-(Lk 9) Review: Life of Jesus - Who He is, What He does and What He wants
-Let’s review so far:
God is Born: Jesus wants to be with humanity
Jesus Prepares: Jesus wants to succeed, so He is obedient
Jesus’ opening act: The “Son of Man” shows Himself unique in authority
Jesus heals people: Jesus wants us to be Sozo, made whole in every way
Jesus delivers people: Jesus wants you far away from the devil
Jesus teaches people: Jesus wants us to have the abundant life through obedience
Jesus teaches people: Jesus teaches about the KOG so you can get in it
Jesus connects with people: Jesus loves sinners!
Jesus warns people: Jesus wants US to succeed
Jesus accuses people: Jesus accuses people because He wants to save some
-This week we look at Jesus’ last “ministry activities” before we get into His final month
-Lk 9:1-6 - Jesus sends out the twelve
-Trust God to provide your needs (extreme: don’t even take extras with you)
-Move on from those who reject Jesus
-Lk 10:1-21 - Jesus sends out the 72 and their report
-(2) Pray for harvesters (more on that later)
-(3) Lambs among wolves: The world will hate the harvesters
-(9) Heal sick and proclaim “the KOG has come near”… why “near”?
-(10-11) The KOG is near even the rejecters… what is He talking about
-(16) Rejecting Christians is rejecting Jesus
-Jesus is the King of the KOG
-(19) The authority of the KOG covers the demonic as well as sickness
-(21) Who does God reveal the KOG? “Little children”
-Mt 28:18-20 - Jesus sends ALL of His followers, including YOU
-Who is Jesus: The first harvester? The manager/boss
-What does He do: He sends people out to do the work of the KOG
-Why does He do it: Why doesn’t Jesus just do it all supernaturally?
-There are plenty of reasons why sending people is a bad idea (take credit, mess it up)
-In the Muslim Middle East Jesus often appears in dreams/visions
-If we ARE the KOG, then we need to go (the HS resides IN US)
-Jesus wants us to be blessed and prosperous in every way (Sozo) so He sends US
-More blessed to give than to receive (Act 20:35)
-When you do to the least of these (Mt 25:40)
-Love covers over a multitude of sins (1Pe 4:8)
-If “going” is a chore, then we are self-focused, proud and sinful: going is freeing
-Jesus sends us into the field not because He’s lazy, but because He’s loving
-In what way has God sent you?
-Disciple a younger believer?
-Volunteer in serving others?
-Befriending a sinner?
-To live the abundant life, we must GO in some way: what is God calling you to do?