JAHC April 2013---The Autism Avalanche: Field Notes from a

JAHC April 2013---The Autism Avalanche:
Field Notes from a Challenging Landscape
Copyright Jerry Kantor, Lic. Ac., CCH
Autism Spectrum Resources
*The Autism Revolution, Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life all it can be, Martha
Herbert, MD, PhD, and Karen Weintraub, Harvard Health/Ballantine 2012.
Fine introductory overview.
*The Fabric of Autism, Weaving the Threads into a Coherent Theory, Judith
Bluestone, Saphire Enterprises, Seattle, WA 2005.
Author Bluestone herself was on the spectrum. Incisive, hard to find insights into
autism’s inner world.
*The Thinking Moms’ Revolution, Inspiring True Stories from Parents Fighting to
Rescue their Children: http://thinkingmomsrevolution.com/.
Blog by a collection of wonderful, bright, and inspiring women.
*Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships:
Decoding Social Mysteries Through the
Unique Perspectives of Autism, Temple Grandin, PhD., Future Horizons, 2005
Her autism website:
The author is herself autistic and a seminal figure in autism research.
*Vaccine Epidemic, Louise Kuo Habakus, MA and Mary Holland, JD, Skyhorse
Publishing, NY 2011.
In-depth look at historical, economic and legal issues surrounding vaccination.
* The Toxic Relationship: Technology and Autism, Christopher Mulligan, LCSW:
Well-developed argument concerning the reciprocal relationship between ASD and
information technology. His blog:
*The Slow Poisoning of America, John and Michelle Erb, Palladins Press, Virginia
Beach, VA 2003.
Contains studies linking MSG to obesity, diabetes, migraines and headaches, autism,
ADHD, and even Alzheimer's.
http://www.nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org/content/autism-mmr-vaccine-hivsimilarities-and-growth-factor-cell-signaling-brief-article From the Townsend
Letter 2002. Excellent commentary on especially the measles vaccine and ASD.
*Autism Beyond Despair, CEASE Therapy, Tinus Smits, MD, Emryss, 2010 (website
for CEASE: http://www.cease-therapy.com/).
CEASE methodology and cases. For popular and professional use. Seminal work and
a classic.
*Gem Elixirs, Gurudas, Casasndra Press, 1985.
*Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing Volume II, Gurudas, Cassandra Press, 1986.
Reader alert: these works were channeled through Kevin Ryerson. Nevertheless
contain a wealth of remarkable esoteric and practical detail. The foremost books on
the vibrational healing power of crystals. A cross-check with remedies discussed in
Meditative Provings.
*Envisioning a Bright Future, Interventions that Work for Children and Adults with
Autism Spectrum Disorders, Patricia S. Lemer, Ed.. OEP Foundation, Santa Ana, CA
2008 (also see the webpage: www.oep.org).
An ambitious text introducing novel and unexpected interventions such as vision
and sound based therapies.
*Impossible Cure, The Promise of Homeopathy, Amy Lansky, PhD. , R. L Ranch Press,
2003. Incisive, graceful and informative account of the intersection of homeopathy
and a case of autism.
*Using Liquid Remedies for Greater Flexibility in Homeopathic Prescribing and Case
Management; Healing with Homeopathy:
http://www.nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org/content/using-liquid-remedies-forgreater-flexibility-in-homeopathic-prescribing-and-case-management. Very useful
*Inspiring Homeopathy, Treatment of Universal Layers, Tinus Smits, MD, Emryss,
New remedies introduced by Dr. Tinus Smits as well as expanded understanding of
several, existing and familiar remedies, each possessing special relevance to the
early years of life.
JAHC April 2013---The Autism Avalanche:
Field Notes from a Challenging Landscape
Copyright Jerry Kantor, Lic. Ac., CCH
*Meditative Provings, Volumes 1 and 2, Madeline Evans, Ed., Rose Press, York, UK
2000 and 2005.
Researched meditatively by a profoundly spiritual group of homeopaths. But the
proof (or proving!) is in the pudding. Try them out! These remedies for a new age,
designed to unblock chakras and expand awareness work.
*Miasms and Nosodes, Origins of Disease, Vol 1, Louis Klein, FSHom, Narayana
Publishers, Kandern, Germany, 2009.
Master teacher Klein trains his sharp eye on autism’s miasmatic and neurological
affinities: Pertussis, Tuberculosis and Tetanus for example.
*Monera, Kingdom Bacteria and Viruses, Frans Vermeulin, Emryss, Haarlem,
Netherlands 2005.
An indispensable text for anyone addressing the entrenched toxic effects of bacteria
or viruses with tautopathy (using same to treat same).
*Secret Lanthanides, Jan Scholten, MD, Stichting Alonnissos , Netherlands 2005.
With their core theme pertaining to autonomy the Lanthanide (formerly called Rare
Earths) remedies provide fertile ground for ASD treatment. An important
*Systems and Symbiosis—The Bowel Nosodes Reappraised, A Seminar in
Integrative Medicine, Core Text, Russell Malcolm, FFHom:
Malcolm’s rejuvenation of the bowel nosodes has rendered them indispensable to
the treatment of autistic gut dysbiosis.
*An Insight into Plants, Vols I and II, Rajan Sankaran, Homeopathic Medical
Publishers, Mumbai, India 2002.
The author’s illumination of plant family sensations and themes, from for example,
the Conifers, Labatiatae, and Scophulariaceae reveals remedies of great power for
ASD ailments. Fertile ground to explore.
*Encyclopedia of Remedy Relationships in Homoeopathy, Abdur Rehman,
Medizinverlage Heidelberg Gmbh, Germany 1997.
After a remedy has worked deeply and powerfully so as to expose a new layer of the
onion, what prescription to consider next? More often than not, Rehman’s concise
text supplies the needed clue.
*Interpreting Chronic Illness, the Convergence of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Homeopathy and Biomedicine, Jerry M. Kantor, Lic. Ac., CCH, Right Whale Press,
Wellesley Hills, MA 2011.
Homeopathic remedies for autism according to how they are modeled within
Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Phase or Sense Dimensional theory and also, the
theory’s Mother-Son law within the Generating Cycle. Contains a discussion of
Traditional Chinese Medicine’s notion of the Corporeal Soul residing in the Lungs. A
counterpart to the immortal Hun or Ethereal Soul residing in the Liver, the Po is a
mortal soul providing the material source for our existence. That the Po is built
within the mother justifies emphasis placed on taking the mother’s case along with
that of the ASD child’s.
*Homeopathic Color and Sound Remedies, Ambika Wauters, Crossing Press,
Berkeley, Ca 2007.
Describes a small but highly practical set of ameliorative remedies. Can make
treating the problematic ASD population easier.
* Butterflies, an innovative guide to the use of butterfly remedies in homeopathy,
Patricia Le Roux, MD, Narayana Publishers, Kandern, Germany.
* Bitten in the Soul, Massimo Mangialavori, Narayana Publishers, Kandern, Germany
*Some Cactaceae in Homeopathic Medicine, Massimo Mangialavori, Naryana
Publishers, Kandern, Germany 2006.
*Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natasha Campbell-McBride, Medinform Publishing;
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet further evolved into a full protocol for healing
digestive disorders and subsequent issues. Deservedly popular work.
*Organotherapy Drainage and Detoxification, Joe Rozencwajg, NMD, Emryss, 2010.
Though could stand editing and better design, author’s book contains information
on support remedies and prematurely discarded therapies such as oligotherapy,
otherwise hard to find.
*EA Maury, Drainage in Homoeopathy, Health Science Press, Essex, England, 1982.
* Levy Bouko, MM, Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory, Editions Similia, France,
JAHC April 2013---The Autism Avalanche:
Field Notes from a Challenging Landscape
Copyright Jerry Kantor, Lic. Ac., CCH
*Spectrum of Homeopathy, Childhood and Psyche Edition, No 1/2010, Narayana
Publishers, Kandern, Germany. Also contains a list of sources for Butterfly provings
that was compiled by Jorg Wichmann.
Issue devoted to dysfunction within the psyche of young children. Innovative
approaches and new remedies introduced.
*Autism, MMR Vaccine, HIV Similarities and Growth Factor Cell Signaling; Brief
Article, Barbara Brewitt, Ph.D:
*Autism and Cell Biology, D. Klinghardt, MD., PhD., :
Comprehensive though technical and dense.
*International Academy of Homotoxicology lecture series:
Developed by the German doctor, Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg. Huge bang for the buck
(free!) for anyone in the market for a technical, protocol-based means of treating
chronic illness. Rich in theory and practical application; non-dependent (due to
utilizing combination remedies) on thematic remedy analysis. homotoxicology
bridges a paradigm gap otherwise separating biomedical medicine from
homeopathy. Appears to require a technological means of diagnosis and treatment,
an EAV (Electro-acupuncture according to Vole) device for example.
*The Solution, Homeoprophylaxis, the Vaccine Alternative, Kate Birch and Cilla
Whatcott, Balboa Press, Bloomington, IN 2012.
Asks and attempts to answer question whether homeopathy can supply an
alternative to biomedical vaccines.
*Qi Gong Sensory Training Institute, Early Intervention, Treatment, Training and
Research for Children with Autism:
Qi gong (Traditional Chinese energy exercises and for the self and others) is a more
than worthwhile skill to learn. Can provide both short and long term calming of the
ASD child, as well as a powerful means of relaxing a parent.
* Apprenticeship in Thinking, Cognitive Development in Social Context, Barbara
Rogoff, Oxford University Press, NY 1990. How things should go in terms of a child’s
cognitive development. Helps us realize how ASD state is also a cascade wherein
which the loss of one ability forestalls that of a needed subsequent activity.