MTT Guided Reading Questions

Name _________________________________________________________ Class _______
Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure
Directions: Remember to restate the question in your answers and SHOW PROOF!!
My Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure Book Number ___________________
Chapter 1 – “The First Egyptian Mummies” pgs. 1-11
1. What is a mummy?
2. From the description on page 3, sketch an early Egyptian grave. Show
the body’s position, added items, and the materials used to cover the
grave. Label all added items and cover materials.
3. What two climatic conditions sometimes create mummies naturally?
Circle the one found in Egypt.
Name _________________________________________________________ Class _______
Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure
Directions: Remember to restate the question in your answers and SHOW PROOF!!
4. What changes were made to the early graves of the Egyptian
rulers and their families? Why did these changes turn out to be a
mistake? (See rubric)
Rubric for Question #4 – This question will be your essay question on the Test.
List 4 changes and the effects (5 sentences)
List 3 changes and the effects (4 sentences)
List 2 changes and the effects (3 sentences)
List 1 change and the effect (2 sentences)
List either a change or effect (1 sentence)
No Answer
Name _________________________________________________________ Class _______
Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure
Directions: Remember to restate the question in your answers and SHOW PROOF!!
Chapter 3 – “How a Mummy Was Made” pgs. 29-46
1. What did early Egyptians discover they could do before burial to
avoid the decaying of bodies?
2. Number these steps, 1-11, for making a mummy.
_____ Coat the body inside and out with natron.
_____ Wrap the body with strips of linen in many layers.
_____ Sew up the body after it is all dried out.
_____ Cut open the abdomen and remove the organs.
_____ Dry the body on a slanted board for 35-40 days.
_____ Coat the body with oil and resin.
_____ Write the dead person’s name on the ends of the bandages.
_____ Remove the brain.
_____ Plug the nostrils with wax and pack the mouth with linen.
_____ Pack the abdominal cavity with more natron and fresh spices wrapped in
_____ Dry the organs and place in separate containers.
3. How long did the mummification process take?
4. How do we know such details about the mummification process?
Name _________________________________________________________ Class _______
Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure
Directions: Remember to restate the question in your answers and SHOW PROOF!!
Chapter 4 – “The Mummy’s Tomb” pgs. 47-62
1. Draw an illustration of the following:
Step Pyramid
2. Early graves were covered with _____________________________to keep
jackals from digging them up. Later, other structures were built above
graves. First was the _____________________________,a low, flat structure
with sloped sides. Next, Imhotep created the ___________________________
for King Zoser. Later, a large, _____________________________ shaped
structure was used.
3. What is the Great Sphinx?
4. Who built most of the pyramids, and how were they paid?
5. Who was the only female pharaoh of the New Kingdom?
Name _________________________________________________________ Class _______
Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure
Directions: Remember to restate the question in your answers and SHOW PROOF!!
Chapter 5 – “The Mummy’s Afterlife” pgs. 63-75
1. What does the author, Perl, mean when she states, “The long
(funeral) procession must have made one think of moving day.”?
2. How did the men and women behave during the period of mourning for
the dead?
3. List items in the diet of ancient Egyptians. Put an asterisk * by those items
eaten by both the rich and the poor.
4. What is the Rosetta Stone? Who found it and when? Why was it such an
important discovery?
5. Define the word Shabtis - _______________________________________________
Name _________________________________________________________ Class _______
Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure
Directions: Remember to restate the question in your answers and SHOW PROOF!!
Chapter 6 – “The Mummy’s Treasure and the Tomb Robbers” pgs. 77-95
1. Eventually, the Egyptians stopped building pyramids and hid the
graves of the wealthy far below the ground in the Valley of the
Kings. Name three ways robbers were able to locate the entrances.
2. Give two reasons why the graves were robbed.
3. Why is King Tutankhamen considered both an important king and an
unimportant king?
4. Who discovered his tomb and when? Why had it not been discovered
Name _________________________________________________________ Class _______
Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure
Directions: Remember to restate the question in your answers and SHOW PROOF!!
Chapter 7 – “The Last of the Mummies” pgs. 97-112
1. What happened in Egypt in the year 640 AD?
2. How were the ancient Egyptians’ religious beliefs and mummification
affected by this change?