Geometry Construction Project (200 points)

Geometry Construction Project (100 points)
Due: Monday, September 28, 2015 (or earlier)
For Full Credit you must have:
A cover page including a Title, your Name, Date Due, Period and Class
All given information in BLACK PEN. Final step must be in RED.
Must show work: I need to see your compass marks on the same page and will need to see
the steps in written format. Be specific. (Explain in words what you did.)
Each construction needs to be on a separate sheet of blank, unlined, white paper. (Do one
construction per page.)
You may only use a ruler or protractor to create the GIVEN information if a specific size is
The project must be neat, legible, and organized in a folder or bound where the pages can
Construction #1
To construct congruent segments
Given: Segment AB = 3 inches
Construct: Segment XY such that
Construction #6
To construct a line  to a point on a line
Given: Point P on line L
Construct: Line PZ  Line L
Construction #7
Construction #2
To construct the midpoint of a segment
Given: Segment AB = 6 inches
Construct: M, the midpoint of
Segment AB
To construct a line perpendicular to a
point not on the line
Given: Point P NOT on line L
Construct: Line PZ  Line L
Construction #8
Construction #3
To construct the  bisector of a segment
Given: Segment AB = 6 inches
Construct: Line XY  AB
To construct the Centroid of a triangle
Given: Isosceles ABC with legs 3
inches and base 4 inches
Construct: Centroid X of ABC
Construction #4
Construction #9
To construct congruent angles
Given: BAC  45
Construct: BAC  YXZ
To construct the orthocenter of an
isosceles triangle
Given: Isosceles ABC with legs 3
inches and base 4 inches
Construct: Orthocenter X of ABC
Construction #5
To construct the angle bisector
Given: BAC  70 
Construct: Ray AX so
Construction #10
Construction #16
To construct the orthocenter of a scalene
Given: Scalene ABC with sides 7cm,
5cm, and 3 cm
Construct: Orthocenter X of ABC
To construct a 4th segment in proportion
with three given segments
Given: Segment A = 2in,
Segment B = 4in, and Segment C = 1in
Construct: Segment D such that
A:B = C:D
Construction #11
To construct an equilateral triangle, and
then two congruent triangles
Given: Segment AB = 6 cm
Construct: An equilateral ABC with
sides 6 cm, then create two congruent
Construction #17
To construct the Geometric Mean
between two given segments
Given: Segment A = 4cm and
Segment B = 6cm
Construct: A segment of length C such
that A:C = C:D
Construction #12
To circumscribe a circle about a triangle
Given: Isosceles ABC with legs 2 in
and base 3 in
Construct: Circle with center X
circumscribed about ABC
Construction #18
To locate the center of a circle
Given: Circle with unknown center
Construct: location of center X
Construction #19
Construction #13
To inscribe a circle in a triangle
Given: Right ABC with sides
3, 4 and 5 in
Construct: Circle with center X
inscribed in ABC
To construct a line tangent to a circle at
a point on the circle
Given: Circle O with radius 2in and
Point P on the circle
Construct: Line T tangent to Circle O
at Point P
Construction #14
Construction #20
To construct parallel lines
Given: Line L with Point P not on L
Construct: Line K through point P and
parallel to line L
To construct a square where the side is
Given: Line AB is 3 in.
Construct: A square with points A, B,
C, and D. Where AB  BC  CD  DA.
Construction #15
To divide a given segment into
3congruent segments
Given: Segment AB
Construct: Points C and D such that
AC  CD  DB
BONUS: Construct one of the figures on
your teacher’s webpage.