Urinary Incontinence in Amphur Maung Buriram Province Siripong Aegukkatajit MD. Abstract Surveyed of urinary incontinence was done in the villages of 3Tambol in Amphur Maung ,Buriram province during 25-28 January 1999 .The finding were: There were total 291 persons were interviewed which were 102 males and 189 females . 20 persons had urinary incontinence symptom which were 2 males and 18 females . The prevalence rate of urinary incontinence were 7%. Females had significant urinary incontinence symptom more than males(p-value<0.05) Prevalence rate of male group was 2% which ages were 50 years old and 70 years old. Prevalence rate of female group was 10% which the youngest was 23 years old and the oldest was 60 years. They had 4 children were the most of female urinary incontinence and all were couple . Urge incontinence was the most type(70%).). There were16 UI in Tambol Samet and 2UI in the both the restTambol. Urinary incontinence (UI) was embarrassing condition in most common health problems,especially in elderly women;they also occur frequently in men1 . Definition of UI had several definitions in the reviewed literature. Diokno et al.defined incontinence as "any uncontrolled urine loss in the prior 12 months without severity(definition1)2. Thomas et al. used a definition of incontinence that includes information regarding the number of incontinence episodes (more than two in a month) (definition 2)3. In 1976,the International Continence Society(ICS) definded incontinence as "a condition in which involuntary loss of urine is a social or hygienic problem and is objectively demonstrable"(definition 3)4. Quantity or frequence of urine loss are not within the scope of this definition . Classification of incontinence types were : 1. Incontinence being a symptom taken from medical history , 2. Incontinence being a sign obtained during clinical examination with physical provocation, and 3. Incontinence being a urodynamically proven condition According to the ICS terminology, stress incontinence is "involuntary urethral loss of urine when the intravesical pressure exceeds the maximimal urethral pressure but in the abscend of detrusor activity usually associated with coughing, laughing, sneezing, or physical exercise. Urge incontinence is characterized by urge associated with an involuntary loss of urine which may be subdivided into motor urge incontinence ,in which uninhibited detrusor contractions are associated with the sensation of urge ,and sensory urge incontinence, in which the sensation of urge is not associated with such contractions. Material and method Surveyed of urinary incontinence was done in the 3 Tambols of Amphur Maung ,Buriram province during 25-28 January 1999 , The persons were interviewed by random in 3 Tambols, age between 15-70 years old . which diagnosis of incontinence by interviewed of the UI symptom taken from the randomized target persons . The studied include age ,sex,marriage status ,number of children they had,symptom of incontinence (stress or urge) .This study perceived and classified incontinence only by symptom from the questionnaires and no investigation were used for the confirmation. Result There were total 291 survey populations were interviewed which were 102 males and 189 females .The youngest was 16 years old and the oldest was 72 years old 20 survey populations had urinary incontinence symptom which were 2 males and 18 females . The prevalence rate of urinary incontinence was 7%. Females had significant urinary incontinence symptom more than males(p-value<0.05) . Urge incontinence was the most type(70%). Prevalence rate of male group was 2% which ages were 50 years old and 70 years old. Prevalence rate of female group was 10% which the youngest was 23 years old and the oldest was 60 years old. They had 4 children were the most of female urinary incontinence and all were couple. Tambol Sawaigic was interviewed 72 persons(25%) and had 2 UI . Tambol Easan was interviewed 58 persons(20%) and had 2 UI. Tambol Samet was interviewed 161persons(55%)and had 16UI. Table 1. Age group and sex of UI and prevalence rate Age group Number of persons Total Urinary incontinence 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69 70 to 79 Total Male 3 11 29 19 33 5 2 102 Female persons 2 5 33 44 65 94 50 69 34 67 5 10 0 2 189 291 Prevalence rate of UI Male 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 Female 0 1 4 9 3 1 0 18 10 Total UI 0 1 4 9 4 1 1 20 7 Table 2. Number of children they had with UI Number of Male Female children UI+ UIUI+ UI0 0 18 1 19 1 0 12 1 22 2 0 14 0 36 3 0 22 4 45 4 0 11 5 21 5 0 10 4 10 6 2 6 1 8 7 0 3 0 4 8 0 3 1 3 9 0 1 0 2 10 0 0 1 0 11 0 0 0 1 Total 2 100 18 171 Both UI+ 1 1 0 4 5 4 3 0 1 0 1 0 20 total(%) UI37 34 50 67 32 20 14 7 6 3 0 1 38 (13) 35 (12) 50 (17) 71 (24) 37 (13) 24 (8) 17 (6) 7 (2) 7 (2) 3 (1) 1 (0) 1 (0) 271 291 (100) Table 3. status and sex of UI Status Male UI+ Single 0 Couple 2 Divorce 0 Widowhood 0 Total 2 Female UI- UI+ Both UI- UI+ Total(%) UI- 7 91 2 0 0 18 0 0 11 147 5 8 0 20 0 0 18 238 7 8 18 (6) 258 (89) 7 (2) 8 (3) 100 18 171 20 271 291 (100) Table 4. Type of urinary incontinence and sex Type of UI Male Female Total(%) Urge UI. Stress UI 2 0 12 6 14(70) 6(30) Total 2 18 20(100) Table 5. Tambol and sex of UI Tambol Male UI+ UISwaigic 1 33 Easan 0 22 Samet 1 45 Female UI+ 1 2 15 UI37 34 100 UI+ 2 2 16 UI_ 70 72 (25) 56 58 (20) 145 161 (55) Total 18 171 20 271 291 (100) 2 100 Both Total Discussion Urinay incontinence is a commond condition if we asked the patients for this symptom . The reported prevalences ranging from 4.5% to 53% for female incontinence and from 1.6% to 24% for male incontinence1. This report the total prevalence rate of urinary incontinence was 7%. The most age group of UI was 40-49 years old which had 9 UI (table 1)Female had significant urinary incontinence symptom more than male (pvalue<0.05). Prevalence rate of male group was 2% which ages were 50 years old and 70 years old. Prevalence rate of female group was 10 % which the youngest was 23 years old and the oldest was 60 years old. They had 4 children were the most of female urinary incontinence (table 2)and all were couple (table 3). Urge incontinence was the most type (70%)(table4). There were16 UI in Tambol Samet and 2UI in the both the restTambol(table 5). Acknowledge The author thanked for the kindness of the director of Buriram hospital Dr Pramote Suchinpram to supported this reserch. Reference 1. Hampel C, Wienhold D, Benken N,Eggersmann C,and Thuorff JW:Definition of overactive bladder and epidemiology of urinary incontinence. Urology 1997;50 (suppl 6A):4-14 2. Diokno AC,Brock BM,Brown MB,and HerzogAR:Prevalence of urinary incontinence and other urologicl symptoms in the noninstitutionalized elderly . J Urol 1986;136:1022-5 3. Thomas TM,Plymat KR,Blanni J,and Meade TW:Prevalence of urinary incontinence. Br Med J 1980;281:1243-5 4. International Continence Society:First report on the standardisation of terminology of lower urinary tract function. Br J Urol 1976;48:39-42 ภาวะปัสสาวะเล็ดราดในอาเภอเมือง จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ ศิริพงษ์ เอกัคคตาจิต พบ. โรงพยาบาลบุรีรัมย์ สำรวจภำวะปั สสำวะเล็ดรำดของประชำชนในหมู่บำ้ นของอำเภอเมือง จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ โดยสอบถำมอำกำรปั สสำวะเล็ดรำด ระหว่ำงวันที่ 25-28 มกรำคม 2542 พบว่ำ ผูต้ อบแบบสอบถำมจำนวนทั้งหมด 291คน เป็ นผูช้ ำย 102 คน ผูห้ ญิง189 คน มีอำกำรปัสสำวะเล็ดรำด 20คน คิดเป็ น 7%เป็ นผูช้ ำย 2 คน ผูห้ ญิง 18 คน ผูห้ ญิงมีอำกำรปั สสำวะเล็ดรำดมำกกว่ำผูช้ ำยอย่ำง มีนยั สำคัญ(p-value<0.05) ส่ วนมำกเป็ น urge incontinence(70%) ในกลุ่มผูช้ ำยปั สสำวะเล็ดรำดคิดเป็ น 2% อำยุ50ปี และ70ปี ในกลุ่มผูห้ ญิงปั สสำวะเล็ดรำดคิดเป็ น 10% พบว่ำอำยุนอ้ ยที่สุด23ปี อำยุมำกที่สุด60ปี มีลูก4คนมำกที่สุด สถำนภำพสมรสคู่ท้ งั หมด