Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International inventory no. 449-455 IISH 113/164 Cover NS - AFR 113/165 AFR 05//75 Campaign in French speaking west African states and subsequent duts. NS 209 113/169 AFR 05//75 F/W Africa campaign NS 11 113/170 AFR 05//75 F/W Africa campaign NS 12 113/166 AFR 20//75 AI urges freedom for hundreds of political prisoners in Chad 19/1/75 113/167 AFR 24//75 AI appeals for end to atrocities in Equatorial Guinea 113/168 AFR 24//75 Background paper on Equatorial Guinea 113/171 AFR 26//75 AI urges clemency for prisoners inGabon 17/2/75 113/172 AFR 26//75 AI urges clemency for prisoners in Gabon (French) 17/2/75 113/173 AFR 31//75 Ivory Coast campaign - March 113/174 AFR 31//75 AI appeals to Ivory Coast to free detainees 17/3/75 113/175 AFR 31//75 AI appeals to Ivory Coast to free detainees (French) 17/3/75 113/176 AFR 33//75 Lesotho prisoners 7/2/75 113/177 AFR 33//75 Lesotho prisoners 11/2/75 113/178 AFR 33//75 Trial of Basutoland Congress Party 21/3/75 1531/65 AFR 33/ /75 Lesotho: To groups with Lesotho prisoners 11/02/75 1531/66 AFR 33/ /75 Lesotho: To groups with Lesotho prisoners 21/03/75 113/179 AFR 36//75 Action on behalf of persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malawi NS 251 1531/67 AFR 36/ /75 Malawi: To all groups with prisoners in Malawi: Confidential 1 NS 29 instructions, 8 April 1975 1531/68 AFR 36/ /75 Malawi: Action on Behalf of persecuted Jehovah’s witnesses in Malawi, NS 251, 31 December 1975 113/180 AFR 40//75 8/7/75 113/181 AFR 46//75 AI calls on Moroccan King to amnesty Political Prisoners Recent developments in Rhodesia 113/182 AFR 46//75 AI observer calls Rhodesian proceedings against Sithole a ‘sham’ 2/4/75 113/183 AFR 46//75 AI asks president of Zambia to intervene after reports of torture of detained Zanu supporters 21/5/75 1423/77 AFR 46//75 Rhodesia: List of detainees known to have been released 7 March 1975 113/184 AFR 46//75 Rhodesia: 10th Anniversary of Unilateral NS 181 Declaration of Independence 113/185 AFR 46//75 Detention without trial in Rhodesia OCT 75 113/186 AFR 46//75 Rhodesia - 10th Anniversary of Independence NS 215 1531/69 AFR 46/ /75 Rhodesia: Prison conditions in Rhodesia 1531/70 AFR 46/ /75 Rhodesia: Detention without trial in Rhodesia -Some case histories of prisoners of conscience in Rhodesia-, October 1975 113/187 AFR 46//75 AI appeals to Rhodesia to free detainees 10/11/75 113/188 AFR 51//75 AI protests at executions in Sierra Leone 23/7/75 113/189 AFR 52//75 AI condemns executions in Somalia 24/1/75 113/190 AFR 53//75 Adoption of Nelson Mandela NS 45 113/191 1423/78 AFR 53//75 “Banning” under the terms of the suppression of Communism Act (1950) JUNE 75 113/192 AFR 53//75 AI criticises South African sentences 26/11/75 113/193 AFR 56//75 Appeal for a general amnesty for political detainees in Tanzania 6/11/75 2 7/3/75 1531/75 AFR 58/ /75 Tunisia: Prison conditions in Tunisia, 10 June 1975 113/194 AFR 64//75 Appeal for general amnesty for political prisoners in Zanzibar 3 12/12/75 4 113/195 Cover - NS AMR 1423/79 AMR/01//75 Background to repression of campesinos in Latin America 113/196 AMR 03//75 AI says gross violation of HR have reached new 12/2/75 peaks in Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina 113/197 AMR 03//75 Arbitrary arrests, torture, kidnapping and murder NS 17 113/198 AMR 04//75 Involvement of farmers Unions in action on behalf of peasants in L.A. NS 103 113/199 AMR 03//75 UA’s: Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay. NS 219 113/200 AMR 13//75 Argentina Action 113/201 AMR 13//75 Action on Argentinian cases NS 46 113/202 AMR 13//75 Background notes for Argentinian cases 17/1/75 113/203 AMR 13//75 List of addresses for enquiries and appeals in Argentina NS 46 113/204 AMR 13//75 Action on Argentina NS 47 113/205 AMR 13//75 Action on Argentina - Urgent NS 77 113/206 AMR 13//75 Tiros Luis Yanez / Olga Mansilla 13/5/75 113/207 AMR 13//75 Visit Argentinian Embassy in your country NS 100 113/208 AMR 13//75 Graciela Noemi Santucho NS 112 113/209 AMR 13//75 The Navalesi Family NS 113 113/210 AMR 13//75 Addend to list of Argentinian authorities NS 114 113/211 AMR 13//75 Marcelo Dameri 27/6/75 113/212 AMR 13//75 Amilcar Santucho NS 121 113/213 AMR 13//75 Argentinian Authorities NS 132 113/214 AMR 13//75 Antonio Rodriguez Carmona and Son NS 144 113/215 AMR 13//75 Situations of Journalists in Argentina NS 146 113/216 AMR 13//75 Argentinian Authorities NS 161 113/217 AMR 13//75 Latin-American refugees in Argentina NS 161 1423/81 AMR 13//75 Argentina: Report by Dr Heleno Claudio Fragoso on the situation of defence lawyers in Argentina, March 1975 113/218 AMR 13//75 List of Politically motivated deaths in Argentina July ‘74 - June ‘75. NS 174 113/219 AMR 13//75 20 Chileans arrested in Argentina NS 175 113/220 AMR 13//75 Argentina Action - disappearances NS 188 113/221 AMR 13//75 Visit to Argentinian Embassy NS 199 113/222 AMR 13//75 Follow up to NS 162 NS 207 113/223 AMR 13//75 UA appeal for Marco Antonio Coelho NS 13 1423/80 AMR 19//75 Brazil: third hunger strike in Barreto Campelo prison 1423/82 AMR 19//75 Brazil: Urgent campaign on Brazilian couple 1423/83 AMR 19//75 Brazil: To all groups with PCB prisoners on the arrest and "disappearance" of more than twenty people 1423/84 AMR 19//75 Brazil: Torture in Brazil by Michael Arkus 1423/85 AMR 19//75 Brazil: Repression of journalists in Brazil 113/224 AMR 19//75 Brazil: Info on actions taken by Swedish section NS 68 113/225 AMR 19//75 Brazil: C.A.T. NS 105 113/226 AMR 19//75 Statement of policy on correspondence to Brazil NS 105 113/227 AMR 19//75 Brazil Action - Officials of legal oppositon arrested NS 197 113/228 AMR 19//75 Brazil: HR situation NS 214 113/230 AMR 19//75 AI urges Brazil to protect young prisoners threatened 9/11/75 with murder 113/229 113/231 AMR 22//75 AMR 22//75 Chilean Prisoners under adoption or investigation by AI NS 44 AI welcomes UN working group report on Chile 23/10/75 113/232 AMR 22//75 Procedure for UA and other special campaigns NS 48 113/233 AMR 22//75 Update list of Chilean Prisoners NS 95 113/234 AMR 22//75 USA admitting Chilean refugees and detaineesNS 127 1423/86 AMR 22//75 Chile: Background to the case of Navel cadets and civilians on trial by Court Martial in Valparaíso. 1423/87 AMR 22//75 Chile: Missing persons 113/235 AMR 22//75 Chile 1975 - guidelines for adoption groups SEPT 75 113/236 AMR 22//75 Dissolution of the committee for peace in Chile NS 227 113/237 AMR 22//75 Repression of Church in Chile NS 229 113/238 AMR 27//75 AI criticizes arrest of 100's in Dominican Republic 26/6/75 1423/88 AMR 29//75 El Salvador - background 113/239 AMR 34//75 AI releases dossier on political torture and murder in Guatemala 29/6/75 113/240 AMR 34//75 Guatemala: Death Squads and disappearances NS 237 1423/89 AMR 34//74 Guatemala: Notes on AI Dossier on torture and political murder 1423/90 AMR 34//75 Guatemala: Political violence deaths: 1 July 1974 31 January 1975 113/241 AMR 38//75 AI appeals to Jamaica to reprieive 2 under death squad 1423/91 AMR 46//75 Peru: SINAMOS: Social Control and Mobilization in Peru 113/242 AMR 52//75 AI concern for safety of detainees in Uruguay 17/5/75 113/243 AMR 52//75 Article from ‘Latin America’ weekly NS 86 113/244 AMR 52//75 AI publishes details of torture in Uruguay in attack on suppression of HR’s in country 28/7/75 113/246 AMR 52//75 Letter from Railway Workers Union in Uruguay NS 150 113/247 AMR 52//75 International campaign of torture in Uruguay NS 202 113/248 AMR 52//75 Action for the Gav prisoners - Uruguay NS 234 113/249 AMR 52//75 Uruguay Campaign NS 231 113/250 AMR 52//75 Uruguay Campaign NS 248 1423/92 AMR 52//75 Uruguay: Letter from Mr Selmar Balbi about the 25/5/75 death of his son Álvaro Balbi addressed to the president of Uruguay, Juan María Bordaberry 1531/71 ASA 04/ /75 South Asia Regional Conference: Summary of Amnesty International adoption/investigation cases 1970-74, New Delhi 2023 March 1975 1531/72 ASA 04/ /75 South Asia Regional Conference: Recommendations submitted to the Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Goverments following Amnesty Missions, New Delhi 20-23 March 1975 113/251 Cover - NS ASA 113/252 ASA 13//75 Guidelines for groups with prisoners in Bangladesh 16/6/75 113/253 ASA 13//75 AI concern at killing of ex-ministers in Bangladesh 7/11/75 113/254 ASA 13//75 NB on political situation in Bangladesh 15/12/75 113/255 ASA 20//75 AI urges India to free arrested opposition leaders 27/6/75 113/256 ASA 20//75 Action campaign on behalf of POCs arrested on large scale in India NS 118 113/257 ASA 20//75 AI rejects Indian P.M.s criticism 15/8/75 113/258 ASA 20//75 2 political prisoners facing execution in India NS 226 113/259 ASA 20//75 AI voices distress at executions in India 5/12/75 113/260 ASA 21//75 Information to be published on Indonesian journalist arrested NS 26 113/261 ASA 21//75 Report of observation of trial of Hariman Siregar 25/2/75 113/262 ASA 21//75 Indonesia: Mochtar Lubis - Iggi Conferencne NS 64 113/263 ASA 21//75 Poems by Sugiarti Siswadi, an Indonesian political prisoner NS 153 113/264 ASA 21//75 A film on Indonesian political imprisonment to be made by TAPOL NS 220 1423/93 ASA 21//75 Women and Political Detention in Indonesia 1423/94 ASA 21//75 Newsletter to Indonesian Co-ordination Groups 1423/95 ASA 21//75 Newsletter to Indonesian Coordination Groups 113/265 ASA 25//75 Prison conditions in Korea NS 2 113/266 ASA 25//75 AI protests at re arrest of Korean poet 113/267 ASA 25//75 South Korea: Emergency Regulations case NS 20 113/268 ASA 25//75 Open letter from relatives of NDYSF case 28/1/75 113/269 ASA 25//75 BBC film on HR in Korea NS 101 113/270 ASA 25//75 Restriction on basic freedoms in South Korea NS 154 113/271 ASA 25//75 AI’s position on the case of Mairaj Mohammed Khan NS 115 1423/96 ASA 25//75 South Korea: Extracts from letters by wives of prisoners alleged to be members of the "People's Revolutionary Party" 1423/97 ASA 25//75 South Korea: Brief outline of events in the '54' case 1423/98 ASA 25//75 South Korea: "People's Revolutionary Party" case and eight death sentences 1423/99 ASA 25//75 South Korean Amnesty: Further Actions 1423/100 ASA 25//75 South Korea: Restrictions on basic freedoms in South Korea 1423/101 ASA 25//75 The Churches in South Korea 1423/102 ASA 25//75 Recent Capital Punishment Decisions by AI 113/272 ASA 35//75 The Philippines: Benigno Aquino on Hunger Strike 1531/73 ASA 37/ /75 Sri Lanka: Report of an Amnesty International Mission to Sri Lanka, 9-15 January 1975 113/273 ASA 38//75 Reduction of sentences in Taiwan NS 67 113/274 ASA 38//75 Mission to Taiwan: Urgent appeal for funds NS 82 113/275 ASA 38//75 AI sends mission to Taiwan 14/5/75 113/276 ASA 38//75 AI urges Taiwan to extend its clemency 3/7/75 113/277 ASA 38//75 Taiwan mission (May 75) NS 60 113/278 ASA 41//75 Information sheet for Vietnam Campaign NS 10 14/3/75 NS 61 113/279 ASA 41//75 AI hits at Vietnam agreement signatories failure to act on tens of thousands of prisoners 27/1/75 113/280 ASA 41//75 Request for funds for Vietnam emergency action and outline of actions proposed NS 62 1423/103 ASA 41//75 Vietnam: To all groups with Vietnamese Prisoners re.: relief 1423/104 ASA 41//75 Vietnam: To all groups with Vietnamese Prisoners re.: closure of prisoner files Cover NS EUR 113/282 EUR 01//75 AI and the Helsinki agreement 113/283 EUR 16//75 Czechoslovak campaign NS 49 113/284 EUR 16//75 Situation report on Czechoslovakia 16/7/75 113/285 EUR 16//75 List of addresses of Czech authorities 16/7/75 113/286 EUR 16//75 AI calls for release of detainees in France 18/12/75 113/287 EUR 16//75 7 citizens of the GDR sentenced for demonstrating in support of Hrs NS 139 113/288 EUR 25//75 Photos of Greek torture trial NS 201 1531/74 EUR 25/ /75 Greece: To all groups with Greek Jehovah’s Witness Prisoners, 27 May 1975 113/289 EUR 41//75 Request for action through religious bodies re NS 88 torture of Spanish priest 113/290 EUR 41//75 Repression of the Catholic in the Basque Region NS 104 113/291 EUR 41//75 Follow up to ns 104 Ns 110 113/292 EUR 41//75 Tortured Basque Priests NS 119 113/293 EUR 41//75 Order form for Spain mission report NS 178 113/294 EUR 41//75 AI sending US lawyer to Basque Region of Spain 16/7/75 113/295 EUR 41//75 AI observer confirms use of torture by security forces in Spain 3/8/75 113/281 NS 223 113/296 EUR 41//75 As above in Spanish 3/8/75 113/297 EUR 41//75 AI mission to Spain says torture used systmematically against Basque detainees 1/10/75 113/298 EUR 41//75 AI observer report on trial of 5 members of FRAP NS 213 113/299 EUR 45//75 Northern Ireland Action Campaign 30/5/75 113/300 EUR 45//75 AI urges aboliton of detention without trial in 7/7/75 N. Ireland and criticizes bill before British parliament 113/301 EUR 45//75 AI urges Britain to end Disaffection Act prosecutions 17/6/75 113/302 EUR 46//75 Arrest of Dr. Sergei Kovalyov NS 4 113/303 EUR 46//75 Prisoners of Conscience in USSR 8/1/75 113/304 EUR 46//75 ‘A Chronicle of Current Events’ NS 24 113/305 EUR 46//75 Bibliography of Dr Sergei Kovalyov NS 37 113/306 EUR 46//75 Publicity for ‘Chronicles’ to be done by Sections NS 39 113/308 EUR 46//75 Publicity for ‘Intl. Day for Leonard Plyushch’ NS 43 113/309 EUR 46//75 Invitation to co-ordination meeting on USSR NS 52 113/310 EUR 46//75 Anatoly Marchenko’s hunger strike NS 55 113/311 EUR 46//75 ‘Psychiatry, the law and Dissent in the Soviet Union’ NS 57 113/312 EUR 46//75 Suggested press release for International Leonard Plyushch Day NS 63 113/313 EUR 46//75 Action for Andrei Tverdokhlebov NS 65 113/314 EUR 46//75 Documentation on Detention in Psychiatric Hospitals NS 70 113/315 EUR 46//75 Andrei Tverdokhlebov NS 81 113/316 EUR 46//75 Meeting of USSR Co-ordination group NS 83 113/317 EUR 46//75 AI resumes publication of Soviet HR Journal 16/5/75 113/318 EUR 46//75 Sergei Kovalyov NS 89 113/319 EUR 46//75 Appeals for commutation of death sentence for NS 92 economic crimes on Yury Sosnovsky 113/320 EUR 46//75 AI urges USSR to extend partial Womens Year amnesty to all women POCs 23/5/75 113/321 EUR 46//75 USSR feature article NS 102 113/322 EUR 46//75 Arrested AI members in USSR 113/323 EUR 46//75 Arrested Moscow GDR members, women prisoners and Yury Sosmovsky NS 117 113/324 EUR 46//75 Minutes of USSR co-ordination groups meeting NS 124 113/325 EUR 46//75 Campaign for Soviet POCs NS 122 113/326 EUR 46//75 NS’s actions taken for Dr S Kovalyov and A Tverdokhlebov NS 123 113/327 EUR 46//75 Open letter to Brezhnev NS 116 113/328 EUR 46//75 Forthcoming trial of Dr Sergei Kovalyov NS 164 113/329 EUR 46//75 CAT UA 75/60 113/330 EUR 46//75 Ordering and publishing details of USSR report NS 180 113/331 EUR 46//75 New Documentation on Leonid Plyushch NS 189 113/332 EUR 46//75 Transcript of Trial of Mikhail Kheifets 113/333 EUR 46//75 AI concern at crackdown on dissidents in Lithuania 15/1/75 113/334 EUR 46//75 USSR Prison Report NS 204 113/335 EUR 46//75 CAT U/A 75 24/10/75 113/336 EUR 46//75 Leonid Plyushch NS 224 113/337 EUR 46//75 AI report details legal and penal abuses against 17/11/75 113/338 EUR 46//75 Imminent trials of Kovalyov and Tverdokhalov NS 235 113/339 EUR 46//75 Evaluation of publicity of USSR report NS 236 113/340 EUR 46//75 AI denounces Soviet verdict on Kovalyov 12/12/75 NS 106 18/9/75 NS 190 113/341 EUR 46//75 Trials of AI members in USSR NS 247 1423/105 EUR 46//75 USSR: Open letter from a Lithuanian emigre to the Secretary of State of the Vatican and several leaders in Lithuania 1423/106 EUR 46//75 USSR: Open letter from the Psychiatrist Semyon Gluzman to his parents 1423/107 EUR 46//75 USSR: A message from Professor Igor Shafarevich (Moscow mathematician) for International Plyushch Day (23 April, 1975) 1423/108 EUR 46//75 USSR: To Groups with the following Soviet women prisoners: Sadunaite, Svitlichnaya, Senik, Shabatura, Stasiv, Grunwald, Karavanskaya, Musiyenko, Popovych, Nastusenko 1423/109 EUR 46//75 USSR: Meeting of USSR Coordination Groups, 14/15 June 1975. Report II 1423/110 EUR 46//75 USSR: Beatings in Vladimir prison 1423/111 EUR 46//75 USSR: Background on Bagrad Shakhverdyan and Statement by B. Shakhverdyan 1423/112 EUR 48//75 Yugoslavia: The Albanian minority in Yugoslavia 113/342 EUR 48//75 Background info on recent arrests of conformists in Yugoslalvia 9/12/75 113/343 Cover NS - MDE 113/344 MDE 01//75 Guidelines for groups writing to Arab govts. 5/11/75 113/345 MDE 12//75 AI welcomes Egyptian amnesty but voices concern 8/7/75 that some political prisoners are still detained. 113/346 MDE 13//75 Report of mission to Iran 8/1/75 113/347 MDE 13//75 Urgent Action appeal - Iran 2/1/75 113/348 MDE 13//75 AI says 7 Iranians reportedly ‘shot while trying 22/4/75 to escape’ may have been tortured to death. 113/349 MDE 13//75 Torture and death in Evin prison, Tehran 113/350 MDE 13//75 CAT UA 75/38 14/7/75 113/351 MDE 13//75 CAT UA 75/43 29/7/75 113/352 MDE 13//75 Political prisoners in Iran NS 165 113/353 MDE 13//75 Shah’s amnesty 3/9/75 113/354 MDE 14//75 Medical Drs in Iraq NS 31 113/355 MDE 14/75 Action for Dr. Agobian and Dr. Dabbagh NS 38 113/356 MDE 14//75 Kurdish civilian prisoners in Iraq 8/4/75 113/357 MDE 14//75 AI asks Iraq to free Kurdish civilians & probe torture 16/4/75 113/358 MDE 15//75 AI inquiry says both Israel and Syria committed commited abuses against POWs 10/4/75 113/359 MDE 15//75 Israeli and Syrian reactions to mission report NS 69 113/360 MDE 19//75 Libyan political detainees NS 138 113/361 MDE 31//75 Report of mission to Yemen NS 195 MDE 29 Morocco: See AFR 40 MDE 30 Tunisia: See AFR 58 24/4/75 113/362 Cover NS - ACT 113/369 ACT 01//75 Distribution and use of report on Human Rights NS 97 114/22 ACT 21//75 Present situation with regard to group and prison adoptions NS 50 1423/113 ACT 04//75 The Christian churches and torture 113/363 ACT 04//75 AI report says torture still used systematically 13/1/75 113/364 ACT 04//75 Translation of Dutch churches action against torture brochure NS 3 113/365 ACT 04//75 Recommendations emerging from discussions at CAT workshop 27/1/75 113/367 ACT 04//75 AI statements on torture NS 25 113/370 ACT 04//75 Request for reports and suggestions for CAT meeting NS 108 113/371 ACT 40//75 Explanatory note to CAT fundraising paper NS 126 113/372 ACT 04//75 Resolution passed by 3rd European Justice and Peace conference NS 120 113/373 ACT 04//75 Declaration of the Hague NS 125 113/374 ACT 04//75 AI urges UN congress to take strong action against torture 31/8/75 113/375 ACT 04//75 Further to World Medical Association code against torture NS 170 113/376 ACT 04//75 Lawyers against torture NS 166 113/377 ACT 04//75 UN declaration on Torture NS 176 113/378 ACT 04//75 Follow up action to 5th UN congress on prevention of crime etc. NS177 113/379 ACT 04//75 Statements on torture NS 212 113/384 113/386 ACT 04//75 ACT 04//75 Follow up CAT UA’s CAT general NS 36 NS 71 113/366 ACT 42//75 Explanatory note on Latin American action material NS 19 113/368 ACT 51//75 Procedure for UA and other special campaigns NS 48 113/382 ACT 53//75 Role of N/S in proposed International campaign to abolish capital punishment NS 232 113/383 ACT 53//75 French campaign for abolition of death penalty 10/11/75 113/385 ACT 06//75 UA follow up No V NS 62/76 113/387 ACT 06//75 Follow up on previous selected UAs 15/5/75 113/388 ACT 06//75 Follow up on previous UA s NS 87 113/389 ACT 06//75 Questions regarding CAT UA s NS 157 113/390 ACT 06//75 CAT UA follow up survey NS 221 114/38 ACT 07//75 External contacts and AI professional groups NS 245 114/37 ACT 07//75 Specialized professional groups NS 250 113/413 ACT 71//75 Important National Days NS 129 114/26 ACT 71//75 order Important National days by date and country NS 129 113/398 ACT 73//75 AI lists 85 lawyers detained for political reasons in 23 countries 21/9/75 113/399 ACT 73//75 Lawyers in Prison List NS 167 113/380 ACT 75//75 World Medical Assoc. Declaration of Tokyo: NS 230 113/381 ACT 75//75 2 articles published in Danish Nurses Journal 15/12/75 1423/114 ACT 75//75 Declaration of Tokyo of the World Medical Association: Guidelines for medical doctors concerning torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in relation to detention and imprisonment 113/391 ACT 77//75 Re: List of women prisoners NS 34 113/392 ACT 77//75 AI lists 252 women political prisoners in 25 countries 30/4/75 113/393 ACT 77//75 International Women’s Year: Document NS 107 113/394 ACT 77//75 International Women’s Year: Further Document 11/6/75 113/395 ACT 77//75 International Women’s Year Conference in Berlin NS 196 113/401 ACT 77//75 Attendance at International Women’s Year conference in Mexico NS 141 113/396 ACT 78//75 AI lists ‘71 imprisoned Journalists in 17 countries 11/5/75 113/400 ACT 79//75 List of Historians in Prison NS 145 113/402 ACT 79//75 Holy Year 1975 NS 179 113/403 ACT 79//75 Holy Year 1975 - ref NS 179 NS 194 1423/115 ACT 79//75 Peasants: The forgotten prisoners 113/397 ACT 08//75 List of prisoners - information NS 80 114/1 ACT 81//75 Press manual for groups NS 172 113/410 ACT 83//75 Greetings card list NS 173 113/411 ACT 83//75 Greetings card list NS 205 114/23 ACT 83//75 Greetings Cards Lists NS 173 114/23 p12 ACT 83//75 Greetings Cards Lists NS 205 114/24 ACT 83//75 Greetings Cards Lists NS 205(c) 114/7 DOC 01//75 New format for circulars NS 156 114/8 DOC 01//75 New format for circulars NS 156(c) 114/10 DOC 01//75 NS 217 114/20 DOC 05//75 General circular to sections re.: handling and distribution of AI documentation (4/11/75) General points (19/2/75) 114/21 DOC 05//75 General points (14/3/75) NS 41 114/9 DOC 03//75 General circular to sections attaching a list of mailings and press releases (1/10/75) NS 193 114/10 p9 DOC 03//75 List of NS circulars since beginning of 1975 NS 27 NS 27 114/11 DOC 03//75 List of NS circulars since beginning of 1975 NS 27(c) 114/12 DOC 03//75 List of NS circulars since beginning of 1975 NS 27(c) 114/14 DOC 03//75 List of NS circulars NS 99 114/15 DOC 03//75 List of NS circulars NS 131 114/12 p1 DOC 05//75 Action/Information sheet: points of general interest NS 59 114/13 DOC 05//75 Action/Information sheet: points of general interest NS 59 (r) 114/10-p7 DOC 05//75 List of NS mailings NS 176 114/33 DOC 05//75 General points of interest for action and/or info. NS 99 114/31 DOC 05//75 General points of interest NS 140 113/440 Cover - NS - FIN, NWS, IOR, DOC, POL 113/441 FIN 10//75 Reminder to send finance reports NS 22 113/442 FIN 01//75 Finance meeting 8/9 March NS 40 113/443 FIN 01//75 Finance meeting 8/9 March NS 51 113/448 FIN 01//75 Special project fund NS 169 113/449 FIN 01//75 Appointment for special project funds 1423/116 FIN 03//75 Finance Meeting agenda and Proposed budgets for 1975/1976. 113/451 FIN 04//75 Financial Accounts for Y/e 30 April 1975 113/444 113/445 FIN 05//75 FIN 05//75 Relief reporting form Relief income and expenditure 113/446 FIN 05//75 Relief receipts and payments NS 90 113/447 FIN 05//75 Relief flow NS 222 113/450 FIN 61//75 National Section Contribution NS 73 1423/119 IOR 04//75 Resolution proposed by Amnesty International for adoption by the International Women's Year Conference N.S 15 NS 53 NS 42 held in Mexico, 1975 1423/117 IOR 41//75 5th United Nations Congress on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders 1423/118 IOR 52//75 Statement by Amnesty International to the Diplomatic Conference on the reaffirmation and development of International Humanitarian Law applicable in armed conflicts 1423/120 IOR 61//75 Council of Europe - Parliamentary Assembly: Recommendation 768 (1975) (1) on torture in the world 114/5 IOR 61//75 AI desmayed at Council of Europe decision 114/6 IOR 08//75 Rules for NGOs communicating HR violations to UN NS 91 114/2 NWS 11//75 AI responds to article in the Guardian 114/3 NWS 11//75 AI International council acts on Sapin, USSR, Korea, Latin, America, Ethiopia, Taiwan 114/4 NWS 11//75 AI report lists HR violations in 107 countries 114/5 NWS 11//75 AI desmayed at Council of Europe decision 113/404 Cover - NS ORG 113/405 ORG NS 5 113/422 ORG Corrections to NS 217 NS 233 113/406 ORG 01//75 Summary of Organisation of National Section NS 14 113/407 ORG 01//75 General points for Sections and Groups NS 27 113/408 ORG 01//75 General points for Sections and Groups NS 41 113/420 ORG 01//75 General points of interest NS 99 113/418 ORG 01//75 General points of interest NS 140 113/409 ORG 02//75 Present situation with regard to group and prison adoptions NS 50 113/412 ORG 02//75 Revised version of handbook for groups NS 243 114/25 ORG 02//75 Revised Version of Handbook for Groups NS 243 113/414 ORG 03//75 AI in the Third World NS 134 114/27 ORG 03//75 AI in the Third World NS 134 113/415 ORG 03//75 Making AI world wide NS 192 114/28 ORG 03//75 Making AI Worldwide NS 192 114/45 ORG 30//75 AI: Steps for its growth and organization 20-23/3/75 113/427 ORG 41//75 Report from Bangladesh section 20-23/3/75 113/433 ORG 41//75 Report from Nepal Section 20-23/3/75 113/434 ORG 41//75 Report from Indian Section 20-23/3/75 114/19 ORG 41//75 Summary of the organization of National Sections NS 14 114/18 ORG 41 113/422 ORG 41 Corrections to NS 217 NS 233 114/35 ORG 41//75 Corrections to NS 217 (Nat. Sections addresses) NS 233 113/423 ORG 42//75 Co-ordination group meeting NS 246 113/424 ORG 42//75 Specialised professional groups NS 250 113/425 ORG 42//75 External contacts and AI Professional Groups NS 245 113/428 ORG 42//75 Report 1 from Sri Lanka ad hoc group 20-23/3/75 NS 5 113/429 ORG 42//75 Report 2 from Sri Lanka ad hoc group 20-23/3/75 113/430 ORG 42//75 Report 3 from Sri Lanka ad hoc group 20-23/3/75 113/431 ORG 42//75 Report from Pakistan group 20-23/3/75 113/432 ORG 42//75 Report from Pakistan group 20-23/3/75 113/416 ORG 43//75 Memo to all co-ordination groups 17/12/75 114/29 ORG 43//75 Memo to all co-ordination groups NS 244 113/417 ORG 43//75 List of co-ordination groups NS 244 114/30 ORG 43//75 List of co-ordination groups NS 244(c) 113/419 ORG 43//75 List of co-ordination groups etc. 25/3/75 114/32 ORG 43//75 List of coordination groups and other 25/3/75 113/421 ORG 43//75 List of co-ordination groups NS 244 114/34 ORG 43//75 List of coordination groups NS 244(r) 114/36 ORG 43//75 Coordination group meeting NS 246 113/436 ORG 63//75 Recruitment 15/5/75 113/437 ORG 63//75 Recruitment NS 228 113/438 ORG 63//75 Recruitment NS 137 113/439 ORG 63//75 Advert for post of Head of Document Centre NS 66 114/52 ORG 63//75 Advert for post of Head of Documentation Centre NS 66 114/49 ORG 63//75 Recruitment of secretary for Middle East and Europe department 15/5/75 114/50 ORG 63//75 Recruitment of researchers (W & E Europe), E.A. (Latin America) and secretaries NS 228 114/51 ORG 63//75 113/435 ORG 07//75 Recruitment of coordination dept. Assistant, four secretaries, IBM composer operator, editorial assistant, EA (Asia) Letter from Chairman of IEC to N/S NS 242 114/48 ORG 70//75 Letter from the chairman of the IEC to National Sections NS 242 114/39 ORG 81//75 Report of the South Asia regional conference of AI 20-23/3/75 114/40 ORG 81//75 Reports 1,2 & 3 (Bangladesh Section) 20-23/3/75 114/41 ORG 81//75 Report No 1 “Present AI Section: activities and Organization” (Sri Lanka) 20-23/3/75 114/42 ORG 81//75 Report No 2 “Possibilities for future growth and Organization” (Sri Lanka) 20-23/3/75 114/43 ORG 81//75 Report No 3 “Finance proposals” (Sri Lanka) 20-23/3/75 114/44 ORG 81//75 Fundamental human rights in Pakistan 114/46 ORG 81//75 Reports 1,2 & 3 (Nepal Section) 20-23/3/75 114/47 ORG 81//75 Reports 1,2 & 3 (Indian Section) 20-23/3/75 113/426 ORG 83//75 Report of the South Asia Regional conference of AI 20-23/3/75 114/16 POL 32//75 A proposal for teaching human rights NS 210 114/17 FILE COVER ORG, DOC, ACT (& South Asia regional conference) 20-23/3/75