The Facts About Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and Weight Loss
Human growth hormone (HGH) is produced by the pituitary gland. HGH helps children to grow
by stimulating production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and also assists in tissue repair,
muscle growth, brain function, and metabolism. The most HGH is produced during adolescence,
and less is produced with age. Obese people have lower levels of HGH than people of normal
Exogenous HGH
Some people have a real hormonal imbalance and are deficient in HGH. These people use
exogenous HGH to improve bone and muscle status, and to decrease body fat. However, weight
loss does not result even in people who are deficient. HGH also is used in people with AIDSrelated muscle wasting and people who are undergoing organ transplant.
Internet availability
HGH is only effective when it is injected and is only available by prescription. Any form of
HGH purchased online is possibly contaminated or mixed with another substance, making it
potentially very dangerous. The US Food and Drug administration has issued many warning
letters to companies falsely advertising the benefits of HGH. Some physicians have had their
licenses revoked and have received fines for using HGH for unapproved purposes. Many people
are advocating for HGH to become a class III drug, which would require anyone manufacturing
it to register with the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
Not for weight loss
In 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine denounced a study previously published and
stated that no research since publication of this small study had proven any correlation between
HGH use and weight loss. That one small study still is improperly used for advertising HGH.
The American Association of Endocrinologists has, likewise, warned against the use of HGH for
weight loss.
The risks
HGH is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for weight loss, and it is banned
from all major sports competitions. No long-term studies of the safety of HGH exist. In addition,
use of HGH can:
 Worsen insulin resistance
 Cause a healthy person who uses injectable HGH to experience muscle and joint pain, as well
○ Carpal tunnel syndrome
○ Soft tissue edema
○ Behavioral changes
○ Gynecomastia
 Increase the risk of developing cancer, diabetes, and heart disease
In fact, some research has shown that mice with the lowest levels of HGH live the longest.
References and recommended readings
Barrett S. Growth hormone schemes and scams. Available at: Accessed May 24, 2010.
Newsvine, Inc. Call for crackdown on docs who peddle HGH. Available at: Accessed May 24, 2010.
Zelman KM. The truth about HGH: can human growth hormone help you burn fat and build
muscle? Available at:
Accessed May 24, 2010.
Review Date 7/10