Instrumentation Quiz Notes: A. UV/Vis Region of EMR spectrum o UV: 190-350 nm o Vis: 350-700 nm o HOMO LUMO Shifts in max – indicate changes in chemical environment that can given hints about the structure o Want matched cuvette to minimize lightloss o Quantitative Conc. Measurement A = -log T = εbc o b – path length (cm) o c – absorptivity conc. (g/L) o ε – molar absorptivity (mol/L) o T = P/Po Po – radiant power of the incident beam Practical usage - Po – radian power transmitted by blank (everything in sample w/o chromophere, what measuring) P – “ of the transmitted beam 1. Diagram of System 2. Source –Provides EMR 1. Visible: Tungston or Tungston-Halogen Lamp i. black body radiator – it glows ii. Metal can be heated to very high temps iii. can run its hotter to get slightly lower iv. close to visible and near IR (350-250 nm) v. Some Tungston (W) is lost by sublimation 1. Adds small amounts of I2 captures sublimed W as WI2 2. Longer life and a little UV (slightly bluish tint) vi. UV: Deuterium (isotope of hydrogen 2H) a. Adv- won’t flood b. Lamp gets hot and has to cool c. D2 is high energy and high output when subjected to electric arc discharge d. D2 (g) + Earc D*2 D.’ + D.” + h Range Range of UV of KE’s energies (not quantized system) e. D.’ + D.” – Fly off at varying amts of KE vii. Xenon Arc lamp – in both the UV & Vis regions 1. Disadv: expensive and relatively short lifespan, less dependable 2. Only used when need high intensity a. Not needed in absorbance, helpful in fluorescence 2. Sample Holder – light bouncing through other end i. Cuvette - must be transparent to region you are using 1. Vis range – used plastic (cheap), pyrex, polystyrene 2. UV range – use fused silica, quartz a. Also works in Vis range but more expensive ii. Fiberoptic: Ncore > Ncladding 1. Dependent on critical angle a. Light directed into core so it meets cladding at > critical , total internal reflection 3. Wavelength selection – transmit certain band i. Wavelength selector – gives S/N ratio ii. Need a narrow band of ’s 1. Don’t want to keep the ’s that don’t absorb iii. Get higher sensitivity higher slope of Beer’s law plot 1. Beer’s law requires narrow band, choose max (largest Energy) 2. Best sensitivity 3. Beer’s law would be obeyed best when band is flat 4. Only obeys for monochromatic light iv. Selectivity – ability to measure one compound in the presence of other compounds v. Filter removes large regions of ’s by absorbing them 1. Removes unwanted ’s 2. Types of filters a. Wide band pass – 50 to 100 nm b. Interference filter – (narrow ) 0.1 to 5 nm i. Only certain act constructively c. Cut-off Filter (blocking) i. Block entire region from getting in system ii. Has sharp change form where it lets light through ot by where it doesn’t d. Notch Filter (opp. interference) i. Blocks a very narrow range ii. Ex: Laser light want to hit sample but not get into detector vi. Dispersing Element – separates spatially 1. prism 2. Grating – spreads out in space by diffraction a. Sheet w/marrow grooves w/ sharp, well defined shapes b. Does the same thing as a prism c. Can have an array of detectors that detect entire spectrum d. Used in 2 ways, depending upon detector set-up i. Single detector (PMT) 1. Detects entire useful range 2. Need to isolate the desire band using a monochormoter 3. Exit slit- only one narrow band 4. Turn grating to change band ii. Multiple detector 1. actually from the focal plane 2. Detector selects by position not b/c of 3. Get all the ’s but only sees one per detector, thus get entire spectrum in a few seconds 4. Detector Design i. Photoelectric effect (older way) – light strikes a photoemissive surface and e- are ejected, allowing the signal to be converted from light energy to electrical energy 1. Has single state phototube a. Only one emissive surface 2. Photomultiplier tube ( in fluorimeter and LC) a. To detect smaller light signals b. Have multiple stages c. Potentials guide path of ed. Collect at anode ii. Semiconductor Detector 1. Electrical signal – transfer energy of EMR to semiconductor crystals which creates e- hole 2. Band structures of solids – atoms are close to each other and electrical orbitals overlap to form band of energy orbitals a. Diagram 3. Insulators - non-metals a. Most covalent cmpds and pure ionic crystals (e.g. Diamond, sulfur) b. Very large band gap between valence and conduction band 4. Conductors – metals a. Higher Energy bands overlap to form broad valence band i. partially filled with eii. bands close together b. E- move to positive end when Elec.field applied c. As Temp. increases i. lattice vibration increases ii. resistance increases iii. conductivity decreases 5. Semiconductors – Silicon and Germanium (nuclear detectors) a. Small band gap between valence Band (completely filled @ 0 K) and conduction bands ( completely empty @ 0K) i. e- jump by absorption of UV light or nuclear emission ii. When e- jumps to upper band, holes left in valence band can move b. As Temp. increases (major diff. from conductor) i. thermal promotion can exist to bridge Band gap ii. resistance decreases iii. conductivity increases iv. # e-/p+ pairs increases Element Conductivity (-1 M-1) Band Gap (eV) C < 104 6 Si increased 114 Ge 2 0.67 Sn > 100 0.08 c. Intrinsic – pure material e - promotion form valance to cond. Band i. [e-]mobile = [p+]mobile ii. same # of holes as ed. Extrinsic (Doped) – small conc. of impurities to increase conductivity i. impurity has similar size as host atom but diff # valence e- which creates impurity levels in the Band gap e. n-Type: Dope Ge or Si (Grp IV) or As pr P (Grp V), negative charge carriers move i. extra valence e – cant fit into filled valence bnad ii. weakly bounded and easily excited to add eto conduction band iii. Major charge carriers are e – a. The hole stays fixed b. [e-]mobile > [p+]mobile f. p-type: Dope w/ Ge or Si (Grp IV) or B orIn (Grp III) i. deficiency of e-‘s compared to surrounding atoms ii. e- from valence band are easily transferred to impurity atom 1. leave p+ in valence band iii. Major carriers are p+’s , the holes are moving (+ charge carrier) g. Semiconductor junction – p-n type: p-type in contact with n-type i. At junction e’s from n-type fill p+’s in ptype ii. thin depletion zone 1. Region in middle (intrinsic) few m’s when sticking 2 slabs together 2 ways to wire system: iii. Forward Bias – current flows from (+) to ptype and (-) to n-type 1. Get pulsating DC 2. Used for rectification of AC, not in EMR detection iv. Reverse bias – external applied to ∆V, (+) to n-type and (-) to p-type 1. Depletion zone thick a. Enlarged zone compared to just putting them together 2. Momentary movt. of charge, like capacitor a. Burst of current then nothing 3. Entering radiation creates e-/p+ pair, which creates current 4. Charge carriers move to electrode v. Photodiode (HP and Fiberoptics) – uses p-n junction How it works: 1. Prior to measurement – capacitor is charged up 2. As exposed to radiation, charge is lost 3. After it’s charge back up, the amt need to charge it is recorded. a. Difference from the blank after holes removed 4. Make all (+) to reblank for next measurement, thus holes go away 6. Single Beam Spectrophotometer (Beackman DU-2) a. UV source: Tungsten lamp or deuterium w/ mirror that can be rotated to allow different sources b. Prism monochromator – for dispersing element i. Turn prism to let different through ii. No ray detector iii. Displaced vertically slightly so goes through upper slit c. Used in Vis and UV ranges i. Single beam and single detector can only do one at a time ii. Dispersed beam travels same path d. Only one optical pathway e. 3 step-process measurement at each - Time consuming to get entire spectrum i. Dark current (0% T) ii. Blank (100% T) iii. Sample (sample % T) 7. Double Beam Spectrophotometer – w/o ray detector a. Chopper device – turns at constant rate, when open lets light through so breaks up the light i. Alternates light, but only one beam at any instant ii. Alternative sending beam b. Entrance and exit slit horizontal to each other c. Constant comparison between reference and sample i. Automatically incorporates the blank 8. B4054-reverse optics – all passes through sample a. Has upper beam director mirror and lower beam director b. Oscillates, some light to sample, some to reference i. Curved mirror collects light from many sources B. Molecular Fluorescence Molecular Fluorescence Events (aromatic or extended conjugated systems): 1. molecules absorbs an e- (EMR in UV) and get excited to upper electronic state (vertical transition) π to π* transition 2. The molecules lose energy via vibrational states within the excited electronic state 3. The electron makes a vertical transition down to the ground state (in visible region), thus emitting light at a lower energy than the corresponding excitation energy. a. Instrument measure the intensity of light emitted (fluorescent intensity = FI) With an increase in energy state, the bond length is increased Choosing λexc and λem: 1. First, you choose the λem to observe the fluoresced light – this has to be a good guess 2. Then, vary the λexc (λ of light sending into the sample) to find out where to get the most fluorescence 3. Max FI is usually at the λexc in the UV Franck-Condon Principle: 1. nuclei cannot move during a transition (ONLY e-) 2. excitation occurs to an upper vibrational level within the excited electronic state 3. thus, there is ample time for the molecule to lose excess vibrational energy 4. emission occurs from the lowest vibrational level (v0) within the excited state to an upper vibrational level (vn) within the ground state 5. Eem << Eexc and λem (visible) >> λexc (UV) Quantitative Analysis: Measure the FI as a function of [ ] *at low [ ], the FI is proportional to the true concentration *FI = K x P0 x c where K is a constant that is dependent on instrumentation (detector efficiency and monochromator throughput – amt of light able to pass) & P0 is the radiant power of the beam coming into the sample from the incident beam Therefore, for a given [ ], the increase in FI is proportional to the radiant power of the incident beam… can detect very small [ ]s by pumping up the incident beam power. UV/Vis Absorption Uses Beer’s Law A = εbc = -logT = -log (P/P0) = log (P0/P) Overall Conclusion: 1. For fluorescence – a higher P0 gives a greater FI for a given [ ] – must use a very intense source such as the Xe arc lamp ***can do a very low [ ] and still get a signal because the radiant power (P0) is proportional to FI 2. For absorption work – a higher P0 does not change the absorbance – must use a source with a reasonable intensity such as D2 in UV or W in the visible region Graphing the log FI vs log [ ] gives a linear plot with a slope of 1.000 (ideally) Log FI = log (K x P0 x c) = log (K x P0) + log c Hook’s Effect: at high [ ] the linearity is lost and curves back downward Possible Reasons: 1. FI = K x P0 x c is a limiting equation that depends on the assumption that [ ] and absorbance is very low 2. Self-absorption – if emission band overlaps the excitation band, then the fluoresced light will get absorbed on it way out of cuvette can happen due to impurities Quenching – Anything that causes the FI to be less than what it should be (anything that decreases the quantum yield,Ф) Ф = # molecules fluoresced / # molecules absorbed light to begin with The theoretical Max is 1, but this NEVER happens!!! *** Ф is usually < 1 because there are many processed that compete with fluorescence. They compete kinetically and return the molecule to ground state. 1. Forms of competition w/ Flourescence a. Internal conversion – return to the ground state w/o transition via vibrational relaxation i. If the excited state (upper well)overlaps the potential well (lower well) and dips into ground state then its goes all the way back to the ground state and the molecule doesn’t fluoresce ii. Happens primarily in aliphatic cmpds iii. Can minimiz: 1. By adding rigidity, mount sample on support 2. If more flexible, easier to change vibrational levels b. External Conversion - collisions with solvent and impurities which take away energy from the system (collisional deactivation) i. Excited molecules transfer energy via collisions, if lose enough then lose fluorescence ii. Temp affects the # of collisions, raise temp will reduce fluorescence iii. Can minimize by 1. Lowering Temp 2. Controlling T (transmittance) c. Intersystem Crossing – spin of e- in excited state gets flipped triplet, 2 unpaired so now have the same spin i. Low likelihood of fluorescence, possibility of phosphoresce ii. Want to avoid: 1. Halogenated solids (any halogens) a. Esp. bigger atom b/c of heavy atom effect due to large e- clouds (Br,I) 2. Paramagnetic materials – ones or more unpaired ea. High spin transition metals will cause problems b. Remove O2 (2 unpaired spins) 2. Instrumentation a. Source – fluorescence wants high intensity source (UV) i. Most common: 1. Hg lamps (254nm, 313 nm) a. Very high intensity offsets not having optimal exc 2. Xe arc source – use for fluorescence but not absorption b/c don’t get anything for high intensity 3. Monochromator – need to select exc and em a. not need with array detector b. Sample holder – rectangular, 4 optical UV surfaces i. Made out of quartz or fused silica ii. Look at beam perpendicular c. Wavelength selector – need 2 b/c have light going in and light going out i. Emitted at 90° ii. Often times excitation one is the filter iii. Also possible emission array detector d. Detector - PMT or array detector i. PMT (photomultiplier tube) 1. 2. 3. 4. Detects intensity of light Source intensity is monitored all the time Can detect very low conc. Beam attenuator - cuts it down so you can compare a. Compare to cancel out any fluctuations b. Beam splitter - 50% reflected and 50% transmitted ii. Molecular Beacon – quencher is your friend (Dr. Tan) 1. Complementary base pairing, so Q (quencher) and F (fluorescence) are next to each other a. with a very small distance fluorescence is quencher and the beacon is turned off 2. When target DNA added and pairs with DNA with fluorescence tag, i.e. the complementary strand is present, the loop opens and binds making Q and F far apart a. Thus no quenching occurs and beacon is on e. Qualitative analysis – very useful b/c very low LOD i. Conditions must remain constant C. Liquid Scintillation Refers to when energy from a nuclear emission (α, β, or γ) causes a fluorescent molecule (scintillator) to be excited then the fluorescent intensity is detected by a photomultiplier tube (PMT) Mechanism: 1. energy transferred to scintillator 2. solute excited electronically (fluoresces) 3. light detected by PMT 4. larger input from radioactivity (β) get many photons back per β Solvent other solvent molecules 1º solute (aromatic cmpd’s that can fluoresce) …..instead: 1º solute 2º solute that emits at wavelengths that can be detected by PMT easier Nuclear Emission gives a large amount of energy such that one nuclear event can excite many molecules!!! Fluorescent Intensity (Pulse Height) = is directly proportional to the energy of nuclear radiation deposited by nuclear emission. Quenching = any process that decreases the number of number of photons detected by the PMT (decrease quantum yield) 2 Broad Classes of Quenching: A. Chemical Quench – usually not detected by energy transfer (PMT) & problems with the energy transfer b/c of sample contamination B. Color Quench – an absorption band that overlaps the fluorescence a. Fluoresced light gets absorbed by impurity before leaving the scintillation vial (not recorded) Instrumentation Diagram: PMT vial PMT Analog-to-Digital Convertor Coincidence circuit ADC PH Analysis Computer passes only if both PMT's give a signal *need 2 PMT to discriminate between random events (both PMT must get a signal from the vial at the same time) *b/c can get Random Noise Events (chemiluminescence) which are single photon events A true nuclear event produces many UV photons (from the vial in all directions which is why both PMT must get a signal) ……the # of UV photons is proportional to the energy deposited by the nuclear event If the obtained signal (2 PMT) doesn’t meet the criteria, then the coincidence circuit does not allow it to pass!!! but if allowed to pass, then coincidence circuit passes voltage to the ADC which changes to voltage to a binary number PH Analyzer (pulse height analyzer) 1. where pulse height is the magnitude of the binary number 2. PH analyzer allows us to make a PH spectra 3. Remember: PH = Binary # = Voltage = Light intensity struck PMT = Energy of Nuclear event 4. There is a “counting window” in the pulses/time vs pulse height (of nuclear energy) 5. outside the “counting window” is background 6. the plot looks like a semi circle indicating that the nuclear event has continuous wavelength distribution 7. you can do a dual label dectection (3H and 32P) which would overlap their semi-circle plots and you count the overlap (like a Venn Diagram) Benefits of LSC: 1. Very high detection efficiency, which is very important for low energy β-emitters (11C and 3H) 2. Counting Geometry – 100% efficient b/c sample is in the vial, so all radioactivity is counted 3. Highly automated 4. Count filter paper, fibers, etc right into the vial Draw Backs of LSC: 1. Expensive – cocktail, vials, disposal 2. Quenching – but it can be monitored 3. Sample Preparation – use benzene, thus aqueous soln aren’t as soluble a. Reverse micelles, where add surfactant and turn themselves inside out i. Ionic/polar = inside ii. Hydrophobic = outside D. Mass Spectroscopy The purpose of Mass Spec is to: 1. Convert an unknown sample to is gaseous ion form Difficult Part!!!!! 2. Separate the ions by mass/charge ratio (m/z) & measure # of each m/z ratio 3. Prepare a plot of Abundance vs (m/z)’s Uses of Mass Spec: 1. Can determine the structure of the sample by using with other tools (such as NMR, IR, or UV) 2. Qualitative Analysis from molecular weight and fragmentation patterns 3. Quantitative Analysis because used very low Limits of Detection Different Connections for Mass Spec: 1. GC to MS 2. LC to MS (very common) 3. CE to MS 4. ICP to MS Interpreting the Abundance vs (m/z)’s plot: 1. Parent ion peak-this is the peak that relates to the whole molecule and contains the most abundant isotopes (1H, 12C, 14N, etc.) 2. P+1 Isotope peaka. this refers to peaks with a higher m/z ratio than the parent ion peak b. contains ONE atom in the entire molecule that is an uncommon isotope c. most commonly 13C or 2H 3. P+2 Isotope peaka. contains TWO atoms in the entire molecule that are uncommon isotopes b. if chlorine or bromine present – have sizeable contributions from its isotopes (66-33) and (50-50), respectively 4. Fragment low peak-see this when molecular ion peak breaks apart 5. Base peaka. Highest abundance peak b. Simple one bond breakage of M+ 6. Addition peaksa. Occurs in biological samples b. When m/z ratio > M+ c. eg. Addition of H+ to M (M+H)+ Addition of Na+ to M (M+Na)+ Instrumentation: [Inlet System] [Ion Formation] [Mass Analyzer] [Detector] [Readout] -------------------------------------use Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) -------------------------------Always need to be under vacuum -------------------------------------------------------------------------Sometimes all 4 parts need to be under vacuum I. II. Inlet System-put in very small amount of sample (μg) [2 methods] i. Open Tubular GC-MS 1. compounds must be volatile liquid and thermally stable ii. Direct Insertion Probe (DIP) 1. improvement 2. uses less volatile and less thermally stable cmpd’s iii. NOTE: both methods GC and DIP use neutral molecules Ion Formation [4 methods] i. Electron Impact (EI) (MOST COMMON!!!!!!) 1. an electron (w/ hi KE ~ 70 eV) is accelerated and hits the sample 2. Mg (s) + e- Mg•+ + 2e3. creates a radical ii. Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) 1. used when inlet system and ion formation combined 2. used for MWs of 200-2000 Daltons a. goop sample in glycerol b. put on DIP c. bombard sample with high kinetic energy atoms or ions (Liquid Secondary Ion Mass Spec – LSIMS) i. if ions, the usually Cs+ because low ionization energy so formed easily d. get sample back with M (g) and M+ (g) 3. Not all of sample ionized 4. needed improving because wanted to do MS for large polypeptides and not have to break them into fragments. iii. Matrix-Assited Laser Desorption & Ionization (MALDI) 1. Need matrix that absorbs strongly in UV 2. Mix macromolecule sample with solution of acidic aromatic compounds 3. Spot on plate and put in Inlet System (vacuum) 4. Fire a N2 LASER b/c put out very high energy (337 nm) that the aromatic cmpd’s will absorb III. 5. Energy transferred to macromolcule 6. Some macromolecules become energized enough to come off as (M+H)+ ----get the H+ from the matrix 7. Go to Time of Flight Mass Spec Analyzer iv. Electrospray Ionization (ESI) ----- common method 1. Allows us to make many ions & serves as interphase between the chromatograph and the MS a. LCESIMS 2. LC solution put through needle with high voltage (~3kV) and solution becomes spray 3. Solution aimed at the capillary tube----then rest of solvent evaporates and rather than getting a couple of added H+s like MALDI, you get 10 to 20 added H+s 4. The m/z ratio has been altered but the m/z is still low enough for any mass analyzer 5. NOW, you may detect a small change in one AA residue based on the weight obtained a. Important for drug biotechnology Mass Analyzer – separates ions by m/z ratio i. Time of Flight Detection (TOF) 1. produce ions in pulses 2. they are accelerated to the same KE (thus the bigger ions will move more slowly) 3. ions released into a 1 meter tube---determine the time to get from one end to the other with a detector at the end 4. NOTE: used with MALDI a. Very fast b. Unlimited Mass Range (if the ions are a bigger, it just tales a little longer)