Senate Public Welfare: A RESOLUTION THAT PREGNANT WOMEN UNDERGO MANDATORY DRUG TESTS; IF TESTING POSITIVE THEY MUST SEEK SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Many babies are born addicted to drugs; and, Babies born addicted to drugs often have health complication their whole life; and, Helping expectant mothers overcome their habits will help them be a better parent in the long run; and, Mothers not addicted to drugs are less likely to need welfare aid; and, Be it resolved… Senator Leah Camery West Fargo High School Senate Ways and Means A RESOLUTION TO END ALL TRADE WITH VENEZUELA. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: The United States imports over a million barrels of oil from Venezuela a day; and, Venezuela is purchasing billions of dollars of Russian weapons and missiles; and The United States connot fund an arms war with Venezuela; and Be it resolved… Senator Olivia Tyrrell RTHS Senate Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES STOPS ALL IMPORTS OF FOREIGN AUTOMOBILES FOR 5 YEARS. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Foreign car sales have taken a large portion of the market away from local car companies; and, An estimated 2.8 billion dollars was used to finance the cash for clunkers bill; and It will create new jobs in all pay brackets for our nation; and Our car industries are one downfall away from distinction; and Be it resolved… Senator Andrew Leizens Grand Forks Central Senate State and Local A RESOLUTION PROHIBITING NORTH DAKOTA LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS FROM POSING AS UNDERAGE TEENS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: This type of policing is entrapment because a crime may not be committed unless the officer provokes the crime; and, Police officers should be prioritizing their time toward more pressing issues; and, Police presence should be more visible in the community rather than in cyberspace; and, The number of sex crimes committed through social networking is vastly over-exaggerated in the media; and, Be it resolved… Senator Kayla Hawley West Fargo High School House IA Public Welfare RESOLVED: THAT THE UNITED STATES SHOULD ADOPT THE ONE-STRIKE DUI POLICY Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: The current laws are not strict enough to deter a second offense; and, A large percent of DUI offenders receive a second offense; and, DUI arrests are up 30% in women over the last two years; and, The one strike policy is used in Europe as has been successful in lowering death rates for alcohol related accidents. Be it resolved… Rep. Cassie Baumgartner West Fargo High School House IA Ways and Means A RESOLTUION THAT THE UNITED STATES GIVE TAX BREAKS TO MANUFACTURERS WHOM PRODUCE GOODS AND CREATE JOBS INSIDE THE UNITED STATES Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Over 2.7 million manufacturing jobs have been lost in the last four years; and, These tax breaks would greatly reduce the number of American manufacturing companies that move offshore to avoid taxes; and, These tax breaks would also help to prevent the outsourcing of jobs in the manufacturing industry; and, The new jobs would jump start the American economy. Be it resolved…. Rep. Austin Arnold Richardton-Taylor High School House IA State and Local A RESOLUTION THAT NORTH DAKOTA PROVIDE FREE TUITION TO A STATE-FUNDED UNIVERSITY FOR STUDENTS GRADUATING FROM A NORTH DAKOTA HIGH SCHOOL WITH A GPA OF 3.5 OR HIGHER. Whereas: North Dakota currently has a surplus and further funding could be obtained from the state lottery; and, Whereas: This would encourage high school students to stay in the state; and, Whereas: A similar program has been highly successful in the state of Georgia; and, Whereas: Students with great potential who cannot afford tuition will be given the opportunity to continue their education. Therefore: Be it resolved…. Rep. Andrea Richmond Shanley High School House IA Foreign Affairs RESOLVED THAT THE UNITED STATES SHOULD WITHDRAW FROM THE UNITED NATIONS Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: There are four terrorist states in the United Nations; and, The United Nations not only ignores terrorism, but enables terrorist states; and, The UN has not successfully accomplished its peacekeeping missions; and, The United States funds 22% of the United Nation’s budget. Be it resolved…. Representative Tara Brekke West Fargo High School House IB Foreign Affairs A RESOLTUION THAT THE UNITED STATES USE FORCE AGAINST IRAN IF IT REFUSES TO CEASE AND DETEST ALL NUCLEAR ACTIVITY BY THE END OF 2010. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Iran appears bent on developing nuclear weapons; and, Iran has recently been assisting Al Qaeda operations against United States forces in Iraq; and, Given Iran’s hostitility toward the United States and its proximity to Iraq. Be it resolved… Rep. Evan Bloom Richardton-Taylor High School House IB Ways and Means A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES RESTRICT FEDERAL DISASTER FUNDING FROM AREAS DECLARED NATIONAL DISASTERS DUE TO FLOODING Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Individuals make choices to their own whereabouts, including the choice of living by a river or lake; and, The national disaster fund should be used fro unforeseen national disasters instead of disasters that are predictable because of location; and, Loss of property and belongings should be covered by private insurance; and, Those individuals who make choices to put themselves at risk should not reap the benefits of federal funds. Be it resolved…. Rep. Sadie Gjermundson Richardton-Taylor High School House IB Public Welfare A RESOLUTION THAT THE FAA SHOULD REQUIRE A BAG SEARCH FOR EVERY BAG GOING INTO THE AIRPORT. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Bombs and other weapons that could be disguised may be found; and, Requiring all to be searched will eliminate most racial profiling in random bag searches; and, More terrorists could be found of all races with a required bag search; and, The air travel of the United States would be safer. Be it resolved…. Rep. Matt Pitzer West Fargo High School House IB State and Local A RESOLUTION THAT THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA LEGALIZE AND TAX MARIJUANA Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Legalizing marijuana will provide be a new outlet of income for the state: and, The tax on marijuana could be regulated in a way similar to tobacco; and, Legalizing and taxing marijuana will help the war on drugs; and, Decriminalizing marijuana will lower the drug crime rate; and, North Dakotans will benefit from legalizing and taxing marijuana. Be it resolved…. Rep. Dylan Stavens Grand Forks Central House IC Public Welfare A RESOLUTION THAT COMPANIES IN THE UNITED STATES STOP OUTSOURCING FACTORIES TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES BY 2020 Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Products made in the United States would have a higher quality; and, Having products made in foreign countries takes away jobs from United States citizens; and, More jobs and materials bought in the United Sates would benefit our economy; and, This will decrease our internation trade deficit. Be it resolved… Rep. Brett Johnson Shanley High School House IC Ways and Means A RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE A FREE NATION-WIDE WI-FI SERVICE. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Providing a free nation-wide Wi-Fi will ensure that everyone has equal access to the Internet; and, The radio waves that Wi-Fi currently uses, used to be used by the government, and are now being sold by Internet companies; and, Providing a free nation-wide Wi-Fi will close the technology gap between the rich and the poor; and, Providing free nation-wide Wi-Fi service, will allow all students the same benefits of the Internet for school work. Be it resolved…. Rep. Johanna Erickson West Fargo High School House IC Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION TO GIVE HUMANITARIAN AID TO THE PHILLIPINES Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Tropical Storm Ketsana left 106 dead or missing; and, The record rainfall and garbage choked manila streets; and, More than 300,000 citizens were affected by the storm. Be it resolved…. Rep. Lindsay Tyrrell Richardton-Taylor High School House IC State and Local A RESOLUTION THAT THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA RESTRUCTURE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM TO START AFTER LABOR DAY AND THE SCHOOL STARTING TIME TO BE AFTER 9:00 AM Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: This would allow students to keep their summer jobs through the entire summer seas; and, Scientific studies have shown that teenagers concentrate better after 9:00 AM; and, This would help North Dakota Tourism seeing that most tourism seasons run from Memorial Day until Labor Day; and, This would allow adolescents to get enough sleep to reach their full academic potential. Be it resolved… Rep. Bradley Messer Richardton-Taylor High School House ID Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OBTAIN LAND RIGHTS TO INVEST IN EXPLORATION OF OIL IN THE AREA OF THE NORTH POLE. Whereas: As oil deposits elsewhere are running dry, we need to explore new sources; and, Whereas: We need to explore the land before other countries grab it all up; and, Whereas: If we obtain these land rights, it could lead to other scientific explorations of certain kinds; and, Whereas: The oil we find could be a reserve source of energy until we fully depend on more efficient ways of energy. Therefore: Be it resolved…. Rep. James Maertens Fargo Shanley High School House ID Public Welfare A RESOLUTION THAT PLEA BARGAINING BE ILLEGAL IN AMERICA. Whereas: Plea bargaining is unfair to innocent citizens; and, Whereas: The plea bargain limit should be the same for all crimes; and, Whereas: People who commit such crimes that make plea bargaining a possibility should take their entire punishment. Therefore: Therefore be it resolved…. Rep. Justin Myers Carrington High School House ID Ways and Means A RESOLUTION THAT THE US GOVERNMENT PROVIDE FUNDING FOR PUBLIC HOUSING FOR SEX OFFENDERS IN ALL LARGE CITIES. Whereas: Lots of places don’t allow sex offenders and ones that do allow them are often full; and, Whereas: Communities have sex offenders living in their cars which is a big security issue; and, Whereas: Monitoring would be easier if they had a permanent address; and, Whereas: The location of the housings could be placed far away from schools, parks, etc., making the public feel safer. Therefore: Be it resolved… Rep. Sam Parker West Fargo High School House ID State and Local A RESOLUTION THAT THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA CALL FOR A CONSTITUITONAL CONVENTION TO REPEAL THE 21ST AMENDMENT. WHEREAS: Many Americans die in alcohol related accidents; and, WHEREAS: Drunk driving and underage drinking are on the rise in America; and, WHEREAS: Alcohol is just as dangerous as other drugs which are illegal; and, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED… Rep. James Seefeldt Shanley High School House IIA State & Local A RESOLUTION THAT NORTH DAKOTA INSURE HEALTH INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF EATING DISORDERS. WHEREAS: Seventeen states already cover health insurance for eating disorders, and WHEREAS: It is estimated that 8 million Americans have an eating disorder, and WHEREAS: At Merticare Hospital, patients pay in excess of $1,000 per day for treatment; Therefore: Be it resolved… Rep.Breanna Bregel Carrington High School House IIA Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION TO FORGIVE THE UNITED STATES DEBT WITH THE UNITED NATIONS. WHEREAS: The United States already has a debt of about 1 billion dollars to the United Nations, and WHEREAS: The United States has helped and continues to help other nations during their troubled times, and WHEREAS: The United States is donating money to help other countries get back on their feet after national disasters, political unrest, and other national emergencies, and THEREFORE: Be it resolved… Rep. Sierra Canerot RTHS House II A Ways and Means A RESOLUIOON THAT THE US SHOULD FUND A UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM WHEREAS: There are an estimated + 40 million Americans who do not have health care; and, WHEREAS: Registration at hospitals would be less hectic; and, WHEREAS: Nobody would be denied healthcare unlike today; and, WHEREAS: It would give the US a reason to better hospital conditions; and, THEREFORE: Be it resolved… Representative Cassidy Blakeway West Fargo High School House IIA Public Welfare A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES USE ORGANS FROM EXECUTED PRISONERS TO EASE THE SHORTAGE OF ORGAN DONORS. WHEREAS: There is a national shortage of organs for donors; and, WHEREAS: Many people die while on the waiting list trying to get organs; and WHEREAS: Death row inmates have, in essence, become the property of the state; and, WHEREAS: The humane nature in which prisoners are executed is an effective means of preserving valuable organs; and, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED… Rep. McKenzie Schwark West Fargo High School House IIB Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES STAKE CLAIM FOR THE OIL RESERVES BELOW THE ARCTIC ICEPACK. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Russia has place flags on the seabed and Canada has planned military bases on the Arctic Icepack; and, Twenty-five percent of the known oil reserves on Earth are lying below a rapidly melting icepack; and, This area is an environmentally sensitive area, and for the protection of the environment, the United States needs to develop the areas; and, This area contains more oil that Saudi Arabia and this oil could be used to alleviate the oil “crunch”; and Be it resolved… Representative Maggie Zentner Richardton-Taylor High School House IIB Ways and Means A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES ELIMINATE THE FOOD STAMP PROGRAM. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: The food stamp program keeps people dependent on the government; and, Many people abuse the food stamp program; and, Food stamps cost the American taxpayers millions of dollars; and, Food stamps do not help people to become independent or to provide for themselves; and, Be it resolved… Representative Maggie Zentner Richardton-Taylor High School House IIB Public Welfare A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES ADOPT THE METRIC SYSTEM. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas; The present U.S. Imperial system is archaic; and, Nearly every other country uses the metric system; and, This would make trade between the United States and other nations much easier; and, This would prevent errors in government projects in which half of the project is designed in metric units and the other half in Imperial units; and, The metric system is easily learned; and, Therefore; Be it resolved… Whereas; Representative Ty Bloom\ Richardton-Taylor High School House IIB State and Local A RESOLUTION TO REQUIRE 4 CREDITS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR GRADUATION. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Less and less kids are taking advantage of physical education offered at high schools. Physical activity has been proven time and time again to be beneficial in later years of life. Less physical activity is a leading cause of the rising obesity rates in America. Schools will be encouraged to offer a larger spectrum of physical education classes (ex. Weightlifting). Be it resolved… Representative Nate Peterson West Fargo House IIC Public Welfare A RESOLUTION TO ALLOW PRAYER IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. WHEREAS: Throughout history there has been religious influences in the conduct of our school practices, and WHEREAS: Schools should offer support for the values students bring from home and church, and WHEREAS: The intent of the framers of the constitution was to forbid the creation of a national church not forbid prayer in schools, and WHEREAS: BE IT RESOLVED….. Rep. Hannah Rummel Richardton-Taylor High School House IIC Ways & Means A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CUT ALL WELFARE TO UNWED MOTHERS UNDER THE AGE OF 16. WHEREAS: Statistics show those who start welfare seldom got off, and, WHEREAS: There are other social issues such as the homeless which needed financial consideration, and, WHEREAS: The government shoud not be responsible for an individual’s mistakes, and THERE FORE: BE IT RESOLVED…. Rep. Sami Steiner Richardton – Taylor High School House IIC State & Local A RESOLUTION THAT THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ENACTS THE DEATH PENALTY. WHEREAS: The death penalty is a proven deterrent to criminals, and WHEREAS: In some cases the death penalty is needed to insure that the punishment fits the crime, and WHEREAS: The cost of keeping prisoners for a lifetime is becoming outrageous, and THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED…. Rep. Sami Steiner Richardton – Taylor High School House IIC Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES END THE MANHUNT FOR OSAMA BIN LADEN. WHEREAS: His terrorist network will do whatever is necessary to continue to hide bin Laden; and, WHEREAS: Recent tapes could have been “doctored” to keep Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network alive; and, WHEREAS: We are wasting manpower and money searching for a man who may no longer exist; and, WHEREAS: There are other areas of terrorism that the Unitde States should focus upon; and, WHEREAS: The search for this man continues to give global prominenece to bin Laden and his fellow terrorists; and, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED… Rep. McKensy Freidt Richardton - Taylor House IID State and Local A RESOLUTION THAT NORTH DAKOTA REQUIRES DRIVER’S EDUCATION FOR ALL NEW DRIVERS. Whereas: to Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Driver’s Education is already required if you are under sixteen and wish get your License; and, Educating all drivers on the rules of the road would help prevent accidents; and, Many motor vehicle insurance companies offer discounts and rebates to drivers who have undertaken a certified defensive drivers course; and, Completion of a defensive driver course and presentation of the appropriate documentation can sometimes entitle you to a dismissal of a ticket; and, Be it resolved…. Representative Lauren Vetter Shanley High School House IID Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES RECOGNIZE PALESTINE AS AN INDEPENDENT NATION AND GRANT IT DIPLOMATIC STATUS. Whereas: Whereas: The United States recognized the state of Israel and its independence in 1948; and The Palestine declared its statehood in 1988; and, Therefore: Be it resolved… Representative Arianna Dressler Richardton-Taylor High School House IID Public Welfare A RESOLUTION THAT THE UNITED STATES SHOULD REPEAL THE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: The No Child Left Behind Act is targeted at a minority of the students and slows the rest of the class down; and, The policy puts too much emphasis on testing instead of on actual education; and, Schools are forced to spend money on testing protocols instead of on more beneficial educational materials; and, The No Child Left Behind Act is not improving the education system other policies are needed; and, Be it resolved… Representative Katelyn Osland Shanley High School House IID Ways and Means A RESOLUTION TO END ALL BALEOUTS OF THE AMERICAN AUTO INDUSTRY. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Capitalism is the foundation of our economy; and The government already has too much influence in the auto industry; and American automakers are not making the changes needed to be competitive in a world economy; and Be it resolved… Representative Emily Tyrrell Richardton Taylor High School RESERVED RESOLUTION Senate Public Welfare A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISHA HIGHLYSECURED NATIONAL REGISTRY FOR THE MEDICALRECORDS OF ALL INDIVIDUALS WHO MAKE SPERM OR OVA DONATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION THAT WOULD PROTECT THE PRIVACY OF DONORS BUT ALSO ALLOW ACCESS TO MEDICAL HISTORIES TO OFFSPRING Whereas: Many children conceived through anonymous sperm and/or ova donation have developed medical problems which may be hereditary; and, Whereas: There is currently no system in place that requires clinics very or maintain medical records of anonymous donors; and, Whereas: There is currently no tracking system to determine how many times individuals donate sperm or ova nor how many children are born from those donations; and, Whereas: This lack of information undermines the credibility of the fertility industry; and, Whereas: Fertility clinics and donor sites should be required to verify medical history of donors, update medical records, track births resulting from the donations and report all information to the national registry. Therefore: Be it resolved…. RESERVED RESOLUTION House IA Public Welfare A RESOLUTION THAT AN EXTRA CURRICULAR SHOULD BE MADE MANDATORY TO GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Extra-curriculars can teach new skills and reinforce skills taught in classes; and, Students get better grades when involved in extra-curricular; and, Students in extra-curriculars are more likely to graduate; and, Extra-curriculars can increase a student’s chances of earning scholarships. Be it resolved…. RESERVED RESOLUTION House IB Public Welfare A RESOLUTION TO ALLOW MURDER CASESTO BE REOPENED IF SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE IS PRESENTED. Whereas: Several murder cases could have been overturned because of more evidence; and, Whereas: Different juries would see cases differently so dangerous murderers could be convicted; and, Whereas: The current legal system spends too much time protecting criminals. Therefore: Be it resolved RESERVED RESOLUTION HOUSE I C Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION STATING THAT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADOPTS AN ISSOLATIONIST PHILOSOPHY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Whereas: The United States would not have to face Loss of population due to other countries’ wars; and, Whereas: We would not be others countries enemies; and, Whereas: It would prevent the spread of terrorism in the United States; and, Whereas: We could spend more money on our own economy instead of fighting wars. Therefore, be it resolved. RESERVED RESOLUTION HOUSE I D Foreign Affairs A RESOLUTION THAT TORTURE SHOULD BE ILLEGAL WHILE INTERVIEWING POSSIBLE TERRORISTS OR THOSE WHO ARE SUSPECTED TO BE INVOLVED Whereas: Torture is inhumane; and, Whereas: Information detained through this process is unreliable; and, Whereas: It prevents us from making peace with foreign countries with whom we are hostile; and, Whereas: We don’t want it done to our own so we shouldn’t do it to others; and, Therefore: Be it resolved. RESERVED RESOLUTION House IIA Economic Policy A RESOLUION THAT MANDATES THAT THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS BE REQUIRED TO PASS A BALANCED BUDGET AT THE END OF EACH FISCAL YEAR Whereas: This would eliminate the risk of running a federal deficit; and Whereas: With the national debt at over 10 trillion dollars, we need to take steps to eliminate additional deficits; and Whereas: Excessive federal deficits will cost the American people a great deal of money in the future due to increased interest; and Whereas: Thirty-nine of the states require their legislatures to pass a balanced budget, and it is a very successful policy; and Therefore: Be it resolved RESERVED RESOLUTION House IIB State and Local A RESOLUTION TO FORGIVE THE STUDENT LOANS OF ANY NORTH DAKOTA COLLEGE GRADUATE WHO BECOMES A TEACHER, SOCIAL SERVE WORKER, OR MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL AND PRACTICES WITHIN THE STATE FOR FIVE CONSECUTIVE YEARS. Whereas: These professionals are currently in short supply; and, Whereas: This would encourage more individuals to take on these practices within North Dakota; and, Whereas: With more of these professionals, the North Dakota standard of living would increase. Therefore: Be it resolved… Rep.Ty Bloom Richardtono-Taylor High School RESERVED RESOLUTION House IIC Public Welfare A RESOLUTION THAT ALL STATES SHOULD BAN TEXTING WHILE DRIVING Whereas: Risk of car accidents increases by 50% for people who text while driving; and, Whereas: Its hazardous for both the driver and other drivers on the road; and, Whereas: Studies have proven driving is at worst when texting; and, Whereas: Banning texting while driving will increase safety on the road significantly. Therefore: Be it resolved…. Rep. Jenny Sun Fargo South RESERVED RESOLUTION House IID Ways and Means A RESOLUTION TO REDUCE EACH GOVERNMENT AGENCY’S FUEL CONSUMPTION BY TEN PERCENT OVER THE NEXT YEAR. Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Simple methods like carpooling would accomplish most of the reduction; and, This would reduce gas consumption; and, This would lengthen the window of time before the world runs out of oil; and, This would drastically drop oil and gas prices. Be it resolved…. Rep. Mikayla Aluise Richardton-Taylor High School