First year Nursing unit, NSB113 Diversity & Health: An Introduction to Indigenous & Multicultural Perspectives: essay Developed by Dr Leonie Cox and Moira Cordiner Synopsis of the task and its context Leonie wanted to do a criteria sheet for a QUT unit that had not been revised using CRA principles. New objectives were developed that still linked to the existing objectives. These new objectives informed the criteria for this task, thus the criteria were still aligned to the old objectives (as in the table below). This exercise demonstrates that you can develop criteria sheets that relate to objectives, even when these objectives are flawed and/or unmanageable in number. In this task, students are required to identify and discuss the personal factors (cultural, religious, ethnic, and individual) and systemic factors (related to the health care system) that may make it difficult to provide culturally safe nursing care to clients and their families. Students are given a structure to follow with instructions for what is required in each section including number of words, to make a total of 1000 words. Students are told that they are to draw on the prescribed textbook as well as locate and use several research sources (journal articles/books). These sources are to be cited using a recognized style of referencing. Match between objectives/learning outcomes and criteria for the task Objectives (unrevised) Task-specific criteria On completion of this unit you should be able to: To complete this task you should: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of theories of the construction of cultural identities, of your own cultural positioning (within your family, your community and the Australian context in general) and of health care facilities as sites of social construction 1. Demonstrate knowledge of models of nursing care 2. Identify and describe the dominant values, assumptions and processes which have shaped health and nursing care in Australia (combines objectives 1-5) 3. Demonstrate an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and contemporary issues and how they relate to health care 4. Demonstrate an understanding of historical, social and policy issues impacting on the health and wellbeing of immigrant Australians 5. Demonstrate an understanding of diverse perspectives on health and wellness within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and multicultural contexts 6. Describe principles that promote culturally appropriate nursing care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people from multicultural backgrounds 2. Apply the principles of culturally safe nursing care 7. Understand how to interact in a culturally safe manner with people from diverse backgrounds and lifestyles 8. Reflect critically on your own beliefs and values in relation to the issues presented throughout the unit, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives (combines objectives 6, 7 and 8 ) 3. Communicate in academic writing 1 Criteria sheet criteria Demonstrate knowledge of models of nursing care 30% of the unit HD (High Distinction) DN (Distinction) NN (Fail) In your essay, you: In your essay, you: In your essay, you: In your essay, you: demonstrated thorough knowledge of models of nursing care by: demonstrated extensive knowledge of models of nursing care by: demonstrated knowledge of models of nursing care by: demonstrated partial knowledge of models of nursing care by: made simplistic statements about nursing care that had vague connections to the essay topic defining in detail the two models of nursing care identifying all the major differences between them weighting 1/3 PP (Pass) In your essay, you: weighting 1/3 Apply the principles of culturally safe nursing care CR (Credit) consistently and correctly identifying most of the major differences between them consistently and correctly, defining the two models of nursing care outlining aspects of the two identifying some major differences between them identifying some differences between them correctly applied the models of nursing care took account of some applied the principles of culturally safe nursing care by: for the most part, applied the principles of culturally safe nursing care by: principles of culturally safe nursing care by: principles of culturally safe nursing care by: thoroughly analysing and evaluating personal factors that could cause difficulties in nursing care, supported by relevant examples three important systemic factors supported by relevant examples thoroughly analysing and evaluating personal factors that could cause difficulties in nursing care, supported by relevant examples three important systemic factors supported by relevant examples analysing and evaluating personal factors that could cause difficulties in nursing care, supported by relevant examples three systemic factors supported by relevant examples making broad generalisations about personal factors supported by systemic factors supported by some examples explaining in detail how explaining in detail how explaining how these making broad these factors cause difficulties these factors cause difficulties suggesting realistic suggesting realistic implications that the model of cultural safety has for nursing practice implications that the model of cultural safety has for nursing practice factors cause difficulties suggesting some realistic implications that the model of cultural safety has for nursing practice 1 generalisations about the causes of difficulties suggesting some implications that the model of cultural safety has for nursing practice used stereotypical examples about cultural groups provided quotes rather than explaining how these factors cause difficulties or suggesting implications Criteria sheet criteria Communicate in academic writing 30% of the unit HD (High Distinction) DN (Distinction) CR (Credit) PP (Pass) NN (Fail) In your essay, you: In your essay, you: In your essay, you: In your essay, you: In your essay, you: logically and succinctly logically structured the structured the content to partially structured the made some statements structured the content to create a coherent essay by: content to create a coherent essay by: using formal academic language create an essay that had coherent sections by: content into loosely-linked rudimentary paragraphs by: that occasionally related to the topic by: mostly using formal sometimes using formal academic language using only informal mostly following the occasionally using the academic language weighting 1/3 consistently adhering to the English conventions of grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling accurately and consistently adhering to either APA or Harvard referencing conventions, in both the text and the reference list explicitly acknowledging all sources throughout the essay mainly adhering to the English conventions of grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling mostly following the English conventions of grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling English conventions of grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling almost always accurately accurately following, for the following some of either and consistently adhering to either APA or Harvard referencing conventions, in both the text and the reference list most part, either APA or Harvard referencing conventions in both the text and the reference list explicitly acknowledging most sources throughout the essay acknowledging most sources throughout the essay Marker’s comments 2 APA or Harvard referencing conventions in both the text and the reference list acknowledging some sources throughout the essay language English conventions of grammar, punctuation, spelling occasionally referencing a source of information acknowledging some sources in your writing