English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves Geology – caves Norwegian Mapping Authority gerd.mardal@statkart.no Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 1 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves Table of contents 1.1 Application schema ............................................................................................................3 1.2 Description .........................................................................................................................5 1.2.1 OtherCaveLine ........................................................................................................... 5 1.2.2 CaveInventory ............................................................................................................ 6 1.2.3 CavePoint .................................................................................................................. 7 1.2.4 CaveSpace ................................................................................................................ 9 1.2.5 CaveSpaceDelim ..................................................................................................... 10 1.2.6 CaveInventoryDelim ................................................................................................. 11 1.2.7 Association <<Topo>> CaveSpace-CaveSpaceDelim ............................................ 11 1.2.8 Association <<Topo>> CaveInventory-CaveInventoryDelim ................................... 11 1.2.9 Association CaveSpace-CaveInventory .................................................................. 12 1.2.10 Association CaveSpace-OtherCaveLine ................................................................. 12 1.2.11 Association CaveSpace-CavePoint ......................................................................... 12 <<CodeList>> CaveForming ............................................................................ 13 <<CodeList>> CaveShapeElement .................................................................. 13 <<CodeList>> CavePaShape ........................................................................... 13 <<CodeList>> CavePaType ............................................................................. 14 <<CodeList>> caveLoad .................................................................................. 14 <<CodeList>> CaveBody ................................................................................. 14 <<CodeList>> CaveLineType ........................................................................... 15 <<CodeList>> CaveAccuracy ........................................................................... 15 <<CodeList>> CavePlan .................................................................................. 17 <<CodeList>> CavePointType ........................................................................ 17 <<CodeList>> CaveWarning ........................................................................... 18 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 2 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 1.1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + OtherCaveLine centerline : CurveWithQuality caveLineType : CaveLineType caveLink : Integer caveAccuracy : CaveAccuracy caveDimUnder : Integer caveDimRight : Integer caveDimOver [0..1] : Integer caveDimLeft [0..1] : Integer caveDimDiameter [0..1] : Integer cavePaType [0..1] : CavePaType cavePaShape [0..1] : CavePaShape caveForming [0..1] : CaveForming caveWarning [0..1] : CaveWarning caveHeight [0..1] : Integer Application schema + + + + + + 1 + + + + +ContentsCaveLine 0..* 1 CaveSpace extent : SurfaceWithQuality caveLink : Integer caveName : CharacterString cavePlan : CavePlan caveBody : CaveBody caveAccuracy : CaveAccuracy cavePaType [0..1] : CavePaType cavePaShape [0..1] : CavePaShape caveForming [0..1] : CaveForming caveWarning [0..1] : CaveWarning <<Topo>> 1 + + 1..* + + +boundary CaveSpaceDelim border : CurveWithQuality caveBody : CaveBody?? caveAccuracy : CaveAccuracy caveLineType [0..1] : CaveLineType 1 +ContentsCavePoint + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CavePoint position : PointWithQuality cavePointType : CavePointType caveLink : Integer caveAccuracy : CaveAccuracy caveDimRight : Integer caveDimLeft : Integer caveDimOver [0..1] : Integer caveDimUnder [0..1] : Integer caveDimDiameter [0..1] : Integer caveLoad [0..1] : caveLoad caveShapeElement [0..1] : CaveShapeElement cavePointNumber [0..1] : Integer cavePaType [0..1] : CavePaType cavePaShape [0..1] : CavePaShape caveForming [0..1] : CaveForming caveWarning [0..1] : CaveWarning caveHeight [0..1] : Integer +ContentsCavelnventory 0..* 0..* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Norwegian Mapping Authority CaveInventory extent : SurfaceWithQuality caveLink : Integer caveAccuracy : CaveAccuracy caveDimRight : Integer caveDimLeft : Integer caveDimOver [0..1] : Integer caveDimUnder [0..1] : Integer caveDimDiameter [0..1] : Integer cavePaType [0..1] : CavePaType caveLoad [0..1] : caveLoad caveShapeElement [0..1] : CaveShapeElement cavePaShape [0..1] : CavePaShape caveForming [0..1] : CaveForming caveWarning [0..1] : CaveWarning caveHeight [0..1] : Integer June 2009 <<Topo>> 1 +boundary 1..* CaveInventoryDelim + border : CurveWithQuality + caveAccuracy : CaveAccuracy Page 3 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves Codelists + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ... <<CodeList>> CaveAccuracy CRG1 CRG2 CRG3 CRG4 CRG5 CRG6 CRG7 CRG1A CRG2A CRG3A CRG4A CRG5A CRG6A CRG7A CRG1B CRG2B CRG3B CRG4B CRG5B CRG6B CRG7B CRG1C CRG2C CRG3C CRG4C CRG5C CRG6C CRG7C CRG1D CRG2D CRG3D CRG4D CRG5D CRG6D CRG7D BCRA1 BCRA2 BCRA3 BCRA4 BCRA5 BCRA6 + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> CaveWarning Avalanche hazard (from above) = 1 Loose, shifting ground surface: avalanche hazard = 2 Slippery = 3 Steep = 4 Large drop = 5 Vulnerable object where passage/general traffic?? should be avoided = 11 Vulnerable object where one must exercise caution = 12 <<CodeList>> caveLoad + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> CaveBody + Cave floor = G + Cave ceiling = T + Cave wall = V Pool = 1 Dam = 2 Sump = 3 Edge of river/stream = 4 Middle river/stream = 5 Middle of flood stream = 6 Boulder = 7 Scree = 8 Rock/gravel deposits = 9 Gravel/sand deposits = 10 Silt/clay bed = 11 Diamict = 12 Permanent ice = 13 Snowdrift = 14 Speleotherm = 15 Moonmilk = 16 Animal bone remains = 17 Norwegian Mapping Authority + + + + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> CavePlan + The map shows the horizontal plane = NO + The map shows the vertical plane seen from the south = HO + The map shows the vertical plane seen from the east = HN <<CodeList>> CavePaType + Main passage = H + Side passage = S + Surface measuring line = U <<CodeList>> CaveForming Manmade cave = 1 Littoral cave = 2 Phreatic cave = 3 Vadose cave = 4 Tectonic cave = 5 <<CodeList>> CaveShapeElement Shaft = 1 Pothole = 2 Potholes = 3 Anastomoses = 4 Plateau = 5 Doline = 6 June 2009 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> CavePointType Shaft = 1 Pothole = 2 Scallops = 3 Anastomosis = 4 Pitch = 5 Anchor point for rope = 6 Measuring point = 7 Other point = 10 <<CodeList>> CaveLineType Survey line = 1 Pitch = 2 Ceiling formation = 3 Opening to the surface = 4 Too narrow to pass through = 7 Underlying cave wall = 8 Other line = 9 Contour lines = 10 Estimated cave wall = 99 + + + + <<CodeList>> CavePaShape Phreatic passage = 1 Paragenetic passage = 2 Keyhole passage = 3 Canyon = 4 Page 4 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 1.2 Description 1.2.1 OtherCaveLine No Name/ Role name 1 Class OtherCaveLine 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.1 0 1.1 Description linear elements associated with natural passages or cavities in the bedrock centerline course followed by the central part of the object caveLineType other line types describing the cave conditions caveLink division of the cave space by means of consecutive numbering of links (cave segments) between node points caveAccuracy description of how accurately the object has been surveyed caveDimUnder distance from mapped object Example: From the shaft opening or top of a cliff to the floor of the cave. caveDimRight distance to the right from mapped object to cave wall caveDimOver measured distance above mapped object Example: From measuring point to cave ceiling. caveDimLeft distance to the left from mapped object to cave wall Note: Right and left usually means from the main entry and further into the cave. However, this must sometimes be determined by discretionary assessment caveDimDiamete the diameter of the object r Example: The diameter of the shaft opening cavePaType type of cave passage Note: Main passage, side passage or outside. Often determined by discretionary assessment. cavePaShape various cave passage Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 1 1 CurveWithQual ity CaveLineType 1 1 Integer 1 1 CaveAccuracy 1 1 Integer 1 1 Integer 0 1 Integer 0 1 Integer 0 1 Integer 0 1 CavePaType 0 1 CavePaShape June 2009 Constraint Page 5 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 1 1.1 2 1.1 3 caveForming caveWarning 1.1 4 caveHeight 1.1 5 Role (unnamed) CaveSpace 1.2.2 shapes indicates how the cave passage has been formed special concerns that one must be aware of with regard to the object height in relation to a chosen zero point, measured in metres Note: There are no rules for whether the contour line should be laid at floor or ceiling level, or through the centre of the cave passage. We suggest that the default placement of contour li 0 1 CaveForming 0 1 CaveWarning 0 1 Integer 1 1 CaveSpace CaveInventory No Name/ Role name Description 2 Class CaveInventory 2.1 extent 2.2 caveLink 2.3 caveAccuracy 2.4 caveDimRight 2.5 caveDimLeft 2.6 caveDimOver objects recorded in a natural passage or cavity in the bedrock area over which an object extends division of the cave space by means of consecutive numbering of links (cave segments) between node points description of how accurately the object has been surveyed distance to the right from mapped object to cave wall distance to the left from mapped object to cave wall Note: Right and left usually means from the main entry and further into the cave. However, this must sometimes be determined by discretionary assessment measured distance above mapped object to cave ceiling Example: From measuring point to cave ceiling Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality Integer 1 1 CaveAccuracy 1 1 Integer 1 1 Integer 0 1 Integer June 2009 Constraint Page 6 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.1 0 2.1 1 2.1 2 2.1 3 2.1 4 2.1 5 2.1 6 2.1 7 caveDimUnder distance under mapped object to cave floor Example: From the shaft opening or top of a cliff to the floor of the cave caveDimDiamete the diameter of the object r Example: The diameter of the shaft opening cavePaType type of cave passage Note: Main passage, side passage or outside. Often determined by discretionary assessment caveLoad indication of contents of cave Note: If caveInventory is not used, caveShapeElement is required caveShapeElem special formations on the ent floor, walls and/or ceiling of the cave Note: Necessary if ??caveInventory/caveLoad has not been used cavePaShape various cave passage shapes caveForming indicates how the cave passage has been formed caveWarning special concerns that one must be aware of with regard to the object caveHeight height in relation to a chosen zero point, measured in metres Note: There are no rules for whether the contour line should be laid at floor or ceiling level, or through the centre of the cave passage. We suggest that the default placement of contour lines should be through the centre of the cave passage Role boundary Role (unnamed) CaveSpace 1.2.3 0 1 Integer 0 1 Integer 0 1 CavePaType 0 1 caveLoad 0 1 CaveShapeEle ment 0 1 CavePaShape 0 1 CaveForming 0 1 CaveWarning 0 1 Integer 1 N Aggregrati on 1 1 CaveInventory Delim CaveSpace Type Constraint CavePoint No Name/ Role name Description 3 Class point theme in connection Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Page 7 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves CavePoint 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.1 0 3.1 1 3.1 2 with caves and cave mapping position location where the object exists cavePointType various types of point themes for cave data caveLink division of the cave space by means of consecutive numbering of links (cave segments) between node points caveAccuracy description of how accurately the object has been surveyed Note: Used for both lines and points caveDimRight distance to the right from mapped object to cave wall caveDimLeft distance to the left from mapped object to cave wall Note: Right and left usually means from the main entry and further into the cave caveDimOver measured distance above mapped object to cave ceiling Example: From measuring point to cave ceiling caveDimUnder distance under mapped object to cave floor Example: From the shaft opening or top of a cliff to the floor of the cave caveDimDiamete the diameter of the object r Example: The diameter of the shaft opening caveLoad indication of contents of cave caveShapeElem special formations on the ent floor, walls and/or ceiling of the cave Note: Depending on the scale, it will often be better to indicate the various cavePointNumbe survey station numbering r in the cave Note: Condition. If the cavePointType constitutes a ??Survey/Measuring Point (value 7), the ..CavePoint must also be given a value. If ..CAVEPOINTTYPE does Norwegian Mapping Authority 1 1 1 1 1 1 PointWithQuali ty CavePointTyp e Integer 1 1 CaveAccuracy 1 1 Integer 1 1 Integer 0 1 Integer 0 1 Integer 0 1 Integer 0 1 caveLoad 0 1 CaveShapeEle ment 0 1 Integer June 2009 Page 8 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 3.1 3 cavePaType 3.1 4 3.1 5 3.1 6 cavePaShape 3.1 7 caveHeight 3.1 8 Role (unnamed) CaveSpace caveForming caveWarning 1.2.4 not have value 7 survey station. ..CavePoint cannot have a value. (However, I do not know how ... ??<truncated> type of cave passage (main passage, side passage or outside) Note: Often determined by discretionary assessment various cave passage shapes indicates how the cave passage has been formed special concerns that one must be aware of with regard to the object height in relation to the chosen zero point Note: There are no rules for whether the contour line should be laid at floor or ceiling level, or through the centre of the cave passage. We suggest that the default placement of contour lines should be through the centre of the cave passage. Measured in metres 0 1 CavePaType 0 1 CavePaShape 0 1 CaveForming 0 1 CaveWarning 0 1 Integer 1 1 CaveSpace CaveSpace No Name/ Role name Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 4 Class CaveSpace 4.1 extent 4.2 caveLink 4.3 4.4 1 1 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality Integer caveName large natural cavity in the bedrock, often formed by water dissolving calcareous bedrock along cracks, widening them to external delimitation of cavity in the bedrock area over which an object extends division of the cave space by means of consecutive numbering of links (cave segments) between node points the name of the cave 1 1 cavePlan shows which plane 1 1 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Constraint CharacterStrin g CavePlan Page 9 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 4.5 caveBody 4.6 caveAccuracy 4.7 cavePaType 4.8 cavePaShape 4.9 caveForming 4.1 0 caveWarning 4.1 1 4.1 2 Role boundary Role ContentsCavelnv entory Role ContentsCaveLin e Role ContentsCavePoi nt 4.1 3 4.1 4 1.2.5 (horizontal plane, vertical plane seen from the south or vertical plane seen from the east) the map shows (lacking proper 3D modelling) Note: Usually, CAVEPLAN will be given in the SOSI fileXzXs header and not in the individual objects in the absence of proper 3D modelling description of how accurately the object has been surveyed Note: Used for both lines and points type of cave passage (main passage, side passage or outside) Note: Often determined by discretionary assessment various cave passage shapes indicates how the cave passage has been formed special concerns that one must be aware of with regard to the object Name/ Role name 5 Class external delimitation of CaveSpaceDelim cavity in the bedrock border course following the transition between different real world phenomena caveBody shows which cave space demarcation line (floor, wall or ceiling) the surface/line represents 5.2 1 CaveBody 1 1 CaveAccuracy 0 1 CavePaType 0 1 CavePaShape 0 1 CaveForming 0 1 CaveWarning 1 N 0 N CaveSpaceDel Aggregrati im on CaveInventory Aggregrati on 0 N OtherCaveLine Aggregrati on 0 N CavePoint Aggregrati on Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 1 CaveBody?? CaveSpaceDelim No 5.1 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 10 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 5.3 caveAccuracy 5.4 5.5 caveLineType Role (unnamed) CaveSpace 1.2.6 (lacking proper 3D modelling) description of how accurately the object has been surveyed Name/ Role name 6 Class delimitation of partial CaveInventoryDe object or shape elements lim in natural cavities in the bedrock border course following the transition between different real world phenomena caveAccuracy description of how accurately the object has been ??surveyed/measured Role (unnamed) CaveInventory 6.2 6.3 1.2.7 Name/ Role name 7 Association CaveSpaceCaveSpaceDelim Role boundary Role (unnamed) CaveSpace 7.2 1.2.8 Name/ Role name 8 Association CaveInventoryCaveInventoryDe lim Role boundary Role 8.2 0 1 1 1 CaveLineType CaveSpace Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 1 CaveAccuracy 1 1 CaveInventory Constraint Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N 1 1 CaveSpaceDel Aggregatio im n CaveSpace Association <<Topo>> CaveInventory-CaveInventoryDelim No 8.1 CaveAccuracy Association <<Topo>> CaveSpace-CaveSpaceDelim No 7.1 1 CaveInventoryDelim No 6.1 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N Aggregatio n 1 1 CaveInventory Delim CaveInventory June 2009 Page 11 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves (unnamed) CaveInventory 1.2.9 Association CaveSpace-CaveInventory No Name/ Role name 9 Association CaveSpaceCaveInventory Role ContentsCavelnv entory Role (unnamed) CaveSpace 9.1 9.2 1.2.10 Name/ Role name 10 Association CaveSpaceOtherCaveLine Role ContentsCaveLin e Role (unnamed) CaveSpace 10. 2 1.2.11 Name/ Role name 11 Association CaveSpaceCavePoint Role ContentsCavePoi nt Role (unnamed) CaveSpace 11. 2 Type Constraint 0 N CaveInventory Aggregatio n 1 1 CaveSpace Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N OtherCaveLine Aggregatio n 1 1 CaveSpace Association CaveSpace-CavePoint No 11. 1 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Association CaveSpace-OtherCaveLine No 10. 1 Description Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N CavePoint Aggregatio n 1 1 CaveSpace June 2009 Page 12 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves Nr 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Code name CodeList CaveForming Manmade cave Littoral cave Phreatic cave Vadose cave Tectonic cave Nr 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Definition/Description indicates how the cave passage has been formed Code 1 2 3 4 5 <<CodeList>> CaveShapeElement Code name CodeList CaveShapeElement Shaft Pothole Potholes Anastomoses Plateau Doline Nr 3 <<CodeList>> CaveForming Definition/Description special formations on the floor, walls and/or ceiling of the cave Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 <<CodeList>> CavePaShape Code name CodeList CavePaShape Phreatic passage Paragenetic passage Keyhole passage Canyon Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description various cave passage shapes Code 1 2 3 4 June 2009 Page 13 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves Nr 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Code name CodeList CavePaType Main passage Side passage Surface measuring line Nr 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 Definition/Description type of cave passage Note: Main passage, side passage or outside. Often determined by discretionary assessment. Code H S U <<CodeList>> caveLoad Code name CodeList caveLoad Pool Dam Sump Edge of river/stream Middle river/stream Middle of flood stream Boulder Scree Rock/gravel deposits Gravel/sand deposits Silt/clay bed Diamict Permanent ice Snowdrift Speleotherm Moonmilk Animal bone remains Nr 6 <<CodeList>> CavePaType Definition/Description contents of cave Code FF-Usually not indicated on public maps due to souvenir hunters FF-Usually not indicated on public maps due to vandals FF-Usually not indicated on public maps due to souvenir hunters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <<CodeList>> CaveBody Code name CodeList CaveBody Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description in the absence of proper 3D modelling June 2009 Page 14 of 18 Code English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 6.1 6.2 6.3 Cave floor Cave ceiling Cave wall Nr 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 Nr 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 <<CodeList>> CaveLineType Code name CodeList CaveLineType Survey line Pitch Ceiling formation Opening to the surface Too narrow to pass through Underlying cave wall Other line Contour lines Estimated cave wall G T V Definition/Description other line types describing the cave conditions Code 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 99 The passage between the walls is too narrow for passage. <<CodeList>> CaveAccuracy Code name CodeList CaveAccuracy CRG1 CRG2 CRG3 CRG4 CRG5 CRG6 CRG7 CRG1A CRG2A CRG3A CRG4A CRG5A CRG6A Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description description of how accurately the object has been ??surveyed/measured both line and point themes. Nøyaktighet tilsvarende CRG-skalaen grad 1 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende CRG-skalaen grad 2 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende CRG-skalaen grad 3 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende CRG-skalaen grad 4 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende CRG-skalaen grad 5 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende CRG-skalaen grad 6 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende CRG-skalaen grad 7 Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 1A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 2A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 3A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 4A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 5A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 6A June 2009 Page 15 of 18 Code Note: Used for English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.30 8.31 8.32 8.33 8.34 8.35 8.36 8.37 8.38 8.39 8.40 8.41 8.42 8.43 8.44 8.45 8.46 8.47 8.48 CRG7A CRG1B CRG2B CRG3B CRG4B CRG5B CRG6B CRG7B CRG1C CRG2C CRG3C CRG4C CRG5C CRG6C CRG7C CRG1D CRG2D CRG3D CRG4D CRG5D CRG6D CRG7D BCRA1 BCRA2 BCRA3 BCRA4 BCRA5 BCRA6 BCRA1A BCRA2A BCRA3A BCRA4A BCRA5A BCRA6A BCRA1B Norwegian Mapping Authority Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 7A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 1B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 2B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 3B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 4B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 5B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 6B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 7B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 1C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 2C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 3C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 4C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 5C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 6C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 7C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 1D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 2D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 3D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 4D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 5D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 6D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 7D Nøyaktighet tilsvarende BCRA-skalaen grad 1 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende BCRA-skalaen grad 2 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende BCRA-skalaen grad 3 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende BCRA-skalaen grad 4 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende BCRA-skalaen grad 5 Nøyaktighet tilsvarende BCRA-skalaen grad 6 Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 1A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 2A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 3A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 4A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 5A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 6A Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 1B June 2009 Page 16 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 8.49 8.50 8.51 8.52 8.53 8.54 8.55 8.56 8.57 8.58 8.59 8.60 8.61 8.62 8.63 8.64 8.65 8.66 BCRA2B BCRA3B BCRA4B BCRA5B BCRA6B BCRA1C BCRA2C BCRA3C BCRA4C BCRA5C BCRA6C BCRA1D BCRA2D BCRA3D BCRA4D BCRA5D BCRA6D BCRAX Nr 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 2B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 3B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarendeundergrad 4B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 5B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 6B Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 1C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 2C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 3C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 4C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 5C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 6C Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 1D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 2D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 3D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 4D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 5D Detaljnøyaktighet tilsvarende undergrad 6D Nøyaktighet tilsvarende BCRA-skalaen grad X <<CodeList>> CavePlan Code name CodeList CavePlan The map shows the horizontal plane The map shows the vertical plane seen from the south The map shows the vertical plane seen from the east Definition/Description in the absence of proper 3D modelling Note: Usually, CAVEPLAN will be given in the SOSI file's header and not in the individual objects. FF-NO/NE?? stands for northings and eastings (coordinates) FF-HO/HE?? stands for height and eastings Code FF-HN stands for height and northings HN NO HO <<CodeList>> CavePointType Nr 10 10.1 10.2 Code name CodeList CavePointType Shaft Pothole Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description various types of point themes for cave data Note: If the cavePointType is a measuring point (value 7), cavePointNumber must have a value Code 1 2 June 2009 Page 17 of 18 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Geology - caves 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 Scallops Anastomosis Pitch Anchor point for rope Measuring point Other point 3 4 5 6 7 10 <<CodeList>> CaveWarning Nr 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Code name CodeList CaveWarning Avalanche hazard (from above) Loose, shifting ground surface: avalanche hazard Slippery Steep Large drop Vulnerable object where passage/general traffic?? should be avoided Vulnerable object where one must exercise caution Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description special concerns that one must be aware of with regard to the object June 2009 Code 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 Page 18 of 18