EPC Exhibit 133-8.1 March 25, 2010 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS


EPC Exhibit 133-8.1

March 25, 2010


Dewey Section

To: Caroline Kent, Chair

Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee

Cc: Members of the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee

Karl E. Debus-López, Chief, U.S. General Division

From: Joan S. Mitchell, Editor in Chief

Winton E. Matthews, Consulting Assistant Editor

Dewey Decimal Classification

OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

Re: Standard subdivisions: Ripple effects of revised rules in Table 1

This exhibit includes an update to the introductory matter at the beginning of Table 1, plus substantial changes to the references, instructions, and content associated with the three internal add tables in Table 1.

On further reflection, we decided to move the note about the special nature of Table 1 add table notation that we had originally planned to include only in the introduction to Table 1 to each of the table records with add tables. Also, to eliminate any confusion about the nature of the special notation, we removed the instruction to follow the table of preference at the beginning of Table 1 and instead introduced a table of preference preceding each add table.

Changes are indicated by strikethroughs and underlining.

The following notation is never used alone, but may be used as required with any regular schedule number, e.g., workbooks (--076 in this table) in arithmetic (513): 513.076. When adding to a number from the schedules, always insert a decimal point between the third and fourth digits of the complete number. Unless other instructions are given, the terminal zeros in a main class or division number should be dropped before adding a standard subdivision, e.g., journals (--05 in this table) in mathematics (510 minus the final zero): 510.5. (Full instructions on the use of standard subdivisions are found in the Introduction to the Dewey Decimal


Standard subdivisions should be added only when the work in hand covers the whole, or approximately the whole, subject of the number in the schedules

When standard subdivision notation from Table 1 is listed in Tables 2 through 6 and in the schedules, all of its the notation’s notes and subdivisions as given in this table are applicable unless other instructions are givenmay be used. Other Table 1 notation that is not listed in the schedules may also be used. For example, the fact that 610.7, but not 610.8 or the subdivisions of

610.7, is listed does not exclude the use of 610.71 610.8 or 610.71610.8

Do not add one standard subdivision to another standard subdivision unless specificallyspecially instructed. Standard subdivisions may be added to special notation listed in the regular standard subdivision sequence, to subdivisions of –04 Special topics where specifically listed in the schedules, and to displaced standard subdivisions wherever they appear. Numbers in the schedules that look as though they were built with notation from this table but are outside the regular sequence of standard subdivisionshave headings with a broader or different meanings are not considered "standard" subdivisions. Hence notation from Table 1 may be added to such schedule numbers

Never use more than one zero in applying a standard subdivision unless instructed to do so. If more than one zero is needed, the number of zeros is always indicated in the schedules. If the 0 subdivisions of a number in a schedule are used for special purposes, use notation 001-009 for standard subdivisions; if the 00 subdivisions also are used for special purposes, use notation

0001-0009 for standard subdivisions




Class here models (simulations), operations research

Add to base number —011 the numbers following 003 in 003.1–003.8, e.g., computer modeling and simulation —0113, forecasting and forecasts —0112; however, for forecasts concerning a specific group of people see

—081–089, plus notation 01 from table under —08, e.g., forecasts concerning retired people —0869601; for short term forecasts (ten years or less) in a specific historical period, see —0901–0905, plus notation 01 from table under —0901–

0905, e.g., forecasts for 2000–2010

—09051101; for forecasts in a specific continent, country, locality, see

—093–099, plus notation 01 from table under —093–099, e.g., forecasts for

United States —097301

Class models (simulations) in study and teaching in —078

See Manual at 510, T1—0151 vs. 003, T1—011



Museums, collections, exhibits

Class here festivals [ formerly —079], exhibitions, fairs; catalogs, lists regardless of whether or not articles are offered for sale; guidebooks, history and description

Add to base number —074 notation 1–9 from Table 2 for the area in which museums, collections, exhibits are found, e.g., museums in Pennsylvania —

074748, festivals in New York City —0747471

Class comprehensive works on museology of a subject in —075; class interdisciplinary works on museums, collections, exhibits in 069; class interdisciplinary works on festivals in 394.26; class interdisciplinary works on exhibitions, fairs in 907.4

For collections of books and related informational materials in specific subjects, see 016. For collections representing a specific time period, see the period in —0901–0905, plus notation 074 from table under —0901–0905, e.g., collections from 19th century —09034074; for collections representing areas, regions, places in general, see the specific area, region, place in —091, plus notation 074 from table under —093–099, e.g., collections from

Mediterranean region

—091822074; for collections representing specific continents, countries, localities, see the specific continent, country, locality in

—093–099, plus notation 074 from table under —093–099, e.g., collections of Brazilian objects —0981074, collections of Brazilian objects in

Pennsylvania —0981074748

See Manual at T1—074 vs. T1—029


—08 Groups of people

Class here discrimination, group identity, minorities

The subdivisions listed in the add table below are special notation, not standard subdivisions

Unless other instructions are given in the add table below, observe the following table of preference, e.g., a periodical of statistics 021 ( not 05)

Forecasting and forecasts 01

Specific continents, countries, localities 093-099

Areas, regions, places in general 091

Historical periods 0901-0905

Museums, collections, exhibits

Collecting objects







Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances 03

History and geographic treatment (without subdivision)

Serial publications



Add to each subdivision identified by * as follows:





Forecasting and forecasts

Statistics and illustrations





Including cartoons, drawings, pictures, pictorial charts and designs, sketches; graphs; maps, plans, diagrams

Class statistical graphs in 021; class humorous cartoons in

—08 without adding from this table

Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances

Including thesauri (synonym dictionaries)

Serial publications

Regardless of form (print or electronic) or frequency

Class here house organs, magazines, newspapers, yearbooks



—08 Groups of people (continued)

07 Museums, collections, exhibits; and collecting objects

074 Museums, collections, exhibits

Class here exhibitions, fairs, festivals; catalogs, lists regardless of whether or not articles are offered for sale;

075 guidebooks, history and description

Add to 074 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., collections in

Pennsylvania 074748

Collecting objects

Class here collectibles, memorabilia, price trends for

09 collectors

History and geographic treatment

0901–0905 Historical periods

Add to 090 the numbers following —090 in notation

0901–0905 from Table 1, e.g., the group in the 20th


093–099 century 0904

Areas, regions, places in general

Add to 091 the numbers following —1 in notation 11–18 from Table 2, e.g., the group in urban regions 091732

Specific continents, countries, localities

Add to 09 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., the group in

Japan 0952

If a standard subdivision is not given in the table above, do not add its notation to the group in —081–087. This limitation does not apply when the notation following —

08 is added directly to the base number without interposition of —08; in such cases, all standard subdivisions may be added, e.g., use of questionnaires in public opinion research among young people 303.38630723

Class ethnic and national minorities in —089; class biography in —092

See Manual at T1—08 and 306.2–306.6



—090 1–090 5

Historical periods

The subdivisions listed in the add table below are special notation, not standard subdivisions

Unless other instructions are given in the add table below, observe the following table of preference, e.g., a periodical of statistics 021 ( not 05)

Short term forecasts

Museums, collections, exhibits



Collecting objects






Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances 03

Serial publications 05

Add to each subdivision identified by * as follows:

01 Short term forecasts

Ten years or less

Class long term forecasts (more than ten years) in —0112

02 Statistics and illustrations

021 Statistics

022 Illustrations

Including cartoons, drawings, pictures, pictorial charts and designs, sketches; graphs; maps, plans, diagrams

Class statistical graphs in 021; class humorous cartoons in

—0901–0905 without adding from this table

03 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances

Including thesauri (synonym dictionaries)

05 Serial publications

Regardless of form (print or electronic) or frequency

Class here house organs, magazines, newspapers, yearbooks



—090 1–090 5 Historical periods (continued)

07 Museums, collections, exhibits; collecting objects

074 Museums, collections, exhibits

Class here exhibitions, fairs, festivals; catalogs, lists regardless of whether or not articles are offered for sale; guidebooks, history and description

Add to 074 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., collections in

Pennsylvania 074748, collections of ancient objects in Pennsylvania


075 Collecting objects

Class here collectibles, memorabilia, price trends for collectors

If a standard subdivision is not given in the table above, do not add its notation to the historical period notation in —0901–0905

Class historical periods in specific areas, regions, places in general in —091; class historical periods in specific continents, countries, localities in

—093–099; class comprehensive works in —09

See Manual at T1—0901–0905



Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds

History and description by place, by specific instance of the subject

The subdivisions listed in the add table below are special notation, not standard subdivisions

Unless other instructions are given in the add table below, observe the following table of preference, e.g., a periodical of statistics 021 ( not 05)

Maintenance and repair 028

Forecasts 01

Specific continents, countries, localities 093-099

Areas, regions, places in general 091

Historical periods

Museums, collections, exhibits

Collecting objects






Statistics 021

Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances 03

History and geographic treatment (without subdivision)

Serial publications



Add to base number —09 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., the subject in North

America —097, in Brazil —0981; then add further as follows:

01 Forecasts

02 Statistics, illustrations; conservation, preservation, restoration maintenance and repair

021 Statistics

022 Illustrations


Including cartoons, drawings, pictures, pictorial charts and designs, sketches; graphs; maps, plans, diagrams

Class statistical graphs in 021; class humorous cartoons in

—093–099 without adding from this table

Class maps, plans, diagrams in 912

Conservation, preservation, restoration Maintenance and repair

Class here maintenance and repair; conservation, preservation, restoration projects




Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds (continued)

03 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances

Including thesauri (synonym dictionaries)

05 Serial publications

Regardless of form (print or electronic) or frequency

Class here house organs, magazines, newspapers, yearbooks

07 Museums, collections, exhibits; collecting objects

074 Museums, collections, exhibits

Class here exhibitions, fairs, festivals; catalogs, lists regardless of whether or not articles are offered for sale; guidebooks, history and description

Add to 074 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., collections in

Pennsylvania 074748, collections of Brazilian objects in


Pennsylvania —0981074748

Collecting objects

Class here collectibles, memorabilia, price trends for collectors

09 History and geographic treatment

Add to 09 the numbers following —09 in notation

090–099 from Table 1, e.g., 20th century 0904, rural regions

091734; however, for museums, collections, exhibits of the subject in an area regardless of historical period, see 074, e.g., collections of 20th-century Brazilian art 709.81074 ( not


Use 093–099 to add notation for a specific continent, country, locality when first area notation is used to specify area of origin, while second one identifies area in which subject is found or practiced, e.g., Polish political refugees 325.2109438,

Polish political refugees in Canada 325.21094380971

In the table above, observe preference as given at beginning of Table 1, e.g., a periodical of statistics 021 ( not 05); however, class museums, collections, exhibits of the subject in an area in 074 regardless of historical period, e.g., collections of 20th-century Brazilian art 709.81074 ( not 709.810904)

If a standard subdivision is not given in the table above, do not add its notation to the Table 2 notation




Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds (continued)

(Option: Add historical period numbers that appear in subdivisions of

930–990, using one 0 in all cases except 00 for North America and South

America, e.g., United States during Reconstruction

—097308, Brazil during Empire —098104, North America in 20th century —097005. If option is used, do not use notation 090 from table above. An extra zero is used for the balance of notation from table above, e.g., statistics of Brazil —09810021)

See Manual at T1—0922 vs. T1—093–099; also at T1—093–099 and T2—

3–9; also at T1—0940902 vs. T1—0902

