durability Symposium, Sandia National Laboratories, Feb. 18-19, 1999. N. G. Dhere, K. S. Gadre, N. R. Raravikar, S. R. Kulkarni, P. S. Jamkhandi, M. A Quintana, and D. L. King, “Adhesion measurement and analysis at the cell/encapsulant interface as tools for quality control of PV module manufacture”, NCPV Photovoltaic Program Review, Proceedings of the 15th Conference, Denver, CO, Sept. 1998. AIP Conference Proceedings 462, (1999), pp. 593-598. N. G. Dhere and K. S. Gadre, Comparison of Mechanical Properties of EVA Encapsulant in New and Field-Deployed PV Modules, Proc. 2nd World Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf. Vienna, Austria, July 6-10, 1998, pp. 2214-2217. N. G. Dhere and K. W. Lynn, Band Gap Optimization by Gallium and Sulfur Incorporation in CuIn1-xGaxSe2-ySy Thin Films Prepared by Selenization-Sulfurization Process, Proc. 2nd World Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf. Vienna, Austria, July 6-10, 1998, pp. 1125-1128. N. G. Dhere and K. S. Gadre, "Tensile Testing of EVA in PV Modules", Proc. Int. Solar Energy Conf. Solar Engineering 1998, ASME 1998, Albuquerque, NM, (1998), pp. 491-497. N. G. Dhere et al, “Review of ASTM Standards on Plastics Relevant for PV Module Encapsulants”, Sandia Tech Brief #: 24, MDRC-07/26/1999. N. G. Dhere et al, “Statistical Error Analysis of Adhesional Strength Measurements”, Sandia Tech Brief #: 23, MDRC-07/24/1999. N. G. Dhere et al, “Quality Control of PV Manufacture Using Adhesion Measurement at Si/Encapsulant Interface”, Sandia Tech Brief #: 22, MDRC N. G. Dhere, M. E. Wollam, and K. S. Gadre, "Correlation Between Surface Carbon Concentration And Adhesive Strength At The Si Cell/Eva Interface In A PV Module", Proc. 26th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists' Conference, Anaheim, CA, (1997), pp. 1217-1220. N. G. Dhere, K. S. Gadre, and A. M. Deshpande, "Durability Of Photovoltaic Modules", Proc. 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, (1997), pp. 256-259. N. G. Dhere, Appropriate Materials and Preparation Techniques for Polycrystalline-ThinFilm Thermophotovoltaic Cells, Proc. 3rd TPV Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, 1997, p. 423. K. W. Lynn and N. G. Dhere, Techniques for Increasing Ga in CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Thin Films Prepared by Two-Stage Selenizations Process", AIP Proceedings of the 14th NREL/SNL Photovoltaics Program Review Conference, Lakewood, CO, 1996, pp. 613-619. N. G. Dhere and K. W. Lynn, Gallium Content Enhancement in CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Thin Films Prepared by Two-selenizations Process Using Se Vapor", Proc. 25th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Washington, DC, during May 13-17, 1996, pp. 897-900. 102. 101. 100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94. 93. 92. 91. 90. 89. N. G. Dhere, K. W. Lynn, and H. R. Moutinho, "CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Polycrystalline Thin Film Solar Cells Prepared by a Scalable Two-selenizations Process”, Inaugural address, Proc. Natl Conf. Dev. in Electronic Mat. & Their Appl., Kolhapur, India, March 6-8, 1995 (Invited). N. G. Dhere, "Polycrystalline-Thin-Film Thermophotovoltaic Cells" AIP Proceedings of the 2nd NREL Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity, Colorado Springs, CO July 17-19, 1995, p. 409. N. G. Dhere, "CuIn1-xGaxSe2 and CdTe PV Solar Cells" AIP Conference Proceeding: 13th NREL Photovoltaic Program Review Meeting, Lakewood, CO, May 16-19, 1995, p. 428. N. G. Dhere, K. W. Lynn, and H. R. Moutinho, "CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Polycrystalline Thin Film Solar Cells Prepared by a Scalable Two-selenizations Process, Inaugural address to be published in the Proc. Natl Conf. Dev. in Electronic Mat. & Their Appl., Kolhapur, India, March 6-8, 1995. N. G. Dhere and K. W. Lynn, "CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Thin Film Solar Cells by TwoSelenizations Process Using Se Vapor" Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 41/42, 271-279, (1996). N. G. Dhere, S. Kuttath, K. W. Lynn, R. W. Birkmire, and W. N. Shafarman, "Polycrystalline CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Thin Film PV Solar Cells Prepared by Two-stage Selenization Process Using Se Vapor" Proc. IEEE First World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Waikoloa, Hawaii, during Dec. 5-9, 1994, pp. 190-193. N. G. Dhere, D. L. Waterhouse, K. B. Sundaram, O. Melendez, N. R. Parikh, B. K. Patnaik, "Studies of Chemical Bath Deposited Cadmium Sulfide Films by Buffer Solution Technique", J. Mat. Sci.: Mat. in Electronics, 6, 52-59 (1995). N. G. Dhere, S. Kuttath, and H. R. Moutinho, "Morphology of Precursors and CuIn1xGaxSe2 Thin Films Prepared by Two-Stage Selenization Process", J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. A., 13, 1078-1082 (1995). N. G. Dhere, D. L. Waterhouse, K. B. Sundaram, O. Melendez, N. R. Parikh, and B. K. Patnaik, "Solution-Grown CdS Layers for Polycrystalline-Thin-Film Solar Cells", Proc. 23rd Photovoltaic Specialists' Conference, Louisville, KY, May 10-14, 1993, p. 566. N. G. Dhere and J. V. Santiago, "Computation of Photovoltaic Parameters under Lunar Temperature Variation", Proc. 12th Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference (SPRAT XII), (1992), p. 298. N. G. Dhere, "Polycrystalline-Thin-Film Photovoltaic Solar Cells", Brevard Technical Journal, 2, March (1993), p. 41. N. G. Dhere and J. V. Santiago, "Effect of Lunar and Orbital Temperature Variation on the Efficiency of Single- and Two-Junction Solar Cells", Solar Engineering - 1993, pp. 251-256, ASME Solar Energy Conference, Washington, DC, April 25-28, 1993, American Society for Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY. N. G. Dhere, Factors Affecting Formation of 'in situ' and 110 K Phase Sputtered Bi-based Superconducting Thin Films, "Science and Technology of Thin Film Superconductors" Vol. II, (R. McConnell and R. Noufi, eds), Plenum Press, New York, (1990), p. 23 (Invited). N. G. Dhere and M. S. Khare, Control of Thickness and Composition uniformity in Sputtered Superconducting Thin Films, "Science and Technology of Thin Film 88. 87. 86. 85. 84. 83. 82. 81. 80. 79. 78. 77. 76. 75. Superconductors", Vol. II, (R. McConnell and R. Noufi, eds), Plenum Press, New York, (1990), p. 85. N. G. Dhere, Recent Developments in Thin-Film Solar Cells, Thin Solid Films 194, (1990), p. 757, ("Invited Talk" at the 8th Int. Conf. Thin Films and 17th Int. Conf. Metall. Coatings, San Diego, CA, 1990). N. G. Dhere, A. R. Mason, J. P. Goral, and R.G. Dhere, Effect of Substrate Temperature and RF Biasing on the Composition of Single-Target Sputtered Bi-based Thin Films, Proc. "High Temperature Superconducting Compounds II" (S. H. Whang, A, DasGupta, and R. Laibowitz, eds), Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, TMS, Warrendale, PA, (1989), p. 361. N. G. Dhere, Evolution of High Tc Superconductors and their Thin Films, Vacuum, 39, (1989), p. 617 N. G. Dhere, Present Status of the Development of Bi-based Superconducting Thin Films, Vacuum, 40, (1990), p. 263. "Invited Talk" at 4th Joint Yugoslavian-AustrianHungarian Vacuum Conference, Portoroz, Yugoslavia, (1988). N. G. Dhere, R.G. Dhere and J. Moreland, Effect of Substrate Temperature and Biasing on the Formation of 110 K Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Single Target Sputtered Thin Films, "High Tc Superconducting Thin Films, Devices and Applications", (G. Margaritondo, M. Onellion and R. Joynt, eds), Am. Inst. of Phys. New York, (1989), p. 26. N. G. Dhere, J.P. Goral, A.R. Mason, N.R. Parikh and B.K. Patnaik, Composition Analysis of High Tc Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films by RBS and EPMA, "Science and Technology of Thin Film Superconductors", (R. McConnell and S. Wolf, eds), Plenum Press, New York, (1989), p. 407. N. G. Dhere, R.J. Matson and R.G. Dhere, Effect of the Material Redistribution during Annealing on formation of Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films, "High Temperature Superconducting Compounds: Processing and Related Properties" (S. H. Whang and A, DasGupta eds), Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, TMS, Warrendale, PA, (1989), p. 395. N. G. Dhere, Programmed Substrate Rotation and Scanning for Composition and Thickness Uniformity of Thin Films, presented at Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings, San Diego, CA, (1989). N. G. Dhere, Present Status of the Development of Thin-Film Solar Cells, Vacuum, 39, (1989), p. 743, "Invited Talk", at 1st Iberian Vacuum Conference, Braga, Portugal, (1988). N. G. Dhere, The Development of Solar Photovoltaic Energy in Brazil, "Invited Paper", Solar Cells, 26, (1989), p.13. N. G. Dhere, J.P. Goral, A.R. Mason, R.G. Dhere and R.H. Ono, Single-Target Magnetron Sputter-Deposition of High- Tc Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films, J. Appl. Phys. 64, (1988), p. 5259. N. G. Dhere, Xiaonan Li, T.J. Coutts and N.R. Parikh, Study of Surface Damage in ITO/InP Solar Cells, Vacuum, 38, (1988), p. 753. L. R. O. Cruz, N. G. Dhere, I.G. Mattoso, and C.L. Ferreira, Deposition of In2O3:Sn thin films by reactive evaporation, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 8, (1988), p. 19, (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, Study of High Tc Superconductors - A Review, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 8, (1988), p. 79, (in Portuguese). 74. 73. 72. 71. 70. 69. 68. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. 61. 60. 59. 58. N. G. Dhere, R.G. Dhere and J. Moreland, Deposition of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Thin Films, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 8, (1988), p. 83, (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, C.L. Ferreira, L. R. O. Cruz, L. F. Cruz, and I.G. Mattoso, Fabrication of a Magnetron Sputter Gun, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 8, (1988), p. 87, (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, H.R. Moutinho and R.G. Dhere, Morphology and Electrical Properties of In doped CdS Thin Films, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. (A), 5, (1987), p. 1956. R.G. Dhere, L.R. O. Cruz, and N. G. Dhere, Preparation and Characterization of Transparent and Conducting SnO2:F Thin Films, Proc. Int. Conf. Trends and New Applications of Thin Films, Strasbourg, France, (1987), p.526. X. Wu, T.J. Coutts, R.G. Dhere, T.A. Gessert and N.G. Dhere, InP Based Solar Cells for Space Applications: Reduction of External Losses, Proc. 19th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, (1987), p. 140. N. G. Dhere, P.R.F. Ribas, H.R. Moutinho, A.B. Swartzlander, S.E. Asher, J.P. Goral and L.L. Kazmerski, Quality of CuInSe2 and CdS Thin Films for Solar Cells, Proc. 19th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, (1987), p. 1498. N. G. Dhere, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 7, (1987), p. 77, "Invited Review Paper", (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, L. R. O. Cruz, R.G. Dhere and T. J. Coutts, Properties of ITO Thin Films Magnetron Sputter-deposited on Unheated Substrates, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 7, (1987), p.174, (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, Status Report on the Development of Vacuum Science and Technology in Brazil, News Bulletin of IUVSTA, no.104, (1987), p.7. N. G. Dhere, M.C. Lourenco and R.G. Dhere, Preparation and Characterization of Vacuum Deposited CuInSe2 Thin Films, Solar Cells, 16, (1986), p. 369, "Invited Review Paper". N. G. Dhere, Materials for Optical Memory Discs, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 6, (1986), p. 380," Invited Review Paper", (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, I.G. Mattoso, H.R. Moutinho, L.R. de Oliveira, C.L. Ferreira and R.G. Dhere, Stability of CdS-Cu2S Solar Cells, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 6, (1986), p.245, (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere and R.M.P. Alves, Optimization of Substrate Cleaning Process, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 6, (1986). p.256, (in Portuguese). R. G. Dhere, L.R. de Oliveira and N. G. Dhere, Transparent and Conducting Coatings of SnO2:F, Anais do I Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microelectronica (SBMicro), Campinas, (1986) p. 592. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, Fabrication and Characterization of Thin Films for Solar Cells, Proc. 3rd Joint Hungarian - Austrian - Yugoslavian Vacuum Conference, Debrecen, Hungary, (1985), p. 7, "Invited Talk". N. G. Dhere, M. Cristina Lourenco, R. G. Dhere, L. L. Kazmerski and A. Swartzlander, Study Of Semiconducting Properties of CuInSe2 Thin Films, Proc. II School on Physics of Semiconductors, So Paulo, (1985), p.1035. R. G. Dhere, N. G. Dhere, B.K. Patnaik, G.B. Baptista, C.V.B. Leite and L.L.Kazmerski, Photoluminescence and trace Impurities in CdS Thin Films, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 5, (1985), p.363. (in Portuguese). 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. N. G. Dhere, C.L. Ferreira, I.G. Mattoso, H.R. Moutinho and R.G. Dhere, Contact Grids and Encapsulation for Solar Cells, Proc. 5th Brazilian Symposium on Microelectronics, So Paulo, (1985), p.631. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, H. R. Moutinho and R. G. Dhere, Preparation and study of In doped CdS thin Films, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 5, (1985), p. 313.(in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, H.R. Moutinho and R.G. Dhere, Preparation and Characterization of Doped and Undoped InP Films, Proc. 18th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Las Vegas, (1985), p. 1433. N. G. Dhere, R.G. Dhere and H.R. Moutinho, Preparation and Properties of zinc incorporated indium phosphide thin films, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 4, (1984), p.39. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, R.G. Dhere, L.R. de Oliveira, L.L. Kazmerski, A.B. Schwartzlander and J.R. Dick, Performance and Interface Studies of SnO2:Sb/Si Solar Cells, Proc. 17th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Kissimmee,Fl., (1984), p. 1259. N. G. Dhere, R.G. Dhere, C.L. Ferreira and I.G. Mattoso, Fabrication and Characterization of CdS-Cu2S Solar Cells, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 4, (1984), p. 29 (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, M.C. Lourenco, R.G. Dhere and L.L. Kazmerski, Composition and Structure of CuInSe2 Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Evaporation of the Constituent Elements, Solar Cells, 13, (1984), 59. N. G. Dhere and R.G. Dhere, Compound Semiconductor Solar Cells, Proc. 4th Brazilian Symposium on Microelectronics, So Paulo, (1984), p. 23, (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, "Programmed action for the development of Solar Photovoltaic Conversion" Recommendation Report for Planning of Solar Photovoltaic activities in Brazil, Brazilian National Research Council - CNPq, 1984. N. G. Dhere, C.E. Allevato, R.G. Pereira, W. Losch and B.K. Patnaik, Interdiffusion in Cr-Ag Thin Films, Proc. 9th IVC and 5th ICSS, Madrid, (1983), p. 115. C.E. Allevato, N. G. Dhere, W. Losch, R.G. Perreira and B.K. Patnaik, Interdiffusion in Au-Ag Thin Films, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 3, (1983), p. 213 (in Portuguese). H. R. Moutinho, N. G. Dhere and R. G. Dhere, Deposition of InP thin films for solar cells, Proc. 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Microelectroncs, São Paulo, (1983), p. 343. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, R.G. Dhere, W.H. Bloss, H.W. Schock, E. Bauer and P. Cyrus, Study of Surfaces in (CdZn)S-Cu2S Solar Cells, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 3, (1983), p. 223 (in Portuguese). R. G. Dhere, C. L. Ferreira and N. G. Dhere, Study of Vacuum Deposition of CdS and (CdZn)S layers. Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 3, (1983), p. 201. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, Contact Materials for Semiconductors, Proc. 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Microelectronics, So Paulo, (1982), p. 17, (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere and C.A. Loural, Metastable Structures in Au-Si Thin Films, Thin Solid Films, 81, (1981), p. 213. N. G. Dhere, Thin Film Solar Cells, Rev. Brasil. Apl. Vac., 1, (1981), p. 109. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere and C.A. Loural, Formation of Metastable phase in gold-silicon, Proc 4th CBECIMAT, Florianopolis, (1980), p. 787. (in Portuguese). 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. N.G. Dhere and J.C.S. Oliveira, Study of Vacuum Deposited GaP Thin Films, Proc. 4th CBECIMAT, Florianopolis, (1980), p. 867, (in Portuguese). N.G. Dhere and N.R. Parikh, HEED and EM Study of Epitaxial Cds/InP Films on NaCl, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol., 17, (1980), p. 714. N.G. Dhere, Electronic Materials: Their Documentation by Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction, Proc. 7th Brazilian Colloquium on Electron Microscopy, Rio de Janeiro, (1980), p. 44, "Invited Talk", (in Portuguese). N.G. Dhere and N.R. Parikh, Study of InP Thin Films on NaCl by HEED and TEM, Proc. 8th IVC and 4th ICSS, Cannes, (1980), p. 149. N. G. Dhere and B.K. Patnaik, Interdiffusion and Phase formation in Ti/Au Thin Films, Intl. Summer School on Processes of Thin Film Formation, Fonyod, Hungary, (1980), p. C14. N.G. Dhere, Substrate Surface and Nucleation and Initial Growth of Thin Films, Proc. Latin-American Colloquium on the Physics of Surfaces, Niteroi, (1980), p. 45, " Invited Talk ", (in Portuguese). N.G. Dhere, D.G. Vaiude and W. Losch, Composition and TCR of NiCr Thin Films, Thin Solid Films, 59, (1979), p. 33. N.G. Dhere and N.R. Parikh, Morphology and Semiconducting Properties of Thick CdS Films prepared by Hot Wall Technique, Thin Solid Films, 60, (1979), p. 257. N. G. Dhere and 15 other Experts in Brazil, "Plan Directives for Semiconductors" Recommendation Report for Planning of the Development of Microelectronics activities in Brazil, GEICOM, Brazilian Ministry of Communications, (1979). N. G. Dhere, Basic Concepts of Vacuum Technology in Science and Industry, Technical Report, CPqM-IME-p. 58/78. (in portuguese). N.G. Dhere, Contacts to Semiconductors, Proc. 3rd CBECIMAT, Rio de Janeiro, (1978), P. D.7.1. (in Portuguese). N.G. Dhere and D.G. Vaiude, Resistivity and TCR of Cermet Thin Films, Proc. 3rd CBECIMAT, Rio de Janeiro, (1978), p. D.3.1. (in Portuguese). N.G. Dhere, D.G. Vaiude, B.K. Patnaik and I. Guilhermo Solorzano N., Analysis of Diffusion in the Surface region of Composite Materials by the Ion Backscattering Method, Proc. 3rd CBECIMAT, Rio de Janeiro, (1978), p. D.2.1. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, Solar Cell Materials for Large Scale Terrestrial Applications, Proc. 3rd CBECIMAT, Rio de Janeiro, (1978), p. G.3.1. (in Portuguese) B.K. Patnaik, I.G.S. Naranjo, N. G. Dhere and D.G. Vaiude, Diffusion profiles in Thin Films of Gold in Titanium, Ciencia e Cultura 30, No.7 (1978), p. 209. (in Portuguese Proc. of Brazilian Annual Science Congress). N.G. Dhere and R.R. Avillez, Preparation and Properties of Evaporated InP Films, Proc. 7th IVC and 3rd ICSS, Vienna, (1977), p. 1931. N.G. Dhere, T.P. Arsenio and B.K. Patnaik, The Morphology of Evaporated Aluminium Thick Films and their Purity as Determined by Proton Induced X-Ray Analysis, Thin Solid Films, 44, (1977), p. 29. N.G. Dhere, N.R. Parikh and A. Ferreira, The Structure and Semiconducting Properties of Cadmium Selenide Thin Films, Thin Solid Films, 44, (1977), p. 83. N. G. Dhere and B. K. Patnaik, Thickness Profiles of Composite thin films in Solar Cells, Technical Report, CPqm - IME - p. 50/77. (in Portuguese). 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 09. 08. 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. N. G. Dhere, D.G. Vaiude, B.K. Patnaik, L.E.Q. Samaniego and J.M.F. Jeronymo, Measurement of Thickness of layers in Composite thin films of Gold -Chromium - Mylar by Proton Back-scattering, Metalurgia (ABM), 33, (1977), p. 473. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, D.G. Vaiude, R.H. Leal and R. Carlier Jr., Fabrication of Nichrome Thin Film Resistors for Hybrid Integrated Circuits, Metalurgia (ABM), 33, (1977), p.265. (in Portuguese). B.K. Patnaik, L.E. Samaniego, J.M.F. Jeronymo, N. G. Dhere and D.G. Vaiude, Thickness measurements in Composite Thin Films by the method of Rutherford BackScattering, Ciencia e Cultura 28, no.7 (1976), p.96. (in Portuguese). N.G. Dhere, A. Ferreira and N.R. Parikh, The Effect of the Deposition Rate and the Evaporant Non-Stoichiometry on the Semiconducting Properties of CdSe Films, Thin Solid Films, 36, (1976), p. 133. N.G. Dhere, T.P. Arsenio and B.K. Patnaik, Purity and Morphology of Aluminium Films, Thin Solid Films, 30, (1975), p. 267. B.K. Patnaik and N.G. Dhere, Trace Element Analysis in Thick Targets by Charged Particle Induced X-rays, Nucl. Instr. & Methods, 131, (1975), p. 503. R.R. Avillez and N. G. Dhere, Filamentary Conduction in Aluminium Oxide Thin Films, Rev. Cir. Mil. Eng., 75, (1975), p. S-145. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere and B. K. Patnaik, Depth Profile Analysis of materials by Ion Backscattering, Metalurgia (ABM), 31, (1975), p.673. (in Portuguese). N. G. Dhere, T.P. Arsenio, B.K. Patnaik, F.C.R. Assuncao and A.M. de Souza, Purity and Surface Roughness of vacuum deposited Aluminium Films, Metalurgia, 31, (1975), P.227. (in Portuguese). N.G. Dhere, R.G. Pinheiro and N.R. Parikh, HEED and EM Study of Obliquely Deposited Cadmium Telluride Films, Proc. 6th International Vacuum Congress (IVC) and 2nd International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS), Kyoto, (1974), p. 805. N.G. Dhere, R.G. Pinheiro and N.R. Parikh, Structure and Morphology of Obliquely Deposited CdTe Films, J. Vac. Sci. and Technol., 11, (1974), p.599. R. R. Avillez and N. G. Dhere, Fabrication of Aluminium oxide dielectric layer by anodic oxidation of Aluminium Thin Films in Phosphoric Acid, Proc. 1st CBECIMAT, Rio de Janeiro,(1974), 2, p.815. (in portuguese). N. G. Dhere, A. Ferreira and N. R. Parikh, Effect of heat treatment on CdSe Thin Films in Vacuum, Proc. 1st CBECIMAT, Rio de Janeiro, (1974), 2, p.479. (in Portuguese). N.G. Dhere and A. Goswami, Vapour Phase Deposits of Bismuth Selenide, J. Vac. Sci. and Technol., 9, (1972), p. 523. N.G. Dhere and A. Goswami, Growth of Vapour Phase Deposits of Ag2Se and Ag2Te on Single Crystals, Thin Solid Films, 4, (1970), p. 137. N.G. Dhere, N.R. Parikh and G.H. Sharma, Low TCR Kanthal Films for Hybrid IC's, J. Vac. Sci. and Technol., 7, (1970), p. 588. N. G. Dhere et al, Preparation of printed circuit boards using indegenous materials, Transactions of SAEST, 5, (1970), p. 10. N.G. Dhere and A. Goswami, Growth of Vapour Phase Deposits of Cdse and CdTe on Single Crystal Substrates, Indian J. Pure & Appl. Phys., 7, (1969), p. 368. N.G. Dhere and A. Goswami, An Electron Diffraction Study of Zink Telluride and Zink Selenide Films, Thin Solid Films, 3, (1969), p. 439. 01. N.G. Dhere and A. Goswami, Application of Saw-tooth Wave Generator for Intensity Measurements of Spot Patterns, Indian J. Pure & Appl. Phys., 5, (1967), p. 63.