linguistic cambridge

Examination: 1.02.2000 - 10.00. Seminarraum.
1. Linguistic determinism
Hakuta, K. & Diaz, R. 1985. The relationship between degree of bilingualism
and cognitive ability : A critical discussion and some new longitudinal data.
In K.E. Nelson (Ed.) Children's language (V.5) Hillsdale , NJ: Erlbaum.
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2. Individual bi- and multilingualism.
Klein W. 1986. Second language acquisition. Cambridge, CUP.
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Ritchie, W. & Bhatia, Tej K. 1996. Second language acquisition: Introduction,
foundations , and overview. In: Ritchie, W. & Bhatia, Tej K. (Eds.) Handbook
of second language acquisition. N.Y. & London, Ac. Press.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 1998. ED. by Fr. Grosjean, Jud. Kroll
Ju. Meisel & Peter Muysken. Cambridge :CUP.
3. Teaching language in immersion and submersion settings.
Klein W. 1986. Second language acquisition. Cambridge, CUP.
Nunan, D. 1991. Methods in second language classroom oriented research .
Studies in second language acquisition. 13.
Larsen-Freeman, D & Long, M. 1991. An Introduction to Second Language
Acquisition. London, Longman.
De Hower, Annick. 1990.
The acquisition of two languages from birth: a case study. Cambridge, CUP.
4. Levels of grammatical development according to the teaching experience. Tests and
their values.
5. Modern Language Aptitude Test & Language Aptitude Battery.
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theory for foreign language teaching. Linguistics 112, 5-13).
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ESL: a sociolinguistic study of Mexican-Americans in the southwest. TESOL
Quaterly 11: 173-183.
6. Psychological differences between L2 learners; relevant criteria of successful
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ESL: a sociolinguistic study of Mexican-Americans in the southwest. TESOL
Quaterly 11: 173-183.
Pimsleur, P. 1966. Testing foreign language learning. In A.Valdman (ed.)
Trends in Language Teaching. NY, pp.175-214.
Guiora, A., Beit-Hallahmi, B., Brannon, R., Dull, C. & Scovel, T. 1972. The
effects of experimentally induced changes into ego-states on pronunciation
ability in the second language: an exploratory study. Comprehensive
Psychiatry 13, 421-428.
O’Malley, J & Chamot, A. 1990. Learning Strategies in Second Language
Acquisition. CUP.
Nation & McLaughlin 1986. Novices & experts: An information processing
approach to the “good language learner”.
7. Acquisition and learning: similarities and difference. An affective-filter hypothesis.
Dulay, H. & Burt, M. Remarks on creativity in language acquisition. In Burt,
Dulay & Finnochiaro (Eds.) Viewpoints on English as a second language. NY
Regents, pp. 95-126.
Erwin-Tripp. 1974. Is Is second language learning like the first? TESOL
Quarterly 8.
8.. The natural order hypothesis.
Brown , R. 1973. A first language. The early stages. Cambridge, Mass.
Harvard Univ. Press.
Krashen, Stephen. 1982. Principles and practice in second language
9. The Monitor hypothesis.
Krashen, Stephen. 1981. Second language acquisition and second language
learning. Pergamon Press. Oxford, NY, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Frankfurt.
Krashen, Stephen. 1982. Principles and practice in second language
10. The Competition Model of SLA.
Bates, E. & MacWhinney, B. 1981. Second language acquisition from a
functionalist perspective.: pragmatic, semantic & perceptual strategies. In
Winitz.H (Ed.) Annals of the New York Academy of science conference on
native and foreign language acquisition. NY , NY ac. of sciences.
MacWhinney, B. 1987. Applying the competition model to bilingualism.
Applied Psycholinguistics. 8, 315-328.
11. Interlanguage grammar. Input and intake.
Selinker 1972 . Internat. Review of Applied linguistics, 9.)
Corder, S.P. (1967) The significance of learner's errors. Internat. Review of
Applied linguistics, 5).
Nemser, W. 1971. Approximative systems of foreign language learners.
Internat. Review of Applied linguistics, 9.
Tarone, E. 1988. Variations in interlanguage. Edward Arnold.
12. Language acquisition as a kind of information processing, or psycholinguistic
processing .
McLaughlin, B. Rossman, T. McLeod, B. 1983. Second language learning: An
information processing perspective. Language Learning, 33, 135-158.
13. Comprehensive model of speech processing in L1.
W.J.M. Levelt (1983) Monitoring and self-repair in speech. Cognition, 14,
W.J.M. Levelt (1989) Speaking: From intention to articulation. Cambridge
W.J.M. Levelt (1993). Language use in normal speakers and its disorders. In:
Blanken, G.; Dittmannn, J.; Grimm, H.; Marshall, J.C. & Wallesch, C.-W.
(Eds.) Second language production, pp. 50-68. Rtübingen, Günter Narr.
W.J.M. Levelt (1995). The ability to speak: From intentions to spoken words.
European Review, 3. Pp. 13-27.
14. Language as problem-solving mechanism.
Dörnyei, Z. & Kormos, J. 1998. Problem-solving mechanisms in L2
Studies in second language acquisition (SSLA) v.20, N 3, Cambr. Univ. Press.
15. Mistakes and slips of the tongue and their analysis.
Cutler, A. (Ed.) 1982. Slips of the tongue and language production.
Amsterdam. Mouton.
Fromkin V.A. (Ed.) 1980. Errors in linguistic performance: slips of the tongue,
ear, pen, and hand. NY, Acad. Press.
16. Sentence processing.
Pollack, I. & Picket, J.M. 1964. Intelligibility of excerps from fluent speech:
Auditory versus structural context. Journal of verbal learning and verbal
behavior, 3, 79-84.
Wingfield, A. 1975. Acoustic redundancy and the perception of timecompressed speech. Journal of speech and hearing research.
17. Syntagmatic predictability of speech. “Order approximations” to English.Sentence
parcing: ambiguous contexts:
Miller G.A. & Selfridge J.A. Verbal cotext and the recall of verbfull material.
1950. American Journal of Psychology, 63)
Stine E. A.L. 1990. On-line processing of written text by younger and elder
adults. Psychology and aging, 5.
18. Simple lexical decision and gating.
Grosjean, F.(1980) Spoken words recognition process and the gating
paradigm. Perception and Psychophysics. 28, 267-283.
19. Interactive models of sentence processing.
Marsler-Wilson, W.D. & Tyler, L.K. 1987. Against modularity. In Garfield,J.
(Ed.) Modularity in knowledge representation and natural language
understanding. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
20. Experiments in L2. Qualitative and quantitative paradigms.
Larsen-Freeman, D. & Long, M. 1994 (8). An Introduction to Second
Language Acquisition Research. pp.12ff.
21. Research methodologies in L2. Production data elicitation.
Larsen-Freeman, D. & Long, M. 1994 (8). An Introduction to Second
Language Acquisition Research.
Ellis, R.1999. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford Univ.
22. Interference errors and studies of errors.
Richards 1971.Error analysis & second language strategies. Language sciences
Lennon. P. 1991. Error: some problems of definition, identification, and
distinction. Applied linguistics. 12.
Ellis, R.1999. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford Univ.
Robinett, B. & Schachter, J. (Eds.) 1983. Second language learning:
contrastive analysis, error analysis and related aspects. Univ. of Michigan
Press, Ann Arbor.
23. Learner strategies.
Larsen-Freeman, D. & Long, M. 1994 (8). An Introduction to Second
Language Acquisition Research. pp.12ff.
24. Pidginization Hypothesis & Acculturation Model.
Schumann, J. 1978. The pidginization process: a model of language
acquisition. Newbury house, Rowley, Mass.
Schmidt , R. 1983. Interaction, acculturation, and the acquisition of
communicative competence. In: Wolfson & Judd (Eds.) Sociolingistics &
SLA. Newbury house, Rowley, Mass.
Andersen, E. 1983. Pidginization and creolization as language acquisition.
Newbury house, Rowley, Mass.
25. Functional-typological syntactic analysis.
Givon, T. 1985. Function, structure & language acquisition. In: Slobin 1985.
26. Multidimensional Model. ZISA group.
Clahsen, H., Meisel, J & Pienemann, M. 1983. Deutsch als Zweitsprache: der
Spracherwerb auslaendischen Arbeiter. Guenter Narr, Tuebingen
27. Linguistic projects on SLA. Acquisition of temporality.
Dietrich, R., Klein, W. & Noyau, C. 1992. The acquisition of temporality in a
second language.