1, In my lecture, I will give all of you a description of thin lenses, especially converging lenses and their application. 2, This is the outline of my lecture. Please review it and you will know the main content of my lecture. 3, What are thin lenses? A typical thin lens consists of a piece of glass or plastic, ground so that each of its two refraction surface is a segment of either a sphere or a plane. What are these lenses used to do? Lenses are commonly used to form images by refraction in optical instruments, such as cameras, telescopes and microscopes. This figure shows some representative shapes of lenses. Notice that we have placed these lenses in two groups. Those in upper group are thicker as the center that as the rim, and those in lower group are thinner at the center that at the rim. The lenses in the first group are examples of converging lenses, and those in the second group are diverging lenses. Now let me introduce these lenses to you. Then let us focus on the converging lenses. 4, Focal length It is convenient to define a point called the focal point for a lens. For example, when a group of rays parallel to the axis passes through the converging lenses, they will be converged and passes through the focal point. The distance from the focal point to the lens is called the focal length. The focal length is usually symbolized by the letter f. The focal length is the image distance that corresponds to an infinite object distance. Recall that we are considering the lens to be very thin. As a result, it makes no difference whether we take the focal length to be the distance from the focal point to the surface of the lens or the distance from the focal point to the center of the lens, because the difference between the two lengths is negligible. I must emphasize that a thin lens has two focal points corresponding to parallel rays traveling from the left and from the right. But the focal lengths are the same. 5, Geometric Construction Now let us look at the geometric construction for developing the thin-lens equation. We get it from experiments. Now let us observe the figure carefully. We will find two important properties of the thin converging lens. The first is…., and the second is …. 6, thin lens equation From these two properties, we can develop the thin-lens equation. It is listed here. Let me explain the symbols to you. ……. Now we define the magnification. It is ….. 7 We can get three relations between objects and images from the thin-lens equation. Maybe there are difficult for you to understand, especially it is the first time you contact them. So I will give you some vivid examples to explain them.. 8 Cameras The first example is the camera. It is one of the thin-lens’ most important application. The single-lens photographic camera is a simple optical instrument. Its essential features are shown here. 9 How cameras work? It consists of a light-tight box, a converging lens that produces a real inverted image, and a film behind the lens to receive the image. What is real image? A real image is one in which light intersects, or passes through, an image point. Focusing is accomplished by varying the distance between lens and film. Proper focusing will lead to sharp images. To achieve it, the lens-to-film distance will depend on the object distance as well as on the focal length of the lens. The shutter, which is not shown in the picture, located behind the lens, is a mechanical device that is opened for selected time intervals. With this arrangement, moving object can be photographed with the use of short exposure times, and dark scenes (low light levels) with the use of long exposure times. Without this control, it would be impossible to take stop-action photographs. For example, a speeding race car would move far enough while the shutter was open to produce a blurred image. It is obvious that the object distance is bigger than the image distance. According our equation, the magnification is smaller that 1, which accords with the reality that the image is smaller that the object. 10 another application of converging lens is projector. These are three kinds of projectors but their principles are the same. On the contrary to the camera, the film, located inside of the projector, is the object and it is closer to the lens than the screen, which receive the real image. The distance between the film and the lens is between one focal length and two focal lengths. Our equation shows that the magnification is bigger than one and the reality is that the image is bigger than the film. They agree on each other. 11 The last example is the simple magnifier. The simple magnifier is one of the most basic of all optical instruments because it consists only of a single converging lens. As the name implies, this device is use to increase the apparent size of an object. The object is close to the lens and the object is less than the focal length. At this location, the lens forms a virtual, upright and enlarged image. I must explain what a virtual image is. A virtual image is one in which the light dose not pass through the image point but appears to diverge from that point. So we cannot receive the images. Of course the image is bigger than the object which accords on the equation. 12 in fact, converging lens has more applications. All examples I gave before consist of only one converging lens. We can use a series of lens, such as telescope, microscope and so on. But no matter how complicated these setups are, the basic principle is the equation.