Teacher Mentoring - Texas Comprehensive Center


Finding the Treasure Chest, FG

Co-Sharing Our Similar Experiences

"Finding the Treasure Chest"

(60 minutes)

Session Questions:

What can ESC teams share with each other to strengthen the work with districts and

Title I campuses in Working Systemically?

Resources Needed/Materials Used:

PowerPoint presentation

—Finding the Treasure Chest

Printed chart (prepared on Day1 by the ESC WS specialists) on WS Phases I, II, and III


PPT thumbnails

Sharing experiences checklist

—HO 1

Alignment of NCLB, WS, & Title I SW Components

—HO 2

Facilitator Preparation

Become familiar with the PowerPoint presentation.

Prepare handouts.

Have the printed chart from Day 1 ready for presentation by ESCs.

Activity Sequence

Whole group

1. Ask participants from each ESC to sit together in table groups; limit tables to no more than five people.

2. Present session question (slide 2). Say the following:

WS specialists, Title I specialists, and other technical assistance providers all bring different expertise to the table. Bringing together their individual skills and knowledge will strengthen the work with districts and Title I campuses in implementing the steps of the Working Systemically approach.

3. Provide instructions for Task 1 (slide 3). Ask participants to share experiences with the others at their table. Say this:

WS specialists will share their experiences with the first three phases of

Working Systemically, using the chart they completed on Day 1. They will have 20 minutes to talk about the work they have been doing. Then we will have 5 minutes during which WS specialists will answer questions from other technical assistance providers regarding the implementation of those phases.

4700 Mueller Blvd. Austin, TX 78723 | 800-476-6861 | www.sedl.org | txcc.sedl.org

Finding the Treasure Chest, FG

4. After 20 minutes, have the Title I specialists and other technical assistance providers ask any questions they have about WS. (Allow 5 minutes)

5. Provide instructions for Task 2 (slide 4). Say this:

Now we will turn the tables: Title I specialists and other technical assistance providers at each table will share their work experiences.

Whenever possible they will point out where they see their roles align to the steps of the three phases of the WS approach. The checklist (HO 1) provides a place to make comments or record checkmarks wherever there is alignment. Handout 2 shows the NCLB SST functions, WS phases and steps, and Title I Schoolwide components side-by-side. Take about five minutes to review the checklist and note similar experiences.

After five minutes, say this:

Now Title I specialists and other technical assistance providers will share their experiences with the WS specialists at their table.

(Allow 20 minutes)

6. Ask each group to reflect on ways they can work together (slide 5) and be ready to share their thoughts. (Allow 5 minutes.) Then ask volunteers to share their ideas with the whole group.

7. Recognize their efforts and thank them (slide 6).

TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE CENTER at SEDL | http://txcc.sedl.org 2
