Course Symbol: EEG Number: 454 Course Name: Geohazards Pre-requisite courses: EEG 251 Course description: General considerations: hazardous earth processes such as floods, landslides, subsidence, earthquake and related phenomena, volcanic activities, coastal hazards, desertification and sand dunes migration. Course objectives: 1. 2. To understand the processes of natural and geological hazards in general. To understand floods, desertification, landslides, desertification, earthquakes, subsidence, and coastal hazards and sand migration in particular. 3. Review geohazards cases in Saudi Arabia. General references for course: (Books/Journals…etc.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keller 1985. Environmental Geology. Coch 1995. Geohazards: Natural and Human Tobin & Montz 1997. Natural Hazards. Bennett & Doyle 1999. Environmental Geology: Geology and the Human Environment. المراجع العربية محمد/. الحدث و المواجهة (معالجة جغرافية) تأليف د: · األخطار و الكوارث الطبيعية 228 م الناشر دار الفكر العربي2002 هـ1422 محمد إبراهيم أرباب/.صبري محسوب و د .)صفحة ( مكتبة جرير م الناشر مركز النشر العلمي2002 هـ1423 عمار عبدالمنعم أمين/.· الجيولوجيا البيئية تأليف د .بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز جده Internet links: Volcanoes Earthquakes Floods Landslides Coastal storms and tsunamis Water Resources Hazard Fact Sheets AGENCIES, which deal with natural hazards Natural Hazards Center - University of Colorado, Boulder EMA - The GIS and software development team have put together a new web site that describes GIS operations at FEMA and lists some of the maps generated during a disaster. United Nations Natural Disasters test World Resource Reviews - extreme events Course outcome: The student will be able to do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The general consideration of geological hazards. Earthquake and volcanic hazards. Flooding , coastal hazards, Tsunami. Effects of sand dune movements. Land failure hazards including: Earth fissuring, land subsidence , rock and soil slope failure, Sabkah and expansive soils. Scheme of assessment: 4 Exams: 40% Assignments 30% Final exam 30% Course Lectures EEG 454 Time Table for week 1 2 3 Saturday Introduction Earthquakes Volcanic activity 4 5 6 video about hazards Floods and Runoff Video About Floods 7 8 9 10 Coastal hazards Film about coastal Hazards Desertification Video About Sand Dunes Monday Types of hazards Volcanic activity Visit the geologic hazards units in university First Exam Floods and Runoff Visit to hydrology Department Tsunami Second Exam sand dunes Third Exam 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mass Wasting Subsidence Films Presentation of Seminar Presentation of Seminar Final Exam Slope Stability Sabkah Fourth Exam Presentation of Seminar Field Trip Homework Page