Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages SYLLABUS Czech for Foreign Students 1 Atributes: Term, examination: Literature: General Medicine Winter t., 0/4 C Holá,L.: New Czech Step by Step. Akropolis, Praha 2004. 1) Czech sounds, alphabet, pronunciation 2) Greetings and basic social phrases and phrases used in the classroom 3) Personal pronouns and the verb být 4) Czech genders 5) Demonstrative pronoun ten 6) Numeral jeden 7) Adjectives 8) Adverbs of place 9) Questions co? kdo? kde? 10) Possesive pronouns 11) Present tense of Czech verbs 12) Verbs znát, vědět, umět 13) Accusative singular 14) Revision 15) Credits Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages SYLLABUS Czech for Foreign Students 2 Atributes: Term, examination: Literature: General Medicine Summer t., 0/4 C Holá,L.: New Czech Step by Step. Akropolis, Praha 2004. 1) Revision 2) Nominative and accusative plural 3) Cardinal numerals 4) Possesive pronoun svůj 5) Accusative of personal pronouns 6) Accusative plural masculenes 7) Questions kde? kam? 8) Indefinite and negative pronouns and adverbs 9) Adverbs ještě/ještě ne, už/už ne 10) Modal verbs 11) Vocative case 12) Likes and dislikes 13) Adverbs denoting quantity 14) Revision 15) Credits Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages SYLLABUS Czech for Foreign Students 3 Atributes: Term, examination: Literature: General Medicine Winter t., 0/4 C Holá,L.: New Czech Step by Step. Akropolis, Praha 2004. 1) Revision 2) Verb být, genders 3) Adjectives, adverbs of place 4) Questions co? kdo? kde?, possesive pronouns 5) Present tense of Czech verbs, verbs znát, vědět, umět 6) Accusative singular 7) Nominative and accusative plural 8) Cardinal numerals, possesive pronoun svůj, accusative of personal pronouns 9) Questions kde? kam? 10) Indefinite and negative pronouns and adverbs, adverbs ještě/ještě ne, už/už ne 11) Modal verbs 12) Vocative case 13) Likes and dislikes, adverbs denoting quantity 14) Revision 15) Credits Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages SYLLABUS Czech for Foreign Students 4 Atributes: Term, examination: Literature: General Medicine Summer t., 0/4 C Holá,L.: New Czech Step by Step. Akropolis, Praha 2004. Hrubantová,L. - Weberová,B. - Hořká,M.: Jenom kostra – Just a Skeleton, Karolinum, Praha 1998. Basic Czech 1) Revision 2) Past tense 3) Genitive singular 4) Ordinal numerals, date, months 5) Genitive plural 6) Genitive of personal pronouns 7) Noun and verb agreement with counted expressions, telling the time 8) Nominative plural, verbs chodit, jezdit 9) Time questions kdy? jak dlouho? jak často? 10) Pronouns každý, žádný, všichni 11) Future tense 12) Perfective, imperfective verbs 13) Locative singular, locative of personal pronouns 14) Adverbs 15) Revision Medical Czech 1) Plan of work, introduction 2) Case history 3) Case history, infectious diseases 4) Digestive system 5) Digestive system, diseases 6) Digestive system, diseases, treatment 7) Review 8) Respiratory system 9) Respiratory system, diseases 10) Circulatory system, diseases, treatment 11) Introduction into surgery 12) Review 13) Traumatology 14) Review 15) Credit test Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages SYLLABUS Czech for Foreign Students 5 Atributes: Term, examination: Literature: General Medicine Winter t., 0/4 C Holá,L.: New Czech Step by Step. Akropolis, Praha 2004. Hrubantová,L. - Weberová,B. - Hořká,M.: Jenom kostra – Just a Skeleton, Karolinum, Praha 1998. Basic Czech 1) Possessive adjectives/ family members 2) Declination: an overview of Czech cases 3) Accusative, review 4) Genitive, review 5) Locative singular, Locative plural, verbs with locative 6) Verbs of motion, prepositions, prefixes 7) Meaning of prefixes 8) Vocative, Czech names 9) Numerals 10) Aspect – review of present and future tense of perf. and impf. verbs 11) Imperative 12) Commands: imperative, neg. imperative, modal verbs 13) Conditional 14) Kdyby-clauses 15) Credit test Medical Czech 1) Plan of work, introduction 2) Case history taking - in detail 3) Digestive system, diseases 4) Respiratory system, diseases 5) Circulatory, diseases 6) Childhood diseases, treatment 7) Infectious diseases 8) Diseases ok the kidney and the urinary tract 9) Diseases of the musculoskeletal systém 10) Diseases of the nervous systém 11) Reading, writing and presenting a case history, abbreviations 12) Review 13) Surgery of the abdomen and thorax 14) Traumatology 15) Credit test Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages SYLLABUS Czech for Foreign Students 6 Atributes: Term, examination: Literature: General Medicine Summer t., 0/4 C+Ex Holá,L.: New Czech Step by Step. Akropolis, Praha 2004. Hrubantová,L. - Weberová,B. - Hořká,M.: Jenom kostra – Just a Skeleton, Karolinum, Praha 1998. Basic Czech 1) Aby, kdyby-clauses 2) Personal and possessive pronouns 3) Adverbs and adjectives 4) Time, dates, seasons 5) Dative 6) Verbs with dative 7) Communication, letters, phones, SMS, e-mails 8) Dative-centered constructions 9) Instrumental 10) Prepositions - review 11) Review of nouns 12) Review of adjectives 13) Review of pronouns and numerals 14) Review of verbs 15) Credit test Exam Medical Czech 1) Plan of work, introduction 2) Health and disease. Lifestyle, stress 3) Respiratory and cardiovascular system. Differential diagnosis 4) Basic examinations and laboratory tests 5) Head and neck examination 6) Stomatology: case history and examination 7) Stomatology: examination, treatment plan, instructions to the patient 8) Injuries to the head, neck, backbone 9) Traumatology: injury to the thorax, abdomen, poisoning, chemicals, other 10) Nervous system,diseases 11) Reading, writing and presenting a case history. Discharge report 12) Vision and hearing 13) Medical specialisations 14) Review 15) Credit test Exam