MENTAL STATUS EXAM 1. GENERAL APPEARANCE a. Dress Conventional: Meticulous: Eccentric: Seductive: Disheveled: b. Grooming Well-groomed: Dirty: Unkempt: c. Customary; sanctioned by usage; traditional Overly neat and clean, unusually careful of detail Peculiar or unusual Inappropriate dressing to enhance sexual desirability Untidy; rumpled; in disrepair; dirty Clean and neat Hair, clothes and/or skin dirty Hair not combed; buttons undone or incorrect Hygiene Good: Fair: Poor: c. Facial Expression Sad: Happy: Angry: Unremarkable: Relaxed: Tense: Crying: Suspicious: Poor eye contact: d. Make-up Not applicable: Appropriate: Not wearing: Peculiar/Bizarre: e. Downcast and gloomy expression Smiling; laughing Frowning, scowling Lack of symptoms to arouse notice Lack of tension; calm, loose muscles Muscle taunt; showing emotional strain Tearful Looking around constantly as if worried about threat; guarding information Not meeting eyes of interviewer For men Accenting client’s natural features appropriately Absence Heavy; exaggerated, or unnatural Body Wt./Ht. : Obese: Slender: Emaciated: Weight that is proportionate for height Extremely fat or corpulent Small in cross section compared to length Extremely underweight f. Speech Audible/Inaudible: Clear/Slurred: Pressured: Stammering: Rapid/Slow: Mumbling: Halting: Garbled: Incoherent: Even: 2. Loud enough to be heard by interviewer or not Distinct or indistinct Speaks very rapidly and continuously Uses involuntary halts, breaks and repetitions Speaks in low tone and without articulation Uses irregular rhythm Facts and sequence confused and mixed up Disjointed and unintelligible Speech is smooth, steady, and constant INTERVIEW BEHAVIOR a. Attitude Hostile: Euphoric: Threatening: Withdrawn: Defensive: Manipulative: Evasive: Passive: Dramatic/ Grandiose: Naive: Aggressive: Negativistic: Overly cooperative: Ingratiating: Self Deprecating: Affectations: Seductive: Disdainful: b. Artless, shows lack of knowledge or experience for age Overly assertive; insistent on getting own way Says no to reasonable requests consistently Excessive attempts to please Overly compliant to elicit favor and approval Self-degrading; expresses feeling unworthy Posturing with artificial airs Flirtatious, sexual display; excessive intimacy Superior attitude; disgust for others Posture Erect: Slouched: Rigid: Guarded: c. Angry, resentful or unfriendly Demonstrates an exaggerated feeling of well-being Makes verbal or physical threats Avoids interpersonal interaction; stays to self Inappropriately defends against questions Attempts to get own way using indirect means Avoids honest, overt, candid interaction Does not initiate anything; accepts what’s offered Using theatrical appearance, speech and/or behavior Upright and straight drooping back and shoulders Stiff and inflexible; strongly resistant Appears to protect self from danger Gait/Mobility Steady: Even: Limps: Shuffles: Staggers: Walks without wavering Pace is at consistent rate Gait is uneven due to weakness or deformity of limb Walks while dragging feet instead of lifting them Swaying and uncertain gait d. Level of Awareness Attentive: Drowsy: Distractible: Inattentive: Confused: Stuporous: Hypervigilent: 3. ORIENTATION a. b. c. d. 4. Date and Time Person Place Situation MEMORY a. b. c. 5. Amnesia Short term Long term AFFECT a. Outward expression of feelings Appropriate: Angry: Blunted: Worried: Flat: Elevated: Depressed: Labile: Congruent: 6. Keeps mind on what is going on around them Appears to want to go to sleep Distracted by environmental diversions Unable to pay attention even briefly Unable to distinguish between ideas; jumbled thoughts Has some moments of unconsciousness Heightened awareness of what goes on around them Expressions suitable for situation Displays passionate displeasure Appears insensitive, unperceptive, and slow to respond Disturbed about specific event or outcome Minimal expression with small or no range Unusually high spirits Unusually low spirits, dejected Great variability of expression from moment to moment Non verbal and verbal expression of feelings match THOUGHT PROCESSES a. How the individual Thinks Logical: Rambling: Incoherent: Confabulation: Blocking: Circumstantial: Tangential: Perseveration: Flight of Ideas: Answers and thinking consistent with correct reasoning Wandering, disconnected thoughts Disjointed and confused Filling in memory gaps by guessing or making up Sudden stop in train of thought in the middle of thought Proceeding indirectly to goal idea with many tedious details and irrelevant additions Thoughts veer from the main topic and never return to it Persistent, involuntary repetition of a phrase or idea Continuous or rapid flow of speech that is not disjointed or bizarre but which jumps from topic to topic Loose Associations: Lack of logical relationship between thoughts or ideas that follow each other Indecision: Inability to make up one’s mind Neologism: Coins new words that only the patient understands Abstract: Avoids specificity, extremely theoretical orientation Rhyming: Making words rhyme as in alliteration Concretism: Inability to think in general terms Fabrication: Create fictional fillers to bridge actual events 7. THOUGHT CONTENT a. What the Individual Thinks About Ideas of Failure: Impoverished: Paranoia: Apathy: Phobias: Obsessions: Ideas of Guilt: Ideas of Hopelessness: Ideas of Worthlessness: Somaticism: Thoughts of Persecution: Disassociation: b. Focus that there is no available prospect for happiness Constant belief that one is of no value Focus on physical ailments or complaints Believes others are planning to harm or interfere Disconnection between thoughts, emotions and sensations Hallucinations Auditory: Visual: Olfactory: Tactile: c. Focus on own lack of success Very little thought content Persistent, unrealistic belief that one is unsafe Absence of caring; indifferent Worries about a specific object or situation Repetitive, unwanted ideas that intrude into thoughts Focus on the belief that the patient acted in ways contrary to how he believes he should have acted Hearing things when there is no external stimulus Seeing things when there is no external stimulus Smelling odors with no actual basis Feeling touch sensation when there is no stimulus Delusions Persecution: Grandeur: Thought Broadcasting: Reference: Influence: Believing others are out to get him when there is no realistic basis for fear Unrealistic belief that one has unique and special status or abilities Belief that one can read others’ minds Believe that one is the topic or reference point for conversations or activities going on around one Belief that one’s thoughts or actions are controlled by external forces or that one can control the thoughts and actions of others. 8. INTELLECT a. What is the Individual’s Level of Intellectual Functioning? Functioning: Average, higher than average, below average Inadequate Fund of Knowledge: Individual lacks normal amount of general information Retarded: Mental ability is markedly below average for age and culture. 9. JUDGEMENT AND INSIGHT a. Do the Individual’s Decisions and Behaviors Correlate to Reality? Lacks Social Judgment: Lacks Personal Judgment: Insight: Excellent: Moderate: Little or None: Inability to evaluate situations and make sound decisions leading to appropriate and effective actions when dealing with others Inability to evaluate situations and make decisions leading to appropriate and effective actions for self. Understands the severity of his illness, the need For treatment, and some of the dynamics involved Knows why his is in treatment with some understanding of what the problem is Does not know why he is in treatment