EURYLAIMIDAE Pseudocalyptomena graueri Grauer’s Broadbill Eurylaime de Grauer African Green Broadbill Resident, forest and edges: Itombwe Mts (E DRC), W Uganda. Smithornis sharpei Grey-headed Broadbill Eurylaime à tête grise zenkeri; sharpei; eurylaemus Resident, lowland rain forest: S Cameroon, N Gabon (zenkeri); Bioko (sharpei); mts of E DRC (eurylaemus). Smithornis rufolateralis Rufous-sided Broadbill Eurylaime à flancs roux rufolateralis; budongoensis Resident, undergrowth in lowland forest: Liberia - W Uganda through N half of DRC. Smithornis capensis African Broadbill Eurylaime du Cap capensis; cryptoleucus; suahelicus; conjunctus; albigularis; medianus; meinertzhageni; camarunensis (BoA camerunensis); delacouri; (ROB has only 7 in Africa) Resident, forest and dense woodland: Sierra Leone - W Ghana; scattered S Cameroon - NW Angola; E and SE DRC east to S Kenya, NE South Africa. PHILEPITTIDAE Philepitta castanea Velvet Asity Philépitte veloutée Schlegel’s Asity Philépitte de Schlegel Resident, forest: all of E Madagascar. Philepitta schlegeli Resident, seasonally dry forest: N and NW Madagascar. Neodrepanis coruscans Common Sunbird-Asity Philépitte souimanga Sunbird-Asity; Wattled Sunbird-Asity Faux-Souimanga caronculé Yellow-bellied Sunbird-Asity Philépitte de Salomonsen Yellow-bellied Asity Faux-Souimanga à ventre jaune Resident, midlevel forest: E Madagascar. Neodrepanis hypoxantha CMT Neodrepanis hypoxanthus Resident, montane forest: scattered in E Madagascar. PITTIDAE Pitta reichenowi Green-breasted Pitta Brève à poitrine verte DFW subsumes into Pitta angolensis Resident, forest, thickets: scattered S Cameroon, N Gabon - Uganda. Pitta angolensis African Pitta Brève de l'Angola longipennis; pulih; angolensis Resident (West Africa) and intra-African migrant (East Africa), forest with dense undergrowth: resident Guinea - W Cameroon - NW Angola (pulih, angolensis); breeds SE DRC, S Tanzania - E Zambia, NE South Africa, moving north to NE DRC, S CAR - S Kenya (longipennis); vagrant rest of E South Africa, 1 record Ethiopia. ALAUDIDAE English name of several Mirafra spp can be … Lark and … Bush Lark. The most commonly used one is given here. Mirafra hova Madagascar Lark Alouette malgache Singing Bush Lark Alouette chanteuse Resident, all open habitats: Madagascar. Mirafra cantillans marginata; chadensis Resident and intra-African migrant, short grassland, semi-desert: Sahel zone N Senegal, S Mauritania - W Ethiopia (chadensis); NE Ethiopia, Eritrea and S Sudan, S Somalia - N Tanzania (both marginata). Mirafra passerina Monotonous Lark Alouette monotone Resident and nomadic, arid savanna and woodland: S Angola - C Namibia east to S Zambia, NE South Africa. 2 Mirafra albicauda White-tailed Lark Alouette à queue blanche Resident, dense short grassland, often near lakes, avoiding very open areas: NE DRC, NW Uganda - C Tanzania; local W Chad - E Sudan SE Ethiopia. Mirafra cheniana Melodious Lark Alouette mélodieuse Latakoo Lark Resident, open grassland: patchy S Zimbabwe, E South Africa. Mirafra cordofanica Kordofan Lark Alouette du Kordofan Resident and nomadic, arid plains: Mauritania - S Niger; C Sudan. Mirafra williamsi Williams's Lark Alouette de Williams Resident, arid short grass areas on black lava soils: 2 areas of N Kenya. Mirafra pulpa Friedmann's Lark Alouette de Friedmann Intra-African migrant (probably), dense grassland with bushes: SE Kenya, N Tanzania; old records in S Ethiopia, N Kenya. Mirafra africana Rufous-naped Lark Alouette à nuque rousse africana; transvaalensis; grisescens (ROB griscescens); ghansiensis; pallida; occidentalis; chapini; gomesi; kabalii (BoA kaballii); malbranti; nigrescens; isolata; nyikae; tropicalis; ruwenzoria; athi; harterti; sharpii (BoA sharpei); kurrae; stresemanni; bamendae; batesi; henrici SAM (+SS) raise Mirafra sharpii Somali Lark (SS Sharpe’s Lark) Alouette de Sharpe (SAM has M. somalica as Somali Longbilled Lark); (SS raises Mirafra malbranti Malbrant’s Lark) Resident, grassy areas with and without trees: scattered isolated populations in West Africa; NW Somalia (sharpii); around L. Victoria; W DRC, S Gabon, Angola - S Tanzania and south excluding much of Namibia, W half of South Africa and coastal Angola; (malbrandti in E Gabon - SW DRC). Mirafra hypermetra Red-winged Lark Alouette polyglotte Red-winged Bush Lark* hypermetra; gallarum; kidepoensis; kathangorensis Resident, savanna, grassland with scattered trees: scattered in lowlands Ethiopia - NE Tanzania. Mirafra somalica Somali Lark Alouette de Somalie Somali Long-billed Lark somalica; rochei Resident, open grassland especially coastal: most of Somalia though not NW or SW. Mirafra ashi Ash's Lark Alouette de Ash Resident, short grassland: known only from 6 specimens in small area of coastal E Somalia near Mogadishu. Mirafra angolensis Angola Lark Alouette de l'Angola angolensis; antonii; marungensis Resident, moist and montane grassland: 4 populations in small areas: N Angola; W Angola (both angolensis); extreme E Angola, S DRC, NW Zambia (antonii); SE DRC (marungensis). Mirafra rufocinnamomea Flappet Lark Alouette bourdonnante buckleyi; serlei; tigrina; furensis; sobatensis; rufocinnamomea; omoensis; torrida; kawirondensis; fischeri; schoutedeni; lwenarum; smithersi; mababiensis; pintoi Resident, all savannas with grassy areas: all S of Sahara except forest area, north and east of C Ethiopia - C Kenya, south of Angola - NE South Africa, and W coast of Angola. Mirafra apiata Cape Clapper Lark Alouette bateleuse apiata; marjoriae (SL, SS raise Mirafra marjoriae Agulhas Clapper Lark) Resident, dense vegetated grasslands, fynbos: W and S South Africa. Mirafra fasciolata Eastern Clapper Lark Alouette fasciée reynoldsi; jappi; nata; deserti (HM=damarensis but may be distinct; ROB incl damarensis in deserti); fasciolata (BoA=hewitti) BoA, DFW, HM, SAM, BL subsume into Mirafra apiata (as Clapper Lark) Resident, dense vegetated grasslands: W Zambia, SE Angola, E half Namibia, C South Africa. Mirafra collaris Collared Lark Alouette à collier Resident, semi-arid grassland, open woodland: SE Ethiopia, Somalia, NE Kenya. Mirafra rufa Rusty Bush Lark Alouette rousse rufa; lynesi; nigriticola Resident (probably), semi-arid plains, open woodland on rocky ridges: E Mali - C Sudan. Mirafra gilletti Gillett's Lark Alouette de Gillett gilletti; arorihensis Resident, semi-arid scrub, often rocky: E Ethiopia, W Somalia, extreme NE Kenya. [Mirafra degodiensis Degodi Lark Alouette du Degodi] Resident, arid Acacia scrub: Degodi region (S Ethiopia). (A 2009 Bull. Br. Orn. Club paper suggests that this species is synonymous with Mirafra gilletti.) 3 BoA, DFW, HM, SAM, BL (and ZTP, BD, SF for species in their areas) place Calendulauda species in Mirafra (africanoides, alopex, poecilosterna, sabota) or Certhilauda (albescens, erythrochlamys, barlowi, buryi) Calendulauda africanoides Fawn-coloured Lark Alouette fauve africanoides; austin-robertsi (CMT, HBW, ROB incl in africanoides); harei; sarwensis; makarikari; trapnelli; vincenti; (BoA, HM + intercedens; macdonaldi; alopex here considered a separate species) Resident, sandy soils in semi-arid savannas: S Angola - S Mozambique south to N South Africa. Calendulauda alopex Foxy Lark Alouette abyssinienne Abyssinian Lark intercedens; macdonaldi (CMT, HBW incl in intercedens); alopex BoA, DFW, HM subsume into Mirafra africanoides Resident, sandy soils in semi-arid savannas: N Somalia, E Ethiopia - N Tanzania. Calendulauda poecilosterna Pink-breasted Lark Alouette à poitrine rose Resident, arid Acacia and Commiphora scrub: SE Sudan, S Ethiopia, S Somalia - NE Tanzania. Calendulauda sabota Sabota Lark Alouette sabota sabota; waibeli; sabotoides; suffusca; ansorgei; plebeja; bradfieldi; herero; naevia SAM raises Calendulauda (Mirafra) naevia Bradfield’s Lark Resident, semi-arid savannas: S Angola (and up W coast) - S Mozambique south to C South Africa; (naevia (probably incl races bradfieldi, herero) NW Namibia - NC Cape Province). Calendulauda albescens Karoo Lark Alouette du Karroo albescens; codea; guttata; karruensis (not in HM) Resident, semi-desert and dunes: W South Africa, extreme S Namibia. Calendulauda erythrochlamys Dune Lark Alouette à dos roux Alouette des dunes (HM + barlowi; erythrochlamys here considered separate species) Resident, dunes usually with vegetation: small area coastal W Namibia. Calendulauda barlowi Barlow’s Lark Alouette de Barlow barlowi; patae; cavei BoA, DFW, SAM, HM subsume into Calendulauda (Certhilauda) erythrochlamys (BoA incl cavei in C. a. albescens with no mention of barlowi or patae (also not in HM)) Resident, dunes usually with vegetation: small area coastal NW South Africa, SW Namibia (south of C. erythrochlamys). Calendulauda burra Red Lark Alouette ferrugineuse Ferruginous Lark Resident, sand dunes, alluvial plains: NW Cape Province (South Africa). Heteromirafra ruddi Rudd's Lark Alouette de Rudd Resident, high altitude montane grassland: several isolated populations NE and E South Africa. Heteromirafra archeri Archer's Lark Alouette d'Archer Resident, short grassland: small area NW Somalia. Heteromirafra sidamoensis Sidamo Lark Alouette d'Erard Resident, grassland patches: known only from 2 specimens in small area S Ethiopia. Certhilauda curvirostris Cape Long-billed Lark Alouette à long bec Long-billed Lark; Cape Lark falcirostris; curvirostris; (BoA + bradshawi; brevirostris; subcoronata; gilli; kaokensis; benguelensis; semitorquata; infelix (CMT=transvaalensis but BoA notes that this is preoccupied) here considered to be races of one of the 4 following species) Resident, grasslands, coastal scrub: coastal extreme S Namibia, W South Africa. Certhilauda brevirostris Agulhas Long-billed Lark Alouette de l’Agulhas Agulhas Lark BoA, DFW (+SAM presumed) subsume into Certhilauda curvirostris Resident, cultivation (non-intensive), sandy areas: Agulhas Plain in W Cape Province (South Africa). Certhilauda semitorquata Eastern Long-billed Lark Alouette de Transvaal transvaalensis (BoA=infelix (see above)); semitorquata; algida (BoA incl in semitorquata) BoA, DFW (+SAM presumed) subsume into Certhilauda curvirostris Resident, grassland, usually rocky slopes: E Cape - Orange Free State, W KZ-Natal (all South Africa). Certhilauda subcoronata Karoo Long-billed Lark Alouette du Namaland damarensis (not in BoA); subcoronata; gilli; bradshawi BoA, DFW, (+SAM presumed) subsume into Certhilauda curvirostris Resident, scrublands: C Namibia - W South Africa. Certhilauda benguelensis Benguela Long-billed Lark Benguela Lark benguelensis; kaokoensis (BoA kaokensis) BoA, DFW (+SAM presumed) subsume into Certhilauda curvirostris Resident, arid slopes with scrub: small area of NW Namibia, SW Angola. Alouette de Benguela 4 Certhilauda chuana Short-clawed Lark Alouette à ongles courts Resident, open woodlands: N South Africa, S Botswana. Pinarocorys erythropygia Rufous-rumped Lark Alouette à queue rousse Intra-African migrant, open woodland, savanna, moving to more arid areas outside breeding season: breeds N Ivory Coast - S Sudan, N Uganda; non-breeding in Sahel zone Senegal - N Sudan. Pinarocorys nigricans Dusky Lark Alouette brune nigricans; occidentis Intra-African migrant, miombo woodland, often on burnt ground, non-breeding to more open habitats: breeds S DRC, N Angola - SW Tanzania; non-breeding to S Angola, Namibia - Mozambique, NE South Africa. Chersomanes albofasciata Spike-heeled Lark Alouette éperonée albofasciata; garrula; macdonaldi; alticola; arenaria; kalahariae; erikssoni; barlowi; boweni; obscurata; beesleyi CMT, HBW, IOC (+ROB implies, +SS) raise Chersomanes beesleyi Beesley’s Lark Alouette de Beesley Resident, montane grassland - karoo scrub - semi-desert: C and NE Angola - South Africa except strip along E and S coasts; near Mt Meru (Tanzania) (beesleyi). Alaemon alaudipes Greater Hoopoe-Lark Sirli du désert **Hoopoe-Lark alaudipes; desertorum; boavistae Resident, desert and semi-desert: N Mauritania - Egypt south of Atlas Mts and into Sahara to S Niger, C Chad (alaudipes); Red Sea coast of S Sudan - NW Somalia (desertorum); Cape Verde Is (boavistae). Alaemon hamertoni Lesser Hoopoe-Lark Sirli de Witherby hamertoni; altera (HM, CMT alter); tertius (BoA tertia) Resident, tussock grass: N and E Somalia along coast. Ramphocoris clotbey Thick-billed Lark Alouette de Clotbey Clot-Bey’s Lark BoA Ramphocoris clot-bey; DFW Ramphocorys clotbey Resident, deserts and nearby, mostly stony ground: round N edge of the desert Western Sahara - W Libya. Melanocorypha calandra Calandra Lark Alouette calandre calandra; psammochroa Resident, open plains and cultivation: N Morocco - NW Libya; N Egypt; (psammochroa noted as easternmost race but recorded in Sinai). Melanocorypha bimaculata Bimaculated Lark Alouette monticole bimaculata; rufescens; (CMT, HBW monotypic) Palearctic winter visitor, open areas especially stonier parts: Nile Valley in NE Sudan, Red Sea coast of Ethiopia, Eritrea. Ammomanes cinctura Bar-tailed Lark Ammomane élégante arenicolor; cinctura HM notes often incorrectly spelt Ammomanes cincturus (+ race) Resident, deserts: scattered all across Sahara especially in north, south to C Niger, N Sudan (arenicolor); Cape Verde Is (cinctura). Ammomanes deserti Desert Lark Ammomane isabelline Ammomane du désert geyri; payni; algeriensis; whitakeri; mya; isabellina; deserti; kollmanspergeri (HM kollmannspergeri); erythrochroa (BoA erythrochrous); samharensis; assabensis; akeleyi Resident, deserts: North Africa and Sahara and into Sahel zone south to Mauritania, S Niger, C Sudan, N Somalia. Ammomanopsis grayi Gray's Lark Ammomane de Gray grayi; hoeschi BoA, DFW, HM, SAM, BL (+SL) Ammomanes grayi Nomadic, gravel plains, salt flats with little vegetation: coastal plain SW Angola - S Namibia. Calandrella brachydactyla Greater Short-toed Lark Alouette calandrelle Short-toed Lark brachydactyla; rubiginosa; longipennis; hermonensis Partial migrant and Palearctic winter visitor, dry plains and cultivation: breeds Morocco - NW Libya; winters all across Sahel zone, with some south to N DRC, Kenya and into Sahara Desert. Calandrella cinerea Red-capped Lark Alouette cendrille cinerea; anderssoni (CMT, HBW, ROB incl in cinerea); spleniata; millardi (ROB incl in cinerea); saturatior; williamsi; (CMT, HBW + fulvida (HM incl in saturatior); alluvia (HM incl in anderssoni, ROB incl in saturatior); niveni (HM, ROB (as nivenae) incl in cinerea)); (BoA + erlangeri; blanfordi; daroodensis here considered 2 separate species); (ROB has another 4 races) Resident and intra-African migrant, open grassland: Angola (all except NW), S DRC, W and N Tanzania, SC Kenya south to all of South Africa; isolated population N Nigeria. Calandrella blanfordi Blanford’s Lark Alouette de Blanford Blanford’s Short-toed Lark blanfordi; daaroodensis (BoA daroodensis); (HM + erlangeri here considered a separate species) BoA, DFW subsume into Calandrella cinerea Resident, open bare ground and grassland: Red Sea coast Eritrea (blanfordi) - NW Somalia (daroodensis). 5 Calandrella erlangeri Erlanger’s Lark Alouette d’Erlanger BoA, DFW subsume into Calandrella cinerea; HM subsumes into Calandrella blanfordi Resident, open bare ground and grassland: Ethiopian highlands. Calandrella rufescens Lesser Short-toed Lark Alouette pispolette minor; nicolli; heinei; rufescens; polatzeki Resident and nomadic, open areas with bare ground: all North Africa (minor, nicolli); Canary Is (rufescens, polatzeki); vagrant Mauritania, N Nigeria in northern winter; (heinei vagrant from SE Europe). Calandrella somalica Somali Short-toed Lark Alouette roussâtre Rufous Short-toed Lark perconfusa; somalica; megaensis; athensis SAM, IOC (+SS) raise Calandrella athensis Athi Short-toed Lark Alouette d’Athi Resident, dry open grassland, mainly above 600m asl: N Somalia, E Ethiopia (perconfusa, somalica); S Ethiopia, N Kenya (megaensis); SC Kenya, N Tanzania (athensis). Spizocorys conirostris Pink-billed Lark Alouette à bec rose conirostris; transiens (CMT, HBW, ROB incl in conirostris); barlowi; damarensis; crypta; makawai; harti Resident but nomadic in drier parts, moist submontane to semi-arid grassland: E Namibia, W Zambia, Botswana and all C South Africa. Spizocorys fringillaris Botha's Lark Alouette de Botha Resident, short upland grassland: small area E South Africa. Spizocorys sclateri Sclater's Lark Alouette de Sclater Resident and nomadic, stony plains: SE Namibia - NW South Africa. Spizocorys obbiensis Obbia Lark Alouette d'Obbia Resident, vegetated coastal dunes: coastal C and S Somalia. Spizocorys personata Masked Lark Alouette masquée personata; yavelloensis; intensa; mcchesneyi Resident, arid plains especially on black lava: E and S Ethiopia, N Kenya. Spizocorys starki Stark's Lark Alouette de Stark BoA, DFW, HM, SAM, BL (+SL) Eremalauda starki Nomadic, arid and semi-arid grassy plains: W Angola in narrow strip to NW South Africa. Eremalauda dunni Dunn's Lark Alouette de Dunn dunni Resident, arid flat lowlands at edge of desert: S edge Sahara Mauritania, Mali but only scattered to east of this. Chersophilus duponti Dupont's Lark Sirli ricoti Sirli du Dupont duponti; margaritae Resident, shrubby grassland: E Morocco - W Egypt. Pseudalaemon fremantlii Short-tailed Lark Cochevis à queue courte fremantlii; megaensis; delamerei Resident, semi-arid grassland, open woodland: Somalia (fremantlii); S Ethiopia, N Kenya (megaensis); S Kenya, N Tanzania (delamerei). Galerida modesta Sun Lark Cochevis modeste modesta; bucolica; struempelli (BoA strumpelli); nigrita Resident and intra-African migrant with rains, open grassland with rocky areas: Senegal to extreme NW Uganda south to highlands of N Cameroon. Galerida magnirostris Large-billed Lark Cochevis à gros bec magnirostris; harei; montivaga (CMT, HBW, ROB incl in harei); (CMT, HM, ROB + sedentaria) Resident, semi-arid grassland and scrub: South Africa except N and E. Galerida cristata Crested Lark Cochevis huppé kleinschmidti; riggenbachi; carthaginis; randoni (BoA randonii); macrorhyncha; arenicola; festae; brachyura; helenae; jordansi; nigricans; maculata; halfae; altirostris; somaliensis; balsaci; senegallensis; alexanderi; isabellina IOC raise Galerida randonii (sic) Maghreb Lark Resident, dry plains, cultivation: all around Sahara Desert, and scattered to N Kenya, S Ethiopia; (randoni -- E Morocco - N Algeria). Galerida theklae Thekla Lark Cochevis de Thékla erlangeri; ruficolor; superflua; carolinae; praetermissa; huei; huriensis; ellioti; harrarensis; mallablensis; (HM + theresae; BoA + aguirrei (CMT, HM, HBW incl in ruficolor); deichleri (CMT, HM, HBW incl in carolinae)) BD Galerida thekla BoA subsumes into otherwise extralimital Galerida malabarica Resident, rugged areas with bare ground: all North Africa; N and SE Ethiopia in highlands, Somalia, N Kenya. Lullula arborea Woodlark pallida Resident, open and scrubby habitats: C Morocco - E Algeria north of Sahara. Alouette lulu 6 Alauda arvensis Eurasian Skylark Alouette des champs Skylark harterti; arvensis; cantarella; sierrae (BD sierra) Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, open habitats: breeds Morocco - Tunisia (harterti); Azores (arvensis); winters all across North Africa, Canary Is. Alauda razae Raso Lark Alouette de Razo Razo Lark; Raso Island Lark Resident, flat plains of decaying lava: Raso Is (Cape Verde Is). Alouette des Iles du Cap-Vert Eremopterix australis Moinelette à oreillons noirs Black-eared Sparrow Lark Alouette-moineau à oreillons noirs Nomadic, grassland: S Namibia, extreme SW Botswana - W South Africa. Eremopterix leucotis Chestnut-backed Sparrow Lark Moinelette à oreillons blancs Alouette-moineau à oreillons blancs melanocephalus (HM notes often incorrectly spelt melanocephala); leucotis; madaraszi; smithi (BoA smithii); hoeschi Nomadic, short grassland, semi-arid savanna: Sahel zone Senegal - Eritrea south to C Tanzania; S Angola - extreme S Tanzania south to N Namibia, most of Botswana, NE South Africa. Eremopterix nigriceps Black-crowned Sparrow Lark Moinelette à front blanc Alouette-moineau à front blanc albifrons; melanauchen; forbeswatsoni (CMT, HBW incl in melanauchen); nigriceps Some local movements, arid and semi-arid plains: Sahel zone, Mauritania, Senegal - Eritrea south in Somalia along coast (albifrons; melanauchen); Socotra (forbeswatsoni); Cape Verde Is (nigriceps). Eremopterix verticalis Grey-backed Sparrow Lark Moinelette à dos gris Alouette-moineau à dos gris verticalis; damarensis; khama; harti Mainly resident, semi-arid grassland: Namibia, W 2/3rds South Africa extending up coastal Angola, Botswana, W Zimbabwe; irruptions into Zambia. Eremopterix signatus Chestnut-headed Sparrow Lark Moinelette d'Oustalet Alouette-moineau d’Oustalet signatus; harrisoni HM notes often incorrectly spelt E. signata (+ race) Resident and nomadic, semi-arid savannas: SE Sudan, E and SE Ethiopia, Somalia, N and E Kenya. Eremopterix leucopareia Fischer's Sparrow Lark Moinelette de Fischer Alouette-moineau de Fischer Resident, semi-arid grassland: W Kenya, W Tanzania - N Malawi Eremophila alpestris Horned Lark Alouette hausse-col Shore Lark atlas Resident, montane barren areas: Atlas Mts in Morocco. Eremophila bilopha Temminck's Lark Alouette bilophe Temminck’s Horned Lark Resident, open plains at desert edge: all across North Africa away from coastal strip, N Mauritania - Egypt; 1 record Gambia. HIRUNDINIDAE Pseudochelidon eurystomina African River Martin Pseudolangrayen d’Afrique Hirondelle de rivière Migrant between breeding areas, forested rivers, lakes and coastal savanna: coastal W Gabon, Congo; upper and middle R Congo. Psalidoprocne nitens Square-tailed Saw-wing Hirondelle à queue courte nitens; centralis (not in CMT); (CMT + cia) Resident, forest: all forest area, Sierra Leone - E DRC. Psalidoprocne obscura Fanti Saw-wing Resident, woodland to grassland usually near water: S Senegal - W Cameroon. Hirondelle fanti 7 Psalidoprocne pristoptera Black Saw-wing Hirondelle hérissée [Blue Saw-wing if split as below] pristoptera; blanfordi (BoA blandfordi); oleaginea; antinorii; mangbettorum; chalybea; petiti; reichenowi; orientalis; holomelas (BoA holomelaena); massaica (ZTP massaicus); ruwenzori SAM (+ROB, SL for those in their areas) raises (monotypic unless stated) Psalidoprocne holomelas (SL P. holomelaena) Black Saw-wing Hirondelle du Ruwenzori (races massaica; holomelas; ruwenzori); Psalidoprocne chalybea Shari Saw-wing Hirondelle à queue fourchue; Psalidoprocne petiti Petit’s Saw-wing Hirondelle de Petit; Psalidoprocne mangbettorum Mangbettu Saw-wing Hirondelle des Mangbettu; Psalidoprocne oleaginea Ethiopian Saw-wing Hirondelle de Kafa; Psalidoprocne antinorii Brown Saw-wing Hirondelle de Salvadori (races antinorii; blanfordi); Psalidoprocne orientalis Eastern Saw-wing Hirondelle de Reichenow (races orientalis; reichenowi; (ROB + percivali and one other in Africa)) Resident and partial migrant, savannas, woodland, montane grassland: SE Nigeria - S Kenya south to C Angola - N Mozambique and along coastal strip S Mozambique - W Cape (South Africa); highlands of Ethiopia; SW Ethiopia, SE Sudan; (holomelas -- southern strip to S Zimbabwe; Kenya, Tanzania; E DRC; chalybea -- Cameroon - CAR, W Sudan; petiti -- E Nigeria - NW Angola; mangbettorum -- S Sudan - NE DRC; oleaginea -- SW Ethiopia, SE Sudan; antinorii -- C and S Ethiopia; orientalis -- Angola - S Tanzania south to E Zimbabwe, C Mozambique; pristoptera -- W highlands of Ethiopia). Psalidoprocne albiceps White-headed Saw-wing Hirondelle à tête blanche albiceps; suffusa Resident, and intra-African migrant in south of breeding range, savannas, forests, miombo woodland: E DRC, Uganda, SW Kenya - N Zambia, N Malawi (albiceps); N Angola (suffusa). Psalidoprocne fuliginosa Mountain Saw-wing Hirondelle brune Resident, forest clearings: Mt Cameroon, Bioko. Phedina brazzae Brazza's Martin Hirondelle de Brazza DFW Phedinopsis brazzae Resident (probably), forested rivers: S Congo, S DRC, NE Angola. Phedina borbonica Mascarene Martin Hirondelle des Mascareignes madagascariensis; borbonica Resident and intra-African migrant, open country: breeds Madagascar; non-breeding to scattered parts of eastern Africa Kenya Mozambique and to Seychelles and other nearby islands (madagascariensis); resident Mascarenes (borbonica). Riparia paludicola Plain Martin Hirondelle paludicole **African Sand Martin; Brown-throated Martin* mauritanica; paludicola; paludibula (CMT, HM=minor); schoensis; newtoni; ducis; cowani; (ROB only has 5 races in Africa) Resident and partial migrant, open areas especially near water: all S of Sahara except forest areas but patchy west of Ethiopia - E Namibia and east of W Kenya - NW Mozambique; W Mauritania (mauritanica); E Madagascar (cowani). Riparia congica Congo Sand Martin Hirondelle du Congo Congo Martin* Hirondelle de rivage du Congo Resident, riverine vegetation but feeds over forest away from rivers: lower Ubangi and Congo rivers (DRC). Riparia riparia Common Sand Martin Hirondelle de rivage Sand Martin*; Bank Swallow; Collared Sand Martin riparia; shelleyi; diluta; eilata; (HM, CMT, HBW + innominata may winter in Africa); (ROB only 3 races in world) (HM, CMT, HBW raise Riparia diluta as an Asian species -- 1 record Egypt) Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, lowland open areas especially near water: breeds lower Nile R. (Egypt); winters all S of Sahara except forest areas and deserts. Riparia cincta Banded Martin Hirondelle à collier cincta; xerica; suahelica; parvula; erlangeri Resident and intra-African migrant, open areas often near water: resident Ethiopian highlands (erlangeri); extreme S Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, NW Tanzania, S Tanzania - NW Zambia south to E Botswana - W Mozambique, E and S South Africa; Gabon, S and W DRC; breeding visitor only to range in southern Africa (but not in deserts of SW) south of Zambezi R., perhaps non-breeding only north to Cameroon at least and west to Ivory Coast. Pseudhirundo griseopyga Grey-rumped Swallow Hirondelle à croupion gris griseopyga; melbina; andrewi (CMT, HBW incl in griseopyga; HM notes this is based on a single individual) SAM Hirundo griseopyga Resident but at least local movements, open areas: scattered Senegal - CAR; Ethiopian highlands; coastal Gabon; central Congo R., NE Angola, SE DRC - S Sudan, E Uganda, W Kenya south to N Botswana - S Mozambique, NE South Africa. (Tachycineta bicolor Tree Swallow Hirondelle bicolore) Vagrant: Azores. BoA, DFW, SAM, BL (+ZTP, BD, ROB for those in their areas) (+SF, SL, SS) have all Cecropis spp, Petrochelidon spp and Ptonoprogne spp as Hirundo spp. 8 Cecropis semirufa Red-breasted Swallow Hirondelle à ventre roux Rufous-chested Swallow semirufa; gordoni Resident, and intra-African migrant in N and S of breeding range, open country: Senegal - W Kenya south to N Namibia - NE South Africa. Cecropis senegalensis Mosque Swallow Hirondelle des mosquées senegalensis; saturatior; monteiri Resident, moist savannas especially mopane woodland: Senegal - W Ethiopia, W and S Kenya south to S Angola - extreme NE South Africa. Cecropis abyssinica Lesser Striped Swallow Hirondelle à gorge striée Hirondelle striée abyssinica; unitatis; ampliformis; maxima; puella; bannermani Resident, and partial intra-African migrant in N and S of breeding range, grassland to forest edge, woodland: breeds all S of Sahara except NE and much of SW (not in Namibia, SW Botswana, W South Africa); those breeding in NW and SE move towards centre of range in nonbreeding season. Cecropis cucullata Greater Striped Swallow Hirondelle à tête rousse Hirondelle d’Afrique Intra-African migrant, semi-arid grassland and open areas: breeds South Africa and north in belt into S Angola, another to E and C Zimbabwe; non-breeding to N Angola, Zambia, S DRC, SW Tanzania. Cecropis daurica Red-rumped Swallow Hirondelle rousseline rufula; melanocrissus (BoA melanocrissa); domicella; emini; kumboensis SAM, IOC raise Cecropis (Hirundo) domicella West African Swallow Hirondelle ouest-africaine Resident and migrant, open hilly areas and towns: all across northern tropics and south in east to L. Malawi; breeding visitor to Morocco, extreme NW Algeria; some Palearctic winter visitors into tropical breeding range. Petrochelidon fuliginosa Forest Swallow Hirondelle de forêt Dusky Cliff Swallow Resident, clearings in lowland forest: SE Nigeria, W Cameroon - Gabon. Petrochelidon preussi Preuss's Cliff Swallow Hirondelle de Preuss Preuss's Swallow Resident, savannas with rivers and cliffs: Sierra Leone - W CAR, patchy across N DRC. Petrochelidon rufigula Red-throated Cliff Swallow Hirondelle à gorge fauve Red-throated Swallow Resident, open grassland with cliffs: SW Gabon - C Angola east to S DRC, NW Zambia. Petrochelidon spilodera South African Cliff Swallow Hirondelle sud-africaine South African Swallow Intra-African migrant, open grassland, karoo: breeds inland South Africa, parts of Namibia; non-breeding Congo, W DRC. Petrochelidon perdita Red Sea Cliff Swallow Hirondelle de la Mer Rouge Red Sea Swallow 1 specimen known: Red Sea coast NE of Port Sudan. (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Cliff Swallow Hirondelle à front blanc) American Cliff Swallow* Vagrant: Azores, Madeira. Ptyonoprogne fuligula Rock Martin Hirondelle isabelline African Rock Martin fusciventris; bansoensis; pretoriae; fuligula; anderssoni; pusilla; buchanani; arabica; spatzi; presaharica; obsoleta HM, IOC, BL (+SS) raise Ptyonoprogne (Hirundo) obsoleta Pale Crag Martin Hirondelle du desert (races presaharica; spatzi; buchanani; obsoleta; arabica) Resident, all rocky areas: widespread but rather patchy all of Africa including western Sahara Desert and Egypt but not in central forest area; especially patchy in NE; (obsoleta group in N Mauritania, S Morocco, Algeria, S Libya, Nile Valley and Red Sea coast to NW Somalia). Ptyonoprogne rupestris Eurasian Crag Martin Hirondelle de rochers **Crag Martin Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, mountains, cliffs: breeds Morocco - Tunisia and NE Libya; winters Senegal and south up Nile Valley to Ethiopia. Hirundo atrocaerulea Blue Swallow Hirondelle bleue Montane Blue Swallow Intra-African migrant, open montane grassland: breeds SE DRC, S Tanzania - E South Africa; non-breed to NE DRC, S Uganda, W Kenya. Hirundo nigrorufa Black-and-rufous Swallow Hirondelle rousse-et-noire Resident, grassland savanna often near water: narrow belt C Angola - S DRC, N Zambia. Hirundo smithii Wire-tailed Swallow Hirondelle à longs brins smithii Resident, open areas especially near water: all S of Sahara except forest area, the drier NE and all south of Angola - NE South Africa. 9 Hirundo nigrita White-throated Blue Swallow Hirondelle à bavette White-bibbed Swallow* Resident, rivers and streams in forest including mangroves: all forest areas east to E DRC. Hirondelle noire Hirundo leucosoma Hirondelle à ailes tachetées Pied-winged Swallow Resident and partial migrant, wooded savanna, forest clearings: patchy Senegal - E Nigeria. Hirundo megaensis White-tailed Swallow Hirondelle à queue blanche Resident, open semi-arid grassland with acacias: Sidamo Province (S Ethiopia). Hirundo dimidiata Pearl-breasted Swallow Hirondelle à gorge perlée dimidiata; marwitzi Resident, grassland to woodland often near water: southern Africa north to C Angola - N Malawi and excluding much of east and west coastal areas, and not east of L. Malawi. Hirundo aethiopica Ethiopian Swallow Hirondelle d'Ethiopie aethiopica; amadoni Resident, open areas: SE Mali, W Nigeria - Eritrea and south to W Uganda - NE Tanzania; scattered Senegal - Togo. Hirundo albigularis White-throated Swallow Hirondelle à gorge blanche Intra-African migrant, grassland, open woodland: breeds Botswana, Zimbabawe - S Malawi south to Cape (South Africa); non-breed to NC Angola, SE DRC and Namibian coast. Hirundo angolensis Angola Swallow Hirondelle de l'Angola Resident, open country: coastal W Gabon - W Angola; E DRC, Uganda, W Kenya - SE DRC, SW Tanzania, N Zambia, N Malawi, Caprivi Strip (Namibia). Hirundo lucida Red-chested Swallow Hirondelle de Guinée Hirondelle à gorge rousse lucida; subalaris; rothschildi Resident, open areas, cultivation, villages, forest clearings: Senegal - S half Mali, Benin (lucida); Congo R. (subalaris); Ethiopian highlands (rothschildi). Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow Hirondelle rustique Hirondelle de cheminée rustica; savignii; transitiva; gutturalis; erythrogaster Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, all open country: breeds all North Africa; winters all S of Sahara, south of ca 10 oN; (erythrogaster vagrant Azores). Delichon urbicum Common House Martin Hirondelle de fenêtre House Martin; Northern House Martin urbicum; meridionale; (BoA + fenestrarum) HM notes often incorrectly spelt urbica (races urbica, meridionalis) Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, cliffs, mountains and towns: breeds North Africa; winters all S of Sahara although few NE of Uganda, S Kenya. MOTACILLIDAE (SAM includes in Passeridae) Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail Bergeronnette printanière Western Yellow Wagtail* flava (Blue-headed); iberiae (Spanish); cinereocapilla (Ashy-headed); pygmaea (Egyptian); beema (Sykes’s); flavissima (British); lutea (Eastern); leucocephala (White-headed); thunbergi (Grey-headed); feldegg (Black-headed); melanogrisea (CMT incl in feldegg); (BoA + forms ‘superciliaris’; ‘dombrowskii’; ‘perconfusus’) (IOC splits off extralimital M. tschutensis Eastern Yellow Wagtail, hence English name) Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, damp grassland: breeds Morocco and Egypt; winters all S of Sahara except SW of C Angola - NE South Africa. Motacilla citreola Citrine Wagtail Bergeronnette citrine citreola Vagrant: Ethiopia and to NE, Cameroon, South Africa, Tenerife, Seychelles. Motacilla capensis Cape Wagtail Bergeronnette du Cap capensis; simplicissima; wellsi Resident, urban areas, wetlands and rivers: E DRC - W Kenya (wellsi); Angola - S DRC - Zambia south to Cape excluding drier areas. Motacilla flaviventris Madagascar Wagtail Bergeronette malgache Grey Wagtail Bergeronnette des ruisseaux Resident, open areas near water: Madagascar. Motacilla cinerea cinerea; patriciae; schmitzi; canariensis (not in CMT); (HBW + melanope) Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, streams and rivers: resident Morocco (cinerea); Canary Is (canariensis); Madeira (schmitzi); Azores (patriciae); winters all North Africa, highlands of Ethiopia - Tanzania, scattered in West Africa, vagrant further south. 10 Motacilla clara Mountain Wagtail Bergeronnette à longue queue Long-tailed Wagtail torrentium; clara; chapini Resident, fast-flowing streams in mountains: all mountain areas Ethiopia, Liberia, central Africa (eg Angola, S DRC), Bioko, N and E Zimbabwe, E South Africa. Motacilla alba White Wagtail Bergeronnette grise subpersonata; alba; yarrellii; dukhunensis Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, all non-forest habitats: breeds Morocco (subpersonata); winters all around Sahara Desert and south in east to equator. Motacilla aguimp African Pied Wagtail Bergeronnette pie vidua; aguimp Resident, especially near human habitations, near water when in drier parts: Sierra Leone, S Mali - S Sudan, S Somalia (further north on Niger R.) south to C Angola - E South Africa and west into Namibia along course of Cunene R. and Kavango R.; E Sudan, NW Ethiopia and further down Nile Valley. Tmetothylacus tenellus Golden Pipit Pipit doré Resident and intra-African migrant, light Acacia and other scrubby areas: SE Sudan; NW Somalia, E Ethiopia - NE and C Tanzania. Anthus cinnamomeus African Pipit Pipit africain **Richard’s Pipit; Grassland Pipit; Grassveld Pipit Pipit de Richard rufuloides; bocagii (BoA, HBW bocagei); grotei; lichenya; lacuum; spurius (BoA, ROB spurium); annae; cinnamomeus; stabilis; lynesi; camaroonensis; itombwensis; (BoA, HM + latistriatus here considered a separate species); (BoA + richardi here considered a separate species; HBW + winterbottomi); (ROB +1 in Africa) BoA subsumes into Anthus novaeseelandiae; DFW, BL subsume into Anthus richardi SAM (+SS) raise Anthus camaroonensis Cameroon Pipit Pipit du Cameroun (races camaroonensis, lynesi) Resident, grassland, open areas: C Sudan - Cape (South Africa) to the east of the forest area but excluding much of Sudan, S Ethiopia, N Kenya and much of Somalia; SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, W Chad, W Sudan (cameroonensis). Anthus richardi Richard's Pipit Pipit de Richard BoA subsumes into Anthus novaeseelandiae Palearctic winter visitor, grassland, open areas: rarely in North Africa. Anthus latistriatus Jackson’s Pipit Pipit à raies larges BoA, DFW, HM (+SF) subsume into Anthus cinnamomeus (BoA as A. novaeseelandiae, DFW as A. richardi); BL subsumes into Anthus similis Intra-African migrant, grassland, open areas: probably breeds Itombwe, E DRC; non-breeding to around L. Victoria. Anthus hoeschi Mountain Pipit Pipit alticole Pipit du Drakensberg Intra-African migrant, breeding short montane grassland, non-breeding damp grassland: breeds Drakensberg Mts (South Africa) and Lesotho; non-breeding to S DRC, E Angola, N Zambia. Anthus campestris Tawny Pipit Pipit rousseline campestris; griseus Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, open dry areas: breeds Morocco - Tunisia; winters Sahel zone Senegal - Nile south to N Kenya. Anthus similis Long-billed Pipit Pipit à long bec nicholsoni; petricolus; leucocraspedon; palliditinctus; moco (CMT, HBW incl in dewittei); dewittei; hararensis; chyuluensis (CMT, HBW incl in hararensis); nivescens; sokotrae; jebelmarrae; asbenaicus; bannermani; (CMT, HBW, ROB + primarius (HM incl in nicholsoni)); (BoA + frondicolus; schoutedeni; nyassae here considered a separate species) SAM (+SS) raise Anthus bannermani Bannerman’s Pipit Pipit de Bannerman Resident, stony and rocky hillsides: disjunct areas of West Africa (bannermani, asbenaicus); montane areas of eastern Africa Eritrea - N Tanzania; coastal areas S Angola, W Namibia and in most of South Africa except inland NW. Anthus nyassae Woodland Pipit Pipit forestier Wood Pipit* frondicolus; schoutedeni; nyassae; (CMT, HBW, ROB + chersophilus) BoA, DFW, BL (+SF) subsume into Anthus similis Resident, wooded savanna, especially miombo: SE Gabon - N Mozambique south to N Namibia - S Zimbabwe. Anthus leucophrys Plain-backed Pipit Pipit à dos uni Pipit à dos roux leucophrys; tephridorsus; bohndorffi; zenkeri; gouldii; ansorgei; omoensis; (BoA, HM + saphiroi; goodsoni here placed in A. vaalensis); (ROB has 9 races in Africa) Resident, savannas, grassland: Senegal - NW Somalia south to N Namibia - N Botswana - SW Tanzania; E and S South Africa extending into SE Botswana (leucophrys). Anthus vaalensis Buffy Pipit Pipit du Vaal vaalensis; exasperatus; chobiensis; namibicus; neumanni; saphiroi; goodsoni; (BoA, HM place last 2 in A. leucophrys; HM + clanceyi (CMT incl in vaalensis); CMT, HBW + marungensis); (ROB has 8 in world) Resident and nomadic, open dry areas, bare ground: C Angola (with arm to C Namibia), S DRC, SW Tanzania south to E half South Africa away from coast. 11 Anthus pallidiventris Long-legged Pipit Pipit à longes pattes pallidiventris; esobe Resident, grassland in clearings in forest: SW Cameroon - N Angola inland to middle Congo basin. Anthus pseudosimilis Kimberley Pipit Pipit de Kimberley BL subsumes into Anthus similis; ROB notes unconfirmed validity and status Resident, grassland, bare ground: Kimberley area (C South Africa). Anthus melindae Malindi Pipit Pipit de Malindi Pipit de Melinda melindae; mallablensis Resident, lowlying grassland subject to flooding: coastal strip S Somalia - S Kenya. Anthus brachyurus Short-tailed Pipit Pipit à queue courte leggei; brachyurus Resident and intra-African migrant, short open grassland, especially seasonally inundated: E DRC, Rwanda, SW Uganda, and SE Gabon N and C Zambia (leggei); SC Mozambique, KZ-Natal (South Africa), Lesotho (brachyurus). Anthus caffer Bush Pipit Pipit cafre Bushveld Pipit*; Little Tawny Pipit caffer; traylori; mzimbaensis; blayneyi; australoabyssinicus; (ROB + 1 race) Resident and nomadic, savannas, bush, open woodland: disjunct populations; S Ethiopia (australoabyssinicus); S Kenya, N Tanzania border (blayneyi); W Angola and Zambia - C Zimbabwe (mzimbaensis); SE Botswana - NE South Africa (caffer, traylori). Anthus sokokensis Sokoke Pipit Pipit de Sokoke Resident, coastal forest: Arabuko-Sokoke forest, Kenya - NE Tanzania. Anthus trivialis Tree Pipit Pipit des arbres trivialis; (HM + sibiricus (HBW incl in trivialis)) Palearctic winter visitor, open savanna, cultivation: Senegal - E Ethiopia and south in east to E Angola, N Botswana, W Mozambique. Anthus pratensis Meadow Pipit Pipit farlouse Pipit des prés pratensis Palearctic winter visitor, seashores and many open habitats: all across North Africa, N Mauritania - Egypt. Anthus cervinus Red-throated Pipit Pipit à gorge rousse (HM + rufogularis) Palearctic winter visitor, damp or wet short grassland: S Mauritania, Senegal - C Ethiopia south to Uganda, N Tanzania; Nile Valley (Egypt) and along coast west to Tunisia. Anthus spinoletta Water Pipit Pipit spioncelle spinoletta; coutellii Palearctic winter visitor, coastal areas: Morocco - Egypt and up Nile R. to Aswan. Anthus petrosus Rock Pipit Pipit maritime **European Rock Pipit; Eurasian Rock Pipit* littoralis Palearctic winter visitor, coastal areas: rarely to Morocco. Anthus rubescens Buff-bellied Pipit Pipit d’Amérique American Pipit Vagrant: Tunisia. Anthus lineiventris Striped Pipit Pipit de Sundevall Pipit strié de Sundevall (CMT, HBW + stygium; lineiventris) Resident and intra-African migrant, rocky hillsides, grassy slopes with rocks: W Angola; SE DRC - SE Kenya south to N Mozambique SE Botswana - E and NE South Africa (not in most of W Tanzania or east coastal areas north of S Mozambique). Anthus crenatus African Rock Pipit Pipit des rochers Yellow-tufted Pipit Resident, montane grassland and stony hills: E Cape Province - Drakensberg Mts (South Africa). Anthus chloris Yellow-breasted Pipit Pipit à gorge jaune HBW, CMT Hemimacronyx chloris Resident, submontane grassland: mts in E South Africa. Anthus longicaudatus Long-tailed Pipit Pipit à longue queue Intra-African migrant, short grasslands: breeding area unknown; non-breeding winter visitor to Kimberley area of South Africa; unconfirmed sight records north to NW Zambia. Anthus berthelotii Berthelot’s Pipit Pipit de Berthelot berthelotii; madeirensis Resident, all habitats except thick woodland: Madeira (madeirensis); Selvagem and Canary Is (berthelotii). 12 Macronyx sharpei Sharpe's Longclaw Sentinelle de Sharpe Pipit de Sharpe SAM Anthus sharpei; HBW, CMT Hemimacronyx sharpei Resident, open montane grassland: W and C Kenya highlands (Mt Elgon, Aberdares, Mt Kenya). Macronyx flavicollis Abyssinian Longclaw Sentinelle d'Abyssinie Resident, open montane grassland: mts of Ethiopia. Macronyx fuellebornii Fülleborn's Longclaw Sentinelle de Fülleborn ascensi; fuellebornii BoA, CMT, SAM Macronyx fuelleborni (+ race) Resident, moist highland grassland, drier areas if near water: Angola - S Tanzania south to extreme N Namibia - Zambia. Macronyx capensis Cape Longclaw Sentinelle du Cap Orange-throated Longclaw colletti; capensis; (CMT, HBW, ROB + stabilior (HM incl in colletti)) Resident, short, usually dry grassland: S and E half South Africa; C Zimbabwe ('stabilior'). Macronyx croceus Yellow-throated Longclaw Sentinelle à gorge jaune (HBW + croceus; tertius (and ZTP); vulturnus); (ROB + 1 race in Africa) Resident, dry grassland, cultivation, clearings in woodland and forest: Senegal - N Angola east to S Sudan, SW Kenya; along coastal area NE Tanzania - E South Africa not extending far inland. Macronyx aurantiigula Pangani Longclaw Sentinelle dorée Resident, dry grassland with trees: S Somalia - N Tanzania near coast. Macronyx ameliae Rosy-throated Longclaw Sentinelle à gorge rose **Pink-throated Longclaw; **Rosy-breasted Longclaw (CMT, HBW + wintoni (also ZTP); altanus; ameliae) Resident, short tussocky grassland: SW Kenya and Serengeti area (Tanzania) ('wintoni'); C Angola - SW Tanzania, Zambia ('altanus'); small area coastal S Mozambique, E South Africa ('ameliae'). Macronyx grimwoodi Grimwood's Longclaw Sentinelle de Grimwood Resident, moist short grassy plains: S DRC - WC and E Angola, extreme NW Zambia. CAMPEPHAGIDAE (SAM includes in Corvidae) Campephaga phoenicea Red-shouldered Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur à épaulettes rouges Resident and intra-African migrant, forest patches, wooded grassland and thickets: Senegal - Ethiopia south to W Kenya, Uganda. Campephaga flava Black Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur à épaulettes jaunes Echenilleur noir Resident and intra-African migrant, woodland and forest: Angola - S Sudan, S Ethiopia south to NE South Africa and then along E and S South Africa coast. Campephaga petiti Petit's Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur de Petit Resident, forest including small patches: SE Nigeria - NW Angola; NE DRC, W Uganda; W Kenya. Campephaga quiscalina Purple-throated Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur pourpré quiscalina, martini; muenzneri (BoA, HBW munzneri) Resident, forest especially edges and clearings: patchy all across forest area Sierra Leone - NW Tanzania; S DRC, N Zambia; patches in N Angola; SE Tanzania (muenzneri). Lobotos lobatus Western Wattled Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur à barbillons Ghana Cuckoo-Shrike CMT, SAM, BL (+SS) Campephaga lobata Resident, forest canopy: E Sierra Leone - SW Ghana. Lobotos oriolinus Eastern Wattled Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur loriot Oriole Cuckoo-Shrike CMT, SAM, BL (+SS) Campephaga oriolina Resident, low altitude forest: S Cameroon, SW CAR - Gabon; E DRC. Coracina caesia Grey Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur gris caesia; pura; (CMT + preussi (HM, HBW incl in pura)) Resident, montane forest and wooded watercourses: Mt Cameroon, Bioko; higher ground Ethiopia - SE and S South Africa. Coracina pectoralis White-breasted Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur à ventre blanc Echenilleur à gorge blanc Resident, mature woodland: Guinea savannas S Senegal - S Ethiopia south into Uganda; N Angola - W Tanzania south to S Angola - NE South Africa. Coracina graueri Resident, montane forest: E DRC. Grauer's Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur de Grauer 13 Coracina azurea Blue Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur bleu Resident, forest: Liberia - Gabon and more patchy across DRC. Coracina cinerea Madagascar Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur malgache Ashy Cuckoo-Shrike cinerea; pallida; cucullata; (HM, HBW + moheliensis (CMT incl in cucullata)) IOC raises Coracina cucullata Comoros Cuckoo-Shrike Resident, lowland and mid-altitude forest of all types: all around Madagascar lowlands, not in central areas; Comoro Is (cucullata). Coracina typica Mauritius Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur de Maurice Réunion Cuckoo-Shrike Echenilleur cuisenier Resident, forest canopy: S Mauritius. Coracina newtoni Echenilleur de la Réunion Resident, forest canopy: NW Réunion. PYCNONOTIDAE Andropadus masukuensis Shelley's Greenbul Bulbul des Masuku Bulbul des Monts Masuku masukuensis; roehli; kakamegae; kungwensis (CMT places in A. nigriceps) SAM, IOC (+SS) raise Andropadus kakamegae Kakamega Greenbul Bulbul de Kakamega Resident, montane and mid-altitude forest: E DRC - Burundi; W Kenya; parts of E Tanzania - N Malawi; (kakamegae E DRC - W Kenya). Andropadus montanus Cameroon Montane Greenbul Bulbul concolore Cameroon Mountain Greenbul; Cameroon Greenbul* Resident, montane forest: extreme SE Nigeria, W Cameroon. Andropadus tephrolaemus Western Mountain Greenbul Bulbul à gorge grise Grey-throated Greenbul; Western Greenbul*; Bulbul à tête grise **[Mountain Greenbul] tephrolaemus; bamendae; (HM + kikuyuensis here placed in A. nigriceps); (BoA + nigriceps; usambarae; neumanni; fusciceps; chlorigula; kikuyuensis here considered a separate species) Resident, montane forest: extreme SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, Bioko. Andropadus nigriceps Eastern Mountain Greenbul Bulbul à tête sombre Black-headed Mountain Greenbul; Bulbul à gorge grise [Mountain Greenbul*]; nigriceps; usambarae; neumanni; fusciceps; chlorigula; kikuyuensis (HM places in A. tephrolaemus); (CMT + kungwensis (here placed in A. masukuensis)) BoA subsumes into Andropadus tephrolaemus SAM, HM, IOC (+SS) raise Andropadus chlorigula Green-throated (Yellow-throated*) Greenbul Bulbul à gorge verte IOC (+SS) raise Andropadus fusciceps Black-browed Greenbul (Southern Mountain Greenbul); Andropadus kikuyuensis Olivebreasted Greenbul (Olive-breasted Mountain Greenbul); Andropadus neumanni Uluguru Greenbul Resident, montane forest: E DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, W Uganda, W Kenya (kikuyuensis); Mt Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), Taita Hills (Kenya) south through mts of Tanzania to S Malawi; (chlorigula -- EC and S Tanzania; fusciceps -- SW Tanzania, NE Zambia, Malawi; kikuyuensis -- E DRC - C Kenya; neumanni -- Uluguru Mts, Tanzania; nigriceps -- S Kenya, N Tanzania). Andropadus milanjensis Stripe-cheeked Greenbul Bulbul montagnard striifacies; olivaceiceps; milanjensis SAM, IOC (+SS) raise Andropadus olivaceiceps Olive-headed Greenbul Bulbul à tête olive IOC (+SS) raise Andropadus striifacies Stripe-faced Greenbul Resident, montane, submontane and riverine forest including edges: mts of SE Kenya, E Tanzania, Malawi, WC Mozambique, E Zimbabwe. Andropadus virens Little Greenbul Bulbul verdâtre virens; erythropterus; zombensis; zanzibaricus; (CMT + holochlorus (BoA, HM, HBW incl in virens); marwitzi (BoA, HM, HBW incl in zombensis); HM, HBW, BD + amadoni (BD=poensis) Resident, all forest types: all forest area Senegal - W Kenya and arm extending east across S Tanzania to Eastern Arc Mts; separate population NC Mozambique; Zanzibar (zanzibaricus). [Andropadus hallae Hall’s Greenbul Bulbul de Hall] here considered a melanistic form of A. virens; CMT, SAM have as a separate species; and DFW as a race of A. virens Andropadus gracilis Little Grey Greenbul Grey Greenbul ugandae; gracilis; extremus Resident, forest, secondary habitats preferring edges: all forest area Sierra Leone - W Kenya. Bulbul gracile 14 Andropadus ansorgei Ansorge's Greenbul Bulbul d'Ansorge kavirondensis; ansorgei Resident, evergreen and semi-deciduous forest: Sierra Leone - SW CAR and south all around edges of central forest area to W Kenya; N Angola. Andropadus curvirostris Plain Greenbul Bulbul curvirostre Cameroon Sombre Greenbul curvirostris; leoninus Resident, forest and edges: all of forest area. Andropadus gracilirostris Slender-billed Greenbul Bulbul à bec grêle percivali; gracilirostris Resident, forest and dense savannas: all of forest area Senegal - C Kenya. Andropadus latirostris Yellow-whiskered Greenbul Bulbul à moustaches jaunes latirostris; congener; (HM + australis (BoA, HBW incl in latirostris)) Resident and nomadic, interior and edges of forest: all of forest area Sierra Leone - C Kenya; SW Senegal; 2 patches SW Tanzania. Andropadus importunus Sombre Greenbul Bulbul importun Zanzibar Sombre Greenbul; Zanzibar Greenbul insularis; importunus; oleaginus; hypoxanthus; (ZTP + fricki) Resident, dense coastal scrub, thicket, forest: coastal areas S Somalia - Cape (South Africa) extending inland in a few areas eg Zambezi R.. Calyptocichla serina Golden Greenbul Bulbul doré Serine Greenbul Nomadic (very mobile), all forest especially edges: Sierra Leone - S Cameroon, Cabinda (Angola); Bioko; NE DRC. Baeopogon indicator Honeyguide Greenbul Bulbul à queue blanche Sjöstedt's Greenbul Bulbul bruyant indicator; leucurus Resident, all forest types: all of forest area. Baeopogon clamans White-tailed Greenbul; **Sjöstedt's Honeyguide Greenbul Resident, primary forest especially near water: SW Cameroon, W Gabon; patches in E and NE DRC. Ixonotus guttatus Spotted Greenbul Bulbul tacheté Joyful Greenbul Bulbul joyeux Resident, forest: all of forest area. Chlorocichla laetissima laetissima; schoutedeni Resident, midlevel and montane forest, favouring clearings and edges: Imatong Mts (S Sudan), W Uganda, NE DRC, SW Kenya (laetissima); Mt Kabobo, Manugu (E DRC) - N Zambia (schoutedeni). Chlorocichla prigoginei Prigogine's Greenbul Bulbul de Prigogine Resident, isolated forest patches in savanna: few scattered patches NE DRC. Chlorocichla flaviventris Yellow-bellied Greenbul Bulbul à poitrine jaune occidentalis; centralis; flaviventris Resident, forest, dense scrub, bush in wooded savanna: N Angola - E Kenya, coastal S Somalia south to S Angola - NE South Africa. Chlorocichla falkensteini Falkenstein's Greenbul Bulbul de Falkenstein Yellow-necked Greenbul (CMT + viridescentior; falkensteini) Resident, isolated forest patches, dense thicket (not in true forest): S Cameroon, S CAR - N Gabon; mouth of Congo R.; NW Angola. Chlorocichla simplex Simple Greenbul Bulbul modeste Resident, thick bush to forest edge: all of forest area. Chlorocichla flavicollis Yellow-throated Leaf-love Bulbul à gorge claire Yellow-throated Greenbul Bulbul à gorge jaune flavigula; soror; flavicollis; (CMT + simplicicolor (BoA, HM, HBW incl in soror); adamauae; ZTP + pallidigula (BoA, CMT, HM, HBW incl in flavigula)) Resident, wooded and bush habitats: guinea savanna Senegal - S CAR; W Kenya, NW Tanzania south to northern half Angola - N Zambia - SW Tanzania. Thescelocichla leucopleura Swamp Palm Bulbul Bulbul des raphias Swamp Greenbul Resident, swampy forest with palms: all of forest area - W Uganda. Bulbul à queue tachetée Pyrrhurus scandens Bulbul à queue rousse Leaf-love Red-tailed Leaf-love* orientalis; scandens CMT, SAM, IOC Phyllastrephus scandens Resident, forest near water especially Rapphia swamp areas: Senegal - W Kenya south to Congo R.; patches in C DRC, Rwanda, W Tanzania. 15 Phyllastrephus terrestris Terrestrial Brownbul Bulbul jaboteur Terrestrial Bulbul intermedius; terrestris; suahelicus; (ROB + rhodesiae (HM incl in intermedius)) Resident, thick vegetation in forest and thickets: coastal S Somalia - Cape (South Africa), inland Malawi, extreme S DRC, Zimbabwe, N Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique; isolated population SW Angola. Phyllastrephus strepitans Northern Brownbul Bulbul brun Resident, forest edge, thicket: S Sudan - S Somalia south to NE Tanzania; isolated population Jebel Marra (W Sudan). Phyllastrephus cerviniventris Grey-olive Greenbul Bulbul vert-olive Grey-olive Bulbul (HM + cerviniventris; schoutedeni) Resident, riparian thicket and forest: NC and N Zambia, Malawi, N Mozambique; arm extending to NE Tanzania; scattered localities S Kenya. Phyllastrephus fulviventris Pale-olive Greenbul Bulbul à ventre roux Resident, gallery forest and forest patches in savanna: W Angola. Phyllastrephus baumanni Baumann's Greenbul Bulbul de Baumann Baumann’s Olive Greenbul* Resident, forest - savanna ecotone: patches Sierra Leone - S Nigeria. Phyllastrephus hypochloris Toro Olive Greenbul Bulbul du Toro Resident, forest: Uganda and immediate surrounds. Phyllastrephus lorenzi Sassi's Olive Greenbul Bulbul de Lorenz Sassi's Greenbul BL now considers this is synonymous with Phyllastrephus icterinus Resident, forest: scattered in small patches E and NE DRC. Phyllastrephus fischeri Fischer's Greenbul Bulbul de Fischer Resident, forest, coastal thicket: coastal S Somalia - N Mozambique, Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania). Phyllastrephus cabanisi Cabanis's Greenbul Bulbul de Cabanis sucosus; cabanisi; placidus; nandensis; ngurumanensis; (HM, HBW, ZTP incl last 2 in sucosus) SAM, IOC (+SS) raise Phyllastrephus placidus Placid Greenbul Bulbul placide Resident, forest and dense woodland: belt across C Angola, S and E DRC, N Zambia, W Tanzania then north to S Sudan; W Kenya - S Malawi in narrow belt. Phyllastrephus poensis Cameroon Olive Greenbul Bulbul olivâtre Resident, midlevel and montane forest: highland SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, Bioko. Phyllastrephus icterinus Icterine Greenbul Bulbul ictérin See note above under Phyllastrephus lorenzi Resident, forest interior: forest areas but gaps in Dahomey Gap area and in Congo. Phyllastrephus xavieri Xavier's Greenbul Bulbul de Xavier [Bulbul ictérin tâcheté] xavieri; serlei; (HBW monotypic) Resident, forest: S Cameroon, N Gabon; SW CAR; W Congo; E DRC, SW Uganda. Phyllastrephus leucolepis Liberian Greenbul Bulbul du Libéria White-winged Greenbul Resident, transition evergreen - deciduous forest: 2 patches in E Liberia. [Bulbul ictérin tâcheté] Phyllastrephus albigularis Bulbul à gorge blanche White-throated Greenbul albigularis; viridiceps Resident, forest especially at edges: forest area with gaps in much of C DRC; extreme SW Senegal; 2 patches NW Angola (viridiceps). Phyllastrephus flavostriatus Yellow-streaked Greenbul Bulbul à stries jaunes Yellow-streaked Bulbul olivaceogriseus; graueri; kungwensis; tenuirostris; vincenti; flavostriatus; uzungwensis; alfredi SAM, IOC (+SS) raise Phyllastrephus alfredi Sharpe’s Greenbul Bulbul d’Alfred Resident, forest especially montane: patchy (due to habitat) Albertine Rift; Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) - E South Africa; (alfredi is SW Tanzania, NE Zambia, N Malawi). Phyllastrephus poliocephalus Grey-headed Greenbul Bulbul à ventre jaune Resident, midlevel forest: extreme SE Nigeria, W Cameroon. Phyllastrephus debilis Tiny Greenbul Bulbul minute rabai; albigula; debilis Resident, coastal forest, sometimes miombo: coastal Kenya - N Tanzania (rabai); Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) (albigula); SE Tanzania - S Mozambique inland to E Zimbabwe (debilis). Hypsipetes crassirostris Seychelles Bulbul Seychelles Black Bulbul; Thick-billed Bulbul Resident, woodland and forest: Seychelles. Bulbul merle 16 Hypsipetes borbonicus Réunion Bulbul Bulbul de Bourbon Réunion Black Bulbul; Olivaceous Bulbul (HM +borbonicus; olivaceus here considered separate species) Altitudinal migrant, forest: Réunion Is. Hypsipetes olivaceus Mauritius Bulbul Bulbul de Maurice Mauritius Black Bulbul SAM, HM subsume into Hypsipetes borbonicus Resident, humid forest: Mauritius. Hypsipetes madagascariensis Madagascar Black Bulbul Bulbul de Madagascar Madagascar Bulbul; Malagasy Bulbul* madagascariensis; grotei (HBW incl in madagascariensis); rostratus Resident, all forest types: Madagascar, Comoros (madagascariensis); Aldabra (rostratus). Bulbul malgache Hypsipetes parvirostris Bulbul des Comores Comoro Bulbul Comoro Black Bulbul; Comoros Bulbul* (HM, HBW + parvirostris; moheliensis) Resident, forests: Grand Comoro, Mohéli. Bleda syndactylus Red-tailed Bristlebill Bulbul moustac Common Bristlebill; Bristlebill woosnami; syndactylus; nandensis (HBW incl in woosnami) HM notes often incorrectly spelt B. syndactyla (+ race) Resident, lowland forest: all of forest area. Bulbul moustac à queue rousse Bleda eximius Bulbul à queue verte Green-tailed Bristlebill Bulbul moustac à queue verte monotypic; (BoA, HM + ugandae; notatus; eximius here considered as 2 species) HM notes often incorrectly spelt B. eximia (+race) (SS raises Bleda ugandae Yellow-eyed Bristebill) Resident, lowland forest: Sierra Leone - SW Ghana. Bleda notatus Lesser Bristlebill Bulbul jaunelore Yellow-lored Bristlebill* notatus; ugandae HM notes often incorrectly spelt B. notata (+race) BoA, DFW, HM, SAM subsume into Bleda eximius Resident, lowland forest: central forest area Cameroon - W Kenya, DRC; (notatus SE Nigeria - lower Congo - SW CAR; ugandae SE CAR, DRC, SW Sudan, Uganda). Bleda canicapillus Grey-headed Bristlebill Bulbul fourmilier Bulbul moustac à tête grise canicapillus; morelorum (BoA moreli) HM notes often incorrectly spelt B. canicapilla (+race) Resident, lowland forest: Senegal - SE Nigeria; isolated population on Jos Plateau (Nigeria). Criniger barbatus Western Bearded Greenbul Bulbul crinon Bearded Greenbul; Bearded Bulbul Bulbul crinon occidental barbatus; ansorgeanus Resident, forest: Sierra Leone - Togo (barbatus); S Nigeria (ansorgeanus). Criniger chloronotus Eastern Bearded Greenbul Bulbul à dos vert Green-backed Bulbul Resident, forest: SE Nigeria - W CAR south to extreme N Angola; E DRC. Bulbul crinon oriental Criniger calurus Red-tailed Greenbul Bulbul à barbe blanche Red-tailed Bulbul Bulbul huppé à barbe blanche emini; calurus; verreauxi Resident, forest: all of forest area SW Senegal - W Kenya. Criniger ndussumensis White-bearded Greenbul Bulbul de Reichenow White-bearded Bulbul DFW subsumes into Criniger olivaceus Resident, forest: SE Nigeria - coastal Congo east to E DRC. Criniger olivaceus Yellow-bearded Greenbul Bulbul à barbe jaune Yellow-throated Olive Greenbul Resident, forest: SW Senegal; patchy S Mali - SW Ghana. Pycnonotus xanthopygos Resident, well-vegetated areas: Sinai. White-spectacled Bulbul Bulbul d’Arabie **White-eyed Bulbul [Bulbul des jardins] 17 Pycnonotus barbatus Common Bulbul Bulbul des jardins Bulbul commun layardi; barbatus; inornatus; arsinoe; schoanus; somaliensis; spurius; dodsoni; gabonensis; tricolor SAM, IOC (+SS) raise Pycnonotus somaliensis Somali Bulbul Bulbul somalien; Pycnonotus dodsoni Dodson’s Bulbul Bulbul de Dodson; Pycnonotus tricolor (races tricolor, layardi) Dark-capped Bulbul Bulbul tricolour (last also in ROB (+SL)) Resident, all woody and bush habitats: Morocco - Tunisia (barbatus); all S of Sahara except much of SW (not in Namibia, W South Africa nor any but N of Botswana); down Nile. R to Mediterranean coast; (somaliensis Djibouti, NW Somalia, SE Ethiopia; dodsoni NC Somalia, E Ethiopia - S Kenya; tricolor E Cameroon - S Sudan, W Kenya south to Angola, N Botswana, Zimbabwe, E South Africa). Pycnonotus nigricans African Red-eyed Bulbul Bulbul brunoir Black-fronted Bulbul; Red-eyed Bulbul nigricans; superior Resident and wanderer, dry woodland and bush: SW Angola - W Zimbabwe and south to all of South Africa except E and near W and S coasts. Pycnonotus capensis Cape Bulbul Bulbul du Cap Resident, all shrubby habitats: W and S South Africa (where P. nigricans is absent). [Pycnonotus jocosus Red-whiskered Bulbul Bulbul orphée] Resident (Introduced): Seychelles Incertae sedis near Pycnonotidae General opinion seems to be that the following four species are in (BoA, SAM, HBW, BL (+ROB for Nicator)) or near (HM) Pycnonotidae. DFW places Neolestes near Pycnonotidae and Nicator near Malaconotidae. CMT, IOC place Neolestes in Pycnonotidae and Nicator spp in Nicatoridae. Note: BoA has most Pycnonotidae in Vol. 4 but adds these from Vol. 6. Neolestes torquatus Black-collared Bulbul Bulbul à collier noir Resident, wooded grassland: patchy extreme S Gabon, Congo, W Angola, S and E DRC. Nicator chloris Western Nicator Bulbul nicator Yellow-spotted Nicator Resident, forest: all forest area Senegal - W Kenya. Nicator vert Nicator gularis Bulbul à tête brune Eastern Nicator White-throated Nicator Bulbul à tête noire; Nicator à gorge blanche Resident, coastal forest, thickets, moist thorn scrub: eastern side of Africa S Somalia, E Kenya - NE South Africa; rather patchy inland to L. Tanganyika, up Zambezi R. Nicator vireo Yellow-throated Nicator Bulbul à gorge jaune Nicator à gorge jaune Resident, forest: S Cameroon - W Uganda south to N Angola with gap in C DRC. 5 Madagascan endemics Bernieria spp, Xanthomixis spp, or Phyllastrephus spp (depending on the nomenclature used) are sometimes placed in or near Pycnonotidae. Here they are placed Incertae sedis after Sylviidae. BOMBYCILLIDAE Bombycilla garrulus Bohemian Waxwing Jaseur boreal Jaseur de Bohême garrulus Vagrant: 1 record (of flocks) Algeria in 1841. Hypocolius ampelinus Hypocolius Hypocolius gris Grey Hypocolius CMT, SAM, IOC, HBW place in Hypocoliidae Vagrant: Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia near Red Sea coast. CINCLIDAE Cinclus cinclus White-throated Dipper minor Resident, fast flowing streams and rivers: Atlas Mts (Morocco - Tunisia). Cincle plongeur 18 TROGLODYTIDAE (SAM, ROB include in Certhiidae) Troglodytes troglodytes Winter Wren Troglodyte mignon Northern Wren kabylorum; juniperi Resident, many wooded and bushed habitats: Morocco - Tunisia (kabylorum); NE Libya (juniperi). PRUNELLIDAE (SAM includes in Passeridae) Prunella collaris Alpine Accentor Accenteur alpin collaris Resident, alpine meadows and rocky cliffs: Atlas Mts (Morocco - Algeria); few records Tunisia. Prunella modularis Dunnock Accenteur mouchet Hedge Accentor modularis; obscura Vagrant: North Africa. (MIMIDAE) (Mimus polyglottos Northern Mockingbird Moqueur polyglotte) Grey Catbird Moqueur chat) Vagrant: Gran Canaria. (Dumetella carolinensis Vagrant: Tenerife. TURDIDAE All chats and thrushes are included here in Turdidae following BoA, DFW, HBW (+ ZTP, BD). SAM, ROB place all in Muscicapidae. CMT, HM, IOC, BL have only the ‘true thrushes’ (although with different definitions – HM, BL exclude Monticola (and Pseudocossyphus) spp), in Turdidae, and here placed after the chats, and the rest in Muscicapidae. Pogonocichla stellata White-starred Robin Rougegorge étoilé Akalat étoilé stellata; intensa; ruwenzorii; elgonensis; guttifer; pallidiflava; macarthuri; helleri; orientalis; transvaalensis; (HBW + hygrica; chirindensis (ROB incl in transvaalensis); (ROB has 'up to 16' races in Africa) Resident (partial altitudinal migrant), forest with thick understorey: S Sudan (pallidiflava in Imatong Mts) south through montane forests of East Africa; Malawi to E and S South Africa. Swynnertonia swynnertoni Swynnerton's Robin Rougegorge de Swynnerton Akalat de Swynnerton swynnertoni; rodgersi; (ROB implies monotypic) Resident, montane forest: E Zimbabwe, W Mozambique (swynnertoni); some Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) (rodgersi). Stiphrornis erythrothorax Forest Robin Rougegorge de forêt Western Forest Robin* erythrothorax; gabonensis; xanthogaster; (CMT, HBW, BD + sanghensis) HM, IOC (+SS) raise Stiphrornis sanghensis Sangha Robin (Sangha Forest Robin) IOC (+SS) raise Stiphrornis gabonensis Gabon Forest Robin; Stiphrornis xanthogaster Eastern Forest Robin; (S. erythrothorax becomes Western Forest Robin) (HBW considers all these splits to be premature) IOC adds Stiphrornis pyrrholaemus Olive-backed Forest Robin recently described from SW Gabon. Resident, forests and thickets: Sierra Leone - W Uganda (sanghensis -- SW CAR; gabonensis -- W Cameroon - W Gabon, Bioko; xanthogaster -- SE Cameroon, NE Gabon - Uganda; erythrothorax -- west of Cameroon). Sheppardia bocagei Bocage's Akalat Rougegorge de Bocage Bocage’s Robin* Akalat à joues rousses; Cossyphe à joues rousses bocagei; chapini; ilyai; kaboboensis; kungwensis; schoutedeni; granti; poensis SAM raise Sheppardia poensis Alexander’s Akalat (Alexander’s Robin*) Akalat Rougegorge d’Alexander Resident, submontane and montane forest undergrowth: SE Nigeria, W Cameroon (granti); Bioko (poensis); W Angola (bocagei); E DRC, W Tanzania - N Zambia (other races). 19 Sheppardia cyornithopsis Lowland Akalat Rougegorge merle Akalat Merle rougegorge houghtoni; cyornithopsis; lopezi Resident, understorey of forest: Sierra Leone - W Ivory Coast (houghtoni); S Cameroon, SW CAR - NW Congo (cyornithopsis); N and E DRC, W Uganda (lopezi). Sheppardia aequatorialis Equatorial Akalat Rougegorge équatorial Merle rougegorge équatorial aequatorialis; acholiensis Resident, middle strata and canopy of montane forest: Imatong Mts (S Sudan) (acholiensis); E DRC - W Kenya (aequatorialis). Sheppardia sharpei Sharpe's Akalat Rougegorge de Sharpe Akalat de Sharpe sharpei; usambarae Resident (some altitudinal migration), dense forest understorey: Usambara and Nguu Mts (Tanzania) (usambarae); S Tanzania, N Malawi, NE Zambia (sharpei). Sheppardia gunningi East Coast Akalat Rougegorge de Gunning Akalat de Gunning gunningi; sokokensis; bensoni; alticola; (ROB has gunningi, bensoni + only 1) Resident, dry lowland forest with luxuriant vegetation: coastal Kenya, N Tanzania (sokokensis); Nguu Mts (Tanzania) (alticola); NC Malawi (bensoni); C Mozambique (gunningi). Sheppardia gabela Gabela Akalat Rougegorge de Gabela Akalat de Gabela Resident, forest with dense understorey: small area in WC Angola. Sheppardia montana Usambara Akalat Rougegorge des Usambaras Usambara Ground Robin Resident, montane forest: W Usambara Mts (Tanzania). Cossyphe des Usambaras Sheppardia lowei Rougegorge d'Iringa Iringa Akalat Iringa Ground Robin Resident, dry montane forest and thickets: Udzungwa - Livingstone Mts (S Tanzania). Cossyphe d’Iringa Sheppardia aurantiithorax Rougegorge de Tanzanie Rubeho Akalat CMT, HBW, IOC, BL add this as a new species first described in 2004 Resident, understorey of montane forest: small mountain area in C Tanzania. Erithacus rubecula European Robin Rougegorge familier Rougegorge rubecula; witherbyi; superbus Resident and partial migrant, forest undergrowth, hedges; in NW Africa mainly montane forest with thick undergrowth: breeding NW Morocco, La Gomera, La Palma, El Hierro, Madeira, Azores (rubecula); NE Morocco, Algeria (witherbyi); Gran Canaria, Tenerife (superbus); winters all North Africa, 5 records Mauritania. Luscinia luscinia Thrush Nightingale Rossignol progné Palearctic winter visitor, damp rank vegetation especially near streams: winters mainly S Tanzania south to N Botswana - NE South Africa but common on passage east of Rift Valley south of S Ethiopia. Luscinia megarhynchos Common Nightingale Rossignol philomèle **Nightingale megarhynchos; africana; golzii (previously hafizi); (HM + baehrmanni (HBW incl in megarhynchos)) Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, thickets, dense forest edge, secondary growth: breeds N Morocco - Tunisia in Atlas Mts; winters S Mauritania - S Ethiopia and south in east to N Tanzania excluding driest NE Africa. Luscinia svecica Bluethroat Gorgebleu à miroir Gorgebleu svecica; cyanecula; magna; volgae; namnetum; (CMT + luristanica (HM incl in magna) Palearctic winter visitor, thickets, usually near water: Morocco - Tunisia and all across Sahel zone. (Luscinia calliope Siberian Rubythroat Rossignol calliope) White-throated Robin Iranie à gorge blanche Vagrant: ??? Irania gutturalis White-throated Irania; Irania Palearctic winter visitor, scrub and thickets in semi-arid areas: S Ethiopia - C Tanzania; vagrant to South Africa. Copsychus sechellarum Seychelles Magpie-Robin Shama des Seychelles Merle dyal des Seychelles Resident, mature coastal forest: Frégate, Cousin Is; introduced to Cousine, Aride (all in Seychelles). Copsychus albospecularis Madagascar Magpie-Robin Shama de Madagascar Merle dyal malgache albospecularis; inexpectatus; pica; (CMT + winterbottomi (HM, HBW incl in inexpectatus)) Resident, thick, dry coastal scrub (pica), heavy rainforest interior (albospecularis), humid forest, littoral forest, edge (inexpectatus): all of Madagascar. 20 Most … Robin-Chats Cossypha (and Cossyphicula) spp are also known as … Robin Cossyphicula roberti White-bellied Robin-Chat Cossyphe à ventre blanc African Flycatcher-Chat roberti; rufescentior SAM Cossypha roberti Resident, forest: SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, Bioko (roberti); E DRC, Rwanda, SW Uganda (rufescentior). Cossypha isabellae Mountain Robin-Chat Cossyphe d'Isabelle Cameroon Mountain Robin* batesi; isabellae Resident, understorey of montane forest: E Nigeria, W Cameroon (batesi); Mt Cameroon (isabellae). Cossypha archeri Archer's Robin-Chat Cossyphe d'Archer Archer’s Ground Robin* archeri; kimbutui Resident, understorey of montane forest: Albertine Rift Valley forests. Cossypha anomala Olive-flanked Robin-Chat Cossyphe à flancs olives Olive-flanked Ground Robin* grotei; anomala; macclounii; mbuluensis; (CMT (+SAM implied) + gurue (BoA, HM, HBW incl in anomala)) Resident, montane forest and immediate surrounds: Mbulu highlands (NC Tanzania) - Mt Mulanje (S Malawi) and Mt Nimuli (N Mozambique). Cossypha caffra Cape Robin-Chat Cossyphe du Cap iolaema; kivuensis; caffra; namaquensis; (CMT + drakensbergi (HM, HBW incl in caffra); vespera (HM incl in iolaema)); (ROB has 'up to 8' races) Resident, edges of montane forest, in south in other dense woodland: S Sudan through E DRC - C Tanzania - S Malawi, E Zimbabwe highlands; S Namibia and all of South Africa. Cossypha humeralis White-throated Robin-Chat Cossyphe à gorge blanche Resident, thickets in woodland: C Zimbabwe, SE Botswana east to S Mozambique, NE South Africa. Cossypha polioptera Grey-winged Robin-Chat Cossyphe à sourcils blancs Grey-winged Akalat polioptera; nigriceps; tessmanni HBW, ZTP Sheppardia polioptera Resident, lowland and submontane forest and patches in savanna: patchy Liberia - C Cameroon (nigriceps); E Cameroon (tessmanni); patchy S Sudan, Uganda, W Kenya - E Angola, NW Zambia and 1 patch in NW Angola (polioptera). Cossypha cyanocampter Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat Cossyphe à ailes bleues cyanocampter; bartteloti Resident, forest undergrowth: Sierra Leone, SW Mali - Gabon (cyanocampter); N and SW CAR, NE DRC - W Kenya (bartteloti). Cossypha semirufa Rüppell's Robin-Chat Cossyphe de Rüppell semirufa; donaldsoni; intercedens Resident, montane and submontane forest and dense thickets: W Eritrea - N Kenya (semirufa); E Ethiopia - NW Somalia (donaldsoni); SC Kenya, N Tanzania (intercedens). Cossypha heuglini White-browed Robin-Chat Cossyphe de Heuglin heuglini; intermedia; subrufescens; (ROB has 7 races in Africa) Resident, forest edge, thickets: S Gabon - W Angola east to S Sudan - S Somalia (with arm to S Chad) excluding Congo forest area south to N Botswana, NE South Africa. Cossypha natalensis Red-capped Robin-Chat Cossyphe à calotte rousse Rufous-capped Robin-Chat intensa; natalensis; larischi; (ZTP + hylophona (ROB incl in intensa)); (ROB has 9 races in Africa) Intra-African migrant, lowland forest, open deciduous forests in savannas: SE Nigeria; SE CAR - S Somalia south to E South Africa and west through southern half of DRC to W Angola with gap in N Mozambique and much of Zambia; W Gabon. Cossypha dichroa Chorister Robin-Chat Cossyphe choriste dichroa; mimica Resident, montane forest: E and S South Africa. Cossypha heinrichi White-headed Robin-Chat Cossyphe à tête blanche Angola White-headed Robin-Chat Cossyphe de Heinrich; Cossyphe à tête blanche d’Angola Resident, dense undergrowth of forest and gallery forest: 2 patches N Angola and W DRC. Cossypha niveicapilla Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat Cossyphe à calotte neigeuse Snowy-headed Robin-Chat Petit Cossyphe à tête blanche niveicapilla; melanonota (BoA melanota); (HBW monotypic) Resident, thickets in savanna: Senegal - S Ethiopia south to forest area and L. Victoria basin; Gabon - extreme NW Angola. 21 Cossypha albicapillus White-crowned Robin-Chat Cossyphe à calotte blanche Grand Cossyphe à tête blanche albicapillus; giffardi; omoensis HM (updates on web) notes often incorrectly spelt C. albicapilla (+race) Resident, thickets and gallery forest: Senegal - S Chad in guinea savanna zone; extreme SE Sudan, SW Ethiopia (omoensis). Xenocopsychus ansorgei Angola Cave-Chat Cossyphe des grottes Resident, rocky hills fringed with trees, thickets, forest patches: patches in W Angola. Pinarornis plumosus Boulder Chat Rochassier des éboulis Merle des rochers Resident, granitic hills with tree canopy: patchy, E Zambia, W Malawi, Zimbabwe, E Botswana. Cichladusa arquata Collared Palm-Thrush Cichladuse à collier Cichladuse de Peters Resident, palm thickets near water, also around habitations: SE DRC, S Uganda - extreme N Zimbabwe, S Mozambique with arm north up coast to S Kenya. Cichladusa ruficauda Rufous-tailed Palm-Thrush Cichladuse à queue rousse **Red-tailed Morning Warbler; **Red-tailed Palm-Thrush Resident, thickets, especially palms: S Gabon, lower Congo R. - extreme NW Namibia. Cichladusa guttata Spotted Palm-Thrush Cichladuse tachetée Spotted Morning Thrush Cichladuse à poitrine tachetée guttata; intercalans; rufipennis Resident, thick riparian scrub, thickets, coastal scrub: extreme NE DRC, S Sudan, NW Kenya, S Somalia south to C Tanzania. DFW, HBW, IOC, BL place all Cercotrichas spp except Cercotrichas podobe in Erythropygia Cercotrichas leucosticta Forest Scrub Robin Agrobate de Ghana Robin-agrobate de Ghana leucosticta; colstoni; collsi; reichenowi Resident, forest understorey: Sierra Leone - Ghana (colstoni, leucosticta); SE CAR - W Uganda (collsi); Huila escarpment, W Angola (reichenowi). Cercotrichas barbata Miombo Scrub Robin Agrobate barbu Central Bearded Scrub Robin; **Miombo Bearded Scrub Robin Resident, miombo woodland: C Angola - SW Tanzania, C Malawi. Robin-agrobate barbu du Miombo Cercotrichas quadrivirgata Bearded Scrub Robin Agrobate à moustaches Eastern Bearded Scrub Robin Agrobate barbu oriental; Robin-agrobate barbu oriental quadrivirgata; greenwayi Resident, dry and moist sand and riverine forest: coastal S Somalia - NE South Africa, inland to C Kenya, Malawi and arm to NE Namibia along Zambezi R. (quadrivirgata); Zanzibar, Mafia (off Tanzania) (greenwayi). Cercotrichas signata Brown Scrub Robin Agrobate brun Agrobate barbu brun; Robin-agrobate barbu brun signata; tongensis Resident, evergreen forest of various types: E and S South Africa - S Mozambique. Cercotrichas hartlaubi Brown-backed Scrub Robin Agrobate à dos brun Robin-agrobate à dos brun Resident, high grass savanna, old fields: S Cameroon - SW CAR; NE DRC - C Kenya; small patch in NW Angola. Cercotrichas leucophrys White-browed Scrub Robin Agrobate à dos roux Red-backed Scrub Robin Robin-agrobate à dos roux leucoptera; eluta; vulpina; brunneiceps; sclateri; zambesiana; munda; ovamboensis; leucophrys; (HM + simulator (HBW incl in leucophrys)) Resident, bushy and wooded country: S Gabon - NW Somalia south to N Namibia - NE South Africa excluding much of Congo forest area; arm extends down east coast of South Africa. Cercotrichas galactotes Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin Agrobate roux Rufous Bush Robin; Rufous Bush Chat; Rufous Scrub Robin galactotes; minor; hamertoni; syriacus (HM syriaca); familiaris CMT raises Cercotrichas minor African Scrub-Robin (races minor; hamertoni) Resident, breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, bushy vegetation, open woodland: resident patches in Sahel zone Senegal - NE Somalia (hamertoni, minor); breeding visitor all of North Africa and up Nile to S Egypt (galactotes); winters Sahel zone of West Africa and N Sudan south to Uganda - NE Tanzania. 22 Cercotrichas paena Kalahari Scrub Robin Agrobate du Kalahari paena; oriens; damarensis (ROB incl in paena); benguellensis Resident, open sandy areas with scattered bushes and trees: SW Angola - S Zimbabwe south to NC South Africa. Cercotrichas coryphaeus Karoo Scrub Robin Agrobate coryphée Agrobate du Karoo coryphaeus; cinereus (CMT, HM, ROB cinerea); (CMT + eurina (HM incl in coryphaeus); ROB + abbotti) HM, ROB (+SL) Cercotrichas coryphoeus (+ race) Resident, scrub with bare ground: S Namibia and south east to W Lesotho, Orange Free State. Cercotrichas podobe Black Scrub Robin Agrobate podobe Merle podobe podobe Resident and partial migrant, arid semi-desert and savanna: Sahel zone Senegal - Eritrea; non-breeding to N Somalia. Namibornis herero Herero Chat Namiorne héréro Traquet du Herero HBW places in Muscicapidae Resident, sparsely vegetated rocky hillsides: extreme SW Angola - C Namibia. Phoenicurus ochruros Black Redstart Rougequeue noir gibraltariensis; phoenicuroides Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, sparsely vegetated rocky areas: resident Atlas Mts (Morocco - Algeria); winters all North Africa, Nile Valley and south to S Ethiopia, C Somalia. Phoenicurus phoenicurus Common Redstart Rougequeue à front blanc Redstart phoenicurus; samamisicus Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, open woodland: breeds Morocco; winters across Sahel zone south to L. Victoria. Phoenicurus moussieri Moussier's Redstart Rougegorge de Moussier Rubiette de Moussier Resident and partial migrant, open rugged hill country, open scrub and woodland: Morocco - Tunisia south to edge of desert. Saxicola torquatus Common Stonechat Tarier pâtre African Stonechat*; Stonechat; Eurasian Stonechat Traquet pâtre torquatus; clanceyi; stonei; oreobates; promiscuus; axillaris; albofasciatus; salax; moptanus; nebularum; jebelmarrae; rubicolus; armenicus; variegatus; sibillus; voeltzkowi; (CMT + altivagus (HM, HBW incl in promiscuus); adamauae (HM incl in promiscuus; HBW incl in salax); pallidigula (HBW, HM incl in salax); HM + tectes here considered a separate species; HBW + tsaratananae; ankaratrae) HM notes often incorrectly spelt Saxicola torquata (+races torquata, promiscua, albofasciata, moptana, armenica, variegata; note that rubicola, sibilla and pallidigula are still correct) CMT, IOC raise Saxicola rubicola European Stonechat (race rubicola); Saxicola maurus Siberian Stonechat Tarier de Sibérie (races armenicus, variegatus) Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, open usually quite barren areas; residents are mainly montane: widely scattered and more or less isolated populations all S of Sahara except forest area, dry northeast and southwest, N Mozambique; also breeds Morocco - Tunisia; Madagascar (sibilla), Grand Comoro (voeltzkowi); winters further in North Africa and all Nile Valley and Red Sea area. Saxicola tectes Réunion Stonechat Traquet de la Réunion Tarier de la Réunion HM subsumes into Saxicola torquatus Resident, scrub to woodland and forest with open understorey: Réunion Is. Saxicola rubetra Whinchat Tarier des prés Traquet tarier Palearctic winter visitor, light bush, forest edges: all across Sahel zone and south in a band E DRC - W Kenya, W Tanzania to N Mozambique, E Zambia; occasional further south. Saxicola dacotiae Canary Islands Stonechat Tarier des Canaries Fuerteventura Stonechat; Canary Islands Bush Chat*; Canary Island Chat dacotiae; murielae (extinct); (HBW monotypic (does not recogise murielae even though extinct)) Resident, rocky hillsides with shrubs: Fuerteventura Is (Canary Is). Saxicola caprata Pied Bushchat ?? Buff-streaked Chat Traquet bifascié Vagrant: Egypt. Campicoloides bifasciatus Buff-streaked Bush-Chat Tarier bifascié IOC Campicoloides bifasciata DFW, BL, ROB (+SL,SS) Oenanthe bifasciatus (sometimes incorrectly spelt bifasciata) BoA, SAM, CMT Saxicola bifasciatus Resident, rocky areas within grasslands: E South Africa. 23 Oenanthe leucopyga White-crowned Black Wheatear Traquet à tête blanche White-tailed Wheatear; White-crowned Wheatear* aegra (HBW incl in leucopyga); leucopyga; ernesti Resident, desert in driest and hottest parts of Sahara: parts of Sahara from Mauritania, S Morocco - Egypt, N Sudan, occasional to Eritrea, Djibouti. Oenanthe leucura Black Wheatear Traquet rieur syenitica Resident, steep, rocky arid areas: Western Sahara - NW Libya. Oenanthe monticola Mountain Wheatear Traquet montagnard Mountain Chat monticola; atmorii; albipileata; nigricauda Resident, dry hillsides with rocky areas: W Angola, W Namibia south to Cape (South Africa) and through almost all South Africa (not extreme N, E or S coast). Oenanthe phillipsi Somali Wheatear Traquet de Somalie Traquet Somali Resident, open stony ground, semi-desert: SE Ethiopia, N Somalia. Oenanthe oenanthe Northern Wheatear Traquet motteux European Wheatear oenanthe; libanotica; leucorhoa (BoA leucorrhoa); seebohmi Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, open areas with rocks and shrubs: breeds Morocco (seebohmi); winters all across Sahel zone and south in east to C Tanzania. Oenanthe pleschanka Pied Wheatear Traquet pie (BoA + pleschanka; cypriaca here considered separate species) Palearctic winter visitor, bush- and tree-dotted plains, woodland edges: N Sudan south to Uganda, C Tanzania and all to the east. Oenanthe cypriaca Cyprus Wheatear Traquet de Chypre BoA, DFW subsume into Oenanthe pleschanka Palearctic winter visitor, open areas with bushes: Sudan, Ethiopia (very little known in Africa). Oenanthe hispanica Black-eared Wheatear Traquet oreillard hispanica; melanoleuca Palearctic breeding visitor and winter visitor, scrub and open woodland: breeds Morocco - Tunisia north of Atlas Mts; winters all across Sahel zone. Oenanthe monacha Hooded Wheatear Traquet à capuchon Resident, dry desert wadis, stony hillsides: E Egypt. Oenanthe lugens Mourning Wheatear Traquet deuil halophila; lugens; persica; lugubris; vauriei; schalowi HM, SAM, IOC, ZTP (+SS, RSF) raise Oenanthe lugubris Abyssinian Wheatear (Schalow's Wheatear, Abyssinian Black Wheatear) Traquet de Schalow (races schalowi; lugubris; vauriei) (SF has Oenanthe schalowi Schalow’s Wheatear; SS has O. lugens Mourning Wheatear, O. schalowi Schalow’s Wheatear, O. lugubris Abyssinian Black Wheatear) Resident, sloping desert areas: scattered patches in mountains Morocco - W Egypt south along Red Sea coast to NE Somalia; Ethiopian highlands (lugubris); S Kenya, N Tanzania (schalowi). Oenanthe finschii Finsch's Wheatear Traquet de Finsch finschii Palearctic winter visitor, open plains: NE Egypt. Oenanthe moesta Red-rumped Wheatear Traquet à tête grise Buff-rumped Wheatear moesta; (HBW monotypic) Resident, bushy desert edges: SW Morocco - Egypt. Oenanthe xanthoprymna Red-tailed Wheatear Traquet à queue rousse Chestnut-rumped Wheatear; Kurdistan Wheatear*; Traquet kurde Kurdish Wheatear; [Red-rumped Wheatear] xanthoprymna; chrysopygia; (HM, HBW monotypic (each a separate species)) HM, HBW, IOC, BL (+RSF) raise Oenanthe chrysopygia Red-tailed Wheatear (Rusty-tailed Wheatear), an Asian species, with HM having O. xanthoprymna as Red-rumped Wheatear Palearctic winter visitor, coastal plains, rocky hills usually in arid areas: E Egypt to Eritrea, N Somalia to east of Nile; chrysopygia vagrant Ethiopia, Djibouti. Oenanthe deserti Desert Wheatear Traquet du désert homochroa; deserti; oreophila Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, dry steppes and edge of desert: resident Morocco - Egypt south of Atlas Mts; winters C Sahara desert all across Sahel zone and to N and E Somalia. 24 Oenanthe pileata Capped Wheatear Traquet du Cap pileata; livingstonii; neseri; (ROB has 4 races in Africa) Resident and intra-African migrant, dry grassy plains especially burnt areas: Angola - SC Kenya and south except parts of E coast of Mozambique and SE South Africa. Oenanthe bottae Red-breasted Wheatear Traquet à poitrine rousse Botta’s Wheatear; Buff-breasted Wheatear frenata; (BoA + heuglini here considered a separate species) Resident, open hillsides in tussock grass, montane grassland: highlands of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Oenanthe heuglini Heuglin’s Wheatear Traquet de Heuglin BoA, DFW subsume into Oenanthe bottae Resident, dry short grass areas or rocky hillsides: Sahel zone in narrow band west of Ghana but wider east and south to NW Kenya. Oenanthe isabellina Isabelline Wheatear Traquet isabelle Palearctic winter visitor, arid savanna with few bushes: all across Sahel zone and south in east to N Tanzania. Cercomela sinuata Sickle-winged Chat Traquet aile-en-faux Sicklewing Chat Traquet brun; Traquet de roche brun sinuata; ensifera; hypernephela Resident, karoo, montane grassland, shrubby semi-desert: S Namibia and all W and C South Africa. Cercomela schlegelii Karoo Chat Traquet du Karroo pollux; schlegelii; benguellensis; namaquensis; (CMT + kobosensis (ROB incl in namaquensis)) Resident, plateaux, stony hillsides and Namib plains: SW Angola, coastal Namibia, W and C South Africa but does not reach south coast. Cercomela tractrac Tractrac Chat Traquet tractrac Traquet de roche pale tractrac; albicans; barlowi; hoeschi; nebulosa Resident, open shrubby semi-arid karoo: SW Angola, coastal Namibia, NW and W South Africa but not to Cape. Cercomela familiaris Familiar Chat Traquet familier Traquet de roche à queue rousse familiaris; galtoni; angolensis; hellmayri; actuosa; falkensteini; omoensis; (CMT + modesta (HM, HBW incl in falkensteini)) Resident, bush and light woodland: West African savannas E Senegal - N Cameroon; patches S Sudan, S Ethiopia, NW Uganda, N Kenya, NW CAR; NW Tanzania - SE Tanzania south to S South Africa except SW DRC, E Angola, Kalahari Desert and forest area; arm extends north up W Angola to S Gabon. Cercomela scotocerca Brown-tailed Rock Chat Traquet à queue brune Brown-tailed Chat Traquet de roche à queue brune scotocerca; furensis; spectatrix; validior; turkana Resident, wadis with boulders, arid rocky areas: E Chad, W Sudan (furensis); Red Sea hills of NE Sudan, N Eritrea (scotocerca); S Ethiopia, N Kenya (turkana); Awash Valley - NE Somalia (spectatrix, validior). Cercomela dubia Sombre Rock Chat Traquet sombre Sombre Chat Resident, rock and scrub: EC Ethiopia in small area. Traquet de roche sombre Cercomela melanura Traquet à queue noire Blackstart Traquet de roche à queue noire lypura; aussae; airensis; ultima; melanura Resident, rocky hilly areas, semi-desert: patches across S edge of Sahara E Mali - C Sudan; Red Sea coastal areas SE Egypt - N Somalia. Cercomela sordida Moorland Chat Traquet afroalpin Alpine Chat sordida; ernesti; hypospodia; olimotiensis; (CMT + rudolfi (HM, HBW incl in ernesti)) HBW, IOC Pinarochroa sordida Resident, alpine moorland: Ethiopian highlands (sordida); Mt Elgon, Mt Kenya (Kenya) (ernesti); Crater Highlands (Tanzania) (olimotiensis); Mt Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) (hypospodia). Myrmecocichla tholloni Congo Moor Chat Traquet du Congo Traquet-fourmilier du Congo Resident, open grassland on sandy or marshy ground, usually with some bushes: 4 isolated populations: NC CAR; SE Gabon; W DRC; N and C Angola. Myrmecocichla aethiops Northern Anteater Chat Traquet brun Anteater Chat* Traquet-fourmilier brun du nord aethiops; sudanensis; cryptoleuca Resident, short grass with termitaria: Sahel zone Senegal - C Sudan (aethiops, sudanensis); W and C Kenya, N Tanzania (cryptoleuca). Myrmecocichla formicivora Southern Anteater Chat Traquet-fourmilier Ant-eating Chat* Traquet-fourmilier brun du sud (ROB has 3 races (formicivora, minor, orestes) but says probably monotypic) Resident, open grassland, semi-desert scrub with termitaria: Namibia - all of Botswana south to all South Africa except E and S coasts. 25 Myrmecocichla nigra Sooty Chat Traquet commandeur Traquet-fourmilier noir Resident, short grass areas with termitaria: patches Nigeria - Kenya, C Tanzania south to Angola, Zambia. Myrmecocichla melaena Ruppell's Black Chat Traquet de Ruppell Ruppell's Chat Resident, cliffs, wet rocks in montane areas: S Eritrea, N Ethiopia. Traquet noir d'Abyssinie Myrmecocichla albifrons Traquet à front blanc White-fronted Black Chat Traquet noir à front blanc frontalis; limbata; clericalis; pachyrhyncha; albifrons HBW, IOC Pentholaea albifrons Resident, open savanna woodland especially rocky areas: Senegal - N Uganda, SW Ethiopia; Eritrea, N Ethiopia (albifrons). Myrmecocichla arnotti White-headed Black Chat Traquet d’Arnott Arnot’s Chat*; Arnott’s Chat Traquet noir d’Arnott arnotti; harterti HBW, IOC Pentholaea arnotti; DFW, ROB (+SF) Myrmecocichla arnoti (and race) Resident, miombo and mopane woodland: Rwanda, S Tanzania - NE South Africa and west over most of Angola. Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris Mocking Cliff Chat Traquet à ventre roux Cliff Chat; Mocking Chat Traquet de roche à ventre roux cinnamomeiventris; autochthones; subrufipennis; odica; albiscapulata; kordofanensis; coronata; cavernicola (not in CMT); bambarae BoA, DFW, BL, BD (+SF) Myrmecocichla cinnamomeiventris SAM, IOC (+SS) raise Thamnolaea coronata White-crowned Cliff-Chat Traquet couronné Resident, mix of rocks and trees in woodland and savannas: patches all across Sahel and Sudan zones of W Africa (coronata, presumably with bambarae, cavernicola Senegal - W Sudan); belt Eritrea - SE South Africa through Rift Valley of E Africa, Malawi, E Zimbabwe, E South Africa. Thamnolaea semirufa White-winged Cliff Chat Traquet demi-roux Traquet de roche à ailes blanches; Traquet de roche d'Abyssinie BoA, DFW, BL Myrmecocichla semirufa Resident, mix of rocks and trees in mountains: Eritrea, Ethiopian highlands. Monticola spp are considered as in Turdidae (BoA, DFW, CMT, HBW) or Muscicapidae (HM, SAM, ROB, IOC, BL) Monticola imerina Littoral Rock Thrush Monticole du littoral Merle de roche du sub-désert HM, SAM Pseudocossyphus imerina Resident, semi-arid sandy coastal scrub: coastal S and SW Madagascar. Monticola sharpei Forest Rock Thrush Monticole de forêt Merle de roche de forêt (HM + bensoni; erythronotus; salomonseni; sharpei; CMT, HBW monotypic (HBW notes salomonseni is untenable and CMT has recently removed it probably for the same reason) HM, SAM Pseudocossyphus sharpei Resident, mid-altitude and montane forest with open understorey: E Madagascar. Monticola erythronotus Amber Mountain Rock Thrush Monticole de l’Ambre HM subsumes into Monticola sharpei Resident, forest on mountains: Mt Amber, N Madagascar. Monticola bensoni Benson’s Rock Thrush Monticole de Benson Merle de roche de Benson CMT, HM, SAM Pseudocossyphus bensoni HM, BL subsumes into Monticola (Pseudocossyphus) sharpei Resident, semi-arid rocky areas: SW Madagascar. Monticola rupestris Cape Rock Thrush Monticole rocar Merle de roche du Cap Resident, mesic mountain areas especially rocky slopes: extreme SW Mozambique - E and S South Africa including Lesotho, Swaziland. Monticola explorator Sentinel Rock Thrush Monticole espion Merle de roche montagnard explorator; tenebriformis Resident, with some altitudinal migration, upland grassland with rocky outcrops: E and S South Africa. 26 Monticola brevipes Short-toed Rock Thrush Monticole à doigts courts Merle de roche brachydactyle brevipes; pretoriae; (CMT + niveiceps (HM incl in brevipes)) SAM, IOC raise Monticola pretoriae Pretoria Rock Thrush (Transvaal Rock Thrush) Monticole du Transvaal Resident (with some altitudinal migraton), dry montane areas with rocks: SW Angola, W Namibia, NW South Africa (brevipes); C South Africa, SE Botswana (pretoriae). Monticola angolensis Miombo Rock Thrush Monticole angolais Merle de roche d’Angola angolensis; hylophila (HM, ROB hylophilus) Resident, miombo woodland in hill areas: band across C Angola, S DRC, W and S Tanzania - south in one band Malawi, NW Mozambique and another to SC Zambia, Zimbabwe. Monticola rufocinereus Little Rock Thrush Monticole rougequeue Petit Merle de roche rufocinereus Resident, wooded ravines, juniper forest, thickets: mts of Eritrea, N Somalia - Kenya, NE Tanzania. Monticola saxatilis Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush Monticole merle-de-roche Mountain Rock Thrush; European Rock Thrush; Merle-de-roche Common Rock Thrush; Rock Thrush Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, rocky hillsides (breeding), open areas especially near rocks (wintering): breeeds mts Morocco, Algeria; winters Sahel zone and south in east to E DRC - C Tanzania. Monticola solitarius Blue Rock Thrush Monticole merle-bleu Merle-bleu solitarius; longirostris Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, montane areas with rocks: resident mts Morocco - Tunisia; probably breeds Senegal; winters further east in North Africa, scattered in Sahara and C Sudan - N Somalia. The remaining species are considered ‘true thrushes’ Turdidae by all authors although SAM has them as Turdinae within Muscicapidae, ROB in Muscicapidae and DFW has Neocossyphus spp and Stizorhina fraseri as Incertae sedis (Hylocichla mustelina Wood Thrush Grive des bois) Grey-cheeked Thrush Grive à joues grises) Fire-crested Alethe Alèthe à huppe rousse Vagrant: Madeira, old record in Azores. (Catharus minimus Vagrant: Azores. Alethe diademata White-tailed Alethe* woosnami; castanea; diademata; (HBW monotypic) (SS Pseudalethe diademata) SAM, HBW (+SS) raise Alethe (SS Pseudalethe) castanea Fire-crested Alethe Alèthe à couronne orangée (races castanea, woosnami) Resident, forest and forest patches in savanna: all forest area; (diademata Senegal - Togo, castanea Nigeria - C DRC, NW Angola, woosnami N and C DRC - Uganda). HBW, IOC place all other Alethe spp in Pseudalethe (as does ROB for A. fuelleborni). (Note SS has these in Alethe but places diademata (and castanea) in Pseudalethe.) Alethe poliophrys Red-throated Alethe Alèthe à gorge rousse Brown-chested Alethe Alèthe à poitrine brune poliophrys; kaboboensis Resident, montane forest: Albertine Rift Mts. Alethe poliocephala carruthersi; compsonota; poliocephala; akeleyae (BoA akeleyi); hallae; nandensis (HM, HBW, ZTP incl in carruthersi); giloensis; kungwensis; ufipae; vandeweghei Resident, lowland and lower montane forest, especially slopes near streams: Sierra Leone - S Ghana (poliocephala); S Nigeria, SW CAR NW Angola; S Sudan, SE CAR - Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, W Kenya; Rift Valley of Kenya (all other races); Mt Kungwe (Tanzania) (kungwensis); Upemba Nat. Park and Ufipa Plateau (S DRC), SW Tanzania (ufipae). Alethe fuelleborni White-chested Alethe Alèthe à poitrine blanche (ROB has 3 races in Africa (xuthura, fuelleborni (assumed) + 1)) Resident, tall montane forest: Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) - extreme NE Zambia, N Malawi; SC Mozambique Alethe choloensis Cholo Alethe Thyolo Alethe* Alèthe du Cholo Alèthe du Mont Cholo choloenis; namuli Resident, mid-altitude forest: S Malawi and adjacent Mozambique (choloensis); Mt Namuli (NC Mozambique) (namuli). 27 Neocossyphus rufus Red-tailed Ant Thrush Neocossyphe à queue rousse Red-tailed Rufous Thrush* Grive fourmilière à queue rousse gabunensis; rufus Resident, primary forest: W Cameroon in narrow belt to W Uganda (gabunensis); coastal forests of E Kenya, E Tanzania, Zanzibar (rufus). Neocossyphus poensis White-tailed Ant Thrush Neocossyphe à queue blanche White-tailed Rufous Thrush* Grive fourmilière à queue blanche poensis; praepectoralis; kakamegoes; nigridorsalis; (CMT + pallidigularis; HM, HBW incl kakamagoes, nigridorsalis, pallidigularis in praepectoralis) Resident, primary forest especially marshy areas: Sierra Leone - W Kenya south to just south of equator; Bioko. Stizorhina fraseri Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush Stizorhin de Fraser Rufous Ant-Thrush; Fraser’s Rufous Thrush* Grive fourmilière rousse rubicunda; fraseri; vulpina BoA, CMT, SAM (+SS) Neocossyphus fraseri (races rubicundus, vulpina) Resident, forest: central forest area east of SE Nigeria. Stizorhina finschi Finsch's Flycatcher-Thrush Finsch’s Rufous Thrush* BoA, CMT, SAM (+SS) Neocossyphus finschi HBW notes often incorrectly spelt finschii but finschi is correct for this species DFW, BL subsumes into Stizorhina (Neocossyphus) fraseri Resident, dense forest: Liberia - S Nigeria. Zoothera oberlaenderi Oberlaender’s Ground Thrush Stizorhin de Finsch Grive fourmilière de Finsch Grive d’Oberlaender Forest Ground Thrush; Oberlaender’s Thrush Grive terrestre d’Oberlaender Resident, lowland forest: NE DRC, W Uganda. Zoothera camaronensis Black-eared Ground Thrush Grive du Cameroun Black-eared Thrush Grive terrestre du Cameroun camaronensis; graueri; kibalensis (not in CMT) HM notes often incorrectly spelt Z. cameronensis (+ race) SAM, IOC raise Zoothera kibalensis Kibale Ground Thrush Grive de Kibale Resident, lowland forest: S Cameroon, N Gabon (camaronensis); NE DRC, W Uganda (graueri); Kibale Forest (W Uganda) (kibalensis). Zoothera princei Grey Ground Thrush Grive olivâtre Grey Thrush Grive terrestre grise batesi; princei Resident, lowland, riverine, moist secondary forest: E Sierra Leone - Ghana (princei); SE Nigeria - N Gabon and NE DRC, W Uganda (batesi). Zoothera crossleyi Crossley’s Ground Thrush Grive de Crossley Crossley’s Thrush Grive terrestre de Crossley crossleyi; pilettei Resident, mid-altitude montane forest: SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, S Congo (crossleyi); NE DRC (pilettei). Zoothera gurneyi Orange Ground Thrush Grive de Gurney Orange Thrush Grive terrestre orangée otomitra; gurneyi; disruptans; raineyi; chuka; (ZTP + chyulu (BoA, HBW incl in raineyi)) Resident (some altitudinal migration), montane forest: Mt Kenya through Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) south to Malawi - E Cape (South Africa); small isolated populations SE DRC, W Angola (both otomitra but this also Tanzania, N Malawi). Zoothera piaggiae Abyssinian Ground Thrush Grive de Piaggia Abyssinian Thrush Grive terrestre du Ruwenzori piaggiae; kilimensis; hadii; ruwenzorii; rowei; tanganjicae CMT, BL (+SF) raise Zoothera tanganjicae Kivu Ground Thrush Grive du Kivu Resident, montane forest: highlands S Sudan, Ethiopia south to E DRC, Rwanda, SW Uganda, Burundi - N Tanzania; (tanganjicae E DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, SW Uganda). Zoothera guttata Spotted Ground Thrush Grive tachetée Spotted Thrush Grive de Fischer; Grive terrestre tachetée guttata; fischeri; belcheri; maxis; lippensi DFW Zoothera fischeri (syn guttata) Resident and intra-African migrant, forest of various types: Lotti Forest (S Sudan) (maxis); SE DRC (lippensi); S Tanzania moving to coastal Kenya in non-breeding season (fischeri); Thyolo and Soche Mts (Malawi) (belcheri); coastal E South Africa (guttata). Psophocichla litsitsirupa Groundscraper Thrush Merle litsitsirupa Grive litsitsirupa litsitsirupa; pauciguttata (BoA pauciguttatus); stierlingi; simensis several authors incorrectly spell the specific (+race) name as litsipsirupa Resident, moorland, grassland, open woodland: Eritrea, Ethiopian highlands (simensis); C Angola - S Tanzania south to N half Namibia - N South Africa but excluding much of Mozambique. 28 Nesocichla eremita Tristan Thrush Grive de Tristan da Cunha eremita; gordoni; procax Resident, wet heath, tussock grassland: Tristan da Cunha (eremita); Inaccessible Is (gordoni); Nightingale Is (procax). Turdus atrogularis Black-throated Thrush Grive à gorge rousse Dark-throated Thrush CMT, BL subsume into Turdus ruficollis Dark-throated Thrush (IOC has as Red-throated Thrush) Vagrant: Egypt. Turdus obscurus Eye-browed Thrush Merle obscur Gulf of Guinea Thrush Merle de São Tomé Vagrant: Morocco. Turdus olivaceofuscus Olivaceous Thrush; São Tomé Thrush* Grive de São Tomé olivaceofuscus; xanthorhynchus IOC (+SS) raise Turdus xanthorhynchus Príncipe Thrush (T. olivaceofuscus becomes São Tomé Thrush) Resident, forest: São Tomé (olivaceofuscus); Príncipe (xanthorhynchus). Turdus olivaceus Olive Thrush Merle olivâtre Grive olivâtre olivaceus; pondoensis; smithi; transvaalensis; culminans; swynnertoni; milanjensis; nyikae; bambusicola; baraka; abyssinicus; deckeni; roehli; helleri; oldeani; ludoviciae HBW, IOC, BL (+SS, RSF) raise Turdus ludoviciae Somali Thrush (Somali Blackbird) Merle de Somalie; and (+ZTP (+SF)) Turdus helleri Taita Thrush Merle des Teita; IOC, ROB (+SL, SS) raise Turdus smithi Karoo Thrush Merle du Karoo; IOC (+SS) raise Turdus abyssinicus Abyssinian Thrush (Mountain Thrush); (SS raises Turdus roehli Usambara Thrush) Resident, mainly highland forest: scattered Ethiopia, Somalia - N South Africa, and over much of South Africa; (helleri -- Taita Hills (SE Kenya); smithi -- S Namibia, N Cape - Transvaal; ludovicae -- N Somalia). Turdus pelios African Thrush Merle africain Grive grisâtre pelios; centralis; graueri; stormsi; bocagei; saturatus; nigrilorum; poensis; chiguancoides; (CMT + adamauae (HM, HBW incl in pelios)) Resident, open woodland often near watercourses, forest edges, thickets: Senegal - Ethiopia south through W Kenya to NW Angola - N Zambia excluding central Congo forest area. Turdus libonyanus Kurrichane Thrush Merle kurrichane Grive Kurrichane libonyanus; peripheris (HBW incl in libonyanus); verreauxi; tropicalis; (ROB + chobiensis (HM incl in verreauxi)) DFW, ROB Turdus libonyana (+ race) Resident, mainly miombo woodland: Angola - Tanzania south to NE Botswana, NE South Africa. Turdus tephronotus Bare-eyed Thrush Merle cendré African Bare-eyed Thrush* Resident, thorn scrub, thickets: SE Ethiopia, S Somalia, C and E Kenya, NE Tanzania. Grive à lunettes Turdus bewsheri Merle des Comores Comoro Thrush Grive des Comores comorensis; moheliensis; bewsheri Resident, woody areas: Grand Comoro (comorensis); Mohéli (moheliensis); Anjouan (bewsheri). Turdus philomelos Song Thrush Grive musicienne philomelos; clarkei; hebridensis Palearctic winter visitor, all wooded and many open habitats: all across North Africa and Red Sea coast to Djibouti; Canary Is; few records in Sahara, CAR. Turdus iliacus Redwing Grive mauvis iliacus Palearctic winter visitor, open woodland, orchards, thickets: Morocco - Tunisia and in patches to Egypt. Turdus viscivorus Mistle Thrush Grive draine viscivorus; deichleri Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, mosaic of wooded and open country: Morocco - Tunisia (deichleri resident, viscivorus winter visitor); winters all of North Africa. Turdus pilaris Fieldfare Grive litorne Palearctic winter visitor, all open country: Morocco - Egypt and up Nile to near Luxor. Turdus merula Eurasian Blackbird Merle noir Common Blackbird* merula; mauritanicus; aterrimus; syriacus; azorensis; cabrerae Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, most vegetated habitats: Morocco - Tunisia (mauritanicus); Azores (azorensis); Madeira, Canary Is (cabrerae); other races vagrant; winters all North Africa. Turdus torquatus Ring Ouzel torquatus; alpestris Palearctic winter visitor, montane steppes: Morocco - Tunisia. Merle à plastron 29 SYLVIIDAE (BoA, DFW, ZTP, BD include Cisticolidae within this) IOC, CMT split up Sylviidae as: Cettidae (Hemitesia, Cettia, Graueria, Hylia (and with Erythrocercus from Monarchidae and Pholidornis from Remizidae); Phylloscopidae (Phylloscopus, Seicercus); Megaluridae (Amphilais, Dromaeocercus, Schoenicola, Bradypterus, Locustella); Acrocephalidae (Nesillas, Acrocephalus, Chloropeta, Hippolais); and Hyliotidae (Hyliota). Euryptila, Bathmocercus, Sceptomycter, Artisornis, Eremomela and Poliolais move into Cisticolidae; Amaurocichla moves into Motacillidae; Melocichla, Sphenoeacus, Macrosphenus, Sylvietta and Bradypterus (Cryptillas) victorini (and with Achaetops from near Timaliidae) are placed Incertae sedis. This leaves only Sylvia (and Parisoma) in Sylviidae. Hemitesia neumanni Neumann’s Warbler Crombec de Neumann Neumann’s Short-tailed Warbler; Short-tailed Warbler Tésie de Neumann Resident, montane forest undergrowth: Albertine Rift mts. Cettia cetti Cetti’s Warbler Bouscarle de Cetti cetti Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, thick vegetation near water: C Morocco - Tunisia; vagrant Egypt. Bradypterus baboecala Little Rush Warbler Bouscarle caqueteuse African Bush Warbler Bouscarle des marais baboecala; tongensis; transvaalensis; msiri; benguellensis; elgonensis; centralis; abyssinicus; sudanensis; chadensis; (ZTP + moreaui (BoA, CMT, HM incl in tongensis)) Resident, tall reed beds and swamps: L. Chad (chadensis); small isolated populations in N Nigeria, S Nigeria and S Cameroon, and then NE DRC - SW Uganda, Burundi (centralis), S Sudan (sudanensis); parts of Ethiopia (abyssinicus); parts of W Angola (benguellensis); SW and SE Kenya - S Tanzania mainly near coast; E and S DRC, SE Angola, N Botswana east to L. Malawi and south down E and S South Africa (other races). Bradypterus carpalis White-winged Swamp Warbler Bouscarle à ailes blanches White-winged Scrub Warbler; White-winged Warbler Resident, papyrus swamps, occasionally other swampy vegetation: E DRC, W Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi - SW Kenya. Bradypterus graueri Grauer’s Swamp Warbler Bouscarle de Grauer Grauer’s Rush Warbler; Grauer’s Scrub Warbler Resident, montane forest swamps: E DRC, W Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi. Bradypterus grandis Dja River Scrub Warbler Bouscarle géante Dja River Warbler* Note some authors spell it as Ja River … Resident, swamps between forest and savanna: SE Cameroon, C Gabon. Bouscarle du Dja Bradypterus alfredi Bouscarle des bambous Bamboo Warbler Bouscarle d’Alfred kungwensis; alfredi Resident, bamboo, long grass, mainly in montane areas: scattered W Ethiopia, S Sudan, E DRC, W Uganda, W Tanzania, NW Zambia. Bamboo Scrub Warbler Bradypterus lopezi Evergreen-Forest Warbler Bouscarle de Lopes Cameroon Scrub Warbler Bouscarle brune lopezi; camerunensis; granti; mariae; usambarae; boultoni; ufipae; barakae; (BD + manengubae (BoA incl in bangwaensis) but has bangwaensis as a separate species); (BoA + bangwaensis here considered a separate species) HM Bradypterus lopesi (+race) SAM raises Bradypterus mariae Evergreen Forest-Warbler Bouscarle de forêt (races mariae, barakae) Resident, dense undergrowth in montane forest: Bioko (lopezi); Mt Cameroon (camerunensis); patch in W Angola (boultoni); scattered E DRC - SE Kenya south to NW Zambia - C Mozambique (other races). Bradypterus bangwaensis Bangwa Forest Warbler Bouscarle de Bangwa Bangwa Scrub Warbler* Bouscarle du Cameroun BoA subsumes into Bradypterus lopezi; HM subsumes into Bradypterus cinnamomeus; not noted specifically in IOC; DFW has in superspecies with cinnamomeus and barratti not lopezi Resident, dense undergrowth in montane forest: SE Nigeria, W Cameroon but not Mt Cameroon. Bradypterus cinnamomeus Cinnamon Bracken Warbler Bouscarle cannelle cinnamomeus; cavei; mildbreadi; nyassae; (HM + bangwaensis see above) Resident, undergrowth in open montane forest, bamboo: mts of Ethiopia south to E DRC, S Malawi, NE Zambia. Bradypterus barratti Barratt’s Warbler Bouscarle des fourrés African Scrub Warbler; Barratt’s Scrub Warbler Bouscarle de Barratt barratti; godfreyi; cathkinensis; priesti Resident, dense bush along streams, forests in E South Africa: SE Zimbabwe (priesti); NE and E South Africa. Bradypterus sylvaticus Knysna Warbler Bouscarle de Knysna Knysna Scrub Warbler sylvaticus; pondoensis Resident, dense undergrowth and indigenous coastal forests: South Africa from Cape - SE coast. 30 Bradypterus victorini Victorin’s Warbler Bouscarle de Victorin Victorin’s Scrub Warbler IOC, ROB Cryptillas victorini Resident, thickets along streams: coastal SW and S Cape Province (South Africa) to ca 75km inland. Dromaeocercus brunneus Brown Emu-tail Dromaéocerque brun Resident, dense undergrowth in humid evergreen forest: E Madagascar. Amphilais seebohmi Grey Emu-tail Dromaéocerque tacheté Madagascar Grassbird Amphilais tachetée CMT Dromaeocercus seebohmi Resident, montane grassland and heathland with marshy vegetation: mts of E Madagascar. HBW, IOC place Bathmocercus spp in Cisticolidae Bathmocercus winifredae Mrs Moreau’s Warbler Bathmocerque de Winifred Winifred’s Warbler* HBW, SAM Scepomycter winifredae Resident, clearings in montane forest: mts of E Tanzania. Rousselette de Madame Moreau Bathmocercus rufus Bathmocerque à face noire Black-faced Rufous Warbler Rousselette à face noire vulpinus; rufus Resident, thick undergrowth on boggy ground in forest: S Cameroon, Gabon, SW CAR (rufus); NE and E DRC - SW Kenya (vulpinus). Bathmocercus cerviniventris Black-headed Rufous Warbler Bathmocerque à capuchon Black-capped Rufous Warbler Resident, thick undergrowth of all forest types: very patchy Sierra Leone - Ghana. Rousselette à capuchon Nesillas typica Nésille malgache Madagascar Brush Warbler Malagasy Brush Warbler* moheliensis; obscura; typica; (CMT + lantzi here considered a separate species) Resident, dense understorey in forest: Madagascar (typica, obscura); Mohéli (moheliensis). Fauvette malgache Nesillas lantzii Nésille de Lantz Subdesert Brush Warbler Lantz's Brush Warbler SAM subsumes into Nesillas typica Resident, subdesert forest: SW Madagascar. Nesillas longicaudata Anjouan Brush Warbler Nésille d’Anjouan HBW subsumes into Nesillas typica; DFW subsumes into Nesillas typica or Nesillas brevicaudata Resident, dense understorey in forest: Anjouan. Nesillas brevicaudata Grand Comoro Brush Warbler Nésille de la Grande Comore Comoros Brush Warbler Resident, middle levels of evergreen forest: Grand Comoro. Fauvette des Comores Nesillas mariae Moheli Brush Warbler Nésille de Mohéli Mrs Benson’s Warbler; Mohéli Warbler Fauvette de Madame Benson Aldabra Brush Warbler Nésille d’Aldabra] Resident, evergreen forest: Mohéli. [Nesillas aldabrana Aldabra Warbler Resident, dense scrub: Aldabra (now thought to be extinct). Fauvette d’Aldabra Melocichla mentalis Mélocichle à moustaches Moustached Grass-Warbler African Moustached Warbler Fauvette à moustaches mentalis; amauroura; orientalis; incana; luangwae; (ROB only has 4 races in Africa) Races amauroura and incana often incorrectly spelt amaurourus and incanus Resident, rank grass with scattered trees and bushes: Senegal - W Ethiopia, W and S Kenya south to C Angola - E Zimbabwe, C Mozambique excluding most of forest area and C Tanzania. Sphenoeacus afer Cape Grassbird Sphénoèque du Cap Cape Grass-Warbler; **Grassbird Fauvette des graminées afer; intermedius; natalensis; excisus Resident, rank grass and scrub along streams: E Zimbabwe and nearby Mozamique (excisus); E half South Africa and along coast to Cape. Schoenicola brevirostris Fan-tailed Grassbird Graminicole à queue large Broad-tailed Grassbird; Broad-tailed Warbler Fauvette à large queue; Graminicole à bec court brevirostris; alexinae BoA, BD subsume into Schoenicola platyura (CMT, SAM, HM have this (CMT, HM as S. platyurus) as an Indian species) Resident, rank grass in wet areas: Congo, S Angola east to S DRC, N Zambia, Malawi with arm up western Rift Valley to S Sudan, SW Kenya; thin strip E Zimbabwe - E South Africa; isolated populations W Ethiopia; W Cameroon; Sierra Leone and Guinea. 31 Locustella naevia Common Grasshopper Warbler Locustelle tachetée Grasshopper Warbler; Western Grasshopper Warbler naevia; obscurior; straminea Palearctic winter visitor, dense grass and scrub, often near water: patchy W Mauritania, NW Senegal, Sierra Leone, N Ghana; NW Ethiopia; some winter Morocco - Tunisia mainly in western parts. Locustella fluviatilis River Warbler Locustelle fluviatile Eurasian River Warbler Palearctic winter visitor, dense bush and grass: winters mainly S Zambia, Zimbabwe, N South Africa, W Mozambique; some in SE Kenya where there is extensive passage; vagrant many other places. Locustella luscinioides Savi’s Warbler Locustelle luscinioide luscinioides; sarmatica; fusca Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, wet places: breeds C Morocco - W Tunisia; winters in scattered areas Senegal - Ethiopia. Locustella certhiola Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Locustelle de Pallas Moustached Warbler Lusciniole à moustaches Vagrant: Morocco. Acrocephalus melanopogon melanopogon Resident and partial migrant, mainly reedbeds: breeds C Morocco - N Tunisia; passage or wintering birds N Egypt. Acrocephalus paludicola Aquatic Warbler Phragmite aquatique Palearctic winter visitor, reedbeds and flooded grassland, ditches: winters sparsely Senegal - N Ghana; few records Egypt need confirmation. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Sedge Warbler Phragmite des joncs Palearctic winter visitor, waterside and emergent vegetation, on passage often in much drier areas: winters all S of Sahara except east of C Ethiopia - S Somalia and southwest of NE Namibia - NE South Africa. Acrocephalus scirpaceus Eurasian Reed Warbler Rousserolle effarvatte Reed Warbler; European Reed Warbler scirpaceus; fuscus; (HM + avicenniae from A. baeticatus) Breeding visitor, in reedbeds, and Palearctic winter visitor, in tall grass thickets usually near water: breeds C Morocco - Tunisia; winters Senegal - C Ethiopia south to forest area - C Tanzania with extension through E DRC, Zambia to N Botswana. Acrocephalus baeticatus African Reed Warbler Rousserolle africaine baeticatus; hallae; cinnamomeus; guiersi; suahelicus; avicenniae (HM places in A. scirpaceus) DFW subsumes into Acrocephalus scirpaceus Resident and intra-African migrant, reedbeds, tall grass, sugarcane, seasonal floodplains: coastal Sudan, Eritrea, NW Somalia (in mangroves) (avicenniae); all south of S Angola - NW Mozambique extending north to E DRC - W Tanzania, W Kenya, Uganda - SE Sudan; scattered patches through rest of S of Sahara; some South African birds move north when not breeding. Acrocephalus palustris Marsh Warbler Rousserolle verderolle Palearctic winter visitor, leafy thickets, herbaceous undergrowth often near water: winters Zambia - NE South Africa, W Mozambique; common on passage through eg E Kenya. Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great Reed Warbler Rousserolle turdoide arundinaceus; zarudnyi Breeding visitor, in reedbeds, and Palearctic winter visitor, reeds, thickets, garden hedges: breeds C Morocco - Tunisia; winters Senegal - S Kenya south to S Angola - E South Africa, concentrating in southern West Africa and C DRC - Zimbabwe. Acrocephalus griseldis Basra Reed Warbler Rousserolle d’Irak Rousserolle de Basra Palearctic winter visitor, dense thickets and undergrowth, usually near water: regular E Kenya, E Tanzania; other records Ethiopia Mozambique. Acrocephalus stentoreus Clamorous Reed Warbler Rousserolle stentor Rousserolle turdoide d’Egypte stentoreus; brunnescens Resident, papyrus, reeds and bushes near water: Nile Valley, patches (usually in mangroves) along Red Sea coast, Sudan - NW Somalia. Acrocephalus rufescens Greater Swamp Warbler Rousserolle des cannes rufescens; senegalensis; chadensis; ansorgei Resident, emergent vegetation from water: very patchy Senegal - Nile in Sudan south to N Botswana. Acrocephalus gracilirostris Lesser Swamp Warbler Rousserolle à bec fin Rousserolle à bec mince gracilirostris; cunenensis; winterbottomi; leptorhynchus; parvus; jacksoni; tsanae; neglectus; (ROB + zuluensis (HM incl in gracilirostris) + 1 more) Resident, swampy vegetation: SW Angola - C Ethiopia, S Kenya and south except desert of SW; small isolated patches N Nigeria, CAR, Chad, also E Ethiopia, S Somalia. Acrocephalus aedon Vagrant: 1 record Sinai. Thick-billed Warbler Rosserolle à gros bec 32 Acrocephalus brevipennis Cape Verde Warbler Rousserolle du Cap-Vert Cape Verde Swamp Warbler; Cape Verde Islands Cane Warbler Rousserolle des Iles du Cap-Vert Madagascar Swamp Warbler Rousserolle de Newton Resident, reeds, sugarcane: Cape Verde Is. Acrocephalus newtoni Rousserolle malgache Resident, swamps and other freshwater habitats: Madagascar. Acrocephalus sechellensis Seychelles Warbler Rousserolle de Seychelles Seychelles Brush Warbler SAM Bebrornis sechellensis Resident, dense scrub: Aride, Cousin and Cousine (Seychelles). Acrocephalus rodericanus Rodrigues Warbler Rousserolle de Rodriguez Rousserolle de l’Ile Rodriguez SAM Bebrornis rodericanus Resident, dense thickets and woodland often near clearings and usually in non-native trees: Rodrigues. Rodrigues Brush Warbler Chloropeta natalensis African Yellow Warbler Chloropète jaune Yellow Flycatcher-Warbler; Dark-capped Fauvette jaune commune Yellow Warbler* massaica; batesi; major; natalensis; (ROB only has 3 races in Africa) Resident, all rank vegetation: in narrow band around central forest area, extreme SE Nigeria - SE Sudan, SW Ethiopia, W Kenya to E South Africa although not along coastal areas; across south of forest Congo - C Angola east to SW Tanzania, N Zambia. Chloropeta similis Mountain Yellow Warbler Chloropète de montagne Mountain Flycatcher-Warbler Fauvette jaune à montagne Resident, rank growth in montane forest: W Uganda, E DRC, Rwanda, Burundi; SE Sudan, W Kenya, N Tanzania, Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania). Chloropeta gracilirostris Papyrus Yellow Warbler Chloropète aquatique Fauvette jaune aquatique gracilirostris; bensoni Resident, papyrus swamps: W Uganda and surrounds - Burundi; SW Kenya (both gracilirostris); mouth of Luapula R. (Zambia) (bensoni). The French name of Hippolais spp can be spelt Hypolais … Hippolais pallida Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais pâle elaeica; pallida; reiseri; laeneni; (HM + tamariceti; HBW + alulensis) (BoA, HM + opaca here considered a separate species) HM Iduna pallida Resident, breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds olive groves, thickets, oases, winters arid and semi-arid scrub: winters S Chad - Ethiopia south to NE Tanzania (elaeica); resident in oases of Sahara and NE Africa west to Morocco (reiseri interior Algeria, Tunisia; pallida W and N Egypt along Nile to N Sudan; laeneni C Niger - W Sudan; alulensis coastal N Somalia). Hippolais opaca Western Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais obscure Isabelline Warbler BoA, DFW, HM, SAM (+ BD presumed) subsume into Hippolais (Iduna) pallida Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor,: breeds Morocco - NW Libya, and winters Sahel zone Senegal - N Cameroon. Hippolais languida Upcher’s Warbler Hippolais d’Upcher Palearctic winter visitor, scattered bushes: S Somalia - NE Tanzania west to E Uganda. Hippolais olivetorum Olive-tree Warbler Hippolais des oliviers Palearctic winter visitor, open dry bush and woodland, especially Acacia: winters S Zambia - N South Africa; on passage all E side of continent. Hippolais polyglotta Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotte Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, bushy woodland, thick scrub: breeds C Morocco - NW Tunisia; winters Senegal - N Cameroon. Hippolais icterina Icterine Warbler Hippolais ictérine Palearctic winter visitor, open woodland especially Acacia: mainly equator south to SW Angola, N South Africa especially south of C Angola - NW Mozambique. Hippolais rama Sykes's Warbler ?? Grauer’s Warbler Grauérie striée Vagrant: Eritrea. Graueria vittata Grauer’s Forest Warbler Resident, montane forest: extreme E DRC, SW Uganda, W Rwanda. Fauvette de Grauer 33 Eremomela icteropygialis Yellow-bellied Eremomela Erémomèle à croupion jaune Eremomèle gris-jaune alexanderi; griseoflava; abdominalis; polioxantha; helenorae; icteropygialis; puellula; perimacha; saturatior; (ROB + sharpei (HM incl in saturatior); viriditincta; and loses one of alexanderi, griseoflava, abdominalis, puellula or perimacha) Resident, all savanna habitats except the driest: Senegal - extreme W Chad; E Chad - E Sudan; band across Ethiopia - N Somalia; SE Sudan - SE Kenya south through Tanzania, Zambia, S DRC, Namibia - Zimbabwe and to the south with arm along coastal Angola. Eremomela flavicrissalis Yellow-vented Eremomela Erémomèle à ventre jaune Resident, semi-arid and arid bushland and wooded areas: E Ethiopia, Somalia and NE half of Kenya to northeast of icteropygialis. Eremomela salvadorii Salvadori’s Eremomela Erémomèle de Salvadori DFW, HM, HBW, BL subsume into Eremomela icteropygialis Resident, bushes at edge of miombo and other woodland: E Congo, SE Gabon, W DRC - C Angola, extreme NW Zambia. Eremomela pusilla Senegal Eremomela Erémomèle à dos vert [Green-backed Eremomela] Resident, all wooded savanna, cultivation, also mangrove: all W Africa between Sahara and forest east to extreme SW Chad and extreme NW CAR. Eremomela canescens Green-backed Eremomela Erémomèle grisonnante canescens; elegans; abyssinica; elgonensis (HM, HBW incl in canescens) DFW, BL, ZTP (+SF) subsume into Eremomela pusilla Resident, open wooded savannas: extreme E Cameroon, S Chad - Eritrea, W Ethiopia and a little further south to Uganda, SW Kenya. Eremomela scotops Green-capped Eremomela Erémomèle è calotte verte Greencap Eremomela Eremomèle à tête verte scotops; kikuyuensis; pulchra; citriniceps; congensis; (ZTP + occipitalis (BoA, CMT, HM, HBW incl in scotops); ROB + extrema; chlorochlamys (HM incl in scotops); also has scotops but loses one of others) Resident, canopy of miombo woodland, less so in other woodland: S Congo, S DRC - SW Kenya south to all but S Angola - Zimbabwe and scattered into E South Africa. Eremomela gregalis Karoo Eremomela Erémomèle du Karroo Yellow-rumped Eremomela gregalis; damarensis (ROB incl in damarensis); (ROB + albigularis (HM incl in gregalis)) Resident, semi-desert scrub, karoo especially along watercourses: SW Namibia - W South Africa. Eremomela usticollis Burnt-necked Eremomela Erémomèle à cou roux Burnt-neck Eremomela* usticollis; rensi; (ROB + baumgarti (HM incl in usticollis)) Resident, woodland especially Acacia and riparian: S Angola, E Namibia east to S half Zambia, N South Africa and Mozambique except for northern quarter. Eremomela badiceps Rufous-crowned Eremomela Erémomèle à tête brune badiceps; fantiensis; latukae Resident, lowland forest canopy: all of forest area Sierra Leone - N Uganda south to N Angola. Eremomela turneri Turner’s Eremomela Erémomèle de Turner turneri; kalindei Resident, forest edges and clearings: EC DRC, Nyondo Forest (SW Uganda) (kalindei); W Kenya (turneri). Eremomela atricollis Black-necked Eremomela Erémomèle à cou noir Black-collared Eremomela Resident, canopy of miombo woodland: C Angola, S DRC, N Zambia. Eremomèle à collier noir Sylvietta brachyura Crombec sittelle Northern Crombec Crombec brachyura; carnapi; leucopsis Resident, all woody savannas: all across south of Sahara Desert to forest edge in west and NE Tanzania in east. Sylvietta whytii Red-faced Crombec Crombec à face rousse Crombec de Whyte whytii; jacksoni; loringi; minima; (ZTP + abayensis (BoA, CMT incl in loringi); ROB + nemorivaga (HM incl in whytii)) Resident, well developed woodland, usually in moister areas: SW Ethiopia, E Uganda, W and S Kenya, Tanzania, N Mozambique; Zimbabwe and nearby W Mozambique. Sylvietta philippae Phillippa’s Crombec Crombec de Somalie Short-billed Crombec; Somali Short-billed Crombec Resident, dense thickets in Acacia and Commiphora scrub: W Somalia, extreme SE Ethiopia. Sylvietta rufescens Long-billed Crombec Crombec à long bec Cape Crombec rufescens; diverga; resurga; flecki; pallida; adelphe; ansorgei; (ROB + ochrocara (HM incl in flecki); and loses adelphe or ansorgei) Resident, thick bushes in drier areas: W and S Angola, Zambia, north up E DRC, extreme SW Tanzania, Malawi, all but NE Mozambique and south to coast excluding highlands of C South Africa. 34 Sylvietta isabellina Somali Crombec Crombec isabelle Somali Long-billed Crombec Resident, thorn-scrub with taller trees: SE Ethiopia, NW Somalia to S Kenya. Sylvietta ruficapilla Red-capped Crombec Crombec à calotte rousse Crombec à joues rousses ruficapilla; gephyra; chubbi; makayii; rufigenis; schoutedeni Resident, wooded savanna especially miombo: SE Congo, S DRC south to all but extreme S Angola - W Malawi. Sylvietta virens Green Crombec Crombec vert virens; flaviventris; baraka; tando Resident, thick undergrowth in forest: all of forest area. Sylvietta denti Lemon-bellied Crombec Crombec à gorge tachetée denti; hardyi Resident, mainly secondary forest: Sierra Leone - S Ghana; S Nigeria - N Gabon east to extreme SW CAR, N DRC to W Uganda; mouth of Congo R.; N Lunda (N Angola). Sylvietta leucophrys White-browed Crombec Crombec à sourcils blancs leucophrys; chloronota; chapini SAM (+SS) raise Sylvietta chapini Chapin’s Crombec Crombec de Chapin Resident, thick undergrowth of montane forest: Albertine Rift mts of E DRC, W Rwanda, SW Uganda - S end L. Tanganyika (chloronota); W Uganda, mts of W and C Kenya (leucophrys); Lendu Plateau (NE DRC) (chapini). Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler Pouillot fitis trochilus; acredula; yakutensis Palearctic winter visitor, all wooded habitats and forest edges: all S of Sahara but less common southwest of Gabon - NE South Africa; probably only passage north of Sierra Leone - S Kenya. Phylloscopus collybita Common Chiffchaff Pouillot véloce collybita; abietinus; tristis; (BoA + canariensis; exsul here considered a separate species) Palearctic winter visitor, most habitats with bushes: all across Sahel zone and south to S Kenya highlands in east. Phylloscopus ibericus Iberian Chiffchaff Pouillot ibérique (CMT + biscayensis; ibericus) previously (erroneously) known as P.brehmii BoA (+DFW, SAM presumed) subsume into Phylloscopus collybita Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds high oak forests, winters all bushy habitats: breeds Morocco - E Algeria, Tunisia; winters Sahel zone Senegal - N Ghana. Phylloscopus canariensis Canary Islands Chiffchaff Pouillot des Canaries canariensis; exsul BoA (+SAM presumed) subsume into Phylloscopus collybita Resident, scrub woodland, gardens: western Canary Is (canariensis); NE Lanzarote (exsul) is probably extinct. Phylloscopus sibilatrix Wood Warbler Pouillot siffleur Palearctic winter visitor, humid lowland forest especially edges and clearings, also woodland and savannas with trees: Sierra Leone - E DRC, S Sudan and rare to east. Phylloscopus bonelli Western Bonelli’s Warbler Pouillot de Bonelli [Bonelli’s Warbler] Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds various woodland, winters open bushy areas: breeds Morocco - Tunisia; winters Sahel zone Senegal - L. Chad. Phylloscopus orientalis Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler Pouillot oriental BoA, SAM, BL (+DFW presumed) subsume into Phylloscopus bonelli (BoA notes potential split) Palearctic winter visitor, open bushy habitats: Sahel zone in eastern half of continent Chad, Sudan, N Eritrea. Phylloscopus fuscatus Dusky Warbler Pouillot brun Pallas’s Leaf Warbler Pouillot de Pallas fuscatus Vagrant: Morocco, Sinai, Madeira. Phylloscopus proregulus Lemon-rumped Warbler; Pallas’s Warbler proregulus; (HM, HBW monotypic) Vagrant: Morocco. Phylloscopus inornatus Yellow-browed Warbler Pouillot à grands sourcils Inornate Warbler Vagrant: North and West Africa (Egypt - Senegal); Madeira; Canary Is. (Phylloscopus humei Hume’s Leaf Warbler Hume’s Warbler SAM subsumes into Phylloscopus inornatus Vagrant: ??? Pouillot de Hume) 35 CMT has all … Woodland Warbler as … Wood Warbler Phylloscopus umbrovirens Brown Woodland Warbler Pouillot ombré mackensianus (ZTP mackenzianus); dorcadichroa (BoA dorcadichrous); umbrovirens; omoensis; williamsi; alpinus; wilhelmi; fugglescouchmani Resident, montane forest, woodland, scrub: highlands Eritrea, NW Somalia - Burundi, N Tanzania. Phylloscopus ruficapilla Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler Pouillot à gorge jaune Yellow-throated Warbler ruficapilla; voelckeri; alacris; johnstoni; quelimanensis; minullus; ochrogularis HM notes often incorrectly spelt ruficapillus (+ race) Resident, moist evergreen forest above 800m asl: Taita Hills of SE Kenya, W Tanzania patchy to S coast of South Africa. Phylloscopus laurae Laura’s Woodland Warbler Pouillot de Laura Laura’s Warbler eustacei; laurae Resident, swamp forest, dry evergreen patches in miombo: SE DRC, N and NW Zambia (eustacei); Mt Moco (W Angola) (laurae). Phylloscopus laetus Red-faced Woodland Warbler Pouillot à face rousse Black-capped Woodland Warbler Pouillot à tête noire laetus; schoutedeni Resident, montane forest: Albertine Rift mts. Phylloscopus herberti camerunensis; herberti Resident, wetter montane forest: mts of SE Nigeria, SW Cameroon, Bioko. Phylloscopus budongoensis Uganda Woodland Warbler Pouillot de l’Ouganda Resident, mid-level montane forest: E DRC - W Kenya; patches in S Cameroon, N Congo, NE Gabon. Phylloscopus schwarzi Radde’s Warbler Pouillot de Schwarz Barred Warbler Fauvette épervière Vagrant: Morocco. Sylvia nisoria European Barred Warbler nisoria; merzbacheri; (BoA monotypic) Palearctic winter visitor, arid and semi-arid bush and woodland: winters mainly SE Ethiopia - NE Tanzania; vagrant to west eg L. Chad. Sylvia hortensis Orphean Warbler Fauvette orphée Western Orphean Warbler* hortensis; crassirostris; (CMT monotypic) CMT, IOC (+SS) raise Sylvia crassirostris Eastern Orphean Warbler (S. hortensis becomes Western Orphean Warbler) Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds open woodland, winters wooded savannas: breeds patchily W Morocco - E Libya; winters across Sahel zone Senegal - N Ethiopia, Eritrea. Sylvia leucomelaena Red Sea Warbler Fauvette d’Arabie Arabian Warbler* blanfordi; somaliensis Resident, thick Acacia woodland: Red Sea coastal areas, SE Egypt, N Sudan - NE Somalia. Sylvia borin Garden Warbler Fauvette des jardins borin; woodwardi Palearctic winter visitor, densely foliaged habitats: Senegal - S Kenya south to S Angola - E South Africa. Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap Fauvette à tête noire Eurasian Blackcap* atricapilla; dammholzi; pauluccii (BoA paulucii); heineken; gularis Resident, breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds woodland with good shrub layer, winters acacia steppe savanna, in East Africa mainly montane forest edges: breeds Morocco - Algeria; winters most North Africa, W Mauritania - W Cameroon; Eritrea, Ethiopia south to Malawi; resident Madeira, W and C Canary Is (heineken); Azores, Cape Verde Is(gularis). Sylvia communis Common Whitethroat Fauvette grisette Greater Whitethroat* communis; volgensis; icterops; rubicola Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds low scrub, winters thorny scrub, open woodland: breeds Morocco -Algeria; winters Sahel zone and south in east to NE Namibia - N South Africa. Sylvia curruca Lesser Whitethroat Fauvette babillarde curruca; caucasica (HBW incl in curruca); (BoA + althaea here considered a separate species) Palearctic winter visitor, dry savannas, open woodland: Nile Valley, all but S Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti west in Sahel zone to N Nigeria; odd records to west. (Sylvia althaea Hume’s Whitethroat Hume’s Lesser Whitethroat BoA (+DFW presumed) subsume into Sylvia curruca Vagrant: ??? Fauvette de Hume) 36 (Sylvia minula Desert Whitethroat ??) Desert Warbler Fauvette naine Vagrant: 1 rec Socotra. Sylvia nana Asian Desert Warbler* deserti; nana CMT, IOC (+SS) raise Sylvia deserti African Desert Warbler (S. nana becomes Asian Desert Warbler) Resident (deserti) and Palearctic winter visitor (nana), sandy plains with low bushes: deserti scattered in western half of Sahara Desert, Western Sahara, Algeria, W Mali and vagrant to east; nana winters Red Sea coast Egypt - N Somalia. Sylvia ruppeli Rüppell’s Warbler Fauvette de Rüppell HM notes it is usually misspelt S. rueppelli Palearctic winter visitor, scrub, especially Capparis: patchy Chad, northern half of Sudan. Sylvia melanothorax Cyprus Warbler Fauvette de Chypre Palearctic winter visitor, all scrubby habitats: probably Sinai and eastern desert of Egypt. Sylvia melanocephala Sardinian Warbler Fauvette mélanocéphale melanocephala; momus; (HM + leucogastra (CMT = melanocephala)) Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, woody and scrubby habitats, avoiding oak forest: resident N Western Sahara - Tunisia and rarely to east; winters further into Sahara Desert with some records south to N Senegal, L. Chad area, N Sudan. Sylvia mystacea Ménétriés’s Warbler Fauvette de Ménétries Palearctic winter visitor, low vegetation usually near coast: Red Sea coast Egypt - N Somalia, 6 records inland in Khartoum area (Sudan). Sylvia cantillans Subalpine Warbler Fauvette passerinette cantillans; inornata; albistriata; moltonii Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds dense scrub on hillsides, winters thick scrub and thickets: breeds W Morocco Tunisia; winters Sahel zone Senegal - NW Sudan. Sylvia conspicillata Spectacled Warbler Fauvette à lunettes conspicillata; orbitalis Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, semi-desert plains, salt flats, low scrub: W Morocco - W Libya, Cape Verde Is, Madeira, Canary Is; winters to Libya, also Senegal, patch in S Algeria, N Niger. Sylvia deserticola Tristram’s Warbler Fauvette de l’Atlas deserticola; maroccana; ticehursti (CMT incl in deserticola, HM ? extinct, HBW incl in maroccana -- only known from 1 specimen) Resident and partial migrant, mountainsides with dense scrub: C Morocco - NW Tunisia, wintering further south into Sahara Desert with a few in Saharan oases (numbers vary between winters). Sylvia undata Dartford Warbler Fauvette pitchou toni; undata Resident and partial migrant, scrub of coastal foothills: NE Morocco - N Tunisia wintering further into desert. Sylvia sarda Marmora’s Warbler Fauvette sarde sarda; balearica CMT, HBW raise Sylvia balearica Balearic Warbler Fauvette de Baléares Palearctic winter visitor, dense bushy areas: Algeria - NW Libya. Parisoma layardi Layard’s Tit-Babbler Parisome de Layard Layard’s Warbler* layardi; aridicola; barnesi; subsolanum (BoA (+HBW as places in Sylvia) subsolana) DFW, SAM, HBW, IOC, BL Sylvia layardi Resident, arid and semi-arid mountain scrub: W Namibia - S and C South Africa. Parisoma subcaeruleum Chestnut-vented Warbler Parisome grignette Tit-babbler; Rufous-vented Warbler Parisome à bas-ventre rouge Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler subcaeruleum; cinerascens; ansorgei (not in ROB); orpheanum DFW, HBW, IOC, BL Sylvia subcaerulea (and HBW races subcaerulea, opheana); SAM Sylvia subcaeruleum Resident, semi-arid scrub and woodland: SW Angola - C Zimbabwe south to Cape and South Africa except east; outlier in KZ Natal. Parisoma lugens Brown Parisoma Parisome brune Brown Warbler* lugens; griseiventris (HM griseiventre); jacksoni; clarum; prigoginei DFW, SAM, HBW, IOC, BL Sylvia lugens (and HBW race clara) (SS raises Parisoma griseaventris (note spelling) Bale Parisoma) Resident, highlands, savanna woodland and woody moorlands: highlands Ethiopia - Malawi. Parisoma boehmi Banded Parisoma Banded Warbler* Parisome sanglée Parisome barrée somalicum; boehmi; marsabit DFW, SAM, HBW, IOC, BL Sylvia boehmi (and HBW race somalica) Resident, dry acacia areas: NE Ethiopia, NW Somalia (somalicum); N Kenya (marsabit); S Kenya, N and C Tanzania (boehmi). 37 Amaurocichla bocagei São Tomé Short-tail Bocage’s Longbill SAM, HM, HBW, IOC Amaurocichla bocagii DFW places Incertae sedis near Timaliidae Resident, forest by rivers and streams: São Tomé. Nasique de Bocage Fauvette de São Tomé; Long-bec de Bocage HM, IOC place Macrosphenus spp Incertae sedis near Sylviidae Macrosphenus flavicans Yellow Longbill Nasique jaune hypochondriacus; flavicans Resident, forest, mainly lowland: Cameroon - NW Angola (flavicans); eastern half DRC - W Uganda (hypochondriacus). Macrosphenus kempi Kemp’s Longbill Nasique de Kemp kempi; flammeus Resident, undergrowth in forest: Sierra Leone - extreme W Cameroon (kempi east to SW Nigeria, flammeus SE Nigeria, Cameroon). Macrosphenus concolor Grey Longbill Nasique grise Pulitzer’s Longbill Nasique de Pulitzer Resident, forest: all of forest area. Macrosphenus pulitzeri Resident, dry evergreen forest: 5 localities on escarpment in W Angola. Macrosphenus kretschmeri Kretschmer’s Longbill Nasique de Kretshcmer kretschmeri; griseiceps Resident, dense cover in forest up to 1800m asl: E Tanzania - N Mozambique. HBW, CMT, IOC place Artisornis and Poliolais lopezi in Cisticolidae, HM places them Incertae sedis near Cisticolidae and Pycnonotidae; DFW has them in Cisticolinae within Sylviidae Artisornis moreaui Long-billed Tailorbird Couturière de Moreau **Moreau’s Tailorbird; Long-billed Apalis Long-billed Forest Warbler* Apalis à long bec moreaui; sousae SAM (+SF) Orthotomus moreaui; DFW, BL, ZTP Apalis moreaui Resident, forest edge and clearings with dense undergrowth (moreaui), montane gullies (sousae): Usambara Mts (Tanzania) (moreaui); Njesi Plateau, Unangu (NW Mozambique) (sousae). Artisornis metopias African Tailorbird Couturière d’Afrique Red-capped Forest Warbler* metopias; altus; (HBW + pallidus (usually incl in metopias)) DFW, SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF) Orthotomus metopias Resident, dense low vegetation in forest: Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) - NW Mozambique. Couturière des Usambaras Poliolais lopezi Poliolais à queue blanche White-tailed Warbler Camaroptère à queue blanche manengubae; alexanderi; lopezi BoA, HM, IOC Poliolais lopesi (+ race) Resident, thick undergrowth in montane forest: mts of W Cameroon (manengubae); Mt Cameroon (alexanderi); Bioko (lopezi). DFW, HM place Hyliota spp and Hylia prasina as Incertae sedis near Sylviidae (note: IOC, CMT place Hyliota spp into Hyliotidae and Hylia prasina into Cettidae) Hyliota flavigaster Yellow-bellied Hyliota Hyliote à ventre jaune flavigaster; barbozae Resident, woodland: guinea savannas S Senegal - NE DRC, S Sudan, S Ethiopia then in narrow band south to L. Tanganyika whence W Angola - S Tanzania south to Angola, S Zambia, S Mozambique. Hyliota australis Southern Hyliota Hyliote australe slatini; australis; inornata; (HM, ZTP + usambara (ZTP usambarae) here considered a separate species) Resident, canopy of woodland, especially miombo: WC Angola, S DRC, N and C Zambia, Zimbabwe, C and E Mozambique (inornata, australis); NE DRC, W Uganda, W Kenya (slatini); 1 record W Cameroon. Hyliota usambarae Usambara Hyliota Hyliote des Usambara HM, HBW, BL Hyliota usambara DFW, SAM, HM, ZTP (+SF) subsume into Hyliota australis (or presumed to do so) Resident, forest canopy: E Usambara Mts (NE Tanzania). Hyliota violacea Violet-backed Hyliota Hyliote à dos violet violacea; nehrkorni Resident, forest and woodland: patchy Liberia - SW Nigeria; SE Nigeria - W Congo; C DRC; E DRC, Burundi; N CAR. 38 Hylia prasina Green Hylia Hylia verte prasina; poensis Resident, forest: all of forest area - W Kenya and south to NW Angola. Incertae sedis near Sylviidae There is considerable argument as to the true relationships of these species. All are Madagascan endemics and therefore not in BoA or the regional guides. Of the references considered here they are only in DFW, CMT, HM, SAM, HBW, IOC and BL. Some have been thought to have relationships with Timaliidae and/or Pycnonotidae. HM considers that all are linked. The sources used here consider the familial relationships to be: Randia, Cryptosylvicola and Thamnornis: HBW, BL place in Sylviidae with Randia and Thamnornis also by DFW and SAM (Cryptosylvicola was first described in 1996 after these were published); HM places all three Incertae sedis near Sylviidae; IOC, CMT place into Bernieridae. Newtonia spp: DFW, SAM, HBW place in Sylviidae; HM, CMT, IOC, BL place in Vangidae. Bernieria and Xanthomixis spp: HBW places in Pycnonotidae; as does SAM but as Phyllastrephus spp; DFW has all as Bernieria spp in Timaliidae; BL all as Bernieria spp in Sylviidae; IOC, CMT all as Bernieria in Bernieridae; HM has them Incertae sedis near Sylviidae. Oxylabes and Crossleyia: DFW, SAM place in Timaliidae; HBW, BL place in Sylviidae; HM places them Incertae sedis near Sylviidae; IOC, CMT place in Bernieridae. Mystacornis: DFW, SAM, HBW place in Timaliidae; CMT, HM, IOC, BL place in Vangidae. Neomixis tenella, N. viridis and N. striatigula: DFW, SAM, BL place in Timaliidae; HBW, CMT, IOC place in Cisticolidae; and HM places Incertae sedis near Cisticolidae. Hartertula flavoviridis: DFW, SAM, BL place (as Neomixis flavoviridis) in Timaliidae; CMT, IOC place in Bernieridae; HM places Incertae sedis near Sylviidae; HBW places in Cisticolidae. For the purposes of this list they currently remain Incertae sedis near Sylviidae but in three groups as per IOC and CMT and usually one or more of the others The following have been placed together in Vangidae by several recent authors Newtonia brunneicauda Common Newtonia Newtonie commune brunneicauda; monticola Resident, all forest types: all around edges of Madagascar and few isolated patches in centre. Newtonia amphichroa Dark Newtonia Newtonie sombre Archbold’s Newtonia Newtonie d’Archbold Red-tailed Newtonia Newtonie de Fanovana Resident, forest understorey: E Madagascar. Newtonia archboldi Resident, dry spiny forest: SW Madagascar. Newtonia fanovanae Newtonie à queue rouge Resident, tall humid forest: E Madagascar. Mystacornis crossleyi Crossley’s Babbler Mystacorne de Crossley Madagascar Groundhunter Resident, evergreen, humid forest: E Madagascar. The following have been placed in Cisticolidae by several recent authors Neomixis tenella Common Jery Petite Eréonesse Madagascar Jery Petite Eroesse tenella; orientalis; decaryi; debilis Resident, forest and woodland: all Madagascar. Neomixis viridis Green Jery Eréonesse verte Eroesse verte viridis; delacouri Resident, primary forest: E Madagascar. Neomixis striatigula Stripe-throated Jery Grande Eréonesse Grande Eroesse striatigula; pallidior; sclateri Resident, forest and woodland: lowlands of Madagascar from N around S coast to WC. 39 The following have been placed in Bernieridae by several recent authors Randia pseudozosterops Rand’s Warbler Randie malgache Marvantsetra Warbler Fauvette de Rand Cryptic Warbler Fauvette à pattes noires Resident, forest canopy: E Madagascar. Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi Resident, mid-level and montane forest, often on ridges: E Madagascar. Thamnornis chloropetoides Thamnornis Nésille kiritika Thamnornis Warbler; Kiritika Warbler Resident, spiny subdesert, scrub, forest edge: SW Madagascar. Fauvette chloropétoide Bernieria madagascariensis Long-billed Bernieria Bernière tétraka Common Tetraka; Long-billed Greenbul; Long-billed Tetraka Bulbul tétraka madagascariensis; inceleber Resident, evergreen and dry deciduous forest: W, N and E Madagascar. Xanthomixis zosterops Short-billed Tetraka Spectacled Greenbul; Spectacled Tetraka* fulvescens; zosterops; ankafanae; andapae (HBW incl last 2 in zosterops) Resident, primary forest: E Madagascar. Xanthomixis apperti Appert’s Tetraka Bernière à bec court Bulbul à bec court Bernière d’Appert Appert’s Greenbul Resident, deciduous forest: 2 small patches in SW Madagascar. Bulbul d’Appert Xanthomixis tenebrosa Bernière obscur Dusky Tetraka Dusky Greenbul HM notes often incorrectly spelt X. tenebrosus Resident, primary forest: NE Madagascar. Bulbul obscure Xanthomixis cinereiceps Bernière à couronne grise Grey-crowned Tetraka Grey-crowned Greenbul Resident, montane forest: N and E Madagascar. Bulbul à tête grise Oxylabes madagascariensis White-throated Oxylabes Oxylabe à gorge blanche Madagascar Yellowbrow Oxylabe à sourcils jaunes Resident, forest understorey: E Madagascar. Crossleyia xanthophrys Yellow-browed Oxylabes Resident, moist forest: E Madagascar. Hartertula flavoviridis Wedge-tailed Jery Eréonesse à queue étagée Eroesse à queue étagée Resident, dense rainforest understorey: E Madagascar. REGULIDAE (BoA includes in Sylviidae) Regulus ignicapilla Firecrest Roitelet triple bandeau Common Firecrest Roitelet à triple bandeau balearicus; ignicapilla; madeirensis HM notes often incorrectly spelt ignicapillus (+ race) (Note: balearicus is correct) HBW, IOC, BL raise Regulus madeirensis (IOC madeirae) Madeira Firecrest (Madeiracrest*) Roitelet de Madère Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, cedar, cork and oak forest, some descend to coast in winter, madeirensis in laurel and mixed forest: breeds C Morocco - Tunisia extending a little further east and west in winter; Madeira (madeirensis). Regulus regulus Goldcrest Roitelet huppé regulus; azoricus; sanctaemariae; inermis; (HM, HBW + teneriffae; HBW + ellenthalerae) CMT raises Regulus teneriffae Tenerife Kinglet Roitelet de Teneriffe Resident, mainly in conifers: Azores (azoricus, sanctaemariae, inermis); Canary Is: Tenerife, La Gomera (teneriffae), La Palma, El Hierro (ellenthallerae); few records Morocco - Tunisia (regulus). 40 CISTICOLIDAE (BoA, DFW, ZTP, BD include within Sylviidae (DFW as subfamily Cisticolinae)) In much of the older literature the genus Cisticola is considered feminine and hence specific names were ...a. However recent works have changed this to masculine and hence most specific names are now although a few have remained as ...a for grammatical reasons. Cisticola erythrops Red-faced Cisticola Cisticole à face rousse erythrops; sylvia; nyasa; lepe; pyrrhomitra (BoA pyrrhomitrus); niloticus; (ROB + elusus (HM incl in nyasa); and loses lepe (presumed) SAM, IOC raise Cisticola lepe Lepe Cisticola Cisticole de Lepi Resident, rank grass, reedbeds, scrub in damp areas: Senegal - Cameroon and then all around Congo forest area and to S Sudan, W Kenya, south to C Angola - S Tanzania, NE South Africa; W and C Ethiopia (pyrrhomitra also in SE Sudan); small area in C Sudan (niloticus); patchy C and S Kenya, NE Tanzania; (lepe W and N Angola, perhaps SE DRC). Cisticola cantans Singing Cisticola Cisticole chanteuse swanzii; concolor; adamauae; belli; cantans; pictipennis; muenzneri Resident, thick tangled undergrowth: Senegal - Burundi, SW Kenya; arm to W Ethiopia, Eritrea (cantans); patch in S DRC; NE, E and S Tanzania, E Zambia, Malawi, E Zimbabwe. Cisticola lateralis Whistling Cisticola Cisticole siffleuse lateralis; antinorii; modestus (BoA modesta) Resident, grassy hillsides, forest clearings: Senegal through southern half West Africa to W Kenya and patch in E DRC, Burundi (lateralis Senegal - Cameroon, antinorii in rest); S Gabon - W and S DRC just into NE Angola (modesta). Cisticola woosnami Trilling Cisticola Cisticole de Woosnam woosnami; lufira Resident, bushy or open grassland: southern half Uganda, SW Kenya south to S DRC, NW Zambia - N Malawi and Tanzania except SE quarter. Cisticola anonymus Chattering Cisticola Cisticole babillarde Resident, grassy areas in forest clearings: central forest area S Nigeria - E DRC. Cisticola bulliens Bubbling Cisticola Cisticole murmure septentrionalis; bulliens Resident, brackish meadows, also drier grass and palm groves when inland: coastal DRC - C Angola. Cisticola chubbi Chubb’s Cisticola Cisticole de Chubb chubbi; marungensis; adametzi; discolor SAM, BL raise Cisticola discolor Brown-backed Cisticola Cisticole à dos brun Resident, bushes and scrub on highland forest edges: W Cameroon montane areas (adametzi; with discolor on Mt Cameroon); E DRC, Rwanda, Burundi east to W Kenya (chubbi); Marungu Plateau (SE DRC) (marungensis). Cisticola hunteri Hunter’s Cisticola Cisticole de Hunter Resident, forest edge and clearings: highlands C Kenya - N Tanzania. Cisticola nigriloris Black-lored Cisticola Cisticole masquée Resident, bushy montane habitats: S Tanzania, N Malawi, extreme E Zambia. Cisticola aberrans Lazy Cisticola Cisticole paresseuse Rock-loving Cisticola; Rock Cisticola Cisticole des rochers petrophilus; admiralis; emini; lurio; nyika; aberrans; minor; bailunduensis; (ZTP + teitensis (all others incl in emini)) SAM, IOC (+SS) raise Cisticola emini Rock-loving Cisticola Cisticole pétrophile Resident, rocky areas including in montane grassland: scattered patches across West Africa Senegal - W Sudan; patches S Sudan, Rwanda; S Tanzania, eastern half Zambia, Malawi, W Mozambique south to E South Africa; S Kenya, N Tanzania (emini); patch W Angola (bailunduensis). Cisticola chiniana Rattling Cisticola Cisticole grinçante Cisticole à crécerelles simplex; fricki; humilis; ukamba; victoria; fischeri; keithi; mbeya; heterophrys; emendatus; procerus; chiniana; campestris; smithersi; frater; fortis; bensoni SAM (+SL) Cisticola chinianus Resident, scrub, thickets, plantations, often near water: SE Congo - S Ethiopia, and patch in Eritrea, south to C Namibia - NE South Africa. Cisticola bodessa Boran Cisticola Cisticole des Borans bodessa; kaffensis Resident, dense grass at forest edge: dry highlands of S Ethiopia - C Kenya. Cisticola njombe Churring Cisticola Cisticole njombé Cisticole des alpages njombe; mariae Resident, montane grassland: S Udzungwa Mts (S Tanzania) - Nyika Plateau (E Zambia), N Malawi. Cisticola cinereolus Ashy Cisticola Cisticole cendrée schillingsi; cinereolus Resident, arid open desert areas: E Ethiopia, N Somalia (cinereolus); S Ethiopia - NE Tanzania (schillingsi). 41 Cisticola restrictus Tana River Cisticola Cisticole du Tana Resident, semi-arid bush: lower Tana River (Kenya). Cisticola rufilatus Tinkling Cisticola Cisticole grise Grey Cisticola Cisticole des taillis rufilatus; ansorgei; vicinior Note that the name Tinkling Cisticola is occasionally used for Cisticola tinniens (eg CMT). Resident, semi-arid scrub but variable: SE Gabon - N Zambia south through NE Namibia - E Zimbabwe to N South Africa. Cisticola subruficapilla Grey-backed Cisticola Cisticole à dos gris Red-headed Cisticola subruficapilla; namaqua; jamesi; karasensis; windhoekensis; newtoni HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. subruficapillus (+race) Resident, usually arid open scrub: extreme SW Angola though W Namibia to W half South Africa. Cisticola lais Wailing Cisticola Cisticole plaintive semifasciatus; mashona; oreobates; monticola; lais; maculatus; namba; distinctus; (ROB + 1 race in Africa) SAM, IOC, ZTP raise Cisticola distinctus Lynes’s Cisticola Cisticole de Lynes Resident, dry rocky areas in mountains: E Uganda, W Kenya, N Tanzania (distinctus); E Zimbabwe highlands - NE South Africa (mashona); E Zambia, SW Tanzania, Malawi, NW Mozambique (semifasciatus); patch W Angola (namba); Mt Gorongoza (C Mozambique), E Zimbabwe (oreobates); E half South Africa (other races). Cisticola galactotes Winding Cisticola Cisticole roussâtre Black-backed Cisticola; Rufous-winged Cisticola* amphilectus; zalingei; marginatus; lugubris; nyansae; suahelicus; haematocephala (BoA haematocephalus); galactotes; luapula; schoutedeni (HBW incl in lugubris); stagnans (HBW incl in lugubris); (HM, HBW + isodactylus (BoA, CMT incl in suahelicus)) HBW, IOC, ROB (luapula and presumed for the rest) (+SS) raise Cisticola luapula Luapula Cisticola Cisticole du Luapula (also SL); Cisticola marginatus Winding Cisticola Cisticole du Nil (races marginatus, amphilectus, zalingei, nyansae, suahelicus); Cisticola haematocephalus (HBW C. haematocephala) Coastal Cisticola Cisticole côhère; Cisticola lugubris Ethiopian Cisticola Cisticole d’Ethiopie; (C. galactotes becomes Rufous-winged Cisticola Cisticole roussâtre (races galactotes, isodactylus)) Resident, all marshy vegetation except dense papyrus: rather patchy Senegal - W Ethiopia south to N Angola - all but SE Tanzania; arm into most of rest of Zambia; S Malawi - KZ-Natal; (luapula-- E Angola, SE DRC, N and NE Namibia, N Botswana, Zambia; haematocephala -- coastal Somalia - N Tanzania; lugubris -- Ethiopia; galactotes -- S and E Malawi south along river to coast and along coast to NE South Africa; marginatus -- Upper Nile of S Sudan, N Uganda - SE Kenya south to S Tanzania and west to W Congo, and patches all across West Africa). Cisticola pipiens Chirping Cisticola Cisticole pépiante Cisticole des roseaux congo; pipiens; arundicola Resident, taller aquatic vegetation in swamps: Burundi and then S DRC, N half Zambia, Caprivi Strip (Namibia) and nearby along Zambezi (congo, arundicola); WC Angola (pipiens). Cisticola carruthersi Carruthers’s Cisticola Cisticole de Carruthers Resident, papyrus swamps: E DRC, NW Tanzania - W Kenya. Cisticola tinniens Levaillant’s Cisticola Cisticole à sonnette [Tinkling Cisticola] Petite Cisticole roussâtre tinniens; shiwae; perpullus; dyleffi; oreophilus; (HM, HBW, ROB + brookei (HBW as elegans)) Note that the CMT name Tinkling Cisticola is normally used for Cisticola rufilatus. Resident, grassy vegetation near water: all but NW of South Africa, C and E Zimbabwe; patchy north to W Angola - SW Kenya. Cisticola robustus Stout Cisticola Cisticole robuste robustus; schraderi; omo; nuchalis; awemba; angolensis; santae SAM raises Cisticola angolensis Angola Cisticola Cisticole angolaise (races angolensis, awemba) Resident, moist bushy and wooded grassland often montane: Mt Cameroon area (santae); Ethiopia (robustus, schraderi, omo); E DRC - W Kenya, NW Tanzania (nuchalis); SW Tanzania - C Angola south to N Zambia (awemba, angolensis) Cisticola aberdare Aberdare Cisticola Cisticole des Aberdare Resident, montane grassland: Aberdare Mts and nearby (C Kenya). Cisticola natalensis Croaking Cisticola Cisticole striée strangei; tonga; inexpectatus; argenteus; natalensis; holubii (BoA holubi); katanga; huambo (not in CMT); (ZTP, ROB + matengorum (BoA, HM, HBW incl in natalensis); ZTP + kapitensis (all others incl in strangei)); ROB + vigilax (HM incl in natlaensis)) Resident, all more open habitats: widespread but absent from some quite large areas especially forest within Senegal - C Ethiopia south to C Angola - E South Africa. Cisticola ruficeps Red-pate Cisticola Cisticole à tête rousse ruficeps; scotopterus (HM, HBW scotoptera); mongalla; (BoA, HM, CMT + guinea here considered a separate species) SAM raises Cisticola mongalla Mongalla Cisticola Cisticole de Mongalla Resident, dry bushy and open wooded grasslands: NE Nigeria - NW Eritrea south to NE Uganda. 42 Cisticola guinea Dorst’s Cisticola Cisticole de Dorst HBW notes that there has been a mix up with this. Several authors have this as Cisticola dorsti and with guinea as a race of Cisticola ruficeps. However the above is correct. Resident, grass steppes with thickets: Senegal - W CAR in narrow band. Cisticola nana Tiny Cisticola Cisticole naine HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. nanus Resident, arid and semi-arid thornbush: C Ethiopia - NE Tanzania. Cisticola brachypterus Short-winged Cisticola Cisticole à ailes courtes Siffling Cisticola brachypterus; hypoxanthus; zedlitzi; katonae; kericho; reichenowi; ankole; isabellinus; loanda; (ROB + tenebricosus (HM incl in isabellinus); and loses 1 other) Resident, thin bush and scrub: Senegal - C Ethiopia south to WC Angola - SE Mozambique excluding forest area, east of C Kenya and much of Tanzania. Cisticola rufus Rufous Cisticola Cisticole rousse Resident, semi-arid bush, swamp, dry watercourses: patchy Senegal - S Chad, NW CAR. Cisticola troglodytes Foxy Cisticola Cisticole russule Cisticole grisâtre troglodytes; ferrugineus Resident, wooded grasslands to semi-desert: W CAR, then S Sudan, W Ethiopia, N Uganda, NW Kenya; (ferrugineus -- E Sudan, W Ethiopia). Cisticola fulvicapilla Piping Cisticola Cisticole à couronne rousse Neddicky* dexter; dispar; muelleri; hallae; ruficapilla; lebombo; fulvicapilla; dumicola; silberbaueri (HBW, ROB silberbauer) HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. fulvicapillus (+ races ruficapillus, fulvicapillus) Resident, grass and scrub, edges of miombo and mopane woodland: NC Angola - SE Tanzania south to S South Africa excluding deserts of Namibia, SW Botswana and NW South Africa. Cisticola angusticauda Tabora Cisticola Cisticole à queue fine Long-tailed Cisticola* HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. angusticaudus DFW subsumes into Cisticola fulvicapilla (as fulvicapillus) Resident, long grass in miombo clearings: SW Kenya, NW and W Tanzania and all N half Zambia. Cisticola melanurus Black-tailed Cisticola Cisticole à queue noire Slender-tailed Cisticola Resident, open grassy areas in well developed miombo woodland: scattered localities SW DRC, N Angola. Cisticola juncidis Zitting Cisticola Cisticole des joncs juncidis; uropygialis; terrestris; cisticola (BoA incl in juncidis); (HBW + perennius) Resident, all grassland: C Morocco - Tunisia; Nile Valley; all S of Sahara except forest area and deserts of NE and SW; only patchy Senegal - Nile north of forest and Ethiopia, Kenya. Cisticola haesitatus Socotra Cisticola Cisticole de Socotra Island Cisticola Resident, stony ground with light scrub: Socotra. Cisticola cherina Madagascar Cisticola Cisticole malgache Desert Cisticola Cisticole du désert Resident, all open habitats: Madagascar. Cisticola aridulus aridulus; lavendulae; tanganyika; perplexus; traylori; eremicus; kalahari; caliginus; lobito; (ROB only has 8 races in Africa) Resident, arid and semi-arid plains: scattered across Sahel Senegal - NW Somalia; through E half Ethiopia - NE Tanzania; coastal Angola, all but SW of Namibia east to Zambia - NE South Africa and in much of South Africa except S, W and E coastal areas. Cisticola textrix Cloud Cisticola Cisticole pinc-pinc Tink-tink Cisticola textrix; major; marleyi; bulubulu; anselli; (ROB loses bulubulu or anselli) Resident, very short grass: S and E South Africa; 2 patches WC and E Angola. Cisticole ponctuée Cisticola eximius Cisticole à dos noir Black-backed Cisticola Black-necked Cisticola; Black-backed Cloud Cisticola eximius; occidens; winneba Resident, open short grass flats, also areas subject to flooding and with grass to 1m: patchy S Senegal - N Ethiopia south to NW DRC Uganda, SW Kenya. Cisticola dambo Dambo Cisticola Black-tailed Cisticola; Cloud-scraping Cisticola dambo; kasai Resident, open short, seasonally wet, grasslands: S DRC, E Angola, NW Zambia. Cisticole dambo Cisticole des dambos 43 Cisticola brunnescens Pectoral-patch Cisticola Cisticole brune Cisticole brunâtre brunnescens; wambera; nakuruensis; hindii; lynesi; mbangensis Resident, montane short grass on rocky ground: Mt Cameroon (lynesi, mbangensis); Gabon, Congo (uncertain race); Ethiopian highlands (wambera on Wambera Plateau in NW Ethiopia, brunnescens in rest); S Kenya, N Tanzania (nakuruensis, hindii). Cisticola cinnamomeus Pale-crowned Cisticola Cisticole châtain cinnamomeus; midcongo; egregius (HBW egregia) SAM, ZTP (+DFW, BL presumed) subsume into Cisticola brunnescens Resident, rank or fine moist grassland: patches in Congo, NW Angola; E Angola - SW Tanzania south to C Zimbabwe; E South Africa (egregius). Cisticola ayresii Wing-snapping Cisticola Cisticole gratte-nuage Ayres’s Cisticola ayresii; itombwensis; mauensis; entebbe; gabun; imatong Resident, short grasslands: patches S Gabon - SW Kenya south to SW Angola - Zimbabwe and then south through E South Africa. Note: there are two new species of Cisticola in Tanzania not yet described. These are noted in SF and SS as White-tailed Cisticola and Kilombero Cisticola Phyllolais pulchella Buff-bellied Warbler Phyllolais à ventre fauve Apalis à ventre jaune SAM (+BoA, DFW) place in Sylviidae Resident, open grassy woodland, especially Acacia: NE Nigeria, SW Chad; SE and E Sudan - C Ethiopia south to SW quarter of Kenya, N Tanzania - NE DRC. Incana incana Socotra Warbler Cisticole pâle Fauvette de Socotra CMT Incana incanus; SAM Cisticola incanus Resident, low scrub: Socotra. Scotocerca inquieta Streaked Scrub Warbler Dromoique vif-argent Scrub-Warbler* Dromoique du désert saharae; inquieta; theresae Resident, semi-desert, sandy riverbeds: S Morocco - Nile away from the coast; patches in W Morocco, NW Mauritania. Phragmacia substriata Namaqua Warbler Prinia du Namaqua Namaqua Prinia Prinia namaqua substriata; confinis CMT Prinia substriata Resident, drainage lines and nearby vegetation: western half South Africa away from the coast. Prinia subflava Tawny-flanked Prinia Prinia modeste Prinia commune affinis; pallescens; subflava; melanorhyncha; tenella; graueri; kasokae; bechuanae; mutatrix; pondoensis Resident, all savannas with trees and bushes except the driest: all S of Sahara except central forest area, N and E of C Ethiopia and NE Kenya and southwest of S Angola - E South Africa. Prinia fluviatilis River Prinia Prinia aquatique Resident, swamp vegetation, old cultivation: Djoudj NP (NW Senegal); Niger inundation zone (SW Mali); L. Chad area; isolated population Lokichokio (NW Kenya). Prinia somalica Pale Prinia Prinia pâle erlangeri; somalica Resident, grassy acacia savannas, scrubby bush: S Ethiopia, N and E Kenya, Somalia. Prinia flavicans Black-chested Prinia Prinia à plastron nubilosa; ansorgei; bihe (not in ROB); flavicans; ortleppi (HBW, ROB incl in flavicans) Resident, scrub especially Acacia thickets: SW Angola, W Zambia, SW Zimbabwe south to C South Africa. Prinia maculosa Karoo Prinia Prinia du Karroo maculosa; exultans; psammophila; (BoA, HM + hypoxantha here considered a separate species) Resident, thick scrub, often on dunes: W and S South Africa (not in NC), just reaching S Namibia. Prinia hypoxantha Drakensberg Prinia Prinia à poitrine cannelle Saffron-breasted Prinia BoA, SAM, HM subsume into Prinia maculosa Resident, thick scrub, often on dunes: E South Africa to east of E Cape Province. Prinia du Drakensberg Prinia molleri Prinia de São Tomé São Tomé Prinia Resident, all open, edge and disturbed habitats: São Tomé. 44 Prinia bairdii Banded Prinia Prinia rayée bairdii; obscura; melanops; heinrichi SAM, IOC raise Prinia melanops Black-faced Prinia Resident, lowland forest but also montane in east of range: rather patchy SE Nigeria - NW Angola east to W Kenya. Prinia gracilis Graceful Prinia Prinia gracile Graceful Warbler carlo; gracilis; natronensis; deltae Resident, scrub, cultivation, reedbeds and other waterside vegetation: Nile Valley from delta to C Sudan; Red Sea coast Sudan - NE Somalia; patch in SC Somalia on coast. Schistolais leucopogon White-chinned Prinia Prinia à gorge blanche leucopogon; reichenowi DFW, SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF) Prinia leucopogon Resident, forest edges, gallery forest, riverine, thick cover: central forest area W Cameroon - W Kenya south to N Angola, N Zambia but excluding much of C and E DRC. Schistolais leontica Sierra Leone Prinia Prinia du Sierra Leone White-eyed Prinia DFW, SAM, BL Prinia leontica Resident, forest edge, mountain ravines, thickets by streams: Guinea, E Sierra Leone, Mt Nimba (Liberia and adjacent countries), parts of S Ivory Coast. Oreophilais robertsi Roberts’s Warbler Prinia de Roberts Roberts’s Prinia; Briar Warbler DFW, CMT, BL Prinia robertsi Resident, forest edge, clearings, tangled montane vegetation: small area in highlands of E Zimbabwe, W Mozambique. Heliolais erythropterus Red-winged Warbler Prinia à ailes rousses Red-winged Prinia Fauvette à ailes rousses erythropterus; jodopterus; major; rhodopterus HM notes often incorrectly spelt H. erythroptera (+races erythroptera, rhodoptera, jodoptera) Resident, open woodlands with good ground cover: Senegal - Nigeria and then patchy to W Ethiopia, SW Kenya; coastal E and S Tanzania - S Mozambique inland to E Zambia; 1 record N Kruger NP (South Africa). Urolais epichlorus Green Longtail Prinia verte epichlorus; cinderella (CMT incl in epichlorus); mariae HM notes often incorrectly spelt U. epichlora (+race) Resident, montane forest: 3 mts in W Cameroon (epichlorus, cinderella); Bioko (mariae). Urorhipis rufifrons Red-fronted Warbler Apalis à front roux Red-faced Apalis; Red-fronted Apalis* Fauvette à front roux rufifrons; smithi; rufidorsalis DFW, BL, ZTP (+SF) Spiloptila rufifrons; SAM Apalis rufifrons Resident, thorn scrub in arid and semi-arid areas: coastal Sudan, E Ethiopia, E Eritrea, Somalia, N Kenya; patchy S Kenya, NE Tanzania; also patches E Chad, C Sudan. Spiloptila clamans Cricket Warbler Prinia à front écailleux Cricket Longtail*; Scaly-fronted Warbler Resident, dry thorn scrub: all across Sahel zone N Senegal, S Mauritania - Eritrea. Drymocichla incana Red-winged Grey Warbler Prinia grise Fauvette grise à ailes rousses Resident, tree savanna with a good shrub layer and usually near water: NC Cameroon - NW Uganda in narrow band. Apalis thoracica Bar-throated Apalis Apalis à collier Apalis à gorge barré arnoldi; fuscigularis; griseiceps; pareensis; murina; uluguru; youngi; whitei; flavigularis; lynesi; quarta; rhodesiae; spelonkensis; flaviventris; lebomboensis; drakensbergensis; venusta; thoracica; claudei; capensis; griseopyga; (HBW + darglensis); (ROB has 21 races so loses one from the list) HBW, IOC, BL (+SS) raise Apalis fuscigularis (SS fascigularis) Taita Apalis Apalis des Teitas; Apalis lynesi Namuli Apalis Apalis du Namuli; Apalis flavigularis Yellow-throated Apalis Apalis noir et jaune Resident, wet forest to dry savannas: rather patchy SE Kenya to E and S South Africa west to Cape excluding SE Tanzania and much of Mozambique; (fuscigularis -- Taita Hills in SE Kenya; lynesi -- Mt Namuli in N Mozambique; flavigularis -- SE Malawi). Apalis pulchra Black-collared Apalis Apalis à col noir Apalis à collier noir pulchra; murphyi IOC Oreolais pulchra Resident, montane forest undergrowth especially by streams: SE Nigeria, NW Cameroon; Imatong Mts (SE Sudan); NE DRC; Mt Elgon and into SW Kenya (all pulchra); Manugu Plateau (SE DRC) (murphyi). 45 Apalis ruwenzorii Ruwenzori Apalis Apalis du Ruwenzori Collared Apalis IOC Oreolais ruwenzorii DFW subsumes into Apalis pulchra Resident, montane forest in undergrowth: Albertine Rift Mts. Apalis ruddi Rudd’s Apalis Apalis de Rudd ruddi; caniviridis; fumosa Resident, coastal forest and dense thickets: Save R. (Mozambique) south to KZ-Natal (South Africa); lower Shire Valley (S Malawi) (caniviridis). Apalis flavida Yellow-breasted Apalis Apalis à gorge jaune neglecta (ZTP incl in flavocincta); caniceps; abyssinica; flavocincta; viridiceps; pugnax; golzi; flavida; florisuga SAM raises Apalis viridiceps Brown-tailed Apalis Apalis à queue brune Resident, all savannas and forest edge: Senegal - C Nigeria and south to coast; patchy to Somalia and south to SE South Africa, inland across Zambia, S DRC to S Angola and up W coast to N Gabon; (viridiceps -- NW Somalia, adjacent Ethiopia). Apalis binotata Masked Apalis Apalis masque Lowland Masked Apalis* Apalis masquée Resident, forest patches, clearings: SW Cameroon, NE Gabon; Cuanza Norte (NW Angola); E DRC, parts of Uganda, NW Tanzania. Apalis personata Mountain Masked Apalis Apalis à face noire Black-faced Apalis; Mountain Apalis Apalis masquée des montagnes personata; marungensis Resident, montane forest including edges: highlands of Albertine Rift. Apalis jacksoni Black-throated Apalis Apalis à gorge noire Apalis à moustaches blanches jacksoni; bambuluensis; minor; (HBW + albimentalis) Resident, canopy and midlevel of montane forest: patchy SW Cameroon - N Gabon; NW Angola; N and E DRC, S Sudan - SW Kenya. Apalis chariessa White-winged Apalis Apalis à ailes blanches macphersoni; chariessa Resident, canopy of lowland and midlevel forest: lower Tana R. in Kenya (chariessa); mts of E Tanzania, NW Mozambique, S Malawi (macphersoni). Apalis nigriceps Black-capped Apalis Apalis à calotte noir [Apalis à tête noire] nigriceps; collaris Resident, forest: Sierra Leone - S Cameroon, N Gabon, SW CAR (nigriceps); NE DRC, S Uganda (collaris). Apalis melanocephala Black-headed Apalis Apalis à tête noire Apalis mélanocéphale lightoni; melanocephala; nigrodorsalis; moschi; muhuluensis; tenebricosa; fuliginosa; adjacens; addenda Resident, forest canopy: mainly coastal forest S Somalia - near S Mozambique inland to mts in C Kenya - S Malawi. Apalis chirindensis Chirinda Apalis Apalis de Chirinda chirindensis; vumbae Resident, montane and midlevel forest: E Zimbabwe and nearby Mozambique. Apalis porphyrolaema Chestnut-throated Apalis Apalis à gorge marron porphyrolaema; affinis (not in HM); kaboboensis SAM, HBW, IOC (+SS) raise Apalis kaboboensis Kabobo Apalis Apalis du Kabobo Resident, montane forest canopy: E DRC - SW Kenya; (kaboboensis -- Mt Kabobo (E DRC)). Apalis chapini Chapin’s Apalis Apalis de Chapin Chestnut-headed Apalis Apalis à tête rousse strausae; chapini Resident, montane forest canopy: SE Tanzania, Malawi. Apalis sharpii Sharpe’s Apalis Apalis de Sharpe SAM, IOC Apalis sharpei Resident, lowland and gallery forest: S Guinea - Dahomey Gap (Benin, Togo). Apalis rufogularis Buff-throated Apalis Apalis à gorge rousse rufogularis; sanderi; angolensis; brauni; nigrescens; kigezi; argentea (CMT argenteus) SAM, HBW, IOC, BL (+SF, SS) raise Apalis argentea Kungwe Apalis Apalis de Moreau Resident, mature forest: SW Nigeria - SW Kenya south to NW Angola - S DRC - W Tanzania although perhaps not in much of DRC; Bioko; (argentea -- E DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, Mt Mahale (W Tanzania)). Apalis karamojae Karamoja Apalis Apalis du Karamoja karamojae; stronachi Resident, acacias lining seasonal watercourses: NE Uganda (karamojae); NW Tanzania in small area just S of L. Victoria (stronachi). Apalis bamendae Bamenda Apalis Resident, midlevel forest: known from a few specimens only SW and C Cameroon. Apalis du Bamenda 46 Apalis goslingi Gosling’s Apalis Apalis de Gosling Resident, along rivers and streams in forest: narrow band S Cameroon, N Gabon - NE DRC; SW DRC, NE Angola perhaps isolated. Apalis cinerea Grey Apalis Apalis cendrée Apalis grise funebris (HBW incl in cinerea); sclateri; grandis; cinerea Resident, montane forest: W Cameroon, SE Nigeria (funebris); Mt Cameroon, Bioko (sclateri); Albertine Rift - SW Kenya (cinerea); small area of SW Angola (grandis). Apalis alticola Brown-headed Apalis Apalis à tête brune alticola; dowsetti DFW subsumes into Apalis cinerea Resident, montane and gallery forest: patchy in belt Angola - SW Tanzania, N Malawi; patch in N Tanzania, SW Kenya; (dowsetti -Marungu Mts (SE DRC)). Malcorus pectoralis Rufous-eared Warbler Prinia à joues rouses Prinia à oreilles rousses pectoralis; ocularius; etoshae Resident, scrubby bushes in semi-arid areas: all Namibia except N, SW Botswana, all of W South Africa except S coast. Camaroptera brachyura Green-backed Camaroptera Camaroptère à tête grise Grey-backed Camaroptera; **Bleating Bush-Warbler; **Bleating Warbler brevicaudata; tincta; harterti; aschani; abessinica; insulata; erlangeri; griseigula; intercalata; sharpei; transitiva; beirensis; brachyura; constans; bororensis; pileata; fugglescouchmani SAM, IOC, ROB (+SL, SS) raise Camaroptera brevicaudata Grey-backed Camaroptera Camaroptère à dos grise (ROB has only brachyura, constans in brachyura and 14 races in brevicaudata -- so 1 of list is missing) SAM, HBW, IOC raise Camaroptera harterti Hartert’s Camaroptera Camaroptère de Hartert Resident, all habitats except driest savannas: all S of Sahara except most of NE and SW; (brevicaudata -- Senegal, Sierra Leone - C Sudan, NW Ethiopia south to N South Africa; harterti -- dense forest understorey in escarpment forest of WC Angola; brachyura (+constans) S Mozambique to E Cape). Camaroptera superciliaris Yellow-browed Camaroptera Camaroptère à sourcils jaunes Resident, undergrowth of secondary forest: all forest area Sierra Leone - Uganda - N Angola. Camaroptera chloronota Olive-green Camaroptera Camaroptère à dos vert chloronota; kelsalli; granti; toroensis; kamitugaensis Resident, undergrowth in forest: all forest area Sierra Leone - W Kenya; rare along Senegal R.; Bioko (granti). Calamonastes simplex Grey Wren-Warbler Camaroptère modeste DFW, BL Camaroptera simplex Resident, dry thornbush: SE Sudan, E Uganda, N Tanzania east to NW and SW Somalia (not in C Somalia in between). Calamonastes undosus Miombo Wren-Warbler Camaroptère du miombo Miombo Barred Warbler; Pale Wren-Warbler; undosus; cinereus; katangae; huilae; stierlingi; olivascens; irwini; pintoi DFW Camaroptera undosa HBW, IOC, ROB (+SS) raises Calamonastes stierlingi Stierling’s Wren-Warbler Camaroptère de Stierling (races stierlingi, olivascens, irwini, pintoi) SAM has Calamonastes stierlingi Stierling’s Wren-Warbler Camaroptère de Stierling and places undosus and cinereus in Calamonastes simplex; ROB (+SL) has no mention of undosus Resident, miombo woodland near termite mounds: E Angola - Tanzania south to Zimbabwe - S Mozambique (patchier near edges); patches S Congo, W Angola; (stierlingi -- SE Tanzania - extreme SE Angola south to NE South Africa excluding much of N Mozambique). Calamonastes fasciolatus Barred Wren-Warbler Camaroptère barrée African Wren-Warbler; Southern Barred Warbler fasciolatus; europhilus; pallidior DFW Camaroptera fasciolata Resident, thick bush in semi-arid savanna: SW Angola - C Namibia east to SW Zimbabwe - NC South Africa. Euryptila subcinnamomea Cinnamon-breasted Warbler Camaroptère cannelle Kopje Warbler Camaroptère à ventre cannelle subcinnamomea; petrophila; (HBW, ROB monotypic) Resident, bushes and small trees on rocky slopes: S Namibia to W South Africa but not south coast. Eminia lepida Grey-capped Warbler Eminie à calotte grise Resident, damp, dense undergrowth at forest edge: S Sudan, E DRC - SW quarter of Kenya, NW Tanzania. Hypergerus atriceps Oriole Warbler Noircap loriot Moho à tête noire Resident, thick undergrowth of forest edge, often near water: S Senegal - C CAR north of main forest area. 47 MUSCICAPIDAE Fraseria ocreata Fraser’s Forest Flycatcher Gobemouche forestier African Forest Flycatcher; Forest Flycatcher ocreata; prosphora; kelsalli Resident, forest: all of forest area to W Uganda. Fraseria cinerascens White-browed Forest Flycatcher Gobemouche à sourcils blancs ruthae; cinerascens Resident, forest near water: Senegal - Ghana (cinerascens); SW quarter Nigeria, S Cameroon, NW Angola east S CAR, C DRC (ruthae). Melaenornis brunneus Angola Slaty Flycatcher Gobemouche de l’Angola brunneus; bailunduensis SAM, IOC (+SS) Dioptrornis brunneus DFW subsumes into Melaenornis chocolatinus Resident, patches of montane forest, woodland along hill streams: W Angola. Melaenornis fischeri White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher Gobemouche de Fischer fischeri; toruensis; nyikensis; semicinctus SAM, IOC (+SS) Dioptrornis fischeri DFW subsumes into Melaenornis chocolatinus Resident, dense montane forest: East African highlands S Sudan - C Malawi in both Albertine and East African Rift Valleys. Melaenornis chocolatinus Abyssinian Slaty Flycatcher Gobemouche chocolat Slaty Flycatcher chocolatinus; reichenowi SAM, IOC, BL (+SS) Dioptrornis chocolatinus Resident, heavy woodland, coffee plantations, not too dense forest above 1800m asl: Eritrean and Ethiopian highlands. Melaenornis annamarulae Nimba Flycatcher Gobemouche du Libéria Gobemouche noir du Nimba Resident, tops of tall trees in forest: SE Guinea - Liberia; Tai Forest in Ivory Coast. Melaenornis ardesiacus Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher Gobemouche de Berlioz Gobemouche du Kivu Resident, edges and clearings of montane forest: Albertine Rift of E DRC, SW Uganda - N end L. Tanganyika. Melaenornis edolioides Northern Black Flycatcher Gobemouche drongo Western Black Flycatcher edolioides; lugubris; schistaceus (ZTP schistacea) Resident, moist woodland, riparian and other woodland, also more arid in some parts: guinea savanna zone Senegal - Eritrea, E Ethiopia and south in east to NW Tanzania. Melaenornis pammelaina Southern Black Flycatcher Gobemouche sud-africain Gobemouche noir australe pammelaina; diabolicus; ater; tropicalis; poliogyna (last 3 not in HM) Resident, open woodland especially miombo: all but NW and W Angola - SW Uganda, W Tanzania (with band across S Tanzania to NE) south to NE Namibia - east coast of South Africa and all but NE of Mozambique; isolated populations lower Congo R. and C Kenya - N Tanzania. Bradornis pallidus Pale Flycatcher Gobemouche pâle parvus; pallidus; modestus; bowdleri; duyerali; erlangeri; subalaris; bafirawari; murinus; aquaemontis (ROB incl in murinus); griseus; divisus; sibilans BoA, HM, BD Melaenornis pallidus Resident, all woodland types: all S of Sahara outside of forest areas south of Sahel zone except drier NE and SW and south of NE Namibia - NE South Africa. Bradornis infuscatus Chat Flycatcher Gobemouche traquet Brown Chat-Flycatcher infuscatus; seimundi; namaquensis; placidus; benguellensis BoA, HM Melaenornis infuscatus Resident, Acacia savanna and open plains in semi-arid: coastal strip W Angola, Namibia, Botswana (not in E), W half South Africa. Bradornis microrhynchus African Grey Flycatcher Gobemouche à petit bec Grey Flycatcher Gobemouche grisâtre neumanni; pumilus; burae; taruensis; microrhynchus BoA, HM Melaenornis microrhynchus SAM, IOC raise Bradornis pumilus Ethiopian Grey Flycatcher (Little Grey Flycatcher) Gobemouche de Sharpe Resident, open thornbush and scrub, clearings in woodland: extreme SE Sudan - N Somalia south to C and SW Tanzania; (pumilus -- C Ethiopia - N Somalia). 48 Bradornis mariquensis Marico Flycatcher Gobemouche du Marico Mariqua Flycatcher mariquensis; acaciae; territinctus BoA, HM Melaenornis mariquensis Resident, Acacia savanna: SW Angola - C Zimbabwe south to C Namibia, N South Africa. Sigelus silens Fiscal Flycatcher Gobemouche fiscal silens; lawsoni; (CMT monotypic) BoA, HM Melaenornis silens Resident and partial migrant, open areas with thickets and trees: South Africa (not in mts and driest NW); moves into SE Botswana and S Mozambique in non-breeding. Empidornis semipartitus Silverbird Gobemouche argenté Resident, Acacia grassland and semi-arid bush with scattered trees: S Sudan - W Kenya and Tanzania just to south of L. Victoria. Muscicapa striata Spotted Flycatcher Gobemouche gris striata; balearica; tyrrhenica; neumanni; sarudnyi; (HBW + inexpectata (+ROB); mongola (+ ROB presumed)) Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, open woodland and forest edges: breeds C Morocco - N Tunisia; winters all S of Sahara although less common in Sahel zone and north of S Kenya. Muscicapa gambagae Gambaga Flycatcher Gobemouche de Gambaga Resident, dry woodland: patchy all across guinea savanna zone C Mali, NE Ivory Coast - NW Somalia and south to N Uganda, S Kenya. Muscicapa caerulescens Ashy Flycatcher Gobemouche à lunettes brevicauda; caerulescens; vulturna; impavida; cinereola; nigrorum Resident, open woodland, thickets, riparian: Guinea - S Kenya, coastal SE Somalia south to S Angola - NE South Africa and south along E coast. Muscicapa aquatica Swamp Flycatcher Gobemouche des marais aquatica; infulata; lualabae; grimwoodi Resident, papyrus swamps, reed swamps, vegetation around pools: Senegal, W Mali, C Ivory Coast - NW CAR; SW Sudan - SW Kenya, NW Tanzania; upper Lualuba Lakes (SE DRC) (lualubae); L. Suye, Lukange Swamp (S Zambia) (grimwoodi). Muscicapa cassini Cassin’s Flycatcher Gobemouche de Cassin Cassin’s Grey Flycatcher Resident, forest near watercourses: all forest area - W Uganda and south just to NW Zambia. Muscicapa olivascens Olivaceous Flycatcher Gobemouche olivâtre olivascens; nimbae Resident, lowland primary forest: patches Guinea - S Gabon, W Congo; patch in E DRC. Muscicapa lendu Chapin’s Flycatcher Gobemouche de Chapin Gobemouche de Lendu itombwensis; lendu SAM, IOC raises Muscicapa itombwensis Itombwe Flycatcher (Itombwe Alseonax) Gobemouche d’Itombwe Resident, canopy of dense montane forest: Itombwe Mts in DRC (itombwensis); Lendu Plateau in E DRC, SW Uganda, Kakamega Forest in W Kenya (all lendu). Muscicapa adusta African Dusky Flycatcher Gobemouche sombre Dusky Flycatcher adusta; fuscula; subadusta; mesica; fuelleborni; murina; minima; marsabit; pumila; poensis (some authors=obscura but this preoccupied) Resident, clearings in forest, dense woodland: patchy Eritrea - E and S South Africa through Ethiopia, E DRC - W Kenya, S DRC Malawi, E Zimbabwe; patches in W Angola; N Cameroon - S Sudan (part of pumila); SE Nigeria, SW Cameroon, Bioko (poensis). Muscicapa epulata Little Grey Flycatcher Gobemouche cendré Resident, lowland forest, mainly secondary, dense cultivation: patchy Sierra Leone - NE DRC and mouth of Congo R.. Muscicapa sethsmithi Yellow-footed Flycatcher Gobemouche à pattes jaunes Gobemouche de Seth-Smith Resident, forest especially clearings and along tracks: SE Nigeria - SW CAR south to W Congo; NE quarter DRC. Muscicapa comitata Dusky-blue Flycatcher Gobemouche ardoisé comitata; aximensis; camerunensis Resident, forest especially in clearings: all of forest area. Muscicapa tessmanni Tessmann’s Flycatcher Gobemouche de Tessmann Resident, secondary forest, old dense cultivation: patchy S Ivory Coast, S Ghana, S Cameroon, NE DRC. Muscicapa infuscata Sooty Flycatcher Gobemouche enfumé Gobemouche fuligineux infuscata; minuscula Resident, clearings in forest: S Nigeria - E Uganda south to NW Angola, extreme NW Zambia. Muscicapa ussheri Ussher’s Flycatcher Gobemouche d’Ussher Resident, clearings and edges of forest: Sierra Leone - S Ghana. Muscicapa boehmi Böhm’s Flycatcher Gobemouche de Böhm Resident, miombo woodland: WC Angola - Malawi through N Zambia; patch in NWC Tanzania. 49 Myioparus griseigularis Grey-throated Tit-Flycatcher Gobemouche à gorge grise Grey-throated Flycatcher griseigularis; parelii (BD parelli) Resident, forest: forest area Liberia - C Uganda excluding most of NC DRC. Myioparus plumbeus Grey Tit-Flycatcher Gobemouche mésange Fan-tailed Flycatcher; Lead-coloured Flycatcher plumbeus; orientalis; catoleucus (BoA, CMT, ROB catoleucum) Resident, forest edges, secondary forest, miombo, light woodland: Senegal - SW Ethiopia south to SW Angola - NE South Africa but excluding NC DRC, most of C Angola, all of Kenya except SE and patch in W, most of Tanzania and coastal Mozambique. Stenostira scita Fairy Flycatcher Mignard enchanteur Fairy Warbler* Gobemouche des fées scita; rudebecki; saturatior DFW places Incertae sedis near Monarchidae; SAM, ROB place in Sylviidae; IOC, CMT place in Stenostiridae Intra-African migrant, dry thornbush, scrub: breeds most of South Africa east to Lesotho; moves north to S Namibia, SE Botswana. Ficedula hypoleuca European Pied Flycatcher Gobemouche noir Pied Flycatcher hypoleuca; sibirica (BoA = tomensis); iberiae; speculigera CMT, IOC raises Ficedula speculigera Atlas Pied Flycatcher (Atlas Flycatcher) Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds woodland, winters forest edge, savanna woodland: breeds highlands E Morocco - NW Tunisia (speculigera); winters mainly Guinea - W CAR south to N Gabon, rarer to all N DRC (all races). Ficedula albicollis Collared Flycatcher Gobemouche à collier Palearctic winter visitor, forest edge, moist woodland: mainly S DRC, SW Tanzania - C Zimbabwe. Ficedula semitorquata Semi-collared Flycatcher Gobemouche à demi-collier Half-collared Flycatcher Palearctic winter visitor, forest edge, light woodland, gardens: E DRC - SW Kenya south to W Tanzania. Ficedula parva Red-breasted Flycatcher Gobemouche nain parva; (CMT monotypic) Passage migrant, woodland, plantations: Tunisia - N Egypt; vagrant Senegal (2 records). Humblotia flavirostris Humblot’s Flycatcher Gobemouche des Comores Grand Comoro Flycatcher Resident, forest: Grand Comoro. MONARCHIDAE (SAM includes in Corvidae) HM places all Erythrocercus spp and all Elminia spp Incertae sedis near Pycnonotidae; ROB places both genera in Sylviidae; IOC places Erythrocercus spp in Cettidae and Elminia spp in Stenostiridae (the latter also by CMT) Erythrocercus mccallii Chestnut-capped Flycatcher Erythrocerque à tête rousse Gobemouche à tête rousse mccallii; nigeriae; congicus Resident, forest: patchy all of forest area (nigeriae -- Guinea - SW Nigeria; mccallii -- SE Nigeria - NW Angola - W DRC; congicus -- E DRC - W Uganda). Erythrocercus holochlorus Little Yellow Flycatcher Yellow Flycatcher Resident, coastal forest: S Somalia - NE Tanzania. Erythrocercus livingstonei Livingstone’s Flycatcher Erythrocerque jaune Petit Gobemouche jaune Erythrocerque de Livingstone Gobemouche de Livingstone francisi; livingstonei; thomsoni Resident, gallery forest, miombo woodland: SE Tanzania - S Mozambique inland to S Malawi and up Zambezi R. to Victoria Falls. Elminia longicauda African Blue Flycatcher Tchitrec bleu Blue Flycatcher; Blue Crested Flycatcher Gobemouche bleu; Elminie bleue teresita; longicauda Resident, wooded savanna, forest edges and clearings: patchy all of forest area Senegal - W Kenya - NW Angola. Elminia albicauda White-tailed Blue Flycatcher Blue and White Crested Flycatcher Tchitrec à queue blanche Gobemouche à queue blanche; Elminie à queue blanche Resident, lowland and midlevel evergreen forest, also woodland: SW Uganda - S Malawi west to C Angola. 50 Elminia nigromitrata Dusky Crested Flycatcher Dusky Elminia Tchitrec à tête noire Gobemouche huppé à tête noire; Elminie à tête noire nigromitrata; colstoni SAM, ZTP (+SF) Trochocercus nigromitratus; IOC Elminia nigromitratus Resident, all forest: patchy all of forest area. Elminia albiventris White-bellied Crested Flycatcher Tchitrec à ventre blanc White-bellied Elminia Gobemouche huppé à ventre blanc; Elminie à ventre blanc albiventris; toroensis SAM (+SF) Trochocercus albiventris Resident, montane forest: SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, Bioko (albiventris); NE DRC, W Uganda, W Rwanda (toroensis). Elminia albonotata White-tailed Crested Flycatcher Tchitrec à queue frangée White-tipped Crested Flycatcher; WhiteGobemouche huppé à queue blanche; tailed Elminia Elminie à queue blanche albonotata; subcaerulea; swynnertoni SAM, ZTP (+SF) Trochocercus albonotatus (races albonotatus, subcaeruleus); IOC Elminia albonotatus Resident, montane and submontane forests: Albertine Rift, Mt Elgon south to E Zimbabwe via Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) - NW Mozambique. Trochocercus cyanomelas Blue-mantled Crested Flycatcher Tchitrec du Cap African Crested Flycatcher; Blue-mantled Gobemouche huppé du Cap Paradise Flycatcher bivittatus; cyanomelas; vivax; megalolophus; segregus Resident, dense moist thickets in forest: W Uganda - N and NW Zambia (vivax); S Somalia - SE Tanzania (bivittatus); Malawi, N Mozambique - E Zimbabwe, NE South Africa (megalolophus); E and S coasts of South Africa (segregus, cyanomelas). Trochocercus nitens Blue-headed Crested Flycatcher Tchitrec noir Blue-headed Paradise Flycatcher Gobemouche huppé noir nitens; reichenowi Resident, lowland and midlevel forest: rather patchy all of forest area. Terpsiphone viridis African Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec d’Afrique Paradise Flycatcher Moucherolle de paradis speciosa; viridis; ferreti; suahelica; kivuensis; restricta; ungujaensis; plumbeiceps; granti Resident, savanna woodland of all types, open forest: all S of Sahara except drier NE and SW. Terpsiphone atrochalybeia São Tomé Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec du São Tomé Moucherolle de São Tomé Resident, forest: São Tomé. Terpsiphone corvina Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec des Seychelles Seychelles Black Paradise Flycatcher Resident, native woodland: La Digue (Seychelles). Moucherolle noir Terpsiphone mutata Tchitrec malgache Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher* Moucherolle malgache mutata; singetra; pretiosa; vulpina; voeltzkowiana; comorensis (some authors have as comoroensis) Resident, forest, savannas, parks: Madagascar (singetra, mutata); Grand Comoro (comoroensis); Mohéli (voeltzkowiana); Anjouan (vulpina); Mayotte (pretiosa). Terpsiphone bourbonnensis Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec des Mascareignes Moucherolle de l’Ile Maurice bourbonnensis; desolata Resident, forest, edges, gardens: Réunion (bourbonnensis); Mauritius (desolata). Terpsiphone rufocinerea Rufous-vented Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec du Congo Moucherolle du Congo Resident, thickets in open marshes and undergrowth in flooded forest: SW Cameroon - W Gabon - NW Angola. Terpsiphone batesi Bates’s Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec de Bates batesi; bannermani DFW, SAM (+BL presumed) subsume into Terpsiphone rufocinerea Resident, forest: S Cameroon, NE Gabon, Congo, NW Angola and northern half of DRC. Terpsiphone rufiventer Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec à ventre roux Black-headed Paradise Flycatcher Moucherolle à ventre roux neumanni; tricolor; rufiventer; nigriceps; smithii; ignea; fagani; schubotzi; mayombe; emini; somereni IOC, BD (+SS) raise Terpsiphone smithii Annobon Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec d’Annobon Resident, lowland and montane forest: all of forest area. Terpsiphone bedfordi Bedford’s Paradise Flycatcher Tchitrec de Bedford Moucherolle de Bedford Resident, lowland primary forest: 2 separate populations NE and E DRC. 51 PLATYSTEIRIDAE (SAM includes in Corvidae (Malaconotinae); ROB places in Malaconotidae) Megabyas flammulatus Shrike-Flycatcher Bias écorcheur African Shrike-Flycatcher; Red-eyed Shrike-Flycatcher Gobemouche écorcheur flammulatus; aequatorialis SAM, ZTP Bias flammulatus Resident, forest and edges: all of forest area Guinea - SW Kenya; Bioko; patch in S DRC. Bias musicus Black-and-white Flycatcher Bias musicien Black-and-White Shrike-Flycatcher; Vanga Gobemouche chanteur Flycatcher musicus; changamwensis; clarens; (HBW monotypic) Resident, forest and secondary growth: all of forest area (musicus); coastal S Kenya - C Mozambique with gap in S Tanzania, N Mozambique (changamwensis to north of gap, clarens to south). CMT, SAM, BL subsume all Dyaphorophyia spp into Platysteira Dyaphorophyia castanea Chestnut Wattle-eye Pririt châtain Gobemouche caronculé châtain castanea; hormophora Resident, forest: all of forest area to W Kenya. Dyaphorophyia tonsa White-spotted Wattle-eye Pririt à taches blanches Gobemouche caronculé à taches blanches Resident, mature lowland forest: SE Nigeria - SW CAR south to N Congo; E DRC. Dyaphorophyia blissetti Red-cheeked Wattle-eye Pririt de Blissett Blissett’s Wattle-eye (BoA, HBW + chalybea; blissetti; jamesoni here considered 3 separate species) Resident, dense undergrowth in degraded forest: Sierra Leone - SW Cameroon. Gobemouche caronculé à joues rouges Dyaphorophyia chalybea Pririt chalybée Black-necked Wattle-eye Reichenow’s Wattle-eye BoA, HBW subsume into Dyaphorophyia blissetti Resident, dense undergrowth in degraded forest: Bioko; Cameroon - N Gabon; W Angola. Dyaphorophyia jamesoni Jameson’s Wattle-eye Gobemouche caronculé à cou noir Pririt de Jameson Gobemouche caronculé de Jameson BoA, HBW subsume into Dyaphorophyia blissetti Resident, dense undergrowth in degraded forest: E DRC - W Kenya, NW Tanzania, extreme S Sudan. Dyaphorophyia concreta Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye Pririt à ventre doré Gobemouche caronculé à ventre doré graueri; concreta; ansorgei; kungwensis Resident, primary forest: Sierra Leone - S Ghana (concreta); SE Nigeria, SW CAR - Gabon; E DRC, SW Uganda - Burundi (both graueri); Mt Kungwe (W Tanzania) (kungwensis); W Angola (ansorgei). Platysteira cyanea Brown-throated Wattle-eye Pririt à collier Scarlet-spectacled Wattle-eye; Common Wattle-eye Gobemouche caronculé collier cyanea; nyansae; aethiopica Resident, wooded habitat outside primary forest: Senegal - N Ethiopia south to W DRC - NW Tanzania. Platysteira albifrons White-fronted Wattle-eye Pririt à front blanc Gobemouche caronculé à front blanc Resident, dry thickets in woodland: coastal W Angola from Congo R. mouth to Benguela. Platysteira peltata Black-throated Wattle-eye Pririt à gorge noir Gobemouche caronculé à gorge noir peltata; mentalis; cryptoleuca; (BoA, HM (+ROB presumed) + laticincta here considered a separate species) Resident, dense evergreen vegetation especially montane: Angola - W Kenya south to NE South Africa and up coast of Tanzania to S Somalia (excluding much of inland Tanzania and N Mozambique). Platysteira laticincta Banded Wattle-eye Pririt de Bamenda BoA, DFW, HM (+ROB presumed) subsume into Platysteira peltata Resident, dense evergreen, montane vegetation: Bamenda Highlands (Cameroon). The French name of all Batis spp can be Batis … as well as Pririt … Batis diops Ruwenzori Batis Resident, montane evergreen forest: Albertine Rift Mts. Pririt du Ruwenzori 52 Batis margaritae Margaret’s Batis Pririt de Boulton Boulton’s Batis Batis de Margaret kathleenae; margaritae Resident, evergreen forest and some dry forest: Mt Moco (W Angola) (margaritae); S DRC, NW Zambia (kathleenae). Batis mixta Forest Batis Pririt à queue courte Short-tailed Batis mixta; ultima Resident, forest thickets, woodland: SE Kenya (ultima); NE Tanzania in narrow belt to N Malawi (mixta); (crypta -- Uluguru Mts and south). Batis crypta Dark Batis Pririt obscur A recently described species from within Batis mixta so not in any except HBW, IOC, BL Resident, forest thickets: Uluguru Mts (Tanzania). Batis capensis Cape Batis Pririt du Cap capensis; hollidayi; erythrophthalma; kennedyi; dimorpha; sola; reichenowi SAM, HBW, IOC (+SS) raise Batis reichenowi Reichenow’s Batis Pririt de Reichenow; SAM (+SS) raise Batis dimorpha Malawi Batis Pririt du Malawi Resident, temperate forest: small patch SE Tanzania (reichenowi); N Malawi, N Mozambique (sola, dimorpha); SC Zimbabwe (kennedyi); E Highlands of Zimbabwe (erythrophthalma); S Mozambique, NE South Africa along E and S coasts (capensis, hollidayi). Batis fratrum Woodwards' Batis Pririt de Woodward Zululand Batis (ROB + fratrum, sheppardi and 1 more race) Resident, forests and thickets: S Malawi, SE Zimbabwe - extreme E South Africa. Pririt de frères Woodward Batis molitor Pririt molitor Chinspot Batis molitor; palliditergum; pintoi; puella Resident, wooded habitats especially Acacia: N Angola - S Kenya (outlier in S Sudan) south to N Namibia, Angola - NE South Africa and south along east coast South Africa but excluding much of coastal Tanzania, N Mozambique. Batis soror Pale Batis Pririt pâle **East Coast Batis; **Mozambique Batis Batis du Mozambique Resident, woodland (especially miombo), also bush and forest in places: coastal Kenya south to just S of R. Save in Mozambique inland to SE Malawi, extreme E Zimbabwe; Zanzibar, Mafia Is (off Tanzania). Batis pririt Pririt Batis Pririt de Vieillot Batis pririt pririt; affinis Resident, thorny Acacia woodland: SW Angola - NW and W South Africa but not to S coast. Batis senegalensis Senegal Batis Pririt du Sénégal Resident, dry thorn scrub, woody savannas: S Mauritania, Senegal - NC Cameroon. Batis orientalis Grey-headed Batis Pririt à tête grise Batis oriental bella (HM incl in orientalis); orientalis; chadensis; lynesi Resident, dry savanna woodlands, often near streams: L. Chad, NE Cameroon east to NE Sudan, Eritrea, N Somalia, N Kenya; separate patch coastal S Somalia, Kenya. Batis minor Black-headed Batis Pririt à joues noires Eastern Black-headed Batis* erlangeri; minor; suahelicus (HM incl in minor) HBW, IOC raise Batis erlangeri Western Black-headed Batis Pririt d’Erlanger (races erlangeri, congoensis) (B. minor becomes Eastern Black-headed Batis) Resident, woodland, in drier parts usually near water: S Somalia (minor) - C Tanzania inland to Mt Kilimanjaro (suahelicus); W Cameroon - Eritrea north of forest and south in east to Burundi, SW Kenya, SW Ethiopia, NW Somalia and south of forest in S Congo, SW DRC, patch in NW Angola (erlangeri). Batis perkeo Pygmy Batis Pririt pygmée Batis nain Resident, trees and scrub in arid areas, wooded areas: S Ethiopia, S Somalia south to NE Tanzania. Batis minulla Angola Batis Pririt de l’Angola Resident, evergreen thickets in woodland: S Congo, W DRC, Cabinda and escarpment (W Angola); patches in N Congo, N DRC. Batis minima Verreaux’s Batis Pririt de Verreaux Gabon Batis* Resident, forest edge, secondary growth: small patch S Cameroon - Gabon. Batis à tête grise Batis ituriensis Pririt de l’Ituri Ituri Batis Resident, degraded forest: NE DRC, W Uganda. 53 Batis poensis Bioko Batis Pririt de Fernando Po Fernando Po Batis* [Pririt de Lawson] occulta; poensis CMT, SAM, BL (+SS) raise Batis occulta (SAM B. occultus) West African Batis Pririt de Lawson Resident, degraded forest, plantations: Bioko (poensis); patchy Sierra Leone - Cameroon, N Gabon, N Congo (occulta). Lanioturdus torquatus White-tailed Shrike Lanielle à queue blanche Chatshrike DFW, HBW place in Malaconotidae; SAM places in Corvidae (as other Malaconotidae) Resident, miombo and mopane woodland: SW Angola, NW Namibia. PICATHARTIDAE (DFW places Incertae sedis near Timaliidae) Picathartes gymnocephalus White-necked Picathartes Picatharte de Guinée White-necked Rockfowl*; Yellowheaded Picathartes Resident, rocky hillsides in forest: Guinea - Ghana. Picatharte à cou blanc Picathartes oreas Picatharte du Cameroun Grey-necked Picathartes Grey-necked Rockfowl*; Red-headed Picathartes Resident, rugged areas in undisturbed forest: SE Nigeria - NE Gabon, Bioko. Picatharte à cou gris TIMALIIDAE (SAM, ROB include in Sylviidae) HM has English name for all ….Illadopsis as …..Thrush-Babbler Illadopsis rufipennis Pale-breasted Illadopsis Akalat à poitrine blanche Grive-Akalat à poitrine blanche rufipennis; extrema; distans; puguensis (CMT pugensis, HBW incl in distans, not in HM); bocagei (BoA, CMT incl in rufipennis)) Resident, all forest types: Sierra Leone - Ghana (extrema); SW Nigeria - SW CAR south to Cabinda (Angola), Congo, NE quarter DRC SW Kenya (rufipennis); Bioko (bocagei); S Kenya, Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania), Zanzibar (distans); Pugu Hills (Tanzania) (puguensis). Illadopsis fulvescens Brown Illadopsis Akalat brun Grive-Akalat brun fulvescens; ugandae; dilutior; gularis; moloneyana (BoA maloneyana); iboensis Resident, thick vegetation in lowland forest: Guinea-Bissau (outliers to Senegal) - W Kenya; outliers NC Nigeria, SE Sudan, NW Angola. Illadopsis pyrrhoptera Mountain Illadopsis Akalat montagnard Grive-akalat de montagne pyrrhoptera; nyasae Resident, montane and midlevel forest: Albertine Rift Mts, W Kenya (pyrrhoptera); N Malawi (nyasae). Illadopsis albipectus Scaly-breasted Illadopsis Akalat à poitrine écaillée Grive-Akalat à poitrine écaillée (HM, HBW + barakae; albipectus; HBW + trensei) Resident, lowland forest: N half DRC - SE Sudan, W Kenya; outlier NW Angola (‘trensei’). Illadopsis cleaveri Blackcap Illadopsis Akalat à tête noire Black-capped Thrush-Babbler Grive-Akalat à tête noire batesi; johnsoni; cleaveri; marchanti; poensis Resident, lowland forest: Sierra Leone - SW Ghana (johnsoni (east to W Liberia), cleaveri); SW Nigeria - extreme SW CAR south to Gabon and just into NW Congo (batesi, marchanti); Bioko (poensis). Illadopsis rufescens Rufous-winged Illadopsis Akalat à ailes rouses Grive-akalat du Libéria Resident, forest undergrowth: SW Guinea - S Ghana; outlier SW Senegal. Illadopsis puveli Puvel’s Illadopsis Akalat de Puvel Grive-Akalat de Puvel puveli; strenuipes Resident, lowland forest undergrowth: patches S Senegal - S Togo (puveli); S Nigeria - C Cameroon and patches to W Uganda (strenuipes). 54 Kakamega poliothorax Grey-chested Illadopsis Grive-Akalat à poitrine grise Grey-chested Babbler*; Grey-chested Thrush-Babbler; Grey-chested Kakamega Akalat à poitrine grise IOC places in Promeropidae Resident, undergrowth of montane forest: extreme SE Nigeria, W Cameroon; Bioko; Albertine Rift Mts; W Kenya. Pseudoalcippe abyssinica African Hill Babbler Akalat à tête sombre Abyssinian Hill-Babbler Alcippe à tête grise abyssinica; monachus (BoA monacha); claudei; atriceps; stierlingi; stictigula (HBW incl in stierlingi) SAM Illadopsis abyssinica HBW, IOC, SAM raise Pseudalcippe (SAM as Illadopsis) atriceps Ruwenzori Hill-Babbler Akalat du Ruwenzori Resident, montane forest: Bioko (claudei); SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, Albertine Rift Mts (atriceps); Mt Cameroon (monachus); Ethiopia, SE Sudan, W and C Kenya, Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) - N Malawi, SW Tanzania; small area in W Angola (other races). Ptyrticus turdinus Spotted Thrush-Babbler Akalat à dos roux Thrush-Babbler Grive-Akalat à dos roux turdinus; harterti; upembae Resident, swampy woodland, riparian forest: Adamawa Plateau (Cameroon) (harterti); S Sudan, N DRC border area (turdinus); S DRC and just into NW Zambia, NE Angola (upembae). HM notes that Turdoides species names and race names are often incorrectly spelt as T. …us. Many changes are incorporated in the below which conforms to HM spelling throughout except where the form is only mentioned by another author in which case their spelling is used. Turdoides plebejus Brown Babbler Cratérope brun cinerea; plebejus; platycirca HM spells it plebejus (species + race) and not plebeja but does change cinerea and platycirca cf most authors Resident, all wooded savannas, often near rocks: S Mauritania - Guinea east to C Sudan, SW Ethiopia, SW Kenya to north of forest area. Turdoides jardineii Arrow-marked Babbler Cratérope fléché Cratérope de Jardine jardineii; tamalakanae (HM, ROB tamalakanei); kirkii (ZTP kirki); emini; tanganjicae; hyposticta; (HBW, ROB + convergens; ROB has one more race in Africa) Resident, dense bush, thickets, tree savanna: S half DRC - S Kenya south to S Angola - NE South Africa, perhaps with some gaps. Turdoides leucocephala White-headed Babbler Cratérope à tête blanche Cretzschmar’s Babbler Resident, dense scrub by wadis and arid Acacia woodland: E Sudan, N Eritrea, NW Ethiopia. Turdoides reinwardtii Blackcap Babbler Cratérope à tête noire Reinwardt’s Babbler stictilaema; reinwardtii DFW, BL Turdoides reinwardii Resident, wooded ravines, gallery forest, thickets: Senegal - S Chad; patches in S CAR perhaps connected. Turdoides tenebrosa Dusky Babbler Cratérope ombré Cratérope fuligineux Resident, dense undergrowth near water in wooded hill country: SW Ethiopia; NE DRC, S Sudan, NW Uganda; patches N CAR, SW Sudan. Turdoides leucopygia White-rumped Babbler Cratérope à croupion blanc Northern White-rumped Babbler smithii; leucopygia; limbata; lacuum; omoensis Resident, open stony areas with light woodland, forest edges: Eritrea, Ethiopia extending just to E Sudan and NW Somalia. Turdoides hartlaubii Hartlaub’s Babbler Cratérope de Hartlaub (Southern) White-rumped Babbler; Angola Babbler hartlaubii; griseosquamata DFW subsumes into Turdoides leucopygia (as T. leucopygius) Resident, tall dense vegetation in marshy valleys with bushes: S half Angola - N Botswana east to SW Tanzania and N half Zambia with narrow arm north up E DRC to Rwanda. Turdoides melanops Black-faced Babbler Cratérope masqué [Black-lored Babbler] melanops; querula; (HM + angolensis) Resident, any woodland, thickets: SW Angola - NW Botswana. Turdoides sharpei Black-lored Babbler Cratérope de Sharpe Sharpe’s Babbler; Sharpe’s Pied Babbler sharpei; vepres DFW subsumes into Turdoides melanops Resident, wooded plains, forest edge, thick bush at mid-levels: E DRC, Uganda, W Kenya to W half Tanzania. 55 Turdoides bicolor Southern Pied Babbler Cratérope bicolore Resident, semi-arid savanna woodland: N Namibia - S Zimbabwe south to N South Africa. Turdoides hindei Hinde’s Pied Babbler Cratérope pie de Hinde Hinde’s Babbler* Cratérope de Hinde Resident, cultivation edges, open areas with cover in semi-arid areas: small area of C Kenya. Turdoides hypoleuca Northern Pied Babbler Cratérope bigarré Cratérope pie hypoleuca; rufuensis Resident, bushland, edges of dry forest, gardens: SC Kenya, NC Tanzania (hypoleuca); Usambara Mts and nearby (Tanzania) (rufuensis). Turdoides squamulata Scaly Babbler Cratérope maillé squamulata; carolinae; jubaensis Resident, riverine thickets, forest and woodland undergrowth, coastal bush: 5-6 separate populations SE Ethiopia, S Somalia, coastal S Somalia - NE Tanzania. Turdoides gymnogenys Bare-cheeked Babbler Cratérope à joues nues (HM, HBW, ROB + gymnogenys; kaokensis) Resident, bare rocky ground among thick woody vegetation in watercourses, hillsides: SW Angola - NW Namibia. Turdoides fulva Fulvous Babbler Cratérope fauve Fulvous Chatterer acaciae; buchanani; fulva; maroccana Resident, thorny desert thickets and scrub: Western Sahara around N edge of desert to NW Libya (maroccana, fulva); SW Mauritania and then C Mali - Nile in Sudan; Red Sea coast S Egypt - Djibouti; patches in Sahara Desert in SE Algeria, SW Libya; Red Sea coast Sudan - C Eritrea; (acaciae in east, buchanani in west). Turdoides squamiceps Arabian Babbler Cratérope écaillé Resident, bushes and thickets adjacent to semi-desert and desert areas: NE Sinai; vagrant Djibouti. Turdoides rubiginosa Rufous Chatterer Cratérope rubigineux Rusty Babbler rubiginosa; schnitzeri (BoA, CMT = sharpii (ZTP sharpei)); heuglini; bowdleri (BoA, CMT = emini); (HBW notes sharpii and emini are preoccupied) Resident, thickets, scrub in dry woodland: SE Sudan - NE Ethiopia south to N Tanzania east of L. Victoria - coastal Somalia but gap in NE Kenya and SW Somalia away from coast. Turdoides aylmeri Scaly Chatterer Cratérope d’Aylmer Bare-eyed Babbler Cratérope ardoisé aylmeri; boranensis; keniana; mentalis Resident, thickets in arid areas: SE Ethiopia, all Somalia except NE (mostly aylmeri); S end L. Turkana; SE Kenya, NE Tanzania. Phyllanthus atripennis Capuchin Babbler Phyllanthe capucin Cratérope capucin atripennis; rubiginosus (BoA, CMT = haynesi); bohndorffi Resident, thick tangles at forest edges, secondary forest: patchy Senegal - W Cameroon; also NE DRC with some records in between (bohndorffi). Lioptilus nigricapillus Bush Blackcap Lioptile à calotte noire Timalie à tête noire Resident and altitudinal migrant, edges of montane forests and nearby thickets: all along mts in E South Africa. Kupeornis gilberti White-throated Mountain Babbler Phyllanthe à gorge blanche Timalie à gorge blanche Resident, canopy of primary montane forest: extreme SE Nigeria, SW Cameroon. Kupeornis rufocinctus Red-collared Babbler Red-collared Mountain Babbler Resident, montane forest: extreme E DRC, SW Rwanda, W Uganda. Kupeornis chapini Phyllanthe à collier roux Timalie à collier roux Chapin’s Babbler Phyllanthe de Chapin Chapin’s Mountain Babbler Timalie de Chapin chapini; nyombensis; kalindei Resident, midlevel forests (lower altitude than rufocinctus): small area of NE DRC. Parophasma galinieri Abyssinian Catbird Phyllanthe de Galinier Juniper Babbler Timalie d’Abyssinie CMT places in Sylviidae Resident, dense thickets in montane forests: mts of Ethiopia, Eritrea. Panurus biarmicus Bearded Reedling Bearded Parrotbill; Bearded Tit biarmicus HBW places in Paradoxornithidae; IOC, CMT place in Panuridae Vagrant: old records in Morocco, Algeria. Panure à moustaches 56 Horizorhinus dohrni Dohrn’s Thrush-Babbler Gobemouche de Dohrn Príncipe Thrush-Babbler; Príncipe Flycatcher-Babbler Cratérope de Príncipe SAM places in Muscicapidae Resident, all woody habitats: Príncipe Is. Incertae sedis near Timaliidae The Chaetops and Achaetops species: BoA has 2 species (both in Chaetops) in Timaliidae; DFW, HM have 2 species (DFW in different genera) Incertae sedis near Timaliidae; CMT, HBW have 3 species (CMT all in Chaetops, HBW in different genera as below) in Chaetopidae (CMT) or Timaliidae (HBW); SAM has Achaetops in Sylviidae (as for all other Timaliidae) and Chaetops (2 species) in Picathartidae; IOC has Achaetops Incertae sedis near Sylviidae (with Sylvietta spp and others) and 2 species of Chaetops in Chaetopidae; BL has Achaetops in Sylviidae, and 2 Chaetops species in Turdidae; ROB has 2 Chaetops in Chaetopidae and Achaetops in Sylviidae; SL, SS have 3 species. Achaetops pycnopygius Rockrunner Damara Rockjunper Achétopse à flancs roux Fauvette des Damaras; Chétopse à flancs roux pycnopygius; spadix BoA, CMT, HM Chaetops pycnopygius Resident, dry rocky slopes with thorn bush: SW Angola - C Namibia. Chaetops frenatus Cape Rockjumper Chétopse bridé Rufous Rockjumper; Rockjumper Sauteur des rochers Resident, fynbos covered mts with plenty of bare rock: SW Cape east to about Graaf-Reinet (South Africa). Chaetops aurantius Drakensberg Rockjumper Chétopse doré Orange-breasted Rockjumper BoA, DFW, HM subsume into Chaetops frenatus Resident, fynbos covered mts with plenty of bare rock, escarpments: E Cape - Lesotho, Orange Free State, KZ-Natal (South Africa). BoA places both Modulatrix (Arcanator) species in Turdidae; DFW, CMT, HBW place in Timaliidae (but HBW notes they are probably closer to Promeropidae); IOC places in Promeropidae; HM places Incertae sedis near Timaliidae; SAM places in Sylviidae (sens. lat.); BL places them in Muscicapidae. Modulatrix stictigula Spot-throat Modulatrice à lunettes Grive à gorge tachetée; Grive-akalat à gorge tachetée pressa; stictigula; (HBW monotypic) Resident, montane forests and nearby: Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) - N Malawi. Modulatrix orostruthus Dappled Mountain-Robin Modulatrice grivelée Dapple-throat Grive tachetée; Grive-akalat tachetée amani (CMT armani); orostruthus; sanjei BoA, CMT, HBW, IOC, SAM Arcanator orostruthus Resident, wet mid-level and montane forest: 3 isolated populations: E Usambara Mts (Tanzania) (amani); E escarpment of Udzungwa Mts (Tanzania) (sanjei); Mt Namuli (Mozambique) (orostruthus). AEGITHALIDAE Aegithalos caudatus Long-tailed Tit Mésange à longue queue Long-tailed Bushtit* Vagrant: Morocco, flock in Tunisia 1957. PARIDAE CMT splits Parus spp into Lophophanes (cristatus), Periparus (ater), Cyanistes (caeruleus) and Melaniparus for all the rest except P. major which is retained in Parus. Other differences are noted explicitly in the below. Parus fasciiventer Stripe-breasted Tit fasciiventer; tanganjicae; kaboboensis Resident, clearings and edges of montane forest: Albertine Rift Mts. Mésange à ventre strié 57 Parus griseiventris Miombo Tit Mésange à ventre gris Miombo Grey Tit Resident, mature miombo and Uapaca woodland: band in C Angola; S DRC - SW Tanzania south to SW Zambia - E and C Zimbabwe. Parus cinerascens Ashy Tit Mésange cendrée cinerascens; orphnus (CMT, HBW incl in cinerascens); benguelae Resident, dry savanna woodland, scrub: SW Angola, all but coastal Namibia east to E Zimbabwe - NC South Africa. Parus afer Grey Tit Mésange petit-deuil Southern Grey Tit Mésange grise australe afer; arens Resident, arid karoo and fynbos in open rocky areas: extreme SW Namibia - SE South Africa. Parus thruppi Acacia Tit Mésange somalienne Northern Grey Tit; Somali Tit thruppi; barakae Resident, arid Acacia woodland, Commiphora scrub: Somalia (except NE and coastal strip) in band SW across Ethiopia to N and WC Kenya (not SW) whence S and SE to NE Tanzania. Parus major Great Tit Mésange charbonnière Red-throated Tit Mésange à gorge rousse excelsus Resident, woods: S Morocco - NW Tunisia. Parus fringillinus Resident, Acacia xanthophloea and similar woodland: SC Kenya, NC Tanzania. Parus funereus Dusky Tit Mésange enfumée Mésange ardoisée funereus; gabela Resident, canopy of dense primary forest and edges: patchy S Cameroon - E Uganda; few isolated patches west to Guinea. Parus albiventris White-bellied Tit Mésange à ventre blanc White-bellied Black Tit Resident edges of montane forest, open woodland, gardens: SE Nigeria, W Cameroon; extreme SE Sudan, W and S Kenya, NE and C Tanzania. Parus leuconotus White-backed Black Tit Mésange à dos blanc White-backed Tit* Resident, bushy and wooded gorges in mts: Ethiopia, Eritrea. Parus rufiventris Rufous-bellied Tit Mésange à ventre cannelle rufiventris; masukuensis; pallidiventris; (HM, HBW, ROB + diligens; HM, HBW + stentopicus (HBW, ROB stenotopicus; ROB incl in pallidiventris); (ROB has 5 races in Africa) SAM, HBW, IOC (+SL, SS) raise Parus pallidiventris Cinnamon-breasted Tit (races pallidiventris, stentopicus) Resident, miombo and other similar woodlands: W and S DRC, Angola, NE Namibia east to SW Tanzania, Malawi (rufiventris, masukuensis (+diligens); S Tanzania, N Mozambique, E Zimbabwe (pallidiventris (+stentopicus)). Parus leucomelas White-winged Black Tit Mésange à épaulettes White-shouldered Black Tit; Northern Mésange à épaulettes blanches Black Tit; White-winged Tit leucomelas; insignis; (BoA, HM + guineensis here considered a separate species) Resident, mature woodland and wooded farmland: highlands of Ethiopia (leucomelas); S Congo, N half Angola east to Rwanda, SW and S Tanzania, Malawi, all but S Zambia (insignis). Parus guineensis White-shouldered Black Tit Mésange galonnée White-shouldered Tit BoA, DFW, HM, BL, ZTP subsume into Parus leucomelas Resident, mature woodland and wooded farmland: Senegal - S Sudan, W Ethiopia, W Kenya. Parus carpi Carp’s Tit Mésange de Carp Carp’s Black Tit* DFW subsumes into Parus niger; SAM subsumes into Parus leucomelas Resident, woodland, especially mopane: SW Angola, NW Namibia. Parus niger Southern Black Tit Mésange nègre Black Tit Mésange noire australe niger; ravidus; xanthostomus Resident, broad-leaved savanna woodland: SE Angola, NE Namibia east to Malawi, Mozambique (all but N), N South Africa and south along SE coast South Africa. Parus cristatus Crested Tit European Crested Tit* weigoldi IOC (and CMT) Lophophanes cristatus Vagrant: Morocco. Mésange huppée 58 Parus ater Coal Tit Mésange noire atlas; ledouci; ater HBW, IOC (+CMT) Periparus ater Resident, evergreen woods mainly montane: Atlas Mts in Morocco, NE Algeria (atlas, ledouci); (ater is vagrant). Parus caeruleus Blue Tit Mésange bleue ultramarinus; cyrenaicae; ombriosus; palmensis; teneriffae; degener IOC, HBW (+CMT) Cyanistes caeruleus (for IOC (+CMT) this is extralimital) CMT, IOC have as Cyanistes teneriffae African Blue Tit (all these races) and separate from (extralimital) Parus (Cyanistes) caeruleus (this group also sometimes known as Cyanistes ultramarinus) HBW raises Parus (Cyanistes) teneriffae Canary Islands Blue Tit (races ombriosus, palmensis, teneriffae, degener) Resident, gardens, thickets, woodland, oak forests: N Morocco - N Tunisia (ultramarinus); patch in NE Libya (cyrenaicae); Canary Is (degener in E islands, teneriffae in C islands, palmensis in La Palma, ombriosus in El Hierro). REMIZIDAE (SAM, ROB include in Paridae) Anthoscopus flavifrons Forest Penduline Tit Rémiz à front jaune flavifrons; waldronae (BoA, CMT, HM waldroni); ruthae HBW notes specifically that waldronae is the correct spelling Resident, lowland rainforest: Liberia - SW Ghana (waldroni); SE Nigeria - NW Gabon and N and NE DRC (flavifrons); E DRC near L. Kivu (ruthae). Anthoscopus parvulus Yellow Penduline Tit Rémiz à ventre jaune West African Penduline Tit senegalensis; aureus; parvulus; (HM monotypic) Resident, semi-arid, soudanian and guinea savanna woodland: Senegal - S Sudan perhaps with some gaps. Anthoscopus punctifrons Sennar Penduline Tit Rémiz de Soudan Resident, semi-desert or desert steppes: Sahel zone Senegal - N Eritrea. Anthoscopus musculus Mouse-coloured Penduline Tit Rémiz souris Resident, arid Acacia woodland and thorn scrub: lowlands of C Ethiopia; SE Sudan across N Kenya to SW Somalia and south to Mt Kilimanjaro area of N Tanzania. Anthoscopus caroli Grey Penduline Tit Rémiz de Carol African Penduline Tit Rémiz de Carl caroli; hellmayri; robertsi; winterbottomi; roccatii (ZTP roccattii); ansorgei; rhodesiae; pallescens; sylviella; sharpei; rankinei; (ROB has 9 races in Africa, ie loses 2 of these) SAM raises Anthoscopus sylviella Buff-bellied Penduline Tit Remiz de Roungoué Resident, savanna woodland, forest edges: S Uganda, S Kenya south to NE Tanzania - NE South Africa, patches in WC Angola, Congo, S DRC; absent from much of W and C Tanzania; (sylviella -- SC Kenya - NC Tanzania). Anthoscopus minutus Cape Penduline Tit Rémiz minute Southern Penduline Tit Rémiz du Cap damarensis; minutus; gigi Resident, arid tree and scrub savanna: extreme SW Angola - C Zimbabwe and south but absent from much of E and coastal Namibia and C Botswana, E quarter South Africa. Remiz pendulinus Eurasian Penduline Tit Rémiz penduline Tit-hylia Mésangette rayée pendulinus Vagrant: Morocco, Egypt. Pholidornis rushiae Astrild-mésange ussheri; rushiae; bedfordi; denti DFW places Incertae sedis near to Remizidae; IOC places in Cettidae Resident, forest edges, secondary forest: patchy all forest area. SITTIDAE Sitta ledanti Algerian Nuthatch Sittelle kabyle Resident, cool montane forest: 4 areas in Petite Kabylie Mts (NE Algeria). Sitta europaea Eurasian Nuthatch Wood Nuthatch hispaniensis (BoA, CMT separate race atlas) Resident, mature woods in mts: Atlas Mts in Morocco. Sittelle torchepot 59 Tichodroma muraria Wallcreeper Tichodrome échelette muraria CMT, HBW, IOC place in Tichodromidae Vagrant: a few old records in Morocco, Algeria. CERTHIIDAE Certhia brachydactyla Short-toed Treecreeper Grimpereau des jardins mauritanica Resident, woods: C Morocco - extreme NW Tunisia. Salpornis spilonotus Spotted Creeper Grimpereau tacheté Spotted Tree Creeper salvadori; emini; erlangeri; xylodromus (SL Salpornis salvadori) BoA, BD place in Salpornithidae Resident, open Isoberlinia woodland, juniper forest, miombo: Senegal - S Chad, N CAR, NW Uganda (emini); W Kenya; C Angola; S DRC, Zambia, Malawi, extreme SW Tanzania (all salvadori); Ethiopian highlands (erlangeri); NC Zimbabwe (xylodromus). NECTARINIIDAE Anthreptes neglectus Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird Souimanga des Ulugurus Souimanga violet des Ulugurus Resident, coastal and up to mid-level forest, moist woodland: SE Kenya, coastal Tanzania, Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania), coastal N Mozambique. Anthreptes longuemarei Western Violet-backed Sunbird Souimanga violet Violet-backed Sunbird angolensis; longuemarei; nyassae; (CMT, HBW + haussarum (BoA, HM incl in longuemarei)) Resident, wooded guinea savanna especially along streams, miombo woodland: Senegal - S Sudan, NW Uganda (longuemarei); S Congo, S DRC - W Tanzania south to C Angola, all but S Zambia, NW Mozambique west of Rift Valley (angolensis); coastal Tanzania - C Mozambique inland to E Zimbabwe (nyassae). Anthreptes orientalis Eastern Violet-backed Sunbird Souimanga du Kenya Kenya Violet-backed Sunbird Souimanga violet oriental Resident, Acacia woodland and bush in semi-arid and arid areas and junipers in highlands, usually near water: SE Sudan - NW and SW Somalia south to C Tanzania (not in driest NE Somalia, E Ethiopia). Anthreptes aurantium Violet-tailed Sunbird Souimanga à queue violette HBW Anthreptes aurantius Resident, larger forest-fringed rivers and gallery forests: S Cameroon - coastal DRC east to E DRC; patch in NE Angola. Anthreptes gabonicus Mouse-brown Sunbird Souimanga brun Brown Sunbird; Mangrove Sunbird* Resident, mangroves, swamp thickets, rivers with overhanging trees: Senegal - Cabinda (N Angola) and not far inland. Anthreptes rectirostris Green Sunbird Souimanga à bec droit Yellow-chinned Sunbird; Grey-chinned Sunbird*; Straight-billed Green Sunbird tephrolaemus (BoA tephrolaema); rectirostris Resident, forest edges and clearings, secondary growth: all forest area Guinea - W Kenya - NW Angola but perhaps not in much of C DRC. Anthreptes rubritorques Banded Green Sunbird Souimanga à col rouge Banded Sunbird Resident, edges and canopy of mid-level forest: Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania). Anthreptes reichenowi Plain-backed Sunbird Souimanga de Reichenow reichenowi; yokanae Resident, lowland and semi-deciduous forest often edges: coastal SE Kenya - S Tanzania and inland to Usambara Mts (Tanzania) (yokannae); E Zimbabwe, coastal C and S Mozambique, NE South Africa (reichenowi). Anthreptes seimundi Little Green Sunbird Souimanga de Seimund minor (HM notes = traylori if species in Nectarinia); kruensis; seimundi DFW, SAM, BL Nectarinia seimundi Resident, forest edges, gallery forest, especially thickets: Guinea - S Uganda south to N Angola, perhaps gap in WC DRC; Bioko (seimundi). Anthreptes anchietae Anchieta’s Sunbird Souimanga d’Anchieta Resident, well-developed miombo: patchy WC Angola; NE Angola, NW Zambia; eastern half Zambia; W Malawi; extreme SW Tanzania. 60 Deleornis fraseri Fraser’s Sunbird Souimanga de Fraser Scarlet-tufted Sunbird cameroonensis; idius; fraseri; (BoA, HM + axillaris here considered a separate species) DFW, SAM, BL Anthreptes fraseri Resident, primary forest: SW Guinea - Togo (idius); S Nigeria, SW CAR - extreme NW Angola (cameroonensis); Bioko (fraseri). Deleornis axillaris Grey -headed Sunbird Souimanga à tête grise SAM Anthreptes axillaris BoA, DFW, HM, BL subsume within Deleornis fraseri Resident, primary forest, clearings, secondary forest: C DRC - S Uganda, NW Tanzania DFW, SAM, BL (+ZTP for those included) place all remaining species in Nectarinia unless stated and with consequent gender agreement changes as needed Anabathmis reichenbachii Reichenbach’s Sunbird Souimanga de Reichenbach Resident, near water in swamps, rivers and islands in latter, and on coast: W Cameroon - extreme NW Angola, rare west to Liberia; many small scattered patches across Gabon, Congo, N DRC and 1 in NE Angola. Anabathmis hartlaubii Príncipe Sunbird Souimanga de Hartlaub Resident, all forest types (except montane), cultivation, plantations, gardens: Príncipe Is. Anabathmis newtonii Newton’s Sunbird Souimanga de Newton Newton’s Yellow-breasted Sunbird Resident, forest (especially montane) on hillsides, plantations, woodland: São Tomé. Dreptes thomensis Giant Sunbird Souimanga de São Tomé São Tomé Sunbird; São Tomé Giant Sunbird Resident, undisturbed primary forest: São Tomé. Anthobaphes violacea Orange-breasted Sunbird Souimanga orangé Resident, fynbos vegetation: SW Cape Province (South Africa). Cyanomitra verticalis Green-headed Sunbird Souimanga à tête verte verticalis; bohndorffi; cyanocephala; viridisplendens Resident, forest-savanna mosaic, woodland, gallery forests: Senegal - SW Kenya south to NW Angola - NE Zambia but patchy east of forest area. Cyanomitra bannermani Bannerman’s Sunbird Souimanga de Bannerman Resident, edges and mid-level of moist evergreen forest, swamp forests: SW DRC, E Angola, NW Zambia; 2 specimens from W Angola. Cyanomitra cyanolaema Blue-throated Brown Sunbird Souimanga à gorge bleue octaviae; cyanolaema; magnirostrata Resident, all forest types: all forest area. Cyanomitra oritis Cameroon Sunbird Souimanga à tête bleue Cameroon Blue-headed Sunbird bansoensis; oritis; poensis Resident, undergrowth in forest interior especially along streams: Cameroon montane area (oritis on Mt Cameroon, bansoensis on other nearby mts); Bioko (poensis). Cyanomitra alinae Blue-headed Sunbird Souimanga d’Aline Rwenzori Blue-headed Sunbird alinae; derooi; tanganjicae; kaboboensis; marungensis (HM marunguensis) Resident, dense montane forests: Albertine Rift Mts. Cyanomitra olivacea Eastern Olive Sunbird Souimanga olivâtre Olive Sunbird Souimanga olivâtre de l’est olivacea; olivacina; alfredi; changamwensis; granti (CMT, HBW have as race of C. obscura); neglecta Resident, undergrowth in lowland evergreen forests, riverine, coastal bush: C and E Kenya, E half Tanzania, Malawi, NE Mozambique; S Mozambique - E South Africa; (granti Zanzibar, Pemba). Cyanomitra obscura Western Olive Sunbird Souimanga olivâtre de l’Ouest Souimanga obscur cephaelis; guineensis; obscura; sclateri; ragazzii; vincenti; lowei (CMT, HBW incl last 2 in ragazzii); (CMT, HBW + granti (from C. olivacea)) HM (+DFW, SAM, IOC, ROB, BL (+SS) presumed) subsume into Cyanomitra (Nectarinia) olivacea Resident, undergrowth of forest: all forest area extending to Senegal, into W Ethiopia and south to all N Zambia; patches in S Zambia and E Zimbabwe highlands (sclateri). Cyanomitra veroxii Mouse-coloured Sunbird Souimanga murin Grey Sunbird* veroxii; fischeri; zanzibarica (SS Nectarinia veroxii) Resident, coastal bush, riverine forest, thickets, thornveld: coastal (within a few km) S Somalia - S South Africa and only to 250km inland along Zambezi R; Zanzibar (zanzibarica). 61 Chalcomitra adelberti Buff-throated Sunbird Souimanga à gorge rousse Green-throated Sunbird Souimanga à gorge verte adelberti; eboensis Resident, lowland forest: Liberia - S Nigeria. Chalcomitra rubescens rubescens; crossensis; stangerii Resident, montane areas, open forest, plantations: S Cameroon - SW Kenya south to N Angola; Bioko (stangerii). Chalcomitra fuliginosa Carmelite Sunbird Souimanga carmélite aurea; fuliginosa Resident, coastal vegetation: Liberia - NW Angola; Bioko. Chalcomitra amethystina Amethyst Sunbird Souimanga améthyste kirkii; kalkcreuthi (CMT, HBW incl in kirkii); deminuta (ROB incl in kirkii); amethystina; adjuncta (CMT, HBW, ROB incl in amethystina); (HM + doggetti (BoA, HBW incl in kirkii, not in CMT)) Resident, woodlands, forest edges, gardens: SE Gabon, W Angola; E Angola, E DRC - S Somalia south to N Namibia, NE Zambia and down E half South Africa and along coast to Cape but rather patchy in Kenya and Tanzania. Chalcomitra senegalensis Scarlet-chested Sunbird Souimanga à poitrine rouge senegalensis; acik; proteus (=cruentata by most authors but HM notes is invalid); lamperti; gutturalis; saturatior (CMT, HBW incl in gutturalis) Resident, light woodland: all S of Sahel zone except forest area, south of C Namibia - N Botswana - E South Africa and NE of E Ethiopia, SW Kenya. Chalcomitra hunteri Hunter’s Sunbird Souimanga de Hunter (CMT + hunteri; sclateri; HBW + hunteri; siccata) Resident, Acacia and Commiphora scrub: E and NE Kenya, E Ethiopia, W Somalia to NE of C. senegalensis. Chalcomitra balfouri Socotra Sunbird Souimanga de Socotra Resident, wadis and other wooded areas: Socotra. [Chalcomitra ??? Toha Sunbird ??] as yet undescribed species from Djibouti, noted by BoA (+RSF) Drepanorhynchus reichenowi Golden-winged Sunbird Souimanga à ailes dorées Souimanga à ailes d’or reichenowi; shellyae (BoA, CMT shelleyae); lathburyi BoA (+DFW, SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF)) Nectarinia reichenowi Resident, edges of montane forest, gardens: SE Uganda - NC Tanzania (reichenowi); small patch E DRC (shellyae); Mts Kulal and Uraguess (N Kenya) (lathburyi). Nectarinia bocagii Bocage’s Sunbird Souimanga de Bocage BoA, CMT (+SS) Nectarinia bocagei Resident, miombo and montane evergreen forest edges: patches in C Angola and extreme NE Angola. Nectarinia purpureiventris Purple-breasted Sunbird Souimanga à ventre pourpre Resident, montane forest edges, clearings: N Albertine Rift Mts. Nectarinia tacazze Tacazze Sunbird Souimanga tacazze tacazze; jacksoni Resident, montane woods, montane forest edges: Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands (tacazze); extreme SE Sudan - Crater Highlands (NC Tanzania) (jacksoni). Nectarinia kilimensis Bronzy Sunbird Souimanga bronzé Bronze Sunbird kilimensis; arturi; gadowi Resident, open montane areas: E DRC, S Uganda, SW Kenya, montane parts of NW and Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) (all kilimensis); SW Tanzania, Malawi, E Zimbabwe (arturi); patch in WC Angola (gadowi). Nectarinia johnstoni Scarlet-tufted Malachite Sunbird Souimanga de Johnston Red-tufted Sunbird; Scarlet-tufted Sunbird* dartmouthi; johnstoni; itombwensis; nyikensis (CMT, HM=salvadorii) Resident, montane moorland: highlands E DRC - Kenya south to N Malawi. Nectarinia famosa Malachite Sunbird Souimanga malachite Yellow-tufted Malachite Sunbird famosa; cupreonitens Resident, open montane grassland, forest edges and glades: highlands of Ethiopia, Albertine Rift Mts, Kenya, Tanzania (cupreonitens); E Zimbabwe and most of E, S and W South Africa (not NC) (famosa). 62 HM, HBW note that Hedydipna spp should be Anthodiaeta spp as the former is invalid. Hedydipna is retained here for consistency with previous. Hedydipna collaris Collared Sunbird Souimanga à collier collaris; zambesiana; elachior; djamdjamensis; garguensis; somereni; hypodila (BD hypodilus); subcollaris; (CMT, HBW, ROB + zuluensis (BoA incl in zambesiana; not in HM)); (BoA, HM + patersoni (HM, ROB patersonae; HBW, ROB incl in zuluensis)) DFW, SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF) Anthreptes collaris Resident, secondary forest, edges and clearings: all forest area Senegal - S Ethiopia south to C Angola - NE South Africa and south along South African coast to E Cape; patchy in much of Tanzania, N Mozambique. Hedydipna platura Pygmy Sunbird Souimanga pygmée DFW, ZTP, SAM, BL (+SF) Anthreptes platurus; (SS Hedydipna platurus) Resident, and intra-African migrant, Acacia woodland, semi-arid scrub: S Mauritania - S Sudan south to edge of guinea savannas, N Uganda, NW Kenya; breeding visitor only in more southern areas. Hedydipna metallica Nile Valley Sunbird Souimanga du Nil DFW, SAM, BL Anthreptes metallicus; (SS Hedydipna metallicus) Resident and intra-African migrant, hot arid Acacia wooded areas: C and NE Sudan; coast of Red Sea Sudan - NW Somalia (only nonbreeding visitor to E Ethiopia, NW Somalia); Nile Valley north to Aswan and migrant to Cairo (Egypt). Hedydipna pallidigaster Amani Sunbird Souimanga d’Amani DFW, ZTP, SAM, BL (+SF) Anthreptes pallidigaster; BoA, BD, ROB (+SL) Hedydipna pallidigastra Resident, miombo woodland: Sokoke Forest (SE Kenya); Usambara Mts (NE Tanzania). In much of the older literature the genus Cinnyris was considered a feminine and hence specific names were …a. However recent works have changed this to masculine and hence most specific names are now …us (or eg afer not afra) although a few have remained as …a. Cinnyris chloropygius Olive-bellied Sunbird Souimanga à ventre olive chloropygius; kempi; orphogaster (CMT + bineschensis (BoA, HM incl in orphogaster)) Resident, lowland forest edges, clearings, woodland, thickets: all of forest area with some records to the north. Cinnyris minullus Tiny Sunbird Souimanga minule (HM + amadoni; minullus) Resident, forest: very patchy all of forest area, but actual range uncertain because of its similarity to C. chloropygius; (amadoni -- Bioko). Cinnyris manoensis Miombo Double-collared Sunbird Souimanga du Miombo Miombo Sunbird manoensis; pintoi; amicorum Resident, miombo woodland and some bushland: narrow band across C Angola then S DRC - SW Tanzania south to S Zimbabwe - NW Mozambique. Cinnyris chalybeus Southern Double-collared Sunbird Souimanga chalybée Lesser Double-collared Sunbird chalybeus; albilateralis (HBW, ROB incl in chalybeus); subalaris Resident, arid karoo to forests, cultivation: W, S and E South Africa just into S Namibia. Cinnyris neergaardi Neergaard’s Sunbird Souimanga de Neergaard Resident, dense dry coastal bush and mixed woodland: small area SE Mozambique, N KZ-Natal (South Africa). Cinnyris stuhlmanni Ruwenzori Double-collared Sunbird Souimanga de Stuhlmann Stuhlmann’s Sunbird; Stuhlmann’s DoubleSouimanga du Ruwenzori collared Sunbird stuhlmanni; chapini; graueri; schubotzi; prigoginei DFW, BL subsumes into Cinnyris (Nectarinia) afer CMT, HBW, IOC raise Cinnyris prigoginei Prigogine’s Double-collared Sunbird (Prigogine’s Sunbird) Souimanga de Prigogine Resident, montane forest edges: Albertine Rift Mts; (prigoginei -- Manugu highlands, SE DRC). Cinnyris ludovicensis Ludwig’s Double-collared Sunbird Souimanga de l’Angola Montane Double-collared Sunbird Souimanga de Ludwig ludovicensis; whytei DFW, BL subsumes into Cinnyris (Nectarinia) afer Resident, gallery and riparian forest: highlands of W Angola (ludovicensis); Nyika Plateau (N Malawi) (whytei). Cinnyris afer Greater Double-collared Sunbird saliens; afer; (ROB monotypic) (SS Cinnyris afrea) Resident, tall scrub, gardens, fynbos, bushveld: E and S South Africa west to Cape. Souimanga à plastron rouge 63 Cinnyris reichenowi Northern Double-collared Sunbird Souimanga de Preuss preussi; reichenowi DFW, SAM, ZTP Nectarinia preussi; (SF, SS Cinnyris preussi) Resident, montane forest: W Cameroon, Bioko (preussi); Albertine Rift Mts, mts in extreme S Sudan, E Uganda, W and C Kenya (reichenowi). Cinnyris regius Regal Sunbird Souimanga royal regius; anderseni; (HM + kivuensis (BoA, CMT, HBW incl in regius)) Resident, montane forest: Albertine Rift Mts. Cinnyris rockefelleri Rockefeller’s Sunbird Souimanga de Rockefeller Resident, afro-alpine moorland and montane forest thickets: small area near L. Kivu in Albertine Rift Mts. Cinnyris mediocris Eastern Double-collared Sunbird Souimanga de Kilimandjaro mediocris; usambaricus; fuelleborni; bensoni IOC (+SS) raise Cinnyris usambaricus Usambara Double-collared Sunbird; Cinnyris fuelleborni Forest Double-collared Sunbird Resident, edges of montane forest, alpine grassland: highlands of C and S Kenya, N Tanzania (mediocris, with usambaricus in Usambaras and S Paré Mts); SW Tanzania - N Malawi (fuelleborni); S Malawi (bensoni). Cinnyris moreaui Moreau’s Sunbird Souimanga de Moreau DFW subsumes into Cinnyris (Nectarinia) loveridgei Resident, interior of primary montane forest: S Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania). Cinnyris loveridgei Loveridge’s Sunbird Souimanga de Loveridge Resident, montane forest: Uluguru Mts (Tanzania). Cinnyris pulchellus Beautiful Sunbird Souimanga à longue queue pulchellus; melanogaster (CMT melanogastrus) Resident, open woodland and bush: between Sahara Desert and forest from Senegal - C Ethiopia and south in east to W Uganda, separately through W Kenya and band across to C and SW Tanzania. Cinnyris shelleyi Shelley’s Sunbird Souimanga de Shelley shelleyi; hofmanni IOC raises Cinnyris hofmanni Hofmann's Sunbird Resident, miombo (shelleyi) and other woodland and scrub (hofmanni): E half Zambia - NW Mozambique with a few patches across S Tanzania; (hofmanni -- E Tanzania). Cinnyris mariquensis Mariqua Sunbird Souimanga de Mariqua Marico Sunbird* Souimanga de Marico mariquensis; lucens; ovamboensis; suahelicus; osiris (CMT, HBW, ROB incl lucens, ovamboensis in mariquensis) Resident, well-wooded clumps in Acacia savanna grassland: rather patchy N Eritrea - NW Somalia south through Uganda, W half Kenya to S Tanzania; C Angola - S Zimbabwe, S Mozambique south to S Namibia - N and NE South Africa. Cinnyris congensis Congo Sunbird Souimanga du Congo Congo Black-bellied Sunbird Resident, riverbanks, forest edges, always within few 100m of river: Congo R. from about Kisangani downstream to about Luokela (DRC). Cinnyris erythrocercus Red-chested Sunbird Souimanga à ceinture rouge Resident, swamp and riverside vegetation: Nile Valley in S Sudan south through W Uganda to Burundi and all around L. Victoria; isolated records C and E Tanzania. Cinnyris nectarinioides Black-bellied Sunbird Souimanga nectarin Smaller Black-bellied Sunbird Souimanga à ventre noir nectarinioides; erlangeri Resident, riverine Acacias and other riverine trees: E Kenya just reaching S Somalia and N Tanzania. Cinnyris bifasciatus Purple-banded Sunbird Souimanga bifascié Common Purple-banded Sunbird bifasciatus; microrhynchus; strophium (CMT, HBW incl in microrhynchus) Resident, woodland and scrub, mainly coastal and riverine: coastal S Gabon - C Angola with patch in NW DRC (bifasciatus); coastal S Somalia - C Tanzania and a few small patches in W Kenya (microrhynchus); S Tanzania, S DRC, N Botswana, N Zimbabwe and then coastal S Mozambique - NE South Africa (strophium). Cinnyris tsavoensis Tsavo Sunbird Souimanga bifascié de Tsavo Tsavo Purple-banded Sunbird DFW, SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF) subsume into Cinnyris (Nectarinia) bifasciatus Resident, dry wooded savannas and scrub: SE Kenya, NE Tanzania. Souimanga de Tsavo Cinnyris chalcomelas Souimanga à poitrine violette Violet-breasted Sunbird DFW (+SF) (+probably SAM) subsume into Cinnyris (Nectarinia) pembae Resident, coastal savanna and thickets: coastal S Somalia - E Kenya. Cinnyris pembae Pemba Sunbird Souimanga de Pemba [Violet-breasted Sunbird] Resident, all habitats: Pemba Is (off Tanzania). Cinnyris bouvieri Orange-tufted Sunbird Souimanga de Bouvier Resident, forest edges, secondary growth, woodland: very patchy W Cameroon - W Kenya south to NW Angola - SW DRC. 64 Cinnyris osea Palestine Sunbird Souimanga de Palestine Northern Orange-tufted Sunbird decorsei Resident, desert gardens, open savannas: patches L. Chad, E Cameroon, C CAR, W Sudan, and S Sudan, NE DRC. Cinnyris habessinicus Shining Sunbird Souimanga brillant Souimanga luisant habessinicus; turkanae; alter (BoA incl altera in habessinica) Resident, green vegetation in wadis, savanna and scrub: coastal Sudan - NE Somalia south in narrow band through C Ethiopia to NE Uganda, N Kenya. Cinnyris oustaleti Oustalet’s Sunbird Souimanga d’Oustalet Oustalet’s White-bellied Sunbird oustaleti; rhodesiae Resident, miombo, especially degraded (ie dense scrub): WC Angola (oustaleti); NE Zambia (rhodesiae). Cinnyris talatala White-bellied Sunbird Souimanga à ventre blanc White-breasted Sunbird Souimanga à ventre blanchâtre talatala; aresta; (CMT, HBW, ROB monotypic) Resident, denser parts of Acacia savanna: SE Angola - S Tanzania south to N and E Botswana - NE South Africa and with arm west through N Namibia to coast and north to C Angola. Cinnyris venustus Variable Sunbird Souimanga à ventre jaune Yellow-bellied Sunbird venustus; fazoqlensis (BoA fazoglensis); falkensteini; igneiventris; albiventris Resident, intra-African migrant in West Africa, all savannas and woodland: Senegal - W CAR but not north of Ivory Coast to C Nigeria; Eritrea - Somalia south to extreme E DRC - all but SE Tanzania (and gap in much of W) - E Zimbabwe, adjacent W Mozambique; band to west south of forest area to coast of Angola. Cinnyris fuscus Dusky Sunbird Souimanga fuligineux fuscus; inclusus (ROB inclusa); (BoA monotypic) Resident, semi-desert scrub: W half South Africa, Namibia and north up coast to C Angola. Cinnyris johannae Johanna’s Sunbird Souimanga de Johanna fasciatus; johannae Resident, edges and clearings of forest: Sierra Leone - Benin (fasciatus); S Cameroon, NE Gabon across N half DRC, and odd patches to south in DRC (johannae). Cinnyris superbus Superb Sunbird Souimanga superbe superbus; buvuma (not in CMT); nigeriae; ashantiensis Resident, forest, edges and clearings, vegetation along watercourses: all of forest area and south along WC Angola escarpment; perhaps absent from S Gabon, Congo and maybe C DRC. Cinnyris coccinigastrus Splendid Sunbird Souimanga éclatant Several authors have this as Cinnyris coccinigaster Resident, guinean wooded savannas and woodland with oil palms: Senegal - W Cameroon and then patchy to extreme S Sudan. Cinnyris rufipennis Rufous-winged Sunbird Souimanga à ailes rousses Souimanga à ailes rouges Resident, interior wet montane forest: Udzungwa Mts (Tanzania). Cinnyris batesi Bates’s Sunbird Souimanga de Bates Resident, primary and old mature secondary forests: S Nigeria - N Gabon; patches west to S Ivory Coast and few in SE quarter of DRC. Cinnyris ursulae Ursula’s Sunbird Souimanga d’Ursula Ursula’s Mouse-coloured Sunbird Resident, primary forest: mts of W Cameroon, Bioko. Cinnyris cupreus Copper Sunbird Souimanga cuivré cupreus; chalceus Resident, open savanna woodland, cultivation, forest edges: all around forest area Senegal to W Ethiopia, SW Kenya and south through W Tanzania to Malawi, NW Mozambique whence west through SE DRC, N Zimbabwe, Zambia to S Gabon, Congo and all Angola except strips along W and S. Cinnyris dussumieri Seychelles Sunbird Souimanga de Seychelles Long-billed Green Sunbird Souimanga angaladian Resident, all wooded habitats: Seychelles. Cinnyris notatus Malagasy Green Sunbird*; Madagascar Green Sunbird; Madagascar Sunbird notatus; moebii; voeltzkowi Resident, all native vegetation except in mts: Madagascar (notatus); Grand Comoro (moebii); Mohéli (voeltzkowi). 65 Cinnyris souimanga Souimanga Sunbird Souimanga malgache Madagascan Sunbird souimanga; apolis; aldabrensis; abbotti; buchenorum Some authors spell this C. sovimanga IOC raises Cinnyris abbotti Abbott’s Sunbird Resident, all wooded areas: Madagascar (souimanga, with apolis in south); Aldabra (aldabrensis); Assumption Is (abbotti); Cosmoledo, Astove (buchenorum). Cinnyris humbloti Humblot’s Sunbird Souimanga de Humblot humbloti; mohelicus (HM mohelica) Resident, all habitats: Grand Comoro (humbloti); Mohéli (mohelicus). Cinnyris coquerellii Mayotte Sunbird Souimanga de Mayotte Resident, forest edge, open areas: Mayotte (Comoros). Cinnyris comorensis Anjouan Sunbird Souimanga d’Anjouan DFW subsumes into Cinnyris (Nectarinia) sovimanga Resident, forest, thickets: Anjouan (Comoros). ZOSTEROPIDAE (CMT subsumes into Timaliidae) Zosterops senegalensis African Yellow White-eye Zostérops jaune Yellow White-eye senegalensis; demeryi; stenocricotus; stuhlmanni; gerhardi; toroensis; reichenowi; jacksoni; stierlingi; kasaicus; heinrichi; quanzae; anderssoni; tongensis (SS raises Zosterops stenocricotus Forest White-eye) Resident, woodland, and forest in some places: all around forest area Senegal - C Ethiopia, W Kenya, much of Tanzania (though patchy) west to Angola and south to NE Namibia - extreme NE South Africa. Zosterops vaughani Pemba White-eye Zostérops de Pemba SAM Zosterops aughani DFW subsumes into Zosterops senegalensis Resident, all woody vegetation: Pemba Is (off Tanzania). Zosterops ficedulinus Príncipe White-eye Zostérops becfigue São Tomé White-eye ficedulinus; feae Resident, dense primary and degraded forest: São Tomé (feae); Príncipe (ficedulinus). Zosterops griseovirescens Annobon White-eye Zostérops d’Annobon Abyssinian White-eye Zostérops à flancs jaunes Resident, all woody vegetation: Annobon. Zosterops abyssinicus White-breasted White-eye Zostérops d’Abyssinie flavilateralis; jubaensis; abyssinicus; socotranus; omoensis Resident, woodland, parks, gardens, thickets: coast of Sudan, Eritrea - NW Somalia south to NC Tanzania in quite narrow band though C Ethiopia and C Kenya; few patches coastal areas of S Somalia and Kenya. Zosterops poliogastrus Montane White-eye Zostérops alticole **Mountain White-eye; Broad-ringed White-eye; African Montane White-eye kikuyuensis; kaffensis; poliogastrus; kulalensis; mbuluensis; eurycricotus; winifredae; silvanus HM notes often incorrectly spelt Zosterops poliogaster (+race) IOC raises Zosterops kikuyuensis Kikuyu White-eye; (+SS) Zosterops silvanus Taita White-eye Zostérops du Teita (SS raises Zosterops kulalensis Kulal White-eye Zostérops du Kulal; Zosterops winifredae South Pare White-eye Zostérops de Madame Moreau) Resident, conifer and eucalypt woods, montane forest, bushy gardens, forest where not too dense: highlands of Ethiopia, Eritrea, C Kenya, NC Tanzania; (kikuyuensis -- Kenya Highlands; silvanus -- Taita Hills (SE Kenya); kulalensis -- Mt Kulal (N Kenya); winifredae -- S Paré Mts (NE Tanzania)). Zosterops pallidus Cape White-eye Zostérops du Cap Pale White-eye; Orange River White-eye* virens; caniviridis; atmorii; capensis; pallidus; sundevalli ROB (+SL) raises Zosterops virens Cape White-eye (races capensis (incl atmorii); virens (incl caniviridis)); (SS raises as Zosterops capensis (and notes race virens); (in both cases Zosterops pallidus (monotypic but incl sundevalli) becomes Orange River White-eye) Resident, open hilly country, wooded slopes: all of South Africa reaching extreme SE Botswana, SE Mozambique; patches in Namibia on Angola border; (virens -- all of South Africa except NW and just to SE Botswana; pallidus patchy Namibia, NW South Africa, largely allopatric with virens). 66 Zosterops modestus Seychelles White-eye Zostérops des Seychelles Seychelles Grey White-eye Resident, mid-level secondary growth: Mahé Is, Conception, introduced to Frégate, North, Cousine (Seychelles). Zosterops maderaspatanus Madagascar White-eye Zostérops malgache Malagasy White-eye maderaspatanus; aldabrensis; anjouanensis (HM, HBW anjuanensis); comorensis; voeltzkowi; menaiensis; kirki IOC raises Zosterops kirki Kirk’s White-eye Resident, all native vegetation: Madagascar (madaraspatanus); Aldabra (aldabrensis); Anjouan (anjouanensis); Mohéli (comorensis); Europa (voeltzkowi); Cosmoledo (menaiensis); Grand Comoro (kirki). Zosterops mayottensis Mayotte White-eye Zostérops de Mayotte Chestnut-sided White-eye (HM + mayottensis; semiflavus (extinct)) Resident, forest, woodland: Mayotte; (extinct on Marianne (Seychelles)). Zosterops mouroniensis Mount Karthala White-eye Zostérops du Karthala Comoro White-eye; Grand Comoro White-eye; Zostérops du Mont Karthala Karthala White-eye Resident, tree heather zone in mountains: Grand Comoro. Zosterops olivaceus Réunion Olive White-eye Zostérops de la Réunion Réunion White-eye Resident, natural and scrub forest in mts but not cloud forest: Réunion. Zosterops chloronothos Mauritius Olive White-eye Zostérops de Maurice Mauritius White-eye Zostérops de l’Ile Maurice DFW, BL Zosterops chloronothus Resident, upland native forest, dwarf forest: Mauritius. Zosterops borbonicus Mascarene White-eye Zostérops des Mascareignes Mascarene Grey White-eye; Réunion Grey White-eye* Zostérops de Bourbon borbonicus; mauritianus; (HM + alopekion; xerophilus (CMT, HBW incl both in borbonicus)) IOC raises Zosterops mauritianus Mauritius Grey White-eye Resident, all forest types, plantations, gardens, savannas: Mauritius (mauritianus); Réunion (borbonicus). Speirops lugubris Black-capped Speirops Zostérops de São Tomé São Tomé Speirops Speirops à calotte noire; Speirops de São Tomé Resident, everywhere with trees especially in highlands: São Tomé. Speirops melanocephalus Mount Cameroon Speirops Zostérops du Cameroun Cameroon Speirops DFW subsumes into Speirops lugubris Resident, open parts of forest: Mt Cameroon. Speirops du Cameroun Speirops leucophoeus Zostérops de Príncipe Príncipe Speirops Speirops de Príncipe BoA, DFW, BD (+SS) Speirops leucophaeus Resident, forest regrowth, cultivation with trees, plantations: Príncipe. Speirops brunneus Fernando Po Speirops Bioko Speirops Resident, montane scrub, open lichen forest: Bioko. Zostérops de Fernando Po Speirops de Fernando Po PROMEROPIDAE (SAM includes within Nectariniidae) Promerops cafer Cape Sugarbird Promérops du Cap Resident, fynbos vegetation: S coast area of South Africa. Promerops gurneyi Gurney’s Sugarbird Promérops de Gurney gurneyi; ardens Resident, alpine grassland and grassland bordering montane forest: mts of E Zimbabwe/Mozambique (ardens); NE Transvaal and Drakensberg Mts area of KZ-Natal (gurneyi). 67 LANIIDAE Lanius collaris Common Fiscal Pie-grièche fiscale **Fiscal Shrike collaris; smithii; humeralis; capelli; pyrrhostictus; subcoronatus; aridicolus; (BoA, CMT, HM + marwitzi here considered a separate species); (ROB has 10 races in Africa) Resident, open areas with short grass and scattered shrubs: Guinea - C Ethiopia, N Eritrea south of Sahel, then south through W Kenya, Uganda east of forest and all to the south except most of Tanzania and coastal band of Mozambique. Lanius marwitzi Uhehe Fiscal Pie-grièche de Tanzanie BoA, DFW, CMT, HM, SF subsume within Lanius collaris Resident, open areas with short grass and shrubs: NE to SC Tanzania Lanius newtoni São Tomé Fiscal Pie-grièche de São Tomé Newton’s Fiscal; São Tomé Fiscal Shrike Resident, dense forest: São Tomé. Lanius dorsalis Taita Fiscal Pie-grièche des Teita Resident, hot arid bush and light wooded grassland: extreme SE Sudan - S Somalia south to NC Tanzania. Lanius somalicus Somali Fiscal Pie-grièche de Somalie Resident, sandy desert and semi-desert: N Kenya through SE half Ethiopia to N and coastal Somalia south to near Mogadishu. Lanius cabanisi Long-tailed Fiscal Pie-grièche à longue queue Resident, thornbush and open areas with trees: SE Somalia, SE Kenya, NE Tanzania Lanius mackinnoni Mackinnon’s Shrike Pie-grièche de Mackinnon Resident, edges of montane forest, gardens, clearings in forest (in west), secondary forest, bushy open ground (east): W Cameroon, C Gabon; E DRC, SW Uganda, SW Kenya; patches NW Angola, W DRC. Lanius nubicus Masked Shrike Pie-grièche masquée Palearctic winter visitor, low hot Acacia areas, semi-desert: winters Sahel zone Chad - , coastal Sudan, Eritrea, NW Somalia with a few records south to Uganda, Kenya and E Mali, SE Mauritania. Lanius excubitorius Grey-backed Fiscal Pie-grièche à dos gris excubitorius; intercedens; boehmi Most authors have this incorrectly as Lanius excubitoroides (and race) Resident, open woodland, semi-desert scrub, gardens, cultivation: Sahel zone of C Mali; L. Chad area; S Sudan - C Ethiopia and south through Uganda to W side of Tanzania and SW Kenya, L. Victoria area. Lanius minor Lesser Grey Shrike Pie-grièche à poitrine rose (HBW + minor) Palearctic winter visitor, arid savannas with trees and bushes: winters S Angola - NE South Africa south to S Namibia, NC South Africa; passage through eastern half of continent. Lanius meridionalis Southern Grey Shrike Pie-grièche méridionale elegans; algeriensis; meridionalis; leucopygos (HBW leucopygus); aucheri; buryi; uncinatus; jebelmarrae (HBW incl in leucopygus); pallidirostris; koenigi; (buryi and pallidirostris may not occur in Africa) DFW, SAM, BL subsume into extralimital Lanius excubitor Resident, arid plains with bushes: North Africa, western half of Sahara Desert and all across Sahel zone N Senegal - N Ethiopia, NW Somalia; (gap in desert E Algeria - Egypt apart from Nile Valley); Socotra (uncinatus); Canary Is (koenigi). Lanius isabellinus Isabelline Shrike Pie-grièche isabelle Rufous-tailed Shrike; Red-tailed Shrike phoenicuroides; isabellinus Palearctic winter visitor, open areas, thornbush, dry woodland: Sudan (all but NW) - NE Somalia south to SW Uganda - N Tanzania and with band extending west in Sahel zone to NW Nigeria; patches in C Mali; rare visitor further west to Senegal. Lanius collurio Red-backed Shrike Pie-grièche écorcheur collurio; kobylini; pallidifrons (HM incl in collurio); (CMT monotypic) Palearctic winter visitor, Acacia woodland, dry bush, forest edges and clearings: C Angola - SE Kenya and south except for most of coastal Namibia and SW South Africa; scattered records in remainder. Lanius gubernator Emin’s Shrike Pie-grièche à dos roux Resident, open bushy areas with woodland, old cultivation: S Sudan, adjacent extreme NE DRC, N Uganda; very scattered C Mali, NE Ivory Coast, N Ghana and odd records NE Nigeria, N Cameroon. Lanius souzae Souza’s Shrike Pie-grièche de Souza Sousa’s Shrike tacitus; souzae; burigi Resident, miombo woodland: Angola (except west coast and S) east to extreme W Tanzania - S Malawi; patches W DRC. Lanius senator Woodchat Shrike Pie-grièche à tête rousse senator; rutilans; badius; niloticus Breeding visitor, open woodland, and Palearctic winter visitor, savannas, cultivation: breeds N Morocoo - Libya; winters all West Africa south of desert east to N Eritrea, NE Sudan, C Ethiopia, NW Uganda with some to S Uganda, SW Kenya. 68 Corvinella corvina Yellow-billed Shrike Corvinelle à bec jaune togoensis; corvina; caliginosa; affinis Resident, dry savanna woodland: Senegal, Guinea in band east to C Sudan, N Uganda and extreme W Kenya. Urolestes melanoleucus Magpie Shrike Corvinelle noir et blanc melanoleucus; expressa (HM expressus); aequatorialis; (HBW + angolensis) CMT, HBW, SAM, ROB (+SL, SS) Corvinella melanoleuca (+ race) Resident, short grass woodlands: S Angola - C Namibia east to S Zambia - NE South Africa; patch in NW Mozambique; scattered across SW Kenya, Tanzania but not in NW or SE. Eurocephalus rueppelli Northern White-crowned Shrike Eurocéphale de Ruppell White-rumped Shrike (HBW + ruppelli; erlangeri) ZTP (+SF) place in Prionopidae Resident, dry woodland and savannas with trees: SE Sudan - all but extreme NE Somalia south to SW Tanzania with gaps in driest parts. Eurocephalus anguitimens Southern White-crowned Shrike Eurocéphale à couronne blanche White-crowned Shrike anguitimens; niveus Resident, dry deciduous woodlands: SW Angola - E Zimbabwe south to C Namibia - NE South Africa. MALACONOTIDAE (SAM includes in Corvidae) Malaconotus cruentus Fiery-breasted Bush-Shrike Gladiateur ensanglanté Resident, all forest types: rather patchy Sierra Leone - Gabon; few patches across N DRC; Albertine Rift Mts. Malaconotus monteiri Monteiro’s Bush-Shrike Gladiateur de Monteiro monteiri; perspicillatus Resident, evergreen and gallery forest: 6 specimens Angolan escarpment (monteiri); 1 specimen Mt Cameroon (perspicillatus); 1 lost specimen Kakamega Forest (Kenya); some other possible records. Malaconotus blanchoti Grey-headed Bush-Shrike Gladiateur de Blanchot hypopyrrhus; approximans; interpositus; catharoxanthus; blanchoti; extremus; citrinipectus; (ROB has 6 races in Africa) Resident, thickets in open woodland: Senegal - NW Somalia south around forest area to C Angola - NE South Africa and along E coast of South Africa; not in drier parts of NE Africa. Malaconotus lagdeni Lagden’s Bush-Shrike Gladiateur de Lagden lagdeni; centralis Resident, evergreen rainforest (montane in east): SE Sierra Leone - S Ghana (lagdeni); Albertine Rift Mts of E DRC, Uganda (centralis). Malaconotus gladiator Green-breasted Bush-Shrike Gladiateur à poitrine verte Resident, canopy of montane forest: extreme SE Nigeria, W Cameroon. Malaconotus alius Uluguru Bush-Shrike Gladiateur des Ulugurus Resident, canopy of montane forest: Uluguru Mts (Tanzania) 1300-2100m asl. HM, IOC have all Telophorus spp (except T. zeylonus) as Chlorophoneus spp; HBW has all as Chlorophoneus spp; and BoA, DFW, BL (and ZTP, BD, SF where the species occurs in their areas) have all as Malaconotus spp except T. viridis, T. dohertyi and T. zeylonus for which see in below. Telophorus kupeensis Mount Kupé Bush-Shrike Gladiateur du Kupé Gladiateur du Mont Kupé Resident, montane forest: Mt Kupé and Mt Bakossi (SW Cameroon). Telophorus multicolor Many-coloured Bush-Shrike Gladiateur multicolore multicolor; batesi; graueri Resident, thickets in forest: scattered patches Sierra Leone - W Cameroon (multicolor); even more scattered N Gabon, NW Angola, CAR (batesi); montane forest of E DRC, W Uganda, Rwanda (graueri). Telophorus nigrifrons Black-fronted Bush-Shrike Gladiateur à front noir nigrifrons; manningi; sandgroundi DFW subsumes into Malaconotus multicolor Resident, forest canopy: S DRC, N Zambia and a scattered thin line south along mts E Zimbabwe to N South Africa and another through Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) - C and W Kenya. Telophorus olivaceus Olive Bush-Shrike Gladiateur olive olivaceus; makawa; bertrandi; interfluvius; vitorum Resident, coastal and montane evergreen forest: E and S coastal area South Africa - S Mozambique; E Zimbabwe, S Malawi, NW Mozambique. 69 Telophorus bocagei Grey-green Bush-Shrike Gladiateur à front blanc Bocage’s Bush-Shrike* bocagei; jacksoni Resident, secondary forest, wooded country, plantations: patches in S Cameroon, Gabon; W DRC; NW Angola; C DRC; NE DRC; W Uganda; W Kenya. Telophorus sulfureopectus Orange-breasted Bush-Shrike Gladiateur soufré Sulphur-breasted Bush-shrike sulfureopectus; similis Resident, woody vegetation especially by rivers and streams: all S of Sahara outside forest areas except east of C Ethiopia and south of extreme N Namibia - E South Africa; patchy in parts of Kenya, Tanzania. Telophorus viridis Gorgeous Bush-Shrike Gladiateur vert Four-coloured Bush-shrike; Perrin’s Bush-Shrike Gladiateur quadricolore quadricolor; quartus; nigricauda; viridis DFW, ZTP Malaconotus viridis SAM, IOC, BL, ZTP (+SL, SF, SS) raise Telophorus (ZTP (+SF) Malaconotus) quadricolor Four-coloured Bush-shrike (Gorgeous Bush-Shrike) Gladiateur quadricolore (ZTP incl race nigricauda) Resident, montane forest (Angola), coastal forest, undergrowth of woodland, thickets: W DRC, W Angola - SW DRC and E Angola, NW Zambia (viridis); E Zimbabwe, S Mozambique, NE South Africa (quartus with quadricolor in southern part); coastal Kenya, Tanzania (nigricauda). Telophorus dohertyi Doherty’s Bush-Shrike Gladiateur de Doherty DFW, BL, ZTP (+SF) Malaconotus dohertyi Resident, low dense thickets in clearings and edges of montane forest: forests of Albertine Rift Mts, and C and W Kenya. Telophorus zeylonus Bokmakierie Gladiateur bacbakiri Bokmakierie Bush-shrike zeylonus; thermophilus; phanus; restrictus DFW, BL Malaconotus zeylonus Resident, clumps of bushes in open areas: coastal SW Angola, W Namibia and South Africa except N. Rhodophoneus cruentus Rosy-patched Bush-Shrike Tchagra à croupion rose Rosy-patched Shrike Gladiateur à croupion rose cruentus; kordofanicus (not in HM); hilgerti; cathemagmenus (ZTP cathemagmena) BoA Telophorus cruentus Resident, wadis, dry open thornbush: coastal Sudan - NE Somalia and south in band NE - SW Ethiopia through E Kenya, S Somalia to NE Tanzania; 1 patch C Sudan (kordofanicus). Tchagra minutus Marsh Tchagra Tchagra des marais Blackcap Bush-Shrike minutus; anchietae; reichenowi; (HBW + remotus (BoA, CMT, HM incl in reichenowi)) BoA, BD Antichromus minutus; HM, IOC Bocagia minuta (+race) HM notes often incorrectly spelt T. minuta (+ race) SAM, ROB (+SL, SS) raise Tchagra (ROB, SL Antichromus) anchietae Anchieta’s Tchagra Tchagra d’Anchieta (races anchietae, reichenowi) Resident, rank grass near water with scattered bushes: rather patchy Sierra Leone - S Cameroon; S Gabon, W Congo, W DRC, band across NC Angola - NW Mozambique and north up W Tanzania - NW Ethiopia and west across N DRC; small band to NE Tanzania; E Zimbabwe highlands and adjacent Mozambique. Tchagra australis Brown-crowned Tchagra Tchagra à tête brune Brown-headed Tchagra emini; ussheri; minor; souzae; ansorgei; bocagei; rhodesiensis; damarensis; australis; (ZTP + littoralis (BoA, HM, HBW incl in minor)) Resident, thickets in bushy and wooded habitats with coarse grass: S half West Africa - S half Kenya south to C Namibia - NE South Africa excluding C DRC and much of Tanzania. Tchagra jamesi Three-streaked Tchagra Tchagra de James jamesi; mandanus (BoA mandana) Resident, low thickets in arid and semi-arid bushland and woodland: Somalia (except NE), S Ethiopia, NE and E Kenya. Tchagra tchagra Southern Tchagra Tchagra du Cap tchagra; caffrariae; natalensis Resident, dense coastal bush, scrub: S and E South Africa just reaching Mozambique. Tchagra senegalus Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra à tête noire armenus; cucullatus; senegalus; nothus; remigialis; habessinicus; warsangliensis (CMT wardangliensis); orientalis; kalahari HM notes often incorrectly spelt T. senegala (and several races as …a and not …us) Resident, open grassy areas with bushes, thickets or low trees: coastal Morocco - Tunisia, NW Libya (cucullatus); all S of Sahara except C DRC and NE and SW. 70 Dryoscopus sabini Sabine’s Puffback Cubla à gros bec Large-billed Puffback sabini; melanoleucus Resident, primary forest: patchy Sierra Leone - N Gabon; patch in NE DRC, odd patches C and S DRC. Dryoscopus angolensis Pink-footed Puffback Cubla à pieds roses angolensis; nandensis; kungwensis; (HM, HBW + boydi (BoA incl in angolensis)) Resident, montane forest: mts of W Cameroon ('boydi'); small area of SW Congo - NW Angola (both angolensis); Albertine Rift mts of E DRC, extreme S Sudan, Uganda - Burundi, W Kenya (nandensis); Mt Kungwe Mahale (SW Tanzania) (kungwensis). Dryoscopus senegalensis Red-eyed Puffback Cubla aux yeux rouges Black-shouldered Puffback Resident, secondary forest, clearings, thickets: patches W, SE Nigeria, S Cameroon, N Gabon; SW Congo, extreme W DRC; NE DRC; very small isolated patches N CAR, Burundi, extreme NE Angola. Dryoscopus cubla Black-backed Puffback Cubla boule-de-neige Southern Puffback Pie-grièche cubla cubla; okavangensis; hamatus; nairobiensis (ZTP incl in hamatus); affinis; (HM + chapini (BoA incl in hamatus)) Resident, dense woodland, parks, gardens: Angola (except NW), N Namibia east to SW Somalia - NE South Africa extending south along coast to S South Africa. Dryoscopus gambensis Northern Puffback Cubla de Gambie gambensis; congicus; malzacii; erythreae; (HBW + erwini (BoA, HM, CMT incl in malzacii)) Resident, dense savanna woodland, thickets, cultivation: Senegal - C Sudan south to forest area, Burundi, WC Kenya (gambensis east to Cameroon, Gabon, malzacii to east); in much of W and C Ethiopia (gap in E Sudan) (erythreae); SW Congo, W DRC (congicus). Dryoscopus pringlii Pringle’s Puffback Cubla de Pringle Resident, arid and semi-arid bush and woodland: S Ethiopia, SW Somalia - NE Tanzania (not in driest parts); W Kenya. Laniarius leucorhynchus Sooty Boubou Gonolek fuligineux Lowland Sooty Boubou* Resident, impenetrable thickets in forest, swamps, coastal shrubland: forest area with gap SE Ghana - SE Nigeria. Laniarius poensis Mountain Sooty Boubou Gonolek de montagne Mountain Boubou; Mountain Black Boubou camerunensis; poensis; holomelas DFW subsumes into Laniarius fuelleborni IOC raise Laniarius willardi Willard's Sooty Boubou from within holomelas Resident, montane forest edges where there are thickets: Cameroon mts (camerunensis); Bioko (poensis); E DRC - Burundi (holomelas); (willardi in Albertine Rift in Uganda, Burundi). Laniarius fuelleborni Fülleborn’s Boubou Gonolek de Fülleborn Fülleborn’s Black Boubou Gonolek noir de Fülleborn usambaricus; fuelleborni Resident, montane forest and shrubland: Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania), N Malawi, E Zambia on Nyika Plateau; (usambaricus south to Uluguru Mts, fuelleborni to south). Laniarius funebris Slate-coloured Boubou Gonolek ardoisé funebris; degener Resident, Acacia woodland, thickets and thick bushes along watercourses: NW Somalia in band across Ethiopia - SE Sudan and south to SW Tanzania - NE Tanzaina; very patchy SE Ethiopia, W Somalia, NE Kenya. Laniarius luehderi Luhder’s Bush-Shrike Gonolek de Luhder (HM + brauni; amboimensis; luehderi here considered separate species) (HBW + luehderi; castaneiceps (not in BoA, CMT)) Resident, thick vegetation in clearings, secondary forest, rare in primary forest: extreme SE Nigeria, S Cameroon, Gabon - W DRC; NE DRC - W Tanzania and narrow band to SW Kenya and perhaps in between. Laniarius brauni Braun’s Bush-Shrike Gonolek de Braun [Orange-breasted Bush-Shrike] HM (+DFW presumed) subsume into Laniarius luehderi Resident, secondary and gallery forest: Cuanza Norte (NW Angola). Laniarius amboimensis Gabela Bush-Shrike Gonolek de l’Angola Gonolek d’Amboim HM (+DFW presumed) subsume into Laniarius luehderi Resident, evergreen forest: near Gabela (W Angola). Laniarius ruficeps Red-naped Bush-Shrike Gonolek à nuque rouge ruficeps; rufinuchalis; kismayensis Resident, dense thornbush: scattered patches Somalia, SE Ethiopia, SE Kenya. [Laniarius liberatus Bulo Burti Boubou Gonolek de Bulo Burti] Bulo Burti Bush-Shrike 1 specimen Bulo Burti (C Somalia); now thought to be a colour morph of Laniarius aethiopicus erlangeri (see Mol. Phyl. Evol.(2008)). 71 Laniarius aethiopicus Tropical Boubou Gonolek d’Abyssinie major; mossambicus; limpopoensis; aethiopicus; erlangeri; ambiguus; sublacteus; (ROB has 8 races in Africa) CMT, HBW, IOC (+RSF) raise Laniarius erlangeri Somali Boubou Gonolek d'Erlanger; Laniarius sublacteus Zanzibar Boubou Gonolek de Cassin Resident, dense woody cover by water: Sierra Leone - Eritrea, NW Somalia south to NE Angola - SE Botswana, N South Africa excluding most of forest area and C Tanzania; (erlangeri -- S Somalia (lower Shabeelle and Jubba valleys); sublacteus -- S Somalia - NE Tanzania, Zanzibar). Laniarius ferrugineus Southern Boubou Gonolek boubou ferrugineus; pondoensis; natalensis; transvaalensis; tongensis; savensis Resident, dense mesic woodland: along coast S Mozambique - Cape (South Africa), inland to extreme SE Botswana from S Mozambique. Laniarius bicolor Swamp Boubou Gonolek à ventre blanc Gabon Boubou Gonolek du Gabon sticturus; bicolor; guttatus Resident, coastal lowlands and low secondary growth inland: coastal Cameroon - S Angola, inland in south S Angola - N Botswana, W Zambia. Laniarius turatii Turati’s Boubou Gonolek de Turati Gonolek de Verreaux Resident, dense creepers in bushes in savanna woodland: Guinea-Bissau - Sierra Leone. Laniarius barbarus Yellow-crowned Gonolek Gonolek de Barbarie Common Gonolek barbarus; helenae Resident, dense shady undergrowth in woody savannas: Senegal, S Mauritania - S Chad south to forest area of West Africa; also coastal parts of Ivory Coast - SW Nigeria. Laniarius mufumbiri Papyrus Gonolek Gonolek des papyrus Resident, papyrus swamps: S Uganda, SW Kenya - Burundi. Laniarius erythrogaster Black-headed Gonolek Gonolek à ventre rouge DFW subsumes into Laniarius atrococcineus Resident, wooded and bushed grasslands, thickets along watercourses: N Cameroon - N CAR - NW Eritrea south through extreme W Ethiopia, S Sudan and in east to Burundi, NW Tanzania and all around L. Victoria; patch on upper Congo R.. Laniarius atrococcineus Crimson-breasted Shrike Gonolek rouge et noir Crimson-breasted Gonolek Resident, dense thickets in thornbush with scattered trees: S Angola - SW Zambia - W Zimbabwe south to N South Africa excluding coastal Namibia. Laniarius atroflavus Yellow-breasted Boubou Gonolek à ventre jaune Resident, dense undergrowth in and and near montane forest: mts of E Nigeria, W Cameroon. Nilaus afer Brubru Brubru africain Brubru brubru; solivagus; afer; camerunensis; minor; massaicus; nigritemporalis; miombensis; affinis; (HM + hilgerti (HBW incl in minor; not in BoA, CMT (or ROB presumed)) Resident, mainly woodland but also scrub: all S of Sahara except forest area and S half South Africa; patchy in C Angola, much of Tanzania and parts of NE Africa. PRIONOPIDAE (SAM includes within Corvidae, HM, IOC, BL, ROB include within Malaconotidae) Prionops plumatus White Helmet-Shrike Bagadais casqué White-crested Helmet-Shrike* plumatus; concinnatus; cristatus; vinaceigularis; poliocephalus; (ROB + talacoma (HM incl in poliocephalus; not in HBW)) Resident, savanna woodland, miombo, forest edges: all S of Sahara south of Sahel zone except forest area, and not south of N Namibia NE South Africa or northeast of NW and SW Somalia; patchy through Kenya, Tanzania. Prionops poliolophus Grey-crested Helmet-Shrike Bagadais à huppe grise Resident, open woodland: small area in Rift Valley of SW Kenya, N Tanzania. Prionops alberti Yellow-crested Helmet-Shrike Bagadais d'Albert Bagadais de Roi Albert Resident, montane woodland incl bamboo forest: mts of W Albertine Rift. Prionops caniceps Red-billed Helmet-Shrike Chestnut-bellied Helmetshrike; Northern Red-billed Helmet-Shrike caniceps; harterti Resident, lowland primary and gallery forest: Guinea - extreme W Cameroon. Bagadais à bec rouge 72 Prionops rufiventris Rufous-bellied Helmet-Shrike Bagadais à ventre roux Gabon Helmetshrike rufiventris; mentalis DFW, BL subsumes into Prionops caniceps Resident, primary and mature secondary forest: S Cameroon, N and W Gabon, W Congo, patches in NW DRC (rufiventris); C and NE DRC (mentalis). Prionops retzii Retz’s Helmet-Shrike Bagadais de Retz Retz’s Red-billed Helmet-Shrike tricolor; retzii; nigricans; graculinus (ZTP graculina) Resident, riverine forest, miombo, mopane woodland: C Angola - SE Kenya, S Somalia south to extreme N Namibia - NE South Africa excluding much of N Tanzania and N Mozambique. Prionops gabela Gabela Helmet-Shrike Bagadais de Gabela Angola Helmetshrike Resident, dry secondary forest, thickets: small area on escarpment of W Angola. Prionops scopifrons Chestnut-fronted Helmet-Shrike Bagadais à front roux scopifrons; kirki; keniensis Resident, coastal evergreen, lowland and riverine forest: coastal S Somalia - E Mozambique; few places inland eg C Kenya, E Zimbabwe. ORIOLIDAE (SAM includes in Corvidae) Oriolus nigripennis Black-winged Oriole Loriot à ailes noires (HBW + alleni; nigripennis) Resident, forest including mangroves: Sierra Leone - W Uganda in narrow band, and south through Gabon to NW Angola; Bioko. Oriolus brachyrhynchus Western Black-headed Oriole Loriot à tête noire Western Oriole* Loriot à tête noire occidental brachyrhynchus; laetior Resident, forests: all of forest area to S Uganda but only in N half of DRC and only just reaches Angola in Cabinda. Oriolus crassirostris São Tomé Oriole Loriot de São Tomé Mountain Oriole Loriot de Percival Resident, primary forest: São Tomé. Oriolus percivali Montane Oriole; Black-tailed Oriole Resident, montane forest, well-timbered hillsides: Albertine Rift mts, Mt Elgon and C Kenya mts. Oriolus larvatus Eastern Black-headed Oriole Loriot masqué African Black-headed Oriole; Black-headed Oriole* larvatus; angolensis; additus (BoA, HM=tibicen); reichenowi; rolleti; (ROB has 4 races in Africa) Resident, Acacia and broad-leaved woodlands, usually near water: all Angola except NW - S Sudan, C Ethiopia, S Somalia south to extreme N Namibia, N Botswana, N, E and S South Africa. Oriolus monacha Abyssinian Black-headed Oriole Loriot moine Dark-headed Oriole; Ethiopian Oriole* Loriot d’Abyssinie Ethiopian Black-headed Oriole; Abyssinian Oriole monacha; meneliki Resident, woodlands especially wetter ones, forest in mts: N Eritrea, C Ethiopia. Oriolus chlorocephalus Green-headed Oriole Loriot à tête verte amani; chlorocephalus; speculifer Resident, montane and riparian forest (Malawi, Mozambique), coastal forests (Kenya, Tanzania): coastal S Kenya - S Tanzania and inland in Tanzania mts (amani); a few mts in S Malawi, W Mozambique (chlorocephalus, speculifer). Oriolus auratus African Golden Oriole Loriot doré notatus; auratus Intra-African migrant, tall mature woodlands, forest edge: breeds Senegal - W Ethiopia and Angola - S Tanzania south to C Angola Malawi; moves into more arid areas in non-breeding season extending to N Namibia - extreme NE South Africa. Oriolus oriolus Eurasian Golden Oriole Loriot d’Europe European Golden Oriole oriolus; (HBW monotypic) Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, mature trees: breeds C Morocco - NW Tunisia; winters S Cameroon, S CAR - SE Kenya south to C Namibia, N South Africa with extensions down E and S coasts. 73 VANGIDAE (SAM includes within Corvidae; CMT, HM add Newtonia spp, Xenopirostris spp and Mystacornis spp) Pseudobias wardi Ward’s Flycatcher Bias de Ward Ward’s Shrike-Flycatcher Gobemouche de Ward Red-tailed Vanga Calicalic malgache DFW, HBW place in Platysteiridae Resident, forest: E Madagascar. Calicalicus madagascariensis Vanga à queue rousse Resident, native evergreen forests: N, W and E Madagascar (not in centre). Calicalicus rufocarpalis Red-shouldered Vanga Calicalic à épaules rousses Calicalic à épaulettes Resident, subarid thorn and euphorbia scrub: small area of SW Madagascar. Schetba rufa Rufous Vanga Schetbé roux Artamie rousse rufa; occidentalis Resident, forests: N and E Madagascar (rufa); W Madagascar (occidentalis). Vanga curvirostris Hook-billed Vanga Vanga écorcheur curvirostris; cetera Resident, evergreen humid forest (curvirostra) and spiny forest (cetera): N and E (curvirostra) and SW (cetera) Madagascar below 1500m asl. Xenopirostris xenopirostris Lafresnaye’s Vanga Vanga de Lafresnaye Resident, primary spiny forest: southern subdesert of Madagascar. Xenopirostris damii Van Dam’s Vanga Vanga de Van Dam Resident, primary deciduous forest: N and NW Madagascar. Xenopirostris polleni Pollen’s Vanga Vanga de Pollen Resident, evergreen humid forest: E Madagascar. Falculea palliata Sickle-billed Vanga Falculie mantelée Sicklebill Resident, primary deciduous and spiny forests, mangroves: all of W and into S Madagascar. Artamella viridis White-headed Vanga Artamie à tête blanche viridis; annae Resident, all native forests: E (viridis) and W (annae) Madagascar up to 1500m asl. Leptopterus chabert Chabert Vanga Artamie Chabert chabert; schistocercus Resident, all native forests: Madagascar (schistocercus in SW) up to 1000m asl. Cyanolanius madagascarinus Blue Vanga Artamie azurée madagascarinus; comorensis; bensoni Resident, forests (and woodland in Comoros): Madagascar except S and C (madagascarinus); Grand Comoro (bensoni); Mohéli (comorensis). Oriolia bernieri Bernier’s Vanga Oriolie de Bernier Resident, lowland evergreen forest: N half of evergreen forest area in E Madagascar. Euryceros prevostii Helmet Vanga Eurycère de Prévost Helmetbird Resident, lowland evergreen forest: small area in NE Madagascar. Hypositta corallirostris Nuthatch Vanga Hypositte malgache Coral-billed Nuthatch-Vanga Vanga-Sittelle malgache (BL also has Hypositta perdita Bluntschli’s Vanga (HM says this is juvenile H. corallirostris)) Resident, lowland evergreen forest: E Madagascar. Tylas eduardi Tylas Vanga Tylas à tête noire Vanga Tylas eduardi; albigularis DFW places as Incertae sedis near Vangidae Resident, forests: E (eduardi) and locally in WC (albigularis) Madagascar. 74 DICRURIDAE (SAM includes within Corvidae) Dicrurus ludwigii Square-tailed Drongo Drongo de Ludwig sharpei; muenzneri (not in HM); tephrogaster; ludwigii; saturnus Resident, forest, woodland and moist thickets: Senegal - W Kenya and south in narrow band through E Gabon - NW Angola (sharpei); coastal S Somalia - S Tanzania (muenzneri); S Malawi, much of Mozambique, E South Africa (tephrogaster with ludwigii in south); C Angola, S DRC, NW Zambia (saturnus). Dicrurus atripennis Shining Drongo Drongo de forêt Resident, interior of mature forest: Sierra Leone - E DRC south to C Gabon and east. Dicrurus adsimilis Fork-tailed Drongo Drongo brillant Common Drongo fugax; adsimilis; apivorus; divaricatus; (ROB has 5 races in Africa) Resident, all savannas with tress: all S of Sahara except forest area, C Ethiopian highlands, E Somalia and parts of C and W South Africa. Dicrurus modestus Velvet-mantled Drongo Drongo modeste Príncipe Drongo coracinus; modestus; atactus DFW, BL subsume into Dicrurus adsimilis (SS raises Dicrurus coracinus Velvet-mantled Drongo (D. modestus is Príncipe Drongo)) Resident, mainly forests: all of forest area, Sierra Leone - W Kenya to NW Angola, Bioko; Príncipe (modestus). Dicrurus fuscipennis Grand Comoro Drongo Drongo de la Grande Comore Comoro Drongo Resident, edges of clearings with large trees : Grand Comoro. Dicrurus aldabranus Aldabra Drongo Drongo des Aldabras Drongo d'Aldabra Resident, the three main wooded habitats, especially Casuarina and mangroves: Aldabra. Dicrurus forficatus Crested Drongo Drongo malgache Madagascar Crested Drongo forficatus; potior Resident, all areas with trees: Madagascar (forficatus); Anjouan (potior). Dicrurus waldenii Mayotte Drongo Drongo de Mayotte Resident, rainforests and wetter areas with large trees: Mayotte. CORVIDAE Corvus capensis Cape Crow Corneille du Cap Cape Rook Corbeau du Cap capensis; kordofanensis Resident, moorland, alpine meadows, cultivation, Acacia savanna: SE Sudan, N Eritrea, Ethiopia (not NW or NE), NW Somalia, coastal C Somalia, N Kenya, N Uganda then SE Uganda, SW Kenya (kordofanicus); C Angola, extreme W Zambia - E Zimbabwe south to Cape and SE South Africa but not in driest parts (capensis). Corvus corone Carrion Crow Corneille noire Hooded Crow Corneille mantelée corone Vagrant: NW Africa in winter. Corvus cornix pallescens; sharpii BoA, HM, SAM subsume into Corvus corone Resident and winter visitor, cultivation to forest clearings: resident Nile Valley south to Aswan (pallescens); rare winter visitor to rest of N Africa, some Atlantic islands. Corvus corax Common Raven Grand Corbeau Northern Raven* tingitanus; canariensis (CMT incl in tingitanus) Resident, mountain cliffs, open plains with rocky wadis, coastal cliffs: North Africa from W Morocco - Nile but not south of Atlas Mts (tingitanus); Canary Is (canariensis). Corvus ruficollis Brown-necked Raven Corbeau brun (HM + edithae; ruficollis here considered separate species) Resident, deserts, dry savannas: Sahara Desert from North Africa (not along coast) to Sahel zone N Senegal - N Eritrea; Cape Verde Is. Corvus edithae Somali Crow Corbeau d’Edith Dwarf Raven, Ethiopian Raven DFW, SAM, HM, BL, ZTP subsume into Corvus ruficollis Resident, deserts, open thornbush: S Eritrea, E half Ethiopia, Somalia, N Kenya, extreme SE Sudan. 75 Corvus albus Pied Crow Corbeau pie Resident, all savannas, forest clearings: all S of Sahara north to edge of Sahara Desert but excluding driest parts of NE and SW of the continent. Corvus rhipidurus Fan-tailed Raven Corbeau à queue courte rhipidurus; (CMT monotypic) Resident, arid rocky cliffs, ravines: E Sudan - all but SE Ethiopia to E Uganda, C Kenya and arm along coastal N Somalia; patches west to extreme E Mali, C Chad, W Sudan. Corvus albicollis White-necked Raven Corbeau à nuque blanche White-naped Raven Resident, mountain and hill areas but widespread in these: S Uganda, E DRC, S Kenya south through E Zambia to E and S South Africa; largely absent from Mozambique except W. Corvus crassirostris Thick-billed Raven Corbeau corbivau Resident, montane scree and cliffs, moorlands, often with large trees in towns: Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands. Corvus frugilegus Rook Corbeau freux frugilegus Vagrant in winter: Algeria, Egypt, Azores, Madeira. Corvus monedula Western Jackdaw Choucas des tours Eurasian Jackdaw spermologus; cirtensis IOC Coloeus monedula Resident, cliffs with some woods in mts: N Morocco, N Algeria. [Corvus splendens House Crow Corbeau familier] Corbeau d’Inde splendens; zugmayeri; protegatus Introduced resident, human habitations around coast: scattered locations N Red Sea - NW Somalia; S Kenya - Cape (South Africa); splendens is main race in Africa, zugmayeri probably in parts of E and NE, protegatus probably in parts of Somalia. Ptilostomus afer Piapiac Piapiac africain Piac-piac Resident, well-grazed pasture in open woodland, farmland, floodplains: guinea savanna zone Senegal - C Sudan and south in east to S Uganda. Pica pica Eurasian Magpie Pie bavarde Black-billed Magpie; Common Magpie mauritanica (CMT mauretanica) Resident, open and lightly wooded areas: S Morocco - Tunisia. Garrulus glandarius Eurasian Jay Geai des chênes whitakeri; minor; cervicalis Resident, woods mainly on hillsides: C Morocco - Tunisia. Nucifraga caryocatactes Spotted Nutcracker Cassenoix moucheté Eurasian Nutcracker macrorhynchos (BoA says presumably macrorhynchus but caryocatactes seems much more likely) Vagrant: 1 record NW Africa. Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Red-billed Chough Crave à bec rouge barbarus; baileyi Resident, craggy montane areas near meadows: higher parts of Atlas Mts of Morocco, Algeria, La Palma (Canary Is) (barbarus); highlands of Ethiopia (baileyi). Pyrrhocorax graculus Alpine Chough Chocard à bec jaune Yellow-billed Chough Chocard des Alpes graculus Resident, very high parts of mts: C Morocco in higher parts of Atlas Mts (between treeline and snowline). Zavattariornis stresemanni Stresemann’s Bush-crow Ethiopian Bush Crow Corbin de Stresemann Corbeau de Stresemann BoA places in Sturnidae Resident, parklike Acacia and short-grass savanna: common in very small area around Yabello and Meega in S Ethiopia. 76 STURNIDAE DFW has all Rufipenne … as Etourneau …; HBW has the 3 Poeoptera spp as Choucadour ... Poeoptera lugubris Narrow-tailed Starling Rufipenne à queue étroite Resident, canopy of mature lowland forest, plantations: patchy across forest area Liberia, W Cameroon, NE DRC, NW Angola and some others. Poeoptera stuhlmanni Stuhlmann’s Starling Rufipenne de Stuhlmann Resident, montane forest: small patches W Ethiopia, SE Sudan, SW Kenya, Albertine Rift Mts. Poeoptera kenricki Kenrick’s Starling Rufipenne de Kenrick kenricki; bensoni; (HBW monotypic) Resident, montane forest canopy: C Kenya - Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) in mountains. Onychognathus walleri Waller’s Starling Rufipenne de Waller Waller’s Red-winged Starling; Waller’s Chestnut-winged Starling Etourneau à bec court walleri; elgonensis; preussi Resident, mature submontane forests: W Cameroon, Bioko (preussi); E DRC, SE Sudan, Kenya west of Rift (elgonensis); C Kenya and Eastern Arc Mts (Tanzania) and to N Malawi (walleri). Onychognathus fulgidus Chestnut-winged Starling Rufipenne de forêt Forest Chestnut-winged Starling; São Tomé Chestnutwinged Starling hartlaubii; fulgidus; intermedius (HBW incl in hartlaubii) (SS raises Onychognathus hartlaubi Chestnut-winged Starling) Resident, open forests, humid woodlands, clearings: all forest area although not in much of WC DRC (hartlaubii (and intermedius in S and E Cameroon)); Sao Tome (fulgidus). Onychognathus morio Red-winged Starling Rufipenne morio morio; rueppellii; (ROB monotypic) Resident, rocky outcrops, especially in hills, towns: E side of continent mainly on higher ground, SW Ethiopia - Cape (South Africa) but missing from much of Tanzania and all but west of Mozambique. Onychognathus blythii Somali Starling Rufipenne de Blyth Somali Chestnut-winged Starling Resident, mts with junipers, rocky hills, wadis and dry watercourses: Eritrea - NE Somalia scattered to C Ethiopia, Socotra. Onychognathus frater Socotra Starling Rufipenne de Socotra Socotra Chestnut-winged Starling Resident, rocky hillsides, open plains, thickets, towns, gardens: Socotra. Onychognathus neumanni Neumann’s Starling Rufipenne de Neumann neumanni; modicus DFW, SAM, BL assumed to subsume into Onychognathus morio Resident, rocky outcrops, cliffs, houses: scattered and patchy E Senegal, NW Ivory Coast east to Chad, W Sudan border south to S Cameroon. Onychognathus salvadorii Bristle-crowned Starling Rufipenne de Salvadori Resident, trees among crags and gorges near permanent water, semi-arid bush: N Kenya, S Somalia, 2 areas in E Ethiopia. Onychognathus albirostris White-billed Starling Rufipenne à bec blanc Resident, montane cliffs and gorges: high parts of N Ethiopia - SEritrea. Onychognathus tenuirostris Slender-billed Starling Rufipenne à bec fin Slender-billed Chestnut-winged Starling tenuirostris; theresae; (HBW monotypic) Resident, wet evergreen montane forest and moorland: C Ethiopian highlands (tenuirostris); mts of C Kenya - N Malawi and Albertine Rift (theresae). Onychognathus nabouroup Pale-winged Starling Rufipenne nabouroup Resident, rocky outcrops, gorges in arid areas: SW Angola, W Namibia, W and C South Africa away from coast. Onychognathus tristramii Tristram’s Starling Rufipenne de Tristram Resident, rocky areas in mts: S Sinai (Egypt). DFW has all Choucador … as Merle métallique … and Spréo … as Etourneau … Some authors usually have Lamprotornis spp (to L. australis in below) as … Glossy Starling and not … Starling Lamprotornis cupreocauda Copper-tailed Starling Choucador à queue bronzée Merle métallique à dos bleu IOC, HBW Hylopsar cupreocauda Resident, lowland forest, swamp forest: Guinea - S Ghana. 77 Lamprotornis purpureiceps Purple-headed Starling Choucador à tête pourprée IOC, HBW Hylopsar purpureiceps Resident, lowland forest, often clearings, gallery forest along rivers: S Nigeria - W Kenya south to C DRC, Cabinda (Angola). Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Starling Choucador pourpré purpureus; amethystinus; (HBW monotypic) Resident, savanna woodlands, gardens, bush: Senegal - S Sudan, extreme W Kenya south to N edge of forest area. Lamprotornis nitens Cape Starling Choucador à épaulettes rouges Red-shouldered Glossy Starling (HM + nitens; phoenicopterus; culminator) Resident, savanna and riverine bush, in arid parts near watercourses: W and S Angola - S Zimbabwe, extreme S Mozambique south to South Africa except W Cape, SW Namibia. Lamprotornis chalcurus Bronze-tailed Starling Choucador à queue violette emini; chalcurus; (HBW monotypic) Resident, mesic scrubby bushland: narrow belt Senegal - W Kenya. Lamprotornis corruscus Black-bellied Starling Choucador à ventre noir corruscus; vaughani; (ZTP + mandanus; jombeni (BoA, HM, CMT, ROB incl both in corruscus)) IOC Notopholia corruscus; HBW Notopholia corrusca (+ race) Resident, coastal forest and bush: S Somalia - S South Africa, rarely inland along rivers eg Tana in Kenya (corruscus); Pemba (vaughani). Lamprotornis chalybaeus Greater Blue-eared Starling Choucador à oreillons bleus cyaniventris; chalybaeus; sycobius (CMT scyobius); nordmanni Resident, open woodland usually with dense ground cover: all Sahel zone Senegal - NW Somalia and south in east through W Ethiopia, W Kenya, SW Uganda, Tanzania (except SE), Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, NE South Africa, W Mozambique whence west to S Angola, N Namibia, N and E Botswana. Lamprotornis chloropterus Lesser Blue-eared Starling Choucador de Swainson chloropterus; elisabeth SAM, IOC, BL, ROB (+SF, SL, SS) raise Lamprotornis elisabeth Southern Blue-eared Starling (Miombo Blue-eared Starling*) Choucador élisabeth Resident (nomadic near edge of range), savanna woodland, bush, farmland, miombo: between Sahel zone and forest Senegal - W and N Ethiopia and to S Uganda, W Kenya (chloropterus); SE Kenya, E Tanzania and southwest to all of Zambia, Zimbabwe, extreme W Mozambique (elisabeth). Lamprotornis acuticaudus Sharp-tailed Starling Choucador à queue fine Merle métallique à queue étroite acuticaudus; ecki; (ROB monotypic) Resident, miombo and other deciduous woodland: SE DRC, N half Zambia, C and E Angola and just reaches N Namibia, NW Botswana. Lamprotornis ornatus Príncipe Starling Choucador de Príncipe Splendid Starling Choucador splendide Resident, forest, woodland: Príncipe. Lamprotornis splendidus Merle métallique à oeil blanc splendidus; chrysonotis; lessoni; bailundensis Resident, forest of all types: SW Senegal - SW Kenya and south to NW Angola - N Zambia; outlier SW Ethiopia; Bioko (lessoni); Príncipe (splendidus). Lamprotornis caudatus Long-tailed Glossy Starling Choucador à longue queue Northern Long-tailed Starling Resident, savanna woodland, urban areas with trees, farmland: Senegal east to Nile in Sudan north of forest area. Lamprotornis purpuroptera Ruppell’s Starling Choucador de Ruppell Ruppell’s Long-tailed Starling purpuroptera; aeneocephalus BoA Lamprotornis purpuropterus (+race) Resident, open wooded savannas and bush: E Sudan, N Eritrea south through W Ethiopia, W and S Kenya to N Tanzania and north up coast to S Somalia. Lamprotornis mevesii Meves’s Starling Choucador de Meves Southern Long-tailed Starling; Meves’s Long-tailed Starling mevesii; violacior (not in ROB); benguelensis (ROB has this (extralimital to its area) as a putative species) Resident, tall woodland on flat seasonally inundated alluvial soils: SW Angola, NW Namibia (violacior with benguelensis at S end of W Angola escarpment); NE Namibia, N and E Botswana, S Zambia, Zimbabwe and just into N South Africa (mevesii). Lamprotornis australis Burchell’s Starling Choucador de Burchell Resident, open Acacia and mopane woodland: S Angola, NE half Namibia, extreme SW Zambia, Botswana, N South Africa. Lamprotornis iris Emerald Starling Choucador iris Merle métallique vert DFW, SAM, BL (+SS) Coccycolius iris Resident, wooded savannas: small area Guinea, N Sierra Leone, C Ivory Coast. 78 Lamprotornis unicolor Ashy Starling Spréo cendré Choucador cendré DFW, SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF, SS) Cosmopsarus unicolor; CMT Spreo unicolor Resident, dry savanna and Acacia woodland: patches C Tanzania. Lamprotornis regius Golden-breasted Starling Spréo royal Choucador royal (HM + regius; magnificus) DFW, SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF, SS) Cosmopsarus regius Resident, dry open bushland: E Ethiopia, W Somalia through E Kenya to extreme NE Tanzania. Lamprotornis shelleyi Shelley’s Starling Choucador de Shelley Intra-African migrant, arid and semi-arid bushland: breeds extreme SE Sudan in narrow band across S Ethiopia - NW Somalia; non-breed to S Somalia, E Kenya. Lamprotornis hildebrandti Hildebrandt’s Starling Choucador de Hildebrandt Resident, open bush, wooded grassland, cultivation: block in SC Kenya, NC Tanzania. Lamprotornis superbus Superb Starling Choucador superbe Resident, most open habitats, woodland: SE Sudan - all but NE Somalia south to C Tanzania. Lamprotornis pulcher Chestnut-bellied Starling Choucador à ventre roux Resident and local migrant, thorn scrub, Acacia savanna: Sahel zone, Senegal, S Mauritania - E Sudan, N Eritrea, NW Ethiopia. Spreo fischeri Fischer’s Starling Spréo de Fischer BoA, HM, IOC, HBW Lamprotornis fischeri Resident, wooded savanna: E Kenya, S Somalia, extreme NE Tanzania, extreme S Ethiopia. Spreo albicapillus White-crowned Starling Spréo à calotte blanche albicapillus; horrensis; (HBW monotypic) IOC, HBW Lamprotornis albicapillus Resident, dry stony bushland and Acacia woodland: N and WSomalia, E Ethiopia, just reaching NE Kenya. Spreo bicolor African Pied Starling Spréo bicolore Pied Starling* IOC, HBW Lamprotornis bicolor Resident, open karoo and grassland: South Africa excluding NW, N and E. Speculipastor bicolor Magpie Starling Spréo pie Choucador pie Resident and nomadic, semi-arid and arid thornbush: N Kenya, E and S Ethiopia, NW Somalia moving in non-breed to S and E Kenya, S Somalia. Grafisia torquata White-collared Starling Rufipenne à cou blanc Choucador à cou blanc Resident and perhaps intra-African migrant, forest-savanna mosaic, edges of montane forest: small patches W and C Cameroon, N CAR, N DRC; non-breeding records in Gabon, Congo. Pholia sharpii Sharpe’s Starling Spréo de Sharpe Choucador de Sharpe DFW, SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF) Cinnyricinclus sharpii; IOC Poeoptera sharpii Resident, montane forest, clumps of trees in grassland: highlands C Ethiopia south to E DRC - N Tanzania; Mt Rungwe (SW Tanzania) Cinnyricinclus femoralis Abbott’s Starling Spréo d’Abbott Choucador d'Abbott BoA, CMT, HBW (+SS) Pholia femoralis; IOC Poeoptera femoralis Resident, canopy of montane forest: C Kenya, Crater Highlands (N Tanzania). Cinnyricinclus leucogaster Violet-backed Starling Spréo améthyste Amethyst Starling Merle améthyste; Etourneau améthyste leucogaster; verreauxi; arabicus; (ROB has 2 races in Africa) Resident and intra-African migrant, forest clearings, woodland especially near fruiting trees: all S of Sahara except forest area, east of N Kenya, C Ethiopia and south of C Namibia - NE South Africa; moves towards equator when not breeding; (arabicus in NE Africa). Neocichla gutturalis Babbling Starling Spréo à gorge noir White-winged Babbling Starling; White-winged Etourneau pale; Choucador à gorge noir Starling angusta; gutturalis Resident, miombo: SC Angola (gutturalis); patches C Tanzania, NE Zambia (angusta). Creatophora cinerea Wattled Starling Etourneau caronculé Nomadic and migrant, wooded and bushed grassland: Ethiopia, Eritrea and around S side of forest south to Cape (South Africa), although patchy in Somalia, much of Tanzania, Mozambique, and most of Angola. 79 Sturnus vulgaris Common Starling Etourneau sansonnet European Starling vulgaris; purpurascens; granti; (ROB says no geographical variation) Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, urban areas, cultivation: winter visitor Morocco - NW Libya, resident Canary Is (vulgaris); resident Azores (granti); winter visitor east to Nile Delta (easternmost are purpurascens); introduced to and now in all S half South Africa. Sturnus unicolor Spotless Starling Etourneau unicolore Resident, open country: patchy N Morocco - N Tunisia. Sturnus roseus Rosy Starling Etourneau roselin Rose-coloured Starling CMT, IOC, HBW (+RSF) Pastor roseus Vagrant: Algeria - Egypt, Tenerife, Madeira, Ethiopia, South Africa, Seychelles. [Acridotheres tristis Common Myna Martin triste] tristis; (BoA, ROB + tristoides (CMT, HM, HBW incl in tristis)) Resident (introduced), open areas in towns: E South Africa; also St Helena, Tenerife, Ascension, many Indian Ocean islands. Saroglossa aurata Madagascar Starling Etourneau malgache Madgascan Starling IOC, HBW Hartlaubius auratus Resident, humid forests, woodland: coastla areas of Madagascar except SW corner Buphagus africanus Yellow-billed Oxpecker Piqueboeuf à bec jaune africanus; langi BoA, IOC, CMT, HBW, BD place in Buphagidae Resident, well-wooded savannas: Senegal - SW Sudan north of forest; many small patches S Kenya, Uganda - NE South Africa and west to W Angola, Gabon; another patch NW Ethiopia, S Eritrea, E Sudan. Buphagus erythrorhynchus Red-billed Oxpecker Piqueboeuf à bec rouge BoA, IOC, CMT, HBW, BD place in Buphagidae Resident, savanna woodland: broad patchy band Eritrea - NW Somalia south to NE Namibia - NE South Africa, especially patchy Tanzania - Mozambique. PASSERIDAE Passer griseus Northern Grey-headed Sparrow Moineau gris Common Grey-headed Sparrow griseus; laeneni; ugandae; (HM + swainsonii; gongonensis; suahelicus here considered 3 separate species) Resident, open areas with bushes or light woodland: S Mauritania - NW Eritrea south to Angola - S Malawi though not in Ethiopia, most of Kenya or Tanzania. Passer swainsonii Swainson’s Sparrow Moineau de Swainson DFW, HM, ZTP subsume into Passer griseus Resident, alpine moorland, savanna, especially cultivation and villages: NW Eritrea, NW Somalia, Ethiopia (except SE and parts of NE). Passer gongonensis Parrot-billed Sparrow Moineau perroquet DFW, HM, ZTP subsume into Passer griseus Resident, open areas and thornscrub: S Ethiopia, SW Somalia, E Uganda, Kenya, extreme NE Tanzania. Passer suahelicus Swahili Sparrow Moineau swahili DFW, HM, ZTP subsume into Passer griseus Resident, mainly grassland to light woodland: SW Kenya, NW Tanzania, scattered patches south through C Tanzania. Passer diffusus Southern Grey-headed Sparrow Moineau sud-africain Moineau gris austral luangwae (not in ROB); mosambicus (not in ROB, BoA notes some have this as race of P. griseus); diffusus; stygiceps Resident, open Acacia and other broad-leaved woodland: S Angola - S Zambia - extreme S Tanzania and to the south except driest parts of S Namibia and W Cape Province. Passer motitensis Great Sparrow Grand Moineau Great Rufous Sparrow; Rufous Sparrow; Southern Rufous Sparrow motitensis; subsolanus; benguellensis; (HM + insularis; hemileucus here considered as a separate species; cordofanicus; shelleyi; rufocinctus here considered as 3 separate species) Resident, dry savanna and scrub: rather patchy SW Angola, most of Namibia, Botswana and into N South Africa and just SW Zimbabwe. Passer rufocinctus Kenya Rufous Sparrow Kenya Sparrow*; Rufous Sparrow DFW, HM, BL, ZTP subsume into Passer motitensis Resident, dry Acacia savanna, cultivation: C Kenya, NC Tanzania. Moineau roux de Kenya Moineau roux 80 Passer shelleyi Shelley’s Rufous Sparrow Moineau roux de Shelley White Nile Rufous Sparrow Moineau de Shelley DFW, HM, BL, ZTP (+SF) subsume into Passer motitensis SAM, ZTP subsume into Passer rufocinctus Resident, open semi-arid grassy savannas: patches NW Somalia, S and E Ethiopia, SE Sudan, NE Uganda, W Kenya. Passer cordofanicus Kordofan Rufous Sparrow Moineau roux du Kordofan Kordofan Sparrow* DFW, HM, BL subsume into Passer motitensis SAM, ZTP subsume into Passer rufocinctus Resident, arid bush usually near villages: small area of EC Chad, WC Sudan border. Moineau de Kordofan Passer insularis Moineau de Socotra Socotra Sparrow insularis; hemileucus; (CMT monotypic) DFW, HM, BL subsume into Passer motitensis (IOC, RSF raise Passer hemileucus Abd al-Kuri Sparrow) Resident, all habitats: Socotra (insularis), Abd-el-Kuri (hemileucus). Passer iagoensis Iago Sparrow Moineau du Cap Vert Cape Verde Sparrow Resident, lava plains, gorges, cliffs, edges of cultivation: Cape Verde Is. Moineau des Iles du Cap Vert Passer melanurus Moineau mélanure Cape Sparrow Moineau du Cap melanurus; damarensis; vicinus (HM incl in melanurus) Resident, semi-arid areas, especially bush along watercourses, cultivation: SW coastal Angola, Namibia (except NE), S half Botswana and all South Africa except extreme E and NE. Passer domesticus House Sparrow Moineau domestique tingitanus; niloticus; rufidorsalis; domesticus; indicus; (last 2 are introductions) Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, cultivated areas, villages, towns: all North Africa where more arrive in winter, south to coastal Senegal and all up Nile R. to Ethiopian border, NW Eritrea; introduced widely south of N Namibia - S Kenya especially into all South Africa and parts of S DRC, C Zambia; odd records elsewhere eg NE Nigeria, NW Angola. Passer hispaniolensis Spanish Sparrow Moineau espagnol hispaniolensis; transcaspicus; italiae (italiae: HM places in Passer domesticus and considers it a hybrid domesticus x hispaniolensis, but notes it could be a species; HBW raises as a species but not noted in Africa; BoA has, for convenience, all hybrids as this occurring Morocco - Tunisia; CMT has as race of hispaniolensis in N Africa) Resident and local migrant, dry often hilly areas usually near water: resident C Morocco - Libya along coast; in winter extends further south and east to Egypt and up Nile R. into Sudan; E Atlantic islands south to Cape Verde Is. Passer simplex Desert Sparrow Moineau blanc simplex; saharae Resident and nomadic, dry wadis and oases in sandy areas with trees and bushes: scattered all across Sahara Desert S Morocco, Mauritania east to C Libya, N Sudan. Passer moabiticus Dead Sea Sparrow Moineau de la mer Morte Somali Sparrow Moineau de Somalie Vagrant: Egypt. Passer castanopterus fulgens; castanopterus Resident, arid and semi-arid areas, often near humans: E Ethiopia, N Somalia extending further south along coast (castanopterus); all around L. Turkana (N Kenya) (fulgens). Passer montanus Eurasian Tree Sparrow Moineau friquet Tree Sparrow montanus Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, near human habitations: few resident in N Morocco, NE Tunisia; records in winter Morocco Tunisia; vagrant Egypt; 1 record Guinea perhaps ship-assisted. Passer eminibey Chestnut Sparrow Moineau d’Emin Moineau d’Emin-Pacha Resident, dry savanna, thornbush; patch W Sudan; SE Sudan, SW Ethiopia through E Uganda, W Kenya to NC Tanzania. Passer luteus Sudan Golden Sparrow Moineau doré Resident, dry steppes, woodland: all across Sahel zone S Mauritania, Senegal - NE Sudan, N Eritrea. Passer euchlorus Arabian Golden Sparrow Moineau d’Arabie Moineau doré d’Arabie Resident, coastal plains, arid areas with wadis and bushes: Djibouti and immediate surrounds. 81 Petronia dentata Bush Petronia Petit Moineau Russet-browed Bush Sparrow Petit Moineau soulcie (HBW, BD + dentata; buchanani) HM, IOC, HBW Gymnoris dentata Resident and intra-African migrant, dry woodland: all across Sahel and guinea savanna zones Senegal - Eritrea, some moving north in wet season and south in dry but breeds in both. Petronia pyrgita Yellow-spotted Petronia Moineau à point jaune Yellow-spotted Bush Sparrow Moineau soulcie à point jaune pyrgita; pallida HM, IOC, HBW Gymnoris pyrgita Resident, dry woodland and scrub: patches across Sahel zone N Senegal - Eritrea; NE Uganda - NW Somalia south to NC Tanzania including all to the east. Petronia superciliaris Yellow-throated Petronia Moineau bridé Yellow-throated Bush Sparrow Moineau soulcie austral rufitergum; flavigula; bororensis; superciliaris HM, IOC, HBW Gymnoris superciliaris Resident, broad-leaved woodland, tree and bush savannas: extreme SE Gabon, Angola (not coastal) - Tanzania (all but N) south to extreme NE Namibia around N and E Botswana and south to E half South Africa; patch in C Congo. Petronia petronia Rock Sparrow Moineau soulcie Rock Petronia; Common Rock Sparrow barbara; petronia Resident, broken ground, rocky slopes, old buildings: C Morocco - extreme NW Libya (barbara); Canary Is, Madeira (petronia) Carpospiza brachydactyla Pale Rockfinch Moineau pâle Pale Rock Sparrow Moineau soulcie pâle DFW, BL Petronia brachydactyla BoA places in Fringillidae Palearctic winter visitor, gravelly barren coastal plains: Red Sea coastal areas Sudan - NW Somalia extending inland in places to Khartoum area (Sudan) and into NE Ethiopia. PLOCEIDAE (SAM includes within Passeridae) Bubalornis albirostris White-billed Buffalo-Weaver Alecto à bec blanc Resident, dry savanna, open farmland: across Sahel zone Senegal, S Mauritania - N Eritrea and band south in east through W Ethiopia to NE Uganda, NW Kenya. Bubalornis niger Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver Alecto à bec rouge niger; intermedius; (HM + militaris (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in niger)) Resident, dry thornscrub and woodland: S Ethiopia, NW, W and S Somalia south in band across C Tanzania to SW Tanzania (intermedius); patchy S Angola, C Namibia east to S Zimbabwe, N South Africa, W Mozambique and some outliers in NW Angola, E Zambia (niger). Dinemellia dinemelli White-headed Buffalo-Weaver Alecto à tête blanche dinemelli; boehmi Resident, dry bush and savanna: S Ethiopia, Somalia (all but NE) - extreme SE Sudan, NE Uganda, Kenya (not SW) to C Tanzania. HM, IOC, BL place Plocepasser spp, Histurgops ruficauda, Pseudonigrita spp and Philetairus socius in Passeridae, BL also places Sporopipes spp in Passeridae. Plocepasser mahali White-browed Sparrow-Weaver Mahali à sourcils blancs Moineau-tisserin à sourcils blancs melanorhynchus (not in ROB); pectoralis; ansorgei; mahali; (HM + stentor (BoA, ROB incl in mahali); propinquatus (not in BoA, ROB); HM + terricolor (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in mahali)) Resident, mopane and Acacia savanna: rather patchy C Ethiopia, SW Somalia - SW Uganda, C Tanzania; S Angola, Namibia east to C and N Zimbabwe, N half South Africa and arms to E Zambia and S Malawi. Plocepasser superciliosus Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver Mahali à calotte marron Moineau-tisserin à calotte marron Resident, woodland and tall bush: guinea savanna zone Senegal - N Eritrea, C Ethiopia and in east south to N Uganda, NW Kenya. Plocepasser rufoscapulatus Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Weaver Mahali à dos roux Moineau-tisserin à dos roux Resident, miombo woodland: NW, C and SE Zambia with a few patches S DRC, W Angola. Plocepasser donaldsoni Donaldson Smith’s Sparrow-Weaver Mahali de Donaldson Moineau-tisserin de Donaldson Resident, dry bush, woodland: small area S Ethiopia, N Kenya. 82 Histurgops ruficauda Rufous-tailed Weaver Histurgopse à queue rouge Tisserin à queue rouge BoA, DFW, BL, ZTP (+SF) Histurgops ruficaudus Resident, thornbush: small area NE Tanzania. Sporopipes frontalis Speckle-fronted Weaver Sporopipe quadrille Moineau quadrillé frontalis; emini; (HM + pallidior (BoA, CMT incl in frontalis)) Resident, dry bush, savanna, thickets: Sahel zone Senegal - NW Ethiopia (frontalis); extreme S Sudan - SW Kenya and south to C Tanzania (emini). Sporopipes squamifrons Scaly-fronted Weaver Sporopipe squameux Scaly Weaver; Scaly-feathered Finch; Scaly-feathered Weaver* Moineau à front écaillé (HM, ROB + squamifrons; fuligescens) Resident, dry Acacia savannas, arid scrub near watercourses: Namibia, extreme S Angola - SW Zimbabwe south to N half South Africa but not in E. Pseudonigrita arnaudi Grey-headed Social Weaver Républicain d’Arnaud Grey-capped Social Weaver* Moineau social à tête grise arnaudi; dorsalis; (HM + australoabyssinicus) Resident, bush and Acacia woodland: SE Sudan - SC Kenya then south in band to S Tanzania (but not in E or SW). Pseudonigrita cabanisi Black-capped Social Weaver Républicain de Cabanis Moineau social à tête noire Resident, dry thornbush: S Ethiopia, N Kenya; patches SW Somalia, C and SC Kenya, NC Tanzania. Philetairus socius Sociable Weaver Républicain social Social Weaver Moineau-tisserin social (HM + geminus; socius; xericus) Resident, open arid areas with scattered trees: Namibia, SW Botswana, NW South Africa. Malimbus ballmanni Gola Malimbe Malimbe de Ballmann Ballmann’s Malimbe; Tai Malimbe Malimbe de Gola Resident, primary lowland forest: Gola Forest (Sierra Leone-Liberia border), and Liberia-W Ivory Coast border area. Malimbus racheliae Rachel’s Malimbe Malimbe de Rachel Resident, primary forest: small areas W Cameroon, N Gabon. Malimbus scutatus Red-vented Malimbe Malimbe à queue rouge scutatus; scutopartitus Resident, mature and secondary forest, well-wooded savannas: Sierra Leone - SW Cameroon in forest zone. Malimbus cassini Cassin’s Malimbe Malimbe de Cassin Black-throated Malimbe Resident, dense, tall, often swampy, forest: S Cameroon, Congo east to N and E (not NE) DRC; possibly S Ghana. Malimbus ibadanensis Ibadan Malimbe Malimbe d’Ibadan Resident, forest edges, secondary forest: very small area SW Nigeria near Ibadan. Malimbus erythrogaster Red-bellied Malimbe Malimbe à ventre rouge erythrogaster; fagani; (HM monotypic) Resident, high canopy of dense forest: SE Nigeria scattered to S Gabon east to EC DRC (erythrogaster); most of NE quarter DRC (fagani). Malimbus coronatus Red-crowned Malimbe Malimbe couronné Resident, primary forest: scattered S Cameroon, N Gabon - E DRC. Malimbus malimbicus Crested Malimbe Malimbe huppé nigrifrons; malimbicus; crassirostris (not in HM) Resident, primary and secondary lowland forest: all of forest area, patch in NW Angola. Malimbus nitens Blue-billed Malimbe Malimbe à bec bleu Gray’s Malimbe Resident, primary and secondary forest: all of forest area to E DRC, extending north in west near coast to S Senegal. Malimbus rubricollis Red-headed Malimbe Malimbe à tête rouge bartletti; nigeriae; rubricollis; rufovelatus; praedi; centralis (not in HM) Resident, forest and secondary woodland with large trees: all of forest area east to W Kenya. Anaplectes rubriceps Red-headed Weaver Tisserin écarlate leuconotus (HM notes this = melanotis if specific name is melanotis); jubaensis; rubriceps IOC, ROB Anaplectes melanotis (ROB races rubriceps, melanotis (presumed) + 1) Resident, bushland, miombo, Acacias, gardens: S Mali in band to WC Sudan with patches in Senegal; W Ethiopia and patches in NE and N Somalia south through S Sudan, Uganda, S Kenya (not coastal), Tanzania (not coastal or SE) to extreme E Angola, extreme NE Namibia, all NE Botswana to N South Africa, W Mozambique; patches to west in N Namibia and on W Angola scarp. Ploceus flavipes Yellow-legged Weaver Tisserin à pieds jaunes Malimbe à pieds jaunes SAM Malimbus flavipes Resident, canopy of lowland forest: Ituri Forest (DRC). 83 Ploceus bertrandi Bertram’s Weaver Tisserin de Bertrand Bertrand’s Weaver Tisserin de Bertram Resident, open woodland and bush along rivers, forest edge in hilly country: 3 small patches: Uluguru and Udzungwa Mts (Tanzania); extreme SW Tanzania, NE Zambia, N Malawi; S Malawi and adjacent W Mozambique. Ploceus baglafecht Baglafecht Weaver Tisserin baglafecht baglafecht; reichenowi; stuhlmanni; sharpii; nyikae; neumanni; eremobius; emini Resident, forest clearings and edges, gardens: band across SC Cameroon - W CAR (neumanni); parts of Ethiopia; NE and E DRC, S Uganda, SW Sudan, SW Kenya - NC Tanzania; SW Tanzania , NE Zambia. Ploceus nigrimentus Black-chinned Weaver Tisserin à menton noir DFW, CMT, SAM, BD (+SS) Ploceus nigrimentum Resident, open savanna: few small patches extreme SE Gabon across Congo; Bailundu highlands (Angola) (not seen since 1960). Ploceus bannermani Bannerman’s Weaver Tisserin de Bannerman Resident, forest edges, dense shrubby areas in montane forest: mts of extreme E Nigeria, W Cameroon. Ploceus batesi Bates’s Weaver Tisserin de Bates Resident, lowland forest: patches in S Cameroon. Ploceus luteolus Little Weaver Tisserin minule Little Masked Weaver (HM, ZTP + luteolus (also in BD); kavirondensis) Resident, savanna woodland with large Acacia trees, arid thornscrub: Sahel zone Senegal - Eritrea although probably with gap in Chad, south in east to SW Uganda, SW Kenya. Ploceus pelzelni Slender-billed Weaver Tisserin de Pelzeln Tisserin nain pelzelni; monacha (BD monachus) Resident, wetlands with trees: coastal strip C Ivory Coast - NW Angola; inland along Congo R., and some patches in S DRC (monacha); mts of Albertine Rift and all around L. Victoria (pelzelni). Ploceus subpersonatus Loango Weaver Tisserin à bec grêle Loango Slender-billed Weaver; Loanga Weaver Tisserin de Cabinda Resident, swamp forest, mangroves, palm savanna, clearings in secondary forest: coastal strip Gabon - DRC. Ploceus nigricollis Black-necked Weaver Tisserin à cou noir brachypterus; nigricollis; melanoxanthus; (HM + po (BoA, CMT incl in brachypterus)) Resident, savanna woodlands, plantations, mangroves, gallery forest: Senegal - SW Ethiopia south to NW Angola - S DRC - C Tanzania and up coast of Kenya - C Somalia (rather patchy in central forest area). Ploceus ocularis Spectacled Weaver Tisserin à lunettes crocatus; suahelicus; ocularis; (HM + tenuirostris (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in crocatus); brevior (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in ocularis)) Resident, open woodland, forest edges, bushy thickets: SW Ethiopia - NE DRC south to E South Africa but patchy or absent from C Tanzania and N Mozambique; extends west through Zambia and patchy to W Angola; patches Cameroon, CAR. Ploceus melanogaster Black-billed Weaver Tisserin à tête jaune melanogaster; stephanophorus Resident, undergrowth and dense secondary bush in mid-level forest: extreme SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, Bioko (melanogaster); extreme S Sudan through Albertine Rift mts, Mt Elgon, Nandi Forest (Kenya) (stephanophorus). Ploceus alienus Strange Weaver Tisserin de montagne Tisserin bizarre Resident, montane forest: Albertine Rift Mts. Ploceus capensis Cape Weaver Tisserin du Cap (HM + olivaceus; capensis; rubricomus) Resident, open country with some trees and permanent water: W, S and E South Africa but not N or C. Ploceus temporalis Bocage’s Weaver Tisserin de Bocage Tisserin à joues olives Resident, bushes and trees near water: small patches C Angola, extreme NE Angola, extreme NW Zambia. Ploceus subaureus Yellow Weaver Tisserin jaune Eastern Golden Weaver; [African Golden Weaver] Petit Tisserin doré aureoflavus; subaureus; (HM + tongensis (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in subaureus)) Resident, coastal vegetation and river valleys: SE Kenya - S Tanzania, Malawi - central E Mozambique and south down coast to S South Africa; uncertain NE Mozambique. Ploceus xanthops Holub’s Golden Weaver Tisserin safran Large Golden Weaver; Golden Weaver; Tisserin doré African Golden Weaver* Resident, bushy areas with tall grass, forest edges, watercourses: E DRC - SW Kenya south through W Tanzania, Malawi, all of Zambia, Zimbabwe and to NE South Africa; also scattered in S DRC and parts of W Angola, N Namibia, N Botswana. 84 Ploceus aurantius Orange Weaver Tisserin orangé aurantius; rex Resident, coastal thickets, mangroves, inland along rivers and L. Victoria papyrus swamps: coastal fringe Sierra Leone - NW Angola, inland across S Cameroon to Congo R. and very scattered patches east to L. Victoria. Ploceus bojeri Golden Palm Weaver Tisserin palmiste Tisserin des palmiers Resident, palm savanna on coast and riverine vegetation: S Somalia, E Kenya. Ploceus castaneiceps Taveta Golden Weaver Tisserin de Taveta Taveta Weaver* Resident, woodland, dry bush: small area SC Kenya, NC Tanzania. Tisserin doré de Taveta Ploceus princeps Príncipe Golden Weaver Tisserin de Príncipe Príncipe Weaver* Tisserin doré de Príncipe Southern Brown-throated Weaver Tisserin à gorge brune Resident, all habitats: Príncipe Is. Ploceus xanthopterus xanthopterus; marleyi; castaneigula Resident, reedbeds and tall aquatic vegetation: S Tanzania - Save R. (Mozambique) (xanthopterus); SE Mozambique, E South Africa (marleyi); W Zambia, N Botswana (castaneigula). Ploceus castanops Northern Brown-throated Weaver Tisserin à gorge noire Resident, waterside vegetation, especially papyrus: S Uganda and just into adjacent DRC, N Tanzania, Rwanda. Ploceus burnieri Kilombero Weaver Tisserin de Burnier Tisserin de Kilombéro Resident, swamps fringed with reeds: floodplain of Kilombero R. (S Tanzania). Ploceus taeniopterus Northern Masked Weaver Tisserin du Nil Tisserin masque du Nil (HM + taeniopterus (also in ZTP); furensis) Resident, tall grassland with Acacias, along large rivers and swamps: along both Nile rivers in Sudan above confluence and south to extreme NE DRC, N Uganda, N Kenya. Ploceus intermedius Lesser Masked Weaver Tisserin intermédiaire Tisserin masqué austral beattyi; cabanisii; intermedius Resident, savannas, preferring near water: S Ethiopia - E DRC, excluding dry parts of northern East Africa, south to NE South Africa and scattered west across S Zambia, Botswana to N half Namibia and up coast of Angola. Ploceus velatus Southern Masked Weaver Tisserin à tête rousse African Masked Weaver; [Vitelline Masked Weaver] Tisserin masque velatus; nigrifrons; tahatali; shelleyi; caurinus; finschi (HM incl last 4 in velatus); (BD + vitellinus; ZTP + uluensis here placed in P. vitellinus; BD + peixotoi (BoA, CMT incl in tahatali, HM place in P. vitellinus)) Resident, open savannas: SW and SE Angola - Malawi and south. Ploceus vitellinus Vitelline Masked Weaver Tisserin vitellin uluensis; vitellinus; (HM + peixotoi (BoA incl in P. velatus tahatali) see under P. velatus) DFW, BD (+SS, prob SF) subsume into Ploceus velatus Resident, dry savanna woodland and scrub: Sahel zone S Mauritania, Senegal - Nile Valley and south in east to N Uganda, W Kenya, NE Tanzania with band across last to SC; patch in NW Somalia. Ploceus reichardi Tanzania Masked Weaver Tisserin de Reichard Lake Lufira Weaver; Tanganyika Masked Weaver Tisserin de Ruwet Resident, papyrus and reed swamps: very small area SW Tanzania, NE Zambia. Ploceus katangae Katanga Masked Weaver Tisserin de Katanga upembae; katangae; (CMT monotypic) DFW, SAM subsume into Ploceus velatus Resident, swamps for breeding, drier areas when not: small patches S DRC, west parts of NE Zambia. [Ploceus victoriae Victoria Masked Weaver Tisserin du Victoria] SAM has this as a species; BoA has as a hybrid, either Ploceus castanops x P. melanocephalus fischeri (also BL) or P. castanops x P. jacksoni.] Ploceus ruweti Lake Lufira Weaver Tisserin de Ruwet (Lake) Lufira Masked Weaver* DFW (+SS) subsume into Ploceus reichardi Resident, swamps with bushes: L. Lufira (SE DRC). Ploceus heuglini Heuglin’s Masked Weaver Tisserin masqué Tisserin masqué de Heuglin Resident, scrub, cultivation, woodland edge, thickets: soudanian savanna zone N Ivory Coast - SW Chad; N CAR; S Sudan - CW Kenya. 85 Ploceus galbula Ruppell’s Weaver Tisserin de Ruppell Tisserin doré de Ruppell Resident, savanna, hot coastal plains, riverine vegetation: coastal NE Sudan; Blue Nile valley in Sudan and to coast in Eritrea; band across C Ethiopia - N Somalia. Ploceus spekei Speke’s Weaver Tisserin de Speke Resident, woodland and bush, suburbia: patches in N Somalia, W Ethiopia, SW Kenya, NC Tanzania. Ploceus spekeoides Fox’s Weaver Tisserin de Fox Resident, bushed and wooded grassland in swampy areas: small area C Uganda. Ploceus nigerrimus Vieillot’s Black Weaver Tisserin noir Vieillot’s Weaver Tisserin noir de Vieillot; Tisserin de Vieillot castaneofuscus; nigerrimus Resident, forest clearings, villages, grass savannas, not in forest itself: scattered across all of forest area Senegal - W Kenya, N Angola. Ploceus cucullatus Village Weaver Tisserin gendarme [Black-headed Weaver] cucullatus; collaris; bohndorffi; abyssinicus; frobenii; graueri; nigriceps; spilonotus; (HM, ZTP + paropterus (BoA, CMT, ROB (as paroptus by CMT, ROB) incl in nigriceps); HM + dilutescens (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in spilonotus)) Resident and intra-African migrant, all open habitats: all S of Sahara except N Kenya, E Ethiopia and most of Somalia, and southwest of W Angola, N Botswana, E and S South Africa. Ploceus grandis Giant Weaver Tisserin géant Weyns’s Weaver Tisserin de Weyns Resident, forest, plantations: São Tomé. Ploceus weynsi Resident, tall forest trees in seasonally dry swamp forest: small patches across N DRC, SW Uganda. Ploceus golandi Clarke’s Weaver Tisserin de Clarke Resident, miombo woodland: Arabuko-Sokoke forest (SE Kenya). Ploceus dichrocephalus Juba Weaver Tisserin de Salvadori Jubaland Weaver; Salvadori’s Weaver Resident, lush riverine bush, thornbush: patches S Ethiopia, S Somalia. Tisserin de Somalie Ploceus melanocephalus Tisserin à tête noire Black-headed Weaver Yellow-backed Weaver melanocephalus; capitalis; duboisi; dimidiatus; (HM, ZTP + fischeri (BoA, CMT incl in dimidiatus)) Resident, damp areas along rivers: Senegal - S Chad; Congo R. - S Sudan; N Eritrea; Nile R. in S Sudan, Uganda and south to N Zambia, around L. Victoria, across S DRC. Ploceus jacksoni Golden-backed Weaver Tisserin à dos d’or Jackson’s Golden-backed Weaver Tisserin de Jackson Resident, swamp and riverine woodland: Uganda (not SW), W Kenya, N and narrow band across C to SW Tanzania. Ploceus rubiginosus Chestnut Weaver Tisserin roux Tisserin rubigineux rubiginosus; trothae Resident and intra-African migrant, dry thornbush: S Ethiopia - a N-S band across Tanzania, patches in N Ethiopia, S Somalia (rubiginosus); SW Angola - WC Namibia and some in NE Namibia. NW Botswana (trothae). Ploceus badius Cinnamon Weaver Tisserin cannelle (HM + badius; axillaris) Resident, tall grassland near rivers: Nile Valley and tributaries in Sudan north to Khartoum area. Ploceus aureonucha Golden-naped Weaver Tisserin à nuque d’or Resident, canopy of dense lowland rainforest: Ituri Forest (NE DRC). Ploceus tricolor Yellow-mantled Weaver Tisserin tricolore tricolor; interscapularis Resident, high forest canopy, especially riverine swamps: Sierra Leone - S Cameroon and then scattered in rest of forest area. Ploceus albinucha Maxwell’s Black Weaver Tisserin de Maxwell Tisserin noir de Maxwell albinucha; maxwelli; holomelas Resident, forest: Sierra Leone - S Cameroon, Bioko; NE DRC, W Uganda. Ploceus bicolor Dark-backed Weaver Tisserin bicolore Forest Weaver tephronotus; amaurocephalus; mentalis; kigomaensis; kersteni; stictifrons; bicolor; sylvanus; (HM + lebomboensis; sclateri (BoA, ROB incl both in stictifrons; CMT incl both in bicolor)) Resident, forest including gallery and secondary: S Cameroon, Gabon; NE DRC - S Somalia south down W Rift and East African coast; S Malawi, E Zimbabwe - S South Africa mainly coastal; W Angola, S DRC, N Zambia. Ploceus insignis Brown-capped Weaver Tisserin à cape brune Resident, tall montane forest: W Cameroon; scattered records Gabon, W Angola; Albertine Rift; S Sudan. 86 Ploceus dorsomaculatus Yellow-capped Weaver Tisserin à cap jaune Resident, submontane forest: S Cameroon, N Gabon, SW CAR; E DRC near Albertine Rift. Ploceus preussi Preuss’s Weaver Tisserin de Preuss Preuss’s Golden-backed Weaver Resident, canopy of primary and secondary forest: scattered Guinea - NW DRC, N Gabon; NE and E DRC. Ploceus olivaceiceps Olive-headed Weaver Tisserin à tête olive (HM + olivaceiceps; vicarius) Resident, mature miombo woodland with Usnea lichen: SW Tanzania, NW Mozambique, N Malawi; isolated population Panda (S Mozambique). Ploceus nicolli Usambara Weaver Tisserin des Usambara nicolli; anderseni Resident, canopy of montane evergreen forest: Usambara Mts (nicolli); Uluguru and Udzungwa Mts (Tanzania) (anderseni). Ploceus angolensis Bar-winged Weaver Tisserin malimbe Tisserin du miombo Resident, tall, moist miombo woodland with Usnea lichen: patch WC Angola; most of N half Zambia. Ploceus sanctithomae São Tomé Weaver Tisserin de São Tomé Resident, primary and most secondary woodland: São Tomé. Ploceus nelicourvi Nelicourvi Weaver Tisserin nélicourvi Resident, evergreen mossy forest: N, W and S Madagascar. Ploceus sakalava Sakalava Weaver Tisserin sakalave sakalava; minor Resident, dry forest: Madagascar (sakalava in N and E, minor in subdeserts of W and SW). [Ploceus manyar Streaked Weaver Tisserin manyar] Resident, reedbeds and shallow water: introduced to Nile Delta (Egypt). Ploceus superciliosus Compact Weaver Tisserin gros-bec BoA, CMT, SAM (+SS) Pachyphantes superciliosus Resident, thickets, forest edges: scattered patches S Senegal - W Ethiopia south to S Uganda - N Angola. Amblyospiza albifrons Grosbeak Weaver Amblyospize à front blanc Thick-billed Weaver* Grosbec à front blanc capitalba; saturata; melanota; montana; unicolor; tandae; kasaica; maxima; albifrons; woltersi Resident, evergreen forest especially clearings and edges, well-wooded grassland: S Senegal, Sierra Leone - SW Ethiopia south to NW Angola - E South Africa although with some quite large gaps. Quelea cardinalis Cardinal Quelea Travailleur cardinal (HM + cardinalis (also in ZTP); rhodesiae) Resident and intra-African migrant, rank grass, tall wooded grassland in drier areas: extreme S Sudan, S Ethiopia, W Kenya, N Tanzania and patches to SC Tanzania and through E half Zambia. Quelea erythrops Red-headed Quelea Travailleur à tête rouge Resident and intra-African migrant, rank grass near water: patchy Senegal - SW Ethiopia south to C Angola - N Mozambique; S Mozambique, E South Africa near coast. Quelea quelea Red-billed Quelea Travailleur à bec rouge quelea; aethiopica; lathami (HM, ROB lathamii) Nomadic, many habitats especially semi-arid: across Sahel zone south through NE DRC - NW and S Somalia to Tanzania (except SE), whence west to coastal DRC and all to south except Cape area of South Africa. Brachycope anomala Bob-tailed Weaver Travailleur à queue courte Resident, clearings in riverine forest often near humans: central areas of Congo R. Euplectes franciscanus Northern Red Bishop Euplecte franciscain Orange Bishop (HM + pusillus; franciscanus (also in ZTP)) Resident and intra-African migrant, tall open or bushed grassland, especially tall grasses and crops: Senegal - SW Chad; W Sudan in narrow band to Nile R., up river to C Uganda and down to N Sudan, W Ethiopia, parts of E Ethiopia, C Eritrea, S Somalia and NW Kenya. Euplectes orix Southern Red Bishop Euplecte ignicolore Red Bishop (HM + nigrifrons (also in ZTP); orix; sundevalli; turgidus) Resident, tall grassland and open areas near water: S Uganda, SW Kenya south to South Africa, west along Angola-Namibia border to coast and north up coastal Angola but with large gap in most of Namibia and Botswana. Euplectes nigroventris Zanzibar Red Bishop Zanzibar Bishop Resident, coastal grasslands: SE Kenya - SE Tanzania, Zanzibar, Pemba. Euplecte de Zanzibar 87 Euplectes hordeaceus Black-winged Bishop Euplecte monseigneur Black-winged Red Bishop* (HM, ZTP + hordeaceus (also in BD); craspedopterus) Resident, grassland, cultivation, open areas: S Mauritania - SW Ethiopia south to C Angola - N Zimbabwe, N half Mozambique. Euplectes gierowii Black Bishop Euplecte de Gierow gierowii; friederichseni; ansorgei Resident, tall grass in swampy areas: several very small patches Cameroon - C Angola; W Ethiopia - S Uganda, N Tanzania. Euplectes afer Yellow-crowned Bishop Euplecte vorabé afer; strictus; taha; (HM, ZTP + ladoensis (BoA incl in afer)) Resident, open grassy valleys: all S of Sahara except dry NE and SW and less so in forest area. Euplectes diadematus Fire-fronted Bishop Euplecte à diadème Nomadic, open grassland: S Somalia, C and SE Kenya. Euplectes aureus Golden-backed Bishop Euplecte doré Resident, floodplains and rank grass in open savanna: small area C Angola; São Tomé. (Possibly introduced from one to the other but not certain which way.) Euplectes capensis Yellow Bishop Euplecte à croupion jaune phoenicomerus; xanthomelas; angolensis; approximans; capensis; crassirostris; (HM + macrorhynchus (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in capensis)) Resident, grassland, mainly montane in northern parts: Ethiopia - South Africa (not NW) extending west into Angola; isolated patches in N Cameroon, Bioko (phoenicomerus). All Widowbirds are also known as Whydahs or Widows Euplectes albonotatus White-winged Widowbird Euplecte à épaules blanches eques; asymmetrurus; albonotatus Resident, tall bushed grassland: Ethiopia - NE South Africa; small patches WC Sudan, W DRC, W Angola, N CAR, W Gabon, São Tomé. Euplectes macroura Yellow-mantled Widowbird Euplecte à dos d’or Yellow-shouldered Widowbird macrocercus; macroura; conradsi HM notes often incorrectly spelt Euplectes macrourus (+ race macrourus; but note that macrocercus is correct) Resident, moist grassland, marshy areas: Senegal - N and W Ethiopia south to N Angola - E Zimbabwe. Euplectes ardens Red-collared Widowbird Euplecte veuve-noire laticauda; suahelicus (BoA suahelica); ardens; (HM, BD + concolor (BoA, CMT incl in ardens); HM, ZTP + tropicus (not in BoA, CMT)) Resident, grassland, degraded forest clearings: Sierra Leone - W half Ethiopia south to C Angola - E Zimbabwe; NE and E South Africa. Euplectes axillaris Fan-tailed Widowbird Veuve à épaules orangées Red-shouldered Whydah Veuve à épaulettes orangées; Euplecte à épaules orangées bocagei; traversii; phoeniceus; zanzibaricus; axillaris; (HM + quanzae (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in bocagei)) Resident, tall moist grassland and swamp edges: S Sudan, W Ethiopia south to E DRC - W Kenya and N Botswana - NW Mozambique; SE Mozambique, E South Africa. Euplectes hartlaubi Marsh Widowbird Euplecte des marais Hartlaub’s Marsh Widowbird humeralis; hartlaubi Resident, swampy grassland: S and W Cameroon - C Angola east to N Zambia - SW Tanzania; around L. Victoria. Euplectes psammocromius Montane Marsh Widowbird Euplecte montagnard Buff-shouldered Widowbird; Mountain (Marsh) Widowbird Resident, short, thick montane grassland: small areas highlands Nyika Plateau (Zambia, N Malawi), SW Tanzania. Euplectes progne Long-tailed Widowbird Euplecte à longue queue delamerei; progne; delacouri Resident, grassland: E half South Africa (progne); small patches W Angola, S DRC (delacouri); N Zambia, C Kenya (delamerei). Euplectes jacksoni Jackson’s Widowbird Euplecte de Jackson Resident, submontane open grassland: small area SW Kenya, NC Tanzania. Foudia madagascariensis Red Fody Foudi rouge Madagascar Red Fody Resident, open habitats, forest edges, towns: Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion. Foudia eminentissima Red-headed Fody Foudi des Comores Red Forest Fody; Comoros Fody* [Foudi de forêt] aldabrana; consobrina; anjuanensis; eminentissima; algondae IOC raises Foudia aldabrana Aldabra Fody Resident, all habitats: Aldabra (aldabrana); Grand Comoro (consobrina); Anjouan (anjuanensis); Mohéli (eminentissima); Mayotte (algondae). 88 Foudia omissa Forest Fody Foudi de forêt DFW subsumes into Foudia eminentissima Resident, forest: E Madagascar. Foudia rubra Mauritius Fody Foudi de Maurice Rodrigues Fody Foudi de Rodriguez Seychelles Fody Foudi des Seychelles Resident, ??: Mauritius. Foudia flavicans Resident, ??: Rodrigues. Foudia sechellarum Resident, most habitats, probably originally in forest: Cousin, Cousine, Frégate (Seychelles). ESTRILDIDAE (SAM includes in Passeridae) All Nigrita spp are also known (English name) as … Nigrita* Nigrita luteifrons Pale-fronted Negrofinch Nigrette à front jaune Sénégali nègre à front jaune luteifrons; alexanderi Resident, all lowland forest types: central forest area SW Nigeria - E DRC; Bioko; a few patches west to Sierra Leone. Nigrita canicapillus Grey-headed Negrofinch Nigrette à calotte grise Grey-crowned Negrofinch Sénégali nègre emiliae; canicapillus; angolensis; schistaceus; diabolicus; candidus HM notes often incorrectly spelt Nigrita canicapilla (+several races are …a) Resident, forest, plantations: all of forest area to NW Angola and east to C Kenya, N Tanzania. Nigrita bicolor Chestnut-breasted Negrofinch Nigrette à ventre roux Sénégali brun à ventre roux bicolor; brunnescens; saturatior (not in HM) Resident, all lowland forest, thick bush: all forest area to W Uganda; outliers Senegal, SW Mali, Príncipe. Nigrita fusconotus White-breasted Negrofinch Nigrette à ventre blanc Sénégali brun à ventre blanc uropygialis; fusconotus HM notes often incorrectly spelt Nigrita fusconota (+ race) Resident, lowland and intermediate forest especially edges and clearings: all forest area to W Kenya. Parmoptila woodhousei Woodhouse’s Antpecker Parmoptile à gorge rousse Red-headed Antpecker; Red-headed Floer-pecker Parmoptile à tête rouge woodhousei; ansorgei Resident, primary and old secondary forest: belt across C Cameroon but with many small patches in W DRC, NW Angola, S Nigeria. Parmoptila rubrifrons Red-fronted Antpecker Parmoptile à front rouge Red-faced Flower-pecker (HM + jamesoni; rubrifrons here considered separate species) Resident, native and logged forest, usually near water: Sierra Leone - Ghana. Parmoptila jamesoni Jameson’s Antpecker Parmoptile de Jameson DFW, HM, SAM (+SS) subsume into Parmoptila rubrifrons Resident, moist primary forest: northern third of DRC and into W Uganda. Nesocharis shelleyi Shelley’s Oliveback Dos-vert à tête noire Fernando Po Olive-back; Little Oliveback Petit Sénégali vert shelleyi; bansoensis Resident, open primary forest, edges, clearings, isolated trees: mts of SE Nigeria, W Cameroon. Nesocharis ansorgei White-collared Oliveback Dos-vert à collier Sénégali vert à collier Resident, marshy areas at forest edge: E DRC, SW Uganda, Rwanda, extreme NW Tanzania. Nesocharis capistrata Grey-headed Oliveback Dos-vert à joues blanches White-cheeked Olive-back Sénégali vert à joues blanches Resident, grassy and well wooded guinea savanna, relict forest, streams: patches across N edge of forest area Guinea-Bissau - NE DRC, S Sudan, NW Uganda. Mandingoa nitidula Green Twinspot Sénégali vert Green-backed Twinspot Sénégali vert tacheté schlegeli; virginiae; chubbi; nitidula Resident, dense, bushy habitats, mainly (not entirely) lowland: Liberia - SW Ethiopia south to NW Angola - E South Africa; less in central forest area and much of Zambia and Tanzania. 89 Cryptospiza shelleyi Shelley’s Crimsonwing Sénégali de Shelley Bengali de Shelley Resident, closed, moist understorey of montane forest: Albertine Rift forests. Cryptospiza jacksoni Dusky Crimsonwing Sénégali de Jackson Bengali de Jackson Resident, montane forest: Albertine Rift forests. Cryptospiza salvadorii Abyssinian Crimsonwing Sénégali de Salvadori Ethiopian Crimsonwing Bengali de Salvadori salvadorii; ruwenzori; kilimensis Resident, undergrowth in montane forest: Albertine Rift - SW Ethiopia, C Kenya, NC Tanzania (Mt Kilimanjaro). Cryptospiza reichenovii Red-faced Crimsonwing Sénégali de Reichenow Bengali de Reichenow reichenovii; australis; ocularis (HM incl in australis) Resident, dense undergrowth and shrubbery in montane forest: SW Cameroon, Bioko, very small patch in WC Angola (reichenovii); Albertine Rift mts (ocularis); NE Tanzania - E Zimbabwe (australis). Estrilda melanotis Swee Waxbill Astrild à joues noires Astrild à ventre jaune melanotis; bocagei BoA, CMT, ROB (+SS) Coccopygia melanotis Resident, edges of montane forest, lowland forests, thick scrub, gardens: WC Angola (bocagei); S and E South Africa, further inland in Transvaal and just into SE Zimbabwe (melanotis). Estrilda quartinia Yellow-bellied Waxbill Astrild à ventre jaune kilimensis; quartinia; stuartirwini BoA, CMT, ROB (+SS) Coccopygia quartinia DFW, BL subsume into Estrilda melanotis Resident, usually wet grass, bushes around montane forest, grassy clearings: montane areas Ethiopia south through Albertine Rift, Kenya, N Tanzania, Malawi to E Zimbabwe. Estrilda caerulescens Lavender Waxbill Astrild queue-de-vinaigre Red-tailed Lavender Waxbill Astrild gris-bleu Resident, grassland with scattered bushes and trees: guinea savanna zone Senegal - S Chad. Estrilda perreini Grey Waxbill Astrild à queue noir Black-tailed Waxbill; Black-tailed Grey Waxbill; Black-tailed Lavender Waxbill perreini; incana Resident, open woodland, forest edges: W DRC, W Angola east through S DRC, N Zambia to S Tanzania and scattered to E coast South Africa. Estrilda thomensis Cinderella Waxbill Astrild de São Tomé Astrild cendrillon Resident, riverine vegetation in Acacia and mopane woodland: SW Angola to west of escarpment, extreme NW Namibia. Estrilda paludicola Fawn-breasted Waxbill Astrild à poitrine fauve paludicola; roseicrissa; marwitzi; benguellensis; ruthae; ochrogaster IOC, SAM (+SS, RSF) raise Estrilda ochrogaster Abyssinian Waxbill Astrild abyssinien Resident, open, damp areas in thin woodland: W Ethiopia (ochrogaster); S Sudan, NE DRC - W Kenya (paludicola, roseocrissa); scattered in Congo, W DRC (ruthae); C Angola - S DRC, N Zambia (benguellensis); SW Tanzania (marwitzi). Estrilda poliopareia Anambra Waxbill Astrild du Niger DFW subsumes into Estrilda paludicola Resident, very tall grass, reeds on muddy creeks, lagoons: 3-4 localities in coastal Nigeria and in mouth of Niger R.. Estrilda melpoda Orange-cheeked Waxbill Astrild à joues oranges (HM, BD + melpoda; tschadensis) Resident, tall grass, bushy savannas near water: Senegal, S Mali - S Chad to EC DRC (not NE) south to NW Angola - E DRC (not extreme south). Estrilda rhodopyga Crimson-rumped Waxbill Astrild à croupion rose rhodopyga; centralis Resident and wanderer, dry, bushy grassland usually near water: rather patchy Eritrea, E Sudan, NE Ethiopia south through Albertine Rift NE Tanzania to SW Tanzania. Estrilda troglodytes Black-rumped Waxbill Astrild cendré Bec-de-corali cendré Resident and wanderer, thickets, dense woods, riverine scrub: sudan and guinean savannas Senegal, S Mauritania - extreme W Ethiopia, W Eritrea; a few south to Ivory Coast, Ghana. 90 Estrilda astrild Common Waxbill Astrild ondulé Astrld bec-de-corail kempi; occidentalis; peasei; massaica; minor; cavendishi; angolensis; jagoensis; rubriventris; damarensis; astrild; niediecki; macmillani; tenebridorsa; nyansae (not in HM, CMT niansae); (HM + schoutedeni; sousae; adesma; ROB + ngamiensis (HM incl in niediecki); tenebridorsa) Resident, all grassy areas: all S of Sahara Cameroon - C Ethiopia and south except most of forest area, to the N and E of S Kenya (but in C Ethiopia), most of drier areas of Namibia, Botswana, and parts of Tanzania and N Mozambique. Most of the remaining 5 Estrilda spp have been known as Black-faced or Black-cheeked Waxbill by different authors with Estrilda erythronotus known variously as both. Estrilda nigriloris Black-lored Waxbill Astrild à masque noire DFW subsumes into Estrilda astrild Resident, grassy plains: Lualaba R. in S DRC (not seen since 1950). Estrilda nonnula Black-crowned Waxbill Astrild nonnette Astrild à cape noire elizae; eisentrauti; nonnula Resident, grassy forest clearings, grassy areas on mts: W Cameroon - SW Kenya and N end L Tanganyika; small patch Benin. Estrilda atricapilla Black-headed Waxbill Astrild à tête noire atricapilla; avakubi; marungensis; kandti; (ZTP + graueri) BoA, CMT raise Estrilda kandti Kandt’s Waxbill Astrild de Kandt Resident, forest clearings: S Cameroon - E DRC south just to N Angola; Albertine Rift mts, C Kenya mts (kandti). Estrilda erythronotos Black-faced Waxbill Astrild à moustaches delamerei; erythronotos (ZTP erythronotus); (HM + soligena (BoA, CMT, ROB incl in erythronotos)) Resident, Acacia thornbush: S Kenya, N and C Tanzania, patch in SW Uganda (delamerei); S Angola - C Zimbabwe south to N half South Africa (erythronotos). Estrilda charmosyna Black-cheeked Waxbill Astrild des fées Red-rumped Waxbill charmosyna; kiwanukae Resident, arid thorn scrub on plains and low hillsides: NW Somalia in narrow band to S Kenya. Spermophaga poliogenys Grant’s Bluebill Sénégali à bec bleu Grosbec à front rouge Resident, lowland forest: NE DRC and more scattered west to C DRC. Spermophaga haematina Western Bluebill Sénégali sanguin Bluebill Grosbec sanguine haematina; togoensis; pustulata Resident, thick undergrowth in moist forest: Senegal - C DRC, one patch in EC DRC. Spermophaga ruficapilla Red-headed Bluebill Sénégali à tête rouge Grosbec à tête rouge ruficapilla; cana Resident, thick undergrowth in moist forest: NE DRC - W Kenya, patches SW DRC, NW Angola (all ruficapilla); Usambara Mts (NE Tanzania) (cana). Pyrenestes ostrinus Black-bellied Seedcracker Pyréneste ponceau Grosbec ponceau à ventre noir (HM + ostrinus (+ZTP); sanguineus; coccineus; minor here considered as 3 separate species) Resident, watercourses in forest and woodland: Ghana - SW Uganda south to N Angola - N Zambia. Pyrenestes sanguineus Crimson Seedcracker Pyréneste gros-bec Grosbec ponceau à ventre brun (BD + sanguineus; coccineus) HM subsumes into Pyrenestes ostrinus Resident, dense, humid, swamp forest: Senegal - Ivory Coast. Pyrenestes minor Lesser Seedcracker Petit pyréneste Petit-Grosbec ponceau HM subsumes into Pyrenestes ostrinus Resident, dense vegetation in damp places, forest edges, thickets: SE Tanzania, Malawi, C Mozambique. Uraeginthus angolensis Blue Waxbill Cordonbleu de l’Angola Blue-breasted Cordon-bleu; Southern Blue Waxbill; Southern Cordon-bleu angolensis; niassensis; (HM + cyanopleurus; natalensis (BoA, ROB (+CMT for cyanopleurus) incl both in niassensis); ROB has 4 races in Africa) Resident, edges of dry woodland, thickets: W Angola, N Namibia, N Botswana - NE South Africa north to S DRC and (all but NW) Zambia, SE Tanzania; introduced to São Tomé, Zanzibar. 91 Uraeginthus bengalus Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu Cordonbleu à joues rouges brunneigularis; ugogensis (BoA, CMT ugogoensis); katangae; bengalus; (HM, ZTP + littoralis (BoA, CMT incl in brunneigularis)) Resident, thornbush, sahel and guinea woodland: all across Sahel and guinea savanna zone S Mauritania, Senegal - C Ethiopia and south in east through S Kenya, Uganda - SC Tanzania and west across S DRC - NE Angola, NW Zambia. Uraeginthus cyanocephalus Blue-capped Cordon-bleu Cordonbleu cyanocéphale Cordonbleu à calotte bleue SAM Uraeginthus cyanocephala Resident, semi-arid habitats, especially Acacia thickets: S Somalia, Kenya - C Tanzania. Uraeginthus ianthinogaster Purple Grenadier Cordonbleu violacé Cordonbleu grenadin BoA, CMT (+SS) Granatina ianthinogaster Resident, thick Acacia bush and thickets in arid and semi-arid areas: S half Ethiopia, all Somalia except NE, S Sudan - C Tanzania. Uraeginthus granatinus Violet-eared Waxbill Cordonbleu granatin Common Grenadier Cordonbleu à joues violettes; Cordonbleu grenadin (HM + granatinus; retusus; siccatus) BoA, CMT, ROB (+SL, SS) Granatina granatina (+races are …a); SAM Uraeginthus granatina Resident, dry thorn scrub and Acacia woodlands: S Angola - Zimbabwe south to C Namibia - N South Africa. Euschistospiza dybowskii Dybowski’s Twinspot Sénégali à ventre noir Resident, open grassy patches in woodland and forest: patches around Guinea; SE Nigeria - W CAR; patch in NE DRC. Euschistospiza cinereovinacea Dusky Twinspot Sénégali sombre cinerovinacea; graueri Resident, long grass and bushes along lower edges montane forest: WC Angola (cinerovinacea); E DRC (graueri). Hypargos niveoguttatus Peters’s Twinspot Sénégali enflammé Red-throated Twinspot* macrospilotus; niveoguttatus Resident, edges montane forest, thickets: extreme E Angola - SE Kenya south to N half Zimbabwe - S Mozambique. Hypargos margaritatus Pink-throated Twinspot Sénégali de Verreaux Sénégali à gorge rose Resident, dry woodland with dense undergrowth, thickets: S Mozambique, NE South Africa. Clytospiza monteiri Brown Twinspot Sénégali brun Resident, moist bushy grassland, thickets in mature woodland: W Cameroon - S Uganda; NW Angola - Congo R. in C DRC. Pytilia hypogrammica Yellow-winged Pytilia Beaumarquet à ailes jaunes Red-faced Pytilia Resident, mature savanna woodland: scattered patches Guinea - S Chad, N CAR. Pytilia phoenicoptera Red-winged Pytilia Beaumarquet aurore phoenicoptera; emini Resident, mature dry savanna woodlands: Senegal - NW Uganda but very patchy (emini east to Nigeria, phoenicoptera Cameroon and east). Pytilia lineata Red-billed Pytilia Beaumarquet à bec rouge Ethiopian Aurora Finch; Lineated Pytilia DFW, BL subsume into Pytilia phoenicoptera Resident, open wooded grassland: W and C Ethiopian highlands. Pytilia melba Green-winged Pytilia Beaumarquet melba Melba Finch citerior; soudanensis; percivali; belli; melba; jessei; grotei; hygrophila; (CMT + flavicaudata (HM considers invalid as specific name, BoA places in quotes for the same reason, RSF notes it has never been collected)) Resident, Acacia thorn savannas, woodland, thickets: Senegal - Eritrea south to C Namibia, N South Africa excluding forest area; perhaps absent from much of Ethiopia and very scattered in Mali, Burkino Faso area. Pytilia afra Orange-winged Pytilia Beaumarquet à dos jaune Resident, open wooded and bushed country: mouth of Congo R., Angola, S DRC - C Mozambique; scattered Zimbabwe, Tanzania, N Uganda, C Ethiopia. Lagonosticta senegala Red-billed Firefinch Amarante du Sénégal senegala; rhodopsis; brunneiceps; somaliensis; ruberrima; rendalli Resident, short grass, bare ground in open bush around villages: all S of Sahara except forest area, most of Angola and drier NE and SW. Lagonosticta rufopicta Bar-breasted Firefinch Amarante pointé [Brown Firefinch] rufopicta; lateritia Resident, grassland, overgrown cultivation: soudanian and guinea savanna zones Senegal, Guinea - W Ethiopia, W Kenya. Lagonosticta nitidula Brown Firefinch Amarante nitidule DFW subsumes into Lagonosticta rufopicta Resident, swamps and reedbeds: upper Congo R., SW Tanzania southwest to W Zambia, N Botswana and to WC Angola. 92 Lagonosticta larvata Black-faced Firefinch Amarante masqué Black-throated Firefinch* vinacea; nigricollis; larvata; (HM + togoensis) SAM, IOC raise Lagonosticta vinacea Black-faced Firefinch Amarante vineux (races vinacea, nigricollis) (L. larvata becomes Black-throated Firefinch) Resident, grassy areas with trees or bamboo: Senegal - S Sudan (vinacea Senegal - Guinea), NW Uganda; patch in NW Ethiopia (larvata). Lagonosticta rara Black-bellied Firefinch Amarante à ventre noir forbesi; rara Resident, grassy guinea savannas: SE Senegal, Sierra Leone - S Sudan, N Uganda, W Kenya. Lagonosticta rubricata African Firefinch Amarante foncé Blue-billed Firefinch Amarante flambé polionota; congica; haematocephala; rubricata; (HM + ugandae (BoA, CMT incl in congica); ZTP + hildebrandti (BoA, CMT incl in haematocephala); ROB has 5 races in Africa) Resident, tall grass, bush along forest edges and thickets, streams: Senegal - W Ethiopia south in east through Uganda, W Kenya - C Mozambique (but excluding much of Tanzania) and west along south of forest area through N Zambia, S DRC; outlier in NE and E South Africa (rubricata). Lagonosticta landanae Pale-billed Firefinch Amarante de Landana Landana Firefinch* BoA, DFW, BD subsume into Lagonosticta rubricata Resident, tall grass, bush along forest edges and thickets, streams: S Gabon, W Congo, W Angola. Lagonosticta rhodopareia Jameson’s Firefinch Amarante de Jameson Pink-backed Firefinch rhodopareia; jamesoni; ansorgei; (ZTP + taruensis (HM incl in jamesoni); bruneli (HM has = L. umbrinodorsalis)) Resident, arid and semi-arid Acacia bushland: SW Ethiopia - NE South Africa and to west Caprivi Strip - E Angola; W Angola just reaching W DRC and NW Namibia (ansorgei). Lagonosticta virata Mali Firefinch Amarante de Kulikoro Kulikoro Firefinch DFW subsumes into Lagonosticta rhodopareia Resident, rocky hillsides, thickets: E Senegal and upper Niger R. in SW Mali. Lagonosticta sanguinodorsalis Rock Firefinch Amarante de roche DFW, SAM appear to subsume into Lagonosticta rhodopareia Resident, rocky outcrops and hillsides: small area in NC Nigeria. Lagonosticta umbrinodorsalis Chad Firefinch Amarante de Reichenow Reichenow’s Firefinch DFW, BL subsumes into Lagonosticta rhodopareia (Note: early editions of HM had this as Lagonosticta rhodopareia bruneli) Resident, rocky hillsides: extreme SW Chad, NE Cameroon. Amadina fasciata Cut-throat Finch Amadine cou-coupé Cut-throat fasciata; alexanderi; meridionalis; contigua Resident, and intra-African migrant, wooded savannas: Sahel zone Senegal - Eritrea and south in east to C Tanzania (fasciata, alexanderi); S Zambia, N and E Botswana, Zimbabwe, N South Africa and scattered in N Namibia (meridionalis, contigua). Amadina erythrocephala Red-headed Finch Amadine à tête rouge erythrocephala; dissita; (HM monotypic) Resident and nomad, densely wooded thornbush, more open areas when non-breeding: Namibia, Botswana, South Africa (except E and SW) with arm up coastal Angola. Ortygospiza atricollis Black-faced Quailfinch Astrild-caille à face noire Quailfinch atricollis; ansorgei; (CMT, HM + ugandae (BoA incl in atricollis)) Resident, short grass savannas: scattered Senegal, Liberia - NE Nigeria; 2 areas in SE Sudan. Ortygospiza fuscocrissa African Quailfinch Astril-caille à lunettes fuscocrissa; muelleri; smithersi; pallida; digressa ; (ROB + bradfieldi (HM incl in muelleri);?ugandae; ROB has 9 in Africa) DFW, HM, SAM, BL, ROB, ZTP subsume into Ortygospiza atricollis Resident, short grass savannas: Ethiopian, Eritrean highlands, East African highlands, E Angola, E Botswana, E two-thirds South Africa, Zimbabwe and scattered in W Angola, NC Namibia, Cape area, SW and NE Zambia. Ortygospiza gabonensis Black-chinned Quailfinch Astrild-caille à gorge noire Red-headed Quailfinch; Red-billed Quailfinch gabonensis; fuscata; dorsostriata Resident, short grass plains: scattered W Gabon - SW Uganda south to C Angola - N Zambia excluding most of DRC. 93 Ortygospiza locustella Locust Finch Astrild-caille à gorge rouge uelensis; locustella BoA, CMT, ROB Paludipasser locustella Resident, flat open grassland: E Angola - SW Tanzania south to NE Zimbabwe; patches SW Kenya, NE DRC and a few in Congo away from coast. Amandava subflava Zebra Waxbill Bengali zébré Orange-breasted Waxbill* subflava; clarkei; (HM + niethammeri (BoA, ROB incl in clarkei)) BoA, CMT, ROB (+RSF) Sporaeginthus subflavus (+ race) Resident, rough, montane grasslands, rank grass in open savanna woodland: Senegal - W Ethiopia, extreme W Kenya south to SW Angola - NE South Africa, excluding forest area. [Amandava amandava Red Avadavat Bengali rouge] amandava Resident, reedbeds in water: introduced to Nile Delta. Lonchura griseicapilla Grey-headed Silverbill Capucin à tête grise Spermète à tête grise BoA, CMT, IOC (+SS, RSF) Odontospiza grisecapilla Resident, arid Acacia savanna: S Ethiopia, S Sudan - C Tanzania in narrow band. Lonchura cucullata Bronze Mannikin Capucin nonnette Bronze Munia Spermète nonnette cucullata; scutata BoA, CMT (+RSF) Spermestes cucullatus (+ races); ROB (+SS) Spermestes cucullata Resident, long grass, clearings in reach of water: all S of Sahara Senegal - W Ethiopia, SW Kenya south to C Angola - Zimbabwe - NE and E South Africa; gap in forest area except S Gabon and most of Congo. Lonchura bicolor Black-and-white Mannikin Capucin bicolore Black-and-White Munia; [Red-backed Mannikin] Spermète à bec bleu; Capucin à dos brun bicolor; poensis; woltersi; nigriceps BoA, CMT, SAM, ROB (+SS, RSF) Spermestes bicolor SAM, IOC (+SL, SF, SS, RSF) raise Lonchura (Spermestes) nigriceps Brown (Red*)-backed Mannikin Capucin à dos brun Resident and intra-African migrant, tall grass in forest clearings, gardens: Guinea - SW Ethiopia, S Kenya south to NW Angola - C Mozambique and south down E coast South Africa. Lonchura fringilloides Magpie Mannikin Capucin pie Magpie Munia Spermète pie (BD + fringilloides) BoA, CMT, ROB (+SS, RSF) Spermestes fringilloides Resident, wet rice fields, savannas, rank grass: Senegal - SW Uganda south to NW Zambia - Mozambique; (main area N DRC - C Mozambique). Lonchura nana Madagascar Mannikin Capucin de Madagascar Madagasar Munia Spermète nain SAM, IOC Lemuresthes nana Resident, open areas, forest edge, marsh edges and crops: Madagascar. Lonchura cantans African Silverbill Capucin bec d’argent Spermète bec d’argent cantans; orientalis BoA, CMT (+SS, RSF) Euodice cantans Resident, semi-arid steppes, rocky savannas: Sahel zone Senegal - NE Sudan, N Eritrea, NE Ethiopia; S Sudan, SW Ethiopia, S Somalia south to N Tanzania. Warbling Silverbill [Padda oryzivora Java Sparrow Padda de Java] DFW, HM, IOC Lonchura oryzivora Resident, human habitations: introduced to Zanzibar, Pemba, Mascarenes. VIDUIDAE (SAM includes within Passeridae) Anomalospiza imberbis Parasitic Weaver Cuckoo Finch; Cuckoo Weaver* Anomalospize parasite Tisserin parasite; Tisserin-coucou imberbis; butleri; (HM monotypic) DFW, SAM, ZTP, BD place in Ploceidae Resident and intra-African migrant, open bushy grasslands, cultivation: local and scarce Senegal - C Ethiopia south to SE Angola, extreme N Botswana, E South Africa excluding forest area. 94 DFW has all …. Whydah as …. Widow Vidua macroura Pin-tailed Whydah Veuve dominicaine Resident, cultivation and clearings: all S of Sahel zone and excluding drier NE and SW. Vidua orientalis Sahel Paradise Whydah Veuve à collier d’or Northern Paradise Whydah aucupum; orientalis DFW, BL subsume into Vidua paradisaea Resident, grassy savanna woodland: all Sahel zone. Vidua interjecta Exclamatory Paradise Whydah Veuve d’Uelle Uelle Paradise Widow; [Long-tailed Paradise Whydah]; Exclamatory Whydah Resident, guinea savanna woodlands: guinea savanna zone Senegal - W Ethiopia. Veuve nigérienne Vidua togoensis Veuve du Togo Togo Paradise Whydah Resident, open woodland, cultivation: Guinea - Togo north of forest; patches W Cameroon, S Mali. Vidua obtusa Broad-tailed Paradise Whydah Veuve de Chapin Veuve à collier d’or Resident, dry miombo woodland: Angola east to S Tanzania - C Zimbabwe, N Mozambique; arm to north up Albertine Rift to SW Uganda, E DRC. Vidua paradisaea Eastern Paradise Whydah Veuve de paradis [**Long-tailed Paradise Whydah*] Resident, woodland with scattered trees, semi-arid scrub: C Ethiopia, W Somalia south to N South Africa and west in arm S Zambia, N Botswana, N Namibia and north up W Angola. Vidua hypocherina Steel-blue Whydah Veuve métallique Resident, lowland thorn scrub: NW and SW Somalia - N Uganda south to C Tanzania. Vidua fischeri Straw-tailed Whydah Veuve de Fischer Veuve à queue de paille Resident, open, short grass plains: E Ethiopia, W Somalia - extreme SE Sudan - C Tanzania with a gap in E Kenya. Vidua regia Shaft-tailed Whydah Veuve royale Queen Whydah Resident, semi-arid areas, especially Acacia: SW Angola, C Namibia east to S Zambia, all but NE Zimbabwe, N South Africa, SW Mozambique. Vidua chalybeata Village Indigobird Combassou du Sénégal chalybeata; ultramarina; centralis; amauropteryx; neumanni; okavangoensis Resident, thorn scrub along rivers, roads, edges of cultivation, mopane woodlands: Senegal - Eritrea extending a little further north down Nile R. in Sudan, around forest area through Uganda, S Kenya south to N South Africa and west in strip along Angola-Namibia border and with patches in W Angola. Vidua wilsoni Wilson’s Indigobird Combassou de Wilson Pale-winged Indigobird Resident, woodland savannas: narrow band Senegal - NW Uganda. Combassou à ailes pales Vidua nigeriae Combassou du Nigérie Quailfinch Indigobird Combassou d’Astrild-caille DFW subsumes into Vidua wilsoni; no mention in SAM Resident, open, grassy areas with scattered bushes: small patches Mali, NE Nigeria, extreme S Sudan; old records Gambia. Vidua maryae Jos Plateau Indigobird Combassou de Jos Plateau Indigobird Combassou du Plateau de Jos no mention in DFW, SAM Resident, base of rocky outcrops in semi-arid guinea savannas: Jos Plateau (N Nigeria). Vidua raricola Jambandu Indigobird Combassou de Jambandu Resident, floodplains, grassy wetlands: patches Guinea-Bissau, NE Ivory Coast, C Nigeria, NW Cameroon, W Sudan, S Sudan. Vidua larvaticola Barka Indigobird Combassou de Barka Baka Indigobird Resident, overgrown cultivation, thickets: NC Nigeria, S Chad, W CAR; outliers W Sudan, NW Ethiopia and a few west to Senegal. Vidua camerunensis Cameroon Indigobird Combassou du Cameroun Fonio Indigobird DFW subsumes into Vidua wilsoni; no mention in SAM Resident, woody and shrubby edges of rivers, cultivation: scattered Guinea - NE DRC, S Sudan; patch on lower Congo R.. Vidua funerea Variable Indigobird [Dusky Indigobird*] Combassou noir Combassou variable funerea; nigerrima Resident, lowlying moist woodlands and forest edges: S DRC, S Tanzania - E South Africa; outliers W Angola, N Tanzania, W Kenya. 95 Vidua purpurascens Purple Indigobird Combassou violacé [Dusky Indigobird] Combassou noirâtre; Combassou pourpré Resident, drier, bushy woodlands, thornbush, riverine: S Zambia, extreme NE Botswana - NE South Africa; outliers SW Angola, NE Tanzania, W and S Kenya. Vidua codringtoni Zambezi Indigobird Combassou vert Twinspot Indigobird; Green Indigobird; Combassou de Codrington Peter’s Twinspot Indigobird Resident, riverine and flooded thickets, dense Acacia woodland: S Tanzania - C Zimbabwe. (VIREONIDAE) Vireo olivaceus Red-eyed Vireo Viréo aux yeux rouges White-eyed Vireo Viréo aux yeux blancs) Philadelphia Vireo Viréo de Philadelphie) Chaffinch Pinson des arbres Vagrant: Morocco. (Vireo griseus Vagrant: Azores. (Vireo philadelphicus Vagrant: Azores. FRINGILLIDAE Fringilla coelebs Common Chaffinch* africana; spodiogenys; moreletti; maderensis; canariensis; ombriosa; palmae; coelebs; gengleri Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, woodland, thickets, farmland: all across North Africa (spodiogenys, africana); Azores (moreletti); Madeira (maderensis); Canary Is (canariensis, ombriosa, palmae); introduced to Cape Town, South Africa (gengleri). Fringilla montifringilla Brambling Pinson du Nord Vagrant: parts of North Africa and south to Senegal. Fringilla teydea Blue Chaffinch Pinson bleu teydea; polatzeki Resident, only in forests of endemic pine Pinus canariensis: Tenerife (teydea); Gran Canaria (polatzeki). Pseudochloroptila totta Cape Siskin Serin totta DFW, HM, SAM Serinus totta; IOC, ROB Crithagra totta Resident, scrubby fynbos on rocky slopes: SW Cape Province (South Africa). Pseudochloroptila symonsi Drakensberg Siskin Serin de Symons Serin du Drakensburg DFW, HM, SAM Serinus symonsi; IOC, ROB Crithagra symonsi Resident, alpine grasslands, montane scrub: mts of Lesotho and Drakensberg (KZ-Natal, South Africa). IOC has Serinus citrinelloides to S. tristriatus (and S. alario) as Crithagra spp (note specific name becomes eg tristriata not tristriatus in some cases); ROB has the same for species covered but these are noted explicitly. Serinus citrinelloides African Citril Serin d’Abyssinie Abyssinian Citril Venturon africain citrinelloides; kikuyensis (BoA kikuyuensis; SAM places in Serinus frontalis); (HM + martinsi; HM + hypostictus; frontalis; brittoni here considered as 2 separate species) Resident, scrub on mountain slopes, secondary bush, gardens, plantations: highlands of Eritrea, Ethiopia, C Kenya. Serinus frontalis Western Citril Serin à diadème Yellow-browed Citril DFW, HM, ZTP (+SF) subsume into Serinus citrinelloides Resident, highland grassy areas: Albertine Rift south to S end L. Tanganyika. Serinus hypostictus Southern Citril Serin est-africain Grey-faced Citril hypostictus; brittoni DFW, HM, ZTP (+SF) subsume into Serinus citrinelloides Resident, forest clearings, edges of rank vegetation along streams, banana plantations: extreme S Sudan, W Kenya (brittoni); SE Kenya, N Tanzania and band N-S across Eastern Arc Mts and all of Malawi (hypostictus). 96 Serinus capistratus Black-faced Canary Serin à masque noir Serin à face noir capistratus; hildegardae Resident, shrubland, grassland next to forest: patches S Gabon, N Angola, S DRC and into N Zambia. Serinus koliensis Papyrus Canary Serin du Koli Serin des papyrus Resident, papyrus swamps: S and SW Uganda, Rwanda, SW Kenya. Serinus scotops Forest Canary Serin forestier transvaalensis; umbrosus; scotops ROB Crithagra scotops (+race umbrosa) Resident, montane evergreen forest, dense bush: E South Africa and south to Cape. Serinus leucopygius White-rumped Seedeater Serin à croupion blanc White-rumped Serin riggenbachi; leucopygius; (HM, BD + pallens (BoA, CMT incl in riggenbachi)) Resident, light woodland, steppe in arid areas: Sahel and soudanian savanna zones Senegal - W Ethiopia, S Sudan. Serinus atrogularis Black-throated Canary Serin à gorge noire Black-throated Seedeater; [Yellow-rumped Seedeater] somereni; lwenarum; atrogularis; impiger; semideserti; deserti; seshekeensis (not in HM); (HM + reichenowi; xanthopygius here considered as 2 separate species) ROB Crithagra atrogularis Resident, open woodland savannas: S Angola - N Zambia and south excluding Kalahari Desert, Cape area, extreme E South Africa, and all of Mozambique; arm up western Rift to S Uganda and some in S DRC. Serinus reichenowi Reichenow’s Seedeater Serin de Reichenow [Yellow-rumped Seedeater] DFW, HM, BL subsume into Serinus atrogularis Resident and wanderer, scrub, bush, cultivation and woodland in arid areas: C Ethiopia south to a N-S band across C Tanzania. Serinus xanthopygius Yellow-rumped Seedeater Serin à croupion jaune Yellow-rumped Serin; White-throated Seedeater DFW, HM subsume into Serinus atrogularis Resident, upland scrub: NW Eritrea, N Ethiopia. Serinus citrinipectus Lemon-breasted Canary Serin à poitrine citron Lemon-breasted Seedeater ROB Crithagra citrinipecta Resident, clearings in dry woodland, scrub, palm savanna: small areas E Zimbabwe, S Mozambique, extreme E South Africa. Serinus mozambicus Yellow-fronted Canary Serin du Mozambique caniceps; punctigula; barbatus; samaliyae; tando; vansoni; mozambicus; granti; grotei; gommaensis; (HM, BD + santhome (BoA, CMT incl in tando noting that santhome has been used for the population introduced to Sao Tome)) ROB Crithagra mozambica (+ race) Resident and wanderer, open woodland, tree savannas of many types: Senegal - W Ethiopia south to S Angola - E South Africa excluding all of forest area and to the NE of most of Kenya and parts of Tanzania; introduced to São Tomé. Serinus dorsostriatus White-bellied Canary Serin à ventre blanc maculicollis; dorsostriatus; taruensis (not in HM) Resident, dry Acacia thornbush and grassland: SE Ethiopia, NW Somalia south to NC Tanzania. Serinus flavigula Yellow-throated Seedeater Serin à gorge jaune Yellow-throated Serin Resident, scrubby areas among rocks on hillsides: Shoa Province (NC Ethiopia). Serinus xantholaemus Salvadori’s Seedeater Serin de Salvadori Salvadori’s Serin SAM no mention (presumed to subsume into Serinus flavigula) Resident, mixed woodland in valleys: 10 localities on SE half Ethiopia. Serinus donaldsoni Northern Grosbeak Canary Serin à gros bec Ethiopian Grosbeak Canary; Grosbeak Canary Resident and wanderer, park-like areas with scattered trees and scrub on arid plains: scattered SE Ethiopia, N Kenya, Somalia. Serinus buchanani Southern Grosbeak Canary Kenya Grosbeak Canary DFW subsumes into Serinus donaldsoni Resident and wanderer, dry thorn scrub, thickets: S Kenya, N Tanzania. Serin de Buchanan 97 Serinus sulphuratus Brimstone Canary Serin soufré Bully Canary sharpii (BoA sharpei); wilsoni; sulphuratus ROB Crithagra sulphurata (+ race) Resident, most open bushy country, woodlands, clearings: E DRC - SW Kenya; WC Angola; S DRC - SW Tanzania south through Zimbabwe and then E and S South Africa. Serinus flaviventris Yellow Canary Serin de Sainte Hélène Serin jaune damarensis; flaviventris; marshalli; guillarmodi ROB Crithagra flaviventris Resident and wanderer, woodland, semi-arid shrub savannas: Namibia, Botswana and all but E South Africa; introduced Ascension Is, St Helena. Serinus albogularis White-throated Canary Serin à gorge blanche crocopygius (BoA crocopygia); sordahlae; albogularis; orangensis; (HM + hewitti (BoA, CMT incl in albogularis)) ROB Crithagra albogularis (+ race crocopygia) Resident and nomad, shrublands, coastal fynbos, arid wastelands: extreme SW Angola through W half Namibia to W and C South Africa. Serinus striolatus Streaky Seedeater Serin strié striolatus; graueri Resident and wanderer, upland scrub, dense bush, dry woodlands, forest edges: Ethiopian highlands into NW Eritrea, and SW Kenya, N Tanzania (both striolatus); Albertine Rift mt areas (graueri). Serinus whytii Yellow-browed Seedeater Serin bride DFW, HM (+SF) subsume into Serinus striolatus Resident, edges of evergreen forest: small area SW Tanzania. Serinus burtoni Thick-billed Seedeater Serin de Burton burtoni; tanganjicae (CMT tanganijicae); kilimensis; albifrons; (HM + melanochrous here considered a separate species) Resident, montane forest where broken with grassland: W Cameroon, Bioko (burtoni); small area WC Angola, highlands of E DRC, W Uganda, Rwanda (tanganjicae); SW Kenya, NC Tanzania (kilimensis, albifrons). Serinus melanochrous Tanzania Seedeater Serin des Kipengere Kipengere Seedeater* DFW, HM subsume into Serinus burtoni Resident, high altitude montane forest: Mt Rungwe, Udzungwa Mts (S Tanzania). Serinus rufobrunneus Príncipe Seedeater Serin roux Serin de Príncipe rufobrunneus; thomensis; fradei Resident, all forest types: São Tomé (thomensis); Príncipe (rufobrunneus); Caroo Is (fradei). Serinus leucopterus Protea Canary Serin bifascié Protea Seedeater* Serin des protéas ROB Crithagra leucoptera Resident, mature, tall dense, Protea shrublands, fynbos, thickets: S Cape Province (South Africa). Serinus mennelli Black-eared Seedeater Serin oreillard Serin à oreillons noirs ROB Crithagra mennelli Resident, undisturbed miombo woodland: S Tanzania, S DRC, all of Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, C and S Mozambique; old record isolated in WC Angola. Serinus gularis Streaky-headed Seedeater Serin gris canicapilla (BD canicapillus); montanorum; elgonensis; benguellensis; mendosus; gularis; endemion; humilis ROB Crithagra gularis (+ race mendosa) ZTP raises Serinus elgonensis as Streaky-headed Seedeater SAM, IOC (+SS) raises Serinus canicapillus (Crithagra canicapilla) West African Seedeater Serin ouest-africain Resident, well-wooded savannas, forest clearings: Guinea - N Cameroon (canicapilla); S Sudan in narrow band to W Kenya (elgonensis); C Angola, W Zambia; Zimbabwe, S Mozambique to E and S South Africa. Serinus reichardi Reichard’s Seedeater Serin de Reichard Stripe-breasted Seedeater Serin à poitrine striée striatipectus; reichardi ZTP raises Serinus striatipectus Stripe-breasted Seedeater Resident, miombo woodlands, shrubby escarpments: all of Zambia and just into adjacent areas (reichardi); scattered patches C Tanzania, W Kenya, W Ethiopia, W Sudan (striatipectus). Serinus tristriatus Brown-rumped Seedeater Serin à trois raies Serin à croupion brun (BoA + tristriatus; pallidior) Resident, woodlands, clearings in rocky montane areas: Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands. 98 Serinus canicollis Cape Canary Serin du Cap Yellow-crowned Canary griseitergum; thompsonae (HM incl in canicollis); canicollis; flavivertex; sassii (BoA sassi); huillensis (SS Serinus flavicollis) BoA, CMT, IOC, ROB (+RSF) raise Serinus flavivertex Yellow-crowned Canary Serin à calotte jaune (races flavivertex; sassii; huillensis) Resident, highland forest clearings and edges, in south more widespread: highlands of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania (flavivertex); Albertine Rift (sassii); WC Angola (huilensis); S half South Africa north to E Zimbabwe (other 3 races). Serinus serinus European Serin Serin cini Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, warm dry lowlands with scattered trees: resident Morocco - Tunisia, Canary Is; winters in this area and along rest of North Africa. Serinus canaria Island Canary Serin des Canaries Atlantic Canary* Resident, all habitats, parks, gardens, pine and laurel forests: Madeira, Azores, W Canary Is. Serinus syriacus Syrian Serin Serin syriaque Palearctic winter visitor, semi-arid Acacia scrub: Sinai (Egypt). Serinus citrinella Citril Finch Venturon montagnard Ethiopian Siskin Serin à tête noire HM, IOC, BL Carduelis citrinella Vagrant: Morocco, Algeria. Serinus nigriceps Abyssinian Siskin; Black-headed Siskin Resident, moorland, grassland, montane forest above tree line: highlands N Ethiopia. Serinus pusillus Red-fronted Serin Serin à front d’or Fire-fronted Serin Vagrant: Egypt. Serinus alario Black-headed Canary Serin alario du Cap leucolaemus; alario BoA, CMT (+SL) Alario alario; IOC Crithagra alario BoA, CMT, SAM (+SL,SS) raise Serinus (BoA, CMT (+SL) as Alario) leucolaemus (SAM (+SS) S. leucolaema) Damara Canary Serin alario du Nord (Serin de Namibie) Resident, arid, often rocky hillsides: W Namibia - NW Cape Province (South Africa) (leucolaemus); rest of S South Africa but not in E (alario). Neospiza concolor São Tomé Grosbeak Néospize de São Tomé Grosbec de São Tomé Resident, forest: São Tomé. Linurgus olivaceus Oriole-Finch Linurge loriot Pinson-loriot olivaceus; prigoginei; elgonensis; kilimensis Resident, undergrowth in montane forest: W Cameroon, Bioko (olivaceus); E DRC (prigoginei); S Sudan - W Kenya (elgonensis); C Tanzania, N Malawi (kilimensis). Rhynchostruthus socotranus Golden-winged Grosbeak Grand-verdier à ailes d’or d’Arabie Socotra Golden-winged Grosbeak*; **Arabian Golden-winged Grosbeak socotranus; (HM + louisae here considered a separate species) Resident, wadis, rocky outcrops, submontane woodland: Socotra. Grosbec à ailes d’or Rhynchostruthus louisae Grand-verdier à ailes d’or d’Somalie Somali Golden-winged Grosbeak Somali Grosbeak HM (+SAM presumed) subsume into Rhynchostruthus socotranus Resident, broken rocky ground with scattered bushes: small area in NW Somalia. Carduelis chloris European Greenfinch Verdier d’Europe Greenfinch Verdier aurantiiventris; chlorotica; vanmarli; voousi CMT Chloris chloris Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, woodland, gardens, fields: resident N Morocco - N Tunisia, few in Nile Delta, wintering to rest of North Africa; introduced Azores; vagrant Mauritania. Carduelis carduelis European Goldfinch Chardonneret élégant niediecki; parva; carduelis; britannica CMT Spinus carduelis Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, cultivation, scrub, copses: Morocco - Egypt north of desert; a few in desert oases in Egypt south to Aswan; N Atlantic islands (parva). 99 Carduelis spinus Eurasian Siskin Tarin des aulnes CMT Spinus spinus Palearctic winter visitor, alders, cedars, other woodlands: invades sometimes all across North Africa. Carduelis flammea Common Redpoll Sizeron flammé Arctic Redpoll Sizerin blanchâtre) Common Linnet Linotte mélodieuse rostrata CMT Acanthis flammea Vagrant: Morocco; Azores. (Carduelis hornemanni CMT Acanthis hornemanni Vagrant: Azores. Carduelis cannabina Linnet; Eurasian Linnet cannabina; nana (HM=guentheri); meadewaldoi; harterti; mediterranea; bella DFW Acanthis cannabina Resident and partial migrant, cultivation, scrub, in winter often coastal: resident N Morocco - N Tunisia; winters rest of North Africa occasional into desert and south to Mauritania; Madeira (nana); Tenerife (meadewaldoi); Lanzarote (harterti). Carduelis johannis Warsangli Linnet Linotte de Warsangli DFW Acanthis johannis Resident, rocky, highland juniper forest: small area N Somalia. Carduelis ankoberensis Ankober Serin Serin d’Ankober HM, SAM, BL (+DFW) (+SS) Serinus ankoberensis; IOC Crithagra ankoberensis DFW subsumes into Serinus menachensis Yemen Serin Serin du Yémen (an Arabian species) Resident, high altitude cliff tops, rocky and scrubby areas: 2 small patches N Ethiopia. Carpodacus erythrinus Common Rosefinch Roselin cramoisy Scarlet Rosefinch Vagrant: Egypt, Morocco, Seychelles. Carpodacus synoicus Pale Rosefinch Roselin du Sinai Sinai Rosefinch* Resident, dry wadis, rocks: Sinai (Egypt). Rhodopechys sanguineus Crimson-winged Finch Roselin à ailes rousses [Eurasian Crimson-winged Finch*] alienus SAM Rhodopechys sanguinea IOC raises as Rhodopechys alienus African Crimson-winged Finch Resident, bare, stony mountain slopes, fields: Atlas Mts in Morocco; Aures Mts (Algeria). Rhodospiza obsoleta Desert Finch Rosalin de Lichtenstein SAM Rhodopechys obsolete; BL Rhodopechys obsoletus Vagrant: Egypt (mainly Sinai). Bucanetes githagineus Trumpeter Finch Roselin githagine Bouvreuil githagine amantum; zedlitzi; githagineus BoA Bucanetes githaginea (+ race); SAM Rhodopechys githaginea (+race) Resident, desert edges, semi-desert with boulders, rocks, sparse vegetation: Morocco, Algeria in and south of Atlas Mts south to C Mauritania, E Mali, NW Niger, N Chad; scattered records Libya, Egypt; outliers NE Sudan, Djibouti; Canary Is (amantum). Pyrrhula pyrrhula Eurasian Bullfinch Bouvreuil pivoine pyrrhula; murina IOC, BL raise Pyrrhula murina Azores Bullfinch Resident, natural vegetation, especially in steep valleys: San Miguel (Azores) (murina); vagrant Morocco - Tunisia (pyrrhula). Coccothraustes coccothraustes Hawfinch Gros-bec casse-noyaux coccothraustes; buvryi (CMT burryi) Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, mature open woodland, especially oak and cork oak: N Morocco, N Algeria wintering further to east. Loxia curvirostra Red Crossbill Bec-croisé des sapins Common Crossbill poliogyna Resident, conifer forest: mts of Morocco - E Algeria. (PARULIDAE) (Vermivora peregrina Vagrant: Azores. Tennessee Warbler Paruline obscure) 100 (Dendroica petechia Yellow Warbler Paruline jaune) American Yellow Warbler* Vagrant: Azores, Madeira. (Dendroica coronata Yellow-rumped Warbler Paruline à croupion jaune) Black-throated Blue Warbler Paruline bleue) Blackpoll Warbler Paruline rayée) American Redstart Paruline flamboyant) Ovenbird Paruline couronée) Northern Waterthrush Paruline des ruisseaux) Louisiana Waterthrush Paruline hochequeue) Common Yellowthroat Paruline masque) Hooded Warbler Paruline à capuchin) Summer Tanager Tangara vermillion) Scarlet Tanager Tangara écarlate) Vagrant: Canary Is. (Dendroica caerulescens Vagrant: Azores. (Dendroica striata Vagrant: Azores. (Setophaga ruticilla Vagrant: Azores, Madeira. (Seiurus aurocapilla Vagrant: Azores. (Seiurus noveboracensis Vagrant: Azores. (Seiurus motacilla Vagrant: Canary Is. (Geothlypis trichas Vagrant: Azores. (Wilsonia citrina Vagrant: Azores. (THRAUPIDAE) (Piranga rubra Vagrant: Azores. (Piranga olivacea Vagrant: Azores. EMBERIZIDAE (SAM, ROB include in Fringillidae) Emberiza cabanisi Cabanis’s Bunting Bruant de Cabanis cabanisi; orientalis; (BD, ROB + cognominata (BoA, CMT, HM incl in orientalis)) Resident, wooded grassland, guinea savanna: Guinea - S Sudan (cabanisi); W Congo, C Angola east to C Tanzania, N half Zimbabwe, N Mozambique (orientalis). Emberiza flaviventris Golden-breasted Bunting Bruant à poitrine dorée African Golden-breasted Bunting flavigaster; kalaharica; flaviventris; princeps (HM incl in kalaharica); (ROB + carychroa (HM incl in kalaharica)) Resident, sparse or dense Acacia, dry woodlands: S Mauritania - NW Eritrea (flavigaster); SE Sudan south through E DRC, SW Kenya to Angola (all but W), N half Namibia, east to Tanzania - E South Africa. Emberiza poliopleura Somali Bunting Bruant de Somalie Somali Golden-breasted Bunting Resident, dry thornbush: SE Ethiopia, W and S Somalia, NE half Kenya, extreme NE Tanzania. Emberiza affinis Brown-rumped Bunting Bruant à ventre jaune affinis; vulpecula; nigeriae; omoensis (=forbesi); (ZTP + forbesi) Resident, dry savanna woodlands, old fields: Senegal - W Ethiopia. Emberiza tahapisi Cinnamon-breasted Bunting Bruant cannelle Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting; African Rock Bunting insularis; septemstriata; tahapisi; goslingi; (HM, ROB + nivenorum (BoA, CMT incl in tahapisi)) Resident and partial migrant, bare ground, rocky ridges, open ground with bushes: Senegal, S Mauritania - NW Somalia and south between forest and W and SW Kenya; all down east side Zambia, E Botswana, but not most of Mozambique, south to South Africa; patches all west coast S Gabon - C Namibia. Emberiza striolata House Bunting Bruant striolé Striolated Bunting* sahari; sanghae; saturatior; striolata; jebelmarrae IOC raises Emberiza sahara (sic) House Bunting Resident, oases, sparse vegetation, rocky hillsides: Morocco - Tunisia; belt across central Sahara Mauritania - C Sudan, Red Sea coast of Sudan and N Eritrea, patch in SE Sudan, N Kenya, SW Ethiopia; (sahari -- Morocco - Tunisia south to N Niger, N Chad). 101 Emberiza socotrana Socotra Bunting Bruant de Socotra Cape Bunting Bruant du Cap Resident, rocky high ground: Socotra. Emberiza capensis smithersii; plowesi; limpopoensis; reidi; basutoensis; vinacea; cinnamomea; capensis; bradfieldi; nebularum; (HM + vincenti here considered a separate species) Resident, rocky montane areas, sparse grassland: extreme SW Angola, W half Namibia, most of South Africa and then north through E Botswana and much of Zimbabwe. Emberiza vincenti Vincent’s Bunting Bruant de Vincent HM, BL (+DFW, SAM presumed) subsume into Emberiza capensis Resident, bare, rocky mountain tops, cliffs: Malawi and adjacent NW Mozambique. Emberiza impetuani Lark-like Bunting Bruant des rochers eremica (not in ROB); impetuani; sloggetti Resident and irruptive nomad, arid and semi-arid savannas, rocky hills: W half South Africa north to W Namibia and W coast Angola; isolated population L. Cameira in Moxico (Angola); moves NE to Zimbabwe, S Zambia occasionally. Emberiza cia Rock Bunting Bruant fou European Rock Bunting; Eurasian Rock Bunting; Western Rock Bunting cia Resident, high, open semi-arid areas with sparse vegetation, dry hillsides: mts of N Morocco - N Tunisia. Emberiza leucocephalos Pine Bunting Bruant à calotte blanche sometimes incorrectly spelt Emberiza leucocephalus Vagrant: 1 record Morocco. Emberiza citrinella Yellowhammer Bruant jaune Cirl Bunting Bruant zizi citrinella Vagrant: 1 record Morocco. Emberiza cirlus (CMT + cirlus) Resident, slopes with scrub, edges of woodland: N and W Morocco - NW Tunisia. Emberiza cineracea Cinereous Bunting Bruant cendré semenowi; cineracea Palearctic winter visitor, dry areas with little vegetation: Red Sea coastal areas of Sudan, Eritrea; vagrant Tunisia. Emberiza hortulana Ortolan Bunting Bruant ortolan Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, breeds open montane forest, winters dry open areas, savanna: resident N Algeria mts; winters discontinuously in mts Sierra Leone, Nigeria, W Sudan, Ethiopia. Emberiza caesia Cretzschmar’s Bunting Bruant cendrillard Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, dry steppes, desert edges: band across C Sudan, Red Sea coast of Sudan, Eritrea Emberiza rustica Rustic Bunting Bruant rustique Little Bunting Bruant nain Common Reed Bunting Bruant des roseaux Vagrant: Egypt. Emberiza pusilla Vagrant: Morocco, Egypt. Emberiza schoeniclus Reed Bunting schoeniclus; witherbyi; intermedia (CMT incl in otherwise extralimital canetti) Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, lakeshores, marshes, reeds, winters also away from water: breeds 4 localities N Morocco, winters N Morocco - N Tunisia occasionally to east. Emberiza melanocephala Black-headed Bunting Bruant mélanocéphale Yellow-breasted Bunting Bruant aureole Corn Bunting Bruant proyer Vagrant: Morocco - Egypt. Emberiza aureola Vagrant: Egypt. Miliaria calandra calandra CMT, HM, IOC Emberiza calandra Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, maquis, cultivation, coastal plains: N Morocco - N Tunisia; Canary Is; scattered wintering records east to Egypt. Plectrophenax nivalis Snow Bunting Bruant des neiges Lapland Longspur Bruant lappon) nivalis IOC places in Calcariidae Vagrant: N Atlantic islands, North Africa. (Calcarius lapponicus Lapland Bunting IOC places in Calcariidae Vagrant: Tenerife, Azores 102 (Passerculus sandwichensis Savannah Sparrow Bruant des prés) White-crowned Sparrow Bruant à couronne blanche) Vagrant: Azores. (Zonotrichia leucophrys Vagrant: Azores. IOC places the three Tristan group species in Thraupidae Rowettia goughensis Gough Finch Rowettie de Gough Gough Bunting; Gough Island Finch Resident, ????: Gough Is. Nesospiza acunhae Tristan Finch Nésospize acunha Nightingale Finch; Tristan Bunting; Inaccesible Island Finch* acunhae; questi IOC raises Nesospiza questae Nightingale Island Finch Resident, ????: Inaccessible Is (acunhae); Nightingale Is (questi). Nesospiza wilkinsi Wilkins’s Finch Nésospize de Wilkins Grosbeak Bunting dunnei; wilkinsi Resident, ????: Inaccessible Is (dunnei); Nightingale Is (wilkinsi). (CARDINALIDAE) (Pheucticus ludovicianus Rose-breasted Grosbeak Cardinale à poitrine rose) Indigo Bunting Passerin indigo) Baltimore Oriole Oriole du Nord) Bobolink Goglu des près) Vagrant: Azores. (Passerina cyanea Vagrant: Azores. (ICTERIDAE) (Icterus galbula Vagrant: Azores. (Dolichonyx oryzivorus Vagrant: Azores.