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AU: Rodriguez-Alejandro {a}; Delibes-Miguel
SO: Biological-Conservation. [print] March 2003 2003; 109 (3): 321-331.
: Persistence and conservation of a consumer-resource metapopulation with local overexploitation of
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SO: Biological-Conservation. [print] January, 2003; 109 (1): 57-65.
Dispersal and metapopulation dynamics of an oceanic seabird, the wandering albatross, and its consequences
for its response to long-line fisheries.
AU: Inchausti-Pablo {a}; Weimerskirch-Henri
SO: Journal-of-Animal-Ecology. [print] September, 2002; 71 (5): 765-770.
Modelling strategies for the management of the critically endangered carpentarian rock-rat (Zyzomys
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AU: Brook-Barry-W {a}; Griffiths-Anthony-D; Puckey-Helen-L
SO: Journal-of-Environmental-Management. [print] August, 2002; 65 (4): 355-368.
The effects of small dispersal rates on extinction times in structured metapopulation models.
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SO: American-Naturalist. [print] September, 2002; 160 (3): 389-402.
Single-species dynamic site selection.
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SO: Ecological-Applications. [print] June, 2002; 12 (3): 913-926.
Landscape connections and genetic diversity.
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BK: Applying landscape ecology in biological conservation. Edition 1. [print] 2002; : 131-149.
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Modelling mammalian extinction and forecasting recovery: Koalas at Iluka (NSW, Australia).
AU: Lunney-Daniel {a}; O'-Neill-Lisa; Matthews-Alison; Sherwin-William-B
SO: Biological-Conservation. [print] July, 2002; 106 (1): 101-113.
Dynamic populations in a dynamic landscape: The metapopulation structure of the marsh fritillary butterfly.
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Water vole in the Scottish uplands: Distribution patterns of disturbed and pristine populations ahead and
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: Extirpation and recolonization in a metapopulation of an endangered fish, the tidewater goby.
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SO: Conservation-Biology. [print] Dec., 1999; 13 (6): 1447-1453.
Regional conservation priorities for a large predator: Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the Alpine range.
AU: Pedrini-Paolo; Sergio-Fabrizio {a}
SO: Biological-Conservation. [print] February, 2002; 103 (2): 163-172.
Genetic structure of a metapopulation of black-tailed prairie dogs.
AU: Roach-Jennifer-L; Stapp-Paul; Van-Horne-Beatrice; Antolin-Michael-F {a}
SO: Journal-of-Mammalogy. [print] November, 2001; 82 (4): 946-959.
Dispersal sinks and handling effects: Interpreting the role of immigration in common brushtail possum
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Captive breeding and reintroduction evaluation criteria: A case study of Peninsular bighorn sheep.
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Landscape connectivity: A graph-theoretic perspective.
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Recruitment, dispersal, and demographic rescue in spatially-structured white-tailed Ptarmigan populations.
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Cougar dispersal patterns, metapopulation dynamics, and conservation.
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Applying metapopulation theory to conservation of migratory birds.
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SO: Conservation-Biology. April, 2000; 14 (2): 366-372.
Dispersal and extinction in fragmented landscapes.
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SO: Proceedings-of-the-Royal-Society-Biological-Sciences-Series-B. Jan. 22, 2000; 267 (1439): 139-145.
Viability of piping plover Charadrius melodus metapopulations.
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SO: Biological-Conservation. Feb., 2000; 92 (2): 163-173.
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AU: Smith-James-L-David {a}; Ahearn-Sean-C; McDougal-Charles
SO: Conservation-Biology. Dec., 1998; 12 (6) 1338-1346
Assessing human impact despite uncertainty: Viability of the northern spotted owl metapopulation in the
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On the use of demographic models of population viability in endangered species management.
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Florida panther dispersal and conservation
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Forest fragmentation and bird community dynamics: Inference at regional scales
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A metapopulation approach to the population biology of the song sparrow Melospiza melodia
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