Vocabulary connection: multi Word items in English

Vocabulary connection: multi Word items in English
In this chapter we are going to discover how important is the multi word items
for advance learners English and how our level of proficiency can improve
considerable if we make use of this items. Moreover, multi word items and
collocation are an important matter that we have to take into account because it
is going to help us to demonstrate a high level of proficiency.
Traditionally L2 speakers tend to use a small variety of vocabulary this reflect
that speakers do not have a good English level, so for that reason we have to
take into consideration to acquire new vocabulary it is going to raise our level of
proficiency. This is an important matter because if we can acquire multi word
items and collocation is going to reflect that we are in a more advance level. On
the other hand around this topics are some problems that have to be solve, one
of them it is that L2 speakers tend to communicate with L2 speakers more than
L1 speakers this result that the use of idioms or collocation is limited and this
produce not only that speakers show a poor level of communication but also
that speakers show an inappropriate use of them.
The main object of the course is not only to have a great variety of vocabulary
but also to know how to combine them and use them in different context
because that it is going to reflect a more advance level of communication and
fluency. On the other hand we have to take into consideration that idioms
collocation and multi word items are going to be use in our speaking and use of
English; consequently, the use of them have to be appropriated and accurate.
Considering everything what I said before the objective of the text and the
course work together for the reason that as an English learners we have to
develop different skills to apply a high level of lexis in different context and also
to be able to analyze and discriminate the best use of them.
To sum up collocation, idioms and multi word items are extremely useful to
demonstrate a high level of proficiency and to develop the different skills that
are going to help us in our communication. Moreover, the text show us some
problems that L2 speakers have in the acquisition of idioms, collocation and
multi word items in English.