Name _____________________________ Titanic Research Guidelines You will be given one of the following topics to research (the making of the ship, the passengers of the ship, the sinking of the ship, or the recovery of the ship. My topic is:_________________________________________________ Use the wiki listed for the Titanic project under Wiki Activities for Third Grade listed on to research your topic. (Remember you need to login as a guest with the password edge3.) The topics are listed on the left hand side of the research main page. Click on your topic and then use the links on your topics’s main page to find your information. As you research you need to fill out the graphic organizer. You will use the graphic organizer to write your report and to make a powerpoint presentation slide. As you are researching, you need to remember some key things: 1. Use the back arrow button (up in the upper left hand corner) to go back to the previous page or back to the main page for your topic. If you can’t get back you can always start at the research main page at 2. To watch the videos, click on the arrow that is on the video. 3. You need to find your information, and then after you are finished finding the information you can go back and do some of the quizzes, games, or activities Titanic Powerpoint Presentations Directions Step 1: o Before beginning with these directions, students have their graphic organizer completed with the information for their subtopics. o Login to computer using your username and password. o Click on View at the top of the screen. o Click on Show View Options, then click on the box next to Show icon Preview. There must be a check mark in that box. Then close out that box by clicking on the circle in the top left corner. o Double click on Public hard drive. o Then Double click on Bloomfield. o Double click on Titanic Research. o Click on Titanic Pics for 3rd grade project and hold it down while you drag it to your desktop. (The folder should be on your screen on the left hand side.) o Click on the red dot to close out the window. o Click on the orange P in your dock to open Powerpoint. o Click on Open Step 2: o At the top of the menu bar click on the icon with the A (at the upper right, next to the percentage numbers). This will bring up the formatting palette. o On the formatting palette, click on the new slide that says Add Bulleted List Slide. o Click on the add title box. o Type your subtopic, then type By and your name. Press the Return key when done. o Click on add text box and type your subtopic. Press the Return key when done. o Type your first fact about your subtopic then hit return. Remember to write phrases, not sentences. o Type your next fact and hit return. o Continue until you have all your subtopic facts listed. o Click on the word Format at the top of the screen. o Click on Slide Background. o Click on the blue arrows to open more colors. o Click on the words More Colors. o Click on the crayon box. o Click on the color you want. Hint: You need a light, bright color. o Click on Apply. o If you want to add a picture to your slide, double click on the Titanic pics folder. o Look through the pictures and then choose one. Click on it and hold it while you drag it onto your slide. o Slide the mouse over the picture until a white hand appears. o Use this white hand to drag the picture where you want it. To do this, hold the click button in and drag. Once you have it placed, press the click button. o If you want to change your font style or the size of the font, then click on the box with your words and hold it while you highlight it (using the touch pad to highlight), then change it from the box on the right hand side where it says Name and Size. Once you have finished your slide, raise your hand so we can save it and add it to the class presentation slideshow. How to save it: Click on File, then Save As. Change the file name to your first and last name, then click ok. Double click on the Public hard drive. Then double click on Edgebox. Then Double click on Bloomfield. Click on your slide and hold the click button down while you drag it to the folder labeled Mrs. Alcorn. Titanic Project Subtopics You will make a slide on your subtopic. Topic: The Making of the Ship (Construction) My subtopic is: _______________________________ Subtopics: Designing and Building the Titanic Name the designer of the Titanic Name the company who built the Titanic Tell when construction began Tell when construction was finished on the Titanic Construction of the Titanic Tell how long it took to build the Titanic Name any problems that happened during the construction. Tell when the Titanic first set sail Tell when the Titanic set sail for New York Dimensions of the Titanic Tell the weight, height, and length of the Titanic Tell about the funnels on the Titanic Tell about the lifeboats on the Titanic Parts of the Titanic List and tell about the different decks on the Titanic List and tell about the different rooms and places found on the Titanic Titanic Project Subtopics You will make a slide on your subtopic. Topic: The Passengers of the Ship My subtopic is: _______________________________ Subtopics: 1st class passengers Describe the people in first class Describe what the 1st class rooms looked like Name any privileges that 1st class passengers had 2nd class passengers Describe the people in second class Describe what the 2nd class rooms looked like Name any privileges that 2nd class passengers had 3rd class passengers Describe the people in third class Describe what the 3rd class rooms looked like Name any privileges that 3rd class passengers had Crew members List and tell about the different jobs on the Titanic Name and tell about the captain of the Titanic Famous Passengers List and tell about any famous passengers on the Titanic Reasons for traveling on the Titanic List the reasons people where traveling on the Titanic Statistics of Survivors Tell how many people survived in each category. (women and children, crew, 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class) Statistics of Deaths Tell how many people died in each category. (women and children, crew, 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class) Titanic Project Subtopics You will make a slide on your subtopic. Topic: The Sinking of the Ship My subtopic is: _______________________________ Subtopics: Site of the Sinking Tell where the Titanic sank Tell when the Titanic sank Name ships that were close to the Titanic when it sank How Titanic sank Tell how long it took for the Titanic to sink Tell how the Titanic sank What passengers did during the sinking Tell about the different things the passengers did during the Titanic Tell how the different passengers felt during the sinking Tell how the lifeboats were loaded Why did the Titanic sink and How can we prevent accidents List different reasons why the Titanic hit the iceberg and why so many people died List any new laws or changes that were made because of the accident Titanic Project Subtopics You will make a slide on your subtopic. Topic: The Recovery of the Ship My subtopic(s) is/are: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Subtopics: Site of the wreckage Tell where the Titanic was found Tell when the Titanic was found Who found the Titanic Tell who found the Titanic Tell what equipment they used to find the Titanic Artifacts Found Tell about the different things that have been found and recovered Tell what is done with the different artifacts that have been found Memorials List any memorials or anything that has been to remember the tragedy and the people who died Teacher Directions for Project Break the subtopics down for the students as follows: The Making of the Ship (4 students, one for each subtopic) The Passengers of the Ship (5 students, plus famous passengers: 1 student for each passenger class, 1 for the crew, 1 for the reasons and statistics) The Sinking of the Ship (4 students, one for each subtopic) The Recovery of the Ship (2 students, 1 for the site of the wreckage and who found it, 1 for the artifacts found and memorials for the wreck) Use Famous Passengers for Inclusion students (they can each individually do a famous passenger or they can do it in partners). You can even have some of the regular ed. students do some passengers too, depending on if they are needed. When researching, put the groups together so the students can help each other find information. Have students fill out information on the organizer as they are researching. Have students use information to write the report. As the students are doing the PowerPoint, put it all together to build one PowerPoint presentation. You may want to make a slide for each topic with each students’ name on it for that topic. You should have more than one student building a slide at a time (on their own computers), and then put them together. Have students save it, then put it in the public hard drive, under Edge Box, Bloomfield, Mrs. Alcorn’s. They can access this from home. For teacher’s they should make folder in Edge Box for their class where the students will drop their powerpoints. Teachers should drag their files from that folder and put it on their desktop. Be sure to empty out the edge box after doing this.