
Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
Name: _________________________________ (
Date: __________________
Class: _____
Time: ___________ - ___________
Weather conditions:
Site 1
Sai Kung Town Centre
Geographical enquiry questions:
1.1 What is the spatial pattern of the high-order restaurants in the Sai Kung Town Centre?
What factor is the most important in explaining the spatial pattern?
Refer to the map of Sai Kung below and your field observation, and answer the questions.
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
P. 1
(a) Name some examples of the high-order restaurants found in the Sai Kung Town Centre. Suggest
some indicators (criteria) to help you distinguish these high-order restaurants from other
restaurants in the studied area.
(b) What are the common characteristics of these high-order restaurants?
(c) (i)
Colour the high-order restaurants found in the studied area on the map on Page 1.
Describe the spatial pattern of the high-order restaurants in the Sai Kung Town Centre.
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
P. 2
(d) (i)
What are the factors explaining the spatial pattern of the high-order restaurants in the Sai
Kung Town Centre? How does each of these factors explain the pattern?
Which factor is the most important in explaining the spatial pattern? Justify your answer.
(iii) What do you need to collect further on the field in order to make a sound justification?
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
P. 3
Site 2
Yim Tin Tsai
Geographical enquiry questions:
2.1 How do/did humans make use of Yim Tin Tsai? From what evidence do you know it?
2.2 What are the characteristics of the settlements on Yim Tin Tsai? Why do they have these
2.3 Why did the Hakka villagers choose to settle and develop salt farms on Yim Tin Tsai?
What are its locational advantages for developing human settlements and salt farming?
2.4 Should the Hong Kong government preserve the site of Yim Tin Tsai as a heritage?
Refer to the map of Yim Tin Tsai below and your field observation, and answer the questions.
(a) Describe the human use of Yim Tin Tsai with relevant map or on-site evidence.
Human use
Human use
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
P. 4
(b) Account for the characteristics of the settlements on the island.
Description of the characteristics
(c) Explain the locational advantages of Yim Tin Tsai for human settlements and salt farming.
For salt farming
For human settlements
Description of the locational advantages
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
P. 5
(d) Do you think the Hong Kong government should preserve the site of Yim Tin Tsai as a heritage?
Arguments for – Should preserve
Arguments against – Should not preserve
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
P. 6
Site 3
Sharp Island
Geographical enquiry questions:
3.1 What are the coastal landform features found on Sharp Island? What are their common
and respective characteristics? What is the main natural agent leading to their formation?
What are the favourable conditions at Sharp Island for the work of the natural agent?
Refer to the colour map of Sai Kung and your field observation, and answer the questions.
(a) Identify two coastal landform features found along the route on Sharp Island. Draw a sketch for
each of the coastal landform features.
Title: A sketch of __________________ on Sharp Island
Title: A sketch of __________________ on Sharp Island
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
P. 7
(b) Compare and contrast the characteristics of the two coastal landform features.
(c) (i)
What is the main natural agent leading to the formation of the coastal landform features?
Explain briefly how the work of the natural agent helps forming these landform features.
With reference to any one of the above coastal landform features, describe the favourable
conditions at Sharp Island for the work of the natural agent to form the landform feature.
Support your answer with relevant map evidence.
Favourable conditions
Map evidence
HKDSE Geography Pre-Secondary 4 Fieldwork Investigation at Sai Kung
P. 8