Mostafa PMS Practice Leaflet[1]

Practice Information Leaflet
141 Plumstead High Street
London SE18 1SE
Tel: 020 8855 0052
Fax: 020 8855 7672
253 Wickham Lane
Abbey Wood
London SE2 0NX
Tel: 020 8317 8708
Fax: 020 8316 1239
Opening Times
Plumstead Surgery
Wickham Lane Surgery
8.00 to 18.30
8.00 to 18.30
8.00 to 18.30
8.00 to 18.30
8.00 to 18.30
8.00 to 18.30
8:00 to 20.00
8:00 to 13.00
8.00 to 18.30
8.00 to 18.30
There are no Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday surgeries.
The Doctors and staff welcome you to our Surgeries.
We are here to provide you with the medical services you need and for you to obtain help and
The Practice also runs a Patient Participation Group. Please inform a member of our Reception
Staff if you would like to become involved.
Prescriptions for Housebound Patients
Housebound patients can have their prescriptions delivered by a local pharmacy. Also collections
are available from the following pharmacies:
We offer the following services:
Childhood Immunisations
Cervical Smears
Asthma Clinic
Diabetes Clinic
Heart Disease and Hypertension Clinic
Smoking Cessation Advice
Antenatal and Postnatal Clinics
Family Planning and Menopause Clinic
Diet and Lifestyle Advice
Blood Pressure
Tetanus Boosters
Holiday Vaccinations
Flu Vaccination
Pneumonia Vaccination
Coil fitting is not undertaken at this practice but is provided at local Family Planning Clinics.
Version 4a – Updated 8 November 2012
Reviewed 25 March 2013
The Surgery applies standard charges for each non-NHS service including:
Private Forms or Letters
Private Certificates
Please check with reception for current fees.
Useful Contact Information:
B R Lewis
62-64 Upper Wickham Lane
Welling, DA16 3AQ
Telephone: 020 8317 9783
Quresh Pharm
9 Wickham Lane, Abbey Wood,SE2 0XJ
Telephone: 020 8311 0636
Boots the Chemist
156 Plumstead High Street
London SE18
Telephone: 020 83854 4913
Temple Pharmacy
31-33 Lakedale Road
London SE18
Telephone: 020 8854 9902
Alpharm Chemist
116 Plumstead High Street
London SE18
Telephone: 020 8316 7300
District Nurses
020 8854 942
020 836 8622
Queen Elizabeth
Lewisham Hospital
Queen Mary’s Sidcup
020 8836 6000
020 8333 3000
020 8302 2678
Queen Elizabeth Transport
0208595 2074
0845 3658293
Patient Advisory Liason ( PALS)
Greenwich PCT
0800 1699928
Bexley PCT
0800 3289712
Greenwich PCT
31-37 Greenwich Park Street
SE10 9LR
Telephone: 020 8293 6700
Details of Primary Medical Services in
Greenwich may be obtained from the PCT
Royal Borough of Greenwich
020 8854 8888
Disabled Access
There is wheelchair access to the surgery via the front door
Zero Tolerance Zone
We expect patients to treat Practice staff with the same courtesy and respect as we show to
This Practice operates a zero tolerance policy – any patient who is abusive (including verbal
abuse), or where the Practice judges the Doctor/Patient relationship has broken down, may be
removed from our list.
To help us make sure we provide the best possible service to our patients the practice operates a
complaints procedure. Should you have any comments, suggestions or criticisms of the service
you have received please contact the Practice Manager
Version 4a – Updated 8 November 2012
Reviewed 25 March 2013
District Nurse
The District Nurse will attend patients in their homes when necessary.
Responsibility of Patients
Patients are responsible for their own health care, including taking medication regularly and
attending Surgery and Hospital appointments. Children are the responsibility of their parents or
carers while in the surgery and must be supervised at all times.
Medical Staff
Dr M A Mostafa (male) MBBCH FRCS
Dr D Choudhury (male) Vrach
Dr D Nakash (female) MB chB
Nurse Practitioner
Jillian Kemp
RN, BSc (Hons) Practice Nursing
Practice Nurses
Elizabeth Oyenekan
RN, BSc (Hons) Practice Nursing
Registration with the Practice
If you live in the Practice Area you will be asked to complete a registration form and be offered a
short health assessment performed by the Practice Nurse.
We may ask for proof of identity and local residency before accepting new patients.
141 Plumstead High Street
253 Wickham Lane
All consultations are by appointment. Each
appointment is for 10 minutes, if you need a
longer consultation please book a double
Please ensure you keep all appointments and
arrive on time. If you arrive late for an
appointment you may not be seen.
A patient is able to nominate their preferred clinician on an appointment basis. Thus preference
will later be recorded in the patient’s notes.
If you cannot keep an appointment then please contact us without delay to enable us to give
your appointment to another patient.
Home Visits
These are for the housebound or for patients too ill to get to the Surgery. Please contact the
Surgery as soon as possible when requesting a home visit.
When the Surgery is Closed
Ring the surgery telephone line, and patients will be able to access the new NHS 111 service for
any out of hour medical concerns.
Clover Health Centre in Woolwich also provides walk-in appointments seven days a week from
8.00am until 8.00pm. They are based at Equitable House, General Gordon Square, Woolwich
SE18 6AB and can be reached on 0208 331 0567.
Repeat Prescriptions
Please allow at least 48 hours for your repeat prescription to be ready for collection.
We are unable to accept repeat prescriptions over the phone. When ordering your medication
please use the form attached to your previous prescription. Tick the items you require and either
post or bring the form to the Surgery. If you provide a stamped addressed envelope we will post
your prescription to you but please allow plenty of time.
Usually, one month’s supply of your medication will be provided. Larger quantities may be
prescribed in exceptional circumstances at the Doctor’s discretion. Periodically, you will be
asked to attend the Surgery for a medication review.
Repeat Prescriptions can now also be arranged through the Electronic Prescriptions Service
(EPS). Please ask at reception for details.
Patient Records and Confidentiality
The NHS Records Service Smart Card system ensures that all patient records are kept secure and
are only accessible to by appropriate members of the pratice staff. If you wish to have access to
your own records this may be arranged through the Practice Manager. You will then have the
correct procedure explained and depending on your request may be asked to pay a small
administration fee.