ashraf bastawros publications - Micro and Nano Mechanics @ ISU

J1. Che, W., Guo, Y., Chandra, A. and Bastawros, A.-F., 2003, A Scratch
Intersection Model of Material Removal During Chemical Mechanical
Planarization. ASME-J. Mfg. Sc. Eng. [Accepted with revision]
J2. Guo, Y., Chandra, A. and Bastawros, A. -F., 2004, An Analytical Dishing and
Step Height Reduction Model for Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) with
a Viscoelastic Pad. J. Electrochemical Soc. [Accepted]
J3. Antoniou, A.M. Onck, P.R. and. Bastawros, A.-F, 2004 Experimental Analysis of
Compressive Notch Strengthening in Closed-Cell Aluminum Alloy Foam. Acta
Metall. [in press].
J4. Tian, Y., Bastawros, A.–F., Lo, C., Constant, A., Russell, A., Cook, B., 2003.
Superhard, Self-Lubricating AlMgB14 Films for Microelectromechanical Devices.
Appl. Phy. Let. 83(14): 2781-2783
J5. Antoniou, A.M. and. Bastawros, A.-F, 2003. Deformation Characteristics of TinBased Solder Joints (J. Materials Research) 18(10) 2304-2309
J6. Che, W., Guo Y., Chandra A., Bastawros A., 2003. Mechanistic Understanding of
Material Detachment During Micro-Scale Polishing. ASME-J. Mfg. Sc. Eng.,
125(4): 731-735.
J7. Ye, Y., Biswas, R., Bastawros, A. -F., Morris, J.R. and Chandra, A. 2003.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoscale Machining of Copper,
Nanotechnology 14: 390–396
J8. Bastawros, A.-F Chandra, A., Guo, Y. and Yan, B. 2002. Pad Effects on Material
Removal Rate in Chemical Mechanical Planarization, J. Electronic Materials,
31(10): 1-10.
J9. Ye, Y., Biswas, R., Bastawros, A. -F. and Chandra, A. 2002. Simulation of Nano
Scale Polishing of Copper with Molecular Dynamics. Phy. Rev. Let. 81(10) 1-3.
J10. Bastawros, A.-F. and Kim, K.-S., 2001, “Electric-Current Induced Crack Growth
in Thin Films: Experimental Observations and Continuum Description”. Int. J.
Damage Mech. 10(3):195-213.
J11. Bastawros, A.-F, A. G. Evans, 2000. Deformation Heterogeneity in Cellular Al
Alloys. Adv. Eng. Mat. 4:210-214
J12. Bastawros, A.-F. and Kim, K.-S., 2000, “Experimental Analysis of Near-CrackTip Plastic Flow and Deformation Characteristics (I): Polycrystalline Aluminum,”
J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 48(1): 67-98.
J13. Bastawros, A.-F., Bart-Smith, H., and Evans A. G., 2000. Experimental Analysis
of Deformation Mechanisms in a Closed Cell Al Alloy Foam. J. Mech. Phys.
Solids. Vol: 48(2): 301-322
J14. Bastawros, A.-F. and Kim, K.-S., 1998. Experimental Study on Electric-Current
Induced Damage Evolution at The Crack Tip in Thin Film Conductors. J.
Electronic Packaging, 120(10): 1
J15. Bastawros, A.-F. and McManuis, R. 1998. Case Study: Use of Digital Image
Analysis Software to Measure Non-Uniform Deformation in cellular Aluminum
Alloys. Exp. Tech. 22(2): 35.
J16. Bart-Smith, H., Bastawros, A.-F., Mumm, D.R., Evans, A.G., Sypeck, D., and
Wadley, H.G., 1998. Compressive Deformation and Yielding Mechanisms in
Cellular Al Alloys Determined Using X-Ray Tomography and Surface Strain
Mapping. Acta Metall. 46(10): 3583.
Referred Conference Proceedings (Highly respected, with presentation)
RC1. Ye, Y., Biswas, R., Bastawros, A. -F. and Chandra, A. 2003. Atomistic
Mechanisms underlying Chemical Mechanical Planarization of Copper. Mat. Res.
Soc. Proc. Vol.767: 57-62.
RC2. Bastawros, A. and Antoniou, A. 2003. Measurements of Size Scale Effects in
Layered Structures, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.778:3-8.
RC3. Gouda, S., Bastawros, A., Chandra, A, 2003. Multi-Scale characterization of
Role of the pad on Material Removal Rate in Chemical Mechanical Planarization.
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.767: 95-100.
RC4. Che, W., Guo, Y., Bastawros, A., and Chandra, A. 2002. Mechanistic
Understanding of Material Detachment During CMP Processing. Mat. Res. Soc.
Symp. Proc. Vol. 732E:14.3.1-14.3.6
RC5. Ye, Y., Biswas, R., Morris, J, Bastawros, A. -F. and Chandra, A. 2002.
Simulation of Nanoscale Polishing of Copper with Molecular Dynamics. Mat.
Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 732E:14.8.1-14.8.6
RC6. Bastawros, A.-F. and Kim, K.-S, 1998, “Experimental Analysis of
Deformation Induced Microstructure Near a Crack Tip in a Hardened Copper
Crystal,” Fracture and Ductile vs. Brittle Behavior, MRS Proceedings, Vol. 539:
251 -256.
RC7. Bart-Smith, H., Bastawros, A.-F., Mumm, D.R., Evans, A.G., Sypeck, D., and
Wadley, H.G., 1998. Compressive Deformation and Yielding Mechanisms in
Cellular Al Alloys Determined Using X-Ray Tomography and Surface Strain
Mapping. MRS Symposium Proceedings Vol 521: 71-82.
Conference Proceedings (with presentation)
C1. INVITED: Che, W., Guo, Y., Chandra, A. and Bastawros, A. -F., 2003, A
Comprehensive Material removal Model for Chemical Mechanical Planarization,
Proc. VMIC 2003 (invited paper), IMIC, pp. 340-352.
C2. Antoniou, A. and Bastawros, A., 2003. Experimental Observations of the
Deformation Characteristics in Layered Structures, ASME Conf. Proc. (MAT:)
C3. Bastawros, A. and Antoniou, A., 2003. Deformation Characteristics of Solder
Joints. In: Advances in electronic Packaging, Vol. 1, International Electronic
Packaging Technical Conference and Exhibition, IPACK03, Maui July 6-11,
C4. Bastawros, A. and Chandra, A., 2003. Experimental Analysis of Deformation
Mechanisms and Thermal Cycling During Micro and Nano Surface Machining of
Ductile Materials. In: R. Komanduri (ed.); New Developments in Thermal Aspects
of Material Removal Processes, NSF workshop, Oklahoma State University,
Oklahoma, June 10-12, 2003, 39-44.
C5. Ye, Y., Biswas, R., Morris, J. R., Bastawros, A. and Chandra, A., 2003.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Effects and Material Removal in the
Ultra Precision Machining of Copper. In: R. Komanduri (ed.); New Developments
in Thermal Aspects of Material Removal Processes, NSF workshop, Oklahoma
State University, Oklahoma, June 10-12, 2003, 121-125.
C6. Che, W., Chandra, A. and Bastawros, A., 2003. Mechanistic Understanding of
Material Detachment During CMP Processing. In: R. Komanduri (ed.); New
Developments in Thermal Aspects of Material Removal Processes, NSF
workshop, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, June 10-12, 2003, 292-297.
C7. Bastawros, A., Chandra A. and Guo, Y., 2003. The Role of Pad Surface
Morphology and Chemical Properties on the Material Removal Rate In CMP.
CMP-MIC Proceedings (03 IMIC-800P) 365-372. Marina Del Ray, CA Feb. 1921,2003.
C8. INVITED: Che, W., Bastawros, A. and Chandra, A. 2002. Material Removal
Mechanisms in Micro and nano Surface Machining. SEM Annual Conference,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 10-12, 2002.
C9. Onck, P.R. and Bastawros, A.-F., 2000. Notch Effects in Metal Foams. In: D.
Miannay, et. al (eds.); Advances in mechanical behavior, plasticity and damage,
vol. 1, p. 717-722, November 7-9. Euromat 2000 Tours, France.
C10. Bastawros, A.-F, 1998. Effectiveness of Open-Cell Metallic Foams for High
Power Electronic Cooling, in: Thermal Management of Electronics, ASME Conf.
Proc. HTD-361-3/PID-3, 211-217.
Bastawros, A.-F. and Evans, A. G., 1997. Characterization of Open-Cell
Aluminum Alloy Foams as Heat Sinks for High Power Electronic Devices, in:
CAE/CAD and Thermal Management Issues in Electronic Systems, (ed. D.
Agonafer et al.), ASME Conf. Proc. EEP-23/HTD-356, 1.
Bastawros, A.-F. and Kim, K.-S., 1997. The Role of Electric-Current
Induced Heating in Damage Evolution at the Crack Tip in Thin Films, in:
Application of Fracture Mechanics in Electronic packaging and Materials, (ed.
W. Chen et al.), ASME Conf. Proc. EEP-20/AMD-222, 139.
Bastawros, A.-F. and Kim, K.-S., 1995. Electro-Thermal Crack Growth
Caused by Electric Current Intensification, in: Application of Fracture Mechanics in
Electronic packaging and Materials, (ed. T. Wu et al.), ASME Conf. Proc. EEP11/MD-64, 237.
Bastawros, A.-F., Kim, K.-S. and Shield, T.W., 1995. Experimental Studies on
Incremental Near-Tip Plastic Deformation for Mode I Cracks in Prehardened
Copper Single Crystals, in: Soc. Eng. Sci. Conf. Proc. ( ed. D. Hui et al.), New
Orleans, LA, 35.
Bastawros, A.-F., Metwalli, S.M. and Eleiche, A.M., 1993. Experimental
Investigation of Torsional Instability of P.V.C. Tubes, in Recent Advances in
Structural Mechanics, (ed. H. H. Chung et al.), ASME Conf. Proc. 269, 57.
Conference and Seminar Presentation (without proceedings)
SP1. Antoniou, A., Bastawros, A., Lo, C. and Biner, S., “In-Situ Observations of
the Evolution of plasticity in Metallic Glasses,” TMS meeting, March 2004.
SP2. Gouda, S. D., Chandra, A. and Bastawros, A., “Initial Macroscopic Response
of Thin Porous Sheet under Compression” ASME International Congress &
Exposition, Washington, D.C., Nov. 16-22, 2003.
SP3. Che, W., Guo, Y., Chandra, A. and Bastawros, A. -F., A Scratch Intersection
Model of Material removal During Chemical Mechanical Planarization, Conf.
Soc. Eng. Sc., Ann Arbor, MI, Oct. 2003.
SP4. Antoniou A., Bastawros, A., “Experimental Investigation of the Notch Effects
in Metallic Foams”, Metfoam03, Berlin Germany, June 25-27, 2003.
SP5. Bastawros, A. “ Experimental Observations on Hardening Evolution Near a
Crack Tip in Ductile Single Crystals,” ASME International Congress &
Exposition, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 17-23, 2002.
SP6. Antoniou, A., Guo, Y., Bastawros, A. “Analysis of Notch Strength
Enhancement in Metallic cellular Solids,” ASME International Congress &
Exposition, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 17-23, 2002.
SP7. Bastawros, A.- F., Che, W., Chandra, A., “Material Removal Mechanisms in
Micro and Nano-Machining” 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA, June 23-28, 2002.
SP8. INVITED, Bastawros, A.- F., Guo, Y., Chandra, A., “Macroscopic Shear
Response of Porous Materials” 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA, June 23-28, 2002.
SP9. Bastawros, A.-F and Chandra, A., Guo, Y., Yan, B. “Pad Effects on Material
Removal Rate in Chemical Mechanical Planarization,” The Minerals, Metals &
Materials Society TMS ANNUAL MEETING (TMS) Seattle, Washington, Feb
17-21, 2002.
SP10. Bastawros, A.- F. “Size Effect in the Macroscopic Behavior of Solder Joints”
The ASME International Congress & Exposition, New York, NY, Nov. 11-17,
SP11. Bastawros, A.- F. and Evans, A. “Optimizing Metallic Foams for Compact
Heat Exchangers” The ASME International Congress & Exposition, New York,
NY, Nov. 11-17, 2001.
SP12. Bastawros, A.- F. “Experimental Analysis of Fracture Characteristics in
Metallic Cellular Solids” The ASME International Congress & Exposition, New
York, NY, Nov. 11-17, 2001.
SP13. Bastawros, A.- F., “Notch Effects and Associated Length Scales in the
Mechanics of Cellular Metals” ICTAM 2000, Chicago, IL Aug. 27-Sept 1, 2000.
SP14. INVITED Bastawros, A.- F., “Revealing the Deformation Mechanisms in
Highly Heterogeneous Deformation Fields” NSF workshop on micro and nano
mechanics of materials, Palo Alto, CA, Oct 7-8, 1999
SP15. Bastawros, A.- F. and Evans, A. “Deformation Heterogeneity in Cellular Al
Alloys Revealed by Surface Deformation Analysis” ASME Summer Meeting,
Roanoke VA July 5 –7, 1999
SP16. INVITED Bastawros, A.- F. and Evans, A. “The Role of Defect Interactions
in Deterioration of Strength and Stiffness of Closed Cell Metallic Foams” ASME
Summer Meeting, Roanoke VA July 5 –7, 1999
SP17. Bastawros, A.- F. and Kim, K.S. “Application of Moiré Interferometry to
Fracture Mechanics” ASME Summer Meeting, Roanoke VA July 5 –7, 1999
SP18. Bastawros, A.- F. and Evans, A. “Optimum Performance of Cellular Metal
Heat Sinks for Thermal Management of High Power Electronics” IPACK99, Maui
June 26-30, 1999
SP19. Bastawros, A.- F. and Evans, A. “Deformation heterogeneity in cellular Al
alloys revealed by surface deformation analysis,” Metfoam99, Germany, July,
SP20. Bastawros, A.- F. “Use of Digital Image Analysis to Study Deformation
Mechanisms in Cellular Metals”, Ultralight Metals Structures Workshop, Brewster,
MA, Sept. 1998.
SP21. Bastawros, A.- F. “Performance and Optimization of Cellular Metal Heat
Transfer Media”, Ultralight Metals Structures Workshop, Brewster, MA, Sept. 1998.
SP22. Bastawros, A.- F. and Evans, A. “Optimization of Open-Cell Metallic Foam
Heat Dissipation Media”, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 13-17,
SP23. Bastawros, A.- F. “Infrared Monitoring of Electric–Current Induced damage
Close to a Crack Tip in Thin Film Conductors“, MRS Spring Meeting, San
Francisco, April 13-17, 1998.
SP24. Bastawros, A.- F. and Evans, A. “Characterization of Open-Cell Aluminum
Alloy Foams as Heat Sinks for High Power Electronic Devices”, DARPA
Workshop on Microelectronic Thermal Management, Washington D.C., Dec. 1112, 1997.
SP25. Bastawros, A.- F. “Heat Dissipation Measurements in Open Cell Systems”,
Ultralight Metals Structures Workshop, Charlottesville, VA, Sept. 1997.
SP26. INVITED, Bastawros, A.- F. “Crack-Tip Field in Ductile Single Crystals,
Between Myth and Reality”, Invited Talk at the Mechanics and Material Seminar,
DEAS, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Feb. 3, 1997.
SP27. Bastawros, A.- F. and Kim, K.S. “Experimental Studies on Incremental NearTip Plastic Deformation for Mode I Cracks in Prehardened Copper Single Crystals”,
Soc. Eng. Sci. Conf. New Orleans, LA, Oct. 1995.
SP28. Kim, K.S., Bastawros, A.- F., “Laser-Moiré Analysis of the Near Crack-Tip
Incremental-Plastic-Deformation Fields in FCC Copper Single Crystals”, Int. Union
Th. Appl. Mech. Conference, Cambridge, England September 1995.
SP29. Ortiz, M., Cuitino, A, Bastawros, A, Kim, K “The Hardening and Crack Tip
Fields of Copper Single Crystals. Material Research Society, Spring Meeting, San
Francisco, California, April, 1994.
SP30. Bastawros, A.-F. “Computer Aided Design of Pressure Vessels”, The 4th Cairo
University Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, December 1988.
SP31. Bastawros, A.-F. “Automated Design Concepts”, Presented at the Egyptian
Sugar and Distillation Co., July 1988.