Abstract - Hiroshima University

Higashi-Hiroshima City Environmental Policy Division
Masaki Hayashi
Waste management system in Higashi-Hiroshima City
In recent years, a lot of people are interested in policies related to waste disposal same
as various environmental problems. I would like to explain 1.definition of the waste as a
basic knowledge in waste disposal 2.roles of municipalities and 3.circumstances of
waste disposal in Higashi-Hiroshima City.
2.Introduction of Environmental Policy Division
3.Related Laws –definition of “wastes”【History of waste management administration】
In 1900: Laws of filth cleaning was legislated for public sanitation.
In 1954: Law of cleaning was legislated. Waste disposal was specified as a duty of
In 1970: Law related to cleaning and waste disposal was legislated. With the economic
growth the amount of wastes increased qualitatively and quantitatively and
the view of “Life Environment Conservation” was specified in addition to
sanitation management.
In 2000: Basic law of realizing recycling-based society was legislated. Basic principals
related to the establishment of recycling-based society were regulated.
【Definition of waste】
the regulation under the「Law related to cleaning and waste disposal」
[What is “wastes”?]
Something unnecessary that cannot be used and given to others. For example, garbage,
large garbage, cinders, sludge, etc.
[General waste and industrial waste]
・Industrial waste
20 kinds of garbage regulated under the law. (Person who takes out the garbage is
responsible for the disposal. Municipalities are managing the disposal.)
・General waste
Waste except for industrial waste. (Municipalities are responsible for the disposal and
4.Problems on the waste disposal -the increase of the amount of garbageIn Higashi-Hiroshima city, because of the transfer of Hiroshima University and the
development of Industrial areas the population is increasing and the amount of garbage
is also increasing. The amount of the garbage by person a day is 1073g(2007).
The increase of the garbage increases the cost of waste disposal and decrease the rest
of capacity of the place for the disposal.
5.Points of waste management administration
1.Reduction of amount
In order to lessen the environmental loads and reduce the cost of waste disposal we
target the amount of garbage under 1000g per person a day.
2.Proper management
We contribute to the environment protection from the pollution and establishment of
the recycling-based society.
6.Ways of waste disposal
【Separation of garbage and garbage collection】
We conduct recycling if garbage is recyclable in order to reduce the place for landfill and
realize recycling-based society. Since the ways of disposal are different in each kind of
garbage we set collection day and ask residents for cooperation for the garbage
separation. City collects the garbage separately and conducts the disposal.
【Introduction of disposal facilities and ways of disposal】
・Kamo Environmental Sanitary Center (Incineration facility・sewage disposal facility)
This facility burns up flammable garbage under the high temperature over 850℃ and
the ash that is not harmful is filled in Kamo Environment Center.
・Kamo Environment Center (Selection of recyclable garbage・compressing facility, Final
disposal facility)
Recyclable garbage is selected, compressed and taken out to factories. Present 2 final
disposal facilities are quite big disposal facilities in Japan and can prevent the pollution
of groundwater by not letting rainwater penetrate the garbage.
7.The Recycle of container packing garbage
Container packing garbage is garbage produced after we take out goods out of the
packing. The ratio of the volume of the garbage is 60% and occupies the great amount of
family garbage. We target the improvement of the rate of recycling and reduction of
garbage by recycling this container packing garbage.
Under the「Law of recycling container packing garbage」the rules of producers,
consumers and municipalities are regulated. (Producers: Recycling the products,
Consumers: Separation of garbage, Municipalities: Separate collection of garbage)
Higashi-Hiroshima City started conducting the disposal and separate collection of
“Recyclable plastics” and “Plastic bottles” under the law of recycling container packing
garbage in June 2008 but a lot of dirty garbage and things untreatable prevent from
improving the quality of disposed garbage.
8.Conclusion -the urgent problemsAs we explained Higashi-Hiroshima City has constructed facilities and regulated
several rules necessary for the reduction and proper disposal of waste. But it is
inevitable for residents to understand the waste management administration and
cooperate with each other and we need to tackle the reduction of the amount of waste
and the realization of recycling-based society.
Environmental Policy Division is tackling the improvement of the quality of
“Recyclable plastics” as an urgent problem and implementing various policies to have
residents think of the waste management through explanatory meetings about
separation of garbage, information in the public relations magazine and so on.