Admissions complaints - Birmingham City University

Birmingham City University
Admissions Complaints Procedure
The University welcomes applications from individuals with the potential to succeed
in higher education. Our commitment to equal opportunities ensures that all
applicants are treated solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential. We
recognise, however, that there may be occasions when applicants feel they have
cause for complaint.
Therefore, the purpose of the Admissions Complaints Procedure is to provide an
opportunity for applicants to raise matters of concern without risk of disadvantage
and for the University to resolve as quickly and fairly as possible complaints about
the admissions process.
The Admissions Complaints Procedure is restricted to complaints:
about the way an application has been handled, including the University
processing of Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Occupational Health
where it is alleged that an action or decision was not consistent with the
University’s Equal Opportunities Statement;
concerning the behaviour of a member of staff during the application process
(e.g. during an interview).
Complaints will not be considered:
about matters of academic judgement regarding an applicant’s suitability to
study a programme;
about an applicant’s failure to satisfy non-academic requirements specified by
external agencies for a particular programme (e.g. criminal records checks or
occupational health checks);
if they are submitted anonymously.
October 2012
The principles which underpin the Admissions Complaints Procedure are that:
the process should be fair, effective, timely and comprehensible with complaints
being resolved as quickly as possible and in a reasonable manner;
any investigations undertaken as part of the Admissions Complaints Procedure
will be conducted by individuals who are independent i.e. have no prior
knowledge of the applicant or the case;
the applicant and relevant members of staff will be informed of the outcome of
the complaint;
appropriate action will be taken to improve the University’s procedures where
the outcome of a complaint suggests that improvement is necessary.
Applicants who wish to complain should put their concern in writing to the Head of
Admissions using the University Admissions Complaints Form. Copies of all
previous correspondence related to the complaint should be enclosed along with an
explanation of the reasons for the complaint and the outcome desired by the
applicant. International applicants should forward the University Admissions
Complaints Form to the Head of International Admissions. Complaints submitted
more than 15 working days after the occurrence which is the subject of the
complaint will not normally be considered.
The Head of Admissions or Head of International Admissions will write to the
applicant within 5 working days to acknowledge receipt of the complaint.
An investigation into the matters complained of will be undertaken by the Head of
Admissions or Head of International Admissions and completed within 15 working
days of receipt of the complaint. If it is not possible to complete the investigation
within 15 working days, the applicant will be advised in writing of the reasons for this
and given a date by which it is expected that the investigation will be completed. A
written response will be provided within 5 working days of the completion of the
investigation. The response will either explain:
that there are grounds for further consideration and the application is to be
reconsidered accordingly;
why there are no grounds to take the matter further and confirm that no action
will be taken.
If the applicant is satisfied with the written response the complaint is deemed to be
resolved. If the applicant is not satisfied with the written response s/he may appeal.
Where the applicant remains dissatisfied with the outcome, s/he may appeal in
writing by completing the published Birmingham City University Admissions
Complaint Appeal Form. The completed form together with any written evidence
should be sent to the Academic Registrar within 15 working days of the date of the
outcome letter issued by the Head of Admissions or Head of International
Copies of all correspondence related to the complaint must be enclosed and the
reasons for the appeal must be clearly stated along with the outcome desired by the
applicant. Appeals submitted more than 15 working days after the date of the
written response from the Head of Admissions or Head of International Admissions
will not normally be considered.
The Academic Registrar will write to the applicant within 5 working days to
acknowledge receipt of the appeal.
An investigation into the matters complained of will be undertaken by the Academic
Registrar and completed within 15 working days of receipt of the appeal. If it is not
October 2012
possible to complete the investigation within 15 working days, the applicant will be
advised in writing of the reasons for this and given a date by which it is expected
that the investigation will be completed.
The Academic Registrar may request additional information from the applicant or
relevant staff if this is deemed appropriate and, if necessary, may convene a
meeting of the University Admissions Manager and/or the relevant Executive Dean
or nominee or the Director of the International Office to discuss the appeal. The
Academic Registrar will find either:
that there are grounds for further consideration and the application is to be
reconsidered accordingly;
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that there are no grounds for taking the matter further.
The decision reached is considered to be final and will be communicated to the
applicant and relevant staff by the Academic Registrar within 5 working days of
considering the appeal.
Birmingham City University Admissions Complaint Form
Before completing this form you should read the University’s Admissions Complaints Procedure.
Please note that all sections must be completed before we can consider your complaint.
Your personal details
Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss or other title:
First name:
Family name:
Your contact details
Your address:
Email address:
Daytime contact phone number (between 9am and 5pm):
Alternative contact phone number (e.g. mobile):
Please outline details of your complaint below and attach any separate information
that you feel is relevant to your complaint.
Please use additional sheets if required.
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Please explain what steps you have taken to resolve your complaint so far. (Please
enclose copies of any letters or emails relating to your complaint).
What would you like the University to do to resolve your complaint? (i.e. what
reasonable solution(s) are you looking for?)
Your declaration and signature.
I confirm that the information given on this form is true and correct and in submitting this form I
understand that the University;
will not accept complaints from third parties or anonymous sources.
may need to share information with other persons or organisations as part of any
investigation to resolve my complaint.
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………….
Date …………………………………………………………………………………..
Please send this form and any associated documents related to your complaint to the Head of
Admissions. If you are an international applicant, please forward this form to the Head of
International Admissions.
Please keep a copy of the completed complaint form and any associated documents for
your own records.
October 2012
Birmingham City University Admissions Complaint Appeal Form
Before completing this form you should read the University’s Admissions Complaints Procedure.
You must only use this form to appeal against the outcome of a formal complaint you have
submitted to the University under section 4 of the University Admissions Complaints Procedure.
You must attach a copy of the letter issued by the University responding to your formal complaint
and complete all sections on this form before we can consider your appeal.
Your personal details
Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss or other title:
First name:
Family name:
Your contact details
Your address:
Email address:
Daytime contact phone number (between 9am and 5pm):
Alternative contact phone number (e.g. mobile):
3 PleasePlease
clearly outline
reasons for your appeal below and attach any separate
use additional
sheets the
if required.
information that you feel is relevant to your appeal.
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Please explain why you are not satisfied with the response you have received to your
formal complaint.
What would you like the University to do to resolve your complaint? (i.e. what
reasonable solution(s) are you looking for?)
6 Your declaration and signature
I confirm that the information given on this form is true and correct and in submitting this form I
understand that the University;
will not accept complaints or appeals from third parties or anonymous sources.
may need to share information with other persons or organisations as part of any
investigation to resolve my complaint or appeal.
will deal with any complaint or appeal that it believes to be malicious and unfounded
under the provisions of its Student Disciplinary Policy.
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………….
Date …………………………………………………………………………………..
Please send this form and any associated documents related to your appeal to the University
Academic Registrar at the address below:
The Academic Registrar
Academic Registry
Birmingham City University
4th Floor Feeney Building
Perry Barr
Birmingham B42 2SU
Please keep a copy of the completed appeal form and any associated documents for your
own records.
October 2012