Telecom Technical Specifications PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Trunked Radio Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications CONTENTS 1. SCOPE ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Accordance .............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Application ................................................................................................ 1 1.3 Contents and Reference ........................................................................... 1 2. ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... 2 2.1 Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 2 3. REQUIRED TEST ITEMS ......................................................................... 3 4. FREQUENCY RANGE ............................................................................. 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Test purpose ............................................................................................. 5 Conformance requirement ........................................................................ 5 Method of measurement ........................................................................... 5 Test requirement ....................................................................................... 6 5. MAXIMUM TRANSMITTER OUTPUT POWER ....................................... 7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Test purpose ............................................................................................. 7 Conformance requirement ........................................................................ 7 Method of measurement ........................................................................... 7 Test requirement ....................................................................................... 7 6. TRANSMITTER FREQUENCY ERROR ................................................... 8 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Test purpose ............................................................................................. 8 Conformance requirement ........................................................................ 8 Method of measurement ........................................................................... 8 Test requirement ....................................................................................... 8 7. DUPLEX SPACING .................................................................................. 8 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Test purpose ............................................................................................. 8 Conformance requirement ........................................................................ 9 Method of measurement ........................................................................... 9 Test requirement ....................................................................................... 9 8. CHANNEL SPACING ............................................................................... 9 8.1 Test purpose ............................................................................................. 9 TR(English)-i PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 8.2 Conformance requirement ........................................................................ 9 8.3 Method of measurement ........................................................................... 9 8.4 Test requirement ....................................................................................... 9 9. OUTPUT RF SPECTRUM ...................................................................... 10 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Test purpose ........................................................................................... 10 Conformance requirement ...................................................................... 10 Method of measurement ......................................................................... 11 Test requirement ..................................................................................... 12 Annex A Test conditions……….………………….…...………………..Annex-1 Annex B Test equipment for Operating Frequency, Transmitter Output Power, Output RF Spectrum Measurement….…Annex-2 Annex C Test equipment for Transmitter Frequency Error Measurement……….………………...……..…….……….…..Annex-3 TR(English)-ii PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 1. Scope 1.1 Accordance The specification is issued pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 42 of the Telecommunications Acts. 1.2 Application 1. 500 MHz Trunked Radio Terminal, Handheld Station (HS) 2. 500 MHz Trunked Radio Terminal, Mobile Station (MS) 3. 800 MHz Trunked Radio Terminal, Handheld Station (HS) 4. 800 MHz Trunked Radio Terminal, Mobile Station (MS) 1.3 Contents and Reference The normative reference of the test items, conformance requirement, method of tests and relevant requirements for use in the specifications of Trunked Radio Terminal MS and HS are based on the ETS 300 086 ( January, 1991); and CNS 11708, Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Transmitters, 25-470MHz. These limits have been chosen to comply with the international standards for a complete technical regulation. TR(English)-1 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 2. Abbreviations 2.1 Abbreviations The abbreviations of these requirements are as follows, EUT Tx Rx MS HS fd B P Equipment Under Test Transmitter Receiver Mobile Station Handheld Station Difference from carrier center frequency Channel bandwidth Carrier power absence of modulation TR(English)-2 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 3. Required Test Items Items Test Items Conformance requirement Test compliance result Tx: 523.9375 ~ 526.450 MHz Rx: 507.4375 ~ 509.950 MHz Frequency range Tx: 810.5 ~ 812 MHz 800MHz Rx: 855.5 ~ 857 MHz Maximum transmitter 500MHz 25W (MS)、5W (HS) output power 800MHz 25W (MS)、5W (HS) 500MHz ±1.25kHz Transmitter frequency error 800MHz ±1.2kHz 500MHz 16.5MHz Duplex spacing 800MHz 45MHz Channel spacing 12.5kHz or 25kHz Output RF spectrum As following Table 1 and Table 2 500MHz 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table1: A. Analog modulation(with audio low pass filter) 800MHz band with 25KHz channel space and 500MHz band with 25KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range B/2 <│fd│≦ B B <│fd│≦ 2.5B 2.5B <│fd│ B. 25 35 [43+10Log10(P)] or 80 whichever is lower 800MHz band with 12.5KHz channel space and 500MHz band with 12.5KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range │fd│≦5.625KHz 0 5.625KHz <│fd│≦ 12.5KHz 12.5KHz <│fd│ 7.27(fd-2.88) [50+10Log10(P)] or 70 whichever is lower TR(English)-3 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications Table2:Analog modulation(without audio low pass filter)or digital modulation A. 800MHz band with 25KHz channel space and 800MHz band with 12.5KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range 5KHz <│fd│≦ 10KHz 10KHz <│fd│≦ 2.5B 83Log10(fd/5) [116Log10(fd/6.1)], [50+10Log10(P)] or 70 whichever is the lowest 2.5B <│fd│ B. [43+10Log10(P)] or 80 whichever is lower 500MHz band with 25KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range 5KHz <│fd│≦ 10KHz 10KHz <│fd│≦ 2.5B 2.5B <│fd│ 83Log10(fd/5) [29Log10(fd2/11)] or 50 whichever is lower [43+10Log10(P)] or 80 which is lower C. 500MHz band with 12.5KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range │fd│≦5.625KHz 0 5.625KHz <│fd│≦ 12.5KHz 7.27(fd-2.88) 12.5KHz <│fd│ B: P: [50+10Log10(P)] or 70 Whichever is lower fd: difference from carrier center frequency 20KHz(Channel space is 25KHz) 8KHz(Channel space is 12.5KHz) carrier power in absence of modulation TR(English)-4 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 4. Frequency Range 4.1 Test purpose 500MHz Trunked Radio Terminal: To verify that Trunked Radio Terminal shall operate within the frequency bands from 507.4375MHz to 509.950MHz and from 523.9375MHz to 526.450MHz. 800MHz Trunked Radio Terminal: To verify that Trunked Radio Terminal shall operate within the frequency band from 810.5MHz to 812MHz and from 855.5MHz to 857MHz. 4.2 Conformance requirement 500MHz Trunked Radio Terminal: Tx band: 523.9375 ~ 526.450 MHz (Tx) Rx band: 507.4375 ~ 509.950 MHz (Rx) 800MHz Trunked Radio Terminal: Tx band: 810.5 ~ 812 MHz (Tx) Rx band: 855.5 ~ 857 MHz (Rx) 4.3 Method of measurement The MS or HS should be situated in an isolated environment from any radio system without transmitting. The MS or HS should be switched-on and set in a transmitting (carrier-on) mode for the test required the highest and lowest frequency of the applicant’s assignment. The MS or HS should be switched-on and set in a receiving (carrier-off) mode. The signal generator shall be set at any channel of the TR(English)-5 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications allocated frequency, and transmit 1,000Hz audio tone signal modulated with 3,000Hz and 1mV output power level to EUT. The EUT shall receive the signal. In case, the EUT is of a digital modulation, to transmit the signal according to the modulation mode and output power level in itself to the spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer shall be set in sweep mode and shall be operated under the following conditions: 4.4 Frequency range: as required for frequency range to be assessed Resolution bandwidth: Display bandwidth: Averaging: Peak hold: no less than 100KHz equal to the measurement bandwidth no yes Test requirement The test requirements are given in Annex A, and measurement shall be set up as Annex B. In the test equipment, the spectrum analyzer noise floor shall be at least 6dB below the appropriate limits of 65dB. TR(English)-6 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 5. Maximum Transmitter Output Power 5.1 Test purpose To verify that the maximum transmitter output power of 500MHz MS and HS do not exceed the rated output power of 25W and 5W respectively within the range from 523.9375MHz to 526.450MHz. To verify that maximum transmitter output power of 800MHz MS and HS do not exceed the rated output power of 25W and 5W respectively within the range from 810.5MHz to 812MHz. 5.2 Conformance requirement The maximum transmitter output power of MS and HS shall not exceed the rated output power of 25W and 5W respectively 5.3 Method of measurement The MS or HS should be switched-on and set in a transmitting (carrier-on) mode. The output of transmitter shall be connected to a 50Ωpower attenuator and through an artificial antenna to a spectrum analyzer, to measure the output power . 5.4 Test requirement The test requirements are given in Annex A, and measurement shall be set up as Annex B. In the test equipment, the spectrum analyzer noise floor shall be at least 6dB below the appropriate limits of 65dB. TR(English)-7 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 6. Transmitter Frequency Error 6.1 Test purpose To verify that MS and HS carrier frequency error do not exceed ± 1.25KHz for 500MHz band and ±1.2KHz for 800MHz band to ensure without any interference. 6.2 Conformance requirement 500MHz band Trunked Radio Terminal: ±1.25KHz. 800MHz band Trunked Radio Terminal: ±1.2KHz. 6.3 Method of measurement The MS or HS should be switched-on and set in a transmitting (carrier-on) mode. The output of the transmitter shall be connected to a frequency counter by a 50 Ω power attenuator, to measure the transmit frequency accuracy , including the effects of noise if any, harmonics and intermodulation products which may be generated in the transmitter. 6.4 Test requirement The test requirements are given in Annex A, and measurement shall be set up as Annex C. 7. Duplex Spacing 7.1 Test purpose To verify that MS or HS shall be carried out to ensure satisfactory duplex operation within the allocated frequency band. TR(English)-8 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 7.2 Conformance requirement The Applicant shall submit the Declaration of Conformity of duplex separation of 16.5MHz for 500MHz; or of 45MHz for 800MHz. 7.3 Method of measurement The Applicant shall submit the Declaration of Conformity. 7.4 Test requirement The Applicant shall submit the Declaration of Conformity. 8. Channel Spacing 8.1 Test purpose To verify that MS or HS is in the allocated channel to ensure conformity with channel space of 12.5KHz or 25KHz without interference to the adjacent channels. 8.2 Conformance requirement The applicant shall submit the Declaration of Conformity of an allocated channel with the spacing of 12.5KHz or 25KHz. 8.3 Method of measurement The applicant shall submit the Declaration of Conformity. 8.4 Test requirement The applicant shall submit the Declaration of Conformity. TR(English)-9 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications 9. Output RF Spectrum 9.1 Test purpose To verify the output RF spectrum of MS or HS that measurement of the spectrum, due to the effects of modulation and power ramping within a specified frequency range, is the relationship between the carrier frequency which affected by an unwanted noise source producing the discontinuous spectrum and the output power. 9.2 Conformance requirement Analog modulation(with audio low pass filter) 800MHz band with 25KHz channel space and 500MHz band with 25KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range B/2 <│fd│≦ B B 25 <│fd│≦ 2.5B 2.5B <│fd│ 35 [43+10Log10(P)] or 80 whichever is lower 800MHz band with 12.5KHz channel space and 500MHz band with 12.5KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range │fd│≦5.625KHz 0 5.625KHz <│fd│≦ 12.5KHz 12.5KHz <│fd│ 7.27(fd-2.88) [50+10Log10(P)] or 70 whichever is lower Analog modulation(without audio low pass filter)or digital modulation 800MHz band with 25KHz channel space and 800MHz band with 12.5KHz TR(English)-10 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range 5KHz <│fd│≦ 10KHz 10KHz <│fd│≦ 2.5B 83Log10(fd/5) [116Log10(fd/6.1)], [50+10Log10(P)] or 70 whichever is the lowest 2.5B <│fd│ [43+10Log10(P)] or 80 whichever is lower 500MHz band with 25KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range 5KHz <│fd│≦ 10KHz 10KHz <│fd│≦ 2.5B 2.5B <│fd│ 83Log10(fd/5) [29Log10(fd2/11)] or 50 whichever is lower [43+10Log10(P)] or 80 which is lower 500MHz band with 12.5KHz channel space Mean power of frequency relative to attenuation of output power Attenuation(dB) Frequency Range │fd│≦5.625KHz 0 5.625KHz <│fd│≦ 12.5KHz 7.27(fd-2.88) 12.5KHz <│fd│ B: [50+10Log10(P)] or 70 Whichever is lower fd: difference from carrier center frequency 20KHz(Channel space is 25KHz) 8KHz(Channel space is 12.5KHz) P: carrier power in absence of modulation 9.3 Method of measurement To set the frequency ranges of f d for the mean power of frequency relative to the attentuation of output power as stated in subclause 9.2. TR(English)-11 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications The EUT shall be in the absence of modulation and switched on. The center frequency of spectrum analyzer shall be set in the operating frequency range of EUT. To measure the output power level V ref with reference level of 0dB. The EUT should be switched-on and set in a transmitting (carrier-on) mode. The signal generator shall transmit the signal of 1,000Hz and adjust the tone signal output level to give a value of V for frequency deviation of 2.5KHz (for channel space 25KHz) or 1.25KHz (for channel space 12.5KHz). The frequency of signal generator shall be adjusted to 2,500Hz and the signal level shall be V+16dB to transmit to EUT for measuring its output power level by the spectrum analyzer. In case, the EUT is of a digital modulation, to transmit the signal according to the modulation mode and output power level in itself to the spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer shall be adjusted and operated under the following conditions: Zero frequency scan Resolution bandwidth: Display bandwidth: Averaging: Peak hold: Signal gating: 9.4 300KHz 3,000KHz no yes no Test requirement The test requirements are given in Annex A, and measurement shall be set up as Annex B. In the test equipment, the spectrum analyzer noise floor shall be at least 6dB below the appropriate limits of 65dB. TR(English)-12 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications Annex A. Test conditions A.1 Normal test conditions A.1.1 Normal temperature and humidity The normal temperature and humidity conditions for tests shall be any convenient combination of temperature and humidity within the following ranges: - temperature: + 15℃ to + 35℃ - relative humidity: 20 % to 75 %. When it is impracticable to carry out the tests under these conditions, take a note for this effect, record the ambient temperature and relative humidity during tests, shall be added to the test report. A.1.2 Normal test power source A.1.2.1 Mains voltage The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal main voltage. For the purpose of this standard, the nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage or any of the declared voltages for which the equipment was designed. The frequency of the test power source corresponding to the AC mains shall be between 59 and 61 Hz. A.1.2.2 Regulated lead-acid battery power sources used on vehicles When the radio equipment is intended for operation from the usual types of regulated lead-acid battery power source used on vehicles, the normal test voltage shall be 1.1 times the nominal voltage of the battery (6 V, 12 V etc). A.1.2.3 Other power sources For operation from other power sources or types of battery (primary or secondary), the normal test voltage shall be that declared by the equipment manufacturer. A.2 Extreme test conditions A.2.1 Extreme temperature For tests at extreme temperatures, measurements shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified at the upper and lower temperatures of one of the following ranges: -25℃ to +55℃ -15℃ to +55℃ -10℃ to +55℃ 0℃ to +30℃ Test reports shall state which range is used. TR(English) Annex-1 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications A.2.2 Extreme test source voltages A.2.2.1 Mains voltage The extreme test voltage for equipment to be connected to an AC mains source shall be the nominal mains voltage ±10 %. A.2.2.2 Regulated lead-acid battery power sources used on vehicles When the equipment is intended for operation from the usual types of regulated lead-acid battery power sources used on vehicles the extreme test voltages shall be 1.3 and 0.9 times the nominal voltage of the battery (6 V, 12 V, etc). A.2.2.3 Power sources using other types of batteries The lower extreme test voltages for equipment with power sources using the following batteries shall be: - for the Leclanché or the lithium type of battery: 0.85 times the nominal voltage of the battery, - for the mercury or nickel-cadmium type of battery: 0.9 times the nominal voltage of the battery. No upper extreme test voltages apply. A.2.2.4 Other power sources For equipment using other power sources, or capable of being operated from a variety of power sources, the extreme test voltages shall be those agreed between the equipment manufacturer and the testing authority and shall be recorded in the test report. Annex B. Test equipment for Operating Frequency, Transmitter Output Power, Output RF Spectrum Measurement EUT Spectrum Analyzer Signal Generator TR(English) Annex-2 PLMN04 November 17,2003 Revise July 20,2007 Telecom Technical Specifications Annex C. Test equipment for Transmitter Frequency Error Measurement EUT Frequency Counter TR(English) Annex-3