Hot, Sunny Day
One hot summer’s day
I went to play by the bay,
So I did what is right
On my bike
What a sunny day!
Sophie Boultbee
A Rainy, Wet Day
It’s a windy, wet day.
The wind is blowing everywhere
It’s cold and wet.
I wonder if there is snow anywhere
I’m lying in my bed
Shivering my hands off
I feel like a snowball floating in the air.
Jaide Carpenter
Hot Day Cold Day
Hot, raining, mad, cold!
Crazy day, crazy cold,
Mad, raining, hot day
What will the weather be today?
Hot, raining, mad, cold, crazy day.
Zachary Ballantyne
My Poem
The beach is fun,
I love the sun.
It is a hot day
I will have some fun
It is lots of fun.
I will have some ice cream
And say, “It is a good day today!”
Krista Winn
One Hot day.
Off to the Beach to play.
I brought a ball to play beach ball
Getting cold!!
Go back home
Wait for tomorrow.
Harry Cormack
Drip, drop,
In the puddle
Splish, splash
Down the drain
Down to the sea
Rain on my plants,
Rain on me.
Rain On My Window
Eli Mole
Roses Are Red
Roses are red, Violets are blue,
In winter, spring and summer too.
In autumn it is orange,
Summer is red.
Don’t forget winter,
White as snow.
Joshua Bunce
Sunny Day
One hot, sunny day,
I went to my brother and said, “Boo!!”
My brother said,” Stop!”
The thunder went BOOM!!!
My sister got scared and had a pear,
I was scared too and went to join her.
Harrison Wallace
The Sun So Bright
The sun so bright, the sky so blue,
The clouds so grey, the rain so blue.
The sun, rain and clouds are so pretty
When they are all mixed together.
Rylee Quinn
The Weather
Big, sunny, hot day,
It is fun to play.
There the rainbows come,
They look like lots of fun.
Nice day!
Happy day!
Freedom day!
Have a picnic today
Have a picnic tomorrow,
Have a picnic this week
And have them on a boat.
Cold day
Freezing day
Snowy day,
Too cold to play.
Dress up warm, like a storm
Make balls of snow, let them throw.
Go skiing and singing
Great day
Exercising day
Joyful day.
A happy day to play.
Flowers grow
Blooms go high and low.
It is a fun year!
No person had a tear!
Daniel Strube
The Weather
Fun, bright, sunny,
Funny day, dry.
Storm went.
Beachy, Weachy day
Rain stains,
Cool pools
Jack stack
Jack Johnston
The Weather
Sweaty, sunny beach
I love to play on a hot holiday
Bright, blue sky,
A great day to swim
Thunder and lightning storms
Zapped me in my dorm.
Jacob Jeffery
One warm, hot day,
Where should I play?
The pool is fun
Jumping and diving in the sun
Watching rainbows
Singing a song.
Georgia Brennan
Hot, sweltery day,
Where should I play?
The beach is fun
I love the sun
It’s a good day to run.
Watching rainbows and singing songs
A bit annoying
A bit warm
A bit cozy
A bit strong
A little bit of fog.
Jasmine Renny
Weather Poem
Snow is cold,
I wonder why?
The sun is hot,
I wonder why?
Venus is hot, Pluto is cold,
The sun is hot, Neptune is cold.
What can we find on Mars?
What can we find on Jupiter?
We will soon find out.
Aliens live on Mars and another planet.
What else can I find in space?
AH! The black hole.
I wouldn’t go near that
It can suck you up.
Rebecca Cameron
Weather Weather
Boom, crash! went the thunder,
Sizzle, went the sun,
Always hot,
Always warm,
Sunny or rainy,
A bit annoying,
A bit crazy,
It’s cold or wet,
In winter.
Yesterday it was warm,
Now it’s raining.
I know what I want,
Jump into my warm cozy bed!
Amelia Khoo
Weather, weather Crash! Crash! Crash!
There goes the thunder.
Sometimes I get scared.
I snuggle up in my bed and smile.
In the morning, I see if it hailed
I look at the sun,
It wakes me up.
Jayden Tidbold
The steaming sun
Go to the beach and have some fun,
Have so much fun until it rains,
Wait a few more minutes
Then the weather will change
Then go outside for more FUN!
Mitchell Brancatella
It is a rainy day
In every way
Then I saw a rat,
In my hat
So I sat on the rat.
It was sunny
I said, ”Hmmmm, that’s funny”
I saw a pear
I looked at it in despair.
Oscar Pope
Hot or cold,
Rainy or sunny
I love Spring, Autumn and Summer.
Winter is fun, but summer is fun..ner,
I love Spring, Autumn and Summer
But Winter is nearly fun…ner than Summer.
Sophie Pearce
Wet and Rainy
It is wet, it is rainy,
It is wet everywhere.
I get wet in the rain,
I get cold and wet
It is cold everywhere!
When I go inside, it turns sunny again.
Grace Kanaris
Winter, Summer
The thunder struck Boom!!
The sun was boiling,
Water was cold,
Cold indeed!
It was hot.
Lightning hit a car, Crash!
It was a weird two weeks.
Cameron Paul
Blankets, scarves, woolies
Tucked away from the cold.
BOOM! CRASH! Thunder,
Storms and lightning
Very scared.
Snow, snow snow!! So much snow.
Taylor Jewell
Winter, Winter, Winter
It was freezing on a winter’s day
Snow and snowballs
It was fun
Snowflakes, snowboards
It’s fun.
Hot chocolate – nice and warm,
Scarves so warm.
Snow, snowflakes, snowballs.
It is so nice in my jacket,
Snuggled up in the snow.
Serai Taskan