London Borough of Newham Planning Application Requirements (PAR) TREE WORKS National Requirements Application Form Completed and Correct Application Form (All sections must be completed on the correct application form which includes signed along Agricultural Holding Certificate. A clear description must be submitted, such as the examples listed below: T1: Acacia - Crown reduce by 30% / T2: Acacia - Crown reduce by 30% / T3: Sycamore - Crown reduce by 30% T4: Acacia - Crown reduce by 30% A clear description will include name/type tree, and intended work to each tree. Location Plan All applications must include copies of a location plan based on an up-to-date map. This should be at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500. Three copies plus the original are required (unless submitted electronically). Plans should wherever possible show at least two named roads and surrounding buildings. The properties shown should be numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the application site is clear. A break down of each tree must be clearly shown on the location plan specifying the works to be carried out. Site / Block Plan Scale 1:100/200/500, showing direction of North. Existing & proposed. Showing the proposed development in relation to existing buildings on and adjoining site, areas and boundaries of site, including details of access points, trees and hard surfacing (e.g. parking spaces, driveways, footpaths) Schedule of Works Each tree must be clearly identified on a scaled plan 1:100/200/500 with a list of the works to be carried out. Local Requirements Supporting documentation will vary according to the nature of the proposal. TPO Reference Number Tree Preservation Order reference number, if known and can be found on the London Borough of Newham Website. Biodiversity Survey & report This type of report should be provided where a proposed development may have impacts on protected species, locally designated sites, priority habitats, or when the site lies adjacent to a watercourse. For developments involving significant alterations to or demolition of buildings, applicant should ascertain whether bats are present and consider the impact on them in the biodiversity report. The report should set out existing biodiversity interests and possible impacts on them. Any mitigation and/or compensation measures proposed should be explained. Where relevant, plans should be included to indicate significant wildlife habitats or features. This information might form part of an EIA (Environmental Impact Statement) where one is required (see below). Refer to Planning Policy Statement 9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation (PPS9) (August 2005), Circular 06/2005, Circular 01/2005 and Planning for Biodiversity and Geological Conservation: A Guide to Good Practice. Local government ecologists, DEFRA and Natural England have issued a guidance template for Biodiversity and Geological Conservation. This gives details on the information that may be required with a planning application in relation to biodiversity and ecology: Photographs These provide useful background. Arboriculture Assessment A report to planning the background of the proposed works to the trees will be of assistance. A suitably qualified and experienced arboriculture should prepare this information.