PROGRAM OF THE QUARTER First Quarter Update – April 2004 The Program of the Quarter is a good to great project implemented by Trisha O’Connell, Clinician for CSMA. The Program of the Quarter committee is made up of members from the CSMA administration team representing different functions of day to day operations. The committee meets at the end of each quarter and reports on the status of five specific need areas (Consumer, Staff, Paperwork, House and Program). Program of the quarter criteria is attached to this report to provide more detailed information about each category. Data was collected and compiled for the months of January, February and March of 2004. The committee members met during this time to design the criteria sheet. A final meeting was held on March 29th to score each area and assign each program a score. A total score of 80 points is possible. When all the scores were calculated the top three scoring programs were selected. The Director of CSMA was then given the scoring sheets for the three programs and made the final decision for a winner based on the scores and input from committee members. The Brookfield Program was chosen to receive the first Program of the Quarter Award for 2004. They scored a total of 70 points. High scores were noted in the Consumer and Staff sections. A perfect score in the Consumer section was achieved reflecting 100% participation in Community Inclusion; vocational and education activities and 100% of Doctors appointments up to date. All daily structured schedules were completed and implemented. They were presented a check for $75.00 to have lunch together, a trophy filled with candy and the program name was placed on a plaque hanging in the Shirley Office. Recognition was also given to each individual staff in the May edition of the CSMA Newsletter. Committee members will meet again in May to discuss their thoughts and ideas on the process and to make any recommended changes. After that a meeting will be held at the end of June to determine the winner of the next award. That award will be presented at the July manager’s meeting. A staff questionnaire is also being developed to spotlight a particular staff person from the winning program, to be included in future issues of the CSMA newsletter.