RAL ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Minutes of the 8th meeting held on Monday 7th July 2008 at 10:00 in CR04, R1 1. Present: Jim Halliday Stewart Greenall Graeme Finlan Gareth Baker Julia Easton Steve Dallison Caroline Poulsen Andy Dickinson Sean Stewart Les Clifford Margaret Notley Val Thomas Iris van Pijlen TBU Trade Union Representative Health, Safety and Environment Health, Safety and Environment Secretary SPBU, PPD SPBU, SSTD Estates Services Group Head of Laboratory Operations (Chair) ISIS Contractor FBU FBU Support Services Group Diamond 2. Apologies: John Webber Phil Allen Procurement BPG 3. Minutes of the last meeting The draft minutes of the 7th meeting, held on 20th March 2008, were accepted as a true record. 4. Matters arising: Ref. 2/5/10 Action More Energy Champion volunteers have not yet been sought as there have not been enough resources to use them properly. The recruitment drive is postponed. 2/5/12 The extracted action list from the Environwise report is now to be forwarded to Val. The Environwise Report was produced for us by the Environmental Information Exchange a few years ago. We would like to consider whether or not to pursue any remaining recommendations. Andy Dickinson is to find out about new contacts within the Estate Services Group, at the Environment Agency building in Wallingford, with a view to arranging a visit. New wording requested. No progress on the out of hours energy survey in R71. Include photographs from the Chilton School visit on the website – No progress as this is another ‘web site’ related action. 2/9/5 3/5/1 3/9/1 4/4/4 4/8/1 4/8/2 5/4/2 5/4/3 5/4/6 5/5/1 5/8/1 5/8/3 5/8/4 6/4/1 6/4/2 6/4/3 6/4/4 6/4/5 6/4/6 6/4/7 6/6/1 6/6/2 Health and Safety Group are to move over to a new system for web design. JE to ask Derek to discuss with Gareth. Derek is willing to spend time on our web pages but is unfamiliar with the new system (7/4/1). The infra red survey of site will be published on our own environment web area when this is established. No progress; see 3/5/1. The publicising and promotion to new starters of car sharing schemes at the lab was considered. JE to include information as per action 5/8/3. SS to consider and pursue the possibility of incentives such as priority parking spaces. Human Resources do not have any information about car sharing at present to add the website. The drive to recruit Energy Champions is deferred until there is a clearly defined role for them. The salvage of bricks from demolished site buildings should be being considered automatically as part of the new regulations. JE to circulate figures on the comparative energy consumption of mugs v. disposable cups. No progress. Take pictures, with the thermal imaging camera, of R22 now that the external cladding is in place. This action is awaiting a suitably cold day when the camera is on site at RAL. Feedback expressing our concern at the distribution of plastic bags containing STFC promotional material at the Council’s launch has been given. RAL Corporate Services Directorate HR are quite happy to distribute ‘green’ information to new starters. JE to produce handout. Jerry Snewin has been asked whether loans could be available to assist in the purchase of season tickets for travel. JH to forward some example costs. Consider stickers for application to apparent junk mail advertising junk mail scheme. A request was made for more posters advertising the scheme. JE. It was also suggested that we could use the display screens around site. JE. The inclusion of details of the scheme was also requested in any ‘green starter pack’ issued. JE. The use of existing channels of communication – staff talks and newsletter was also suggested. JE to see what can be done. Junk mail is being weighed again, to determine how actively we should pursue removal. Check that the Mitsubishi dryers have hepa filters and are ‘antibacterial’. Action transferred to Val. Install a notice by the roller towels in R22 to inform people what to do when they run out. Action transferred to Val. Discuss with Tony Valente the possibility of including emphasis on more environmentally friendly equipment in our agreements. This is included in the draft Policy. Have an ‘in principle’ discussion with Paul Hartley re: is it ok to spend a little more for something more energy efficient. For e.g. computer equipment. Paul is in favour of such forward planning. Information of the fund specifically for government bodies, similar to the Energy Saving Trust, to be fed to AGD. No progress. When we have a new waste contract for paper, issue a site notice detailing exactly what can go in. The new contract for waste paper is not yet in place. Discuss the possibility of Diamond having access to our new gadgets. Action transferred to Sarah Corderoy and VT. Liaise with Tony Valente (as our contract representative), re: could suppliers of our computing equipment take the delivery packaging away. Perhaps they could reuse it? 6/6/3 6/6/4 6/6/5 7/4/1 7/4/2 7/9/1 Action transferred to VT. Could we have a similar system for disposal of bubble wrap as we do for cardboard; that you can phone Maureen who will arrange for collection. This could then be used in logistics? Action transferred to VT. VT to speak to Maureen, to determine exactly what can be put in the paper recycling bins under the present waste paper contract and label them accordingly. This action was clarified. The last site notice detailing what can be put in to the paper recycling bins is very old c. 1997. It is very out of date and there is some confusion around site as to what exactly can be put into the bins. It is thought that, contrary to the notice, window envelopes, glossy paper and directories can be recycled under the present contract. When people are booking flights they are given a carbon offset option. Does the lab have policy for this? SS to pursue. Derek Morton should speak to Gareth Baker to discuss the administration of the Environment Committee webpages. Send a copy of the mug usage poster to Safety Group. Completed. CP to obtain information on the cycle scheme from Hugh and forward to SS for consideration. 5. Draft STFC Environment Policy The draft policy (Appendix 1 previously circulated) will be presented to the STFC SHE Committee tomorrow for approval along with a supporting document outlining how the policy will be used in practice. The policy includes targets to work towards, that will change yearly. These targets are quite specific and can be assigned to individuals or departments, though they are STFC targets. It was also pointed out that a later draft does include a timescale for the objectives. For targets, it was also felt that more detail could be included, on baseline data for example, and that targets could apply differently to different institutions within the organisation, hence more detail would be required. The likelihood of the Environment policy (when launched) of inspiring people was discussed. As a high level policy document it was felt to be appropriately worded, however it was thought that to be inspirational it required a more hard hitting format. Diamond also has a bland top level document but supports it with other working policy documents. It was suggested that the SHE committee could be presented with a hard hitting ‘B’ option for the policy statement, but it was more generally felt that the policy should be bland and viewed as an enabling document. It will be reviewed on an annual basis. As one of the initial targets in the draft policy is to reduce energy consumption – a discussion on energy consumption followed. Iris has some estimate figures for the cumulative energy savings of small actions which she agreed to share IVP. Diamond does now have a policy of turning computers off each night. It was suggested that in setting targets for energy consumption we should focus on the energy consumption that we can do something about i.e. remove as a percentage the large amounts used by ISIS for example and set the target as a percentage of the remaining consumption. 6. Diamond Update The DEMC has initiated ‘Paperless Meetings’: We project all documents including the agenda and pass a remote control mouse around the speakers. This has proven to be a great success and saves on the need for each member to print out documents for the meeting. Our Green IT Policy will include improved projection facilities in each meeting room to encourage paperless meetings across Diamond. Diamond’s Environmental Waste Policy final draft, based on the Waste Hierarchy, is awaiting Executive approval. Diamond’s Senior Buyer has been sent on an Environmental Procurement Training course. With the help of this information they have produced an Environmental Procurement Policy final draft which is also awaiting Executive approval, as well as a list of quick wins and other actions with time frames. The first draft of Diamond’s Green IT Policy is to be presented at tomorrow’s DEMC meeting for feedback, after which a final draft will be presented to the Executive for approval (presumably in August). We are starting on a Building and Development Policy (including SWMPs – Site Waste Management Plans, and energy saving options). Diamond has set up an Emergency Response Team to investigate any emergencies and contact relevant persons including DEMC members. Diamond now has an Environmental Intranet site – containing Diamond’s Environmental Policy, DEMC members and ToR and Advise on Waste with links to procedures and policy. Further information will be added in the coming months. JE to get together with Iris to have a look at their website JE/IVP. We are monitoring results of the revised Recycling Procedures in Diamond House: 2nd floor 70% reduction general waste because of recycling 1st floor not as much (staff resentful) but still more recycling than general Energy: We are planning to look again at alternative energy sources and savings like CHP and GSHP with the energy prices rocketing to approx double next year. Is RAL looking at their energy strategy and if so, can we team up and discuss options together? The difficulties in trying to share waste disposal were discussed. Neither of us can take each other’s waste. It is also more cost effective for RAL to use ISS as a ‘broker’ in disposal of much of our waste as we are a very large site and they complete our administration. It is cost effective for Diamond to deal individually with some companies for different elements of waste disposal. 7. Report on New Buildings The earth tube is definitely to be included in the construction of the Research Complex. The concrete used in construction will use a new form of cement making use of ground up slag from old slag heaps. SS to confirm what kind of slag is being used. There will also be an element of grey water recycling. The New Research Complex will rely on natural ventilation, rather than air conditioning. The R22 New Kitchen will have solar water pre-heating which will reduce the gas consumption. This building will also have grey water recycling, solar shielding on the windows and the walls inside the rooms will act as a heat sink – the heat being used to warm the air in the rooms in the winter months. R89, the new computer building will be more thermally efficient than anything else we have on site presently. The present plan is to install CHP in the building, for cooling. 8. Energy Meter readings from all buildings continue to be taken regularly. The data will be an essential benchmark from which we can move forward. There is not the manpower presently to undertake the analysis we would like. The boilers in R1 have been replaced with efficient condensing boilers. Some other boilers around site will also be replaced. Presently we have a programme to catalogue our old and inefficient lighting around site, with a view to replacement. Unfortunately accessibility to some areas is very difficult. Example energy savings are 35W from 58W per tube. More modern tubes also provide a better light output which is also of better quality. The whole process is further hindered by old wiring. 9. Waste Enquiry was made as to what the current practice was for disposal of dry cell batteries. VT to find out/clarify. It would be desirable to have collection points around site. VT to look into the options for recycling/disposal of CDs/DVDs. The Rocket composter has been working, but has suffered a temporary glitch. 10. Grounds The Bee Orchids are thriving. Permission has been given to attempt to sow Pyramid Orchids in our Bee Orchid preferred locations. Pyramid Orchids have similar environmental preferences to Bee Orchids. The pest control contract is managed by estates. The pest aspect of the rabbit population was discussed. 11. Any other business We now have additional space on notice boards in R1 (courtesy of the Departmental Safety Contact) to display environmental information. It was commented that a contact name should be displayed on the notice boards so that people can feed back or ask questions JE. It was also suggested that a notice board in R22 would be a good idea JE. Liaison has been initiated between RAL and ROE about some of the environmental initiatives they have and things that they would like to do. The operation of street lighting on the site was discussed. The lighting operates on two circuits; one all night, and one part night. Some remain on for safety and security reasons. When new lights are added, which circuit they are put on is carefully considered. It was agreed that the street lighting would be looked at to see if there was anything else that could be turned off AGD. The recently applied window film was discussed. This was applied to most south and west facing windows to reduce the amount of solar gain in the summer months reducing the need for air conditioning. The window film is supposed to normalise the temperature in buildings. Many people feel the light levels are reduced and are not comfortable with the colouring. Many colours of film were evaluated and that chosen was the best. It was stated that the film will improve the environmental performance. It was felt that the application could have been discussed beforehand. More detailed information on the benefit was requested. An information sheet is to be distributed with the minutes SS. Concern was expressed at the amount of serviceable goods being thrown away into skips. JE to speak to Arnie about what types of items and how much he could deal with for reissue. JE to also think of a way to publicise/ administer the system. 10. Date of the 9th meeting Thursday 6th November 2008 in CR01 R1 commencing at 10:00. Ref. 2/5/12 2/9/5 Action JE to forward the extracted action list from the Environwise report to Val Thomas for discussion. Andy Dickinson to determine whether we have a contact at the Environment Agency building in Wallingford, with a view to then arranging a visit. Responsible JE AGD 3/5/1 Carry out an out of hours energy survey in R71 at evening and weekend JE 4/8/1 DG to raise the possibility of incentive schemes for car sharers. AGD to ask Debbie. JE to circulate figures on the comparative energy consumption of mugs v. disposable cups. Take pictures, with the thermal imaging camera, of R22 now that the external cladding is in place. JE to speak to Jerry Snewin to discuss whether loans could be available to assist in the purchase of season tickets. JE to ask for progress on the request. Consider stickers for application to apparent junk mail advertising junk mail scheme. Check that the Mitsubishi dryers have hepa filters and are ‘antibacterial’. DG VT 8/4/2 Install a notice by the roller towels in R22 to inform people what to do when they run out. Information of the fund specifically for government bodies, similar to the Energy Saving Trust, to be fed to AGD. When we have a new waste contract for paper, issue a site notice detailing exactly what can go in. Discuss (with Sarah Corderoy) the possibility of Diamond having access to our new gadgets. Liaise with Tony Valente (as our contract representative), re: could suppliers of our computing equipment take the delivery packaging away. Perhaps they could reuse it? Could we have a similar system for disposal of bubble wrap as we do for cardboard; that you can phone Maureen who will arrange for collection. This could then be used in logistics? VT to speak to Maureen, to determine exactly what can be put in the paper recycling bins under the present waste paper contract and label them accordingly. When people are booking flights they are given a carbon offset option. Does the lab have policy for this? SS to pursue. Derek Morton should speak to Gareth Baker to discuss the administration of the Environment Committee webpages. CP to obtain information on the cycle scheme from Hugh and forward to SS for consideration. Include any information on car share schemes in the new starter ‘green information’. JE to produce ‘new starter’ green information handout. 8/4/3 JH to forward to JE sample costs of season tickets. JH 8/4/4 JE 8/5/1 Display more posters advertising the junk mail scheme. Promote the scheme on the display screens around site. Also, include the information in any ‘green starter pack’ produced and investigate the use of the staff newsletter and staff talks. Iris to forward the cumulative energy savings from simple actions figures. 8/6/1 JE to meet with Iris to look at their website. 8/6/2 JE to arrange our Environment Committee meetings become paperless. JE 8/7/1 SS 8/9/1 SS to determine what kind of slag is being used in place of cement in the concrete for the New Research Complex. VT to determine the correct procedure for disposal of batteries. 8/9/2 VT to look into the options for disposal/recycling of CDs and DVDs VT 8/11/1 Include a contact name on the Environment Notice Boards. JE 8/11/2 Arrange installation of a notice board in R22. JE 8/11/3 Investigate whether we could turn of more street lights. 8/11/4 JE to speak to Arnie about the storage and reissue items for use on site. i.e. what sorts of things and how much he can deal with. JE to also think of how to administer and publicise the system. 5/4/6 5/5/1 5/8/4 6/4/1 6/4/2 6/4/3 6/4/6 6/4/7 6/6/1 6/6/2 6/6/3 6/6/4 6/6/5 7/4/1 7/9/1 8/4/1 JE JH JE VT VT JH VT VT/IVP VT VT VT SS DM/GB CP JE JE IVP JE/IVP VT AGD JE Appendix 1 STFC Environmental Policy Statement The CEO, Directors and the Council of the STFC acknowledge that protection of our environment is an integral part of good institutional practice and that they have a duty to ensure that all of its operations are conducted with proper regard for the environment and in accordance with local environmental standards. We are committed to maintaining and, wherever possible, improving the quality of this environment both for the people who work in the STFC’s facilities and for the wider community now and in the future. To achieve this, we will implement policies and set targets to: 1. Implement an environmental management system that will ensure compliance with all relevant local legislation and codes of practice. 2. Increase awareness of environmental issues amongst its employees, facility users, tenants and contractors, as well as organisations that it funds. 3. Reduce its consumption of primary raw materials (water, energy etc.) and to implement the principles of reduction, reuse and recycling across all its activities so as to minimise waste and CO2 emissions produced on its sites and facilities. 4. Manage its environmental impacts, both locally and globally to continuously improve its environmental performance. 5. Identify and include the environmental performance of prospective suppliers in the procurement process. 6. Encourage the use of modes of transport by staff, contractors and users that minimise environmental impact. Promote the use of technologies in order to eliminate the need for travel. 7. Develop and maintain its estates and buildings in an environmentally sustainable manner, utilising Low or Zero Carbon Technologies and other emerging technologies, seeking to protect natural habitats, local wildlife and preserve biodiversity in partnership with local communities. 8. Report annually on its environmental performance and set realistic environmental targets against which the improvement in its environmental performance can be monitored. To achieve these objectives, we have set ourselves the following targets: 1. Produce a solid waste code. 2. Produce a solvent management plan for our use of VOCs. 3. Produce baseline data for our use of gas, electricity and water. This policy statement will be communicated to all employees, users and stakeholders. Professor Keith Mason, Chief Executive Officer Science and Technology Facilities Council, June 2008