Differentiated Learning Agenda Name and Student Number: Brooke

Differentiated Learning Agenda
Name and Student Number: Brooke Goyne 2065683
Topic: Japan under the Shoguns
Curriculum Area: History
Year Level: Year 8
This assignment is differentiated by:
Learning Objectives. As a result of
completing the menu/agenda/board, students
Understand that (Concepts, principles, “big
* Students will understand that significant people,
groups and ideas from feudal Japan have
influenced the world today. (ACARA, History
Curriculum, p.48).
Know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information)
* “The way of life in Shogunate Japan, including
social, cultural, economic and political features”
(ACARA, History Curriculum, p.53).
Be able to (do) (Skills, processes)
* Describe the ‘way of life’ in feudal Japan (ACARA,
History Curriculum, p.53).
* Analyse and research a section of feudal Japan’s
way of life.
* Explain and present key features of a social, cultural,
economic or political element of feudal Japan.
Essential Questions
* How have particular people, groups and ideas from
feudal Japan influenced the world we live in?
* How did the people of feudal Japan live?
X Interest
X Learning Profile
When and how this assignment
will be used: This assignment will
be presented to students in the last
two weeks of a six week unit on
‘Japan under the Shoguns’ and will
be used as exercises for
students to consolidate their
learning. This assignment will be
completed during the two weeks
in class time to provide students
with adequate levels of support,
and will require some out of class
time. The assignment will be
assessed and will make up 40%
of their grade for this unit.
Students will be able to choose
what significant person, group of
people or idea to research in
more depth, in order to show
understanding of the social,
cultural, economic and political
features of Japan at that time in
How students’ work will be
Students will be evaluated on a number
of aspects of this assignment, as it
involves 3 major components. The 3
components are:
* the development of a A4 fact file to
show research and inquiry into the topic
* the presentation/display or delivery of
understanding on ‘Cultural Day’ on the
last day of the unit (developed through a
Learning Contract)
* a reflection on what they have learnt
and how they feel they have expressed
their understanding through a self-
Students will be provided with task
sheets on each of the 3 components,
along with a checklist on which they will
be assessed.
See Appendix A: Preassessment of Learning Style and Interest.
One week before the beginning of the assignment, students will complete a short exit card style
worksheet (Appendix A). The exit card will ask students to identify their preferred ways of
working and presenting or explaining information (individual or group work etc). The
preassessment will also ask students to identify the topics that they are most interested in
researching further for their assignment. Students will therefore be assigned a topic based on
this data, providing the teacher with the choices students have made based on their individual
wants, needs and interests.
Based on the results of the preassessment, students will be allocated a topic that they have
chosen to be of high interest to them (one of their top 3 choices). Depending on whether a
student has indicated that they would like to work individually or in a small group, students
will be grouped into similar interest groups, or will be allowed to work individually. This will
allow the teacher to differentiate the students according to their learning profile and to their
interests. It will provide a variety of avenues for students to express their understandings, and
will cater for and support a wide range of students.
Task Sheet 1: Creating a Fact File
See Appendix B: Fact File Task Sheet
Students will be given their topic (in combinations of small groups or individual students,
depending on the preassessment). Students will then be given Task 1 Sheet (Appendix B).
All students are to work individually on this assessment piece, and are to research their
topic area to create an A4 fact file. Task requirements are also given on the sheet, and
students are provided with a checklist of what to include, and will be marked on this
criteria. This task differentiates students by interest as they are researching a topic they
have identified as being of interest to them. It also caters for a range of learning profiles,
as it includes a variety of methods for students to present their information (pictures and
diagrams, written notes etc.).
For each of the topic choices, suggestions of resources are provided to the student
(Appendix C). The teacher will also have a collection of resources (such as textbooks) on
hand to direct students towards. This provides students with support and guidance to
research their topic of interest.
Task Sheet 2: Cultural Day Performance/Display or Delivery
See Appendix D: Cultural Day Task Sheet/Learning Contract
After the completion and assessment of Task 1, students will begin developing a
performance/display or delivery of things that they have learnt in their chosen topic.
For this task, students will be working as individuals if this was preferred, or in small
groups of up to 3 members. Each member of the class will receive a task sheet
(Appendix C) and will complete a Learning Contract, in order to make it clear what
they wish to accomplish, and how they are going to present their understanding. This
allows for differentiation of learner profile through options in the way they present
their understandings, and how they prefer to work. If students are working in groups,
they will still fill out their own individual sheet, but will also be answering the
questions through discussions with other group members. This task sheet provides
students with a checklist of what is expected and what they will be marked on.
Task Sheet 3: Reflection and student self-assessment
See Appendix E: Reflection and self-assessment
This final task for the assignment allows students to reflect upon the
assignment and the entire unit. Students self-assess their learning and give
evidence that they have developed their understandings within the topic, with
particular reference to the social, cultural, economic and political aspects of
Shogun Japan. The reflection provides students with a sense of closure to
the unit and asks students to provide suggestions for change when taught
the next year. Students are also given the option of expressing their
thoughts, feelings or understandings of the topic in way of a picture, poem or
song, to provide for the different learning styles in the class.
Assignment Includes:
X Complete learning menu/agenda/choice board
X Supplementary materials (e.g., copies of directions, handouts, etc. provided to
X Evaluation/ assessment criteria (e.g., rubric or checklist used to guide evaluation of
student work)
X Explanation of how your menu/ agenda/ board represents a differentiated task
Appendix A: Preassessment of Learning Style and Interest
YEAR 8 HISTORY Japan and the Shoguns
Please answer this short set of questions. Circle your answer (yes or no) in the space
provided. This will be used to determine how you like to work best and what topics you
are more interested in exploring in greater depth. The answers will be used to organise
our next assignment.
1. I study best when it is quiet. yes no
2. I am able to ignore the noise of other people talking while I am working. yes no
3. I like to work at a table or desk. yes no
4. I like to work on the floor and move around. yes no
5. I like to explain what I know through drawing and creating. yes no
8. I like to explain what I know by doing, moving and acting. yes no
9. I like to explain what I know by writing about it and listing facts. yes no
10. I like to explain what I know by discussing and talking to others about it. yes no
11. I would like to work by myself. yes no
12. I would like to work in pairs or in groups. yes no
Throughout this unit we have been exploring ‘Japan under the Shoguns’. We want
to know what you want to learn more about. Number your choices from 1 to 10.
Make sure that 1 is your favourite and 10 is your least favourite.
____ Tokugawa Shogunate and the influence of daimyo and samurai
____ Daily life and social organisations in Japan
____ Japanese food and agriculture
____ Japanese religions and sports
____ Japanese music and art
____ Environmental resources and policies of Japan
____ The roles of women and children in Japan
____ Feudal Japan and the code of the samurai
____ Japanese traditions, clothing and customs
____ Other (please explain what other topic you may like to research)
Adapted from a Source: Developed by Denise Murphy and Beth Ann Potter.
Appendix B: Fact File Task Sheet
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet
You will be creating an A4 fact file on your topic. This needs to be
presented clearly and set out in a professional manner, so we can create a
‘Class Japan and the Shoguns Book’. You will all receive a copy of the book
once it has been compiled.
In your fact file, make sure you include the following:
* Titles and subtitles
* Clearly written or typed information
* Pictures, maps or diagrams (labelled)
* Quotes or extracts telling the reader where you got your information from
* Interesting facts and information
Your fact file will be added as a page into the Class Book and it will be
assessed to check that you have a good understanding of your topic, meeting the
key criteria. You can use the checklist below to make sure your fact file is
Checklist for Assessment
Have I included titles and subtitles?
(Do people know what my topic is by reading the titles?).
Have I written or typed my information clearly?
(Have I checked my spelling and grammar?).
Have I included pictures, maps or diagrams?
(Are my visuals labelled?).
Does my fact file have quotes or extracts?
(Do I tell the reader where I got my information from?).
Do I include interesting facts and information about the social, cultural,
economic or political aspects of my topic?
(Would my friend find this interesting to read/look at?).
Marked out of 10
(Adapted from Vikings Task Sheet, Tara Manning- St. John’s Grammar School, 2012).
Appendix C: Fact File Topic Suggestions for Resources
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
Tokugawa Shogunate and the influence of daimyo and samurai
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China,
Japan, Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
* page 22
* page 29
* page 34
* page 71 and 73
BOOK: Meehan, C. (1997). Kites, Kimonos and Karate: A teacher resources book about
Japan. Macmillan: South Melbourne.
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://www.japan-101.com/history/history_tokugawa_shogunate.htm)
WEBSITE: (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/598356/Tokugawa-shogunate)
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
Daily life and social organisations in Japan
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China,
Japan, Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
* page 29
* page 67
* page 71-78
BOOK: Tyler, D. (1993). Discovering Japan. Zoe Books Limited: Winchester.
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai)
WEBSITE: (http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/rising_sun/culture.html)
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
Japanese food and agriculture
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan,
Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
*page 56
* page 62
BOOK: Meehan, C. (1997). Kites, Kimonos and Karate: A teacher resources book about
Japan. Macmillan: South Melbourne.
BOOK: Tyler, D. (1993). Discovering Japan. Zoe Books Limited: Winchester.
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/rising_sun/clothing.html)
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
Japanese religions and sports
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan,
Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
*Chapter 2
BOOK: Meehan, C. (1997). Kites, Kimonos and Karate: A teacher resources book about
Japan. Macmillan: South Melbourne.
BOOK: Tyler, D. (1993). Discovering Japan. Zoe Books Limited: Winchester.
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/rising_sun/religion.html)
WEBSITE: (http://bet44577.weebly.com/2/post/2010/12/feudal-japan-when-it-comes-toreligion-in-feudal-japan-explain-about-buddhism-and-shintoism.html)
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
Japanese music and art
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan,
Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
*page 67
BOOK: Meehan, C. (1997). Kites, Kimonos and Karate: A teacher resources book about
Japan. Macmillan: South Melbourne.
BOOK: Tyler, D. (1993). Discovering Japan. Zoe Books Limited: Winchester.
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://www.justjapan.org/japan/art/japan-feudal.asp)
WEBSITE: (http://www.kanzaki.com/jinfo/jart-fine.html)
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
Environmental resources and policies of Japan
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan,
Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
*Chapter 3
BOOK: Tyler, D. (1993). Discovering Japan. Zoe Books Limited: Winchester.
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://www.skwirk.com.au/p-c_s-14_u-177_t-515_c-1916/feudalism-injapan/nsw/feudalism-in-japan/medieval-and-early-modern-societies-japan/medievaljapanese-societal-structure)
WEBSITE: (http://www.angelfire.com/dragon3/michael_royston/)
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
The roles of women and children in Japan
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan,
Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
*page 79
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Meehan, C. (1997). Kites, Kimonos and Karate: A teacher resources book about
Japan. Macmillan: South Melbourne.
BOOK: Tyler, D. (1993). Discovering Japan. Zoe Books Limited: Winchester.
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://www.womeninworldhistory.com/sample-08.html)
WEBSITE: (http://www2.gol.com/users/friedman/writings/p1.html)
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
Feudal Japan and the code of the samurai
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan,
Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
*page 71
*page 73
BOOK: Meehan, C. (1997). Kites, Kimonos and Karate: A teacher resources book about
Japan. Macmillan: South Melbourne.
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://bhoffert.faculty.noctrl.edu/teaching/samurai.html)
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Fact File Task Sheet Resources
Japanese traditions, clothing and customs
Some resources you may look at:
TEXTBOOK: Allen, A., & Holt, J. (1999). Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan,
Korea. Asia Education Foundation: Melbourne.
*page 22
*page 29
TEXTBOOK: Burke, P. (2003). Heinemann Outcomes: Studies of Asia. Heinemann: Port
* Chapter 7
BOOK: Meehan, C. (1997). Kites, Kimonos and Karate: A teacher resources book about
Japan. Macmillan: South Melbourne.
BOOK: Tyler, D. (1993). Discovering Japan. Zoe Books Limited: Winchester.
BOOK: Hoare, S. (1975). Japan: the land and its people. Macdonald Educational:
WEBSITE: (http://www.facts-about-japan.com/clothing.html)
Appendix D: Cultural Day Task Sheet/Learning Contract
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Cultural Day Learning Contract
We are nearly at the end of our unit on Japan and the Shoguns! Your next task will be to
show evidence of your learning and understanding of the unit, through your chosen topic.
You will be ‘presenting’ your knowledge to the rest of the school during lunch on our
‘Cultural Day’, Thursday 31st of May. So that we can plan out what is going to happen,
we need to complete a Learning Contract, so we can know and prepare what each of us is
Fill out the Learning Contract, and if you are in a group, discuss the
ways you might like to present your understanding of the topic.
Learning Contract
To demonstrate what I have learnt about ______________________________ I want to
(please circle your top 2 choices)
Write up a report
Put on a demonstration
Do a role-play/re-enactment
Build a model
Design a piece of art/music/clothing
Perform a dance/song/poem
Develop a visual representation/chart/diagram
I think these are the best ways to show my understanding of the topic
What resources will I need?
What are my plans of action?
Your work must be ready to ‘present’ by Thursday the 31st of May.
Student signature_____________ Date________
Teacher signature__________
Date _________
(Adapted from Figure 8.7 Sample learning contract, http://www.k8accesscenter.org).
Checklist for Assessment
I have presented information about my topic that I have researched.
(Where did I get my information from?).
My ‘presentation’ is at least 5 minutes long if performed, 500 words if
written, A3 if drawn or equivalent for each student (see Mrs Goyne if you
are creating a model/piece of music/clothing).
I use proper terminology when describing or explaining my topic.
I include interesting facts and information.
(Would my friend find this interesting to watch/read/look at?).
I included information on social, cultural, economic or political aspects
of my topic.
I have fun during ‘Cultural Day’ and support my fellow students.
Marked out of 20
Appendix E: Reflection and self-assessment
Year 8 History
Japan and the Shoguns
Reflection and Self-Asessment
Well done! You have finished our unit on Japan and the Shoguns. As your last task for this unit,
you are to write a reflection and assess your efforts on ‘Cultural Day’.
Please answer the questions below in your workbook. Give as much detail
and information as possible.
1. Name at least 3 things you learnt about your topic that you did not know
2. Was your topic more related to the social, cultural, economic or political
aspects of Japan? Explain how and why?
3. What did you learn about another area of Japan on ‘Cultural Day’? (What
did you learn from another student/group of students?).
4. What would you give yourself out of 10 for effort in this assignment?
5. What suggestions do you have about the unit or ‘Cultural Day’ to change
for the Year 8 class next year?
6. (OPTIONAL) You may like to express your thoughts, feelings or
understandings as a picture, or in the form of a poem or song.
Checklist for Assessment
I wrote at least 3 things that I learnt about my topic.
I explained how my topic was more related to the social, cultural,
economic or political aspects of Japan.
I explained why my topic was more related to the social, cultural,
economic or political aspects of Japan.
I listed something I learnt about another area of Japan on ‘Cultural
I rated my efforts out of 10 for this assignment.
I explained why I rated my efforts out of 10 for this assignment.
I made a thoughtful suggestion about what to change for the unit or
‘Cultural Day’ next year.
Marked out of 10