Population Issues (India and NZ): Checklist You need to be able to mention specific places (e.g. cities, rural areas, natural features etc), numbers, directions (north-east, southern etc) and names (e.g. crops, diseases, types of jobs etc) to back up your answers. POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Can you… o write a paragraph explaining where the Indian population is densely populated and where it is sparsely populated? o write a paragraph explaining where the NZ population is densely populated and where it is sparsely populated? o sketch a map of India showing the population density, natural features and at least 6 key Indian cities? o sketch a map of NZ showing the population density, natural features and at least 6 key NZ cities? o write a paragraph explaining how natural/physical features influence the density of the Indian and NZ population? o write a paragraph explaining how cultural features influence the density of the Indian and NZ population? Do you know… o where the Thar Desert, Himalayas, Deccan Plateau, Western Ghats, Ganges River, Ganges Plain and coastal lowlands are in India? o where the Southern Alps, the Auckland region, the Waikato region and Hawkes Bay? o what the specific density of the population is in these places is? (see the key of your map – learn these numbers!) o what the rainfall, soil, temperature, water supply and relief is like in these areas? o specific explanations why the rainfall, water supply etc is that way in India and New Zealand? (e.g. the Deccan plateau gets less rain because it is in the shadow of the Western Ghats) o how towns develop and lead to port cities? o give examples of supply towns, transport junction towns and port cities within India and New Zealand? o list the most important crops in India? o list the most important industries in New Zealand? o explain how towns increase in size? o explain how the British affected India? o why people settled in the South Island of NZ first and then moved north? POPULATION MIGRATION Can you… o write a paragraph explaining how India is affected by rural-urban migration? o write a paragraph explaining how NZ is affected by rural-urban migration? o write a paragraph explaining how India is affected by external migration? o write a paragraph explaining how NZ is affected by external migration? o sketch a map showing the movement of people from a named rural area to a named city within India? o sketch a map showing the movement of people from a named rural area to a named city within NZ, and the counter-flow from the city to rural areas? Do you know… o at least FOUR general push factors that cause people to leave rural areas in India? o at least FOUR general push factors that cause people to leave rural areas in NZ? o a specific example of at least TWO of the push factors named above? (e.g. general push factor = rural areas have a lot of disease; named example = Kwashiorkor is a common disease in the Indian state of Maharashtra) o at least FOUR general pull factors that attract people to urban areas in India and/or NZ? o a specific example of at least TWO of the pull factors named above? o at least TWO obstacles that make it difficult for people to move in India/NZ? o at least ONE reason why someone may return from an urban area to a rural area in India? o at least ONE reason why someone may return from an urban area to a rural area in NZ? o at least TWO benefits to people in rural areas of rural-urban migration in NZ/India? o o o o o o o o o o at least TWO disadvantages to people in rural areas of rural-urban migration in NZ/India? at least TWO benefits to people in urban areas of rural-urban migration in NZ/India? at least TWO disadvantages to people in urban areas of rural-urban migration NZ/India? what type of people tend to make the move from rural to urban areas in NZ/India? what percentage of people in India were born overseas, and how this compares to NZ? what type of Indians tend to move overseas, where they go and why? what type of NZers tend to move overseas, where they go and why? what a “brain drain” is? at least TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages to external migration INTO New Zealand? the policy of the NZ government related to migration into NZ now and in the past? POPULATION GROWTH AND STRUCTURE Can you… o sketch the Demographic Transition Model? o write a paragraph explaining the Demographic Transition Model and what causes the birth and death rates to rise and/or fall, using India as an example? o assign a country to one of the four main stages according to knowledge of its birth and death rates? o sketch the general shape of a population pyramid for each of the four stages? o interpret a population pyramid based on its shape in relation to birth rates, death rates, life expectancy, migration and other impacts such as war or population control? o write a paragraph describing the characteristics of a youthful population, issues it creates and solutions to the problem, using India as an example? o write a paragraph describing the characteristics of an aging population, issues it creates and solutions to the problem, using NZ as an example? o write a paragraph describing how the birth rates and death rates of India and/or NZ have changed over time, and the reasons for that change? Do you know… o what the DTM looks like? o the reasons why birth rates and death rates are both high in Stage 1? o the reasons why death rates drop sharply and birth rates stay high in Stage 2? o the reasons why birth rates start to drop during Stage 3? o what the population pyramid for India in 2005 looks like, and what it will look like in 2050? o what the population pyramid of NZ looks like in 2006? o how the India government tries to slow down population growth? o reasons why government policy isn’t working well? o what the doubling rate is, and what it is for India and NZ? o what the growth rate of India and NZ is? o the differences in attitude between rich and poor, city and rural and religious and non-religious towards children? o what the burden of dependency is, and how it is calculated? o what percentage of the India population is younger than 15, and older than 64? o at least TWO positive effects of a youthful population? o at least TWO negative effects of a youthful population? o when it is estimated India will be the largest country in the world? o at least FOUR reasons why India’s population is so youthful? o the Muslim attitude towards family? o why Hindus have advocated a ban on birth control? o at least FIVE reasons why boys are preferred to girls in India? o TWO effects this preference for boys will have on population in the future? o why people decide whether to have children, using NZ or India as an example?