PhD Genetic and environmental variation of memory

PhD Genetic and environmental variation of memory
CNRS Gif Sur Yvette, France
A 3 year PhD position is available in the Laboratory of Evolution, Genomes, and Speciation
(LEGS, CNRS) in Gif sur Yvette (France) to work on the evolutionary biology of memory.
The starting date of the position is programmed for September 1st 2008.
In Drosophila, 4 different memory phases have been described (short-term, middle-term,
anesthesia-resistant and long-term). Using selection experiments, population comparisons and
conditioning assays, we are addressing issues such as: Genetic and environmental variations
of learning and memory among drosophila species and populations, fitness benefits and costs
of the different memory phases, effect of ecologically-relevant stress on the memory phases.
The successful candidate should be highly motivated and will develop his/her own project in
this area. Candidates should have a master degree in Evolutionary Biology, Animal Behavior
or Neuroscience. Some experience with Drosophila behavior, genetics or molecular methods
would be helpful but are not required.
The application is open to all nationalities and is funded by the European Research Council
(the salary is around 1700 Euro/Month taxes included). No pre-existing knowledge of French
is required to work in the lab, although some knowledge makes living in France easier. Gif
sur Yvette is located 40 min from downtown Paris.
To apply, send your CV, a letter describing your research interests and some ideas for a
project to Arrange for one or two letters of recommendation
to be sent to the same address.
The review of applications will begin on June 15, 2008.
Frederic Mery
Laboratoire Evolution, Genomes et Speciation
CNRS - Bat 13
Avenue de la Terrasse
F-91198 Gif sur Yvette Cedex France
Phone (Office): (33) 1 69 82 37 32
Phone (Lab): (33) 1 69 82 38 63
Fax: (33) 1 69 82 37 36