Under Article 47 of the Law on Chambers of Health Professionals no. 04 / L-150, Article 20.1, 20.4 and 22 of the Statute of the Chamber of Pharmacists of Kosovo, the Assembly of the Chamber of Pharmacists of Kosovo in meeting held on 11.09.2015 approved the following: CODE OF ETHICS FOR PHARMACISTS I. General Provisions I.1 Code of Ethics for pharmacists: Code of ethics for pharmacists is revised in order to reflect changes in legislation, changes in regulating the work of health professionals (the establishment of the Chamber of Pharmacists), new developments in the field pharmaceuticals and the need for provision of pharmaceutical services based on standards of professional competence. I.2 Introduction: The pharmacist as health professional has the knowledge, skills and ability required for the management and use of medicaments, enabling the provision of better service to the pharmaceutical potential. Pharmacist profession involves the preparation of drugs, drug supply management and advice, providing information about Medicaments and monitoring the use of drugs by patients. Pharmacist in providing pharmaceutical services ensures that the patient is always at the center and be an active part of the decision. I.3 Code of Ethics Implementation of Code of Ethics is mandatory. Professional and personal conduct of registered pharmacists will be sanctioned based on the provisions of this code. Registered pharmacist must adhere to rules set by code no matter who performs the work. Misconduct, even when not directly related to occupational or non-implementation of the rules set source could jeopardize the registration of pharmacists. In cases of violations they will be addressed by the Council of Ethics of the Chamber, which will consider the circumstances of individual cases before deciding on the measures. II. The provisions of the Code of Ethics Point 1 - The patient at the center of focus of pharmacist Pharmacist first priority is the health and welfare of the patient Duties: 1.1. Pharmacist during its work is always at the service of patients 1.2. Pharmacist using his professional knowledge will provide care and services consistently and with respect to the patient 1.3. Pharmacist through communication skills will identify patients with specific needs and will provide care and services based on the needs identified. 1.4. The pharmacist will identify the risks of possible damage that may accrue to the patient from using drugs and will act towards eliminating the damage. 1.5. The pharmacist will be actively promote the health and welfare of the patient Point 2 - Respect for the rights of the patient, his integrity and freedom of choice The patient has the right to be involved in decisions about treatment and care taken against him Duties: 2.1. The pharmacist should respect the patient's right and his decision regarding the treatment 2.2. The pharmacist must take the necessary steps for effective communication with the patient and adjust the mode of communication with the patient's needs 2.3. Pharmacist should clarify to patient regarding possible options of treatment or care, including the risks and benefits in order to enable the patients the reasonable choice 2.4. The pharmacist has to preserve and respect the confidentiality of information provided about the patient 2.5. The pharmacist should not be included in the agreement or business deal which would prejudice the right of the patient to the treatment selection or health care Point 3 - Professional decisions in the interests of patient Professional decision should be based on evidence, existing protocols and the financial impact that the decision will have on patient Duties: 3.1. Pharmacist must act in the best interest of the patient 3.2. Pharmacist during professional decision should not be influenced in any way by a personal or financial interest 3.3. Pharmacist should use all possible resources available to provide professional service 3.4. Pharmacist to intervene and communicate with other health professionals when identifying potential problems that would threaten the successful treatment or patient care 3.5. Pharmacist in emergency circumstances should take the necessary steps to provide assistance to the patient and within the professional competence. Point 4 - The development of the profession and continuing professional education The pharmacist must be dedicated to the development and advancement of the profession and will take care of continuing professional education of its own Duties: 4.1. The pharmacist should actively participate in the development and advancement of the profession 4.2. The pharmacist should support the activities related to the development and advancement of the profession 4.3. The pharmacist should identify and address their and others needs in continuing professional development. Point 5 - Cooperation and Responsibilities The pharmacist as health professional must ensure effective cooperation with health professionals other areas and be ready to take responsibility for the work done Duties: 5.1. The pharmacist should communicate and cooperate with colleagues from the same profession and other health professions to ensure better treatment or patient care 5.2. The pharmacist must take responsibility for the work performed by him or by a person under his direct supervision 5.3. The pharmacist must ensure that his actions or behavior will not impede the professional work of others 5.4. The pharmacist must ensure that the workplace have written procedures and possible complaints and notify the parties. 5.5. The pharmacist should react when identifying the procedures, working conditions or professional performance that adversely affects the safety or health of the patient. Point 6 - Promotion of public trust towards pharmacists and care for the reputation of the profession The pharmacist as a member of a respectful and privileged profession will work and act in a manner that will ensure full confidence of the patient and maintain the reputation of the profession Duties: 6.1. The pharmacist must act with honesty and integrity 6.2. The pharmacist would not use his professional position in order to exploit the lack of knowledge of others 6.3. The pharmacist must in open, honest and timely response to complaints and criticism 6.4. The pharmacist will avoid the possibility of conflict of interest and would announce it in all cases 6.5. The pharmacist will buy, sell or promote only those products for which it is sure that the products meet the legal criteria. 6.6. The pharmacist will ensure that the patient or customer will not have access and opportunity to have physical contact with drugs that are prescribed and that are exposed in the pharmacies. 6.7. Pharmacist in any case will not act in that way that could be considered as a promotion of drugs overuse.