Miss Haller`s 3rd Grade - Mrs. Unger`s Fourth Grade

Mrs. Unger’s 4th Grade
Parent Handbook
“Teaching is more than a job, it’s a ministry of love and concern.”
Welcome to another school year! I am very excited to spend this year with
your fourth grade student. There is nothing like the empty notebook, folder or
backpack to make one wonder about new learning experiences yet to come. The
following pages are the policies and procedures for the upcoming year.
Who is this Mrs. Unger?
I am passionate about Catholic education. I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska and
attended my parish school at St. Margaret Mary and then attended high school at
Duchesne Academy. I graduated the University of Kansas with both a B.S. and an
M.S. in Education. I spent my first year teaching 6th grade and then the following
nine years teaching 3rd grade at Holy Trinity School in Lenexa, KS, a Kansas City
suburb. I left teaching in 2007 to stay home with my oldest daughter Madeleine. A
year later my husband’s job relocated us from Kansas City to Wisconsin. In 2009
we welcomed our second daughter, Emily. Our family is very active in parish life
at St. Anthony on the Lake, in Pewaukee, and both girls are enrolled at our parish
While my husband and I stay loyal to our alma mater and by cheering for the
Kansas Jayhawks we enjoy the local sports scene here and can’t help but find
ourselves cheering on the Badgers, Brewers, and Packers as well. As a family, we
really enjoy outdoor activities – camping, kayaking, hiking, gardening, etc. When
our girls are old enough, we’d like to return to a favorite hobby – scuba diving.
As you know the mission of our school is “St. John the Evangelist a community
modeling and nurturing Catholic values and academic excellence in partnership
with families”. Truly our ultimate mission is to help each other get to heaven!
As a teacher it is my duty to get to know your child and help them be the best they
can be. Teachers identify strengths and growing edges. It is my earnest desire to
impart on your child the tools to become successful lifelong learners.
The following are my primary goals for this year:
1. The student will grow in the Catholic Faith and continue to develop a
prayerful relationship with God.
2. The student will learn the 5 values and be able to practice and identify them
in real life situations.
3. The student will work cooperatively in groups and learn the benefits of
working in groups.
4. The student will master all basic facts and be able to use these facts when
problem solving.
5. The student will learn about Wisconsin at what it is to be a good citizen of
6. The student will learn to be a life-long learner by developing questions and
seeking out answers.
7. The student will be able to use research practices to find out about the
world around them.
What is my child going to learn in 4th grade?
I firmly believe that in a Catholic school, we not only teach our children
math, reading and science, we teach our children how to be effective members of
the Catholic community. With this in mind, our year will be structured by five
values: responsibility, respect, caring, honesty, and fairness. We will discuss these
values and how we can live by them. These will be the guidelines for success this
 We will celebrate the Mass every Wednesday at 8:00. The schedule for AllSchool Masses is in the School Handbook. Parents are always welcome.
 Our textbook is Christ Our Life. The focus for our year is the Ten
 Our school offers an additional “Prayer Chain” opportunity on most
Fridays afterschool. This program, led by Mrs. Chudy, allows students to
gather together to pray for our special intentions.
 Philosophy: Spelling is a subject that helps us communicate effectively in
our writing.
 The spelling program will be used in conjunction with our Reading Series.
The words are taken from the materials that the students encounter
throughout the week.
 Students will be given a “refrigerator list” on Monday. The packet will be
due Thursday. Test will be given Friday.
 Students will also work with these spelling and vocabulary words as part of
the Daily 5 Lessons.
In years past, the tests evolved to meet the needs of students. I feel it is
important to keep these tests at a level that is challenging. I will keep you
posted as my expectations change. Modifications include: testing out of a
test and receiving a new list, additional words, dictation sentences, and
student created sentences using the word correctly.
 The primary focus of writing at the 4th grade level is the process not the product!
Students will see writing as a connection to their own experience. Students
will be given opportunities to choose writing topics. Choice leads to
ownership, which leads to success!
 Our Reading series provides a text for grammar. The students will be
provided with instruction in high-utility skills that they will need
throughout the year, including study skills, grammar, vocabulary
development, paragraph formation and other writing mechanics.
 The students will also give several oral presentations to build speaking and
listening skills.
I strongly believe that the Fourth Grade is a critical point in creating lifelong readers. Therefore a variety of methods are used to encourage students to
read for their enjoyment.
 The Macmillan/McGraw-Hill basal reader will be used to teach and
reinforce skills, comprehension, and oral reading. It will also provide an
integrated text for both Language and Spelling.
 In the classroom we will be utilizing a number of instructional approaches
including, independent reading, as well as listening activities.
 In the spring student will be asked to choose books to read independently
and complete related assigned activities. Look for more information about
“Book Contracts” this spring.
 This year we are trying something different with our “Reading at Home”
program. Weekly sheets will be issued for students to log their reading and
math fact practice. Look for more information to come! When children
read at home they can choose magazines, web sites, newspapers or any
type of book. The idea is to have children reading for a sustained amount
of time, and reading something of their interest. Please send in the summer
reading log ASAP. We will celebrate our efforts on September 10th. We are
accepting donations of awards for our readers.
 We are using the Go Math! Series. Usually there will be a math homework
assignment each night. Please let me know if you think that the homework
is too easy or too hard. There are many options available in this series for
alternative homework assignments.
 All students should review basic facts. There are many ways to do this and
it should be a part of a homework routine. We will set weekly goals for this
in addition to our reading logs. Look for more information to come as we
are still developing this new strategy.
Soon students will self evaluate cursive handwriting skills. Part of our
practice will include copying a list of vocabulary words. Students will always
complete Spelling tests in manuscript because we visualize words in print rather
than cursive.
 We will use the Pearson series for science.
 Topics this year include ecosystems, Earth’s resources, Earth and Space,
Matter, Energy and Heat, Electricity and Magnetism and Motion.
 We will learn what scientists do and do as they do!
 It is my understanding that Fourth grade is a big year for the Science Fair!
This is in the spring. I will begin disseminating information about this in
Social Studies
 We will use 2 primary resources: Wisconsin Studies Weekly newspaper
and the text Wisconsin Our State, Our Story
 In the spring semester I ask students to seek out a Wisconsin Historical
Marker to research, more information to come!
 We will also read short biographies on famous Wisconsinites.
We will make use of the computer lab as it becomes useful in our study of
other subjects.
I have a Weebly website that I use. The address is:
I post helpful information for you and your student. Last year we also wrote in an
online blog. I will also post the Fourth Grade newsletter in case your hard copy
goes missing!
Each child should always spend thirty to forty minutes on homework each night
even if they are finished with their daily assignments. Students should read, work on
spelling words, or practice math facts if they are completed with assignments. It is
important that you start now with good study habits. Please sit down with your
students and discuss when and where homework will be completed each night.
The Fourth Grade late homework policy is as follows:
1 Day Late: Must complete a last assignment form first thing in the morning.
Recess time or extra class time will be used to complete work. If student
does not tell the teacher first thing in the morning, an additional consequence may
be assigned.
When students have had 3 separate occasions of late work, a note is sent
home to be signed by the parent. Hopefully this will provide opportunities to
discuss homework habits and how to avoid this problem in the future.
When your child is absent, please contact the office to request work. Only
necessary work will be sent home. A sick child will have a one-day extension for
each day he or she misses.
How can I help my student at home?
Please help your student at home by providing an environment conducive
to learning. They need a space that is free from distraction i.e. television, radio,
and noisy siblings. Sports, Scouts and other after school enrichment are critical for
child development. They are not however an excuse for incomplete homework.
Homework needs to be a priority too. Children thrive on a homework routine.
Each night your child should spend the half hour completing homework,
practicing spelling works, reading, and practicing math facts. Drill and practice at
home will be a very important part of multiplication mastery.
Class Rules
The students have developed class rules as follows:
Keep God First
Respect Others
Be Kind
Listen to Others
Use Kind words
Include Everyone
Be honest
Quiet voices in the hall
Follow directions immediately
Consequences include but are not limited to:
Extra classroom chores
Sit out at indoor recess
Student or teacher letters to Mom and Dad
I will be in contact with you when students are having difficulty following these rules or
teacher instruction. Please don’t hesitate to contact me whenever there is a concern.
This and That
School lessons begin at 7:45. A student should arrive at school at a time that
allows them to get settled to be ready to learn at this time. A good rule of thumb is for the
student to be at school between 7:30 and 7:35 so they have enough time to be ready to
learn at 7:45. Please note that as a class we are to report to the Gym for the Monday
morning prayer service 7:45 in the Gym.
Sports/Recitals Etc.
I love to attend outside activities of my students when I can. Please send me
sports schedules and directions to the fields, so that I can work them into my own
Home and School News
Mondays I will send home a Fourth Grade Newsletter (this newsletter is also
posted on my website). This newsletter contains information about what is going
on in class and reminders.
Monday Folders
The work in this folder is finished work and should stay at home. Please take
time to review the papers with your child and sign the attached sheet in the folder.
Return the folder Tuesday.
Book Orders
This year we are ordering from Scholastic Book Clubs. Please make your
checks to Scholastic books. Do not send cash! You can write one check even if
you order from multiple forms. It is helpful to put the check and order form in an
envelope marked “Book Club Money”. I know there is a way to order online.
Once I know more information about that I will pass it along!
Snacks and Water Bottles
Students may bring a healthy snack from home. Students may also bring
water bottles with some sort of sports lid to keep spills to a minimum.
Please label lunch bags and student sweatshirts. It’s amazing how many
sweatshirts are “lost” in my room simply because students can’t identify which
one is theirs!
How can I help my student at school?
I always appreciate any contribution and support you want to give to our
classroom. We all have gifts we need to share. If you know a way that you would
like to contribute your gifts let me know. Here are some ways that I have thought
you may be able to help:
Room Parent: This parent will work with our student council
representatives and parents to plan and organize parties.
 Bulletin Boards: I have seen some outstanding work from artistic parents. I
am always looking for good ideas too!
 Art: If you have an idea or would like to help out with crowd control let
me know.
 Brown Bag Helper: Perhaps you are not available during the day but
would like to help out. I can send home cut and paste type work for you to
do at home.
 Scrap booker: If you are into scrap booking this is for you! Students and
parents will be taking pictures throughout the year. Compile the pictures
and create a scrapbook. This will be a wonderful treasure for the students
when they graduate!
*** Please note that parent volunteers in the classroom must be Safeguarding
All God’s Children trained. Look for a training session coming to SJE soon!
Communication, Communication, Communication
Communication is a critical element between parent, student and teacher. I
will be sending a Home and School newsletter with your student each Monday.
Please do not hesitate to keep me informed on what is going on at home. The best
way to send a message to me is via email at junger@sje.k12.wi.us. I will check
email once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Please allow 24 hours for
response. If you have a more time sensitive issue please call the office at 321-8540.
Soles for Education
Please join us Saturday October 17, 2015. Hope to see you there!
Items on my Wish List
-Boy interest books
-Gift Certificates to Dollar Tree, Learning Shop, Teachers Pay Teachers (a website)
- Copies of Caddie Woodlawn (I am building a class set)
-Paper Cutter
-Post It notes
-IPAD for our classroom.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!