Calculus Syllabus 6th mod - Windsor Central School District

A MAT 112 Calculus I Syllabus
Instructor: Colleen Pendergast, cpendergast@windsor-csd,org
Class Meets: Mon – Fri. 6th mod (11:34 – 12:16). This is a full year course.
Additional Help: available after school and during instructor’s study hall mods. Arrange time with instructor
after school ahead of time.
Text: Calculus: A New Horizon 6th ed. by Howard Anton
Prerequisites: successful completion of Pre-Calculus at the high school level.
General Ed Category: Mathematics and Statistics: Courses here enable students to demonstrate
1) knowledge of concepts, terms, and symbols used to analyze data
2) an ability to formulate problems in abstract form amenable to mathematical, statistical, or logical analysis.
3) an ability to perform appropriate operations to draw conclusions from data.
4) an ability to interpret and communicate quantitative information.
Course Description: This course covers material as outlined in the UHS at Albany A MAT 112 Calculus 1 course.
Students should have completed a Pre-Calculus course successfully prior to this Calculus course and be familiar
with algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and functions as covered in previous math courses. Students should have
their own graphing calculator, preferably a TI-83 or TI-84, as that is the one used in class. This is a calculus of one
variable course. The following topics will be covered in thus course: Limits, continuity, differentiation of
algebraic functions, applications of differentiation, anti-derivatives, the definite integral, and transcendental
Course Objective: To develop a strong understanding of the basic concepts of calculus.
Grading: Grades are based upon homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and take home problems. Tests will be
announced a few days prior. Quizzes are generally announced a day in advance. Some quizzes are short in length
and others a little longer. Mid-Term and Final Exam will be announced. Mid Term will most likely be in January
and the final exam in June. Grades are done on a point system. At completion of the course, pending course
approval from SUNY Albany, a grade of A – E will be assigned for your overall course grade. There is no S/U
(Pass/Fail) option for this course.
In determining your final grade for the University at Albany transcript, Tests are 30%, Quizzes are 20%,
Homework/Classwork are 30%, and the final exam is 20%. A grade of A – E will be submitted to the University
at Albany upon completion of the course.
Grading Scheme: Used for determining final grade at completion of the course.
100 – 93
B82 – 80
69 – 67
A92 – 90
79 – 77
66 – 63
B+ 89 – 87
76 – 73
D62 – 60
86 – 83
C72 – 70
Below 60
Homework: Homework will be assigned several times per week. It is highly recommended you keep up with
your regular homework assignments. Assignments will re-enforce the basic concepts learned in class and some
problems will ask you to extend beyond your basic understanding. If you are struggling with the material, I
encourage you to seek help as soon as possible. Typically in a college level calculus course you will have to spend
additional time outside of class learning calculus, which is a very important key to mastering required techniques.
Attendance: Attendance in class is an integral part of the course and is required. If course is approved, UHS at
Albany has an attendance policy. UHS Albany recommends a maximum of 10 absences for a full year course.
2 points will be deducted from your final grade for every absence beyond the allowable 10. If a student
knows ahead of time that they will miss a course, I expect them to see me before hand to get what will be missed.
If a student is out, it is their responsibility to see me and make up any missed work. You should also seek out
missed notes from a fellow student in the class.
General Policies: All Windsor school district and high school policies are to be adhered to. It is very important
that students come to class prepared everyday and with a willingness to learn. Plagiarism of any kind will not be
tolerated in this course and could result in failing the class. Out of respect for your fellow students desire to learn
and your instructor’s desire to teach, you are required to: arrive on time, have your cell phone turned off (no usage
of any kind will be tolerated, including texting), and not distract others in the room. You will be respectful during
the time the instructor is teaching as well as when other students are asking/answering a question. Active
participation in class and sharing of ideas is strongly encouraged.
Standards of Integrity: Pending approval from Albany, UHS at the University at Albany expects all members of
its community to conduct themselves in a manner befitting its tradition of honor and integrity. Behavior that is
detrimental to the University’s role as an educational institution is unacceptable. The following are examples of
the types of behaviors that are unacceptable to the University at Albany: Plagiarism, cheating on exams, sabotage,
submitting the same work for credit more than once, bribery, and falsification.
Outline for Calculus
Text: A New Horizon by Howard Anton, Sixth Edition
Calculator Review, Algebra Review,Trig Review, etc.. (3 days)
Chapter 1: Functions (2 + weeks,  10 days)
Properties of Functions
Mathematical models
Graphing functions on calculators
Families of Functions
New Functions from old
Chapter 2: Limits and Continuity ( 3 weeks or 15 classes)
Intro to Limits
Computational Techniques
Limits and Continuity of trig functions
Chapter 3: Derivative ( 4 weeks or 20 classes)
Tangent Lines and Rates of change
Techniques of differentiation
Chain Rule
Derivatives of Trig Functions
Chapter 4: Logarithmic and Exponential Functions: ( 3 weeks or 15 classes)
Inverse Functions
Derivatives of inverse trig functions
Logarithmic and exponential functions
Related Rates and L’Hopital’s rule
Implicit differentiation
Derivatives of Log and Exponential Functions
Chapter 5: Analysis of Functions and their graphs (2 + weeks or 10 –12 classes)
Increase, Decrease, and Concavity
First and Second Derivative Tests
Relative Extrema
Applying technology and tools of calculus
Chapter 6: Applications of the Derivative: ( 3 weeks or 15 classes)
Absolute Maxima and Minima
Newton’s Method (brief)
Applied Max and Min Problems
Rolle’s Theorem, MVT
Rectilinear Motion
Chapter 7: Integration ( 3- 4 weeks or 15 – 20 classes)
Overview of Area Problem
Definite Integral
Indefinite Integral, integral curves
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Integration by Substitution
Rectilinear Motion, Average Value
Evaluating Definite Integrals by substitution
Log Functions from integral point of view
Chapter 8: Area and Volume ( 2 weeks or 10 classes)
Area Between Two Curves
Volume by slicing
Chapter 10: Differential Equations ( 1 week or 5 classes)
First Order Separable
Volume of Solids of Revolution
Models increase, decrease
Review and Final Exam (~ 8 classes)
There is typically a test after each chapter. Some of the smaller chapters may be combined for a test.