1 Electronic Supplementary Material 2 3 Indirect selection on female extra-pair reproduction? Comparing the additive 4 genetic value of maternal half-sib extra-pair and within-pair offspring 5 6 Jane M. Reid & Rebecca J. Sardell 7 8 9 Derivation of the equivalence between the difference in breeding value for 10 fitness between a female’s EPO and the WPO they replaced and the genetic 11 covariance between fitness and male net paternity gain. 12 The aim is to estimate the difference in additive genetic breeding value (BV) for fitness 13 between a female’s extra-pair offspring (EPO, sired by an extra-pair male) and the 14 hypothetical within-pair offspring (WPO, sired by a female’s socially paired mate) that the 15 EPO replaced. This difference must be expressed as a genetic covariance in order to be 16 estimated directly within an animal model. 17 In general, the expected BV of an offspring equals the average BV of its parents such that: 18 E[WEPO] = ½(WF + WEPM) (Eqn 1) 19 E[WWPO] = ½(WF + WWPM) (Eqn 2) 20 where WEPO, WWPO, WF, WEPM and WWPM are the BVs for fitness (W) of EPO, WPO, the female 21 and her extra-pair and socially paired males respectively. 22 23 1 24 The expected difference in BV between a female’s EPO and the WPO it replaced (BV) is 25 therefore half the difference in BV between the female’s extra-pair and socially paired 26 males: 27 BV = E[WEPO] – E[WWPO] = ½(WF + WEPM) - ½(WF + WWPM) 28 BV = ½(WEPM – WWPM) 29 Averaged over all EPO, the mean difference in BV between EPO and the WPO they replaced 30 is therefore: 31 E[BV] = ½(EEPO[WEPM] – EEPO[WWPM]) 32 Verbally, E[BV] is proportional to the BV of extra-pair sires averaged over all EPO minus the 33 BV of the socially paired males that were cuckolded by the extra-pair sires, again averaged 34 over all EPO (EEPO indicates an expectation over EPO). These quantities can be rewritten as 35 averages over sires rather than offspring, such that: 36 E[BV] = ½((EM[NEWA]/EM[NE]) - (EM[NCWA]/EM[NC])) 37 where NE is the number of EPO a male sired and NC is the number of offspring a male lost 38 through cuckoldry and EM[NE] and EM[NC] are these quantities averaged over all males (EM 39 indicates an expectation over males). The quantities EM[NEWA] and EM[NCWA] are therefore 40 the products of the numbers of EPO sired and offspring lost through cuckoldry and the 41 male’s BV for fitness (WA), again averaged over all males. 42 However, EM[NE] = EM[Nc] because the mean paternity gain through EPO must equal the 43 mean paternity loss through cuckoldry across a population. Hence: 44 E[BV] = ½((EM[NEWA] – EM[NCWA])/EM[NE]) 45 However in general, the covariance between two variables x and y is defined as: 46 cov(x,y) = E[(x-µx)(y-µy)] 47 where µx and µy are the means of x and y respectively. It follows that: (Eqn 3) (Eqn 4) (Eqn 5) (Eqn 6) 2 48 cov(x,y) = E[xy] - µxµy 49 E[xy] = cov(x,y) + µxµy 50 E[xy] = cov(x,y) + E[x]E[y] 51 Applying Eqn 7 to Eqn 6 gives: 52 E[BV] = ½ . (1/EM[NE]) . ((cov(NE,WA) + EM[NE]EM[WA]) – (cov(NC,WA) + EM[NC]EM[WA])) 53 where cov(NE,WA) is the covariance between NE and BV for fitness. 54 However, in the baseline population the mean BV is zero by definition such that EM[WA] 0. 55 Hence: 56 E[BV] = ½ . (1/EM[NE]) . (cov(NE,WA) – cov(NC,WA)) 57 In general by the additive law of covariances: 58 cov(NE,WA) – cov(NC,WA) = cov(NE-NC,WA). 59 Hence: 60 E[BV] = ½(cov(NE-NC,WA))/EM[NE] 61 E[BV] = ½(covA(NE-NC,W))/E[NE] 62 The mean difference in BV for fitness between EPO and the WPO they replaced can 63 therefore be estimated as half the genetic covariance between (NE-NC) and fitness (covA(NE- 64 NC,W), where NE is the number of EPO a male sired through extra-pair mating and NC is the 65 number of offspring that male lost through cuckoldry), divided by the number of EPO sired 66 averaged over males. The quantity NE-NC is a male’s net paternity gain through extra-pair 67 reproduction. (Eqn 7) (Eqn 8) (Eqn 9) 68 69 This basic derivation assumes that additive genetic effects on fitness are the same in males 70 and females such that the inter-sex genetic correlation rmf 1, and hence that individual 71 males sire sons and daughters of equal paternal additive genetic value. It also assumes that 3 72 the genetic correlation between a male’s net paternity gain through sons and daughters is 73 ca.1. The latter constraint can be verified or relaxed by considering net paternity gain 74 through sons and daughters as separate traits. The condition E M[NE] = EM[Nc] must hold 75 when NE and NC are evaluated as the numbers of sons and daughters gained through extra- 76 pair reproduction and lost through cuckoldry separately (assuming that a female’s offspring 77 do not change sex depending on their paternity). The mean differences in BV between a 78 female’s EP sons and the WP sons they replaced, and between a female’s EP daughters and 79 the WP daughters they replaced, can therefore be estimated as: 80 E[BVS] = ½(covA(NES-NCS,W)/E[NES]) (Eqn 10) 81 E[BVD] = ½(covA(NED-NCD,W)/E[NED]) (Eqn 11) 82 where the subscripts S and D indicate values through sons and daughters respectively. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 4 96 Distribution of kinship 97 Due to the depth, completeness and high inter-connectedness of the song sparrow 98 pedigree, some degree of non-zero kinship (k) was detectable in the vast majority of all 99 pairwise comparisons among all individuals retained in the pedigrees used for the current 100 analyses. For example, across the 2432 individuals in the pedigree used for the analysis of 101 offspring survival to recruitment, only 1.6% of all pairwise k values were zero. Figure S1 102 shows the full distribution of k and the same distribution without the zero values. These 103 distributions are not overwhelmingly skewed or zero-inflated and mean kinship was 104 relatively high compared to many other wild population pedigrees [e.g. 1-2]. There was 105 therefore substantial power to estimate additive genetic variances (VA) and covariances 106 (covA). Indeed, a heritability of only h2prob 0.07 was detectable. This power stemmed 107 primarily from comparisons among second-order, third-order and more distant relatives: 108 only 0.10% of all pairwise comparisons (and 0.11% of pairwise comparisons for which k > 0) 109 comprised full-sibs. To further quantify power we estimated the ‘reliability’ (r2) as the ratio 110 of the variance in posterior modal BV across all individuals to the posterior modal V A; r2 1 111 when BVs are accurately estimated, and r2 h2 when estimated BVs entirely reflect 112 individual phenotype [23]. Reliability r2 = 0.75 for offspring recruitment. 113 114 115 116 117 118 5 119 Figure S1. Distributions of kinship (k) across (a) all pairwise comparisons among all 2432 120 individuals in the pedigree and (b) all pairwise comparisons where k > 0. The mean, median, 121 minimum, maximum and inter-quartile range (IQR) were 0.065, 0.061, 0.000, 0.471 and 122 0.043-0.079 across all pairwise comparisons and 0.066, 0.062, 0.0001, 0.471 and 0.045- 123 0.080 excluding zeros. Bar width is 0.005. 124 125 126 127 6 128 Recruitment analyses 129 Unlike the more typical use of generalized linear (mixed) models, the primary aim of an 130 animal model is not necessarily to explain or account for the maximum possible proportion 131 of variation in the trait of interest through known fixed effects. Indeed, the degree to which 132 any fixed effects should be included in animal models is debatable [3]. This is because the 133 total phenotypic variance is of interest; a trait’s heritability (h2) is estimated as the ratio of 134 additive genetic variance (VA) to the total variance that remains after accounting for fixed 135 effects. Estimated heritabilities will therefore increase as more fixed effects are fitted (and 136 hence as a greater proportion of remaining variation reflects additive genetic effects rather 137 than any environmental source [3]). Such high heritabilities are likely to be misleading in 138 the context of understanding evolution. However, failure to fit appropriate fixed effects 139 that describe major environmental variation can bias comparisons of estimated breeding 140 values among groups of animals of interest [4,5]. There is therefore no straightforward 141 ‘correct’ answer to which fixed effects should be fitted. The most judicious approach may 142 be to fit effects that describe major environmental differences between groups of 143 individuals within which selection can or is likely to act, but to avoid fitting further fixed 144 effects that describe more detailed aspects of underlying ecology or environmental 145 variation. 146 147 Given these considerations, our basic animal model structure for offspring recruitment 148 included the following fixed effects: 149 150 1) an offspring’s natal year, modelled as 16 levels across the 16 studied cohorts, because mean recruitment varies among song sparrow cohorts [6] 7 151 2) a linear regression of recruitment on an offspring’s inbreeding coefficient (f, hence 152 estimating inbreeding depression), because mean recruitment shows inbreeding 153 depression in song sparrows and failing to control for inbreeding depression can 154 inflate estimates of VA [7,8] 155 156 3) an offspring’s sex, modelled as two levels, because mean recruitment differs between male and female song sparrows [6] 157 4) an offspring’s extra-pair status, modelled as two levels (EPO and WPO), to minimise 158 the degree to which any environmental variation associated with paternity status 159 could confound the estimated genetic effects of interest [4,5] 160 161 5) a status by sex interaction, because relative recruitment differs between male and female EPO versus WPO in mixed-paternity song sparrow broods [9]. 162 163 In practice, estimates of the latter two effects did not differ significantly from zero and 164 estimates of VA and h2 remained quantitatively similar whether or not they were included in 165 the animal model (Table S1). 166 environmental variables that could be hypothesised to influence offspring recruitment in 167 general or in relation to individual or brood paternity status were not fitted. Fixed rather 168 than random year effects were modelled because selection on recruitment (survival to age 169 one year) is likely to act primarily within years. However, VA and h2 were still significantly 170 greater than zero when random rather than fixed year effects were modelled (posterior 171 mode for h2latent: 0.08; 95%CI: 0.03-0.15). Further fixed effects describing specific ecological or 172 173 174 8 175 The 2196 offspring were produced by 217 different mothers and 215 different genetic 176 fathers and reared by 215 different social fathers. Overall, 138 (64%) mothers and 131 177 (61%) genetic fathers that contributed any offspring contributed ≥1 WPO and ≥1 EPO, while 178 70 (32%) mothers and 71 (33%) genetic fathers contributed ≥1 WPO but no EPO and 9 (4%) 179 mothers and 13 (6%) genetic fathers contributed ≥1 EPO but no WPO. Furthermore, ca.50% 180 of mothers and fathers that contributed ≥1 WP daughter or son also contributed ≥1 EPO of 181 the same sex. Therefore, across the population, there was substantial congruence in the 182 identities of parents of WPO and EPO. 183 Random effects of an individual’s natal brood, natal territory, mother identity and/or 184 social father identity were initially fitted to estimate variances due to consistent effects of 185 brood, location and parents providing care and minimise the degree to which such effects 186 could potentially confound estimates of VA [10]. However estimates of these variances 187 were close to zero and estimates of fixed effects, VA and h2 remained quantitatively similar 188 whether or not they were included in the animal model (Table S2). The lack of detectable 189 variance due to brood, territory and provisioning parents may be because the focal trait 190 (survival from ca.6 days post-hatch to recruitment at age one year) primarily covers a period 191 when offspring are no longer associated with their natal territory, parents or brood mates. 192 Effects of natal and rearing environment may therefore be expected to be small relative to 193 environmental conditions experienced during the summer, autumn, winter and spring after 194 fledging. 195 196 197 9 198 Table S1. Posterior modes (and 95% credible intervals) for additive genetic variance, latent- 199 and probability-scale heritabilities and inbreeding depression in survival to recruitment 200 estimated across 2196 known-sex song sparrow offspring, and effects of sex and extra-pair 201 status. The full model and models that did not include non-significant fixed effects are 202 presented. h2prob was estimated assuming µR = 0.19. Small discrepancies among estimates 203 of the same parameter from different model runs are expected due to Monte Carlo error. 204 additive genetic latent-scale probability-scale inbreeding sex extra-pair extra-pair variance heritability heritability depression (male vs status status by sex (VA) (h2latent) (h2prob) (f) female) (EPO vs WPO) interaction 0.61 0.13 0.07 -9.2 0.37 -0.24 0.11 (0.21 – 1.35) (0.05 – 0.24) (0.03 – 0.14) (-14.4 – -5.9) (0.09 – 0.72) (-0.67 – 0.23) (-0.36 – 0.85) 0.60 0.14 0.07 -9.9 0.50 -0.16 (0.18 – 1.25) (0.05 – 0.23) (0.02 – 0.14) (-14.1 – -5.6) (0.14 – 0.70) (-0.43 – 0.19) 0.62 0.13 0.07 -9.9 0.40 (0.22 – 1.30) (0.05 – 0.23) (0.03 – 0.13) (-14.1 – -5.7) (0.16 – 0.73) 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 10 213 Table S2. Posterior modes (and 95% credible intervals) for additive genetic variance, latent- 214 scale heritabilities and inbreeding depression in survival to recruitment estimated across 215 2196 known-sex song sparrow offspring, and effects of sex and extra-pair status. 216 Components of variance due to brood, natal territory, mother identity and social father 217 identity were additionally estimated. Variance components are bounded to zero, and small 218 discrepancies among estimates of the same parameter from different model runs are 219 expected due to Monte Carlo error. 220 additive genetic additional variance latent-scale inbreeding sex extra-pair extra-pair variance component heritability depression (male vs status status by sex (h2latent) (f) female) (EPO vs WPO) interaction (VA) 0.63 brood: 0.13 -9.9 0.38 -0.24 0.09 (0.21 – 1.45) 0.006 (0.05 – 0.24) (-15.4 – -5.8) (0.07 – 0.73) (-0.73 – 0.21) (-0.36 – 0.84) (<0.0001 – 0.63) 0.64 territory: 0.14 -9.6 0.34 -0.30 0.15 (0.24 – 1.48) 0.001 (0.05 – 0.25) (-15.2 – -5.5) (0.08 – 0.72) (-0.73 – 0.19) (-0.31 – 0.88) (<0.0001 – 0.19) 0.61 mother: 0.13 -9.2 0.33 -0.22 0.17 (0.16 – 1.31) 0.002 (0.05 – 0.23) (-14.8 – -5.6) (0.08 – 0.72) (-0.70 – 0.24) (-0.40 – 0.82) (<0.0001 – 0.29) 0.64 father: 0.13 -9.7 0.39 -0.31 0.14 (0.15 – 1.28) 0.003 (0.04 – 0.23) (-14.3 – -5.2) (0.09 – 0.72) (-0.74 – 0.21) (-0.41 – 0.84) (<0.0001 – 0.43) 221 222 11 223 Net paternity gain analyses 224 Male net paternity gain (NE-NC) varied from 11 to -11, 6 to -6 and 5 to -5 through all 225 offspring, sons and daughters respectively. Median net paternity gain was zero in all three 226 cases. The distributions were approximately symmetrical but not normal due to excess 227 zeros (figure S2). These zeros comprised males that gained and lost zero paternity through 228 EPR, and males that sired the same number of EPO as they lost through cuckoldry. 229 However, analyses assumed Gaussian error distributions as the most appropriate 230 distribution possible. 231 Five immigrant males, totalling 18 male-years, were excluded from analyses because 232 f is undefined for immigrants (as opposed to their offspring). However net paternity gain 233 was zero in 12 of 18 male-years and the summed total net paternity gain was -4 across the 234 remaining 6 male-years. Excluding phenotypic data from the immigrant males therefore 235 caused very minimal violation of the assumption that E[N E] = E[NC]. However fixed year 236 effects were included in models to account for the extremely slight among-year variation in 237 mean NE-NC caused by excluding immigrant males. 238 The 293 observed males were reared by 142 different mothers and 144 different 239 social fathers. Estimates of VA, h2pat and inbreeding depression in male net paternity gain 240 remained similar when random effects of mother and social father identities were modelled 241 (table S3). Exploratory analyses showed that net paternity gain did not vary with male age. 242 Covariances between net paternity gain and recruitment due to mother and social father 243 identities were close to zero. 244 12 245 Figure S2. Distributions of net paternity gain across (a) all offspring (NE-NC), (b) sons (NES- 246 NCS) and (c) daughters (NED-NCD) calculated across all adult male song sparrows alive in each 247 year during 1993-2008. 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 13 257 Table S3. Posterior modes (and 95% credible intervals) for variance components, 258 heritabilities and inbreeding depression in male net paternity gain estimated across 293 259 individual males totalling 738 male-years. Variance components are bounded to zero and 260 small discrepancies among estimates of the same parameter from different model runs are 261 expected due to Monte Carlo error. 262 additive genetic permanent additional residual heritability inbreeding variance individual variance variance (h2pat) depression (VA) variance component (VR) (f) (VPI) 0.23 0.001 mother: 0.001 4.22 0.06 -2.51 (<0.001 – 0.51) (<0.001 – 0.23) (<0.001 – 0.31) (3.78 – 4.75) (<0.001 – 0.11) (-5.78 – 1.04) 0.21 0.001 father: 0.001 4.30 0.05 -2.26 (<0.001 – 0.53) (<0.001 – 0.23) (<0.001 – 0.21) (3.79 – 4.73) (<0.001 – 0.11) (-5.65 – 1.30) 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 14 273 Model priors & specifications 274 Parameter expanded priors on variance components used normally distributed working 275 parameter priors with mean zero and variance 1000 and inverse-Wishart distributed 276 location effect priors with degree of belief and limit variance of one (forming a scaled non- 277 central F-distribution [11,12]). 278 genetic 279 alpha.V=diag(2)*1000)). Such priors are relatively uninformative and facilitate mixing when 280 variance components are close to zero [12]. However, estimated variance components 281 remained similar when models were rerun with non-parameter expanded inverse Wishart 282 priors across reasonable variation in prior parameter values (including combinations of 283 diagonal and off-diagonal values for V of 0.1-1 and -0.5–0.5 and values for nu of 0.002-0.1). 284 These analyses indicate that our data are informative for estimating the main variance 285 components of interest, and specifically VA and covA(NE-NC,W). 286 ≥2005000 iterations, burn-in ≥5000 and thinning interval ≥2000 except that bivariate 287 analysis of sex-specific recruitment required 10010000 iterations with burn-in and thinning 288 interval 10000 to ensure autocorrelation of <0.05. 289 recruitment was repeated on a dataset with sex randomised across offspring. The posterior 290 distribution for rmf was similar to that estimated across the real data. Estimates of VA and h2 291 in net paternity gain and recruitment, and the genetic covariance, also remained similar 292 when analyses were fitted using maximum likelihood in DMU. covariance of Bivariate model priors were similar but specified prior zero (such that V=diag(2), nu=2, alpha.mu=c(0,0), Final analyses used Bivariate analysis of sex-specific 293 294 295 296 15 297 Immigrants 298 Estimates of BVs can be biased if a population comprises multiple genetic groups that are 299 not explicitly modelled [5]. In song sparrows, the parents of EPO and WPO are largely 300 congruent and are therefore unlikely to represent different genetic groups (see 301 ‘Recruitment analyses’). However bias could arise if the occasional immigrants to Mandarte 302 (1.1year-1 on average) comprise a different genetic group from the natives that form the 303 baseline (founder) pedigree generation. In such cases, each individual’s estimated BV 304 should be corrected for the relative contribution of each genetic group to its ancestry [13]. 305 Group effects can be estimated as the mean BV across the hypothetical (‘phantom’) parents 306 of the founders of each putative genetic group [13], in our case immigrants versus native 307 founders. However, the distributions of BVs for offspring recruitment (survival from 6 days 308 post-hatch to age one year) were very similar across phantom parents of native founders 309 and subsequent immigrants; the 95%CI for each group substantially overlapped the 310 posterior mean for the other (natives: posterior mean -0.002, 95%CI -0.22-0.23; immigrants: 311 posterior mean 0.005, 95%CI -0.26-0.25). The difference in mean BV between the two 312 groups did not differ from zero (posterior mode: -0.008; 95%CI: -0.35-0.35). There was 313 therefore no evidence that the native founders and immigrants constituted different genetic 314 groups with respect to offspring recruitment. 315 316 317 318 319 320 16 321 Dominance genetic variance 322 Estimates of VA can be biased if dominance genetic effects and dominance genetic variance 323 (VD) are not explicitly modelled [14-16]. Furthermore, estimating individual dominance 324 genetic effects could in theory allow direct test of the hypothesis that females produce EPO 325 of higher non-additive genetic value than the WPO they replaced (one ‘compatible genes’ 326 hypothesis explaining female EPR). However, power to estimate dominance genetic effects 327 and hence VD across the song sparrow dataset is currently low. Indeed, VD has not yet been 328 robustly estimated in any wild vertebrate population. This is because information to 329 estimate dominance genetic effects and VD stems primarily from phenotypic comparisons 330 among full-sibs [11], and full-sibs comprise a small proportion of all available phenotypic 331 comparisons in the song sparrow dataset (see ‘Distribution of kinship’). 332 occurrence of EPR reduces the number of full-sibs (and increases the number of half-sibs). 333 There is therefore little power to estimate dominance genetic effects with sufficient 334 precision to test the hypothesis that females produce EPO of higher dominance genetic 335 value. However, this same data structure means that estimates of VA and covA are primarily 336 informed by comparisons among half-sibs and more distant relatives. 337 resemblance among such relatives does not generally include a component due to 338 dominance (except for some specific and rare types of relatives such as double-first cousins, 339 [11]). 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