genome bp

ChmE355 Autumn06
Homework 3
Due Oct. 9, 2006 2:30 pm
Possible Resources:
Read up on the Human Genome Project and answer the following questions. These are good
resources: (What is the HGP?) (What was learned?)
What are the goals of the HGP?
identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA,
determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA,
store this information in databases,
improve tools for data analysis,
transfer related technologies to the private sector, and
address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project.
How many base pairs are in a human genome?
3164.7 million base pairs (=3.1647 billion base pairs)
About how many genes are in a human genome?
Answers vary, about 25,000-35,000
What % of the genome encodes proteins?
What does the rest of the genome encode?
Nothing! The rest of the genome is non-coding, including junk DNA that makes up about 50% of
genome. This junk DNA is repetitive sequence that may be important structurally and may be
involved in reorganizing and reshaping the genome.
About how many base pairs are different between you and another unrelated individual of the
same gender?
Answer varies, generally thought to be 1.4 million bp, but some believe up to 10 million bp.
If calculated using fact that genomes between individuals are about 99.9% the same:
3164.7 million bp* .1%=3164.7*.001=3.1647 million bp
About what % of the total genome is this difference?
If answered 1.4 million bp above, 0.044% (1.4 million/3164.7 million=.00044=.044%)
If using fact that 99.9% is the same, .1%
(OPTIONAL): Write down one topic or issue with regard to this homework assignment that
either confused you or that you wondered about.