Curriculum Vitae - Edythe E. Weeks

Dr. Edythe E. Weeks, Esq.
Adjunct Professor and Lecturer
International Politics, Space Law Politics and Race/Ethnic Relations
Northern Arizona University, Department of Politics and International Affairs,
Ph.D. in Political Science/International Relations, December 2006
Fields of Specialization: Space Law, Space Policy, International Relations, International
Law, Interdisciplinary Studies, Race and Ethnic Relations
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Geeta Chowdhry
Title: The Politics of Space Law in a Post Cold War Era: Understanding Regime
University Of Missouri – Columbia, School of Law, J.D., Law, May 1987
University Of Missouri – Columbia, College of Arts and Sciences, Bachelors, Economics, May,
Teaching Areas
Space Law and Emerging Industry Trends
International Politics
Race And Ethnic Relations
Diversity, Politics And Law (International)
Research Methods And Writing
Career Visualization And Motivation
Multidisciplinary Education
Interdisciplinary Approaches - Politics And Law
Academic and Teaching Positions
Coordinator Online International Relations Program, Webster University Worldwide, Fall 2008-current
Adjunct Faculty, Webster University Worldwide, St. Louis, MO, Department of History, Politics and
International Relations, Spring 2008, Summer 2008, Fall, 2008, Spring 2009 - current
Adjunct Faculty, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, Summer 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009-current
Adjunct Faculty, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, Summer 2008-Current
Pre-Law Advisement Coordinator, appointed by the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Northern
Arizona University, Fall 2007 – Summer 2008
Pre-Law Advisor, Northern Arizona University, Fall 2007-Summer 2008
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and International Affairs, Northern Arizona University, Fall
2007 - Spring 2008
Academic Advising Council member, Gateway Student Success Center, Northern Arizona University, Fall 2007Spring 2008
Ethnic Studies Steering Committee, member, Ethnic Studies Program, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Northern Arizona University, Spring 2004 – Spring 2008
Adjunct Faculty, Successful Transition and Academic Readiness Program (STAR Program), Ethnic Studies
Program – Summer 2007
Visiting Instructor, Department of Political Science, Northern Arizona University, Fall 2006 - Spring 2007
Adjunct Faculty, Ethnic Studies Program, Northern Arizona University, Spring 2005 - Fall 2006
Instructor, Department of Political Science, Northern Arizona University, Spring 2002 - Fall 2005
Adjunct Faculty, Honors Program, Northern Arizona University, Summer 2004
Graduate Assistant, Dr. David Camacho, Race, Power and Politics (POS 356), Department of Political Science,
Northern Arizona University, Fall 2002, Fall 2001, Summer 2000, Fall 2000, Fall 1999
Graduate Assistant, Dr. Sheila Nair, Advanced International Relations (POS 380). Department of Political
Science, Northern Arizona University, Fall 2002
Graduate Assistant, Dr. Geeta Chowdhry, The Politics of Developing Areas (POS 361), Department of Political
Science, Northern Arizona University, Fall 2001
Graduate Assistant, Dr. Gretchen Gee, Comparative Politics (POS 201), Department of Political Science,
Northern Arizona University, Spring 2000
Graduate Assistant, Learning Assistance Center, Northern Arizona University, Fall 1998 - Spring 1999
Webster University, Department of History, Politics and International Relations
Graduate Level Courses:
Internship (INTL 6500) Spring 1 2010 assisting graduate student, Danialle Coates. in designing research and
report for Florida State Senator Charles Dean on lessons to be learned from the international
community regarding water conservation methods.
International Law and Politics of Outer Space (INTL 5870) Issues in International Politics: Space Law (INTL
5860) developed and taught Spring 1, 2010, Fall 2 2009
International Law (INTL 5530) Fall 2 2009
Comparative Politics (INTL 5050) Fall 1 2009
Introduction to International Relations (INTL 5000) Fall 1 2009, Summer 2009, Spring 2 2008, Spring 1 2009
(2 sections), Fall 1, 2008, Summer 2008 (2 sections), Spring 1, 2008
Issues in International Politics: Space Law (INTL 5860) developed and taught Fall 2 2008, Spring 2009
Research Methods and Perspectives for International Relations (INTL 5100) Spring 2 2009, Spring 1, 2010
International Relations: Theory and Practice (INTL 6000) Spring 2 2009
Northern Arizona University, Department of Politics and International Affairs
Undergraduate Level Courses:
Race, Power and Politics (POS 356) developed & taught online Summer 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009,
Spring 2010
Diversity, Politics and Law (POS 357) developed & taught online Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009,
Spring 2010
Washington University, Department of Political Science
Undergraduate Level:
Politics of International Law Spring 2010
Introduction to International Politics (U25 103) Fall 2009
Webster University: Department of History, Politics and International Relations
Graduate Level:
Introduction to International Relations (INTL 5000) Fall 2, 2009, Spring 1 2009
Globalization (INTL 5800) Spring 2 2009
Washington University: University College Division: Department of Political Science
Undergraduate Level:
Introduction to International Politics, Summer 2009
Northern Arizona University, Department of Politics and International Affairs
Undergraduate Level:
Contemporary Developments: The Politics of Space Law (POS 499) Spring 2008
The Politics of U.S. Ethnic Groups (POS 357) Spring 2008
Diversity, Politics and Law (POS 357) Fall 2007, Spring 2006
Race, Power and Politics (POS 356/ES 356) Spring 2008, Fall 2007, Fall 2006, Fall 2004, Summer 2003
Politics of International Law (POS 230) Spring 2007
Global Race and Ethnic Politics (POS 357/ES300) Fall 2006 (co-taught with Dr. Geeta Chowdhry)
World Politics (POS 120) Spring 2007, Spring 2005, Spring 2004, Fall 2003
Cultural Diversity: The Construction of Race (POS 357) Spring 2003, Spring 2002
Northern Arizona University: Ethnic Studies Program
Undergraduate Level:
Race, Identity and Film (ES 391) Fall 2005
Race, Identity and Film (ES 200) Fall 2007
Introduction to African American Studies (ES 150) STAR Program) Summer 2007
African-Americans and the Law (ES 391/HON 391) Spring 2008, Fall 2005, Spring 2005
Northern Arizona University: Honors Program
Undergraduate Level:
Outer Space Development (HON 344) Summer 2004
Independent study, Spring 2008, Ethnic Studies Program, Abraham Martinez
Teaching Assistant, Department of Politics and International Affairs, Fall 2008-Fall 2009
Pre-Law Student Assistant, Fall 2007-Spring 2008
Graduate Assistant, Department of Politics and International Affairs, Fall 2007-Spring 2008
Assisted in supervising 42 tutors while a Graduate Assistant at the Learning Assistance Center, Northern
Arizona University, Fall 1998 - Spring 1999
The Politics of Space Law: Keys to Understanding Outer Space Development (forthcoming)
Outsiders’ Guide to Understanding Outer Space Development (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 2004)
Understanding Legal Forms to Jumpstart a Business (Bloomington, Indiana: 1st Books Library, 2003)
“Space Law: The Driver for Emerging Space Industries”, Center for International Education Newsletter,
Northern Arizona University, January 2008
“After Interdependence: Aren't We Back to Hegemony Yet? Revisiting Interdependence and the Law of the Sea,
in a Unipolar Era", Revue de Droit International de Sciences Diplomatiques et Politiques (International Law
Review-Geneva), Vol. 81, No. 2 (May-August, 2003) pp. 117-148
“Highlighting the Chameleon Nature of Power: The Social Practice and Ideological Effects of the Label AfricanAmerican”, Journal of Language and Politics Vol. 1, No. 2 (Spring 2002) pp. 323-354
“Continuing Patterns of Inequality Between North and South in Outer Space”, Revue de Droit International de
Sciences Diplomatiques et Politiques (International Law Review-Geneva) Vol. 79: No. 2 (May-August, 2001) pp.
Articles Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics1:
“Snapshot: The Process of Change in International Space Law Politics”, IAC-03-IISL.2.08, prepared
and presented at the 54th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical
Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the International Institute of Space Law,
Bremen, Sep. 29-3, 2003
“What the Entertainment Community Can Do to Excite the General Public about Outer Space
Development”, IAC-04-IAA., prepared for the 55th International Astronautical Congress of the
International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the International
Institute of Space Law, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 4-8, 2004
Applying International Space Law Precedent to Space Tourism, Mining and Settlement by E. Weeks,
Northern Arizona University, IAC-06-E6.5.16, prepared and presented at the 57th International
Astronautical Congress, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 2-6, 2006
Published Colloquium Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law
“Previewing a Series of Potentially Cataclysmic Events”, Colloquium Proceedings of the International Institute of
Space Law, 55th International Astronautical Congress, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 4-8, 2004
“What the Entertainment Community Can do to Excite the General Public about Outer Space Development”, 55th
International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of
Astronautics, and the International Institute of Space Law, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 4-8, 2004,
“Snapshot: The Process of Change in International Space Law Politics”, Colloquium Proceedings of the
International Institute of Space Law, 54th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, September 29
– October 3, 2003
Published Symposium Proceedings International Space University
“U.S. Democracy as the Model for the Next New World: Forming an Even ‘More Perfect Union’ in Outer Space”,
Proceedings of 7th Annual International Space University Symposium, Kluwer Academic Publishers, as Vol. 7 pp.
313-315 of the Space Studies Series, June 3-7, 2002
Publications in Progress
“Which Laws Will Govern Private Space Travel, Commercial Space Mining and Commercial Space Settlements?
“, 59th International Astronautical Congress/51st International Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space: Private
International Law Regarding Space Activities
“Who Will be Left Behind as Outer Space Develops? “, 59th International Astronautical Congress/19th
Symposium on Space Activity and Society: Space Expectations: How the Public Views Space Activities,
The Politics of Space Law: Key to Understanding Outer Space Development, book proposal being revised for
Palgrave, June 2008
A Cold War within the United States: How and When Race & Ethnicity Still Matter, book proposal to be
submitted to CQ Press May 2008
“Has Legal Precedent Been Established For Private Space Tourism, Privatized Space Mining And Commercial
Space Settlement?” under revision for publication in Astropolitics
“Snapshot: Jumpstarting the Chameleon: Demonstrating the Power Politics Behind New Outer Space Discourses”
under review, Journal of Language and Politics
“Space Tourism and the Beginning of a Free Market Custom: Implications for International Space Law” under
review, Space Policy
University Newspapers
The Lumberjack Newspaper, editorial section February 13, 2003, “Michigan Admissions Policies Appropriate,
The Lumberjack Newspaper, editorial section February 6, 2003, "Michigan 'Racism' Cases Flare National
“Bringing Space Studies to ‘The People’ “, 58th International Astronautical Congress, Hyderabad, India,
Touching Humanity: Space for Improving the Quality of Life, September 2007
“Power, Politics and Private Property Rights in Outer Space”, 58th International Astronautical Congress,
Hyderabad, India, “Touching Humanity: Space for Improving the Quality of Life”, September 2007
“Modern Racism: Social Indicators and the Politics of Denying Ways in Which Race Still Matters”, New
Directions in Diversity: Issues in Teaching and Scholarship, Insights from African American Studies, Spring
Symposium Series, February 2007
“Applying International Space Law Precedent to Space Tourism, Space Mining and Space Settlement”, the 57th
International Astronautical Congress, Bringing Space Closer to People, Valencia, Spain, October 2006
“Applying International Relations Theory to the Current Politics of Outer Space Development: Using Gramsci to
Highlight How Inequality is Perpetuated”, 47th Annual International Studies Convention, The North-South Divide
and International Studies, San Diego, California, March 2006, paper presented at the annual meeting of the
International Studies Association, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego,
California, USA -nOnline 2009-05-25 from
“Women of Color and Cultural Production”, Moderator, Fifth Annual Women of Color Conference: Decolonizing
the University, Women of Color in Arizona Higher Education, N.A.U., Flagstaff, AZ, April 2005
“Affirmative Action: Administrative Strategies for Women of Color - Needs and Issues”, Panel Discussant, Fifth
Annual Women of Color Conference: Decolonizing the University, Women of Color in Arizona Higher Education,
N.A.U., Flagstaff, AZ, April 2005
“The Politics of Space Travel: Gazing at the Present from the Future - Who Will Get to Go?”, Special Keynote
Speaker at the 7th Oxford International Conference on Archaeoastronomy: Bridging Anthropology and
Astronomy, Flagstaff AZ, June 2004
“Snapshot: The Process of Change in International Space Law Politics”, presented paper at the 54th International
Astronautical Congress, new.opportunities@space, Bremen, Germany, September 29th - October 3, 2003
“U.S. Democracy as the Model for the Next New World: Forming an Even ‘More Perfect Union’ in Outer Space”,
poster presentation and discussion at the Innovative Student Research Exposition, N.A.U., September, 2002
Dissertation Research Project, May - July 2002, Attended United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space Conference, 45th Session, Vienna Austria; Arranged Conference at the German Aerospace Center in
Cologne Germany; Conducted Research at the European Center for Space Law, Paris France, the Institute of Air
and Space Law, Cologne, Germany and the United Nations library, Geneva, Switzerland
“U.S. Democracy as the Model for the Next New World: Forming an Even ‘More Perfect Union’ in Outer Space”,
poster presentation at the 7th Annual International Symposium, Beyond the International Space Station: The
Future of Human Spaceflight, International Space University, Strasbourg, France, June 2002
“The Influence of Domestic Outer Space Policymaking on International Relations and International Law”,
presented paper at the 43rd Annual International Studies Association Convention entitled: Dissolving Boundaries:
The Nexus Between Comparative Politics and International Relations, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2002
"Uncovering an Exercise of Power Within the Outer Space Discourse", presented paper at the Sixth Graduate
Research Exposition: A Forum for Graduate Students to Present Their Scholarly Work to a Broad Audience of the
Northern Arizona University Community, N.A.U., March 2001
"Continuing Patterns of Inequality between North and South in Outer Space", presented paper at the 42nd Annual
International Studies Association Conference entitled: International Relations and the New Inequality: Power,
Wealth, and the Transformation of Global Society, Chicago, Illinois, February 2001
“Keohane and Nye’s Complex Interdependence in Light of the 1994 Law of the Sea Convention: The
Reinterpretation the Common Heritage of Mankind Principle”, presented paper at the Graduate Programs in
Dispute Resolution: Conflict Studies – The New Generation of Ideas Conference. Use of Force: Policies and
Justifications, University of Massachusetts Boston, October 2000
“Foreseeable Problems with the Common Heritage Doctrine with Respect to the Legal Status of Outer Space
Resources”, presented paper at the Fifth Graduate Research Exposition: A Forum for Graduate Students to
Present Their Scholarly Work to a Broad Audience of the Northern Arizona University Community, N.A.U.,
March 2000
“Do Regimes Represent a Resulting Harmony of International Commerce Between States or the Interests of the
Power-Maximizing States?” presented paper at the Western Political Science Association Annual Conference:
“Trade, Development and International Relations,” Seattle Washington, October 1999
“Anthony Downs' Issue-Attention Cycle Theory: Measuring Changes in Public Attitudes Regarding Government
Spending on Outer Space Exploration and Development”, presented paper at the Arizona-Nevada Academy of
Sciences Annual Conference: The Use of Computer Modeling in the Examination of Policy and Theory, Flagstaff
AZ, April 1999
Northern Arizona University
Academic Advisory Council, Fall 2007 to Summer 2008
Pre-Law Advisor, Fall 2007 to present
Pre-law Advisement Committee, Chair, Fall 2007 to Summer 2008
Space Law Advisor, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space – Vienna, Austria
Parent Advisory Committee, Summer Youth Programs, Campus Recreation, Northern Arizona University
Speech to STAR Program students and parents, Cline Library Auditorium, June 2007
Member, Ethnic Studies Steering Committee, Fall 2006 - present
Commission on Ethnic Diversity, Spring 2007 - 20088
Member, American Politics Search Committee, Political Science Department, Fall 2002
Mentor, Upteam Program, Northern Arizona University, 1999-2000
Sumner High School, Mentor-Committee to Prevent the oldest African American High School West of the
Mississippi from Closing; helping to develop innovation academic programs using student led motivation
strategies and career mapping strategies 2008-current
March 30, 2009, “The Arctic Age”, speech delivered to the Foreign Policy Association, The Great Decisions
Global Affairs Education Program sponsored by Webster University, St. Louis, MO
May 2, 2008, delivered speech, “Why Study Law” at Phi Alpha Delta and Coconino County Bar Association
annual awards ceremony, Northern Arizona University
April 9, 2008 presentation regarding pre-law services to the Academic Advisory Council, Gateway Student
Success Center, Northern Arizona University
November 30, 2007, informative speech to pre-law students in the Honors Program at Northern Arizona
November 7, 2007, informative speech on pre-law advising to the Academic Advisory Council, Gateway Student
Success Center, Northern Arizona University
October 17, 2007, Lecture and Book Signing “Who Cares About Outer Space Development”, Cline Library
Auditorium, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
September 12, 2007, lecture “The Importance of Understanding Emerging Space Industries”, Flagstaff Middle
School 7th grade
September 12, 2007 lecture “Emerging Outer Space Industries”, Seniors Summer School, Little America Hotel,
Flagstaff, Arizona
September 2007 “Updating the Community on Space Law Issues” feature story on In Depth series, KAZM Radio,
Sedona Arizona
August 26, 2007, Book Signing of “Outsiders’ Guide to Understanding Outer Space Development”, Northern
Arizona University Bookstore, Flagstaff, Arizona
June 3, 2007, Invited speaker, Office of Vice Provost, to speak to STAR Program students and parents on the
topic of what faculty expect of students and what it takes to be successful at Northern Arizona University, Cline
Library Auditorium
June 12, 2007, Guest speaker in BMS 310: Foundations of Multicultural Education, Department of Educational
Specialties, College of Education, gave a talk on blending insights from Ethnic Studies with Outer Space
June 17, 2007, Guest speaker in EPS 690: Multicultural Counseling, College of Education, gave a talk on
blending insights from Ethnic Studies with Outer Space Development
April 3, 2007, Guest speaker in UC 199: African American Professional Experience, College of Arts and Letters,
gave a talk on my educational experiences as an African American who has graduated from law school and my
experiences as a Ph.D. student and Instructor
December 2006, Guest speaker in AIS 499: Indigenous Environmental Justice, College and Behavioral Sciences,
Department of Applied Indigenous Studies, gave a talk regarding my research on Outer Space Development and
the analogies between space colonization and colonization of the “New World” and the implications on Native
June 17, 2004 “Updating the Community on Space Law Issues” feature story on In Depth series, KAZM Radio,
Sedona Arizona
April 17, 2004 presentation to students at Flagstaff Middle School, “Space Law and the Final Frontier”, Flagstaff
March 20, 2004 “Space Law: The Final Legal Frontier” front page feature story by Sara Kincaid, Arizona Daily
Sun Newspaper
October 16, 2003 presentation at Cline Library Auditorium to the general public on “Outer Space Development
Trends”, Flagstaff, AZ
September 30, 2003 presentation of paper “Snapshot: The Process of Change in International Space Law
Politics”, 54th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany
November 11, 2002 Interviewed by Channel 2 News, “The Significance of Ethnic Minorities Participation in
Space Travel”
October, 2002 Attended and participated in The World Space Congress and the 53rd International Astronautical
Congress Houston Texas
September, 2002 Presentation of the International Space University Symposium Results to NASA Space Grant
interns, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
September, 2002, Innovative Student Research Exposition, Northern Arizona University; Poster Presentation:
“U.S. Democracy as the Model for the Next New World: Forming an Even ‘More Perfect Union’ in Outer Space”
May, 2002 Featured on the Someone 2 Know Series on KNAZ - Channel 2 News, Flagstaff, Arizona
May, 2002 Featured on KAZM Radio Sedona, Arizona
Recognition Award, Phi Alpha Delta, Pre-Law Fraternity International, May 2, 2008
Awarded Dedicated Faculty Award, Northern Arizona University Football Banquet, January, 2008
Professor Honoree, Family Week, October 2007, Honored During Football Half Time, Northern Arizona
Athletics Department
Graduate Teacher of the Year Award, May 2007, Northern Arizona University
Office of Planning and Institutional Research Sophomore Survey, noted faculty as providing positive educational
experience to students 2006, 2007
Selected for the Who's Who of American Women, Marquis, 2007
Elected as one of the 300 members in the International Institute of Space Law, 2004
Awarded Flag of Learning and Liberty, Flagstaff Public Schools, 2000
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University, awarded summer research grant, 2002
Dean of College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Northern Arizona University, awarded combined purpose
grant: travel and dissertation research, 2002 presentation of conference papers 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
2003, 2004 & 2006
Northern Arizona University Political Science Dept. - awarded combined purpose grant: travel and dissertation
research, 2002; presentation of conference papers 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2006
Northern Arizona University Office of Vice Provost - awarded combined purpose grant: travel and dissertation
research, 2002; presentation of conference papers 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2006
Multicultural Student Center awarded grants for International Space University Presentation, 2002
NASA Space Grant Program awarded grant for International Space University Presentation, 2002
International Office Awarded Grant for International Travel, 2002
International Studies Association - awarded travel grant for 2001 & 2002
Northern Arizona University Award for Academic Excellence, 2002-2003
Northern Arizona University Award for Academic Excellence, 2001-2002
Northern Arizona University, Graduate Scholarship, 2000-2007
Curator's Scholarship, University of Missouri - Columbia, 1980-1981
Phi Alpha Delta, Law Fraternity
International Institute of Space Law
American Institute of Aeronautics
National Space Society
Astronautics and the National Space Society
Academy of Sciences-St. Louis
University of London, London Law Consortium, Summer 1985
East China School of Law, Shanghai, P.R.C., Summer 1986
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Summer 1986
Faculty Development Sessions, Office of the President, Northern Arizona University:
New Directions in Diversity: Issues in Teaching and Scholarship, Symposium Series:
Insights from Asian American Studies, October 19, 2007
Theorizing Race, Gender and Class, February2, 2007
Insights from African American Studies, February 23, 2007
Insights into Learning from Learners, March 9, 2007, and
Insights from Native American Studies, March 30, 2007
Research Analyst, Drury Development Corporation/DDI Media, Inc., St. Louis, MO, 1994 - 1998
Legal Associate, Charles Smith, P.C., Attorneys, Clayton, MO, 1993-1994
Legal Research Assistant, Joseph Cannavo, Arbitrator, St. Louis, MO, 1991-1992
Legal Associate, Claude Hanks & Associates, Attorneys, Creve Coeur, MO, 1998-1990
Legal Research Associate, Carr, Korein, Kunin, Schlichter, Montroy & Brennen Attorneys, St. Louis,
Legal Research Assistant, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, St. Louis, MO, 1987.
Legal Internship, Public Defender's Office, 32nd Judicial Circuit, Columbia, MO Fall 1986
Legal Clerkship Freeman, Whitfield, Staples & Montgomery, St. Louis, MO, Summer 1986
Legal Clinical Placement, Honorable William A. Knox, U.S. Magistrate, Jefferson City, MO
Legal Internship, Patrick Soares, Barrister, London England, Fall 1985
Daniel Hellinger, Ph.D.
Department of History, Politics & International Relations, Chair
Webster University Worldwide
World Headquarters
470 East Lockwood Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63119-3194
Phone: 314-968-6900
Harvey Charles, Ph.D.
Center for International Education, Dean
Building 44
Tinsley Hall Room 102
PO Box 5598
Flagstaff, Arizona 86011
Phone: 928-523-2409
Fax: 928-523-9489
Email: Harvey.Charles@NAU.EDU
Fred Solop, Ph.D.,
Department of Politics and International Affairs, Professor and Chair (current as of July 2008)
Northern Arizona University
Box 15036
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Phone: (928) 523-0339
Fax: (928) 523-6777
Email: Fred.Solop@NAU.EDU
David Schlosberg, Ph.D.
Department of Political Science, Professor and Chair (2005-2008)
Northern Arizona University
Box 15036
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Phone: (928) 523-0339
Fax: (928) 523-6777
Spring, 1986.
Email: David.Schlosberg@NAU.EDU
David Camacho, Ph.D.
Mentor and Member of Dissertation Committee
Special Assistant to the President
Northern Arizona University
Box 15036
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Phone: (928) 523-9204
Fax: (928) 523-6777
Email: David.Camacho@NAU.EDU
Tamara L. Harrison
Associate Director
Gateway Student Success Center
PO Box 4097
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4097
Phone: (928) 523-6962
Fax: 928.523.1117