Minutes AAKPE Executive Committee Meeting Thursday, September 26, 2002 Tucson, AZ Present: B. Berger, J. Dunn, D. Feltz, G. Krahenbuhl, R. Magill, K. Scott, S. Silverman Absent: J. Martens 1. President D. Feltz called the meeting to order at 2:07 p. m. PDT 2. Approval of Minutes from the May 6th Conference Call The minutes had been previously approved by e-mail so that they could be placed in the Newsletter. President-elect Magill noted that although the originally approved minutes stated it was a conference call the Newsletter did not make that clear. This will be corrected on the AAKPE webpage. 3. 2003 Conference President Feltz distributed information about the 2003 Conference. It will be held at Callaway Gardens in GA from September 11th – 14th. This will be the first conference planned by a pastpresident. The theme will be Obesity and Physical Activity as was discussed during the previous conference call. William H. Dietz, Director of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, has agreed to be the keynote speaker. Suggestions for additional program entries, program format, and the program committee were then discussed. It was noted that the Operating Code has the president-elect in charge of one session. President Feltz noted she wanted to have the program schedule finalized by the December conference call. 4. Membership Costs This topic was a follow-up to discussions at previous meetings and conference calls It was noted that because of escalating printing and postage costs we currently lose money on International Fellows (surface mail: dues $33 and lose $7.82 on each membership; air mail: dues $49 and lose $3.82 on each membership). In addition, our costs have risen for sending Quest and other mailings to Active Fellows. By contract with HK the cost can go up 3% each year plus any additional program costs. Because the bylaws require notice and a vote at the annual meeting, it is very difficult to raise dues to keep up with these costs and it has been a number of years since there was a dues increase. After extensive discussion it was agreed to recommend that the bylaws be amended to permit the Executive Committee to tie dues to postage and mailing costs and any other dues change would have to be voted on by the membership. This was referred to next year’s Standing Committee on Documents of Governance for consideration and possible action. 5. Doctoral Evaluation President Feltz asked the committee to consider a bylaw change to create a Standing Committee on Doctoral Program Evaluation. This was previously discussed but the Standing Committee on Documents of Governance felt it was premature since the membership had not yet examined the data from the doctoral evaluation. The Executive Committee agreed to refer this to the Standing Committee on Documents of Governance after the discussion at the Business meeting. Since the earliest this could be voted on is the 2003 meeting, it was recommended that President-elect Magill appoint a presidential committee next year to suggest an Operating Code for the committee so that it could begin in 2003 if approved as a standing committee by the membership. There then was an extensive discussion about what to do with the data that were collected during 2000-2001. President Feltz noted that each of the 26 institutions that participated received their own information and stated that many want to know who the other institutions are in the survey. We can identify those institutions that were solicited for participation and those that participated but cannot identify where each institution is on each of the multiple indicators because of previous decisions and communications. Past-President Krahenbuhl suggested going back to original letters to see what institutions were told. He found the letter and reported that there were key phrases that stated there was “no credible data” and that the purpose was to provide “objective data.” On the issue of what information can be released the letter stated “unless approved by a majority of Academy members outcomes will remain anonymous and confidential, though you will know your own institutions results.” It then was decided to add this to the agenda for the Business Meeting on Saturday. Past-President Krahenbuhl agreed to provide an historical overview at the Business Meeting. It was moved by J. Dunn and seconded by President-elect Magill that data can only be used for internal purposes and improvement and the data are not authorized for external uses. The Executive Committee unanimously agreed to present this option to the membership. 6. Relationship with AAHPERD J. Dunn presented an overview of the previous relationship with AAHPERD and passed out a handout prepared by Don Franks at the 1994 meeting discussing possible scenarios for this relationship. After a brief discussion it was decided to invites Maureen Weiss, the current president of the AAHPERD Research Consortium, to the Saturday Executive Committee meeting to discuss this further. 7. Fellows who are Delinquent on Paying Dues S. Silverman and K. Scott reported that there were some Fellows who were behind in their dues payments (6 Fellows have not paid this year, 3 have not paid for two years, and 6 are behind three or more years and classified as inactive). K. Scott noted that the use of e-mail reminders had helped reduce the number of delinquent payments. There was a discussion about what to do about those whose memberships expired and it was noted that this would become an issue if we were close to having the maximum (150) number of Active Fellows. It was proposed to discuss this at the business meeting. In addition, Past-President Krahenbuhl reminded the group that those who are behind in their dues are not permitted to state on their resume that they are Active Fellows in the AAKPE. 8. Vendien Lecture Money Past-President Krahenbuhl reported that Dan Landers was using this year’s Vendien money to bring in two foreign scholars to do presentations at the meeting. K. Scott noted that this money was based on a line in Professor Vendien’s will making a donation to the Academy to bring foreign scholars to present at the meeting. The money is not in a separate endowment and we are drawing against the principal. In the past a variety of suggestions (e.g., label the presentation the “Vendien International Scholar Lecture,” cover the expenses of the presenter, and present a plaque to commemorate the Lecture) have been made for how to use Professor Vandien’s donation and implement them in ways that fulfill her desires and the needs of the Academy. None of these suggestions, however, have been implemented. Based on a recommendation by the Executive Committee, President-Elect Magill will appoint a Presidential Committee to look at options to best use the Vendien gift. 9. Encouraging use of FAAKPE President Feltz reported that Article 12, Section 2 of the bylaws state “Fellows shall be requested to place the initials F.A.A.K.P.E. following their names on publications or writings, where such usage is in good taste and will bring credit to the Academy.” President Feltz noted this in her letter to the membership in the last Newsletter. It also will be mentioned at the Business Meeting. 10. 75th Anniversary Meeting President Feltz noted that incoming President-Elect Morrow would be organizing this meeting when he becomes past-president. President Feltz stated that the Academy was founded in New York City and asked if we should have a special meeting and hold it in a special place. S. Silverman noted that although Manhattan does not have a golf course there are lots of other things to do and it would be very appropriate to hold the meeting there. The location of the meeting will be decided in the future. President Feltz encouraged anyone with comments about the 75th Anniversary Meeting to contact J. Morrow. In addition, provisions will be made so that Fellows can send comments directly to J. Morrow from the website. After further discussion it was decided to recommend that we make a concerted effort to encourage all members and former officers to attend. 11. Website President Feltz noted that in the Operating Code it was the president’s duty to supervise the website and that she thought this was appropriate. It was suggested that we include access to memorial statements on the website. President Feltz indicated that she would ask J. Harris to give them to the Editor of the Newsletter. 12. Directory of Specialists The Executive Committee discussed the Directory of Specialists and noted some problems with the website interface. These problems include that you cannot see entries by topic and cannot get directly to a person’s description. It was recommended that there be a statement at the top of the page about Fellows updating their entries and that we create a way that it goes to the person coordinating the directory for verification. President Feltz stated it up to the president to monitor this. President-elect Magill wondered if it was used enough to merit the time. 13. Newsletter President Feltz noted that M. Sherman, Newsletter Editor, submitted a report with a recommendation and it was to consider whether or not the Editor needed to be a Fellow. S. Silverman, D. Feltz and J. Martens discussed this in a recent e-mail and all felt it was important for the Editor to be a Fellow. President Feltz suggested having the Editor participate in part of the Executive Committee’s conference calls to make it easier to do the job. After discussion it was decided to have a November 1st due date for submissions for the fall Newsletter (to be available on December 1st) and April 1st for the spring Newsletter (to be available May 1st). As discussion closed, President-elect Magill announced that M. Sherman agreed to be editor for three more issues. 14. New Business It was noted that two elected Fellows could not attend the induction at the banquet because of personal or family medical issues that occurred just prior to the meeting and that this would create gaps in the Fellow numbers. After discussion, President-elect Magill moved and J. Dunn seconded that we permit B. Light Bredemeier and R. Vealey to be inducted next year and that we adjust the Fellow numbers accordingly and send new plaques to those whose numbers will change. The motion was unanimously approved. J. Dunn noted that the visibility committee made a recommendation. After a short discussion of the recommendation Past-President Krahenbuhl moved and B. Berger seconded that we accept the committee recommendation (“A news release should be prepared on the election of each new member. The release would be sent to the individual’s campus news bureau and, as appropriate, to a local paper. The release should include the name of the individual, university affiliation, statement about the person, and a template describing the Academy. If possible, we would also recommend that a list of newly elected members be sent to the Chronicle of Higher Education announcing our annual selections and their own institutions.”) and add this to the Operating Code for the secretary-treasurer. The motion passed unanimously and S. Silverman indicated he would add it to the Operating Code. President Feltz led a short discussion about the agenda for the business meeting on Saturday. The meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m. PDT Respectfully submitted. Stephen Silverman Secretary-Treasurer