COUNTRY INSTITUTION TYPE DOMAIN OF ACTIVITY CONTACT Bulgaria Student Computer Art Society NGO SCAS, 10, Narodno sabranie sqr, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria Tel/Fax: +359 2 987 02 93 Email: URL: Bulgaria Modern media and computer arts, vocational training, elearning and e-consulting, ICT and modern media training Technologies of education and training, technologies in linguistics, e-commerce Bulgaria Plovdiv University University, faculty of Mathematics and informatics Plovdiv University Needs analysis, electronic platforms for virtual University, training, learning objects for Regional centre distance education courses for distance education Bulgaria Infoart SME Bulgaria Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Centre of Information Society Technologies Haemimont University interdisciplinary research Bulgaria Information technologiesConsulting and Engineering, Multimedia, ePublishing,eLearning and training e-learning platforms, e-learning standards, cognitive and instructional design theories SME Educational online games, elearning, interaction and interface design, multimedia 236 Bulgaria Blvd, 4003 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Tel: +359 32 960 225 Fax: +359 32 945 736 URL: Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarsk, Regional Centre for Distance education Tzar Assen str, 24 Plovdiv 4000 Tel/Fax: +359 32 62 86 72 e-mail: URL: P.O.Box 1045 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Phone/FAX: + 359 32 953 483 Cell: + 359 887 478 536 Email: URL: 125 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd., Block 2, Floor 3 1113Sofia / Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 971 35 43 Fax: +359 2 971 35 09 URL: Haemimont AD, BIC-IZOT, Suite 413b, Tsarigradsko Chaussee, 7th Kilometer, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Technical University of Sofia, E-learning R&D laboratory University Software Engineering University of Rousse, Department of Computing University WEB-based e-Learning system, PhD Virtual center, artificial eLearning System Architecture eLearning Technology Standards Systematic approach for Instructional design Online courses evaluation "University - Industry" Collaboration intelligence systems; intelligent tutoring systems; systems for telephone services automation; systems for automation of the engineering and research work. Tel: (359) (2) 965-0650 or 965-0733 Fax: (359) (2) 974-3469 Email: URL: Technical University of Sofia 8, Kliment Ohridski St. Sofia-1000, BULGARIA Fax: 00359-2-868-32-15 Tel: 00359-2-965-21-11 Email: URL: University of Rousse 8 Studentska Street 7017 Rousse Bulgaria Tel/Fax: +359 (0)82 888 743 Email: URL: Ivan Mihailov str. South-West University project "Technological and Didactical issues in e2700 Blagoevgrad University “Neofit learning", helps and Bulgaria Rilski” coordinates the integration Phone: +359 73/831562 Blagoevgrad, Eof TEL in all the institutes of Fax: +359 73/885516 learning and the university; objectURL: oriented modeling, etechnological learning, distance education centre Distance education course VirTech Ltd. Virtech Ltd SME design and development, flexible working training and support, multimedia 49, Khan Asparuh St. Entrance A Sofia 1000 software, e-commerce Bulgaria Tel.: (+359-2)-981-4762, (+359-2)-989-0277 Tel./Fax: (+359-2)-981-5541 URL: Josipa Marohnića bb Zagreb HR-10000 Croatia phone: +385 1 6165 616 fax: +385 1 6165 615 URL: E-learning Academy - ELA Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet Josipa Marohnića bb 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 1 6165 616 Fax: +385 1 6164 279 URL: Croatia CARNet Education Network e-education. E-learning academy, management, design and delivery of eeducation Croatia CARNet ELearning Academia Education al Institution e-learning management, elearning tutoring, e-learning course design Croatia University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Control and Computer Engineering in Automation University of Zagreb, Department of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer and University Computer-aided Design, E-learning systems, virtual laboratories Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: +385 161 297 95 Fax: +385 161 298 09 Email: URL: University Semantic web, elearning systems, artificial intelligence Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: +385 161 29935 Fax: +385 161 29653 Email: zemris@fer.hgr URL: Croatia Cyprus Intelligent systems University of University Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality; Distributed, Cyprus, Real-Time and Multimedia Department of Systems; E-Learning; Computer Science Mobile and Transactional- Cyprus University of Cyprus, Department of Education University Cyprus Cyprus Institute of NGO Technology Cyprus Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation NGO Oriented Computing; Algorithms and Complexity in Artificial Intelligence etc. Educational technology; Cooperative learning Edits “HEPHAESTUS”/news, events and technology offers / requests from Europe; Automatic Matching Tool; Technology Web Search; Participation in Transnational-Technology – Transfer (TTT)events; Consultation of enterprises on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues; Performance of Technology Audits Assistance in fund raising for innovation development Promote the development of scientific and technological research in Cyprus 75 Kallipoleos Street P.O.Box.20537 CY-1678 Nicosia CYPRUS Tel.: + 357-22 892700 Fax.: + 357-22-892701 E-mail: URL: P.O.Box 20537 1678 Nicosia Tel. +357 22 753705 Fax +357 22 753702 URL: Ionion Nison 1, P.O.Box 20763, 1663 Lefkosia, Cyprus Tel: +357-22317288 Fax: +357-22318087 URL: P O Box 23422 1683 Nicosia CYPRUS Tel: + 357 22 660292 Fax: +357 22 666117 Email: URL: Cyprus Frederick Institute of Technology and Frederick research Centre Private Education al Institution Cyprus A.S. Cyprus College Ltd., Department of Computer Science and Engineering Education al Institution Czech Republic University of Hradec Kralové, Faculty of Informatics and Management University of South Bohemia, Facultu of Agriculture, Department of Applied mathematics and Informatics University of Ostrava, Department of Informatics and Computers University Information technologies Czech Republic Czech Republic Education and research in: Engineering, Physical and Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences, Economics and Finance, Business Administration, Human Resources and Training, Arts, Pre-primary and Primary Education and management, main focus in preparing information and knowledge managers University Applications of mathematics and statistics in the sciences of nature; e-learning; IT use in educational processes University Methods for modeling and computer oriented simulation; Artificial intelligence and logic, decision support systems; Information and communication technology 7, Y. Frederickou St. Palouriotisa, Nicosia 1036 Telephone: +357 22 431355 Fax: +357 22 438234 Email: URL: Rokitanského 62, 500 03 Hradec Králové 3, Czech Republic tel: (+420)493331246 fax: (+ 420) 495 513 251 URL: Jihočeská univerzita v Č. B. Zemědělská fakulta Katedra aplikované matematiky a informatiky Studentská 13 370 05 České Budějovice Tel: 389 032 459 Fax: 385 310 122 URL: University of Ostrava Dvořákova 7 701 03 Ostrava Czech Republic URL: in the education process Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic University of Ostrava, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Information and Communication Technologies University of Ostrava, Institute for Adult Education and Development University Usage of multi-medial University Didactics Pedagogical faculta Ostrava university Dvořákova 7 701 03 Ostrava Czech republic URL: University of Ostrava, Department of Mathematics in Education Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Centre of Computational Linguistics Technical University Brno, Centre for University Technological support of Pedagogical faculta Ostrava university Dvořákova 7 701 03 Ostrava Czech republic URL: Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Tel: +420 2 2191 1111 Fax: +420 2 2191 1292 URL: technique in teacher training; Integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) into education; e-learning of Special Subjects, Didactics of Vocational Training and Methodology of Optional Interests Activities; Project of Grant Agency of the Czech Republic: Resources, Sources and Technical Background of E-learning mathematics teaching; Computer simulation and modelling of dynamic systems University Theoretical linguistic studies, Mathematical and computational methods, Speech recognition Applied and experimental systems University Distance learning, distance learning tutorial, Dl administration for students, Pedagogical faculty Ostrava university Dvořákova 7 701 03 Ostrava Czech republic URL: ČADUV c/o IMB DOMICILIUM, spol s r.o. Ulrychova 51, 624 00 Brno Czech Republic Distance Education Study Technical University of Liberec, Centre of Continuing Education evaluation of distance leaning programs University continuing education of teachers and engineers; lifelong learning course National Information Centre for European Research, Technology Transfers, Strategic Studies, Regional Development e-learning, e-education, education, learning, lifelong education, distance education, ICT Czech Republic Technology Centre AS CR NGO Czech Republic Net- University Ltd. SME Czech Republic LANGMaster SME Language solutions Czech Republic Czech Efficient Learning Node NGO CELN activities are focused on the promotion of effective use of information technologies, multimedia aids and online content in frontal teaching both on Telefon:+420 604 537915 Centrum dalšího vzdělávání Technická univerzita v Liberci Hálkova 6 461 17 Liberec telefon: 48535 5103, 48535 5104 fax: 48535 5101 URL: Rozvojova 135 165 02 Prague 6 Tel: +420234006100 Fax: +420220921217 NET UNIVERSITY s.r.o. Wellnerova 1 77200 Olomouc Tel.: +420 585 209 915 Fax: +420 585 209 914 LANGMaster International, Ltd Branicka 107 147 00 Praha 4 Czech Republic tel.: +420 244 460 807 fax: +420 244 463 411 e-mail: URL: Czech Efficient Learning Node Czech Republic City: Prague Street: José Martího, 31 ZIP code: 16252 tel.: +420 220 172 375 fax: +420 220 172 368 e-mail: elementary and URL:: secondary school levels and promotion of eLearning in the field of adult education and in commercial sphere Estonia Estonia Estonia Tartu University, Institute of Tеchnology University Material and chemical Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Information technology, Department of computer engineering University Design and testing of digital Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Information technology, Department of Informatics University Analysis, technology Biomedical technology Environmental technology Information technology systems; Decompositional design methods of digital systems; Hardware and software codesign methods; AI based CAD software; Software process improvement methods and standards design, implementation, testing, and security of large distributed and knowledgebased systems; Models, methods and tools for intelligent active software environments; Global ecommerce, open enterprise resource planning 21 Vanemuise St Tartu 51014 Estonia Phone: +372 7 374 800 Fax: +372 7 374 900 E-mail: URL: Raja St.15 12617 Tallinn, ESTONIA Phone: +372 620 2250 fax: +372 620 2246 E-mail: URL: Address: Raja St.15 12617 Tallinn, ESTONIA Phone: +372 620 2301, e-mail: URL: Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Communication in the 21st century, Mobile communication Szemere u.10 1054 Budapest Hungary Phone/fax: +36 (1) 312-0243 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Philosophical Research Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology Academy University Control H-1117 Budapest, XI. Magyar tudósok körútja 2., Phone: (+361) 4632699, Fax: (+361) 4632204 URL: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of technical Education Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Centre of Information Technology Budapest University of University H-1111 Budapest, Egry József u.1. Bldg. E. 4th floor Phone: (36-1) 463-2655 Fax: (36-1) 463-1697 E-mail: URL: engineering, identification, simulation, industrial control, computer control systems, real-time systems, parallel computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, digital design, , logic synthesis, biomedical engineering, computer networks, computer graphics, image processing, multimedia, software technology, programming Teaching the theory of technical education; Teaching the methodology of technical education; Technical teacher training, Training school managers University Information System Development; Media Informatics; Modelling and implementing audio-visual document object scheme; Next Generation IP University Research on information society problems; Information Society H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. St. 1/d. Phone: (36-1) 463-1210 Fax: (36-1) 463-1387 E-mail: URL : H-1111 Budapest, Mûegyetem rkp. 9. Bldg. R.210. Phone: (36-1) 463-2526 Hungary Technology and Economics, Information Society and Trend Research Institute Prompt Education discipline; documentation system and database for information society research Fax: (36-1) 463-2547 E-mail: URL : SME design and planning of interactive multimedia CDs; mobile phone alarming system; development of electronic curriculum Prompt H-2100 Gödöllő, Testvérvárosok útja 28 1989 Tel: (28) 430-695 Fax: (28) 415-434 URL : http :// Development of systems for telecommunication operators; leading portal solution provider; Development of call centers and voice portals; Agent technology, research of mobile and intelligent agents, and development of agent-based systems multidisciplinary education in human-centered information technology; information engineering AITIA Inc. H-1117 Budapest, Infopark sétány 1., 5th floor Phone: +36 1 382-7580 Fax: +36 1 382-7581 URL: Hungary AITIA Informatikai Inc. SME Hungary Peter Pazmany Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology Peter Pazmani Catholic University, Ányos Jedlik Laboratory Regens Informatikai Rt University Hungary Hungary University Bio- and Sensor-Computing, SME Tele-Presence and Language Technologies; Integrated Emerging Communication Technologies and Networks Consulting, System integration, Business systems, Web design, E- Hungary, H-1083 Budapest Práter utca 50/a. E-mail: (Márta Szomolányi) Phone/fax: +36-1-886-4700 URL: Hungary, H-1083 Budapest Práter utca 50/a. E-mail: (Márta Szomolányi) Phone/fax: +36-1-886-4700 H-1117 Budapest, Prielle Kornélia utca 19/D Phone: +36 (1) 205-3090 fax: +36 (1) 205-3094 learning Hungary IQ ConsultinG SME Change management, Organisational Development, Process Management, LEGO Serious Play™, CDP™,Knowledge Management, meLearning™, Management Academies, IT Solutions Hungary COEDU Elearning Ltd. SME Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Centre of Information Technology University Distance learning consultancy, Learning material development, Multimedia learning development Computer technology, Education, Information technology, media studies Hungary Eduweb Multimedia Technology and Distance learning Co. SME development of SCORM compatible electronic materials, and selling of ready-made e-Learning syllabi; selection of e-Learning management systems (blended learning courses, organizing tutorial support ); methodological consulting ; R&D work (the applicability of wideband technologies in the field of education, satellite data transfer opportunities, digital televising e-mail: URL: 1056 Budapest Marcius 15, ter. 1 Tel : (1) 3280748 Fax : (1) 3280749 Email:; URL: COEDU E-learning Ltd. Hungarian name: COEDU Távoktatási Kft.. H-1531 Budapest, P.O.Box. 12. URL: Faculty of Informatics Address: 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C. Mail: 1518 Budapest, Pf. 120 Phone: 381-2139 Fax: 381-2140 URL: H-1089 Budapest Gaál Mózes u. 5-7. phone:+36-1-887-6450 fax:+36-1-887-6451 E-mail : URL: Analysis of institutionallevel processes; Developing and maintaining databases; International comparative analyses; Observation of cultural domains (school subjects); Developing teching/learning methods; etc. Lifelong learning, elearning, continuous education, teacher training Actual projects: e2engineering and e-Taster National Institute for Public Education 1051 Budapest, Dorottya u. 8. Tel.: +36-1-235-7210 URL: Hungary National institute of Public Education Education al institution Hungary University of Miskolc, North Hungarian Regional Distance Education Center University Hungary Euro-Contact Business School University phasing H-1027 Budapest, Fő u. 68. Telephone: 224-1434, 224-1435 Fax: 224-1434, 224-1435 e-mail: Hungary SZÁMALK Education and Information Technology Ltd SME course material development; co-ordinating the development of education methods; phasing quality assurance of education; co-operation in selection, training and qualification of tutors; phasing organisational development researches concerning the region Information technology, economics, managerial and business studies training 1115 Budapest Etele ut.68 Tel: (36-1)2030304 Fax: (36-1) 2030313 email: URL: Hungary Easy Learning Hungary SME skill developing training courses during which we make attendants acquire H-1076 Budapest, Rákóczi út 26. Phone: 00 361 483 1700, 00 361 483 3500 Fax: 00 361 483 1699 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, H-3515 Tel./Fax: +36 46 565 370 Email: URL: series of acts and techniques of communication Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia Riga Technical University, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of systems theory and design Riga Technical University, Department of Informatics and Programming Riga Technical University, Division of Software Engineering Riga Technical University, Computing Centre University Integration of Intelligent Riga Technical University, Department of Modelling and Simulation Riga Technical University, University Agent and Knowledge Management technologies for the development of Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Knowledge Management in information systems development and Elearning University Software of Digital Communication, E-learning, Data Security in Software Systems, Software of Computer Games University E-learning System Development; Modern technologies for Software System Development University Investigation and Updating of Software Tools for Educational and Scientific Purposes Simulation-Based Training; Virtual reality in Training; Artificial Neural Network; University Simulation and training Systems, E-learning; E-mail: URL: Meza iela 1/IV Riga LV-1048 Latvia Tel: +371-7089581 Email: URL: Meza iela 1/IV Riga LV-1048 Latvia Tel: +371-7089573 Email: URL: Tel: +371-7089522 Email: Tel: +371-7089547 Email: Tel: +3710-7089514 Email: Tel: +371-7089572 Latvia Applied Software systems Division of based on Web-technologies Applied Computer Systems Software Azenes St. 16 – 443, LV-1048, Latvia Riga Technical University Engineering graphic communication for Tel: (+371) 7 089 225 Fax: (+371) 7 089 235 University, architects, and engineering E-mail: Descriptive students in IT age; Teaching URL:http:// Geometry and and training computer 2D Engineering drafting and 3D modelling in engineering education; 3D Computer Computer Aided Design in Graphics biomechanics Latvia Latvia Latvia Riga Technical University, Distance Education Study Centre University of Latvia University of Latvia University development and adoption of distance learning courses, delivery of the courses Phone: +371 7089216 mail: URL: University IST Programme under the University of Latvia 5thFP: Information Dissemination and European Awerness Launch for the IST Programme under the 5th Framework (IDEALIST – 5FP). IST-1999-14184; Geant Network (GN1). IST – 2000 – 26417; Cultivate CEE „Cultural Heritage Applications Network Part (Refers to CULTIVATE – EU Proposal No. IST – 199 – 1113”); ICT and Education Innovations in Latvia and Worldwide; e-university e-university 19 Raina Blvd., Riga LV 1586, Latvia URL: e-pasts: Māris Treimanis "Ineta" <> Latvia Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy Latvia Ventspils University College Rezeknes University College Daugavpils University Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvian University of Agriculture Higher Education Institution TURIBA Vidzeme University College e-learning courses in teacher training, e-learning for regional development, ecourse development projects e-learning for regional development, e-course development projects – Dzintars Tomsons "Lasma Ulmane-Ozolina" <> e-learning for regional development, e-course development projects "Peteris Daugulis" <> e-learning for regional development, e-course development projects e-learning for regional development, e-course development projects e-study programmes in business and management Armands Gricāns <> University Leonardo da Vinci Latvia Latnet SME framework project LV-PP138.003 „Long-distance tutorial network in „Logistics Information Systems” based on WEB technologies” (2000-2002); Vidzeme University College and Vaxjo University project for the further education of faculty (1999-2002) GEANT Network Latvia Baltic Computer SME designs and implements IT Estere Vitola <> – Irena Baraskina Antons Kiščenko "Uldis Strautkalns" <> Vedzene Univeristy College Cesu street 4, Valmiera Phone: +371 4207230 Fax:+371 4207229 URL: Raina bulv, 29, LV-1459 Riga Tel: +371 7211241 Fax :+371 72 25 072 Email : URL : Baltijas Datoru Akademija Ltd training projects; lifelong learning; E-studies Academy Multimedia, Information society, Information handling and visualisation, E-applications, Computer Graphics, Virtual reality, Web applications organising information centre and data base about recreation and tourism possibilities in Latvia; launch of internet portal; organization of projects with European partners; involment in local, regional, international public programmes Latvia RIDemo SME Latvia Open Latvia NGO Latvia University of Latvia, Faculty of Education and Psychology University The Faculty staff has been involved in many international and national projects in many sciences and teacher education such as TEMPUS, SOCRATES, Thematic network projects, OECD, TIMSS projects financed by Latvian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Elizabetes 65, 3. stāvs, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvija Tel: +371 7505090 , +371 7505492 Fax : +371 7505032 Email : URL: Brivibas str. 183, LV-1012 Riga, Latvia Telephone +371 7378155, Fax +371 7378130 Email : URL: Zakusalas krastmala 3, LV-1509, Latvia Tel: (+371) 7 200 133 Fax: (+371) 7 200 135 E-mail: URL: University of Latvia Faculty of Education and Psychology Latvia, Riga Jurmalas gatve, 74/76, A-208 kab. ZIP code: LV-1083 Phone: +3717033865, +3717034027 Mobile/ GSM: +37129496831 Fax: +3717034002 E-mail: URL:: Research. Lithuania Kaunas Regional Distance Education Study Centre University Development of Distance Education methodology for Centre authors, tutors and administrators of Distance Education courses; Tutors training; Preparation and delivery of Distance Education courses; Accumulation of Distance Education library; Research in Distance Education (needs, methodologies, technologies etc.); Formation and support of virtual learning environments; Production of audio and video learning means; Cooperation with industry and business sector, formal and non formal educational institutions, governmental and non governmental organisations Methods and technology of IT based learning Computer-Aided Design techniques and systems; Computer network technologies & applications in university studies, networked (web-based) education, e-Learning; Lithuania Kaunas University University of technology, Faculty of Informatics, Department of Computer Network Lithuania Kaunas University University Distance Learning- Studentų g. 48a-308, Kaunas LT-3028 Tel.: (+370 37) 300612 Fax +370 37) 300612 E-mail: URL: Studentø g. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas Tel: +370 37 453445, 300397 E-mail: URL: Lithuania Methodological research on of technology, real-time distance learning Faculty of Informatics, Department of Software Engineering Kaunas University University Creation of e-learning methodologies; of technology, Distance learning courses Information development and delivering Technology for public, events development organization in LieDM network; Centre Lithuania University of University Villnus, Faculty of Communication Lithuania Vytautas Magnus University University Information dissemination about e-learning, distance learning courses and LieDM network services; In-service training of LieDM network members’personnel;Develop ment of Lithuanian science and higher education Communication systems in knowledge based society. Philosophical, economical, political, legal, educational, psychological, organizational and management aspects of information structures and information processes in the society INCO, Socrates, Leonardo Da Vinci, Phare Address: Studentų g. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas Tel: +370 37 454229, 300361 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eduardas BAREIŠA E-mail: URL: Studentø g. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas Tel: +370 37 300351 E-mail: URL: Sauletekio al. 9, Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (5) 2 366 100 Fax.: (5) 2 366 104 E-mail.: URL: Donelaiиio g. 58, 44248 Kaunas Бmonлs kodas 111950396 Tel: 222739, Fax: 203858 e-mail: URL: Research of theoretical and methodical fundamentals of informatics, problems of (ICT) in education, computer networks and software engineering methods and applications in the creation of new information technologies Technological sciences, Informatics engineering e-learning, investigation and organisation of distance studies; implementation and management of e-learning Akademijos str. 4 LT-08663 Vilnius, LITHUANIA Phone (+370~5) 21 09 300, fax (+370~5) 27 29 209, e-mail URL: Informatio n technolog y Park Stimulate commercialization of R&D results through the introduction of new technologies, development of small and medium size businesses;Contribute to the development of Information society; Stimulate export of ICT business products and new technologies Visoriai Information Akademijos 2, LT-08412, Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. +370 5 2109256; Fax +370 5 2109257 e-mail: URL: National advisory body to Governme nt on science and technolog y policy National Information Technology Strategy, coordination of sea- and landrelated activities, Alternative, economically feasible, energy-saving and renewable energy applications, improvement of water production and water, Remote Sensing MCST, Villa Bighi, Kalkara CSP 12 Fax: +356 2166 0341 URL: Lithuania Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Education al institution Lithuania Šiauliai University, Distance Education Study Centre Visoriai Information Technology Park University Malta Council for Science and Technology Lithuania Malta Vytauto St. 84, LT-76352 Šiauliai, Lithuania Rooms: 26, 27, 28, 28a. Tel. +370 41 595-865 E-mail: URL: Technology Park Centre, Earth Heritage Working Group, Application of biotechnology, Promoting an S&T Culture, S&T Prospecting Web Application Development, Agent Technology, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Multimedia and Information Retreval, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Graphics, and Software Engineering Computer Labs Let Me Learn Office of Professional Practice Teachers’ Resource Centre Department of Computer Science and AI University of Malta Msida MSD06 MALTA Phone:+356 23 40 25 05 / 23 40 25 19 (Secretary) Fax +356 21 32 05 39 Office:417, Floor 3, Computer Science Building URL: Malta University of Malta, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer science and AI University Malta University of Malta, Faculty of Education, Let me Learn (service) University Malta AcrossLimits SME Knowledge management, ebusiness solutions, elearning modules, multilingual web-portal Gateway Ctr, Kappillan Mifsud Str, Hamrun HMR 10 – MALTA Tel: +356 21224900 Fax: +356 23331210 URL: Poland Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer sciences Academy mathematical and logical aspects of computer science; distributed systems theory and parallel computer architectures; data bases, distributed systems and software engineering; evidential reasoning, knowledge acquisition and representation; statistical and biologically motivated learning paradigms, decision theory; linguistic ul. J.K. Ordona 21 01-237 Warszawa Poland Phone: (+48 22) 8362841 Fax : (+48 22) 8376564 Email : URL: Faculty of Education, University of Malta 221, Old Humanities Building Tel: (00356)2340-2554 Email:; URL: engineering Polish Virtual University University Designing, production and Poland Poznan University of Economics, Department of management Information Systems University Poland Young Digital Poland SME Poland WiedzaNet Sp. Z o.o. SME Poland conducting on-line courses; Supplementation of minimum curriculum requirements with on-line trainings; Organisation of studies and management of students; Financial management of the teaching process; Ready-made on-line courses; Trainings for tutors of on-line courses (preparation of academic teachers for teaching over the Internet) information filtering for Management Information Systems, data warehouses, workflow systems Projects: D-Leap Distance Learning Platform, Adaptive Services grid, Usability – driven open platform for Mobile GOVernment language learning software, curriculum education software packages, integrated eLearning platform Course content elaboration and tailoring for individual needs, Implementation of the solution and mentoring services, Solutions that give opportunities to establish Distance Learning Centres and widening Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5 20-031 Lublin Poland Phone/fax: +48 81 537 58 78 e-mail: URL: The Poznań University of Economics Department of Management Information Systems al. Niepodleglości 10 60-967 Poznań, Poland Collegium Altum, XVIII tel. +48(61) 8543381 fax. +48(61) 8543633 e-mail: URL: Ul. Słowackiego 175 Gdansk 80-298 Poland Tel: +4858 768 22 20 Fax: +4858 768 22 11 URL: ul. Okrzei 35 03-715 Warszawa tel. (22) 511 98 52 faks (22) 511 98 53 e-mail: URL: e-learning, LMS platform, elearning courses ul. Botaniczna 70 65-392 Zielona Gora Poland Phone: +48 (693) 693 048 URL: 6th FP: Science to Industry Excellence Network; Leonardo Da Vinci: „Electronic Authentication of e-Learning”; “Thematic virtual laboratories: innovative methodology to support training inside a Local Economic System” informational activities promoting open, distance and multimedia education, encourage the media (press, radio, television) to participate in education, research on the utilization of modern technology in education Digital Television, Interactive Television, Multimedia Systems and Services The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz ul. Rewolucji 1905 r. Nr 64 Poland Poland 4system SME Poland Bialystok Technical University, Faculty of Computer Science Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz University Poland Warsaw University, Center for Open Multimedia Education University Poland Warsaw University of Technology University Poland AGH- University of Science and University provides an e-learning Poland Academy platform for the purposes of the University faculties , URL: 02-768 Warszawa Ul. Smyczkowa 11A, Poland Fax: (+46 22)853 76 69 Tel: (+46 22) 853 76 70 Email: URL: Pl. Politechniki 1 00-661 Warsaw, Poland Tel: (+48-22) 6607211 Fax: (+48-22) 6292962 URL: Akademia Górniczo –Hutnicza, Ośrodek Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Kraków, Poland Technology, The Distance Education Study Centre Poland FIRMA 2000 SME Poland Gdnask University University of Technology, Department of Material Science and Engineering repository of didactics materials, internet manuals for e-learning courses in mathematics, physics and chemistry Email: Tel: +48-12-6173771, +48-12-6173769 Fax: +48-12-6344494 URL: Training programs for many different target groups; organization development; monitoring and evaluation system design and implementation Firma 2000 Sp. z o.o. ul. Marconich 9 lok. 19 02-954 Warszawa Poland tel.: (48 22) 642-58-72, 642-18-42, 642-18-43 fax: (48 22) 642-58-73 e-mail: Gdansk Narutowicza, 11/12 ZIP code: 80-952 Zielinski Andrzej Chairman/Dean Phone: (+48) 501.329.368 E-mail: Poland ITTI Ltd SME E-learning system, with essential contents, in field of telecommunication and BHP; creation of distance learning systems and multimedia courses, ITTI Ltd. Poznań, Poland Palacza, 91A ZIP code: 60-273 tel.: (061) 861 00 73 fax: (061) 861 05 79 URL: Poland LearningLab s.c SME e-Learning systems LearningLab s.c. Poland, Warsaw Street: Rudnickiego, 10 ZIP code: 01-858 tel./fax +48 (22) 409 13 08 e-mail: URL: Romania Romania Roma nia Technical University of Cluj-Napoca University design and analysis of University “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj Napoca, Lifelong learning and Distance education centre University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Faculty of Computer Science University algorithms, denotational semantics, formal languages, data communications, computer graphics, computer aided design, operating systems, data bases object-oriented methods, parallel algorithms and processing, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, artificial vision and image processing, advanced user interfaces, distributed systems University of Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Automation and Computer Science Computer Science Department 28, Gh. Baritiu St., 400027, Cluj-Napoca ROMANIA Phone: +40-(0)264-401221 Fax: +40-(0)264-594491 URL: STR.I.C.BRĂTIANU NR.20 ,400079,CLUJ-NAPOCA , ROMÂNIA TEL:0040-264-596722 TEL:0040-264-405300/5906 FAX:0040-264-596722 URL: University Design and Development of a Multilingual Balkan WordNet, contract no. IST2000 29388, UAIC coordinator – Dan Cristea TELRI: The TransEuropean Linguistic Resources Infrastructure (TELRI) Str. General Berthelot, nr. 16, Cod 700483 – IAŞI ROMÂNIA Phone: +40 232 201090 (Secretariat) Fax: +40 232 201490 URL: Copernicus Concerted Action, 1998-2001; ELRA: The Acquisition of a Romanian Corpus of 2.000.000 words, 19981999. INTERA: Integrated European language data Repository Area, Subcontract Agreement, (EDC 22076 INTERA / 27924), 2004 AMASS: Associative Memory Arrays for Semantic Search, PROJECT NO. 018283 (FP6), 2005 Romania Romania Romania West University University of Timisoara, Open and Distance Learning Department „Babes-Bolyai” University promotion of research activity in the field of University, object-oriented technology Mathematics and and the involvement of the Computer Science best students in this activityFaculty, Computer CASE (Computer Added Software Engineering) tool Science Research for the analysis, design and Laboratory STR.I.C.BRĂTIANU NR.20 ,400079 CLUJ-NAPOCA , ROMÂNIA TEL:0040-264-596722 FAX:0040-264-596722 URL: Timsoft Ltd. Timisoara SME implementation of software systems belonging to some of the most varied fields (including in activities of business re-engineering) using Object-Oriented Technology (OOT) software firm specialized in Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu nr. 1 RO-400084 Cluj-Napoca URL: Romania eLearning and Web Design. Timsoft offers over 20 online courses in IT, Counselling, Management/Marketing, and Training the eTrainers. Timsoft is partner in educational European projects and hosts the Romanian eLearning Community. Phone/Fax: +40 256 4661 28 Email: URL: E-Government & EAdministration, E-Business, E-Learning (Lotus LearningSpace), Telecom & Utility Solutions QCT CONNECT Bv. Take Ionescu 51 Romania, 300070 Timisoara Tel. 40-256-294011 Fax. 40-256-294012 Email: infoqct at URL: Str. N. Iorga nr. 1, 540088 Targu Mures, Romania; Tel: + 40 265 211 838; Fax: + 40 265 211 838; E-mail: URL: Armenis Street no. 6, Bl. J3, Sc. A, Ap. 9, Sector 4, Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40 21 3273887 Fax: +40 21 3273887 Email: URL: Romania QCT Connect SME Romania Petru Maior University, TarguMures University TEMPUS, SOCRATES Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning Education al institution Romania Program, ERASMUS and MINERVA, LEONARDO DA VINCI and CEEPUS Program, COST 516 Online courses and training orientated towards vocational training and education in different fields for different social groups, for educators and social workers, research and information upon learning opportunities in the country and in Europe, Counselling on matters of IT and elearning, implementation of innovative learning and teaching techniques Romania Siveco Romania SA SME Software solutions offered by SIVECO Romania include the following activity areas: ERP, eBusiness, eLearning, eAdministration, eHealth, Web, Maintenance services SIVECO ROMANIA SA Bd. Maresal Averescu 8-10 Corp Stefan Odobleja Sector 1, cod 011455 Tel: +40 (21) 3181200, 3181201 Fax: +40 (21) 3181202 Email: URL: Romania Institute for Educational Sciences Education al institution Bucureşti / 3, str. Ştirbei Vodă nr. 37, 010102, România Phone: +40 21-313.64.91 Fax: +40 21-312.14.47 Email: URL: Romania National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics Education al Institution Romania Softwin SME Romania Interglob SME research and development in education, put forth the education policies and decisions by the scientific studies and data, analyse needs and issues of the educational system in Romania; Informatic instruments for economy, education and environment, e-Learning, eSociety, e-Culture, multimedia, software development Activities in e-learning domain: Intuitext™ Interactive Lessons; Encyclopedia Universalis; Educational Material in Electronic Format; Mobility and Unlimited Access to Information Through Mobile Learning ; Electronic Dictionaries; RoDactilo™ Internet services, e-learning solutions- e-learning, econtent, soft development in new technologies, Solutions NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR R&D IN INFORMATICS Address: 8-10 Averescu Avenue, 011455, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA Telefon: +40-21-316 52 62, Fax: +40-21-316 10 30 E-mail:, URL: SOFTWIN, Fabrica de Glucoză nr. 5, sect. 2, Bucureşti Phone :+ (40) 21 233 07 80 ; + (40) 21 233 15 47 Fax : + (40) 21 233 07 63 Email : URL: 121 Calea Dudesti Street, 1st Floor, Sector 3, Bucharest, Romania Phone : 021 – 320.69.05 Fax :021 – 320.69.05 for the Wide Area Virtual Networks, Designing networks inside districts e-learning integrated systems eLis, Content management system URL: iCube Studio Ltd. Hattalova 12/B Bratislava Slovak republic Phone : +421 2 44637551 Fax : +421 2 44637553 URL: Kontis, s.r.o. Charkovská 24 101 00 Praha 10 Česká Republika tel.:+4202 71 74 00 54 fax:+4202 71 74 16 63 URL: Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia Tel/Fax: +421-55-625 38 39, -625 32 00 E-mail: URL: Romania VIA Software SME Slovak Republic iCube Studio SME Virtual Dating Solutions, Video Chat Technologies, Multiplayer Online Games, Virtual Casinos, Game Management Systems and E-Learning Applications Slovak Republic Kontis Ltd. SME development of made-oforder software, systems for portfolio, e-learning Slovak Republic Elfa s.r.o. SME Slovak Republic Novitech A.S. SME Hardware and software, Multimedia design Information systems, Books and publishers Educational activities, Research in IT, TT, International projects e-learning content development, ICT, document management, portal development , project management Slovak E-learnmedia SME integrator and implementator sc VIA GRUP srl Bucuresti, str. Campia Libertatii nr. 29, Sector 3, Bucuresti Tel: +4 021 233 25 26 Fax: +4 021 233 25 95 URL: Novitech a.s. Moyzesova 58 040 01 Košice tel. : 055/ 2374 111 fax : 055/ 622 1043 URL: e-learnmedia, s.r.o. Republic Slovak Republic Academia Education Istropolitana Nova al Institute Slovak Republic Slovak University of technology in Bratislava, Institute of Life Long learning Technical University in Kosice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Slovak Republic of high-quality e-learning solutions, Enterprise Knowledge Platform, Virtual classrooms, Authoring Tools, Training, Consulting Open, Distance and Vocational Learning Programme; Society in transformation The European integration processes Local University Local Centre of Distance University Education, Continuing Education Department, University of Third Age, Language Centre , French centre broadband information and communication systems; expert systems and artificial intelligence applications; specialized computer architectures Pod hájom 952/1 018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom Slovak Republic URL: Academia Istropolitana Nova Prostredná 13/49 900 21 Svätý Jur Slovak Republic tel: +421 2 4497 0449-53 fax: +421 2 4497 0455 e-mail: URL: Ilkovičova 3, 812 19 Bratislava Phone: +421 2 60291719, Fax: +421 2 65411004 Email: URL: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky TU v Košiciach Letná 9 042 00 Košice Slovenská republika Telefón: +421 55 63 224 83 Fax: +421 55 63 301 15 URL: University Multimedia Systems for Slovak Republic University of Zilina Slovak Republic Slovak University University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava Higher Education; Devlopment of Centres for Continuing Education; Distance Learning and Continuing Education; Web Learning support Environment for Disabled People promotes the SOCRATES ODL activities; Life-Long Learning in Logistics; Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks supporting Mobility, Multimedia and Internetworking; Seventh International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science University of Zilina Office for Science and Research Univerzitna 1 SK-010 26 Zilina Slovakia Fax: +421/41/513 5052, +421/41/513 5056 E-mail: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava Slovakia, Trnava Paulínska, 16 ZIP code: 917 24 Svetský Štefan University Teacher and Projekt ManaUniversity Manager Phone: 00421 42 442 2375 Mobile/ GSM: 00421 907 071126 E-mail: Slovenia Josef Stefan Education Design and development of open system based Josef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia URL: Institute, Laboratory for open systems and networks al Institution multimedia applications, Open networks and security issues, Standards and standardization in the field of Information Technology Slovenia Josef Stefan Institute, The Department of Knowledge Technologies Education al Institution Josef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia URL: Slovenia Josef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems Education al Institution knowledge technologies, data mining, machine learning, decision support, language technologies, knowledge management and other information technologies that support the acquisition, management, modeling and use of knowledge, industrial applications and development of the knowledge-based society Inductive Logic programming; Evolutionary Computing; Multistrategy Learning and Multiple Knowledge; Text and Web Mining; Knowledge Synthesis for modeling and control; Principles of Intelligence and cognitive science; Ontology and Semantic Web etc. Slovenia Slovenian Institute Education for Adult al Education Institution Development, research and counselling in the field of adult education Smartinska 134a, Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 1 5842 560, Fax: +386 1 5245 881 Email: URL: Josef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia URL: Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information science, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Laboratory for Cognitive Modelling University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information science, AI Laboratory University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences University Cognitive modeling, machine learning, neural networks, picture and data mining University Machine learning, inductive logic programming, neural networks, AI approaches to system control, and qualitative reasoning University Sampling methods, collecting data, valuating data quality, methods of multivariate analysis, network analysis University of University Visual learning and recognition, panoramic Ljubljana, Faculty imaging for mobile robotics; of Computer and image modelling and Information interpretation Science, Visual Cognitive Systems Laboratory Laboratory for Cognitive Modeling University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Science Trzaska 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386-1-4768459 fax: +386-1-4264647 URL: University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Science AI Laboratory Trzaska cesta 25 URL: Kardeljeva ploščad 5 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA Phone: +386 1/5805-100 Telefax: +386 1/5805-101 E-mail: URL : http :// University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science Visual Cognitive Systems Laboratory Trzaska 25 SI-1001 Slovenia Tržaška 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386-1-4768483 fax: +386-1-4264647 email: URL: University of Ljubljana, Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Multimedia University of Maribor, Centre for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research and Studies – CIMRS National Contact Point for Distance Education University Multimedia technologies, National Institution Link different partners in DE field in order to increase flexibility, access to education and quality in development and in delivery of DE programmes Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana telephone: + 386 1 5892 460 fax: + 386 1 5892 698 e-mail: Slovenia NAVIDEZ d.o.o.: SME Teslova ulica 30, SI – 1000 Ljubljana URL: Slovenia KOGVID SME Develop, promote and market technologies which surmount semantical difference between computer and man Cognitive vision and computer vision Slovenia QUINTELLIGEN CE d.o.o. SME Comprehensive solutions and information systems to support knowledge management Jamova cesta 39, SI – 1000 Ljubljana phone: +386 1 477 67 36 fax: +386 1 477 67 36 URL: Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia University computer-based education and learning, grid computing, computer music, human-computer interaction, and virtual and augmented reality All-in-one e-Learning tool; Internet solution: e-learning portal system for software, organization Krekova ul. 2, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia URL: Teslova 30, 1000 Ljubljana phone: +386 1 477 66 31 URL: Slovenia NEVRON d.o.o SME Slovenia Ataco sistemi Ltd. SME interactivity between human and e-services of different electronic media; new approaches of advanced e-solutions development; methodologies of rapid and cost effective e-content development; innovative e-content engineering technologies development; advanced e-services delivery systems development Grid-based systems, network technology, information systems and complex web aplications Stegne 21C, 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 15 113710 Fax: +386 15 113711 URL: Dunajska 104, 1000 Ljubljana email: URL: Slovenia MIRK SME Use of computer communication in preuniversity education; Arrangement, implementation and dissemination of project work on Internet; Modelling and running Slovene projects on Internet; Creating web pages for Slovenian projects; Preparing and making publications; Research work; Preparing didactic resources for the use of on-line projects in the educational process; Helping teachers and students, visiting schools; Presentations, cooperation and promotion on different conferences and fairs in Slovenia and abroad Pot sodarjev 5a 1211 Ljubljana-Smatrno, Slovenia tel GSM 386 41 775 853, fax 386 1 511 06 08 URL: Turkey Knowledge and Technology Group SME Email: URL: Turkey Nigde University University Turkey EGESISTEM SME INFORMATION SYSTEMS Software&Consult Mobile Telecommunication, Instructional and Educational technologies, New Media Design Improving HumanComputer Interaction for Enhanced e-Learning, Applications in the Information Society System Integration, Information Systems, ELearning, E-Commerce, XML URL: Ali Cetinkay blvd, 43 Kat:1 Alsancak Izmir, Turkey Tel: +90 232 463 66 43 Fax: +90 232 463 27 92 Email: URL: ing Services Co. Turkey Bogazici University University Applied Bogazici University 34342 Bebek, Istanbul Tel: 0212 359 54 00 URL: Turkey Bogazici University, Distance Education Centre University Address : Bogaziçi University Distance Education Center 34342-Bebek Istanbul Technical University of Istanbul, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Computer engineering University Artificial Intelligence; Bilden SME Turkey Turkey IST research addressing major societal and economic challenges; Communication, computing and software technologies ; IST future and emerging technologies; Knowledge and interface technologies; Components and Microsystems Meet the e-learning needs of Bogaziçi University; Design, develop, implement and evaluate undergraduate, graduate and adult education courses and programs. Provide e-learning support for existing courses Computer Vision and Image Processing ; Pattern Recognition; Data Mining; Multimedia; Computer Network Protocols; Computer Security; Network Traffic; Control Mechanisms; Optical Networks Software for pre-school, school and adult education Office : 0212 358 15 40 x 2505 D irect line : 0212 257 50 17 E-mail : URL: Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Eng. Department of Computer Engineering Maslak 80626 Istanbul TURKEY Tel: +90 212 285 3338 Fax: +90 212 285 3679 E-mail: URL: Ziverbey, Kasap Ismail Sk.Sadikoglu 4 Is Mrk No:13 Büro No:41 Kadiköy / ISTANBUL TURKEY Turkey Enocta SME Turkey Art4Global Development NGO Turkey Anadolu University University, Open Education Faculty, Department of Distance education Turkey Dogus University, Faculty of Engeneering, Department of Computer Engineering University Turkey Fatih University, University e-Learning Solution Group, e-learning solutions architecture, e-learning strategy development, elearning project management Co-develop socio-economic, educational, and arts-infused projects, focus on local socio-economic and educational development issues collaboratively use developed technologies like computer, internet and videoconferences for students, adaptation to them and create a technological interaction. Tutorials and implementation services (face-to-face education) are also given at appropriate cities. e-learning, database and knowledge base systems, internet computing and WEB technologies, ecommerce systems, semantic web, distributed object computing, operating systems, object-oriented languages and systems, software engineering and computer architecture. Tel : 90 216 449 52 50 (pbx) Fax: 90 216 449 52 51 URL: Eski Büyükdere Caddesi Dilaver Sok. No:4 80660 Otosanayi, 4.Levent Istanbul Tel: +90 (212) 317 63 71 Fax: +90 (212) 317 63 74 URL: Email: URL: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yunus Emre Kampusu 26470 ESKİŞEHİR/TÜRKIYE URL: DOGUS UNIVERSITY Acibadem, Zeamet Street No: 21 34722 Kadikoy/Istanbul Phone: (0216) 327 11 04 – (0216) 327 11 06 Fax: (0216) 327 96 31 URL: 34900 Buyukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey Turkey Department of Industrial Engineering Sabanci University University Wireless Technologies Human Language and Speech Technologies Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Communication and Networking Computer aided material design Contact person: Hasan Bulent Kahraman, email: Turkey Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering University multi Izmir Institute of Technology Department of Computer Engineering Office: 212 Gulbahce, Urla Izmir 35430, Turkey Tel: +90 232 750 65 30 Fax: +90 232 750 65 05 Turkey Isik University Informatics research and Development Centre Middle East Technical University, Informatics Institute Distance Learning Centre University Technology Isik University, Informatics research and Development Centre, Buyukdere Cad. 80670 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey Tel: +90 212 2862960 Email: URL: Turkey agent systems semantic web agent, Artificial Intelligence Sabancı Universitesi, Orhanli - Tuzla, 34956 Istanbul Phone: (0216) 483 9000 Fax: (0216) 483 9005 URL: enhanced learning, semantic web, open source systems, ebusiness and e-government systems University conduct research on distance METU Informatics Institute, İnönü Bulvarı, 06531, Ankara, Turkey. learning, guide national policies to be developed and implemented on distance learning,design and implement training programs, conduct and coordinate research on distance learning, interdisciplinary approach to Phone: +(90 312) 210-3740, 210-3741 Fax: +(90 312) 210-3745 Email: URL: Turkey Cognitive Science Experimental Research Laboratory, Informatics Institute, Middle East Technical University University Turkey Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology Middle East Technical University, Simulations and Games in Education Research group Koc University, College of Engineering University Turkey Turkey research and development in distance learning perception of harmonic structure in music and effects of generation on memory for content and source of information. A learning management tool for e-learning, Net-Class, and online programs and courses are developed and conducted Instructional Technology Computer-Based Instruction Multimedia and Interactive Video Systems Instructional Design and Implementation Instructional Material Development Web Based Multimedia Applications Distance Education University conduct research on the use of simulations and games in education, with pedagogical, cognitive, social and technical issues of simulations and games University Design technologies for software/hardware systems; Video and Image Coding: Data compression, objectoriented video processing techniques for MPEG4, ETU Informatics Institute, İnönü Bulvarı, 06531, Ankara, Turkey. Phone: +(90 312) 210-3740, 210-3741 Fax: +(90 312) 210-3745 Email: URL: Learning.php Middle East Technical University 06531 Ankara/TURKEY Tel: 210 41 93 Fax: 210 11 12 Email: URL: Email: URL: Koç University, Rumelifeneri Yolu 34450 Sarıyer Istanbul Turkey Phone: +212-338-1539 Fax: +212-338- 1548 Email: URL: hierarchical and progressive data transmission; Computer Graphics and 3D Multimedia: Animation and visualization techniques, 3D modeling, coding and reconstruction of real objects, Web3D-VRML multimedia, mesh compression, human face modeling